path: root/drivers/net/dsa
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2020-10-20net: dsa: bcm_sf2: make const array static, makes object smallerColin Ian King1-1/+1
Don't populate the const array rate_table on the stack but instead it static. Makes the object code smaller by 46 bytes. Before: text data bss dec hex filename 29812 3824 192 33828 8424 drivers/net/dsa/bcm_sf2.o After: text data bss dec hex filename 29670 3920 192 33782 83f6 drivers/net/dsa/bcm_sf2.o (gcc version 10.2.0) Signed-off-by: Colin Ian King <> Acked-by: Florian Fainelli <> Link: Signed-off-by: Jakub Kicinski <>
2020-10-19net: dsa: seville: the packet buffer is 2 megabits, not megabytesMaxim Kochetkov1-1/+1
The VSC9953 Seville switch has 2 megabits of buffer split into 4360 words of 60 bytes each. 2048 * 1024 is 2 megabytes instead of 2 megabits. 2 megabits is (2048 / 8) * 1024 = 256 * 1024. Signed-off-by: Maxim Kochetkov <> Reviewed-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Fixes: a63ed92d217f ("net: dsa: seville: fix buffer size of the queue system") Link: Signed-off-by: Jakub Kicinski <>
2020-10-15Merge git:// Kicinski1-7/+9
Minor conflicts in net/mptcp/protocol.h and tools/testing/selftests/net/Makefile. In both cases code was added on both sides in the same place so just keep both. Signed-off-by: Jakub Kicinski <>
2020-10-12net: dsa: microchip: fix race conditionChristian Eggers1-7/+9
Between queuing the delayed work and finishing the setup of the dsa ports, the process may sleep in request_module() (via phy_device_create()) and the queued work may be executed prior to the switch net devices being registered. In ksz_mib_read_work(), a NULL dereference will happen within netof_carrier_ok(dp->slave). Not queuing the delayed work in ksz_init_mib_timer() makes things even worse because the work will now be queued for immediate execution (instead of 2000 ms) in ksz_mac_link_down() via dsa_port_link_register_of(). Call tree: ksz9477_i2c_probe() \--ksz9477_switch_register() \--ksz_switch_register() +--dsa_register_switch() | \--dsa_switch_probe() | \--dsa_tree_setup() | \--dsa_tree_setup_switches() | +--dsa_switch_setup() | | +--ksz9477_setup() | | | \--ksz_init_mib_timer() | | | |--/* Start the timer 2 seconds later. */ | | | \--schedule_delayed_work(&dev->mib_read, msecs_to_jiffies(2000)); | | \--__mdiobus_register() | | \--mdiobus_scan() | | \--get_phy_device() | | +--get_phy_id() | | \--phy_device_create() | | |--/* sleeping, ksz_mib_read_work() can be called meanwhile */ | | \--request_module() | | | \--dsa_port_setup() | +--/* Called for non-CPU ports */ | +--dsa_slave_create() | | +--/* Too late, ksz_mib_read_work() may be called beforehand */ | | \--port->slave = ... | ... | +--Called for CPU port */ | \--dsa_port_link_register_of() | \--ksz_mac_link_down() | +--/* mib_read must be initialized here */ | +--/* work is already scheduled, so it will be executed after 2000 ms */ | \--schedule_delayed_work(&dev->mib_read, 0); \-- /* here port->slave is setup properly, scheduling the delayed work should be safe */ Solution: 1. Do not queue (only initialize) delayed work in ksz_init_mib_timer(). 2. Only queue delayed work in ksz_mac_link_down() if init is completed. 3. Queue work once in ksz_switch_register(), after dsa_register_switch() has completed. Fixes: 7c6ff470aa86 ("net: dsa: microchip: add MIB counter reading support") Signed-off-by: Christian Eggers <> Reviewed-by: Florian Fainelli <> Reviewed-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: Jakub Kicinski <>
2020-10-10net: dsa: rtl8366rb: Roof MTU for switchLinus Walleij3-5/+39
The MTU setting for this DSA switch is global so we need to keep track of the MTU set for each port, then as soon as any MTU changes, roof the MTU to the biggest common denominator and poke that into the switch MTU setting. To achieve this we need a per-chip-variant state container for the RTL8366RB to use for the RTL8366RB-specific stuff. Other SMI switches does seem to have per-port MTU setting capabilities. Fixes: 5f4a8ef384db ("net: dsa: rtl8366rb: Support setting MTU") Signed-off-by: Linus Walleij <> Reviewed-by: Florian Fainelli <> Signed-off-by: Jakub Kicinski <>
2020-10-09net: dsa: microchip: add ksz9563 to ksz9477 I2C driverChristian Eggers1-0/+1
Add support for the KSZ9563 3-Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch to the ksz9477 driver. The KSZ9563 supports both SPI (already in) and I2C. The ksz9563 is already in the device tree binding documentation. Signed-off-by: Christian Eggers <> Reviewed-by: Andrew Lunn <> Signed-off-by: Jakub Kicinski <>
2020-10-08Merge git:// Kicinski2-0/+4
