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diff --git a/doc/llvm.dox b/doc/llvm.dox
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+++ b/doc/llvm.dox
@@ -11,57 +11,57 @@
* \section compilation Compiling OpenCL C to LLVM IR
- * The first step when one wants to launch a program is to compile it. It is done API-wise by the clCreateProgramWithSource() and clBuildProgram() functions.
+ * The first step when one wants to launch a program is to compile it. It is done API-wise by the \c clCreateProgramWithSource() and \c clBuildProgram() functions.
- * The first function creates a Coal::Program object, using Coal::Program::loadSources(). You can see at the top of this function a line prepending the OpenCL C standard header to the source being built. This function consists mainly of a concatenation of the strings given (they may be zero-terminated or not).
+ * The first function creates a \c Coal::Program object, using \c Coal::Program::loadSources(). You can see at the top of this function a line prepending the OpenCL C standard header to the source being built. This function consists mainly of a concatenation of the strings given (they may be zero-terminated or not).
- * Once the Coal::Program objects holds the source, clBuildProgram() can be used to compile it. It does so by invoking Coal::Program::build().
+ * Once the \c Coal::Program objects holds the source, \c clBuildProgram() can be used to compile it. It does so by invoking \c Coal::Program::build().
- * This big function compiles and links the program, so it will be explained later. The actual compilation job is done by Coal::Compiler. It does that in Coal::Compiler::compile, and then keeps the compilation log and options at hand for future use.
+ * This big function compiles and links the program, so it will be explained later. The actual compilation job is done by \c Coal::Compiler. It does that in \c Coal::Compiler::compile, and then keeps the compilation log and options at hand for future use.
- * When a program is compiled, the client application can retrieve it by using clGetProgramInfo().
+ * When a program is compiled, the client application can retrieve it by using \c clGetProgramInfo().
* \section linking Linking the program
- * The compilation step produced an "unlinked" module, that needs to be linked with the OpenCL C standard library, but only if the device for which the program is being built needs to. It's also possible to load a previously-compiled binary in a Coal::Program using Coal::Program::loadBinaries(). Doing this also loads an unlinked binary.
+ * The compilation step produced an "unlinked" module, that needs to be linked with the OpenCL C standard library, but only if the device for which the program is being built needs to. It's also possible to load a previously-compiled binary in a \c Coal::Program using \c Coal::Program::loadBinaries(). Doing this also loads an unlinked binary.
- * The separation between the unlinked binary and the linked one is the reason for the existence of Coal::Program::DeviceDependent::unlinked_binary. The source is compiled to LLVM IR in a module (temporarily stored in linked_module, though it isn't linked yet), that is dumped to unlinked_binary and then linked to form a full executable program.
+ * The separation between the unlinked binary and the linked one is the reason for the existence of \c Coal::Program::DeviceDependent::unlinked_binary. The source is compiled to LLVM IR in a module (temporarily stored in linked_module, though it isn't linked yet), that is dumped to unlinked_binary and then linked to form a full executable program.
- * So, Coal::Program::build() runs its code for every device for which a program must be built. These devices are either given at Coal::Program::loadBinaries, or as arguments to Coal::Program::build().
+ * So, \c Coal::Program::build() runs its code for every device for which a program must be built. These devices are either given at \c Coal::Program::loadBinaries, or as arguments to \c Coal::Program::build().
* The first step is to see if the program was loaded with sources. If it's the case, they have to be compiled (see \ref compilation).
- * Then, if the device for which the program is being built asks for that (Coal::DeviceProgram::linkStdLib(), Coal::CPUDevice does so), the program is linked with the OpenCL C standard library of Clover. An hardware-accelerated device normally will not want to have stdlib linked, as it's easier to convert LLVM IR to hardware-specific instructions when OpenCL built-ins functions are left in the form "call foo" instead of being inlined with inefficient CPU-centric code.
