path: root/source/Host_IO-Win.cpp
diff options
authorHubert Figuière <>2013-05-14 18:21:26 -0400
committerHubert Figuière <>2013-05-14 18:21:26 -0400
commit81a4c6bcb1879cb321246590faca595e9746f8e5 (patch)
treecf92c416eb3e41708149905abd0030680aebadf5 /source/Host_IO-Win.cpp
parent42dbac60f15e038270d6e0c7285caba8256e86f1 (diff)
Update to XMP SDK CS6
Diffstat (limited to 'source/Host_IO-Win.cpp')
1 files changed, 527 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/Host_IO-Win.cpp b/source/Host_IO-Win.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d712e17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/Host_IO-Win.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Copyright 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+// All Rights Reserved
+// NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms
+// of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.
+// =================================================================================================
+#include "public/include/XMP_Environment.h" // ! This must be the first include.
+#include "source/Host_IO.hpp"
+#include "source/XMP_LibUtils.hpp"
+#include "source/UnicodeConversions.hpp"
+#if XMP_WinBuild
+ #pragma warning ( disable : 4800 ) // forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)
+// =================================================================================================
+// Host_IO implementations for Windows
+// ===================================
+#if ! XMP_WinBuild
+ #error "This is the Windows implementation of Host_IO."
+// =================================================================================================
+// File operations
+// =================================================================================================
+// =================================================================================================
+// Host_IO::Exists
+// ===============
+bool Host_IO::Exists ( const char* filePath )
+ std::string wideName;
+ const size_t utf8Len = strlen(filePath);
+ const size_t maxLen = 2 * (utf8Len+1);
+ wideName.reserve ( maxLen );
+ wideName.assign ( maxLen, ' ' );
+ int wideLen = MultiByteToWideChar ( CP_UTF8, 0, filePath, -1, (LPWSTR), (int)maxLen );
+ if ( wideLen == 0 ) return false;
+ DWORD attrs = GetFileAttributes ( (LPCWSTR) );
+ return ( attrs != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES);
+// =================================================================================================
+// Host_IO::Create
+// ===============
+bool Host_IO::Create ( const char* filePath )
+ if ( Host_IO::Exists ( filePath ) ) {
+ if ( Host_IO::GetFileMode ( filePath ) == kFMode_IsFile ) return false;
+ XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::Create, path exists but is not a file", kXMPErr_InternalFailure );
+ }
+ std::string wideName;
+ const size_t utf8Len = strlen(filePath);
+ const size_t maxLen = 2 * (utf8Len+1);
+ wideName.reserve ( maxLen );
+ wideName.assign ( maxLen, ' ' );
+ int wideLen = MultiByteToWideChar ( CP_UTF8, 0, filePath, -1, (LPWSTR), (int)maxLen );
+ if ( wideLen == 0 ) XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::Create, cannot convert path", kXMPErr_InternalFailure );;
+ Host_IO::FileRef fileHandle;
+ fileHandle = CreateFileW ( (LPCWSTR), (GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE), 0, 0, CREATE_ALWAYS,
+ if ( fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::Create, cannot create file", kXMPErr_InternalFailure );;
+ CloseHandle ( fileHandle );
+ return true;
+} // Host_IO::Create
+// =================================================================================================
+// FillXMPTime
+// ===========
+static void FillXMPTime ( const SYSTEMTIME & winTime, XMP_DateTime * xmpTime )
+ // Ignore the fractional seconds for consistency with UNIX and to avoid false newness even on
+ // Windows. Some other sources of time only resolve to seconds, we don't want 25.3 looking
+ // newer than 25.
+ xmpTime->year = winTime.wYear;
+ xmpTime->month = winTime.wMonth;
+ xmpTime->day = winTime.wDay;
+ xmpTime->hasDate = true;
+ xmpTime->hour = winTime.wHour;
+ xmpTime->minute = winTime.wMinute;
+ xmpTime->second = winTime.wSecond;
+ xmpTime->nanoSecond = 0; // See note above; winTime.wMilliseconds * 1000*1000;
+ xmpTime->hasTime = true;
+ xmpTime->tzSign = kXMP_TimeIsUTC;
+ xmpTime->tzHour = 0;
+ xmpTime->tzMinute = 0;
+ xmpTime->hasTimeZone = true;
+// =================================================================================================
+// Host_IO::GetModifyDate
+// ======================
+bool Host_IO::GetModifyDate ( const char* filePath, XMP_DateTime * modifyDate )
+ BOOL ok;
+ Host_IO::FileRef fileHandle;
+ try { // Host_IO::Open should not throw - fix after CS6.
