path: root/eagle.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2010-01-25Implement eglGetDisplay(EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY);HEADmasterKristian Høgsberg1-0/+4
2010-01-21Use INTEL_object_external and INTEL_context_noneKristian Høgsberg1-3/+0
2009-09-12Add hack to export fbo gem integration entry points.Kristian Høgsberg1-0/+12
2009-05-27Change the API to let the application swap and cycle buffers as it wantsKristian Høgsberg1-11/+15
2009-03-10Also return buffer handle in eglGetNativeBuffer()Kristian Høgsberg1-2/+5
2009-03-06Add eglGetNativeBuffer to get the GEM buffer for a GL buffer.Kristian Høgsberg1-0/+3
2009-03-06Create front buffer in eglCreateSurfaceForName if name is 0.Kristian Høgsberg1-6/+7
2009-01-15Use libudev for figuring out which driver to load.Kristian Høgsberg1-2/+4
2008-11-25Add copyright notices to all files.Kristian Høgsberg1-0/+22
2008-11-25Always require user to pass in GEM handle for front.Kristian Høgsberg1-0/+2
2008-11-09Add an eglReadBuffer function to read out pixel data.Kristian Høgsberg1-0/+3
2008-11-08Export the copy buffer extension as a way to copy between surfaces.Kristian Høgsberg1-7/+13
2008-11-03Hook up eglBindTexImage.Kristian Høgsberg1-0/+8
2008-10-13Add an untested x11+dri2 backend.Kristian Høgsberg1-0/+8
2008-10-13Refactor the backend architechture.Kristian Høgsberg1-13/+5
2008-10-13Implement swapbuffers using a dri driver extension.Kristian Høgsberg1-0/+5
2008-09-30Flesh out test, add get_buffers, start kms integration.Kristian Høgsberg1-1/+1
2008-04-18Add makefile and header file, make is compile.Kristian Høgsberg1-0/+286