path: root/spec/spec/Channel_Type_Text.xml
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Diffstat (limited to 'spec/spec/Channel_Type_Text.xml')
1 files changed, 614 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/spec/Channel_Type_Text.xml b/spec/spec/Channel_Type_Text.xml
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/spec/Channel_Type_Text.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Channel_Type_Text" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright © 2005-2009 Collabora Limited </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright © 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright © 2006 INdT </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.Text">
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel"/>
+ <tp:requires
+ interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.Messages"/>
+ <tp:changed version="0.21.5">The Messages interface is now
+ mandatory</tp:changed>
+ <tp:changed version="0.24.0">This interface used to have a bunch of
+ clunky <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace='org.freedesktop'>Telepathy.Properties</tp:dbus-ref>. They have
+ been removed in favour of D-Bus properties on the <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace='ofdT.Channel.Interface'>Room2</tp:dbus-ref>, <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace='ofdT.Channel.Interface'>Subject2</tp:dbus-ref> and
+ <tp:dbus-ref namespace='ofdT.Channel.Interface'>RoomConfig1</tp:dbus-ref>
+ interfaces.</tp:changed>
+ <tp:simple-type name="Message_ID" type="u" array-name="Message_ID_List">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A unique-per-channel identifier for an incoming message. These
+ SHOULD be allocated in a way that minimizes collisions (in particular,
+ message IDs SHOULD NOT be re-used until all of the 32-bit integer
+ space has already been used).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:simple-type>
+ <tp:struct name="Pending_Text_Message" array-name="Pending_Text_Message_List">
+ <tp:deprecated version="0.21.5">New APIs should use
+ an array of <tp:type>Message_Part</tp:type> instead.</tp:deprecated>
+ <tp:docstring>A struct (message ID, timestamp in seconds since
+ 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC, sender's handle, message type, flags, text)
+ representing a pending text message, as returned by
+ <tp:member-ref>ListPendingMessages</tp:member-ref>. The arguments of
+ the <tp:member-ref>Received</tp:member-ref> signal also match this
+ struct's signature.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Message_ID" name="Identifier"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Unix_Timestamp" name="Unix_Timestamp"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle" name="Sender"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Channel_Text_Message_Type"
+ name="Message_Type"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Channel_Text_Message_Flags" name="Flags"/>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Text"/>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <method name="AcknowledgePendingMessages"
+ tp:name-for-bindings="Acknowledge_Pending_Messages">
+ <arg direction="in" name="IDs" type="au" tp:type="Message_ID[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The IDs of the messages to acknowledge
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Inform the channel that you have handled messages by displaying them to
+ the user (or equivalent), so they can be removed from the pending queue.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A given message ID was not found, so no action was taken
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetMessageTypes" tp:name-for-bindings="Get_Message_Types">
+ <tp:deprecated version="0.21.5">Consulting
+ <tp:dbus-ref namespace="ofdT.Channel.Interface.Messages"
+ >MessageTypes</tp:dbus-ref> is preferred.
+ </tp:deprecated>
+ <arg direction="out" type="au" tp:type="Channel_Text_Message_Type[]"
+ name="Available_Types">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of integer message types (ChannelTextMessageType)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Return an array indicating which types of message may be sent on this
+ channel.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <method name="ListPendingMessages"
+ tp:name-for-bindings="List_Pending_Messages">
+ <tp:deprecated version="0.21.5">Consulting
+ <tp:dbus-ref namespace="ofdT.Channel.Interface.Messages"
+ >PendingMessages</tp:dbus-ref> is preferred.
