AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2016-03-11testingtestingVictor Toso1-0/+20
2016-02-16mutt: fix html mails; include sent foldersVictor Toso3-2/+12
2016-02-16mutt: wip on colors, more tweaks!Victor Toso1-8/+14
2016-02-16mutt: save drafts and sent mails correctlyVictor Toso4-3/+7
2016-02-16vim-colors: Improve colors for SpellVictor Toso3-0/+22
2016-02-13gitignore_global: add tagsVictor Toso1-0/+1
2016-02-13msmtprc: comment out unecessary optionsVictor Toso1-0/+3
2016-02-13gitconfig: fix typo SPice -> SpiceVictor Toso1-1/+1
2016-02-13mutt: colors change on quoteVictor Toso1-11/+11
2016-02-12vim: enable online thesaurusVictor Toso3-0/+9
2016-02-12vim: use easymotion!Victor Toso3-1/+10
2016-02-12msmtp: include my config for sending emailsVictor Toso1-0/+43
2016-02-12mutt: Include my mutt configsVictor Toso7-0/+237
2016-02-12vim: add a README to bundle as helperVictor Toso2-0/+31
2016-02-12vim: update submodulesVictor Toso5-0/+0
2016-02-12vimrc: set modeline by defaultVictor Toso1-0/+1
2016-02-12mbsyncrc: change path to encrypt passwordsVictor Toso1-5/+5
2015-12-30vim-colors: wip changes, more colors!Victor Toso1-35/+63
2015-12-30vim-colors: small changes based on twilighted.vimVictor Toso1-5/+10
2015-12-30git: add my global git configs here as wellVictor Toso2-0/+38
2015-12-30vim: update submodulesVictor Toso4-0/+0
2015-12-30vim: three new plugins and few things moreVictor Toso1-0/+9
2015-12-30vim: add color_coded to submodulesVictor Toso2-0/+3
2015-12-30vim: add YCM-Generator to submodulesVictor Toso2-0/+3
2015-12-30vim: add YouCompleteMe to submodulesVictor Toso2-0/+3
2015-12-30bash: more reliable to get git branchVictor Toso1-5/+2
2015-12-30bash: alias to make -j5Victor Toso1-0/+1
2015-12-30vim: remove nerdcommenter from VundleVictor Toso1-1/+0
2015-11-16vim: remove nerdcommenterVictor Toso1-0/+0
2015-11-16vim: add tagbar to submodulesVictor Toso2-0/+3
2015-11-16vim: add nerdtree to submoduleVictor Toso2-0/+3
2015-11-16vim: add Vundle to the submodulesVictor Toso3-0/+3
2015-11-16tmux: index start at 1Victor Toso1-0/+1
2015-11-16vim: add portuguese to spellVictor Toso1-0/+0
2015-11-16vim: add vim-fugitive to submodulesVictor Toso2-0/+3
2015-11-16vim: add vim-ariline to submodulesVictor Toso2-0/+3
2015-11-16vimrc: nmap spell and split when jumping to tagVictor Toso1-0/+4
2015-11-16vimrc: syntax highlighting and more to .tmux.confVictor Toso3-0/+4
2015-11-16bashrc: include branch name on PS1Victor Toso1-4/+22
2015-08-11tmux: vi-copy!Victor Toso1-0/+7
2015-07-28mbsyncrc: mbsync configurationVictor Toso1-0/+124
2015-04-30vimrc: bind :Gstatus with :help of this optionVictor Toso1-0/+1
2015-03-09vim-bundle: update projects .gitVictor Toso4-0/+0
2015-03-09bash: alias to 'grep -rniI' and dir-colors envvarVictor Toso2-0/+2
2015-03-09vimrc: add map to @ (repetition key)Victor Toso1-5/+8
2015-01-06tmux: when split window, open in the current pathVictor Toso1-2/+2
2015-01-06tmux: bind alt+shit+arrow_keys to resize panesVictor Toso1-0/+5
2015-01-06bashrc: $EDITOR and $BROWSER set by defaultVictor Toso1-0/+2
2014-12-24tmux: stop renaming window after each commandVictor Toso1-0/+2
2014-12-24tmux: add bind for goto last windowVictor Toso1-0/+4