path: root/clients/cairo-util.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'clients/cairo-util.c')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 344 deletions
diff --git a/clients/cairo-util.c b/clients/cairo-util.c
index 4257590..1f8d307 100644
--- a/clients/cairo-util.c
+++ b/clients/cairo-util.c
@@ -31,12 +31,7 @@
#include <cairo.h>
#include "cairo-util.h"
-#include <jpeglib.h>
-#include <png.h>
-#ifdef HAVE_WEBP
-#include <webp/decode.h>
+#include "../shared/config-parser.h"
#define ARRAY_LENGTH(a) (sizeof (a) / sizeof (a)[0])
@@ -297,344 +292,19 @@ rounded_rect(cairo_t *cr, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int radius)
-static void
-swizzle_row(JSAMPLE *row, JDIMENSION width)
- uint32_t *d;
- s = row + (width - 1) * 3;
- d = (uint32_t *) (row + (width - 1) * 4);
- while (s >= row) {
- *d = 0xff000000 | (s[0] << 16) | (s[1] << 8) | (s[2] << 0);
- s -= 3;
- d--;
- }
-static void
-error_exit(j_common_ptr cinfo)
- longjmp(cinfo->client_data, 1);
-static cairo_surface_t *
-load_jpeg(FILE *fp)
- struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
- struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
- int stride, i, first;
- JSAMPLE *data, *rows[4];
- jmp_buf env;
- cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
- jerr.error_exit = error_exit;
- cinfo.client_data = env;
- if (setjmp(env))
- return NULL;
- jpeg_create_decompress(&cinfo);
- jpeg_stdio_src(&cinfo, fp);
- jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE);
- cinfo.out_color_space = JCS_RGB;
- jpeg_start_decompress(&cinfo);
- stride = cairo_format_stride_for_width(CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24,
- cinfo.output_width);
- data = malloc(stride * cinfo.output_height);
- if (data == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "couldn't allocate image data\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height) {
- first = cinfo.output_scanline;
- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(rows); i++)
- rows[i] = data + (first + i) * stride;
- jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, rows, ARRAY_LENGTH(rows));
- for (i = 0; first + i < cinfo.output_scanline; i++)
- swizzle_row(rows[i], cinfo.output_width);
- }
- jpeg_finish_decompress(&cinfo);
- jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo);
- return cairo_image_surface_create_for_data (data,
- cinfo.output_width,
- cinfo.output_height,
- stride);
-static inline int
-multiply_alpha(int alpha, int color)
- int temp = (alpha * color) + 0x80;
- return ((temp + (temp >> 8)) >> 8);
-static void
-premultiply_data(png_structp png,
- png_row_infop row_info,
- png_bytep data)
- unsigned int i;
- png_bytep p;
- for (i = 0, p = data; i < row_info->rowbytes; i += 4, p += 4) {
- png_byte alpha = p[3];
- uint32_t w;
- if (alpha == 0) {
- w = 0;
- } else {
- png_byte red = p[0];
- png_byte green = p[1];
- png_byte blue = p[2];
- if (alpha != 0xff) {
- red = multiply_alpha(alpha, red);
- green = multiply_alpha(alpha, green);
- blue = multiply_alpha(alpha, blue);
- }
- w = (alpha << 24) | (red << 16) | (green << 8) | (blue << 0);
- }
- * (uint32_t *) p = w;
- }
-static void
-read_func(png_structp png, png_bytep data, png_size_t size)
- FILE *fp = png_get_io_ptr(png);
- if (fread(data, 1, size, fp) < 0)
- png_error(png, NULL);
-static void
-png_error_callback(png_structp png, png_const_charp error_msg)
- longjmp (png_jmpbuf (png), 1);
-static cairo_surface_t *
-load_png(FILE *fp)
- png_struct *png;
- png_info *info;
- png_byte *data = NULL;
- png_byte **row_pointers = NULL;
- png_uint_32 width, height;
- int depth, color_type, interlace, stride;
- unsigned int i;
- png = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL,
- png_error_callback, NULL);
- if (!png)
- return NULL;
- info = png_create_info_struct(png);
- if (!info) {
- png_destroy_read_struct(&png, &info, NULL);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png))) {
- if (data)
- free(data);
- if (row_pointers)
- free(row_pointers);
- png_destroy_read_struct(&png, &info, NULL);
- return NULL;
- }
- png_set_read_fn(png, fp, read_func);
- png_read_info(png, info);
- png_get_IHDR(png, info,
- &width, &height, &depth,
- &color_type, &interlace, NULL, NULL);
- if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE)
- png_set_palette_to_rgb(png);
- if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY)
- png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8(png);
- if (png_get_valid(png, info, PNG_INFO_tRNS))
- png_set_tRNS_to_alpha(png);
- if (depth == 16)
- png_set_strip_16(png);
- if (depth < 8)