+ </tp:deprecated>
+ <arg direction="in" name="Clear" type="b">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ If true, behave as if
+ <tp:member-ref>AcknowledgePendingMessages</tp:member-ref> had also
+ been called.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:deprecated version="0.17.3">
+ Setting this to true is NOT RECOMMENDED for clients that
+ have some sort of persistent message storage - clients SHOULD only
+ acknowledge messages after they have actually stored them, which is
+ impossible if this flag is true.</tp:deprecated>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="a(uuuuus)" tp:type="Pending_Text_Message[]"
+ name="Pending_Messages">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ An array of structs representing the pending queue. Each contains:
+ <ul>
+ <li>a numeric identifier</li>
+ <li>a Unix timestamp indicating when the message was received</li>
+ <li>the contact handle for the contact who sent the message</li>
+ <li>the message type, taken from ChannelTextMessageType</li>
+ <li>the bitwise-OR of the message flags from ChannelTextMessageFlags</li>
+ <li>the text of the message</li>
+ </ul>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ List the messages currently in the pending queue, and optionally
+ remove then all.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="LostMessage" tp:name-for-bindings="Lost_Message">
+ <tp:deprecated version="0.21.5">In practice, this signal
+ was not emitted, and does not have useful semantics.</tp:deprecated>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ This signal is emitted to indicate that an incoming message was
+ not able to be stored and forwarded by the connection manager
+ due to lack of memory.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="Received" tp:name-for-bindings="Received">
+ <tp:deprecated version="0.21.5">The
+ <tp:dbus-ref namespace="ofdT.Channel.Interface.Messages"
+ >MessageReceived</tp:dbus-ref> signal is more informative.
+ </tp:deprecated>
+ <arg name="ID" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A numeric identifier for acknowledging the message
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Timestamp" type="u" tp:type="Unix_Timestamp">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A Unix timestamp indicating when the message was received
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Sender" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The handle of the contact who sent the message
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Type" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Text_Message_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The type of the message (normal, action, notice, etc.)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Flags" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Text_Message_Flags">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A bitwise OR of the message flags
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Text" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The text of the message
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Signals that a message with the given id, timestamp, sender, type
+ and text has been received on this channel. Applications that catch
+ this signal and reliably inform the user of the message should
+ acknowledge that they have dealt with the message with the
+ <tp:member-ref>AcknowledgePendingMessages</tp:member-ref> method.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="Send" tp:name-for-bindings="Send">
+ <tp:deprecated version="0.21.5">The
+ <tp:dbus-ref namespace="ofdT.Channel.Interface.Messages"
+ >SendMessage</tp:dbus-ref> method is more flexible.
+ </tp:deprecated>
+ <arg direction="in" name="Type" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Text_Message_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An integer indicating the type of the message
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="Text" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The message to send
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Request that a message be sent on this channel. When the message has
+ been submitted for delivery, this method will return and the
+ <tp:member-ref>Sent</tp:member-ref> signal will be emitted. If the
+ message cannot be submitted for delivery, the method returns an error
+ and no signal is emitted.</p>
+ <p>This method SHOULD return before the Sent signal is
+ emitted.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>When a Text channel implements the <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface">Messages</tp:dbus-ref>
+ interface, that "SHOULD" becomes a "MUST".</p>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <tp:enum name="Channel_Text_Send_Error" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Unknown" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An unknown error occurred
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Offline" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The requested contact was offline
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Invalid_Contact" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The requested contact is not valid
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Permission_Denied" value="3">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The user does not have permission to speak on this channel
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Too_Long" value="4">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The outgoing message was too long and was rejected by the server
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Not_Implemented" value="5">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The channel doesn't support sending text messages to the requested
+ contact
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <signal name="SendError" tp:name-for-bindings="Send_Error">
+ <tp:deprecated version="0.21.5">Delivery reporting is now
+ provided by the <tp:dbus-ref namespace="ofdT.Channel.Interface"
+ >Messages</tp:dbus-ref> interface.