+ * Then, if the device for which the program is being built asks for that \c (\c Coal::DeviceProgram::linkStdLib(), \c Coal::CPUDevice does so), the program is linked with the OpenCL C standard library of Clover. An hardware-accelerated device normally will not want to have stdlib linked, as it's easier to convert LLVM IR to hardware-specific instructions when OpenCL built-ins functions are left in the form "call foo" instead of being inlined with inefficient CPU-centric code.
- * After this linking pass, optimization passes are created. The first ones are created by Coal::Program itself. They remove all the functions that are not kernels and are not called by a kernel. It allows LLVM to remove all the unused stdlib functions.
+ * After this linking pass, optimization passes are created. The first ones are created by \c Coal::Program itself. They remove all the functions that are not kernels and are not called by a kernel. It allows LLVM to remove all the unused stdlib functions.
- * Then, the device is allowed to add more optimization or analysis passes. Coal::CPUProgram::createOptimizationPasses() adds standard link-time optimizations, but hardware-accelerated devices could add autovectorizing, lowering, or analysis passes.
+ * Then, the device is allowed to add more optimization or analysis passes. \c Coal::CPUProgram::createOptimizationPasses() adds standard link-time optimizations, but hardware-accelerated devices could add autovectorizing, lowering, or analysis passes.
- * Finally, Coal::DeviceProgram::build is called. It's a no-op function for Coal::CPUDevice as it uses directly the module with a LLVM JIT, but hardware devices could use this function to actually compile the program for the target device (LLVM to TGSI transformation for example).
+ * Finally, \c Coal::DeviceProgram::build is called. It's a no-op function for \c Coal::CPUDevice as it uses directly the module with a LLVM JIT, but hardware devices could use this function to actually compile the program for the target device (LLVM to TGSI transformation for example).
* The program is now built and ready to be usable !
* \section kernels Finding kernels
- * Now that the program is built, it's time to get its kernels. The functions declared as kernel in OpenCL C (with the \c __kernel attribute) are registered by Clang using the <em>!opencl.kernels</em> metadata. They are read from the LLVM module by Coal::Program::kernelFunctions(). Note that this function is device dependent, as it have to use the LLVM IR generated for the specified device.
+ * Now that the program is built, it's time to get its kernels. The functions declared as kernel in OpenCL C (with the \c __kernel attribute) are registered by Clang using the <em>!opencl.kernels</em> metadata. They are read from the LLVM module by \c Coal::Program::kernelFunctions(). Note that this function is device dependent, as it have to use the LLVM IR generated for the specified device.
- * When the kernels are found, Coal::Kernel objects can be instantiated. These objects are again device-independent as requested by the OpenCL spec. A Coal::Kernel object is mainly a name and a list of device-specific information. There is for instance the llvm::Function object that will be called.
+ * When the kernels are found, \c Coal::Kernel objects can be instantiated. These objects are again device-independent as requested by the OpenCL spec. A \c Coal::Kernel object is mainly a name and a list of device-specific information. There is for instance the \c llvm::Function object that will be called.
- * Once the Coal::Kernel object is created, Coal::Kernel::addFunction() is called for every device for which the Coal::Program is built. This function has the responsibility to explore the arguments of the function and to create a list of device-independent Coal::Kernel::Arg objects (kernel arguments). For instance, when it sees an argument of type <4 x i32>, it converts it to a Coal::Kernel::Arg of kind Coal::Kernel::Arg::Int32 and vector dimension 4.
+ * Once the \c Coal::Kernel object is created, \c Coal::Kernel::addFunction() is called for every device for which the \c Coal::Program is built. This function has the responsibility to explore the arguments of the function and to create a list of device-independent \c Coal::Kernel::Arg objects (kernel arguments). For instance, when it sees an argument of type <4 x i32>, it converts it to a \c Coal::Kernel::Arg of kind \c Coal::Kernel::Arg::Int32 and vector dimension 4.
