path: root/ubuntu-jenkins
diff options
authorHenrik Jensen <>2011-08-10 22:56:50 +0100
committerBjoern Michaelsen <>2011-08-15 09:30:28 +0200
commit021fac37ddcdb1d00617bca334ca4cd688c0750e (patch)
treea651013902760f9f2d49a7bf993fd7e7efd38612 /ubuntu-jenkins
parent0904f09a9bcdcc30784a534b4f6a6e61ee13bd1b (diff)
Series of fixes and migration to One Git for contrib/dev-tools/ubuntu-jenkins
Patches licensed under LGPLv3+/MPL 1.1 ( or what ever Bjoern Michaelsen prefers :-) ) A series of 7 suggested patches to fix some bugs and migrate to One Git in Bjoern MichaelsenĀ  Jenkins Continuous Integration Serversetup found in contrib/dev-tools/ubuntu-jenkins Patch descriptions: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0001-Bugfix-Prevent-redundant-tarfile-downloads.patch Bugfix: Prevent redundant tarfile downloads. './download' sources '', not '',so we must add '' to '' after first './' run. I speculate if this is an artifact of the cloning from the master and "down-branching" to 3-4 !!!? - Maybe ./download should be called after the second though I can't yet see through the consequences of that? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0002-Bugfix-x86-processor-architecture-agnostic.patch Bugfix: x86 processor architecture agnostic. Checks if 2nd. run of '' has generated '' or '' and use the appropriate one. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugfix: Using the new '' in libreoffice-master instead of hardcoding '' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0004-Bugfix-libreoffice-master-job-needs-a-make-before-ma.patch Bugfix: 'libreoffice-master' job needs a 'make' before 'make dev-install' 'dev-install' has dependencies to the 'all' target but it's not reflected in the lo-root makefile. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0005-Migrate-to-One-Git-keep-possibility-for-3-4-build.patch Migrate to One Git, keep possibility for 3-4 build. - Cloning from 'repo-mirror/core.git' for 'libreoffice-master'. - Cloning from 'repo-mirror-pre-one-git/bootstrap.git' for 'libreoffice-3-4'. - Adding a 'repo-mirror-pre-one-git' to still support the 'libreoffice-3-4' job - Disable cron schedule for the new (old) 'repo-mirror-pre-one-git'. Adding 2 repo-mirrors to support both the new master and the 'libreoffice-3-4' seems a bit unnecessary, but as I understand from asking on #libreoffice-dev the new one-git master can't be used to checkout libreoffice.3.4. Also tried a './g checkout libreoffice-3-4' on the new one-git repo Output: "error: pathspec 'libreoffice-3-4' did not match any file(s) known to git." A solution might be to only mirror the old locked remote master gits and locally use the conversion script located in '' to create a new copy and then 'git fetch --all --tags' to update it to the newest? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0006-Using-the-JENKINS_HOME-variable.patch Using the ${JENKINS_HOME} variable Using the ${JENKINS_HOME} variable instead of hardcoding to the '~/.jenkins' path This commit sets up an easier transition to a more generalized install procedure see: and for the ${JENKINS_HOME} variable --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0007-Install-Jenkins-in-current-dir-instead-of-.jenkins.patch Install Jenkins in current dir in stead of ~/.jenkins Let Jenkins be installed in current dir instead of force to '~/.jenkins' '' now creates a '' with the appropriate startup arguments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TODO: - Add the ccache lines to './' command line instead of concatenating to '' - Let installer choose between installing Jenkins default dir ('~/.jenkins') or current dir. --Henrik Jensen (HenrikJ on #libreoffice-dev) From f82ffb467f01f23adc1a6afc348790108d8b6ada Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Henrik Jensen <> Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2011 20:40:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 1/7] Bugfix: Prevent redundant tarfile downloads. './download' sources '', not '',so we must add '' to '' after first './' run. I speculate if this is an artifact of the cloning from the master and "down-branching" to 3-4 !!!? - Maybe ./download should be called after the second though I can't yet see through the consequences of that?
