diff options
authorPeter A. Bigot <>2010-05-30 10:44:56 -0500
committerPeter A. Bigot <>2010-05-30 10:44:56 -0500
commite31216b4ef1acedde3d476eb9a8fbb7098fa998b (patch)
parentf4d974d7579fd12117fa62c014888fa43c359866 (diff)
Remove unreferenced NFA code
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 609 deletions
diff --git a/pyxb/binding/ b/pyxb/binding/
index 1c7d029..b1111f5 100644
--- a/pyxb/binding/
+++ b/pyxb/binding/
@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ import content
import datatypes
import facets
-import nfa
import types
import sys
import traceback
@@ -285,22 +283,6 @@ def pythonLiteral (value, **kw):
return str(value)
-def GenerateModelGroupAll (ctd, mga, binding_module, template_map, **kw):
- mga_tag = utility.PrepareIdentifier('AModelGroup', binding_module.uniqueInModule(), private=True)
- template_map['mga_tag'] = mga_tag
- lines = []
- lines2 = []
- for ( dfa, is_required ) in mga.particles():
- ( dfa_tag, dfa_lines ) = GenerateContentModel(ctd, dfa, binding_module, **kw)
- lines.extend(dfa_lines)
- template_map['dfa_tag'] = dfa_tag
- template_map['is_required'] = binding_module.literal(is_required, **kw)
- lines2.append(templates.replaceInText(' %{content}.ModelGroupAllAlternative(%{ctd}.%{dfa_tag}, %{is_required}),', **template_map))
- lines.append(templates.replaceInText('%{mga_tag} = %{content}.ModelGroupAll(alternatives=[', **template_map))
- lines.extend(lines2)
- lines.append('])')
- return (mga_tag, lines)
def GenerateContentTerm (ctd, term, binding_module, **kw):
lines = []
padding = ' '
diff --git a/pyxb/binding/ b/pyxb/binding/
deleted file mode 100644
index b707f4a..0000000
--- a/pyxb/binding/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009, Peter A. Bigot
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
-# copy of the License at:
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-"""Finite automata classes that support content model management."""
-from pyxb.xmlschema.structures import Particle, ModelGroup
-# Represent state transitions as a map from states to maps from
-# symbols to sets of states. States are integers.
-class FiniteAutomaton (dict):
- """Represent a finite automaton.
- The FiniteAutomaton instance is a map from states to sets of transitions.
- A transition is a map from a key to a set of states.
- States are integers. The start and end state are distinguished.
- Transitions are by value, and are one of ElementDeclaration,
- ModelGroup[all], and Wildcard. The value None represents an
- epsilon transition.
- """
- # A unique identifier used for creating states
- __stateID = -1
- # The state serving as the automaton start.
- __start = None
- # The state serving as the automaton end.
- __end = None
- def __init__ (self):
- self.__end = self.newState()
- self.__start = self.newState()
- def newState (self):
- """Create a new node in the automaton. No transitions are added."""
- self.__stateID += 1
- self.setdefault(self.__stateID, {})
- return self.__stateID
- def start (self):
- """Obtain the start node of the automaton."""
- return self.__start
- def end (self):
- """Obtain the end node of the automaton."""
- return self.__end
- def addTransition (self, key, source, destination):
- """Add a transition on key from the source state to the destination state."""
- assert destination is not None
- self.setdefault(source, {}).setdefault(key, set()).add(destination)
- return self
- def ok (self, key, source, destination):
- """Return True iff the automaton can transition from source to
- destination on key."""
- return destination in self[source].get(key, set())
- def addSubAutomaton (self, nfa):
- """Copy the given automaton into this one. Returns a pair of
- the start and end states of the copied sub-automaton."""
- nfa_base_id = self.__stateID+1
- self.__stateID += len(nfa)
- for sub_state in nfa.keys():
- ssid = sub_state + nfa_base_id
- ss_map = self.setdefault(ssid, {})
- for key in nfa[sub_state]:
- ss_map.setdefault(key, set())
- ss_map[key] = ss_map[key].union(set([ (nfa_base_id+_i) for _i in nfa[sub_state][key]]))
- return (nfa_base_id+nfa.start(), nfa_base_id+nfa.end())
- def alphabet (self):
- """Determine the keys that allow transitions in the automaton."""
- elements = set()
- for s in self.keys():
- transitions = self[s]
- elements = elements.union(transitions.keys())
- elements.discard(None)
- return elements
- def isFullPath (self, steps):
- """Return True iff the automaton can be traversed from start
- to end following the given steps, including arbitrary epsilon
- moves."""
