path: root/tt.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tt.hs')
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/tt.hs b/tt.hs
index 88755f9..7f1792c 100755
--- a/tt.hs
+++ b/tt.hs
@@ -8,19 +8,58 @@ import System.Directory ( doesFileExist
import Data.List (intercalate, stripPrefix, isSuffixOf)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
-import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Monad (when, filterM)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.Posix.Process (executeFile)
-data Command = PrintTestDirectory
- | RunTests
type Flag = String
-type Option = Either Command Flag
+{- Command line argument definitions and parsing -}
+data Options = Options { printTestDirectory :: Bool
+ , makeFlags :: [Flag]
+ }
+type OptionTransformer = Options -> Options
+defaultOptions :: Options
+defaultOptions = Options { printTestDirectory = False
+ , makeFlags = []
+ }
+setPrintTestDirectory :: OptionTransformer
+setPrintTestDirectory opts = opts { printTestDirectory = True }
+addFlag :: Flag -> OptionTransformer
+addFlag f opts = opts { makeFlags = makeFlags opts ++ [f] }
+dialects :: String -> OptionTransformer
+dialects = addFlag . ("JINGLE_DIALECTS=" ++)
+simpleOption :: Char -> String -> Flag -> OptDescr OptionTransformer
+simpleOption c s f = Option [c] [s] (NoArg (addFlag f)) ("set " ++ f)
+optionDefinitions :: [OptDescr OptionTransformer]
+optionDefinitions =
+ [ simpleOption 'v' "verbose" "CHECK_TWISTED_VERBOSE=1"
+ , simpleOption 'V' "valgrind" "GABBLE_TEST_VALGRIND=1"
+ , Option ['d'] ["dialects"] (ReqArg dialects "DIALECTS")
+ , Option ['p'] ["print-test-directory"]
+ (NoArg setPrintTestDirectory)
+ "Print the path to the directory containing tests"
+ ]
+parseOptions :: [String] -> (Options, [String], [String])
+parseOptions args = (options, tests, errors)
+ where
+ (transformers, tests, errors) = getOpt RequireOrder optionDefinitions args
+ options = foldr (.) id transformers defaultOptions
+header :: String
+header = "Usage: tt [-v] [-V] [-d DIALECTS] [tests...]"
+{- Building and execution of a `make check-twisted` invocation -}
runTests :: FilePath -> String -> Bool -> [String] -> [Flag] -> IO ()
runTests testDir testVar inTree tests flags = do
let buildPaths = expand testDir inTree . unprefix testDir
@@ -50,25 +89,7 @@ expand testDir inTree s
(map (s ++) . filter isPython) <$> getDirectoryContents dir
| otherwise = return [s ++ ".py"]
-dialects :: String -> Option
-dialects = Right . ("JINGLE_DIALECTS=" ++)
-simpleOption :: Char -> String -> Flag -> OptDescr Option
-simpleOption c s f = Option [c] [s] (NoArg (Right f)) ("set " ++ f)
-options :: [OptDescr Option]
-options = [ simpleOption 'v' "verbose" "CHECK_TWISTED_VERBOSE=1"
- , simpleOption 'V' "valgrind" "GABBLE_TEST_VALGRIND=1"
- , Option ['d'] ["dialects"] (ReqArg dialects "DIALECTS")
- , Option ['p'] ["print-test-directory"]
- (NoArg (Left PrintTestDirectory))
- "Print the path to the directory containing tests"
- ]
-header :: String
-header = "Usage: tt [-v] [-V] [-d DIALECTS] [tests...]"
+{- Stupid project-specific crap detection -}
iFuckingHateMissionControl :: IO (Maybe String)
iFuckingHateMissionControl = do
let dirs = [ ("mission-control-plugins", "TWISTED_BASIC_TESTS")
@@ -79,19 +100,20 @@ iFuckingHateMissionControl = do
main :: IO ()
main = do
- (commandAndFlags, tests, errors) <- getOpt RequireOrder options <$> getArgs
- when (not $ null errors) $ do
- ioError (userError (concat errors ++ usageInfo header options))
+ args <- getArgs
+ let (options, tests, errors) = parseOptions args
- let (commands, flags) = partitionEithers commandAndFlags
+ when (not $ null errors) $ do
+ ioError (userError (concat errors ++
+ usageInfo header optionDefinitions))
inTree <- doesFileExist "configure"
iReallyDo <- iFuckingHateMissionControl
case iReallyDo of
Just testVar -> do
- case head (commands ++ [RunTests]) of
- RunTests -> runTests "tests/twisted/" testVar inTree tests flags
- PrintTestDirectory ->
- putStrLn $ (if inTree then "." else "..") </> "tests/twisted"
+ if printTestDirectory options
+ then putStrLn $ (if inTree then "." else "..") </> "tests/twisted"
+ else runTests "tests/twisted/" testVar inTree tests
+ (makeFlags options)
Nothing -> ioError (userError "no tests here :'(")