diff options
authorWill Thompson <>2020-07-29 16:32:36 +0100
committerWill Thompson <>2020-07-29 16:32:47 +0100
commitba56a44aac4585071e4ac09a66401939c3032424 (patch)
parent1a4823c120bbe5f0119e9208d7b78d91a3decbd3 (diff)
Simplify Cabal file
At some point in the past 12 years, Cabal has gaine support for both internal libraries, and common stanzas. Using an internal library for everything except Bustle's entrypoint means tests don't need to list (and build!) all modules they use, and all the necessary dependencies and flags again.
-rw-r--r--main/Bustle.hs (renamed from Bustle.hs)0
2 files changed, 33 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/bustle.cabal b/bustle.cabal
index 32cd1bf..b1d43ee 100644
--- a/bustle.cabal
+++ b/bustle.cabal
@@ -76,9 +76,25 @@ Flag threaded
Description: Build with the multi-threaded runtime
Default: True
+common shared-properties
+ default-language: Haskell2010
+ Ghc-options: -Wall
+ -fno-warn-unused-do-bind
Executable bustle
+ import: shared-properties
Main-is: Bustle.hs
- Other-modules: Bustle.Application.Monad
+ hs-source-dirs: main
+ Build-Depends: bustle-internal
+ if flag(threaded)
+ ghc-options: -threaded
+ Build-Depends: base
+ , glib
+Library bustle-internal
+ import: shared-properties
+ Exposed-modules: Bustle.Application.Monad
, Bustle.Diagram
, Bustle.GDBusMessage
, Bustle.GVariant
@@ -106,11 +122,6 @@ Executable bustle
, Bustle.Util
, Paths_bustle
autogen-modules: Paths_bustle
- default-language: Haskell2010
- Ghc-options: -Wall
- -fno-warn-unused-do-bind
- if flag(threaded)
- ghc-options: -threaded
C-sources: c-sources/pcap-reader.c
, c-sources/pcap-monitor.c
cc-options: -fPIC -g
@@ -144,106 +155,43 @@ Executable bustle
, src-no-hgettext
Executable dump-messages
+ import: shared-properties
if flag(InteractiveTests)
buildable: True
buildable: False
- main-is: Test/DumpMessages.hs
- default-language: Haskell2010
- Build-Depends: base
- , bytestring
- , containers
- , mtl
- , text
- , transformers
- if flag(hgettext)
- Build-Depends: hgettext >= 0.1.5
- , setlocale
- other-modules: GetText_bustle
- autogen-modules: GetText_bustle
- hs-source-dirs: .
- , src-hgettext
- else
- hs-source-dirs: .
- , src-no-hgettext
+ hs-source-dirs: Test
+ main-is: DumpMessages.hs
+ Build-Depends: bustle-internal
Test-suite test-pcap-crash
+ import: shared-properties
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
- main-is: Test/PcapCrash.hs
- other-modules: Bustle.GDBusMessage
- , Bustle.GVariant
- , Bustle.Loader.Pcap
- , Bustle.Reader
- , Bustle.Translation
- , Bustle.Types
- default-language: Haskell2010
+ hs-source-dirs: Test
+ main-is: PcapCrash.hs
Build-Depends: base
- , bytestring
- , containers
- , glib
- , mtl
- , text
- , transformers
- C-sources: c-sources/pcap-reader.c
- pkgconfig-depends: glib-2.0 >= 2.54,
- gio-unix-2.0
- extra-libraries: pcap
- if flag(hgettext)
- Build-Depends: hgettext >= 0.1.5
- , setlocale
- other-modules: GetText_bustle
- autogen-modules: GetText_bustle
- hs-source-dirs: .
- , src-hgettext
- else
- hs-source-dirs: .
- , src-no-hgettext
+ , bustle-internal
Test-suite test-regions
+ import: shared-properties
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
- main-is: Test/Regions.hs
- other-modules: Bustle.Regions
- default-language: Haskell2010
+ hs-source-dirs: Test
+ main-is: Regions.hs
Build-Depends: base
+ , bustle-internal
, QuickCheck
Test-suite test-renderer
+ import: shared-properties
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
- main-is: Test/Renderer.hs
- other-modules: Bustle.Diagram
- , Bustle.GDBusMessage
- , Bustle.GVariant
- , Bustle.Marquee
- , Bustle.Regions
- , Bustle.Renderer
- , Bustle.Translation
- , Bustle.Types
- , Bustle.Util
- default-language: Haskell2010
+ hs-source-dirs: Test
+ main-is: Renderer.hs
Build-Depends: base
- , cairo
+ , bustle-internal
, containers
- , directory
- , filepath
- , glib
- , gtk3
, mtl
- , text
- , pango
, test-framework
, test-framework-hunit
, transformers
, HUnit
- if flag(hgettext)
- Build-Depends: hgettext >= 0.1.5
- , setlocale
- other-modules: GetText_bustle
- autogen-modules: GetText_bustle
- hs-source-dirs: .
- , src-hgettext
- else
- hs-source-dirs: .
- , src-no-hgettext
diff --git a/Bustle.hs b/main/Bustle.hs
index 0236569..0236569 100644
--- a/Bustle.hs
+++ b/main/Bustle.hs