path: root/vimrc
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2016-03-16vimrc: nmap pt and en spell langHEADmasterVictor Toso1-1/+3
2016-02-12vim: enable online thesaurusVictor Toso1-0/+6
2016-02-12vim: use easymotion!Victor Toso1-1/+7
2016-02-12vimrc: set modeline by defaultVictor Toso1-0/+1
2015-12-30vim: three new plugins and few things moreVictor Toso1-0/+9
2015-12-30vim: remove nerdcommenter from VundleVictor Toso1-1/+0
2015-11-16vimrc: nmap spell and split when jumping to tagVictor Toso1-0/+4
2015-11-16vimrc: syntax highlighting and more to .tmux.confVictor Toso1-0/+1
2015-04-30vimrc: bind :Gstatus with :help of this optionVictor Toso1-0/+1
2015-03-09vimrc: add map to @ (repetition key)Victor Toso1-5/+8
2014-12-23initial commit of my configsVictor Toso1-0/+158