+ fileHandle = Host_IO::Open ( filePath, Host_IO::openReadOnly );
+ if ( fileHandle == Host_IO::noFileRef ) return false;
+ } catch ( ... ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ FILETIME binTime;
+ ok = GetFileTime ( fileHandle, 0, 0, &binTime );
+ Host_IO::Close ( fileHandle );
+ if ( ! ok ) return false;
+ ok = FileTimeToSystemTime ( &binTime, &utcTime );
+ if ( ! ok ) return false;
+ FillXMPTime ( utcTime, modifyDate );
+ return true;
+} // Host_IO::GetModifyDate
+// =================================================================================================
+// ConjureDerivedPath
+// ==================
+static std::string ConjureDerivedPath ( const char* basePath )
+ std::string tempPath = basePath;
+ tempPath += "._nn_";
+ char * indexPart = (char*) tempPath.c_str() + strlen(basePath) + 2;
+ for ( char ten = '0'; ten <= '9' ; ++ten ) {
+ indexPart[0] = ten;
+ for ( char one = '0'; one <= '9' ; ++one ) {
+ indexPart[1] = one;
+ if ( ! Host_IO::Exists ( tempPath.c_str() ) ) return tempPath;
+ }
+ }
+ return "";
+} // ConjureDerivedPath
+// =================================================================================================
+// Host_IO::CreateTemp
+// ===================
+std::string Host_IO::CreateTemp ( const char* sourcePath )
+ std::string tempPath = ConjureDerivedPath ( sourcePath );
+ if ( tempPath.empty() ) XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::CreateTemp, cannot create temp file path", kXMPErr_InternalFailure );
+ XMP_Assert ( ! Host_IO::Exists ( tempPath.c_str() ) );
+ Host_IO::Create ( tempPath.c_str() );
+ return tempPath;
+} // Host_IO::CreateTemp
+// =================================================================================================
+// Host_IO::Open
+// =============
+Host_IO::FileRef Host_IO::Open ( const char* filePath, bool readOnly )
+ if ( ! Host_IO::Exists ( filePath ) ) return Host_IO::noFileRef;
+ DWORD access = GENERIC_READ; // Assume read mode.
+ if ( ! readOnly ) {
+ access |= GENERIC_WRITE;
+ share = 0;
+ }
+ std::string wideName;
+ const size_t utf8Len = strlen(filePath);
+ const size_t maxLen = 2 * (utf8Len+1);
+ wideName.reserve ( maxLen );
+ wideName.assign ( maxLen, ' ' );
+ int wideLen = MultiByteToWideChar ( CP_UTF8, 0, filePath, -1, (LPWSTR), (int)maxLen );
+ if ( wideLen == 0 ) XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::Open, MultiByteToWideChar failure", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure );
+ Host_IO::FileRef fileHandle;
+ fileHandle = CreateFileW ( (LPCWSTR), access, share, 0, OPEN_EXISTING,
+ if ( fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::Open, CreateFileW failure", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure );
+ return fileHandle;
+} // Host_IO::Open
+// =================================================================================================
+// Host_IO::Close
+// ==============
+void Host_IO::Close ( Host_IO::FileRef fileHandle )
+ if ( fileHandle == Host_IO::noFileRef ) return;
+ BOOL ok = CloseHandle ( fileHandle );
+ if ( ! ok ) XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::Close, CloseHandle failure", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure );
+} // Host_IO::Close
+// =================================================================================================
+// Host_IO::SwapData
+// =================
+void Host_IO::SwapData ( const char* sourcePath, const char* destPath )
+ // For lack of a better approach, do a 3-way rename.
