path: root/XMPFiles/source/FormatSupport/PSIR_MemoryReader.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'XMPFiles/source/FormatSupport/PSIR_MemoryReader.cpp')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/XMPFiles/source/FormatSupport/PSIR_MemoryReader.cpp b/XMPFiles/source/FormatSupport/PSIR_MemoryReader.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7432554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XMPFiles/source/FormatSupport/PSIR_MemoryReader.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2006 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "public/include/XMP_Environment.h" // ! XMP_Environment.h must be the first included header.
+#include "public/include/XMP_Const.h"
+#include "XMPFiles/source/FormatSupport/PSIR_Support.hpp"
+#include "source/EndianUtils.hpp"
+#include "source/XIO.hpp"
+#include <string.h>
+// =================================================================================================
+/// \file PSIR_MemoryReader.cpp
+/// \brief Implementation of the memory-based read-only form of PSIR_Manager.
+// =================================================================================================
+// =================================================================================================
+// PSIR_MemoryReader::GetImgRsrc
+// =============================
+bool PSIR_MemoryReader::GetImgRsrc ( XMP_Uns16 id, ImgRsrcInfo* info ) const
+ ImgRsrcMap::const_iterator rsrcPos = this->imgRsrcs.find ( id );
+ if ( rsrcPos == this->imgRsrcs.end() ) return false;
+ if ( info != 0 ) *info = rsrcPos->second;
+ return true;
+} // PSIR_MemoryReader::GetImgRsrc
+// =================================================================================================
+// PSIR_MemoryReader::ParseMemoryResources
+// =======================================
+void PSIR_MemoryReader::ParseMemoryResources ( const void* data, XMP_Uns32 length, bool copyData /* = true */ )
+ // Get rid of any existing image resources.
+ if ( this->ownedContent ) free ( this->psirContent );
+ this->ownedContent = false;
+ this->psirContent = 0;
+ this->psirLength = 0;
+ this->imgRsrcs.clear();
+ if ( length == 0 ) return;
+ // Allocate space for the full in-memory data and copy it.
+ if ( ! copyData ) {
+ this->psirContent = (XMP_Uns8*) data;
+ XMP_Assert ( ! this->ownedContent );
+ } else {
+ if ( length > 100*1024*1024 ) XMP_Throw ( "Outrageous length for memory-based PSIR", kXMPErr_BadPSIR );
+ this->psirContent = (XMP_Uns8*) malloc(length);
+ if ( this->psirContent == 0 ) XMP_Throw ( "Out of memory", kXMPErr_NoMemory );
+ memcpy ( this->psirContent, data, length ); // AUDIT: Safe, malloc'ed length bytes above.
+ this->ownedContent = true;
+ }
+ this->psirLength = length;
+ // Capture the info for all of the resources. We're using a map keyed by ID, so only one
+ // resource of each ID is recognized. Redundant resources are not legit, but have been seen in
+ // the field. In particular, one case has been seen of a duplicate IIM block with one empty.
+ // In general we keep the first seen copy to be compatible with Photoshop. A later non-empty
+ // copy will be taken though if the current one is empty.
+ // ! Don't use map[id] to lookup, that creates a default entry if none exists!
+ XMP_Uns8* psirPtr = this->psirContent;
+ XMP_Uns8* psirEnd = psirPtr + length;
+ XMP_Uns8* psirLimit = psirEnd - kMinImgRsrcSize;
+ while ( psirPtr <= psirLimit ) {
+ XMP_Uns32 type = GetUns32BE(psirPtr);
+ XMP_Uns16 id = GetUns16BE(psirPtr+4);
+ psirPtr += 6; // Advance to the resource name.
+ XMP_Uns16 nameLen = psirPtr[0]; // ! The length for the Pascal string, w/ room for "+2".
+ psirPtr += ((nameLen + 2) & 0xFFFE); // ! Round up to an even offset. Yes, +2!
+ if ( psirPtr > psirEnd-4 ) break; // Bad image resource. Throw instead?
+ XMP_Uns32 dataLen = GetUns32BE(psirPtr);
+ psirPtr += 4; // Advance to the resource data.
+ XMP_Uns32 psirOffset = (XMP_Uns32) (psirPtr - this->psirContent);
+ if ( (dataLen > length) || (psirPtr > psirEnd-dataLen) ) break; // Bad image resource. Throw instead?
+ if ( type == k8BIM ) { // For read-only usage we ignore everything other than '8BIM' resources.
+ ImgRsrcInfo newInfo ( id, dataLen, psirPtr, psirOffset );
+ ImgRsrcMap::iterator rsrcPos = this->imgRsrcs.find ( id );
+ if ( rsrcPos == this->imgRsrcs.end() ) {
+ this->imgRsrcs.insert ( rsrcPos, ImgRsrcMap::value_type ( id, newInfo ) );
+ } else if ( (rsrcPos->second.dataLen == 0) && (newInfo.dataLen != 0) ) {
+ rsrcPos->second = newInfo;
+ }
+ }
+ psirPtr += ((dataLen + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFEUL); // ! Round up to an even offset.
+ }
+} // PSIR_MemoryReader::ParseMemoryResources