AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2016-02-12colortest: for cmdline 256 colors and its codeHEADmasterVictor Toso1-0/+30
This is very useful for me while tweaking my colors in my vim, mutt or terminal. I've only included the line referencing to the original author which is justinabrahms (that is, for this python port)
2016-02-12mbsync: for a cron job to fetch mailsVictor Toso1-0/+43
At the moment this is called every minute but mbsync will fetch once every two minutes some mailbox. Nothing fancy or smart, just wfm.
2016-02-12utils: small set of functions for scriptsVictor Toso1-0/+21
on_redhat_vpn: just checks if it can download an internal file. on_redhat_vpn_test: for easy testing on cmd line