Small conflict around locking in rxrpc_process_event() - channel_lock moved to bundle in next, while state lock needs _bh() from net. Signed-off-by: Jakub Kicinski <>
2020-10-06net: mscc: ocelot: warn when encoding an out-of-bounds watermark valueVladimir Oltean2-0/+4
There is an upper bound to the value that a watermark may hold. That upper bound is not immediately obvious during configuration, and it might be possible to have accidental truncation. Actually this has happened already, add a warning to prevent it from happening again. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-10-05Merge git:// S. Miller3-16/+40
Rejecting non-native endian BTF overlapped with the addition of support for it. The rest were more simple overlapping changes, except the renesas ravb binding update, which had to follow a file move as well as a YAML conversion. Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-10-05net: dsa: propagate switchdev vlan_filtering prepare phase to driversVladimir Oltean15-31/+88
A driver may refuse to enable VLAN filtering for any reason beyond what the DSA framework cares about, such as: - having tc-flower rules that rely on the switch being VLAN-aware - the particular switch does not support VLAN, even if the driver does (the DSA framework just checks for the presence of the .port_vlan_add and .port_vlan_del pointers) - simply not supporting this configuration to be toggled at runtime Currently, when a driver rejects a configuration it cannot support, it does this from the commit phase, which triggers various warnings in switchdev. So propagate the prepare phase to drivers, to give them the ability to refuse invalid configurations cleanly and avoid the warnings. Since we need to modify all function prototypes and check for the prepare phase from within the drivers, take that opportunity and move the existing driver restrictions within the prepare phase where that is possible and easy. Cc: Florian Fainelli <> Cc: Martin Blumenstingl <> Cc: Hauke Mehrtens <> Cc: Woojung Huh <> Cc: Microchip Linux Driver Support <> Cc: Sean Wang <> Cc: Landen Chao <> Cc: Andrew Lunn <> Cc: Vivien Didelot <> Cc: Jonathan McDowell <> Cc: Linus Walleij <> Cc: Alexandre Belloni <> Cc: Claudiu Manoil <> Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-10-04net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: Add per port devlink regionsAndrew Lunn1-4/+105
Add a devlink region to return the per port registers. Signed-off-by: Andrew Lunn <> Reviewed-by: Florian Fainelli <> Reviewed-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-10-03net: dsa: sja1105: remove duplicate prefix for VL Lookup dynamic configVladimir Oltean1-5/+5
This is a strictly cosmetic change that renames some macros in sja1105_dynamic_config.c. They were copy-pasted in haste and this has resulted in them having the driver prefix twice. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-10-02net: mscc: ocelot: offload ingress skbedit and vlan actions to VCAP IS1Xiaoliang Yang1-0/+1
VCAP IS1 is a VCAP module which can filter on the most common L2/L3/L4 Ethernet keys, and modify the results of the basic QoS classification and VLAN classification based on those flow keys. There are 3 VCAP IS1 lookups, mapped over chains 10000, 11000 and 12000. Currently the driver is hardcoded to use IS1_ACTION_TYPE_NORMAL half keys. Note that the VLAN_MANGLE has been omitted for now. In hardware, the VCAP_IS1_ACT_VID_REPLACE_ENA field replaces the classified VLAN (metadata associated with the frame) and not the VLAN from the header itself. There are currently some issues which need to be addressed when operating in standalone, or in bridge with vlan_filtering=0 modes, because in those cases the switch ports have VLAN awareness disabled, and changing the classified VLAN to anything other than the pvid causes the packets to be dropped. Another issue is that on egress, we expect port tagging to push the classified VLAN, but port tagging is disabled in the modes mentioned above, so although the classified VLAN is replaced, it is not visible in the packet transmitted by the switch. Signed-off-by: Xiaoliang Yang <> Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-10-02net: mscc: ocelot: introduce conversion helpers between port and netdevVladimir Oltean4-0/+29
