path: root/src/dlna.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/dlna.c')
1 files changed, 580 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/dlna.c b/src/dlna.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20ed99a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dlna.c
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+ * snappy - 0.1 beta
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 Collabora Multimedia Ltd.
+ * <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
+ * USA
+ */
+#include <gio/gio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "dlna.h"
+const char *mpris_introspection_xml =
+ "<node>"
+ " <interface name='org.mpris.MediaPlayer2'>"
+ " <method name='Raise'/>"
+ " <method name='Quit'/>"
+ " <property name='CanQuit' type='b' access='read'/>"
+ " <property name='CanRaise' type='b' access='read'/>"
+ " <property name='HasTrackList' type='b' access='read'/>"
+ " <property name='Identity' type='s' access='read'/>"
+ " <property name='DesktopEntry' type='s' access='read'/>"
+ " <property name='SupportedUriSchemes' type='as' access='read'/>"
+ " <property name='SupportedMimeTypes' type='as' access='read'/>"
+ " </interface>"
+ " <interface name='org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player'>"
+ " <method name='Next'/>"
+ " <method name='Previous'/>"
+ " <method name='Pause'/>"
+ " <method name='PlayPause'/>"
+ " <method name='Stop'/>"
+ " <method name='Play'/>"
+ " <method name='Seek'>"
+ " <arg direction='in' name='Offset' type='x'/>"
+ " </method>"
+ " <method name='SetPosition'>"
+ " <arg direction='in' name='TrackId' type='o'/>"
+ " <arg direction='in' name='Position' type='x'/>"
+ " </method>"
+ " <method name='OpenUri'>"
+ " <arg direction='in' name='Uri' type='s'/>"
+ " </method>"
+ " <signal name='Seeked'>"
+ " <arg name='Position' type='x'/>"
+ " </signal>"
+ " <property name='PlaybackStatus' type='s' access='read'/>"
+ " <property name='LoopStatus' type='s' access='readwrite'/>"
+ " <property name='Rate' type='d' access='readwrite'/>"
+ " <property name='Shuffle' type='b' access='readwrite'/>"
+ " <property name='Metadata' type='a{sv}' access='read'/>"
+ " <property name='Volume' type='d' access='readwrite'/>"
+ " <property name='Position' type='x' access='read'/>"
+ " <property name='MinimumRate' type='d' access='read'/>"
+ " <property name='MaximumRate' type='d' access='read'/>"
+ " <property name='CanGoNext' type='b' access='read'/>"
+ " <property name='CanGoPrevious' type='b' access='read'/>"
+ " <property name='CanPlay' type='b' access='read'/>"
+ " <property name='CanPause' type='b' access='read'/>"
+ " <property name='CanSeek' type='b' access='read'/>"
+ " <property name='CanControl' type='b' access='read'/>"
+ " </interface>"
+ " <interface name='org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.TrackList'>"
+ " <method name='GetTracksMetadata'>"
+ " <arg direction='in' name='TrackIds' type='ao'/>"
+ " <arg direction='out' name='Metadata' type='aa{sv}'/>"
+ " </method>"
+ " <method name='AddTrack'>"
+ " <arg direction='in' name='Uri' type='s'/>"
+ " <arg direction='in' name='AfterTrack' type='o'/>"
+ " <arg direction='in' name='SetAsCurrent' type='b'/>"
+ " </method>"
+ " <method name='RemoveTrack'>"
+ " <arg direction='in' name='TrackId' type='o'/>"
+ " </method>"
+ " <method name='GoTo'>"
+ " <arg direction='in' name='TrackId' type='o'/>"
+ " </method>"
+ " <signal name='TrackListReplaced'>"
+ " <arg name='Tracks' type='ao'/>"
+ " <arg name='CurrentTrack' type='o'/>"
+ " </signal>"
+ " <signal name='TrackAdded'>"
+ " <arg name='Metadata' type='a{sv}'/>"
+ " <arg name='AfterTrack' type='o'/>"
+ " </signal>"
+ " <signal name='TrackRemoved'>"
+ " <arg name='TrackId' type='o'/>"
+ " </signal>"
+ " <signal name='TrackMetadataChanged'>"
+ " <arg name='TrackId' type='o'/>"
+ " <arg name='Metadata' type='a{sv}'/>"
+ " </signal>"
+ " <property name='Tracks' type='ao' access='read'/>"
+ " <property name='CanEditTracks' type='b' access='read'/>"
+ " </interface>"
+ " <interface name='org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Playlists'>"
+ " <method name='ActivatePlaylist'>"
+ " <arg direction='in' name='PlaylistId' type='o'/>"
+ " </method>"
+ " <method name='GetPlaylists'>"
+ " <arg direction='in' name='Index' type='u'/>"
+ " <arg direction='in' name='MaxCount' type='u'/>"
+ " <arg direction='in' name='Order' type='s'/>"
+ " <arg direction='in' name='ReverseOrder' type='b'/>"
