path: root/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 742 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99e01e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,742 @@
+ * This file is part of the Code::Blocks IDE and licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3
+ *
+ *
+ * $Revision: 4909 $
+ * $Id: updatedlg.cpp 4909 2008-02-27 13:15:26Z mortenmacfly $
+ * $HeadURL: $
+ */
+#include "updatedlg.h"
+#include <wx/xrc/xmlres.h>
+#include <wx/msgdlg.h>
+#include <wx/button.h>
+#include <wx/gauge.h>
+#include <wx/stattext.h>
+#include <wx/textctrl.h>
+#include <wx/combobox.h>
+#include <wx/checkbox.h>
+#include <wx/file.h>
+#include <wx/menu.h>
+#include "devpakinstaller.h"
+#include "crc32.h"
+#include "manager.h"
+#include "configmanager.h"
+#include "globals.h"
+int idNet = wxNewId();
+int idPopupInstall = wxNewId();
+int idPopupDownload = wxNewId();
+int idPopupDownloadAndInstall = wxNewId();
+int idPopupUninstall = wxNewId();
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(UpdateDlg, wxDialog)
+ EVT_UPDATE_UI(-1, UpdateDlg::OnUpdateUI)
+ EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED(XRCID("tvCategories"), UpdateDlg::OnTreeSelChanged)
+ EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED(XRCID("lvFiles"), UpdateDlg::OnFileSelected)
+ EVT_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED(XRCID("lvFiles"), UpdateDlg::OnFileDeSelected)
+ EVT_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK(XRCID("lvFiles"), UpdateDlg::OnFileRightClick)
+ EVT_MENU(idPopupDownload, UpdateDlg::OnDownload)
+ EVT_MENU(idPopupDownloadAndInstall, UpdateDlg::OnDownloadAndInstall)
+ EVT_MENU(idPopupInstall, UpdateDlg::OnInstall)
+ EVT_MENU(idPopupUninstall, UpdateDlg::OnUninstall)
+ EVT_COMBOBOX(XRCID("cmbServer"), UpdateDlg::OnServerChange)
+ EVT_COMBOBOX(XRCID("cmbFilter"), UpdateDlg::OnFilterChange)
+ EVT_CHECKBOX(XRCID("chkCache"), UpdateDlg::OnServerChange)
+ EVT_CBNET_CONNECT(idNet, UpdateDlg::OnConnect)
+ EVT_CBNET_DISCONNECT(idNet, UpdateDlg::OnDisConnect)
+ EVT_CBNET_PROGRESS(idNet, UpdateDlg::OnProgress)
+ EVT_CBNET_ABORTED(idNet, UpdateDlg::OnAborted)
+ EVT_CBNET_START_DOWNLOAD(idNet, UpdateDlg::OnDownloadStarted)
+ EVT_CBNET_END_DOWNLOAD(idNet, UpdateDlg::OnDownloadEnded)
+UpdateDlg::UpdateDlg(wxWindow* parent)
+ : m_Recs(0),
+ m_RecsCount(0),
+ m_CurrFileSize(0),
+ m_LastBlockSize(0),
+ m_HasUpdated(false),
+ m_FirstTimeCheck(true),
+ m_Net(this, idNet, _T(""))
+ //ctor
+ wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadDialog(this, parent, _T("MainFrame"));
+ CreateListColumns();
+ FillServers();
+ UpdateStatus(_("Ready"), 0);
+ //dtor
+ delete[] m_Recs;
+ m_RecsCount = 0;
+void UpdateDlg::EndModal(int retCode)
+ if (!m_Net.IsConnected() || retCode != wxID_CANCEL)
+ {
+ wxDialog::EndModal(retCode);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_Net.IsConnected())
+ m_Net.Abort();
+void UpdateDlg::CreateListColumns()
+ wxListCtrl* lst = XRCCTRL(*this, "lvFiles", wxListCtrl);
+ lst->InsertColumn(0, _("Title"));
+ lst->InsertColumn(1, _("Version"));
+ lst->InsertColumn(2, _("Installed"));
+ lst->InsertColumn(3, _("Size"), wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT);
+ lst->InsertColumn(4, _("Rev"));
+ lst->SetColumnWidth(0, lst->GetSize().x - (64 * 3 + 40) - 6 ); // 1st column takes all remaining space
+ lst->SetColumnWidth(1, 64);
+ lst->SetColumnWidth(2, 64);
+ lst->SetColumnWidth(3, 64);
+ lst->SetColumnWidth(4, 40);
+void UpdateDlg::AddRecordToList(UpdateRec* rec)
+ if (!rec)
+ return;
+ wxListCtrl* lst = XRCCTRL(*this, "lvFiles", wxListCtrl);