+ </tp:deprecated>
+ <arg name="Error" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Text_Send_Error">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The error that occurred
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Timestamp" type="u" tp:type="Unix_Timestamp">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The Unix timestamp indicating when the message was sent
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Type" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Text_Message_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The message type
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Text" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The text of the message
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Signals that an outgoing message has failed to send. The error
+ will be one of the values from ChannelTextSendError.</p>
+ <p>This signal should only be emitted for messages for which
+ <tp:member-ref>Sent</tp:member-ref> has already been emitted and
+ <tp:member-ref>Send</tp:member-ref> has already returned success.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:changed version="0.17.3">older spec versions claimed that SendError
+ was emitted <em>instead of</em> Sent, rather than <em>in addition
+ to</em> Sent. However, the 0.17.3+ semantics were what we'd always
+ actually implemented.</tp:changed>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="Sent" tp:name-for-bindings="Sent">
+ <tp:deprecated version="0.21.5">The
+ <tp:dbus-ref namespace="ofdT.Channel.Interface.Messages"
+ >MessageSent</tp:dbus-ref> signal is more informative.
+ </tp:deprecated>
+ <arg name="Timestamp" type="u" tp:type="Unix_Timestamp">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Unix timestamp indicating when the message was sent
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Type" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Text_Message_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The message type (normal, action, notice, etc) from
+ ChannelTextMessageType
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Text" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The text of the message. If the message was, or will be, altered
+ during transmission, this argument SHOULD reflect what other
+ contacts will receive rather than being a copy of the argument
+ to <tp:member-ref>Send</tp:member-ref>.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Signals that a message has been submitted for sending.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <tp:enum name="Channel_Text_Message_Type" type="u"
+ array-name="Channel_Text_Message_Type_List">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The type of message.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Normal" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An ordinary chat message. Unknown types SHOULD be treated like this.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Action" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An action which might be presented to the user as
+ "* &lt;sender&gt; &lt;action&gt;", such as an IRC CTCP
+ ACTION (typically selected by the "/me" command). For example, the
+ text of the message might be "drinks more coffee".
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Notice" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A one-off or automated message not necessarily expecting a reply
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Auto_Reply" value="3">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An automatically-generated reply message.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Delivery_Report" value="4">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A delivery report. This message type MUST NOT appear unless the
+ channel supports the <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface">Messages</tp:dbus-ref>
+ interface; see <tp:type>Message_Part</tp:type> for the format that
+ delivery reports must take.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <tp:flags name="Channel_Text_Message_Flags" value-prefix="Channel_Text_Message_Flag" type="u">
+ <tp:deprecated version="0.21.5">The
+ <tp:dbus-ref namespace="ofdT.Channel.Interface"
+ >Messages</tp:dbus-ref> interface has an extensible data structure
+ including separate booleans for most of these flags.
+ </tp:deprecated>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Truncated" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The incoming message was truncated to a shorter length by the
+ server or the connection manager.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Non_Text_Content" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>The incoming message contained non-text content which cannot be
+ represented by this interface, but has been signalled
+ in the <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface">Messages</tp:dbus-ref>
+ interface.</p>
+ <p>Connection managers SHOULD only set this flag if the non-text
+ content appears to be relatively significant (exactly how
+ significant is up to the implementor). The intention is that
+ if this flag is set, clients using this interface SHOULD inform
+ the user that part of the message was not understood.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Scrollback" value="4">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>The incoming message was part of a replay of message history.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>In XMPP multi-user chat, a few past messages are replayed
+ when you join a chatroom. A sufficiently capable IRC connection
+ manager could also set this flag on historical messages when
+ connected to a proxy like bip or irssi-proxy. The existence
+ of this flag allows loggers and UIs to use better heuristics
+ when eliminating duplicates (a simple implementation made
+ possible by this flag would be to avoid logging scrollback
+ at all).</p>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Rescued" value="8">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>The incoming message has been seen in a previous channel during
+ the lifetime of the <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy">Connection</tp:dbus-ref>, but
+ had not been acknowledged
+ when that channel closed, causing an identical channel (the
+ channel in which the message now appears) to open.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>This means that a logger (which should already have seen the
+ message in the previous channel) is able to recognise and ignore
+ these replayed messages.</p>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ </tp:flags>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>A channel type for sending and receiving messages. This channel type
+ is primarily used for textual messages, but can also be used for
+ formatted text, text with "attachments", or binary messages on some
+ protocols.</p>
+ <p>Most of the methods and signals on this interface are deprecated,
+ since they only support plain-text messages with limited metadata.
