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+title: Integration
+# Integration
+GStreamer tries to integrate closely with operating systems (such as
+Linux and UNIX-like operating systems, OS X or Windows) and desktop
+environments (such as GNOME or KDE). In this chapter, we'll mention some
+specific techniques to integrate your application with your operating
+system or desktop environment of choice.
+## Linux and UNIX-like operating systems
+GStreamer provides a basic set of elements that are useful when
+integrating with Linux or a UNIX-like operating system.
+ - For audio input and output, GStreamer provides input and output
+ elements for several audio subsystems. Amongst others, GStreamer
+ includes elements for ALSA (alsasrc, alsasink), OSS (osssrc,
+ osssink) Pulesaudio (pulsesrc, pulsesink) and Sun audio
+ (sunaudiosrc, sunaudiomixer, sunaudiosink).
+ - For video input, GStreamer contains source elements for Video4linux2
+ (v4l2src, v4l2element, v4l2sink).
+ - For video output, GStreamer provides elements for output to
+ X-windows (ximagesink), Xv-windows (xvimagesink; for
+ hardware-accelerated video), direct-framebuffer (dfbimagesink) and
+ openGL image contexts (glsink).
+## GNOME desktop
+GStreamer has been the media backend of the
+[GNOME]( desktop since GNOME-2.2 onwards.
+Nowadays, a whole bunch of GNOME applications make use of GStreamer for
+media-processing, including (but not limited to)
+[Videos]( and [Sound
+Most of these GNOME applications make use of some specific techniques to
+integrate as closely as possible with the GNOME desktop:
+ - GNOME applications usually call `gtk_init ()` to parse command-line
+ options and initialize GTK. GStreamer applications would normally
+ call `gst_init ()` to do the same for GStreamer. This would mean
+ that only one of the two can parse command-line options. To work
+ around this issue, GStreamer can provide a GLib `GOptionGroup` which
+ can be passed to `gnome_program_init ()`. The following example
+ requires GTK 2.6 or newer (previous GTK versions do not support
+ command line parsing via GOption yet)
+ ``` c
+ #include <gtk/gtk.h>
+ #include <gst/gst.h>
+ static gchar **cmd_filenames = NULL;
+ static GOptionEntries cmd_options[] = {
+ /* here you can add command line options for your application. Check
+ * the GOption section in the GLib API reference for a more elaborate
+ * example of how to add your own command line options here */
+ /* at the end we have a special option that collects all remaining
+ * command line arguments (like filenames) for us. If you don't
+ * need this, you can safely remove it */
+ "Special option that collects any remaining arguments for us" },
+ /* mark the end of the options array with a NULL option */
+ { NULL, }
+ };
+ /* this should usually be defined in your config.h */
+ #define VERSION "0.0.1"
+ gint
+ main (gint argc, gchar **argv)
+ {
+ GOptionContext *context;
+ GOptionGroup *gstreamer_group, *gtk_group;
+ GError *err = NULL;
+ context = g_option_context_new ("gtk-demo-app");
+ /* get command line options from GStreamer and add them to the group */
+ gstreamer_group = gst_init_get_option_group ();
+ g_option_context_add_group (context, gstreamer_group);
+ gtk_group = gtk_get_option_group (TRUE);
+ g_option_context_add_group (context, gtk_group);
+ /* add our own options. If you are using gettext for translation of your
+ * strings, use GETTEXT_PACKAGE here instead of NULL */
+ g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, cmd_options, NULL);
+ /* now parse the commandline options, note that this already
+ * calls gtk_init() and gst_init() */
+ if (!g_option_context_parse (ctx, &argc, &argv, &err)) {
+ g_print ("Error initializing: %s\n", err->message);
+ g_clear_error (&err);
+ g_option_context_free (ctx);
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ g_option_context_free (ctx);
+ /* any filenames we got passed on the command line? parse them! */
+ if (cmd_filenames != NULL) {
+ guint i, num;
+ num = g_strv_length (cmd_filenames);
+ for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+ /* do something with the filename ... */
+ g_print ("Adding to play queue: %s\n", cmd_filenames[i]);
+ }
+ g_strfreev (cmd_filenames);
+ cmd_filenames = NULL;
+ }
+ [..]
+ }
+ ```
+ - GNOME uses Pulseaudio for audio, use the pulsesrc and pulsesink
+ elements to have access to all the features.
+ - GStreamer provides data input/output elements for use with the GIO
+ VFS system. These elements are called “giosrc” and “giosink”. The
+ deprecated GNOME-VFS system is supported too but shouldn't be used
+ for any new applications.
+## KDE desktop
+GStreamer has been proposed for inclusion in KDE-4.0. Currently,
+GStreamer is included as an optional component, and it's used by several
+KDE applications, including [AmaroK](,
+[KMPlayer]( and
+Although not yet as complete as the GNOME integration bits, there are
+already some KDE integration specifics available. This list will
+probably grow as GStreamer starts to be used in KDE-4.0:
+ - AmaroK contains a kiosrc element, which is a source element that
+ integrates with the KDE VFS subsystem KIO.
+## OS X
+GStreamer provides native video and audio output elements for OS X. It
+builds using the standard development tools for OS X.
+## Windows
+> **Warning**
+> Note: this section is out of date. GStreamer-1.0 has much better
+> support for win32 than previous versions though and should usually
+> compile and work out-of-the-box both using MSYS/MinGW or Microsoft
+> compilers. The [GStreamer web site](
+> and the [mailing list
+> archives]( are
+> a good place to check the latest win32-related news.
+GStreamer builds using Microsoft Visual C .NET 2003 and using Cygwin.
+### Building GStreamer under Win32
+There are different makefiles that can be used to build GStreamer with
+the usual Microsoft compiling tools.
+The Makefile is meant to be used with the GNU make program and the free
+version of the Microsoft compiler
+(<>). You also have to
+modify your system environment variables to use it from the
+command-line. You will also need a working Platform SDK for Windows that
+is available for free from Microsoft.
+The projects/makefiles will generate automatically some source files
+needed to compile GStreamer. That requires that you have installed on
+your system some GNU tools and that they are available in your system
+The GStreamer project depends on other libraries, namely :
+ - GLib
+ - libxml2
+ - libintl
+ - libiconv
+Work is being done to provide pre-compiled GStreamer-1.0 libraries as a
+packages for win32. Check the [GStreamer web
+site]( and check our [mailing
+list]( for the
+latest developments in this respect.
+> **Note**
+> GNU tools needed that you can find on
+> <>
+> - GNU flex (tested with 2.5.4)
+> - GNU bison (tested with 1.35)
+> and <>
+> - GNU make (tested with 3.80)
+> the generated files from the -auto makefiles will be available soon
+> separately on the net for convenience (people who don't want to
+> install GNU tools).
+### Installation on the system
+FIXME: This section needs be updated for GStreamer-1.0.