Since the mscc_ocelot_switch_lib is common between a pure switchdev and a DSA driver, the procedure of retrieving a net_device for a certain port index differs, as those are registered by their individual front-ends. Up to now that has been dealt with by always passing the port index to the switch library, but now, we're going to need to work with net_device pointers from the tc-flower offload, for things like indev, or mirred. It is not desirable to refactor that, so let's make sure that the flower offload core has the ability to translate between a net_device and a port index properly. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Acked-by: Alexandre Belloni <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-10-02net: dsa: b53: Set untag_bridge_pvidFlorian Fainelli1-0/+1
Indicate to the DSA receive path that we need to untage the bridge PVID, this allows us to remove the dsa_untag_bridge_pvid() calls from net/dsa/tag_brcm.c. Signed-off-by: Florian Fainelli <> Reviewed-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-29net: mscc: ocelot: remove unneeded VCAP parameters for IS2Vladimir Oltean2-25/+0
Now that we are deriving these from the constants exposed by the hardware, we can delete the static info we're keeping in the driver. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-29net: mscc: ocelot: automatically detect VCAP constantsVladimir Oltean3-3/+25
The numbers in struct vcap_props are not intuitive to derive, because they are not a straightforward copy-and-paste from the reference manual but instead rely on a fairly detailed level of understanding of the layout of an entry in the TCAM and in the action RAM. For this reason, bugs are very easy to introduce here. Ease the work of hardware porters and read from hardware the constants that were exported for this particular purpose. Note that this implies that struct vcap_props can no longer be const. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-29net: mscc: ocelot: add definitions for VCAP ES0 keys, actions and targetVladimir Oltean2-0/+100
As a preparation step for the offloading to ES0, let's create the infrastructure for talking with this hardware block. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-29net: mscc: ocelot: add definitions for VCAP IS1 keys, actions and targetVladimir Oltean2-0/+184
As a preparation step for the offloading to IS1, let's create the infrastructure for talking with this hardware block. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-29net: mscc: ocelot: generalize existing code for VCAPVladimir Oltean4-26/+28
In the Ocelot switches there are 3 TCAMs: VCAP ES0, IS1 and IS2, which have the same configuration interface, but different sets of keys and actions. The driver currently only supports VCAP IS2. In preparation of VCAP IS1 and ES0 support, the existing code must be generalized to work with any VCAP. In that direction, we should move the structures that depend upon VCAP instantiation, like vcap_is2_keys and vcap_is2_actions, out of struct ocelot and into struct vcap_props .keys and .actions, a structure that is replicated 3 times, once per VCAP. We'll pass that structure as an argument to each function that does the key and action packing - only the control logic needs to distinguish between ocelot->vcap[VCAP_IS2] or IS1 or ES0. Another change is to make use of the newly introduced ocelot_target_read and ocelot_target_write API, since the 3 VCAPs have the same registers but put at different addresses. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-29net: dsa: seville: fix VCAP IS2 action widthVladimir Oltean1-1/+1
Since the actions are packed together in the action RAM, an incorrect action width means that no action except the first one would behave correctly. The tc-flower offload has probably not been tested on this hardware since its introduction. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-29net: dsa: felix: fix incorrect action offsets for VCAP IS2Vladimir Oltean1-6/+6
The port mask width was larger than the actual number of ports, and therefore, all fields following this one were also shifted by the number of excess bits. But the driver doesn't use the REW_OP, SMAC_REPLACE_ENA or ACL_ID bits from the action vector, so the bug was inconsequential. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-26net: dsa: tag_ocelot: use a short prefix on both ingress and egressVladimir Oltean3-9/+23