+ int idx = lst->GetItemCount();
+ lst->InsertItem(idx, rec->title);
+ lst->SetItem(idx, 1, rec->version);
+ lst->SetItem(idx, 2, rec->installed_version);
+ lst->SetItem(idx, 3, rec->size);
+ lst->SetItem(idx, 4, rec->revision);
+wxString UpdateDlg::GetListColumnText(int idx, int col) {
+ wxListCtrl* lst = XRCCTRL(*this, "lvFiles", wxListCtrl);
+ int index = idx == -1 ? lst->GetNextItem(-1, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED) : idx;
+ wxListItem info;
+ info.SetId(index);
+ info.SetColumn(col);
+ info.SetMask(wxLIST_MASK_TEXT);
+ lst->GetItem(info);
+ return info.GetText();
+void UpdateDlg::SetListColumnText(int idx, int col, const wxString& text)
+ wxListCtrl* lst = XRCCTRL(*this, "lvFiles", wxListCtrl);
+ int index = idx == -1 ? lst->GetNextItem(-1, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED) : idx;
+ wxListItem it;
+ it.m_itemId = index;
+ it.m_col = col;
+ it.m_mask = wxLIST_MASK_TEXT;
+ it.m_text = text;
+ lst->SetItem(it);
+void UpdateDlg::UpdateStatus(const wxString& status, int curProgress, int maxProgress)
+ wxStaticText* lbl = XRCCTRL(*this, "lblStatus", wxStaticText);
+ if (lbl->GetLabel() != status)
+ lbl->SetLabel(status);
+ if (curProgress != -1)
+ XRCCTRL(*this, "gauProgress", wxGauge)->SetValue(curProgress);
+ if (maxProgress != -1)
+ XRCCTRL(*this, "gauProgress", wxGauge)->SetRange(maxProgress);
+void UpdateDlg::EnableButtons(bool update, bool abort)
+ wxButton* btnCl = XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CANCEL", wxButton);
+ btnCl->Enable(abort);
+ // disable server list and cache checkbox while downloading
+ XRCCTRL(*this, "cmbServer", wxComboBox)->Enable(!m_Net.IsConnected());
+ XRCCTRL(*this, "chkCache", wxCheckBox)->Enable(!m_Net.IsConnected());
+ wxYield();
+void UpdateDlg::FillGroups()
+ UpdateStatus(_("Parsing list of updates"), 0, m_RecsCount - 1);
+ // get a list of unique group names
+ wxArrayString groups;
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_RecsCount; ++i)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int x = 0; x < m_Recs[i].groups.GetCount(); ++x)
+ {
+ if (m_Recs[i].groups[x].IsEmpty())
+ continue;
+ if (groups.Index(m_Recs[i].groups[x]) == wxNOT_FOUND)
+ {
+ if (FilterRec(&m_Recs[i]))
+ groups.Add(m_Recs[i].groups[x]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // create the groups tree
+ wxTreeCtrl* tree = XRCCTRL(*this, "tvCategories", wxTreeCtrl);
+ tree->Freeze();
+ tree->DeleteAllItems();
+ wxTreeItemId root = tree->AddRoot(_("All categories"));
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < groups.GetCount(); ++i)
+ {
+ tree->AppendItem(root, groups[i]);
+ }
+ tree->SortChildren(root);
+ tree->Thaw();
+ tree->Expand(root);
+ tree->SelectItem(root); // this calls the event
+ UpdateStatus(_("Done parsing list of updates"), 0);
+void UpdateDlg::FillFiles(const wxTreeItemId& id)
+ wxTreeCtrl* tree = XRCCTRL(*this, "tvCategories", wxTreeCtrl);
+ wxListCtrl* lst = XRCCTRL(*this, "lvFiles", wxListCtrl);
+ lst->Freeze();
+ lst->ClearAll();
+ CreateListColumns();
+ wxString group = id == tree->GetRootItem() ? _T("") : tree->GetItemText(id);
+ // add files belonging to group
+ int counter = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_RecsCount; ++i)
+ {
+ if (group.IsEmpty() || (!m_Recs[i].groups.IsEmpty() && m_Recs[i].groups.Index(group) != wxNOT_FOUND))
+ {
+ // filter
+ if (FilterRec(&m_Recs[i]))
+ {
+ AddRecordToList(&m_Recs[i]);
+ ++counter;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lst->Thaw();
+ // select first item
+void UpdateDlg::FillFileDetails(const wxListItem& id)
+ wxTextCtrl* txt = XRCCTRL(*this, "txtInfo", wxTextCtrl);