Diffstat (limited to 'ubuntu-jenkins')
6 files changed, 85 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/ubuntu-jenkins/jobs/libreoffice-3-4/config.xml b/ubuntu-jenkins/jobs/libreoffice-3-4/config.xml
index abd9ffe..b1981ac 100644
--- a/ubuntu-jenkins/jobs/libreoffice-3-4/config.xml
+++ b/ubuntu-jenkins/jobs/libreoffice-3-4/config.xml
@@ -13,26 +13,32 @@
- <command>BASEURL=`readlink -f ${WORKSPACE}/../../repo-mirror/workspace/`
+ <command>BASEURL=`readlink -f ${WORKSPACE}/../../repo-mirror-pre-one-git/workspace/`
[ -d ${WORKSPACE}/.git ] || git clone ${BASEURL}/bootstrap.git ${WORKSPACE}
git pull
-./ --disable-mozilla --disable-binfilter --with-junit=${HOME}/.jenkins/junit-4.9b2.jar --with-num-cpus=4 --with-max-jobs=4
-cat ${HOME}/.jenkins/ &gt;&gt;
+./ --disable-mozilla --disable-binfilter --with-junit=${JENKINS_HOME}/junit-4.9b2.jar --with-num-cpus=4 --with-max-jobs=4
+cat ${JENKINS_HOME}/ &gt;&gt;
./g checkout libreoffice-3-4
-./ --disable-mozilla --disable-binfilter --with-junit=${HOME}/.jenkins/junit-4.9b2.jar --with-num-cpus=4 --with-max-jobs=4
-cat ${HOME}/.jenkins/ &gt;&gt;
-echo &apos;export CC=&quot;ccache gcc&quot;&apos; &gt;&gt;
-echo &apos;export CXX=&quot;ccache g++&quot;&apos; &gt;&gt;
-echo &quot;export CCACHE_BASEDIR=\&quot;${WORKSPACE}\&quot;&quot; &gt;&gt;
+./ --disable-mozilla --disable-binfilter --with-junit=${JENKINS_HOME}/junit-4.9b2.jar --with-num-cpus=4 --with-max-jobs=4
+if [ -e ]
+cat ${JENKINS_HOME}/ &gt;&gt; $ENV_SET_SH
+echo &apos;export CC=&quot;ccache gcc&quot;&apos; &gt;&gt; $ENV_SET_SH
+echo &apos;export CXX=&quot;ccache g++&quot;&apos; &gt;&gt; $ENV_SET_SH
+echo &quot;export CCACHE_BASEDIR=\&quot;${WORKSPACE}\&quot;&quot; &gt;&gt; $ENV_SET_SH
./g stash save
./g pull -r
./g -f stash pop
./g branch -v
#./g --set-push-user YOURUSERNAMEHERE
-. $WORKSPACE/ &amp;&amp; cd $SOLARSRC/instsetoo_native &amp;&amp; $SOLARENV/bin/ --all -P4 -- -P4
-. $WORKSPACE/ &amp;&amp; cd $SOLARSRC/smoketestoo_native &amp;&amp; dmake localinstall
-. $WORKSPACE/ &amp;&amp; cd $WORKSPACE &amp;&amp; $SOLARENV/bin/subsequenttests -j10 -l9 -k
+. $WORKSPACE/$ENV_SET_SH &amp;&amp; cd $SOLARSRC/instsetoo_native &amp;&amp; $SOLARENV/bin/ --all -P4 -- -P4
+. $WORKSPACE/$ENV_SET_SH &amp;&amp; cd $SOLARSRC/smoketestoo_native &amp;&amp; dmake localinstall
+. $WORKSPACE/$ENV_SET_SH &amp;&amp; cd $WORKSPACE &amp;&amp; $SOLARENV/bin/subsequenttests -j10 -l9 -k
diff --git a/ubuntu-jenkins/jobs/libreoffice-master/config.xml b/ubuntu-jenkins/jobs/libreoffice-master/config.xml
index b75b187..62c4bf7 100644
--- a/ubuntu-jenkins/jobs/libreoffice-master/config.xml
+++ b/ubuntu-jenkins/jobs/libreoffice-master/config.xml
@@ -14,21 +14,22 @@
<command>BASEURL=`readlink -f ${WORKSPACE}/../../repo-mirror/workspace/`
-[ -d ${WORKSPACE}/.git ] || git clone ${BASEURL}/bootstrap.git ${WORKSPACE}
+[ -d ${WORKSPACE}/.git ] || git clone ${BASEURL}/core.git ${WORKSPACE}