+ " <arg direction='out' type='a(oss)'/>"
+ " </method>"
+ " <property name='PlaylistCount' type='u' access='read'/>"
+ " <property name='Orderings' type='as' access='read'/>"
+ " <property name='ActivePlaylist' type='(b(oss))' access='read'/>"
+ " </interface>"
+ "</node>";
+/* for now */
+static const GDBusInterfaceVTable interface_vtable = {
+ (GDBusInterfaceMethodCallFunc) handle_method_call,
+ (GDBusInterfaceGetPropertyFunc) handle_get_property,
+ (GDBusInterfaceSetPropertyFunc) handle_set_property
+static const GDBusInterfaceVTable root_vtable = {
+ (GDBusInterfaceMethodCallFunc) handle_root_method_call,
+ (GDBusInterfaceGetPropertyFunc) get_root_property,
+static GDBusNodeInfo *introspection_data = NULL;
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (SnappyMP, my_object, G_TYPE_OBJECT);
+static void
+my_object_init (SnappyMP * object)
+ // g_print ("my_object_init\n");
+ object->name = "snappy";
+static void
+my_object_finalize (GObject * object)
+ SnappyMP *myobj = (SnappyMP *) object;
+ g_free (myobj->name);
+ G_OBJECT_CLASS (my_object_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+my_object_get_property (GObject * object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ GValue * value,
+ GParamSpec * pspec)
+ SnappyMP *myobj = (SnappyMP *) object;
+ switch (prop_id) {
+ case PROP_NAME:
+ g_value_set_string (value, myobj->name);
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+ }
+static void
+my_object_set_property (GObject * object,
+ guint prop_id,
+ const GValue * value,
+ GParamSpec * pspec)
+ SnappyMP *myobj = (SnappyMP *) object;
+ switch (prop_id) {
+ case PROP_NAME:
+ g_free (myobj->name);
+ myobj->name = g_value_dup_string (value);
+ break;
+ default:
+ G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
+ }
+static void
+my_object_class_init (SnappyMPClass * class)
+ GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class);
+ gobject_class->finalize = my_object_finalize;
+ gobject_class->set_property = my_object_set_property;
+ gobject_class->get_property = my_object_get_property;
+ g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class,
+ g_param_spec_string ("name", "Name", "Name", NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE));
+ mediaplayer_signals[OPEN_URI] =
+ g_signal_newv ("open-uri",
+ G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (class),
+ g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
+ 0,
+ NULL);
+my_object_change_uri (SnappyMP * myobj, gchar * uri)
+ if (myobj != NULL)
+ myobj->uri = uri;
+ // g_print ("changing uri: %s\n", uri);
+ g_object_set (G_OBJECT (myobj), "uri", uri, NULL);
+ engine_open_uri (myobj->engine, uri);
+static void
+handle_result (GDBusMethodInvocation * invocation,
+ gboolean ret,
+ GError * error)
+ if (ret) {
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, NULL);
+ } else {
+ if (error != NULL) {
+ g_print ("DLNA returning error: %s", error->message);
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_gerror (invocation, error);
+ g_error_free (error);
+ } else {
+ g_print ("DLNA returning unknown error");
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error_literal (invocation,
+ G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_FAILED, "Unknown error");
+ }
+ }
+handle_method_call (GDBusConnection * connection,
+ const gchar * sender,
+ const gchar * object_path,
+ const gchar * interface_name,
+ const gchar * method_name,
+ GVariant * parameters,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation * invocation,
+ SnappyMP * myobj)
+ gboolean ret = TRUE;
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ // g_print ("handle_method_call: %s\n", method_name);
+ if (g_strcmp0 (object_path, MPRIS_OBJECT_NAME) != 0 ||
+ g_strcmp0 (interface_name, MPRIS_PLAYER_INTERFACE) != 0) {
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error (invocation,
+ "Method %s.%s not supported",
+ interface_name,
+ method_name);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (g_strcmp0 (method_name, "OpenUri") == 0) {
+ gchar *uri;
+ g_variant_get (parameters, "(s)", &uri);
+ my_object_change_uri (myobj, uri);
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, NULL);
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (method_name, "Next") == 0) {
+ /// ToDo: next track call
+ handle_result (invocation, ret, error);
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (method_name, "Play") == 0) {
+ engine_play (myobj->engine);