+ See the mandatory <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace="ofdT.Channel.Interface">Messages</tp:dbus-ref>
+ interface for the modern equivalents.</p>
+ <p>When a message is received, an identifier is assigned and a
+ <tp:dbus-ref namespace="ofdT.Channel.Interface.Messages"
+ >MessageReceived</tp:dbus-ref> signal emitted, and the message
+ is placed in a pending queue represented by the
+ <tp:dbus-ref namespace="ofdT.Channel.Interface.Messages"
+ >PendingMessages</tp:dbus-ref> property.
+ When the <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client">Handler</tp:dbus-ref>
+ for a channel has handled the message by showing it to the user
+ (or equivalent), it should acknowledge the receipt of that message
+ using the <tp:member-ref>AcknowledgePendingMessages</tp:member-ref>
+ method, and the message will then be removed from the pending queue.
+ Numeric identifiers for received messages may be reused over the
+ lifetime of the channel.</p>
+ <p>Sending messages can be requested using the
+ <tp:dbus-ref namespace="ofdT.Channel.Interface.Messages"
+ >SendMessage</tp:dbus-ref> method, which will return
+ successfully when the message has been submitted for sending, or
+ return an error with no signal emission if there is an immediate
+ failure. If a message is submitted for sending but delivery of the
+ message later fails, this is indicated by a delivery report, which
+ is received in the same way as an incoming message.</p>
+ <p>Simple one-to-one chats (such as streams of private messages in
+ XMPP or IRC) should be represented by a Text channel whose
+ <tp:dbus-ref namespace="ofdT.Channel">TargetHandleType</tp:dbus-ref>
+ is <tp:value-ref type="Handle_Type">Contact</tp:value-ref>. The
+ expected way to request such a channel is to set the <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace='ofdT.Channel'>ChannelType</tp:dbus-ref>, <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace='ofdT.Channel'>TargetHandleType</tp:dbus-ref>,
+ and either <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace='ofdT.Channel'>TargetHandle</tp:dbus-ref> or <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace='ofdT.Channel'>TargetID</tp:dbus-ref> in a call to
+ <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace='ofdT.ChannelDispatcher'>EnsureChannel</tp:dbus-ref>.</p>
+ <p>Named chat rooms whose identity can be saved and used again later
+ (IRC channels, Jabber MUCs) are expected to be represented by Text
+ channels with <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace="ofdT.Channel">TargetHandleType</tp:dbus-ref> =
+ <tp:value-ref type="Handle_Type">Room</tp:value-ref> and the
+ <tp:dbus-ref namespace="ofdT.Channel.Interface">Group</tp:dbus-ref>
+ interface. In protocols where a chatroom can be used as a continuation
+ of one or more one-to-one chats, these channels should also have the
+ <tp:dbus-ref namespace="ofdT.Channel.Interface">Conference</tp:dbus-ref>
+ interface.</p>
+ <p>Unnamed, transient chat rooms which cannot be rejoined by their
+ unique identifier (e.g. a conversation on MSN which has, or once had,
+ three or more participants) are expected to be represented by Text
+ channels with <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace="ofdT.Channel">TargetHandleType</tp:dbus-ref> = <tp:value-ref
+ type="Handle_Type">None</tp:value-ref> (and hence <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace="ofdT.Channel">TargetHandle</tp:dbus-ref> = 0),
+ <tp:dbus-ref namespace="ofdT.Channel.Interface">Group</tp:dbus-ref>
+ interface, and optionally the
+ <tp:dbus-ref namespace="ofdT.Channel.Interface">Conference</tp:dbus-ref>
+ interface.</p>
+ <p>On protocols like MSN where a conversation with a user is actually
+ just a nameless chat room starting with exactly two members, to which
+ more members can be invited, the initial one-to-one conversation
+ SHOULD be represented with <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace="ofdT.Channel">TargetHandleType</tp:dbus-ref> =
+ <tp:value-ref type="Handle_Type">Contact</tp:value-ref>. If a third
+ participant
+ joins or is invited, this SHOULD be represented by signalling
+ a new <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace="ofdT.Channel.Interface">Conference</tp:dbus-ref> channel