git pull
-./ --disable-mozilla --disable-binfilter --with-junit=${HOME}/.jenkins/junit-4.9b2.jar --with-num-cpus=4 --with-max-jobs=4
-cat ${HOME}/.jenkins/ &gt;&gt;
-echo &apos;export CC=&quot;ccache gcc&quot;&apos; &gt;&gt;
-echo &apos;export CXX=&quot;ccache g++&quot;&apos; &gt;&gt;
-echo &quot;export CCACHE_BASEDIR=\&quot;${WORKSPACE}\&quot;&quot; &gt;&gt;
+./ --disable-mozilla --disable-binfilter --with-junit=${JENKINS_HOME}/junit-4.9b2.jar --with-num-cpus=4 --with-max-jobs=4
+cat ${JENKINS_HOME}/ &gt;&gt;
+echo &apos;export CC=&quot;ccache gcc&quot;&apos; &gt;&gt;
+echo &apos;export CXX=&quot;ccache g++&quot;&apos; &gt;&gt;
+echo &quot;export CCACHE_BASEDIR=\&quot;${WORKSPACE}\&quot;&quot; &gt;&gt;
./g stash save
./g pull -r
./g -f stash pop
./g branch -v
#./g --set-push-user YOURUSERNAMEHERE
-. $WORKSPACE/ &amp;&amp; make dev-install
-. $WORKSPACE/ &amp;&amp; make subsequentcheck -j5 -k -f $WORKSPACE/
+. $WORKSPACE/ &amp;&amp; make
+. $WORKSPACE/ &amp;&amp; make dev-install
+. $WORKSPACE/ &amp;&amp; make subsequentcheck -j5 -k -f $WORKSPACE/
diff --git a/ubuntu-jenkins/jobs/repo-mirror-pre-one-git/config.xml b/ubuntu-jenkins/jobs/repo-mirror-pre-one-git/config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ccc2fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ubuntu-jenkins/jobs/repo-mirror-pre-one-git/config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+ <actions/>
+ <description>sync local LibreOffice repositories for 3.4.x versions</description>
+ <keepDependencies>false</keepDependencies>
+ <properties/>
+ <scm class="hudson.scm.NullSCM"/>
+ <canRoam>true</canRoam>
+ <disabled>false</disabled>
+ <blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding>false</blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding>
+ <blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding>false</blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding>
+ <triggers class="vector"/>
+ <concurrentBuild>false</concurrentBuild>
+ <builders>
+ <hudson.tasks.Shell>
+ <command>#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os
+import os.path
+import subprocess
+workspace = os.environ[&apos;WORKSPACE&apos;]
+baseurl = &apos;git://;
+repos = [&apos;artwork&apos;, &apos;base&apos;, &apos;bootstrap&apos;, &apos;calc&apos;, &apos;components&apos;, &apos;extensions&apos;, &apos;extras&apos;, &apos;filters&apos;, &apos;help&apos;, &apos;impress&apos;, &apos;libs-core&apos;, &apos;libs-extern&apos;, &apos;libs-extern-sys&apos;, &apos;libs-gui&apos;, &apos;postprocess&apos;, &apos;sdk&apos;, &apos;testing&apos;, &apos;ure&apos;, &apos;writer&apos;]
+state = []
+for (repo, repodir) in ((repo, os.path.join(workspace, repo+&apos;.git&apos;)) for repo in repos):
+ if os.path.isdir(repodir):
+ os.chdir(repodir)
+ os.system(&apos;git fetch --all --tags&apos;)
+ else:
+ os.mkdir(repodir)
