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authorTim-Philipp Müller <>2012-08-08 14:49:23 +0100
committerTim-Philipp Müller <>2013-09-05 16:51:23 +0100
commit76fc67b18c38e7f6c9cfacc4e4d0ed11d3b2c548 (patch)
parent60516f4798894f958fc53b470e1283318d0f8706 (diff)
tests: remove silly test_fail_abstract_new check0.10
Our check would make sure that GLib segfaults when someone tries to instantiate an abstract type, which is an extremely useful thing to check for. In newer GLibs this is fixed and we get an abort with a g_error() now it seems, so let's just remove this check entirely.
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/tests/check/gst/gstobject.c b/tests/check/gst/gstobject.c
index d5956db31..e338f491c 100644
--- a/tests/check/gst/gstobject.c
+++ b/tests/check/gst/gstobject.c
@@ -72,19 +72,6 @@ gst_fake_object_get_type (void)
return fake_object_type;
-#ifndef HAVE_OSX
-/* g_object_new on abstract GstObject should fail */
-GST_START_TEST (test_fail_abstract_new)
- GstObject *object;
- ASSERT_CRITICAL (object = g_object_new (gst_object_get_type (), NULL));
- fail_unless (object == NULL, "Created an instance of abstract GstObject");
/* g_object_new on GstFakeObject should succeed */
GST_START_TEST (test_fake_object_new)
@@ -529,18 +516,6 @@ gst_object_suite (void)
tcase_add_test (tc_chain, test_fake_object_has_ancestor);
//tcase_add_checked_fixture (tc_chain, setup, teardown);
- /* FIXME: GLib shouldn't crash here, but issue a warning and return a NULL
- * object, or at least g_error() and then abort properly ... (tpm) */
-#ifndef HAVE_OSX
- /* Disabled for OS/X because a) it's a pretty silly test anyway and
- * b) different OS/X versions raise different signals and it isn't worth
- * the effort to try and detect which one should be producing which
- */
- /* SEGV tests go last so we can debug the others */
- if (g_getenv ("CK_FORK") == NULL || strcmp (g_getenv ("CK_FORK"), "no") != 0)
- tcase_add_test_raise_signal (tc_chain, test_fail_abstract_new, SIGSEGV);
return s;