path: root/qt/qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp
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diff --git a/qt/qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp b/qt/qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp
index 4d6217a..e2ab096 100644
--- a/qt/qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp
+++ b/qt/qdbusabstractadaptor.cpp
@@ -31,9 +31,6 @@
#include "qdbusconnection_p.h" // for qDBusParametersForMethod
#include "qdbusabstractadaptor_p.h"
- \internal
struct QDBusAdaptorInit
QSignalSpyCallbackSet callbacks;
@@ -91,477 +88,8 @@ void QDBusAbstractAdaptorPrivate::saveIntrospectionXml(QDBusAbstractAdaptor *ada
- \page UsingAdaptors Using Adaptors
- Adaptors are special classes that are attached to any QObject-derived class and provide the
- interface to the external world using D-Bus. Adaptors are intended to be light-weight classes
- whose main purpose is to relay calls to and from the real object, possibly validating or
- converting the input from the external world and, thus, protecting the real object.
- Unlike multiple inheritance, adaptors can be added at any time to any object (but not removed),
- which allows for greater flexibility when exporting existing classes. Another advantage of
- adaptors is to provide similar but not identical functionality in methods of the same name in
- different interfaces, a case which can be quite common when adding a new version of a standard
- interface to an object.
- In order to use an adaptor, one must create a class which inherits QDBusAbstractAdaptor. Since
- that is a standard QObject-derived class, the Q_OBJECT macro must appear in the declaration and
- the source file must be processed with the \link moc \endlink tool. The class must also contain
- one or more Q_CLASSINFO entries with the "D-Bus Interface" name, declaring which interfaces it
- is exporting.
- Any public slot in the class will be accessible through the bus over messages of the MethodCall
- type. (See \link DeclaringSlots \endlink for more information). Signals in the class will be
- automatically relayed over D-Bus. However, not all types are allowed signals or slots' parameter
- lists: see \link AllowedParameters \endlink for more information.
- Also, any property declared with Q_PROPERTY will be automatically exposed over the Properties
- interface on D-Bus. Since the QObject property system does not allow for non-readable
- properties, it is not possible to declare write-only properties using adaptors.
- More information:
- - \subpage DeclaringSlots
- - \subpage DeclaringSignals
- - \subpage AllowedParameters
- - \subpage UsingAnnotations
- - \subpage AdaptorExample
- \sa QDBusAbstractAdaptor
- \page AdaptorExample Example of an interface implemented with an adaptor
- A sample usage of QDBusAbstractAdaptor is as follows:
- \code
- class MainApplicationAdaptor: public QDBusAbstractAdaptor
- {
- Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "com.example.DBus.MainApplication")
- Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.kde.DBus.MainApplication")
- Q_PROPERTY(QString caption READ caption WRITE setCaption)
- Q_PROPERTY(QString organizationName READ organizationName)
- Q_PROPERTY(QString organizationDomain READ organizationDomain)
- private:
- MyApplication *app;
- public:
- MyInterfaceAdaptor(MyApplication *application)
- : QDBusAbstractAdaptor(application), app(application)
- {
- connect(application, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()), SIGNAL(aboutToQuit());
- connect(application, SIGNAL(focusChanged(QWidget*, QWidget*)),
- SLOT(focusChangedSlot(QWidget*, QWidget*)));
- }
- QString caption()
- {
- if (app->hasMainWindow())
- return app->mainWindow()->caption();
- return QString();
- }
- void setCaption(const QString &newCaption)
- {
- if (app->hasMainWindow())
- app->mainWindow()->setCaption(newCaption);
- }
- QString organizationName()
- {
- return app->organizationName();
- }
- QString organizationDomain()
- {
- return app->organizationDomain();
- }
- public slots:
- async void quit()
- { app->quit(); }
- void reparseConfiguration()
- { app->reparseConfiguration(); }
- QString mainWindowObject()
- {
- if (app->hasMainWindow())
- return QString("/%1/mainwindow").arg(app->applicationName());
- return QString();
- }
- void setSessionManagement(bool enable)
- {
- if (enable)
- app->enableSessionManagement();
- else
- app->disableSessionManagement();
- }
- private slots:
- void focusChangedSlot(QWidget *, QWidget *now)
- {
- if (now == app->mainWindow())
- emit mainWindowHasFocus();
- }
- signals:
- void aboutToQuit();
- void mainWindowHasFocus();
- };
- \endcode
- The code above would create an interface that could be represented more or less in the following
- canonical representation:
- \code
- interface com.example.DBus.MainApplication
- {
- property readwrite STRING caption
- property read STRING organizationName
- property read STRING organizationDomain
- method quit() annotation("org.freedesktop.DBus.Method.NoReply", "true")
- method reparseConfiguration()
- method mainWindowObject(out STRING)
- method disableSessionManagement(in BOOLEAN enable)
- signal aboutToQuit()
- signal mainWindowHasFocus()
- }
- interface org.kde.DBus.MainApplication
- {
- ....
