AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2010-01-25Implement eglGetDisplay(EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY);HEADmasterKristian Høgsberg3-5/+20
2010-01-21Use INTEL_object_external and INTEL_context_noneKristian Høgsberg4-176/+63
2010-01-21Update glapi to pull in new version of INTEL_object_externalKristian Høgsberg9-405/+532
2009-09-12Update GLAPI to get GL_EXT_framebuffer_blitKristian Høgsberg11-1516/+1849
2009-09-12Add hack to export fbo gem integration entry points.Kristian Høgsberg2-0/+68
2009-06-08Consolidate native gem code a bit, sneak in another radeon attemptKristian Høgsberg11-327/+176
2009-05-29Use $(CC) and $(DESTDIR)Cedric Hombourger1-5/+7 assumes gcc when linking. This should be changed to $(CC) to allow cross-compiling (which I am). It is also convenient to allow install in a given directory by setting DESTDIR (while keeping prefix to e.g. /usr).
2009-05-27Change the API to let the application swap and cycle buffers as it wantsKristian Høgsberg10-230/+231
Stop trying to make eglSwapBuffer work and just let the application get at the color buffers.
2009-05-10Create test case surfaces using eglCreateSurfaceForName()Kristian Høgsberg1-62/+34
2009-05-10intel: Add i915 tiling support.Chris Wilson1-1/+99
For low-end devices like the i915, tiling is a huge win (you can measure a performance difference of up to 20x). The cost is that you need to allocate much larger buffers (and GEM needs to impose much more severe alignment restrictions costing even more memory). However, without tiling, the performance is nigh-on unusable - once tiled you won't go back! In order to enable tiling on i915 you need to pull various patches from intel-gfx or wait for a post-2.6.29 kernel.
2009-03-10Also return buffer handle in eglGetNativeBuffer()Kristian Høgsberg2-3/+8
2009-03-06Use -fvisibility=hiddenKristian Høgsberg5-42/+54
2009-03-06Add eglGetNativeBuffer to get the GEM buffer for a GL buffer.Kristian Høgsberg2-0/+23
2009-03-06Create front buffer in eglCreateSurfaceForName if name is 0.Kristian Høgsberg2-35/+54
2009-03-05Ajdust for DRI CopyBuffer API change.Kristian Høgsberg2-7/+3
2009-03-01Update texture test to be useful for verifying color components.Kristian Høgsberg2-10/+26
2009-02-22Fill out PCI ID table for all intel chipsets.Kristian Høgsberg1-4/+27
2009-02-16Handle missing dri extension more gracefully.Kristian Høgsberg1-0/+10
We used to segfault, now we just fail at creating a display.
2009-02-16Actually do something with return value of getenv().Kristian Høgsberg1-1/+1
2009-02-16Make DRI2 backend finally work.Kristian Høgsberg5-21/+36
2009-02-15test/texture: Use vertex array.Kristian Høgsberg1-8/+22
2009-02-12Add texture test case.Kristian Høgsberg3-3/+91
2009-02-12Move test case to test/ subdirectory.Kristian Høgsberg7-106/+123
2009-02-12Close GEM buffers on surface destroy.Kristian Høgsberg1-0/+10
2009-01-26Get r300 in better shape.Kristian Høgsberg6-74/+108
Still not there yet, trying to figure out how to get it running.
2009-01-24Move copyBuffer functionality to eagle.cKristian Høgsberg4-117/+54
2009-01-24Drop eglReadBuffer - no reason to reinvent glReadPixels.Kristian Høgsberg2-62/+0
2009-01-24Drop memcpy fallback and require __DRI_COPY_BUFFER.Kristian Høgsberg2-175/+2
2009-01-24Depend on udev 136 and use udev_device_get_property_value()Kristian Høgsberg2-14/+2
2009-01-16Don't pin frontbuffer, KMS does that for us now.Kristian Høgsberg1-8/+0
2009-01-15Pick a visual with a depth buffer for the gears test case.Kristian Høgsberg1-2/+1
2009-01-15Use libudev for figuring out which driver to load.Kristian Høgsberg7-13/+91
2008-12-19Begin implementing the config chooser.Kristian Høgsberg2-52/+57
2008-12-15Add a first attemp at radeon support.Kristian Høgsberg3-1/+354
2008-12-15Create framebuffer and pick config instead of hardcoding these.Kristian Høgsberg1-37/+127
2008-12-11Prevent setuid applications from setting the driver path.Kristian Høgsberg1-1/+6
Also support LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH if set, but only if EAGLE_DRIVER_PATH isn't set.
2008-12-08Catch failure to open drm device.Kristian Høgsberg1-0/+5
2008-12-03Use autoconf instead of the flaky hack.Kristian Høgsberg3-19/+31
2008-12-03Drop bitmask field from DRI2CopyRegion request.Kristian Høgsberg1-1/+0
2008-11-25Add copyright notices to all files.Kristian Høgsberg7-0/+152
2008-11-25Always require user to pass in GEM handle for front.Kristian Høgsberg6-155/+159
This pushes the responsibility for figuring out the GEM handle for the front buffer to the client and avoids making the full screen surface a special case.
2008-11-19Pull in all of glapi so we can dlopen with RTLD_NOW.Kristian Høgsberg10-649/+1151
2008-11-17Make test case use either dri2 or drmfb.Kristian Høgsberg2-48/+99
This crashes my X server right now...
2008-11-17Add .gitignore.Kristian Høgsberg1-0/+6
2008-11-17Add, split out rule to make it from install rule.Kristian Høgsberg2-4/+16
2008-11-09Add an eglReadBuffer function to read out pixel data.Kristian Høgsberg2-0/+38
2008-11-08Add an install rule and a pkg-config file.Kristian Høgsberg1-0/+6
2008-11-08Export the copy buffer extension as a way to copy between surfaces.Kristian Høgsberg2-14/+60
2008-11-06Fix bogus error path.Kristian Høgsberg1-11/+5
2008-11-06Fix a double free, print errors if dlopen fails.Kristian Høgsberg1-2/+4