+ txt->Clear();
+ UpdateRec* cur = GetRecFromListView();
+ if (!cur)
+ {
+ txt->Clear();
+ EnableButtons();
+ return;
+ }
+ txt->AppendText(_("Name: ") + cur->name + _T("\n"));
+// txt->AppendText(_("Server: ") + cur->remote_server + _T("\n"));
+// txt->AppendText(_("File: ") + cur->remote_file + _T("\n"));
+ txt->AppendText(_("Version: ") + cur->version + _T("\n"));
+ txt->AppendText(_("Size: ") + cur->size + _T("\n"));
+ txt->AppendText(_("Date: ") + cur->date + _T("\n\n"));
+ txt->AppendText(_("Description: \n"));
+ txt->AppendText(cur->desc);
+ txt->SetSelection(0, 0);
+ txt->SetInsertionPoint(0);
+void UpdateDlg::InternetUpdate(bool forceDownload)
+ UpdateStatus(_("Please wait..."));
+ m_HasUpdated = false;
+ m_Net.SetServer(GetCurrentServer());
+ EnableButtons(false);
+ forceDownload = forceDownload || !XRCCTRL(*this, "chkCache", wxCheckBox)->GetValue();
+ bool forceDownloadMirrors = forceDownload || !wxFileExists(GetMirrorsFilename());
+ if (forceDownloadMirrors)
+ {
+ if (!m_Net.DownloadFile(_T("mirrors.cfg"), GetMirrorsFilename()))
+ {
+ UpdateStatus(_("Error downloading list of mirrors"), 0, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ FillServers();
+ m_Net.SetServer(GetCurrentServer()); // update server based on mirrors
+ }
+ }
+ wxString config = GetConfFilename();
+ forceDownload = forceDownload || !wxFileExists(config);
+ if (forceDownload && !m_Net.DownloadFile(_T("webupdate.conf"), config))
+ {
+ UpdateStatus(_("Error downloading list of updates"), 0, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ IniParser ini;
+ if (!ini.ParseFile(config))
+ {
+ UpdateStatus(_("Failed to retrieve the list of updates"), 0, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ ini.Sort();
+ if (m_Recs)
+ delete[] m_Recs;
+ // remember to delete[] m_Recs when we 're done with it!!!
+ // it's our responsibility once given to us
+ m_Recs = ReadConf(ini, &m_RecsCount, GetCurrentServer(), GetPackagePath());
+ FillGroups();
+ }
+ EnableButtons();
+ UpdateStatus(_("Ready"), 0, 0);
+ m_HasUpdated = true;
+void UpdateDlg::FillServers()
+ wxComboBox* cmb = XRCCTRL(*this, "cmbServer", wxComboBox);
+ cmb->Clear();
+ m_Servers.Clear();
+ IniParser ini;
+ ini.ParseFile(GetMirrorsFilename());
+ int group = ini.FindGroupByName(_T("WebUpdate mirrors"));
+ for (int i = 0; group != -1 && i < ini.GetKeysCount(group); ++i)
+ {
+ cmb->Append(ini.GetKeyName(group, i));
+ m_Servers.Add(ini.GetKeyValue(group, i));
+ }
+ if (cmb->GetCount() == 0)
+ {
+ cmb->Append(_(" Community Devpaks"));
+ m_Servers.Add(_T(""));
+ }
+ cmb->SetSelection(0);
+wxString UpdateDlg::GetConfFilename()
+ int server_hash = GetTextCRC32(GetCurrentServer().mb_str());
+ wxString config;
+ config = ConfigManager::GetConfigFolder() + wxFILE_SEP_PATH;
+ config.Printf(_T("%sdevpak_%x.conf"), config.c_str(), server_hash);
+ return config;
+wxString UpdateDlg::GetMirrorsFilename() const
+ wxString config;
+ config = ConfigManager::GetConfigFolder() + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + _T("devpak_mirrors.cfg");
+ return config;
+wxString UpdateDlg::GetCurrentServer() const
+ return m_Servers[XRCCTRL(*this, "cmbServer", wxComboBox)->GetSelection()];
+wxString UpdateDlg::GetBasePath() const
+ return g_MasterPath + wxFILE_SEP_PATH;
+wxString UpdateDlg::GetPackagePath() const
+ return GetBasePath() + _T("Packages") + wxFILE_SEP_PATH;
+bool UpdateDlg::FilterRec(UpdateRec* rec)
+ if (!rec)
+ return false;
+ wxComboBox* cmb = XRCCTRL(*this, "cmbFilter", wxComboBox);
+ switch (cmb->GetSelection())
+ {
+ case 0: // All
+ return true;
+ case 1: // Installed