- }
- \endcode
- This adaptor could be used in the application's constructor as follows:
- \code
- MyApplication::MyApplication()
- {
- [...]
- // create the MainApplication adaptor:
- new MainApplicationAdaptor(this);
- // connect to D-Bus:
- QDBusConnection connection = QDBusConnection::addConnection(QDBusConnection::SessionBus);
- // register us as an object:
- connection.registerObject("/MainApplication", this);
- [...]
- }
- \endcode
- Break-down analysis:
- - \subpage AdaptorExampleHeader
- - \subpage AdaptorExampleProperties
- - \subpage AdaptorExampleConstructor
- - \subpage AdaptorExampleSlots
- - \subpage AdaptorExampleSignals
- \page AdaptorExampleHeader The header
- The header of the example is:
- \code
- class MainApplicationAdaptor: public QDBusAbstractAdaptor
- {
- Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "com.example.DBus.MainApplication")
- Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.kde.DBus.MainApplication")
- \endcode
- The code does the following:
- - it declares the adaptor MainApplicationAdaptor, which descends from QDBusAbstractAdaptor
- - it declares the Qt Meta Object data using the #Q_OBJECT macro
- - it declares the names of two D-Bus interfaces it implements. Those interfaces are equal in all
- aspects.
- \page AdaptorExampleProperties The properties
- The properties are declared as follows:
- \code
- Q_PROPERTY(QString caption READ caption WRITE setCaption)
- Q_PROPERTY(QString organizationName READ organizationName)
- Q_PROPERTY(QString organizationDomain READ organizationDomain)
- \endcode
- And are implemented as follows:
- \code
- QString caption()
- {
- if (app->hasMainWindow())
- return app->mainWindow()->caption();
- return QString();
- }
- void setCaption(const QString &newCaption)
- {
- if (app->hasMainWindow())
- app->mainWindow()->setCaption(newCaption);
- }
- QString organizationName()
- {
- return app->organizationName();
- }
- QString organizationDomain()
- {
- return app->organizationDomain();
- }
- \endcode
- The code declares three properties: one of them is a read-write property called "caption" of
- string type. The other two are read-only, also of the string type.
- The properties organizationName and organizationDomain are simple relays of the app object's
- organizationName and organizationDomain properties. However, the caption property requires
- verifying if the application has a main window associated with it: if there isn't any, the
- caption property is empty. Note how it is possible to access data defined in other objects
- through the getter/setter functions.
- */
- \page AdaptorExampleConstructor The constructor
- The constructor:
- \code
- MyInterfaceAdaptor(MyApplication *application)
- : QDBusAbstractAdaptor(application), app(application)
- {
- connect(application, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()), SIGNAL(aboutToQuit());
- connect(application, SIGNAL(focusChanged(QWidget*, QWidget*)),
- SLOT(focusChangedSlot(QWidget*, QWidget*)));
- }
- \endcode
- The constructor does the following:
- - it initialises its base class (QDBusAbstractAdaptor) with the parent object it is related to.
- - it stores the app pointer in a member variable. Note that it would be possible to access the
- same object using the QDBusAbstractAdaptor::object() function, but it would be necessary to
- use \a static_cast<> to properly access the methods in MyApplication that are not part of
- QObject.
- - it connects the application's signal \a aboutToQuit to its own signal \a aboutToQuit.
- - it connects the application's signal \a focusChanged to a private slot to do some further
- processing before emitting a D-Bus signal.
- Note that there is no destructor in the example. An eventual destructor could be used to emit
- one last signal before the object is destroyed, for instance.
- \page AdaptorExampleSlots Slots/methods
- The public slots in the example (which will be exported as D-Bus methods) are the following:
- \code
- public slots:
- async void quit()
- { app->quit(); }
- void reparseConfiguration()
- { app->reparseConfiguration(); }
- QString mainWindowObject()
- {
- if (app->hasMainWindow())
- return QString("/%1/mainwindow").arg(app->applicationName());
- return QString();
- }
- void setSessionManagement(bool enable)
- {
- if (enable)
- app->enableSessionManagement();
- else
- app->disableSessionManagement();
- }
- \endcode
- This snippet of code defines 4 methods with different properties each:
- - \p quit: this method takes no parameters and is defined to be asynchronous. That is, callers
- are expected to use "fire-and-forget" mechanism when calling this method, since it provides no
- useful reply. This is represented in D-Bus by the use of the
- org.freedesktop.DBus.Method.NoReply annotation. See #Q_ASYNC for more information on
- asynchronous methods
- - \p reparseConfiguration: this simple method, with no input or output arguments simply relays
- the call to the application's reparseConfiguration member function.