- png_set_packing(png);
- if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY ||
- color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA)
- png_set_gray_to_rgb(png);
- if (interlace != PNG_INTERLACE_NONE)
- png_set_interlace_handling(png);
- png_set_filler(png, 0xff, PNG_FILLER_AFTER);
- png_set_read_user_transform_fn(png, premultiply_data);
- png_read_update_info(png, info);
- png_get_IHDR(png, info,
- &width, &height, &depth,
- &color_type, &interlace, NULL, NULL);
- stride = cairo_format_stride_for_width(CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, width);
- data = malloc(stride * height);
- if (!data) {
- png_destroy_read_struct(&png, &info, NULL);
- return NULL;
- }
- row_pointers = malloc(height * sizeof row_pointers[0]);
- if (row_pointers == NULL) {
- free(data);
- png_destroy_read_struct(&png, &info, NULL);
- return NULL;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < height; i++)
- row_pointers[i] = &data[i * stride];
- png_read_image(png, row_pointers);
- png_read_end(png, info);
- free(row_pointers);
- png_destroy_read_struct(&png, &info, NULL);
- return cairo_image_surface_create_for_data (data,
- width, height, stride);
-#ifdef HAVE_WEBP
-static cairo_surface_t *
-load_webp(FILE *fp)
- WebPDecoderConfig config;
- uint8_t buffer[16 * 1024];
- int len;
- VP8StatusCode status;
- WebPIDecoder *idec;
- if (!WebPInitDecoderConfig(&config)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Library version mismatch!\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* webp decoding api doesn't seem to specify a min size that's
- usable for GetFeatures, but 256 works... */
- len = fread(buffer, 1, 256, fp);
- status = WebPGetFeatures(buffer, len, &config.input);
- if (status != VP8_STATUS_OK) {
- fprintf(stderr, "failed to parse webp header\n");
- WebPFreeDecBuffer(&config.output);
- return NULL;
- }
- config.output.colorspace = MODE_BGRA;
- config.output.u.RGBA.stride =
- cairo_format_stride_for_width(CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24,
- config.input.width);
- config.output.u.RGBA.size =
- config.output.u.RGBA.stride * config.input.height;
- config.output.u.RGBA.rgba =
- malloc(config.output.u.RGBA.stride * config.input.height);
- config.output.is_external_memory = 1;
- if (!config.output.u.RGBA.rgba) {
- WebPFreeDecBuffer(&config.output);
- return NULL;
- }
- rewind(fp);
- idec = WebPINewDecoder(&config.output);
- if (!idec) {
- WebPFreeDecBuffer(&config.output);
- return NULL;
- }
- while (!feof(fp)) {
- len = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof buffer, fp);
- status = WebPIAppend(idec, buffer, len);
- if (status != VP8_STATUS_OK) {
- fprintf(stderr, "webp decode status %d\n", status);
- WebPIDelete(idec);
- WebPFreeDecBuffer(&config.output);
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- WebPIDelete(idec);
- WebPFreeDecBuffer(&config.output);
- return cairo_image_surface_create_for_data (config.output.u.RGBA.rgba,
- config.input.width,
- config.input.height,
- config.output.u.RGBA.stride);
-struct image_loader {
- char header[4];
- int header_size;
- cairo_surface_t *(*load)(FILE *fp);
-static const struct image_loader loaders[] = {
- { { 0x89, 'P', 'N', 'G' }, 4, load_png },
- { { 0xff, 0xd8 }, 2, load_jpeg },
-#ifdef HAVE_WEBP
- { { 'R', 'I', 'F', 'F' }, 4, load_webp }
cairo_surface_t *
-load_image(const char *filename)
+load_cairo_surface(const char *filename)
- cairo_surface_t *surface;
- unsigned char header[4];
- FILE *fp;
- int i;
- fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
- if (fp == NULL)
- return NULL;
- fread(header, sizeof header, 1, fp);
- rewind(fp);
- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(loaders); i++) {
- if (memcmp(header, loaders[i].header,
- loaders[i].header_size) == 0) {
- surface = loaders[i].load(fp);
- break;
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- if (i == ARRAY_LENGTH(loaders)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "unrecognized file header for %s: "
- "0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x\n",
- filename, header[0], header[1], header[2], header[3]);
- surface = NULL;
- }
- return surface;
+ pixman_image_t *image;
+ int width, height, stride;
+ void *data;
+ image = load_image(filename);
+ data = pixman_image_get_data(image);
+ width = pixman_image_get_width(image);
+ height = pixman_image_get_height(image);
+ stride = pixman_image_get_stride(image);
+ return cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(data, CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,
+ width, height, stride);