+ handle_result (invocation, ret, error);
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (method_name, "Stop") == 0) {
+ engine_stop (myobj->engine);
+ handle_result (invocation, ret, error);
+ }
+GVariant *
+handle_get_property (GDBusConnection * connection,
+ const gchar * sender,
+ const gchar * object_path,
+ const gchar * interface_name,
+ const gchar * property_name, GError ** error, gpointer user_data)
+ GVariant *ret;
+ SnappyMP *myobj = user_data;
+ // g_print ("handle_get_property: %s\n", property_name);
+ ret = NULL;
+ if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "Name") == 0) {
+ //ret = g_variant_new_string (myobj->name ? myobj->name : "");
+ ret = g_variant_new_string ("snappy");
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "PlaybackStatus") == 0) {
+ ret = g_variant_new_string ("Paused");
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "LoopStatus") == 0) {
+ ret = g_variant_new_string ("Paused");
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "Rate") == 0) {
+ ret = g_variant_new_double (0);
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "Shuffle") == 0) {
+ ret = g_variant_new_boolean (FALSE);
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "Metadata") == 0) {
+ const char *strv[] = { "", NULL };
+ ret = g_variant_new_strv (strv, -1);
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "Volume") == 0) {
+ ret = g_variant_new_double (0);
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "Position") == 0) {
+ ret = g_variant_new_double (0);
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "MinimumRate") == 0) {
+ ret = g_variant_new_double (0);
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "MaximumRate") == 0) {
+ ret = g_variant_new_double (0);
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "CanGoNext") == 0) {
+ ret = g_variant_new_boolean (FALSE);
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "CanGoPrevious") == 0) {
+ ret = g_variant_new_boolean (FALSE);
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "CanPlay") == 0) {
+ ret = g_variant_new_boolean (FALSE);
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "CanPause") == 0) {
+ ret = g_variant_new_boolean (FALSE);
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "CanSeek") == 0) {
+ ret = g_variant_new_boolean (FALSE);
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "CanControl") == 0) {
+ ret = g_variant_new_boolean (FALSE);
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "Identity") == 0) {
+ return g_variant_new_string ("snappy");
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "SupportedUriSchemes") == 0) {
+ /* not planning to support this seriously */
+ const char *fake_supported_schemes[] = {
+ "file", "http", "cdda", "smb", "sftp", NULL
+ };
+ return g_variant_new_strv (fake_supported_schemes, -1);
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "SupportedMimeTypes") == 0) {
+ /* nor this */
+ const char *fake_supported_mimetypes[] = {
+ "application/ogg", "audio/x-vorbis+ogg", "audio/x-flac", "audio/mpeg",
+ };
+ return g_variant_new_strv (fake_supported_mimetypes, -1);
+ }
+ return ret;
+handle_set_property (GDBusConnection * connection,
+ const gchar * sender,
+ const gchar * object_path,
+ const gchar * interface_name,
+ const gchar * property_name,
+ GVariant * value, GError ** error, gpointer user_data)
+ SnappyMP *myobj = user_data;
+ if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "Name") == 0) {
+ g_object_set (myobj, "name", g_variant_get_string (value, NULL), NULL);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+handle_root_method_call (GDBusConnection * connection,
+ const char *sender,
+ const char *object_path,
+ const char *interface_name,
+ const char *method_name,
+ GVariant * parameters,
+ GDBusMethodInvocation * invocation, SnappyMP * mp)
+ if (g_strcmp0 (object_path, MPRIS_OBJECT_NAME) != 0 ||
+ g_strcmp0 (interface_name, MPRIS_ROOT_INTERFACE) != 0) {
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error (invocation,
+ "Method %s.%s not supported", interface_name, method_name);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (g_strcmp0 (method_name, "Raise") == 0) {
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, NULL);
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (method_name, "Quit") == 0) {
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, NULL);
+ } else {
+ g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error (invocation,