- reaches = self.epsilonClosure([self.start()])
- #print 'Starting full path from %s\n%s\n' % (reaches, self)
- for s in steps:
- reaches = self.epsilonClosure(self.move(reaches, s))
- return self.end() in reaches
- def move (self, states, key):
- """Determine the set of states reachable from the input set of states by one key transition."""
- next_states = set()
- for s in states:
- next_states = next_states.union(self[s].get(key, set()))
- #print 'Move from %s via %s is %s' % (states, key, next_states)
- return next_states
- def epsilonClosure (self, states):
- """Calculate the epsilon closure of the given set of states."""
- states = set(states)
- while True:
- new_states = states.union(self.move(states, None))
- if states == new_states:
- return states
- states = new_states
- def reverseTransitions (self):
- reverse_map = { }
- for state in self.keys():
- transitions = self[state]
- for key in transitions.keys():
- [ reverse_map.setdefault(_s, {}).setdefault(key, set()).add(state) for _s in transitions[key] ]
- #print reverse_map
- return reverse_map
- def minimizeDFA (self, final_states):
- nonfinal_states = tuple(set(self.keys()).difference(set(final_states)))
- alphabet = self.alphabet()
- reverse_map = self.reverseTransitions()
- work = set([ final_states, nonfinal_states ])
- partition = work.copy()
- while 0 < len(work):
- states = set(work.pop())
- #print 'State %s, partition %s' % (states, partition)
- for key in alphabet:
- sources = set()
- [ sources.update(reverse_map.get(_s, {}).get(key, set())) for _s in states ]
- new_partition = set()
- for r in partition:
- rs = set(r)
- if (0 < len(sources.intersection(rs))) and (0 < len(rs.difference(sources))):
- r1 = tuple(rs.intersection(sources))
- r2 = tuple(rs.difference(r1))
- #print 'Split on %s: %s and %s' % (key, r1, r2)
- new_partition.add(r1)
- new_partition.add(r2)
- if r in work:
- work.remove(r)
- work.add(r1)
- work.add(r2)
- elif len(r1) <= len(r2):
- work.add(r1)
- else:
- work.add(r2)
- else:
- new_partition.add(r)
- partition = new_partition
- translate_map = { }
- min_dfa = FiniteAutomaton()
- for p in partition:
- if self.start() in p:
- new_state = min_dfa.start()
- elif self.end() in p:
- new_state = min_dfa.end()
- else:
- new_state = min_dfa.newState()
- #print 'Convert %s to %s' % (p, new_state)
- for max_state in p:
- assert max_state not in translate_map
- translate_map[max_state] = new_state
- for f in final_states:
- self.addTransition(None, f, self.end())
- #print 'DFA: %s' % (self,)
- for (state, transitions) in self.items():
- for (key, destination) in transitions.items():
- assert 1 == len(destination)
- d = destination.copy().pop()
- #print 'Old: %s via %s to %s\nNew: %s via %s to %s' % (state, key, d, translate_map[state], key, translate_map[d])
- min_dfa.addTransition(key, translate_map[state], translate_map[d])
- # Just in case self.start() and self.end() are in the same partition
- min_dfa.addTransition(None, translate_map[self.end()], min_dfa.end())
- #print 'Final added %d jump to %d' % (translate_map[self.end()], min_dfa.end())
- #print 'DFA: %s' % (self,)
- #print 'Start: %s' % (translate_map[self.start()],)
- #print 'Final: %s' % (set([ translate_map[_s] for _s in final_states ]).pop(),)
- #print 'Partition: %s' % (partition,)
- #print 'Minimized: %s' % (min_dfa,)
- #print "Resulting DFA:\n%s\n\n" % (min_dfa,)
- #print 'Minimal DFA has %d states, original had %d' % (len(min_dfa), len(self))
- return min_dfa
- def buildDFA (self):
- """Build a deterministic finite automaton that accepts the
- same language as this one.
- The resulting automaton has epsilon transitions only from
- terminal states to the DFA distinguished end state."""