+ return rec->installed;
+ case 2: // installed with update available
+ return rec->installed && rec->version != rec->installed_version;
+ case 3: // downloaded but not installed
+ return rec->downloaded && !rec->installed;
+ case 4: // not installed
+ return !rec->downloaded && !rec->installed;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false; // doesn't reach here
+void UpdateDlg::ApplyFilter()
+ wxTreeCtrl* tree = XRCCTRL(*this, "tvCategories", wxTreeCtrl);
+ FillGroups();
+ FillFiles(tree->GetSelection());
+ EnableButtons();
+UpdateRec* UpdateDlg::GetRecFromListView()
+ wxListCtrl* lst = XRCCTRL(*this, "lvFiles", wxListCtrl);
+ int index = lst->GetNextItem(-1, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED);
+ if (index == -1)
+ return 0;
+ wxString title = lst->GetItemText(index);
+ wxString version = GetListColumnText(index, 1);
+ wxString revision = GetListColumnText(index, 4);
+ return FindRec(title, version, revision, m_Recs, m_RecsCount);
+void UpdateDlg::DownloadFile(bool dontInstall)
+ UpdateStatus(_("Please wait..."));
+ UpdateRec* rec = GetRecFromListView();
+ if (!rec)
+ {
+ wxMessageBox(_("No file selected!"), _("Error"), wxICON_ERROR);
+ UpdateStatus(_("Ready"), 0, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (rec->version == rec->installed_version)
+ {
+ if (wxMessageBox(_("You seem to have installed the latest version.\nAre you sure you want to proceed?"), _("Confirmation"), wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES_NO) == wxNO)
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!CreateDirRecursively(GetPackagePath()))
+ {
+ wxMessageBox(_("Can't create directory ") + GetPackagePath(), _("Error"), wxICON_ERROR);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (wxFileExists(GetPackagePath() + rec->local_file))
+ {
+ if (wxMessageBox(_("This file already exists!\nAre you sure you want to download it again?"), _("Confirmation"), wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES_NO) == wxNO &&
+ rec->installable)
+ {
+ if (!dontInstall && wxMessageBox(_("Do you want to force-install it?"), _("Confirmation"), wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES_NO) == wxYES)
+ InstallFile();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ m_Net.SetServer(rec->remote_server);
+ EnableButtons(false);
+ if (!m_Net.DownloadFile(rec->remote_file, GetPackagePath() + rec->local_file))
+ {
+ rec->downloaded = false;
+ UpdateStatus(_("Error downloading file: ") + rec->remote_server + _T(" > ") + rec->remote_file, 0, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ rec->downloaded = true;
+ UpdateStatus(_("Ready"), 0, 0);
+ EnableButtons();
+void UpdateDlg::InstallFile()
+ UpdateStatus(_("Please wait..."));
+ UpdateRec* rec = GetRecFromListView();
+ if (!rec)
+ {
+ wxMessageBox(_("No file selected!"), _("Error"), wxICON_ERROR);
+ UpdateStatus(_("Ready"), 0, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ wxYield();
+ if (rec->title == _T("WebUpdate Mirrors list"))
+ {
+ InstallMirrors(GetPackagePath() + rec->local_file);
+ rec->installed = true;
+ ApplyFilter();
+ UpdateStatus(_("Ready"), 0, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (!rec->installable)
+ {
+ UpdateStatus(_("Ready"), 0, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!CreateDirRecursively(GetPackagePath()))
+ {
+ UpdateStatus(_("Ready"), 0, 0);
+ wxMessageBox(_("Can't create directory ") + GetPackagePath(), _("Error"), wxICON_ERROR);
+ return;
+ }
+ wxArrayString files;
+ DevPakInstaller inst;
+ if (inst.Install(rec->name, GetPackagePath() + rec->local_file, GetBasePath(), &files))