- - \p mainWindowObject: this method takes no input parameter, but returns one string output
- argument, containing the path to the main window object (if the application has a main
- window), or an empty string if it has no main window. Note that this method could have also
- been written: void mainWindowObject(QString &path).
- - \p setSessionManagement: this method takes one input argument (a boolean) and, depending on
- its value, it calls one function or another in the application.
- \sa #Q_ASYNC
- \page AdaptorExampleSignals Signals
- The signals in this example are defined as follows:
- \code
- signals:
- void aboutToQuit();
- void mainWindowHasFocus();
- \endcode
- However, signal definition isn't enough: signals have to be emitted. One simple way of emitting
- signals is to connect another signal to them, so that Qt's signal handling system chains them
- automatically. This is what is done for the \a aboutToQuit signal (see \ref
- AdaptorExampleConstructor).
- When this is the case, one can use the QDBusAbstractAdaptor::setAutoRelaySignals to
- automatically connect every signal from the real object to the adaptor.
- When simple signal-to-signal connection isn't enough, one can use a private slot do do some
- work. This is what was done for the mainWindowHasFocus signal:
- \code
- private slots:
- void focusChangedSlot(QWidget *, QWidget *now)
- {
- if (now == app->mainWindow())
- emit mainWindowHasFocus();
- }
- \endcode
- This private slot (which will not be exported as a method via D-Bus) was connected to the
- \a focusChanged signal in the adaptor's constructor. It is therefore able to shape the
- application's signal into what the interface expects it to be.
- \page DeclaringSlots Declaring slots
- Slots in D-Bus adaptors are declared just like normal, public slots, but their parameters must
- follow certain rules (see \ref AllowedParameters for more information). Slots whose parameters
- do not follow those rules or that are not public will not be accessible via D-Bus.
- Slots can be of three kinds:
- -# Asynchronous
- -# Input-only
- -# Input-and-output
- \par Asynchronous slots
- Asynchronous slots are those that do not normally return any reply to the caller. For that
- reason, they cannot take any output parameters. In most cases, by the time the first line
- of the slot is run, the caller function has already resumed working.
- \par
- However, slots must rely on that behavior. Scheduling and message-dispatching issues could
- change the order in which the slot is run. Code intending to synchronize with the caller
- should provide its own method of synchronization.
- \par
- Asynchronous slots are marked by the keyword \p #async or \p #Q_ASYNC in the method
- signature, before the \p void return type and the slot name. (See the \p quit slot in the
- \ref AdaptorExample "adaptor example").
- \par Input-only slots
- Input-only slots are normal slots that take parameters passed by value or by constant
- reference. However, unlike asynchronous slots, the caller is usually waiting for completion
- of the callee before resuming operation. Therefore, non-asynchronous slots should not block
- or should state it its documentation that they may do so.
- \par
- Input-only slots have no special marking in their signature, except that they take only
- parameters passed by value or by constant reference. Optionally, slots can take a
- QDBusMessage parameter as a last parameter, which can be used to perform additional
- analysis of the method call message.
- \par Input and output slots
- Like input-only slots, input-and-output slots are those that the caller is waiting for a
- reply. Unlike input-only ones, though, this reply will contain data. Slots that output data
- may contain non-constant references and may return a value as well. However, the output
- parameters must all appear at the end of the argument list and may not have input arguments
- interleaved. Optionally, a QDBusMessage argument may appear between the input and the
- output arguments.
- \note When a caller places a method call and waits for a reply, it will only wait for so long.
- Slots intending to take a long time to complete should make that fact clear in
- documentation so that callers properly set higher timeouts.
- Method replies are generated automatically with the contents of the output parameters (if there
- were any) by the QtDBus implementation. Slots need not worry about constructing proper
- QDBusMessage objects and sending them over the connection.
- However, the possibility of doing so remains there. Should the slot find out it needs to send a
- special reply or even an error, it can do so by using QDBusMessage::methodReply or
- QDBusMessage::error on the QDBusMessage parameter and send it with QDBusConnection::send. The
- QtDBus implementation will not generate any reply if the slot did so.
- \sa \ref UsingAdaptors, \ref DeclaringSignals, \ref AllowedParameters, QDBusConnection,
- QDBusMessage
- \page DeclaringSignals Declaring signals
- Any signal in a class derived from QDBusAbstractAdaptor will be automatically relayed into
- D-Bus, provided that the signal's parameters conform to certain rules (see \ref
- AllowedParameters for more information). No special code is necessary to make this relay.