- #print "Building DFA from NFA:\n%s\n" % (self,)
- dfa = FiniteAutomaton()
- ps0 = tuple(self.epsilonClosure([ dfa.start() ]))
- #print "Start state is %s" % (ps0,)
- pset_to_state = { ps0 : dfa.start() }
- changing = True
- alphabet = self.alphabet()
- while changing:
- changing = False
- for (psi, dfa_state) in pset_to_state.items():
- for key in alphabet:
- assert key is not None
- ns = tuple(self.epsilonClosure(self.move(psi, key)))
- if 0 == len(ns):
- #print 'From %s via %s is dead' % (psi, key)
- continue
- #print 'From %s via %s can reach %s' % (psi, key, ns)
- new_state = pset_to_state.get(ns, None)
- if new_state is None:
- new_state = dfa.newState()
- pset_to_state[ns] = new_state
- #print "New state %d is %s" % (new_state, ns)
- if not dfa.ok(key, dfa_state, new_state):
- changing = True
- dfa.addTransition(key, dfa_state, new_state)
- final_states = set()
- for (psi, dfa_state) in pset_to_state.items():
- if self.end() in psi:
- final_states.add(dfa_state)
- return dfa.minimizeDFA(tuple(final_states))
- def __str__ (self):
- states = set(self.keys())
- elements = set()
- for k in self.keys():
- transitions = self[k]
- elements = elements.union(transitions.keys())
- for step in transitions.keys():
- states = states.union(transitions[step])
- states = list(states)
- states.sort()
- strings = []
- for source in states:
- if source == self.end():
- strings.append('%s terminates' % (source,))
- continue
- transitions = self[source]
- if 0 == len(transitions):
- strings.append('%s dead-ends' % (source,))
- continue
- for step in transitions.keys():
- strings.append('%s via %s to %s' % (source, step, ' '.join([ str(_s) for _s in transitions[step]])))
- return "\n".join(strings)
-def _Permutations (particles):
- if 1 == len(particles):
- yield tuple(particles)
- else:
- for i in range(len(particles)):
- this = particles[i]
- rest = particles[:i] + particles[i+1:]
- for p in _Permutations(rest):
- yield (this,) + p
-class AllWalker (object):
- """A list of minimized DFAs each of which is a single option within
- an ALL model group."""
- __particles = None
- def __init__ (self):
- self.__particles = [ ]
- def particles (self): return self.__particles
- def add (self, dfa, is_required):
- self.__particles.append( ( dfa, is_required ) )
-class Thompson:
- """Create a NFA from a content model. Reminiscent of Thompson's
- algorithm for creating an NFA from a regular expression. See
- U{}"""
- # The NFA
- __nfa = None
- def nfa (self):
- return self.__nfa
- def __init__ (self, term=None):
- self.__nfa = FiniteAutomaton()
- if term is not None:
- #assert isinstance(term, Particle)
- self.addTransition(term, self.__nfa.start(), self.__nfa.end())
- def addTransition (self, term, start, end):
- """Interpret the term and update the NFA to support a path
- from start to end that is consistent with the term.
- Particles express looping operations with minimum and maximum
- iteration counts.
- Model groups express control structures: ordered and unordered
- sequences, and alternatives.
- Anything else is assumed to be a character in the automaton
- alphabet.
- """
- if isinstance(term, Particle):
- return self.__fromParticle(term, start, end)
- if isinstance(term, ModelGroup):
- return self.__fromModelGroup(term, start, end)
- self.__nfa.addTransition(term, start, end)
- def __fromParticle (self, particle, start, end):
- """Add transitions to interpret the particle."""
- #print '# %d to %s of %s' % (particle.minOccurs(), particle.maxOccurs(), particle.term())
- # If possible, epsilon transition straight from start to end.
- if 0 == particle.minOccurs():
- self.addTransition(None, start, end)
- # Add term transitions from start through the minimum number
- # of instances of the term.
- cur_start = next_end = start
- for step in range(0, particle.minOccurs()):
- cur_start = next_end
- next_end = self.__nfa.newState()
- self.addTransition(particle.term(), cur_start, next_end)
- if None is particle.maxOccurs():
- # Add a back loop to repeat the last instance of the term
- # (creating said instance, if we haven't already)
- if next_end == start:
- self.addTransition(particle.term(), start, end)
- next_end = end
- self.addTransition(None, next_end, cur_start)
- else:
- # Add additional terms up to the maximum, with a short-cut
- # exit for those above the minOccurs value.
- for step in range(particle.minOccurs(), particle.maxOccurs()):
- cur_start = next_end
- next_end = self.__nfa.newState()
- self.addTransition(None, cur_start, end)
- self.addTransition(particle.term(), cur_start, next_end)
- # Leave the sub-FA
- self.addTransition(None, next_end, end)
- def __fromMGSequence (self, particles, start, end):
- # Just step from one to the next
- #print '# Sequence of %s' % (particles,)
- for p in particles:
- next_state = self.__nfa.newState()
- self.addTransition(p, start, next_state)
- start = next_state
- self.addTransition(None, start, end)
- def __fromMGChoice (self, particles, start, end):
- # Start to end for each choice, but make the choice stage
- # occur once (in case a particle adds a transition from end to
- # start.