+ std::string thirdPath = ConjureDerivedPath ( sourcePath );
+ if ( thirdPath.empty() ) XMP_Throw ( "Cannot create temp file path", kXMPErr_InternalFailure );
+ XMP_Assert ( ! Host_IO::Exists ( thirdPath.c_str() ) );
+ Host_IO::Rename ( sourcePath, thirdPath.c_str() );
+ try {
+ Host_IO::Rename ( destPath, sourcePath );
+ } catch ( ... ) {
+ Host_IO::Rename ( thirdPath.c_str(), sourcePath );
+ throw;
+ }
+ try {
+ Host_IO::Rename ( thirdPath.c_str(), destPath );
+ } catch ( ... ) {
+ Host_IO::Rename ( sourcePath, destPath );
+ Host_IO::Rename ( thirdPath.c_str(), sourcePath );
+ throw;
+ }
+} // Host_IO::SwapData
+// =================================================================================================
+// Host_IO::Rename
+// ===============
+void Host_IO::Rename ( const char* oldPath, const char* newPath )
+ if ( Host_IO::Exists ( newPath ) ) XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::Rename, new path exists", kXMPErr_InternalFailure );
+ std::string wideOldPath, wideNewPath;
+ size_t utf8Len = strlen(oldPath);
+ if ( utf8Len < strlen(newPath) ) utf8Len = strlen(newPath);
+ const size_t maxLen = 2 * (utf8Len+1);
+ int wideLen;
+ wideOldPath.reserve ( maxLen );
+ wideOldPath.assign ( maxLen, ' ' );
+ wideLen = MultiByteToWideChar ( CP_UTF8, 0, oldPath, -1, (LPWSTR), (int)maxLen );
+ if ( wideLen == 0 ) XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::Rename, MultiByteToWideChar failure", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure );
+ wideNewPath.reserve ( maxLen );
+ wideNewPath.assign ( maxLen, ' ' );
+ wideLen = MultiByteToWideChar ( CP_UTF8, 0, newPath, -1, (LPWSTR), (int)maxLen );
+ if ( wideLen == 0 ) XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::Rename, MultiByteToWideChar failure", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure );
+ BOOL ok = MoveFileW ( (LPCWSTR), (LPCWSTR) );
+ if ( ! ok ) XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::Rename, MoveFileW failure", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure );
+} // Host_IO::Rename
+// =================================================================================================
+// Host_IO::Delete
+// ===============
+void Host_IO::Delete ( const char* filePath )
+ if ( ! Host_IO::Exists ( filePath ) ) return;
+ std::string wideName;
+ const size_t utf8Len = strlen(filePath);
+ const size_t maxLen = 2 * (utf8Len+1);
+ wideName.reserve ( maxLen );
+ wideName.assign ( maxLen, ' ' );
+ int wideLen = MultiByteToWideChar ( CP_UTF8, 0, filePath, -1, (LPWSTR), (int)maxLen );
+ if ( wideLen == 0 ) XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::Delete, MultiByteToWideChar failure", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure );
+ BOOL ok = DeleteFileW ( (LPCWSTR) );
+ if ( ! ok ) {
+ DWORD errCode = GetLastError();
+ if ( errCode != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) {
+ XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::Delete, DeleteFileW failure", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure );
+ }
+ }
+} // Host_IO::Delete
+// =================================================================================================
+// Host_IO::Seek
+// =============
+XMP_Int64 Host_IO::Seek ( Host_IO::FileRef fileHandle, XMP_Int64 offset, SeekMode mode )
+ DWORD method;
+ switch ( mode ) {
+ case kXMP_SeekFromStart :
+ method = FILE_BEGIN;
+ break;
+ case kXMP_SeekFromCurrent :
+ method = FILE_CURRENT;
+ break;
+ case kXMP_SeekFromEnd :
+ method = FILE_END;
+ break;
+ default :
+ XMP_Throw ( "Invalid seek mode", kXMPErr_InternalFailure );
+ break;
+ }
+ LARGE_INTEGER seekOffset, newPos;
+ seekOffset.QuadPart = offset;
+ BOOL ok = SetFilePointerEx ( fileHandle, seekOffset, &newPos, method );
+ if ( ! ok ) XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::Seek, SetFilePointerEx failure", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure );
+ return newPos.QuadPart;
+} // Host_IO::Seek
+// =================================================================================================
+// Host_IO::Read
+// =============
+#define TwoGB (XMP_Uns32)(2*1024*1024*1024UL)
+XMP_Uns32 Host_IO::Read ( Host_IO::FileRef fileHandle, void * buffer, XMP_Uns32 count )
+ if ( count >= TwoGB ) XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::Read, request too large", kXMPErr_EnforceFailure );
+ DWORD bytesRead;
+ BOOL ok = ReadFile ( fileHandle, buffer, count, &bytesRead, 0 );
+ if ( ! ok ) XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::Read, ReadFile failure", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure );
+ return bytesRead;
+} // Host_IO::Read
+// =================================================================================================
+// Host_IO::Write
+// ==============
+void Host_IO::Write ( Host_IO::FileRef fileHandle, const void * buffer, XMP_Uns32 count )
+ if ( count >= TwoGB ) XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::Write, request too large", kXMPErr_EnforceFailure );
+ DWORD bytesWritten;
+ BOOL ok = WriteFile ( fileHandle, buffer, count, &bytesWritten, 0 );
+ if ( (! ok) || (bytesWritten != count) ) XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::Write, WriteFile failure", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure );
+} // Host_IO::Write
+// =================================================================================================
+// Host_IO::Length
+// ===============
+XMP_Int64 Host_IO::Length ( Host_IO::FileRef fileHandle )
+ BOOL ok = GetFileSizeEx ( fileHandle, &length );
+ if ( ! ok ) XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::Length, GetFileSizeEx failure", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure );
+ return length.QuadPart;
+} // Host_IO::Length
+// =================================================================================================
+// Host_IO::SetEOF
+// ===============
+void Host_IO::SetEOF ( Host_IO::FileRef fileHandle, XMP_Int64 length )
+ LARGE_INTEGER winLength;
+ winLength.QuadPart = length;
+ BOOL ok = SetFilePointerEx ( fileHandle, winLength, 0, FILE_BEGIN );
+ if ( ! ok ) XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::SetEOF, SetFilePointerEx failure", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure );
+ ok = SetEndOfFile ( fileHandle );
+ if ( ! ok ) XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::SetEOF, SetEndOfFile failure", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure );
+} // Host_IO::SetEOF
+// =================================================================================================
+// Folder operations
+// =================================================================================================
+// =================================================================================================
+// Host_IO::GetFileMode
+// ====================
+Host_IO::FileMode Host_IO::GetFileMode ( const char * path )
+ std::string utf16; // GetFileAttributes wants native UTF-16.