* \section arguments Setting kernel arguments
- * The Coal::Kernel::Arg objects are interesting. They are an abstraction layer between the host CPU and the device. They also enable Coal::Kernel to implement its Coal::Kernel::setArg() function, that performs checks on the value given as argument.
+ * The \c Coal::Kernel::Arg objects are interesting. They are an abstraction layer between the host CPU and the device. They also enable \c Coal::Kernel to implement its \c Coal::Kernel::setArg() function, that performs checks on the value given as argument.
- * This class also contains semantic information specific to OpenCL. For instance, in LLVM, the address space qualifiers like __global or __local are represented as address spaces (0 = private, etc). Coal::Kernel::addFunction() translates these address spaces into Coal::Kernel::Arg::File values.
+ * This class also contains semantic information specific to OpenCL. For instance, in LLVM, the address space qualifiers like __global or __local are represented as address spaces (0 = private, etc). \c Coal::Kernel::addFunction() translates these address spaces into \c Coal::Kernel::Arg::File values.
- * When the users call clSetKernelArg(), the execution flow arrives at Coal::Kernel::setArg(). This function puts the correct value in the Coal::Kernel::Arg object, and does some checks. It is also his responsibility to recognize Coal::Sampler objects.
+ * When the users call \c clSetKernelArg(), the execution flow arrives at \c Coal::Kernel::setArg(). This function puts the correct value in the \c Coal::Kernel::Arg object, and does some checks. It is also his responsibility to recognize \c Coal::Sampler objects.
- * Samplers are a bit special as they are pointers to Coal::Sampler objects on the host CPU, and plain uint32_t values on the kernel side. This makes their translation from LLVM type to Coal::Kernel::Kind a bit difficult, as Clover only sees an LLVM \c i32 type for a sampler and also for a normal \c uint32.
+ * Samplers are a bit special as they are pointers to \c Coal::Sampler objects on the host CPU, and plain uint32_t values on the kernel side. This makes their translation from LLVM type to \c Coal::Kernel::Kind a bit difficult, as Clover only sees an LLVM \c i32 type for a sampler and also for a normal \c uint32.
- * The trick used in Clover is to store in memory a list of the known samplers. When a Coal::Sampler object is created, it is registered in this list. When it is deleted, its index is removed from the list. This in implemented in Coal::Object and shared between all the Coal classes. It allows the implementation of functions like Coal::Object::isa(), very useful to check that arguments given by the user are sane.
+ * The trick used in Clover is to store in memory a list of the known samplers. When a \c Coal::Sampler object is created, it is registered in this list. When it is deleted, its index is removed from the list. This in implemented in \c Coal::Object and shared between all the Coal classes. It allows the implementation of functions like \c Coal::Object::isa(), very useful to check that arguments given by the user are sane.
- * So, Coal::Object::isa() is used to recognize when an argument passed to Coal::Kernel::setArg() is in fact a sampler. When it is the case, the pointer to Coal::Sampler is replaced by the sampler's "bitfield" representation, using Coal::Sampler::bitfield().
+ * So, \c Coal::Object::isa() is used to recognize when an argument passed to \c Coal::Kernel::setArg() is in fact a sampler. When it is the case, the pointer to \c Coal::Sampler is replaced by the sampler's "bitfield" representation, using \c Coal::Sampler::bitfield().
* \code
* // Special case for samplers (pointers in C++, uint32 in OpenCL).
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@
* \section event Queuing an event
- * Once the Coal::Kernel object is created and its args set, the client application can call clEnqueueTask() or clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(). These functions create a Coal::KernelEvent object responsible for telling the device to execute the kernel.
+ * Once the \c Coal::Kernel object is created and its args set, the client application can call \c clEnqueueTask() or \c clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(). These functions create a \c Coal::KernelEvent object responsible for telling the device to execute the kernel.
