BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
OCL20OCL20: add device enqueue test case.Yang Rong8 years
Release_v0.9.xutests: fix bugs in builtin_tgamma().Rebecca Palmer10 years
Release_v1.0build: use EXECUTE_PROCESS to replace the deprecated EXEC_PROGRAM.Zhigang Gong9 years
Release_v1.1Bump version to 1.1.1Yang Rong9 years
Release_v1.2Bump version to 1.2.1.Yang Rong8 years
Release_v1.3Bump version to 1.3.2.Yang Rong7 years
masterAllow creating out-of-order queues with clCreateCommandQueueRebecca N. Palmer6 years
newRTImplement printf for new runtime.Junyan He7 years
Release_v1.3.2commit 5aba95a3ec...Yang Rong7 years
Release_v1.3.1commit 8bd8c3ac82...Yang Rong8 years
Release_v1.3.0commit c8b47b1737...Yang Rong8 years
Release_v1.2.1commit 097365ed1a...Yang Rong8 years
Release_v1.2.0commit 765189bbed...Yang Rong8 years
Release_v1.1.2commit 63cf52709c...Yang Rong9 years
Release_v1.1.1commit 6be1a61e21...Yang Rong9 years
Release_v1.1.0commit 8a611cb1b5...Yang Rong9 years
Release_v1.0.3commit e4246738e9...Zhigang Gong10 years
Release_v1.0.2commit a9b7d484ed...Zhigang Gong10 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2014-02-12Bump to version 0.8.0.Release_v0.8Zhigang Gong3-3/+13
2014-02-12Docs: fix some markdown errors and add some new info.Zhigang Gong1-16/+46
2014-02-12Fix build errors in llvm3.5 only system.Yang Rong3-2/+15
2014-02-11Fix the cmake problem in FindLLVM.Zhigang Gong1-1/+1
2014-02-11Update document for LLVM/Clang 3.5.Zhigang Gong2-5/+10
2014-02-11GBE: fixed the unsafe tmpnam_r.Zhigang Gong1-4/+8
2014-02-11Silent compilation warning in sampler functions.Zhigang Gong3-21/+13
2014-02-11Add clang/LLVM 3.5svn support.Zhigang Gong5-8/+38
2014-02-10Make build compatible with Python 2.6Jon Nordby2-18/+18
2014-02-08Fix the problem by kernel file open in utestJunyan He1-1/+1