+ os.system(&apos;git clone --bare --mirror %s%s %s&apos; % (baseurl, repo, repodir))
+ os.chdir(repodir)
+ state.append(&apos;%s:\n&apos; % repo)
+ for line in subprocess.check_output([&apos;git&apos;, &apos;branch&apos;, &apos;--verbose&apos;]).split(&apos;\n&apos;):
+ state.append(&apos; %s\n&apos; % line)
+open(os.path.join(workspace, &apos;gitstate.txt&apos;),&apos;w&apos;).writelines(state)
+ </hudson.tasks.Shell>
+ </builders>
+ <publishers/>
+ <buildWrappers/>
diff --git a/ubuntu-jenkins/jobs/repo-mirror/config.xml b/ubuntu-jenkins/jobs/repo-mirror/config.xml
index 791d028..c329421 100644
--- a/ubuntu-jenkins/jobs/repo-mirror/config.xml
+++ b/ubuntu-jenkins/jobs/repo-mirror/config.xml
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import subprocess
workspace = os.environ[&apos;WORKSPACE&apos;]
baseurl = &apos;git://;
-repos = [&apos;artwork&apos;, &apos;base&apos;, &apos;bootstrap&apos;, &apos;calc&apos;, &apos;components&apos;, &apos;extensions&apos;, &apos;extras&apos;, &apos;filters&apos;, &apos;help&apos;, &apos;impress&apos;, &apos;libs-core&apos;, &apos;libs-extern&apos;, &apos;libs-extern-sys&apos;, &apos;libs-gui&apos;, &apos;postprocess&apos;, &apos;sdk&apos;, &apos;testing&apos;, &apos;ure&apos;, &apos;writer&apos;]
+repos = [ &apos;core&apos;, &apos;binfilter&apos;, &apos;dictionaries&apos;, &apos;help&apos;, &apos;translations&apos;]
state = []
for (repo, repodir) in ((repo, os.path.join(workspace, repo+&apos;.git&apos;)) for repo in repos):
@@ -46,4 +46,5 @@ open(os.path.join(workspace, &apos;gitstate.txt&apos;),&apos;w&apos;).writelines
-</project> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ubuntu-jenkins/jobs/tarfiles/config.xml b/ubuntu-jenkins/jobs/tarfiles/config.xml
index 72986b1..a887b4b 100644
--- a/ubuntu-jenkins/jobs/tarfiles/config.xml
+++ b/ubuntu-jenkins/jobs/tarfiles/config.xml
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
- <command>echo &quot;export TARFILE_LOCATION=\&quot;${WORKSPACE}\&quot;&quot; &gt; ${HOME}/.jenkins/</command>
+ <command>echo &quot;export TARFILE_LOCATION=\&quot;${WORKSPACE}\&quot;&quot; &gt; ${JENKINS_HOME}/</command>
-</project> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ubuntu-jenkins/ b/ubuntu-jenkins/
index 9f0e968..fc7f242 100755
--- a/ubuntu-jenkins/
+++ b/ubuntu-jenkins/
@@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
set -e
-mkdir ${HOME}/.jenkins
-cd ${HOME}/.jenkins
+mkdir jenkins
+cd jenkins
wget --no-check-certificate
git clone git:// dev-tools
mv dev-tools/ubuntu-jenkins/jobs jobs
rm -rf dev-tools
+cd ..
+echo "#!bin/sh" >
+echo "java -DJENKINS_HOME=$(pwd)/jenkins -jar $(pwd)/jenkins/jenkins.war">>
+chmod u+x
echo "done."
-echo "You can start your LibreOffice Ubuntu Jenkins server with: java -jar ~/.jenkins/jenkins.war"
+echo "You can start your LibreOffice Ubuntu Jenkins server with: $(pwd)/"
echo "It will then be running at http://localhost:8080"