+ "Method %s.%s not supported", interface_name, method_name);
+ }
+GVariant *
+get_root_property (GDBusConnection * connection,
+ const char *sender,
+ const char *object_path,
+ const char *interface_name,
+ const char *property_name, GError ** error, SnappyMP * mp)
+ // g_print ("get_root_property: %s\n", property_name);
+ if (g_strcmp0 (object_path, MPRIS_OBJECT_NAME) != 0 ||
+ g_strcmp0 (interface_name, MPRIS_ROOT_INTERFACE) != 0) {
+ g_set_error (error,
+ "Property %s.%s not supported", interface_name, property_name);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "CanQuit") == 0) {
+ return g_variant_new_boolean (TRUE);
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "CanRaise") == 0) {
+ return g_variant_new_boolean (TRUE);
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "HasTrackList") == 0) {
+ return g_variant_new_boolean (FALSE);
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "Identity") == 0) {
+ return g_variant_new_string ("snappy");
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "DesktopEntry") == 0) {
+ GVariant *v = NULL;
+ char *path;
+ return v;
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "SupportedUriSchemes") == 0) {
+ /* not planning to support this seriously */
+ const char *fake_supported_schemes[] = {
+ "file", "http", "cdda", "smb", "sftp", NULL
+ };
+ return g_variant_new_strv (fake_supported_schemes, -1);
+ } else if (g_strcmp0 (property_name, "SupportedMimeTypes") == 0) {
+ /* nor this */
+ const char *fake_supported_mimetypes[] = {
+ "application/ogg", "audio/x-vorbis+ogg", "audio/x-flac", "audio/mpeg",
+ };
+ return g_variant_new_strv (fake_supported_mimetypes, -1);
+ }
+ g_set_error (error,
+ "Property %s.%s not supported", interface_name, property_name);
+ return NULL;
+static void
+send_property_change (GObject * obj,
+ GParamSpec * pspec,
+ GDBusConnection * connection)
+ GVariantBuilder *builder;
+ GVariantBuilder *invalidated_builder;
+ SnappyMP *myobj = (SnappyMP *) obj;
+ builder = g_variant_builder_new (G_VARIANT_TYPE_ARRAY);
+ invalidated_builder = g_variant_builder_new (G_VARIANT_TYPE ("as"));
+ if (g_strcmp0 (pspec->name, "name") == 0)
+ g_variant_builder_add (builder,
+ "{sv}", "Name", g_variant_new_string (myobj->name ? myobj->name : ""));
+ // g_print ("some property changed %s\n", pspec->name);
+ g_dbus_connection_emit_signal (connection,
+ "org/mpris/MediaPlayer2",
+ "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties",
+ "PropertiesChanged",
+ g_variant_new ("(sa{sv}as)",
+ "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2", builder, invalidated_builder), NULL);
+static void
+on_name_acquired (GDBusConnection * connection,
+ const gchar * name,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ // g_print ("DLNA MediaPlayer name acquired.\n");
+static void
+on_name_lost (GDBusConnection * connection,
+ const gchar * name,
+ gpointer user_data)
+ exit (1);
+load_dlna (SnappyMP *mp)
+ guint owner_id, player_id, root_id;
+ GError *error = NULL;
+ GDBusInterfaceInfo *ifaceinfo;
+ GDBusConnection *connection;
+ g_type_init ();
+ connection = g_bus_get_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, NULL, &error);
+ /* Build the introspection data structures from the XML */
+ introspection_data =
+ g_dbus_node_info_new_for_xml (mpris_introspection_xml, NULL);
+ g_assert (introspection_data != NULL);
+ /* register media player interface */
+ ifaceinfo =
+ g_dbus_node_info_lookup_interface (introspection_data,
+ mp->player_id =
+ g_dbus_connection_register_object (connection, MPRIS_OBJECT_NAME,
+ ifaceinfo, &interface_vtable, mp, NULL, &error);
+ /* register root interface */
+ ifaceinfo =
+ g_dbus_node_info_lookup_interface (introspection_data,
+ mp->root_id =
+ g_dbus_connection_register_object (connection, MPRIS_OBJECT_NAME,
+ ifaceinfo, &root_vtable, NULL, NULL, &error);
+ if (error != NULL) {
+ g_warning ("unable to register MPRIS root interface: %s", error->message);
+ g_error_free (error);
+ }
+ mp->owner_id = g_bus_own_name (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION,
+ "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.snappy",
+ (GBusNameAcquiredCallback) on_name_acquired,
+ (GBusNameLostCallback) on_name_lost,
+ g_object_ref (mp),
+ g_object_unref);
+ g_assert (mp->owner_id > 0);
+ return TRUE;
+close_dlna (SnappyMP *mp)
+ g_bus_unown_name (mp->owner_id);
+ g_dbus_node_info_unref (introspection_data);
+ g_object_unref (mp);
+ return TRUE;