- for p in particles:
- choice_start = self.__nfa.newState()
- choice_end = self.__nfa.newState()
- self.addTransition(None, start, choice_start)
- self.addTransition(p, choice_start, choice_end)
- self.addTransition(None, choice_end, end)
- def __fromMGAll (self, particles, start, end):
- # All is too ugly: exponential state growth. Use a special
- # construct instead.
- walker = AllWalker()
- for p in particles:
- walker.add(Thompson(p).nfa().buildDFA(), 0 < p.minOccurs())
- self.addTransition(walker, start, end)
- def __fromModelGroup (self, group, start, end):
- # Do the right thing based on the model group compositor
- if ModelGroup.C_ALL == group.compositor():
- return self.__fromMGAll(group.particles(), start, end)
- if ModelGroup.C_CHOICE == group.compositor():
- return self.__fromMGChoice(group.particles(), start, end)
- if ModelGroup.C_SEQUENCE == group.compositor():
- return self.__fromMGSequence(group.particles(), start, end)
- assert False
diff --git a/tests/bindings/ b/tests/bindings/
deleted file mode 100644
index 983b70c..0000000
--- a/tests/bindings/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-import unittest
-from pyxb.utils.utility import *
-from pyxb.utils.utility import _DeconflictSymbols_mixin
-class TestThompson (unittest.TestCase):
- def testParticleOne (self):
- t = Thompson(Particle(1,1,'a'))
- for nfa in (t.nfa(), t.nfa().buildDFA()):
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([]))
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath(['a']))
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath(['a', 'a']))
- def testParticleOptional (self):
- t = Thompson(Particle(0,1,'a'))
- for nfa in (t.nfa(), t.nfa().buildDFA()):
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath([]))
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath(['a']))
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath(['a', 'a']))
- def testParticleAny (self):
- t = Thompson(Particle(0,None,'a'))
- for nfa in (t.nfa(), t.nfa().buildDFA()):
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath([]))
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath(['a']))
- for rep in range(0, 10):
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath(rep * ['a']))
- def testParticle2Plus (self):
- particle = Particle(2, None, 'a')
- t = Thompson(particle)
- for nfa in (t.nfa(), t.nfa().buildDFA()):
- for rep in range(1, 10):
- if particle.minOccurs() <= rep:
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath(rep * ['a']))
- else:
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath(rep * ['a']))
- def testParticleSome (self):
- particle = Particle(3, 5, 'a')
- t = Thompson(particle)
- for nfa in (t.nfa(), t.nfa().buildDFA()):
- for rep in range(1, 10):
- if (particle.minOccurs() <= rep) and (rep <= particle.maxOccurs()):
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath(rep * ['a']))
- else:
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath(rep * ['a']))
- def testSequence1 (self):
- seq = ModelGroup(ModelGroup.C_SEQUENCE, [ 'a' ])
- t = Thompson(seq)
- for nfa in (t.nfa(), t.nfa().buildDFA()):
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ ]))
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath([ 'a' ]))
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ 'a', 'b' ]))
- def testSequence3 (self):
- seq = ModelGroup(ModelGroup.C_SEQUENCE, [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ])
- t = Thompson(seq)
- for nfa in (t.nfa(), t.nfa().buildDFA()):
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ ]))
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ 'a' ]))
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ 'a', 'b' ]))
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath([ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]))
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ]))
- def testChoice1 (self):
- seq = ModelGroup(ModelGroup.C_CHOICE, [ 'a' ])
- t = Thompson(seq)
- for nfa in (t.nfa(), t.nfa().buildDFA()):
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ ]))
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath([ 'a' ]))
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ 'a', 'b' ]))
- def testChoice3 (self):
- seq = ModelGroup(ModelGroup.C_CHOICE, [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ])
- t = Thompson(seq)
- for nfa in (t.nfa(), t.nfa().buildDFA()):
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ ]))
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath([ 'a' ]))
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath([ 'b' ]))
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath([ 'c' ]))
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ 'a', 'b' ]))
- def testAll1 (self):
