AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2015-07-07Rough, but dumps LLVM!cb-hackLaura Ekstrand2-3/+5
2015-07-06Won't build, but on the right track for dump-opt-llvm.Laura Ekstrand1-3/+26
2015-06-19Comment out CL_PROFILING_INFO_NOT_AVAILABLE.Laura Ekstrand1-6/+7
2015-06-19Add string parsing to remove unknown -dump-opt-llvm compiler option.Laura Ekstrand1-0/+35
2015-06-17Adds CMake help info and local beignet runner script.Laura Ekstrand2-0/+20
2015-06-17Changes platform name to match other driver.Laura Ekstrand1-1/+1
2015-06-17Fixed messy git status.Laura Ekstrand1-0/+2
2015-03-19Build: fix the beignet icd name when CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR is undefined.Zhigang Gong1-2/+8
2015-03-19Generate NAN for UNDEF value in printf parser.Junyan He1-0/+6
2015-03-19runtime: fix a conformance bug in cl_get_kernel_arg_info.Zhigang Gong1-1/+5
2015-03-18CL: update to 2.0 header files.Zhigang Gong10-12571/+344
2015-03-17correct env var to output llvm IRGuo Yejun1-3/+5
2015-03-17strip PointerCast for call instructions before use.Luo Xionghu2-4/+3
2015-03-17Add LLVM_INCLUDE_DIR to CMakeList of src.Junyan He1-1/+2
2015-03-16Bump to 1.1Zhigang Gong1-1/+1
2015-03-16Docs: update team information.Zhigang Gong1-0/+13
2015-03-16Build: set 3.5 as the stable LLVM version for beignet.Zhigang Gong1-5/+6
2015-03-16GBE: fix an image related bugs.Zhigang Gong2-17/+24
2015-03-13simple return if spir extension not supported.Luo Xionghu1-1/+1
2015-03-13only support spir extension for beignet build with llvm 3.5 or later.Luo Xionghu1-0/+3
2015-03-13reset the SPIR target datalayout.Luo Xionghu1-0/+4
2015-03-13Revert "libocl: using mad() to implement dot()"Zhigang Gong1-3/+3
2015-03-12replace pow with llvm intrinsic.Luo Xionghu3-11/+10
2015-03-12replace mad with llvm intrinsic.Luo Xionghu3-11/+1
2015-03-12replace rndd with llvm intrinsic.Luo Xionghu4-5/+4
2015-03-12replace rndu with llvm intrinsic.Luo Xionghu4-5/+2
2015-03-12replace rnde with llvm intrinsic.Luo Xionghu4-5/+4
2015-03-12replace rndz with llvm intrinsic.Luo Xionghu4-5/+2
2015-03-12replace fabs with llvm intrinsic.Luo Xionghu4-5/+2
2015-03-12Backend: Fix errors in disasm for indirect instruction Gen8.Junyan He1-21/+9
2015-03-12Backend: Add the logic to handle uniform src for BSwap Gen8.Junyan He1-28/+62
2015-03-12GBE: Only emit multiply when immediate is not one.Ruiling Song1-3/+5
2015-03-09Modify the utest case for bswap.Junyan He2-71/+156
2015-03-09Backend: Delete bswap logic in the llvm_to_gen stage.Junyan He3-83/+5
2015-03-09Add a0 setting and bswap logic for GEN8Junyan He2-0/+175
2015-03-09Backend: Handle the bswap using indirect mode access.Junyan He3-0/+140
2015-03-09Backend: Correct indirect mode encoder setting for Gen8.Junyan He1-7/+8
2015-03-09Backend: Correct indirect mode encoder setting for Gen7.Junyan He1-7/+7
2015-03-09Backend: Add functions to set a0 register.Junyan He2-0/+46
2015-03-09Backend: Add the indirect fields and functions for gen register.Junyan He1-1/+29
2015-03-09add utest for load spir binary.Luo Xionghu3-0/+91
2015-03-09SPIR binary support for printf function.Luo Xionghu2-2/+13
2015-03-09change the workitem related api to OVERLOABABLE.Luo Xionghu9-21/+19
2015-03-09enable cl_khr_spir extension to build and run from SPIR binary.Luo Xionghu9-5/+39
2015-03-09GBE: add a new incompatible compile option -cl-finite-math-only.Zhigang Gong1-1/+1
2015-03-05Fix llvm3.6 build error.Yang Rong2-8/+0
2015-03-02Build: use -Bsymbolic to fix conflicts with other LLVM users.Zhigang Gong1-1/+1
2015-03-02GBE: add fastcall support.Zhigang Gong3-2/+7
2015-03-02GBE: support compare two bool variables.Zhigang Gong3-5/+2
2015-03-02GBE: remove the unecessary type check for SEL instructio.Zhigang Gong1-1/+0