AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2023-05-30Exit with original ninja return code rather than 1HEADmasterKenneth Graunke1-1/+1
This is probably a little better.
2023-05-30Fix exit code for successful executionsCaio Oliveira1-2/+5
The conditional in one line (A && B && C) would always fail in the case either A or B are not true, regardless our earlier build result. Since this was the last part of the script, the result would be used as exit code for nj. Change the one line into an actual if-statement, and also ensure we return early in case of the main build right above fails. This makes possible running "git rebase --exec nj".
2017-12-07Initial commit for "nj" - a ninja builder tool.Kenneth Graunke1-0/+77