- * When the event arrives on the device (see \ref events), Coal::CPUDevice initializes the LLVM JIT (Coal::CPUProgram::initJIT()) and then does that in src/core/cpu/worker.cpp :
+ * When the event arrives on the device (see \ref events), \c Coal::CPUDevice initializes the LLVM JIT \c (\c Coal::CPUProgram::initJIT()) and then does that in src/core/cpu/worker.cpp :
* \code
* KernelEvent *e = (KernelEvent *)event;
@@ -100,25 +100,25 @@
* delete instance;
* \endcode
- * The first step is to use Coal::Event::deviceData() to get a Coal::CPUKernelEvent object. See Coal::Event::setDeviceData() and Coal::DeviceInterface::initEventDeviceData().
+ * The first step is to use \c Coal::Event::deviceData() to get a \c Coal::CPUKernelEvent object. See \c Coal::Event::setDeviceData() and \c Coal::DeviceInterface::initEventDeviceData().
- * This Coal::CPUKernelEvent holds information about the event needed by Coal::CPUDevice.
+ * This \c Coal::CPUKernelEvent holds information about the event needed by \c Coal::CPUDevice.
* \section workgroups Running the work groups
- * The next line is interesting : Coal::CPUKernelEvent::takeInstance() is called. This function works in pair with Coal::CPUKernelEvent::reserve() called from Coal::CPUDevice::getEvent().
+ * The next line is interesting : \c Coal::CPUKernelEvent::takeInstance() is called. This function works in pair with \c Coal::CPUKernelEvent::reserve() called from \c Coal::CPUDevice::getEvent().
* A kernel is run in multiple "work groups", that is to say batches of work items. The worker threads (see \ref events) take work-groups one at a time, so there can be multiple work groups of a single kernel running concurrently on a multicore CPU.
- * \ref events gives more details about that, but the main principle is that there is a list of events a worker thread can execute. For Coal::KernelEvent, a worker thread calls Coal::CPUKernelEvent::reserve() to see if there is a work-group available for execution (that is to say if the work groups aren't yet all executed). If there is one available, a mutex is locked and the function returns. Then, the worker thread calls Coal::CPUKernelEvent::takeInstance() to actually get the work-group, and runs it through Coal::CPUKernelWorkGroup::run().
+ * \ref events gives more details about that, but the main principle is that there is a list of events a worker thread can execute. For \c Coal::KernelEvent, a worker thread calls \c Coal::CPUKernelEvent::reserve() to see if there is a work-group available for execution (that is to say if the work groups aren't yet all executed). If there is one available, a mutex is locked and the function returns. Then, the worker thread calls \c Coal::CPUKernelEvent::takeInstance() to actually get the work-group, and runs it through \c Coal::CPUKernelWorkGroup::run().
* \section args Passing arguments to the kernel
- * Once the work-group is taken, it is run and must call the kernel function (using the JIT) for every work-item. This is done very simply by getting a function pointer to the kernel using llvm::ExecutionEngine::getPointerToFunction(). This function must now be called with the needed arguments.
+ * Once the work-group is taken, it is run and must call the kernel function (using the JIT) for every work-item. This is done very simply by getting a function pointer to the kernel using \c llvm::ExecutionEngine::getPointerToFunction(). This function must now be called with the needed arguments.
* The difficult thing is that C++ doesn't allow to give arbitrary arguments to a function. A function can receive arbitrary arguments, using <tt>void foo(int argc, ...)</tt>, but an arbitrary list of arguments cannot be passed like in <tt>foo(va_build(std_vector));</tt>. They must be known at compilation-time.
- * The solution used by LLVM is to use a function like <tt>llvm::JIT::runFunction(function, vector of args)</tt>. This function internally creates a "stub" function taking zero arguments but calling the target function itself with its arguments passed as constants. That is to say, when we want to call <tt>bar(3, 4);</tt>, a stub is compiled like this :
+ * The solution used by LLVM is to use a function like <tt>\c llvm::JIT::runFunction(function, vector of args)</tt>. This function internally creates a "stub" function taking zero arguments but calling the target function itself with its arguments passed as constants. That is to say, when we want to call <tt>bar(3, 4);</tt>, a stub is compiled like this :
* \code
* void stub() {
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
* The solution retained was to mimic the way LLVM does its stub. As a kernel can be run multiple times with different arguments (when the application explicitly does so, or when there are \c __local pointers needing to be reallocated between each work-group), the stub function cannot simply use constants, because rebuilding it for each set of arguments would be too slow.
