AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2013-03-27Tweak css a bit to add rounded corners and make overlay transparent dark greyHEADmasterKristian Høgsberg2-2/+5
2013-03-27Use weston_surface_geometry_dirty() to dirty surface geometryKristian Høgsberg1-1/+3
2013-03-27Load custom stylesheet form fileKristian Høgsberg2-1/+43
2013-03-27Use upstream gtk+ API for custom surfacesKristian Høgsberg1-13/+18
2013-03-07Restore previous keyboard focus on closeKristian Høgsberg1-22/+60
2013-03-07Use new module init argumentsKristian Høgsberg1-2/+11
2013-02-15Switch to use weston installed headersKristian Høgsberg5-995/+2
2013-02-13Add example of GTK+ based overlay clientKristian Høgsberg3-1/+186
2013-02-13Standalone plugin initial commitKristian Høgsberg8-0/+1451