+ ToUTF16Native ( (UTF8Unit*)path, strlen(path), &utf16 );
+ utf16.append ( 2, '\0' ); // Make sure there are at least 2 final zero bytes.
+ // ! A shortcut is seen as a file, we would need extra code to recognize it and find the target.
+ DWORD fileAttrs = GetFileAttributesW ( (LPCWSTR) utf16.c_str() );
+ if ( fileAttrs == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES ) return kFMode_DoesNotExist; // ! Any failure turns into does-not-exist.
+ if ( fileAttrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) return kFMode_IsFolder;
+ if ( fileAttrs & kOtherAttrs ) return kFMode_IsOther;
+ return kFMode_IsFile;
+} // Host_IO::GetFileMode
+// =================================================================================================
+// Host_IO::GetChildMode
+// =====================
+Host_IO::FileMode Host_IO::GetChildMode ( const char * parentPath, const char * childName )
+ std::string fullPath = parentPath;
+ fullPath += '\\';
+ fullPath += childName;
+ return GetFileMode ( fullPath.c_str() );
+} // Host_IO::GetChildMode
+// =================================================================================================
+// Host_IO::OpenFolder
+// ===================
+Host_IO::FolderRef Host_IO::OpenFolder ( const char* folderPath )
+ switch ( Host_IO::GetFileMode ( folderPath ) ) {
+ case Host_IO::kFMode_IsFolder :
+ {
+ WIN32_FIND_DATAW childInfo;
+ std::string findPath = folderPath;
+ // Looking for all children of that folder, add * as search criteria
+ findPath += findPath[findPath.length() - 1] == '\\' ? "*" : "\\*";
+ std::string utf16; // FindFirstFile wants native UTF-16.
+ ToUTF16Native ( (UTF8Unit*)findPath.c_str(), findPath.size(), &utf16 );
+ utf16.append ( 2, '\0' ); // Make sure there are at least 2 final zero bytes.
+ Host_IO::FolderRef folder = FindFirstFileW ( (LPCWSTR) utf16.c_str(), &childInfo );
+ if ( folder == noFolderRef ) XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::OpenFolder - FindFirstFileW failed", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure );
+ // The first child should be ".", which we want to ignore anyway.
+ XMP_Assert ( (folder == noFolderRef) || (childInfo.cFileName[0] == '.') );
+ return folder;
+ }
+ case Host_IO::kFMode_DoesNotExist :
+ return Host_IO::noFolderRef;
+ default :
+ XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::OpenFolder, path is not a folder", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure );
+ }
+ XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::OpenFolder, should not get here", kXMPErr_InternalFailure );
+} // Host_IO::OpenFolder
+// =================================================================================================
+// Host_IO::CloseFolder
+// ====================
+void Host_IO::CloseFolder ( Host_IO::FolderRef folder )
+ if ( folder == noFolderRef ) return;
+ BOOL ok = FindClose ( folder );
+ if ( ! ok ) XMP_Throw ( "Host_IO::CloseFolder, FindClose failure", kXMPErr_ExternalFailure );
+} // Host_IO::CloseFolder
+// =================================================================================================
+// Host_IO::GetNextChild
+// =====================
+bool Host_IO::GetNextChild ( Host_IO::FolderRef folder, std::string* childName )
+ bool found;
+ WIN32_FIND_DATAW childInfo;
+ if ( folder == Host_IO::noFolderRef ) return false;
+ do { // Ignore all children with names starting in '.'. This covers ., .., .DS_Store, etc.
+ found = (bool) FindNextFile ( folder, &childInfo );
+ } while ( found && (childInfo.cFileName[0] == '.') );
+ if ( ! found ) return false;
+ if ( childName != 0 ) {
+ size_t len16 = 0; // The cFileName field is native UTF-16.
+ while ( childInfo.cFileName[len16] != 0 ) ++len16;
+ FromUTF16Native ( (UTF16Unit*)childInfo.cFileName, len16, childName );
+ }
+ return true;
+} // Host_IO::GetNextChild
+// =================================================================================================