There are 2 goals that we follow: - Reduce the header size - Make the header size equal between RX and TX The issue that required long prefix on RX was the fact that the ocelot DSA tag, being put before Ethernet as it is, would overlap with the area that a DSA master uses for RX filtering (destination MAC address mainly). Now that we can ask DSA to put the master in promiscuous mode, in theory we could remove the prefix altogether and call it a day, but it looks like we can't. Using no prefix on ingress, some packets (such as ICMP) would be received, while others (such as PTP) would not be received. This is because the DSA master we use (enetc) triggers parse errors ("MAC rx frame errors") presumably because it sees Ethernet frames with a bad length. And indeed, when using no prefix, the EtherType (bytes 12-13 of the frame, bits 96-111) falls over the REW_VAL field from the extraction header, aka the PTP timestamp. When turning the short (32-bit) prefix on, the EtherType overlaps with bits 64-79 of the extraction header, which are a reserved area transmitted as zero by the switch. The packets are not dropped by the DSA master with a short prefix. Actually, the frames look like this in tcpdump (below is a PTP frame, with an extra dsa_8021q tag - dadb 0482 - added by a downstream sja1105). 89:0c:a9:f2:01:00 > 88:80:00:0a:00:1d, 802.3, length 0: LLC, \ dsap Unknown (0x10) Individual, ssap ProWay NM (0x0e) Response, \ ctrl 0x0004: Information, send seq 2, rcv seq 0, \ Flags [Response], length 78 0x0000: 8880 000a 001d 890c a9f2 0100 0000 100f ................ 0x0010: 0400 0000 0180 c200 000e 001f 7b63 0248 ............{c.H 0x0020: dadb 0482 88f7 1202 0036 0000 0000 0000 .........6...... 0x0030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 001f 7bff fe63 ............{..c 0x0040: 0248 0001 1f81 0500 0000 0000 0000 0000 .H.............. 0x0050: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ............ So the short prefix is our new default: we've shortened our RX frames by 12 octets, increased TX by 4, and headers are now equal between RX and TX. Note that we still need promiscuous mode for the DSA master to not drop it. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-26net: mscc: ocelot: move NPI port configuration to DSAVladimir Oltean1-4/+25
Remove the ocelot_configure_cpu() function, which was in fact bringing up 2 ports: the CPU port module, which both switchdev and DSA have, and the NPI port, which only DSA has. The (non-Ethernet) CPU port module is at a fixed index in the analyzer, whereas the NPI port is selected through the "ethernet" property in the device tree. Therefore, the function to set up an NPI port is DSA-specific, so we move it there, simplifying the ocelot switch library a little bit. Cc: Horatiu Vultur <> Cc: Alexandre Belloni <> Cc: UNGLinuxDriver <> Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-25net: dsa: sja1105: implement .devlink_info_getVladimir Oltean3-0/+21
Return the driver name and ASIC ID so that generic user space application are able to know they're looking at sja1105 devlink regions when pretty-printing them. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-25net: dsa: sja1105: expose static config as devlink regionVladimir Oltean3-3/+124
As explained in Documentation/networking/dsa/sja1105.rst, this switch has a static config held in the driver's memory and re-uploaded from time to time into the device (after any major change). The format of this static config is in fact described in UM10944.pdf and it contains all the switch's settings (it also contains device ID, table CRCs, etc, just like in the manual). So it is a useful and universal devlink region to expose to user space, for debugging purposes. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-25net: dsa: sja1105: move devlink param code to sja1105_devlink.cVladimir Oltean4-103/+132
We'll have more devlink code soon. Group it together in a separate translation object. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-24net: dsa: microchip: really look for phy-mode in port nodesHelmut Grohne1-8/+12
The previous implementation failed to account for the "ports" node. The actual port nodes are not child nodes of the switch node, but a "ports" node sits in between. Fixes: edecfa98f602 ("net: dsa: microchip: look for phy-mode in port nodes") Signed-off-by: Helmut Grohne <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-24net: dsa: felix: convert TAS link speed based on phylink speedXiaoliang Yang1-1/+21
state->speed holds a value of 10, 100, 1000 or 2500, but QSYS_TAG_CONFIG_LINK_SPEED expects a value of 0, 1, 2, 3. So convert the speed to a proper value. Fixes: de143c0e274b ("net: dsa: felix: Configure Time-Aware Scheduler via taprio offload") Signed-off-by: Xiaoliang Yang <> Reviewed-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-24net: mscc: ocelot: always pass skb clone to ocelot_port_add_txtstamp_skbVladimir Oltean1-1/+4
