path: root/build-scripts
diff options
authorDavid Ludwig <>2015-12-01 22:07:24 -0500
committerDavid Ludwig <>2015-12-01 22:07:24 -0500
commit974f532eb7d7e102377eb072d4e784464d2c32b8 (patch)
treeca6cb114711388f794449e9b19e0384722922ae2 /build-scripts
parentf1d3b820924eeeaea2484bf5c9fd7ff60d8ac543 (diff)
WinRT: added NuGet-package creation support to WinRT build script
Diffstat (limited to 'build-scripts')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/build-scripts/winrtbuild.ps1 b/build-scripts/winrtbuild.ps1
index d4e6052c56..a218b9d624 100644
--- a/build-scripts/winrtbuild.ps1
+++ b/build-scripts/winrtbuild.ps1
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
# "ARM", or "x64" (for 64-bit x86).
+# Base version of SDL, used for packaging purposes
+$SDLVersion = "2.0.4"
# Gets the .bat file that sets up an MSBuild environment, given one of
# Visual Studio's, "PlatformToolset"s.
@@ -165,7 +167,7 @@ function Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant
$VSProjectName = Get-VS-ProjectName $VSProjectPath
# Where to place output binaries (.dll, .lib, and .pdb files):
- $OutDir = "$PSScriptRoot\..\VisualC-WinRT\lib\$PlatformToolset\$Platform"
+ $OutDir = "$PSScriptRoot\..\VisualC-WinRT\lib\$(Get-SDL-WinRT-Variant-Name $PlatformToolset)\$Platform"
# Where to place intermediate build files:
$IntermediateDir = "$PSScriptRoot\..\VisualC-WinRT\obj\$SDLProjectName-$(Get-SDL-WinRT-Variant-Name $PlatformToolset)\$Platform"
@@ -206,35 +208,87 @@ function Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant
# Build each variant, with corresponding .dll, .lib, and .pdb files:
-$DidAnyFail = $false
+$DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $false
+$DidAnyNugetBuildFail = $false
# Build for Windows Phone 8.0, via VC++ 2012:
-if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v110_wp80" "ARM")) { $DidAnyFail = $true }
-if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v110_wp80" "Win32")) { $DidAnyFail = $true }
+if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v110_wp80" "ARM")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
+if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v110_wp80" "Win32")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
# Build for Windows Phone 8.1, via VC++ 2013:
-if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v120_wp81" "ARM")) { $DidAnyFail = $true }
-if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v120_wp81" "Win32")) { $DidAnyFail = $true }
+if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v120_wp81" "ARM")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
+if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v120_wp81" "Win32")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
# Build for Windows 8.0 and Windows RT 8.0, via VC++ 2012:
-if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v110" "ARM")) { $DidAnyFail = $true }
-if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v110" "Win32")) { $DidAnyFail = $true }
-if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v110" "x64")) { $DidAnyFail = $true }
+if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v110" "ARM")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
+if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v110" "Win32")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
+if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v110" "x64")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
# Build for Windows 8.1 and Windows RT 8.1, via VC++ 2013:
-if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v120" "ARM")) { $DidAnyFail = $true }
-if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v120" "Win32")) { $DidAnyFail = $true }
-if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v120" "x64")) { $DidAnyFail = $true }
+if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v120" "ARM")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
+if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v120" "Win32")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
+if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v120" "x64")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
# Build for Windows 10, via VC++ 2015
-if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v140" "ARM")) { $DidAnyFail = $true }
-if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v140" "Win32")) { $DidAnyFail = $true }
-if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v140" "x64")) { $DidAnyFail = $true }
+if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v140" "ARM")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
+if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v140" "Win32")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
+if ( ! (Build-SDL-WinRT-Variant "SDL" "v140" "x64")) { $DidAnyDLLBuildFail = $true }
+# Build NuGet packages, if possible
+if ($DidAnyDLLBuildFail -eq $true) {
+ Write-Warning -Message "Unable to build all variants. NuGet packages will not be built."
+ $DidAnyNugetBuildFail = $true
+} else {
+ $NugetPath = (Get-Command -CommandType Application nuget.exe | %{$_.Path}) 2> $null
+ if ("$NugetPath" -eq "") {
+ Write-Warning -Message "Unable to find nuget.exe. NuGet packages will not be built."
+ $DidAnyNugetBuildFail = $true
+ } else {
+ Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Building SDL2 NuGet packages..."
+ Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "... via NuGet install: $NugetPath"
+ $NugetOutputDir = "$PSScriptRoot\..\VisualC-WinRT\lib\nuget"
+ Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "... output directory: $NugetOutputDir"
+ $SDLHGRevision = $($(hg log -l 1 | select-string "changeset") -Replace "changeset:\W*(\d+).*",'$1') 2>$null
+ Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "... HG Revision: $SDLHGRevision"
+ # Base options to nuget.exe
+ $NugetOptions = @("pack", "PACKAGE_NAME_WILL_GO_HERE", "-Output", "$NugetOutputDir")
+ # Try attaching hg revision to NuGet package:
+ $NugetOptions += "-Version"
+ if ("$SDLHGRevision" -eq "") {
+ Write-Warning -Message "Unable to find the Mercurial revision (maybe hg.exe can't be found?). NuGet packages will not have this attached to their name."
+ $NugetOptions += "$SDLVersion-Unofficial"
+ } else {
+ $NugetOptions += "$SDLVersion.$SDLHGRevision-Unofficial"
+ }
+ # Create NuGet output dir, if not yet created:
+ if ($(Test-Path "$NugetOutputDir") -eq $false) {
+ New-Item "$NugetOutputDir" -type directory
+ }
+ # Package SDL2:
+ $NugetOptions[1] = "$PSScriptRoot\..\VisualC-WinRT\SDL2-WinRT.nuspec"
+ &"$NugetPath" $NugetOptions -Symbols
+ if ( ! $? ) { $DidAnyNugetBuildFail = $true }
+ # Package SDL2main:
+ $NugetOptions[1] = "$PSScriptRoot\..\VisualC-WinRT\SDL2main-WinRT-CoreWindow.nuspec"
+ &"$NugetPath" $NugetOptions
+ if ( ! $? ) { $DidAnyNugetBuildFail = $true }
+ }
# Let the script's caller know whether or not any errors occurred.
# Exit codes compatible with Buildbot are used (1 for error, 0 for success).
-if ($DidAnyFail -eq $true) {
+if ($DidAnyDLLBuildFail -eq $true) {
+ Write-Error -Message "Unable to build all known variants of SDL2 for WinRT"
exit 1
+} elseif ($DidAnyNugetBuildFail -eq $true) {
+ Write-Warning -Message "Unable to build NuGet packages"
+ exit 0 # Should NuGet package build failure lead to a non-failing result code instead?
} else {
exit 0