- seq = ModelGroup(ModelGroup.C_ALL, [ 'a' ])
- t = Thompson(seq)
- for nfa in (t.nfa(), t.nfa().buildDFA()):
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ ]))
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath([ 'a' ]))
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ 'a', 'a' ]))
- def testAll2 (self):
- seq = ModelGroup(ModelGroup.C_ALL, [ 'a', 'b' ])
- t = Thompson(seq)
- for nfa in (t.nfa(), t.nfa().buildDFA()):
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ ]))
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ 'a' ]))
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ 'a', 'a' ]))
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath([ 'a', 'b' ]))
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath([ 'b', 'a' ]))
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ 'a', 'b', 'a' ]))
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ 'b', 'a', 'b' ]))
- def testAll3 (self):
- seq = ModelGroup(ModelGroup.C_ALL, [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ])
- t = Thompson(seq)
- for nfa in (t.nfa(), t.nfa().buildDFA()):
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ ]))
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ 'a' ]))
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ 'a', 'a' ]))
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ 'a', 'b' ]))
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ 'b', 'a' ]))
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath([ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]))
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath([ 'a', 'c', 'b' ]))
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath([ 'b', 'a', 'c' ]))
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath([ 'b', 'c', 'a' ]))
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath([ 'c', 'a', 'b' ]))
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath([ 'c', 'b', 'a' ]))
-class TestFiniteAutomaton (unittest.TestCase):
- def testSubAutomaton (self):
- subnfa = FiniteAutomaton()
- subnfa.addTransition('a', subnfa.start(), subnfa.end())
- nfa = FiniteAutomaton()
- ( start, end ) = nfa.addSubAutomaton(subnfa)
- nfa.addTransition('b', nfa.start(), start)
- nfa.addTransition('c', end, nfa.end())
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ ]))
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath(['b', 'a', 'c']))
- def testSubAutomaton (self):
- subnfa = FiniteAutomaton()
- subnfa.addTransition('a', subnfa.start(), subnfa.end())
- nfa = FiniteAutomaton()
- ( start, end ) = nfa.addSubAutomaton(subnfa)
- nfa.addTransition('b', nfa.start(), start)
- nfa.addTransition(None, end, nfa.end())
- ( start, end ) = nfa.addSubAutomaton(subnfa)
- nfa.addTransition(None, nfa.start(), start)
- nfa.addTransition('b', end, nfa.end())
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ ]))
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath(['b', 'a']))
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath(['a', 'b']))
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath(['a', 'a']))
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath(['b', 'a', 'b']))
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath(['a', 'b', 'a']))
- def testDFA (self):
- nfa = FiniteAutomaton()
- q1 = nfa.newState()
- nfa.addTransition(None, nfa.start(), q1)
- nfa.addTransition('a', q1, q1)
- nfa.addTransition('b', q1, q1)
- q2 = nfa.newState()
- nfa.addTransition('a', q1, q2)
- q3 = nfa.newState()
- nfa.addTransition('b', q2, q3)
- nfa.addTransition('b', q3, nfa.end())
- dfa = nfa.buildDFA()
-class TestPermutations (unittest.TestCase):
- def testPermutations (self):
- p1 = set(_Permutations(['a']))
- self.assertEqual(1, len(p1))
- p2 = set(_Permutations(['a', 'b']))
- self.assertEqual(2, len(p2))
- self.assertTrue(('a', 'b') in p2)
- self.assertTrue(('b', 'a') in p2)
- p3 = set(_Permutations(['a', 'b', 'c']))
- self.assertEqual(6, len(p3))
- self.assertTrue(('a', 'b', 'c') in p3)
- self.assertTrue(('a', 'c', 'b') in p3)
- self.assertTrue(('b', 'a', 'c') in p3)
- self.assertTrue(('b', 'c', 'a') in p3)
- self.assertTrue(('c', 'a', 'b') in p3)
- self.assertTrue(('c', 'b', 'a') in p3)
-class TestSchema (unittest.TestCase):
- def testWsdl (self):
- x = ModelGroup(ModelGroup.C_CHOICE, [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ])
- x = ModelGroup(ModelGroup.C_SEQUENCE, [ Particle(0, None, x) ])
- x = ModelGroup(ModelGroup.C_SEQUENCE, [ Particle(0, None, 'W'), x ])
- x = ModelGroup(ModelGroup.C_SEQUENCE, [ Particle(0, 1, 'd'), x ])
- t = Thompson(x)
- for nfa in ( t.nfa(), t.nfa().buildDFA() ):
- self.assertTrue(nfa.isFullPath([ 'd' ]))
- self.assertFalse(nfa.isFullPath([ 'd', 'd' ]))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()