+ {
+// wxFileName fname(GetPackagePath() + rec->local_file);
+// fname.SetExt("entry");
+// fname.SetName(rec->title);
+// CreateEntryFile(rec, fname.GetFullPath(), files);
+ CreateEntryFile(rec, GetPackagePath() + rec->entry, files);
+ wxMessageBox(_("DevPak installed"), _("Message"), wxICON_INFORMATION);
+ // refresh installed_version
+ rec->installed = true;
+ rec->installed_version = rec->version;
+ SetListColumnText(-1, 2, rec->installed_version);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxMessageBox(_("DevPak was not installed.\nStatus:\n") + inst.GetStatus(), _("Error"), wxICON_ERROR);
+ }
+ UpdateStatus(_("Ready"), 0, 0);
+void UpdateDlg::InstallMirrors(const wxString& file)
+ if (!wxCopyFile(file, GetMirrorsFilename(), true))
+ wxMessageBox(_("Can't install mirrors file: ") + file, _("Error"), wxICON_ERROR);
+ else
+ {
+ wxRemoveFile(file);
+ FillServers();
+ m_Net.SetServer(GetCurrentServer()); // update server based on mirrors
+ wxMessageBox(_("Mirrors installed"), _("Information"), wxICON_INFORMATION);
+ }
+void UpdateDlg::UninstallFile()
+ UpdateStatus(_("Please wait..."));
+ UpdateRec* rec = GetRecFromListView();
+ if (!rec)
+ {
+ wxMessageBox(_("No file selected!"), _("Error"), wxICON_ERROR);
+ UpdateStatus(_("Ready"), 0, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ wxYield();
+ DevPakInstaller inst;
+ if (inst.Uninstall(GetPackagePath() + rec->entry))
+ {
+ wxMessageBox(_("DevPak uninstalled"), _("Message"), wxICON_INFORMATION);
+ // refresh installed_version
+ rec->installed_version.Clear();
+ rec->installed = false;
+ SetListColumnText(-1, 2, rec->installed_version);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxMessageBox(_("DevPak was not uninstalled.\nStatus:\n") + inst.GetStatus(), _("Error"), wxICON_ERROR);
+ }
+void UpdateDlg::CreateEntryFile(UpdateRec* rec, const wxString& filename, const wxArrayString& files)
+ wxString entry;
+ entry << _T("[Setup]\n");
+ entry << _T("AppName=") << rec->name << _T("\n");
+ entry << _T("AppVersion=") << rec->version << _T("\n");
+ entry << _T("\n");
+ entry << _T("[Files]\n");
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < files.GetCount(); ++i)
+ {
+ entry << files[i] << _T("\n");
+ }
+ wxFile f(filename, wxFile::write);
+ if (f.IsOpened())
+ {
+ f.Write(entry.mb_str(wxConvUTF8),entry.Length());
+ }
+void UpdateDlg::OnFileRightClick(wxListEvent& event)
+// LOGSTREAM << "pt.x=" << event.GetPoint().x << ", pt.y=" << event.GetPoint().y << '\n';
+ UpdateRec* rec = GetRecFromListView();
+ if (!rec)
+ return;
+ wxMenu popup;
+ popup.Append(idPopupDownloadAndInstall, _("Download && install"));
+ popup.AppendSeparator();
+ popup.Append(idPopupDownload, _("Download"));
+ popup.Append(idPopupInstall, _("Install"));
+ popup.AppendSeparator();
+ popup.Append(idPopupUninstall, _("Uninstall"));
+ bool canDl = !rec->downloaded || rec->version != rec->installed_version;
+ bool canInst = rec->downloaded && (!rec->installed || rec->version != rec->installed_version);
+ popup.Enable(idPopupDownload, canDl);
+ popup.Enable(idPopupInstall, canInst);
+ popup.Enable(idPopupDownloadAndInstall, canInst || canDl);
+ popup.Enable(idPopupUninstall, rec->installed);
+ wxListCtrl* lst = XRCCTRL(*this, "lvFiles", wxListCtrl);
+ lst->PopupMenu(&popup, event.GetPoint());
+void UpdateDlg::OnFileDeSelected(wxListEvent& event)
+ wxListItem id;
+ FillFileDetails(id);
+ EnableButtons();
+void UpdateDlg::OnFileSelected(wxListEvent& event)
+ FillFileDetails(event.GetItem());
+ EnableButtons();
+void UpdateDlg::OnTreeSelChanged(wxTreeEvent& event)
+ FillFiles(event.GetItem());