- * So, the Clover's stub takes exactly one parameter: a \c void* pointer. This pointer contains the actual parameters, carefully aligned by Coal::CPUKernel::typeOffset(). The stub itself is built by Coal::CPUKernel::callFunction() and is like that :
+ * So, the Clover's stub takes exactly one parameter: a \c void* pointer. This pointer contains the actual parameters, carefully aligned by \c Coal::CPUKernel::typeOffset(). The stub itself is built by \c Coal::CPUKernel::callFunction() and is like that :
* \code
* void stub(void *args) {
@@ -161,9 +161,9 @@
* The OpenCL C language provides built-ins that can be called from the kernels. For the most of them, there is no problem: they can either be implemented as LLVM instructions and then compiled for the CPU, or the standard library (src/core/runtime/stdlib.c) provides an implementation.
- * But there are cases where information outside the kernel is needed. For example, the get_work_dim() builtin takes no argument, but has to return a value dependent of the current Coal::KernelEvent being run.
+ * But there are cases where information outside the kernel is needed. For example, the \c get_work_dim() builtin takes no argument, but has to return a value dependent of the current \c Coal::KernelEvent being run.
- * In order to handle that, a call is made from the kernel to the Clover library. It's made possible by a very handy LLVM function: llvm::ExecutionEngine::InstallLazyFunctionCreator() called by Coal::CPUProgram::initJIT(). This function allows Clover to register a function that will resolve function names to function addresses. This way, a function called "get_work_dim" in the kernel will be passed to this function creator, that will return a pointer to get_work_dim() in src/core/cpu/builtins.cpp.
+ * In order to handle that, a call is made from the kernel to the Clover library. It's made possible by a very handy LLVM function: \c llvm::ExecutionEngine::InstallLazyFunctionCreator() called by \c Coal::CPUProgram::initJIT(). This function allows Clover to register a function that will resolve function names to function addresses. This way, a function called "get_work_dim" in the kernel will be passed to this function creator, that will return a pointer to \c get_work_dim() in src/core/cpu/builtins.cpp.
* \code
* void *getBuiltin(const std::string &name)
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
* }
* \endcode
- * It's good, but one problem remains: get_work_dim() doesn't take any argument, but has to return an information about the currently-running kernel. Here, the internal structure of Coal::CPUDevice has to be taken into account. The device creates one worker thread per CPU core, and each of these worker threads can run only one work-group at a time, but multiple worker threads can run different kernels and work groups concurrently.
+ * It's good, but one problem remains: \c get_work_dim() doesn't take any argument, but has to return an information about the currently-running kernel. Here, the internal structure of \c Coal::CPUDevice has to be taken into account. The device creates one worker thread per CPU core, and each of these worker threads can run only one work-group at a time, but multiple worker threads can run different kernels and work groups concurrently.
* So, the solution retained is a Thread-Local variable. Such a variable is like a global variable (shared among all the classes and functions of a project), but its value is private to the currently-running thread. As a thread always handles only one work-group, a TLS variable is what is needed, and what Clover uses. It's named \ref g_work_group.
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
* !incVec(p_work_dim, p_dummy_context.local_id, p_max_local_id));
* \endcode
- * This code can be found in Coal::CPUKernelWorkGroup::run(). The incVec() call is there to handle the 3D global and local IDs. It returns true when the vector we are incrementing reaches \c p_max_local_id.
+ * This code can be found in \c Coal::CPUKernelWorkGroup::run(). The \c incVec() call is there to handle the 3D global and local IDs. It returns true when the vector we are incrementing reaches \c p_max_local_id.
* More explanation of this part can be found on the \ref barrier page.