Currently, ocelot switchdev passes the skb directly to the function that enqueues it to the list of skb's awaiting a TX timestamp. Whereas the felix DSA driver first clones the skb, then passes the clone to this queue. This matters because in the case of felix, the common IRQ handler, which is ocelot_get_txtstamp(), currently clones the clone, and frees the original clone. This is useless and can be simplified by using skb_complete_tx_timestamp() instead of skb_tstamp_tx(). Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Acked-by: Richard Cochran <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-23net: dsa: b53: Configure VLANs while not filteringFlorian Fainelli2-18/+2
Update the B53 driver to support VLANs while not filtering. This requires us to enable VLAN globally within the switch upon driver initial configuration (dev->vlan_enabled). We also need to remove the code that dealt with PVID re-configuration in b53_vlan_filtering() since that function worked under the assumption that it would only be called to make a bridge VLAN filtering, or not filtering, and we would attempt to move the port's PVID accordingly. Now that VLANs are programmed all the time, even in the case of a non-VLAN filtering bridge, we would be programming a default_pvid for the bridged switch ports. We need the DSA receive path to pop the VLAN tag if it is the bridge's default_pvid because the CPU port is always programmed tagged in the programmed VLANs. In order to do so we utilize the dsa_untag_bridge_pvid() helper introduced in the commit before within net/dsa/tag_brcm.c. Acked-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: Florian Fainelli <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-23net: dsa: bcm_sf2: Include address 0 for MDIO diversionFlorian Fainelli1-1/+1
We need to include MDIO address 0, which is how our Device Tree blobs indicate where to find the external BCM53125 switches. Signed-off-by: Florian Fainelli <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-23net: dsa: bcm_sf2: Disallow port 5 to be a DSA CPU portFlorian Fainelli1-0/+11
While the switch driver is written such that port 5 or 8 could be CPU ports, the use case on Broadcom STB chips is to use port 8 exclusively. The platform firmware does make port 5 comply to a proper DSA CPU port binding by specifiying an "ethernet" phandle. This is undesirable for now until we have an user-space configuration mechanism (such as devlink) which could support dynamically changing the port flavor at run time. Signed-off-by: Florian Fainelli <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-22Merge git:// S. Miller8-43/+84
Two minor conflicts: 1) net/ipv4/route.c, adding a new local variable while moving another local variable and removing it's initial assignment. 2) drivers/net/dsa/microchip/ksz9477.c, overlapping changes. One pretty prints the port mode differently, whilst another changes the driver to try and obtain the port mode from the port node rather than the switch node. Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-21net: dsa: seville: fix some key offsets for IP4_TCP_UDP VCAP IS2 entriesVladimir Oltean1-8/+8
Since these were copied from the Felix VCAP IS2 code, and only the offsets were adjusted, the order of the bit fields is still wrong. Fix it. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-21net: dsa: felix: fix some key offsets for IP4_TCP_UDP VCAP IS2 entriesXiaoliang Yang1-8/+8
Some of the IS2 IP4_TCP_UDP keys are not correct, like L4_DPORT, L4_SPORT and other L4 keys. This prevents offloaded tc-flower rules from matching on src_port and dst_port for TCP and UDP packets. Signed-off-by: Xiaoliang Yang <> Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-21net: dsa: rtl8366rb: Support all 4096 VLANsLinus Walleij1-1/+1
There is an off-by-one error in rtl8366rb_is_vlan_valid() making VLANs 0..4094 valid while it should be 1..4095. Fix it. Fixes: d8652956cf37 ("net: dsa: realtek-smi: Add Realtek SMI driver") Signed-off-by: Linus Walleij <> Reviewed-by: Florian Fainelli <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-21net: dsa: mt7530: Add some return-value checksAlex Dewar1-9/+22
In mt7531_cpu_port_config(), if the variable port is neither 5 nor 6, then variable interface will be used uninitialised. Change the function to return -EINVAL in this case. As the return value of mt7531_cpu_port_config() is never checked (even though it returns an int) add a check in the correct place so that the error can be passed up the call stack. Now that we correctly handle errors thrown in this function, also check the return value of mt7531_mac_config() in case an error occurs here. Also add misisng checks to mt7530_setup() and mt7531_setup(), which are another level further up the call stack. Fixes: c288575f7810 ("net: dsa: mt7530: Add the support of MT7531 switch") Addresses-Coverity: 1496993 ("Uninitialized variables") Signed-off-by: Alex Dewar <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-20net: dsa: tag_8021q: add VLANs to the master interface tooVladimir Oltean1-1/+6