- However, signals must still be emitted. The easiest way to emit an adaptor signal is to connect
- another signal to it, so that the Qt signal/slot mechanism automatically emits the adaptor
- signal too. This can be done in the adaptor's constructor, as has been done in the \ref
- AdaptorExample "adaptor example".
- The convenience function QDBusAbstractAdaptor::setAutoRelaySignals can also be used to connect
- or disconnect every signal in the real object to the same signal in the adaptor. It will inspect
- the list of signals in both classes and connect those that have exact parameter match.
- \sa \ref UsingAdaptors, \ref DeclaringSlots, \ref AllowedParameters, QDBusAbstractAdaptor
- \page AllowedParameters Allowed parameter types
- D-Bus has a very limited set of types that can be sent and received over the bus. They are
- listed below, along with the D-Bus type they relate to:
- - unsigned char / uchar (BYTE)
- - short (INT16)
- - unsigned short / ushort (UINT16)
- - int (INT32)
- - unsigned int / uint (UINT32)
- - qlonglong (INT64)
- - qulonglong (UINT64)
- - bool (BOOLEAN)
- - double (DOUBLE)
- - QString (STRING)
- - QByteArray (ARRAY of BYTE)
- - QStringList (ARRAY of STRING)
- - QVariant / QDBusVariant (VARIANT)
- - QVariantList (ARRAY of VARIANT)
- The last two types may be used to receive any array (except string and byte arrays), any structs
- and any maps. However, it is currently not possible to generate external function definitions
- containing specific types of lists, structs and maps.
- All of the types above may be passed by value or by constant reference for input arguments to
- slots as well as the output arguments to signals. When used as output arguments for slots, they
- can all be used as non-constant references or the return type.
- Additionally, slots can have one parameter of type \p const \p QDBusMessage \p \&, which must
- appear at the end of the input parameter list, before any output parameters. Signals cannot have
- this parameter.
- \warning You may not use any type that is not on the list above, including \a typedefs to the
- types listed. This also includes QList<QVariant> and QMap<QString,QVariant>.
- \page UsingAnnotations Using annotations in adaptors
+ \page usingannotations.html
+ \title Using annotations in adaptors
It is currently not possible to specify arbitrary annotations in adaptors.
@@ -589,14 +117,12 @@ void QDBusAbstractAdaptorPrivate::saveIntrospectionXml(QDBusAbstractAdaptor *ada
and must not be deleted by the user (they will be deleted automatically when the object they are
connected to is also deleted).
- \sa \ref UsingAdaptors, QDBusConnection
+ \sa {usingadaptors.html}{Using adaptors}, QDBusConnection
Constructs a QDBusAbstractAdaptor with \a parent as the object we refer to.
- \param parent the real object we're the adaptor for
\warning Use object() to retrieve the object passed as \a parent to this constructor. The real
parent object (as retrieved by QObject::parent()) may be something else.
@@ -636,12 +162,12 @@ QObject* QDBusAbstractAdaptor::object() const
Automatic signal relaying consists of signal-to-signal connection of the signals on the parent
that have the exact same method signatue in both classes.
- \param enable if set to true, connect the signals; if set to false, disconnect all signals
+ If \a enable is set to true, connect the signals; if set to false, disconnect all signals.
void QDBusAbstractAdaptor::setAutoRelaySignals(bool enable)
const QMetaObject *us = metaObject();
- const QMetaObject *them = parent()->metaObject();
+ const QMetaObject *them = object()->metaObject();
for (int idx = staticMetaObject.methodCount(); idx < us->methodCount(); ++idx) {
QMetaMethod mm = us->method(idx);
@@ -655,7 +181,7 @@ void QDBusAbstractAdaptor::setAutoRelaySignals(bool enable)
sig.prepend(QSIGNAL_CODE + '0');
object()->disconnect(sig, this, sig);
if (enable)
- connect(object(), sig, sig, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ connect(object(), sig, sig);
@@ -752,8 +278,7 @@ void QDBusAdaptorConnector::relay(QObject *sender)
// break down the parameter list
QList<int> types;
- QByteArray signature = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(mm.signature());
- int inputCount = qDBusParametersForMethod(signature, types);
+ int inputCount = qDBusParametersForMethod(mm, types);
if (inputCount == -1)
// invalid signal signature
// qDBusParametersForMethod has already complained
@@ -766,6 +291,7 @@ void QDBusAdaptorConnector::relay(QObject *sender)
+ QByteArray signature = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(mm.signature());
signature.truncate(signature.indexOf('(')); // remove parameter decoration
QVariantList args;