+ with the one-to-one channel in its <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace="ofdT.Channel.Interface.Conference"
+ >InitialChannels</tp:dbus-ref>, migrating the underlying protocol
+ object from the one-to-one channel to the Conference channel,
+ and creating a new protocol-level conversation if the one-to-one
+ channel is re-used. See the Conference interface for more details.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>This keeps the presentation of all one-to-one conversations
+ uniform, and makes it easier to hand over a conversation from a
+ 1-1-specific UI to a more elaborate multi-user UI; while it does
+ require UIs to understand Conference to follow the
+ upgrade, UIs that will deal with XMPP need to understand Conference
+ anyway.</p>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ <p>If a channel of type Text is closed while it has pending messages,
+ the connection manager MUST allow this, but SHOULD open a new channel
+ to deliver those messages, signalling it as a new channel with the
+ <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace="ofdT.Connection.Interface.Requests">NewChannels</tp:dbus-ref>
+ signal. The new channel should resemble the old channel, but have
+ <tp:dbus-ref namespace='ofdT.Channel'>Requested</tp:dbus-ref> = FALSE
+ regardless of its previous value; the <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace='ofdT.Channel'>InitiatorHandle</tp:dbus-ref>
+ and <tp:dbus-ref namespace='ofdT.Channel'>InitiatorID</tp:dbus-ref>
+ should correspond to the sender of one of the pending
+ messages.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>In effect, this turns this situation, in which a client
+ is likely to lose messages:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>UI window is closed</li>
+ <li>message arrives</li>
+ <li>text channel emits Received</li>
+ <li>UI calls Close on text channel before it has seen the
+ Received signal</li>
+ <li>text channel emits Closed and closes</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>into something nearly equivalent to this situation, which is
+ fine:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>UI window is closed</li>
+ <li>UI calls Close on text channel</li>
+ <li>text channel emits Closed and closes</li>
+ <li>message arrives</li>
+ <li>new text channel is created, connection emits NewChannels</li>
+ <li>(the same or a different) UI handles it</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>Requested must be set to FALSE so the replacement channel
+ will be handled by something.</p>
+ <p>In practice, connection managers usually implement this by keeping
+ the same internal object that represented the old channel, adjusting
+ its properties, signalling that it was closed, then immediately
+ re-signalling it as a new channel.</p>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ <p>As a result, Text channels SHOULD implement <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace="ofdT">Channel.Interface.Destroyable</tp:dbus-ref>.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>This "respawning" behaviour becomes problematic if there is no
+ suitable handler for Text channels, or if a particular message
+ repeatedly crashes the Text channel handler; a channel dispatcher
+ can't just Close() the channel in these situations, because
+ it will come back.</p>
+ <p>In these situations, the channel dispatcher needs a last-resort
+ way to destroy the channel and stop it respawning. It could either
+ acknowledge the messages itself, or use the Destroyable interface;
+ the Destroyable interface has the advantage that it's not
+ channel-type-dependent, so the channel dispatcher only has to
+ understand one extra interface, however many channel types
+ eventually need a distinction between Close and Destroy.</p>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ <p>Opaquely-named rejoinable chatrooms (such as Skype rooms) are
+ represented using the properties in the <tp:dbus-ref
+ namespace="ofdT.Channel.Interface">Room2</tp:dbus-ref>
+ interface. Instructions and examples of how to request
+ such channels are given in said interface's description.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </interface>
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