+ EnableButtons();
+void UpdateDlg::OnDownload(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ DownloadFile(true);
+void UpdateDlg::OnInstall(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ InstallFile();
+void UpdateDlg::OnUninstall(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ UninstallFile();
+void UpdateDlg::OnDownloadAndInstall(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ DownloadFile();
+void UpdateDlg::OnServerChange(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ InternetUpdate();
+void UpdateDlg::OnFilterChange(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ ApplyFilter();
+void UpdateDlg::OnConnect(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CANCEL", wxButton)->SetLabel(_("Abort"));
+ EnableButtons();
+void UpdateDlg::OnDisConnect(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ XRCCTRL(*this, "wxID_CANCEL", wxButton)->SetLabel(_("Close"));
+ EnableButtons();
+void UpdateDlg::OnProgress(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ int prg = -1;
+ if (m_CurrFileSize != 0)
+ prg = event.GetInt() * 100 / m_CurrFileSize;
+ UpdateStatus(_("Downloading: ") + event.GetString(), prg);
+ wxStaticText* lbl = XRCCTRL(*this, "lblProgress", wxStaticText);
+ wxString msg;
+ msg.Printf(_("%s of %s"), GetSizeString(event.GetInt()).c_str(), GetSizeString(m_CurrFileSize).c_str());
+ lbl->SetLabel(msg);
+void UpdateDlg::OnAborted(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ UpdateStatus(_("Download aborted: ") + event.GetString(), 0, 0);
+ XRCCTRL(*this, "lblProgress", wxStaticText)->SetLabel(_T(""));
+ m_LastBlockSize = 0;
+void UpdateDlg::OnDownloadStarted(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ m_CurrFileSize = event.GetInt();
+ UpdateStatus(_("Download started: ") + event.GetString(), 0, 100);
+ XRCCTRL(*this, "lblProgress", wxStaticText)->SetLabel(_T(""));
+ m_LastBlockSize = 0;
+void UpdateDlg::OnDownloadEnded(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ UpdateStatus(_("Download finished: ") + event.GetString());
+ XRCCTRL(*this, "lblProgress", wxStaticText)->SetLabel(_T(""));
+ m_LastBlockSize = 0;
+ if (m_HasUpdated && event.GetInt() == 0)
+ {
+ UpdateRec* rec = GetRecFromListView();
+ if (rec)
+ {
+ if (rec->bytes != m_CurrFileSize)
+ wxMessageBox(_("File size mismatch for ") + event.GetString() + _("!\n\n"
+ "This, usually, means one of three things:\n"
+ "1) The reported size in the update list is wrong. The DevPak might still be valid.\n"
+ "2) The file's location returned a web error-page. Invalid DevPak...\n"
+ "3) The file is corrupt...\n\n"
+ "You can try to install it anyway. If it is not a valid DevPak, the operation will fail."),
+ _("Warning"), wxICON_WARNING);
+ }
+ if (rec && rec->installable && wxMessageBox(_("Do you want to install ") + event.GetString() + _(" now?"), _("Confirmation"), wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES_NO) == wxYES)
+ InstallFile();
+ else if (rec && rec->title == _T("WebUpdate Mirrors list"))
+ InstallMirrors(GetPackagePath() + rec->local_file);
+ }
+ m_CurrFileSize = 0;
+void UpdateDlg::OnUpdateUI(wxUpdateUIEvent& event)
+ // hack to display the download message *after* the dialog has been shown...
+ if (m_FirstTimeCheck)
+ {
+ m_FirstTimeCheck = false; // no more, just once
+ wxString config = GetConfFilename();
+ if (wxFileExists(config))
+ InternetUpdate();
+ else
+ {
+ if (wxMessageBox(_("A list of updates needs to be downloaded.\nDo you want to do this now?"), _("Confirmation"), wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES_NO) == wxYES)
+ InternetUpdate(true);
+ }
+ }