The whole purpose of tag_8021q is to send VLAN-tagged traffic to the CPU, from which the driver can decode the source port and switch id. Currently this only works if the VLAN filtering on the master is disabled. Change that by explicitly adding code to tag_8021q.c to add the VLANs corresponding to the tags to the filter of the master interface. Because we now need to call vlan_vid_add, then we also need to hold the RTNL mutex. Propagate that requirement to the callers of dsa_8021q_setup and modify the existing call sites as appropriate. Note that one call path, sja1105_best_effort_vlan_filtering_set -> sja1105_vlan_filtering -> sja1105_setup_8021q_tagging, was already holding this lock. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Reviewed-by: Florian Fainelli <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-20net: dsa: rtl8366: Skip PVID setting if not requestedLinus Walleij1-0/+3
We go to lengths to determine whether the PVID should be set for this port or not, and then fail to take it into account. Fix this oversight. Fixes: d8652956cf37 ("net: dsa: realtek-smi: Add Realtek SMI driver") Signed-off-by: Linus Walleij <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-18net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: Implement devlink info get callbackAndrew Lunn3-0/+20
Return the driver name and the with the switch name. Reviewed-by: Florian Fainelli <> Reviewed-by: Jakub Kicinski <> Signed-off-by: Andrew Lunn <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-18net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: Add devlink regionsAndrew Lunn4-1/+286
Allow the global registers, and the ATU to be snapshot via devlink regions. It is later planned to add support for the port registers. v2: Remove left over debug prints Comment ATU format is generic for mv88e6xxx, not wider v3: Make use of ops structure passed to snapshot function Remove port regions v4: Make use of enum mv88e6xxx_region_id Fix global2/global1 read typ0 Signed-off-by: Andrew Lunn <> Reviewed-by: Florian Fainelli <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-18net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: Create helper for FIDs in useAndrew Lunn2-4/+18
Refactor the code in mv88e6xxx_atu_new() which builds a bitmaps of FIDs in use into a helper function. This will be reused by the devlink code when dumping the ATU. Reviewed-by: Florian Fainelli <> Signed-off-by: Andrew Lunn <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-18net: dsa: mv88e6xxx: Move devlink code into its own fileAndrew Lunn4-254/+279
There will soon be more devlink code. Move the existing code into a file of its own, before we start adding this new code. Reviewed-by: Florian Fainelli <> Signed-off-by: Andrew Lunn <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-18net: dsa: seville: build as separate moduleVladimir Oltean6-39/+29
Seville does not need to depend on PCI or on the ENETC MDIO controller. There will also be other compile-time differences in the future. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-18net: dsa: felix: move the PTP clock structure to felix_vsc9959.cVladimir Oltean3-18/+20
Not only does Sevile not have a PTP clock, but with separate modules, this structure cannot even live in felix.c, due to the .owner = THIS_MODULE assignment causing this link time error: drivers/net/dsa/ocelot/felix.o:(.data+0x0): undefined reference to `__this_module' Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-18net: dsa: seville: duplicate vsc9959_mdio_bus_freeVladimir Oltean3-4/+19
While we don't plan on making any changes to this function, currently this is the only remaining dependency between felix and seville, after the PCS has been refactored out into pcs-lynx.c. Duplicate this function in seville to break the dependency completely. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-18net: dsa: felix: replace tabs with spacesVladimir Oltean3-13/+13
Over the time, some patches have introduced structures aligned with spaces, near structures aligned with tabs. Fix the inconsistencies. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-18net: dsa: seville: reindent defines for MDIO controllerVladimir Oltean1-6/+6
Reindent these definitions to be in line with the rest of the driver. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2020-09-18net: dsa: seville: remove unused defines for the mdio controllerVladimir Oltean1-11/+0
Some definitions were likely copied from drivers/net/mdio/mdio-mscc-miim.c. They are not necessary, remove them. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>