path: root/tests/.svn/text-base/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/.svn/text-base/')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/.svn/text-base/ b/tests/.svn/text-base/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a99af9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/.svn/text-base/
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+Files/directories that comprise one test all have the same name, but a different extensions:
+*.doctest - self contained doctest patch
+TODO: recheck input/output sources
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import shutil
+import unittest
+import copy
+from os import listdir
+from os.path import abspath, dirname, exists, join, isdir
+from tempfile import mkdtemp
+verbose = False
+if "-v" in sys.argv or "--verbose" in sys.argv:
+ verbose = True
+#: full path for directory with tests
+tests_dir = dirname(abspath(__file__))
+# import from parent directory
+save_path = sys.path
+sys.path.insert(0, dirname(tests_dir))
+import patch
+sys.path = save_path
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TestPatchFiles(unittest.TestCase):
+ """
+ unittest hack - test* methods are generated by add_test_methods() function
+ below dynamicallt using information about *.patch files from tests directory
+ """
+ def _assert_files_equal(self, file1, file2):
+ f1 = f2 = None
+ try:
+ f1 = open(file1, "rb")
+ f2 = open(file2, "rb")
+ for line in f1:
+ self.assertEqual(line, f2.readline())
+ finally:
+ if f2:
+ f2.close()
+ if f1:
+ f1.close()
+ def _assert_dirs_equal(self, dir1, dir2, ignore=[]):
+ """ compare dir1 with reference dir2
+ .svn dirs are ignored
+ """
+ # recursion here
+ e2list = listdir(dir2)
+ for e1 in listdir(dir1):
+ if e1 == ".svn":
+ continue
+ e1path = join(dir1, e1)
+ e2path = join(dir2, e1)
+ self.assert_(exists(e1path))
+ self.assert_(exists(e2path), "%s does not exist" % e2path)
+ self.assert_(isdir(e1path) == isdir(e2path))
+ if not isdir(e1path):
+ self._assert_files_equal(e1path, e2path)
+ else:
+ self._assert_dirs_equal(e1path, e2path)
+ e2list.remove(e1)
+ for e2 in e2list:
+ if e2 == ".svn" or e2 in ignore:
+ continue
+"extra file or directory: %s" % e2)
+ def _run_test(self, testname):
+ """
+ boilerplate for running *.patch file tests
+ """
+ # 1. create temp test directory
+ # 2. copy files
+ # 3. execute file-based patch
+ # 4. compare results
+ # 5. cleanup on success
+ tmpdir = mkdtemp(prefix="%s."%testname)
+ patch_file = join(tmpdir, "%s.patch" % testname)
+ shutil.copy(join(tests_dir, "%s.patch" % testname), patch_file)
+ from_src = join(tests_dir, "%s.from" % testname)
+ from_tgt = join(tmpdir, "%s.from" % testname)
+ if not isdir(from_src):
+ shutil.copy(from_src, from_tgt)
+ else:
+ for e in listdir(from_src):
+ if e == ".svn":
+ continue
+ epath = join(from_src, e)
+ if not isdir(epath):
+ shutil.copy(epath, join(tmpdir, e))
+ else:
+ shutil.copytree(epath, join(tmpdir, e))
+ # 3.
+ # test utility as a whole
+ patch_tool = join(dirname(tests_dir), "")
+ save_cwd = os.getcwdu()
+ os.chdir(tmpdir)
+ if verbose:
+ ret = os.system('%s %s "%s"' % (sys.executable, patch_tool, patch_file))
+ else:
+ ret = os.system('%s %s -q "%s"' % (sys.executable, patch_tool, patch_file))
+ assert ret == 0, "Error %d running test %s" % (ret, testname)
+ os.chdir(save_cwd)
+ # 4.
+ # compare results
+ if not isdir(from_src):
+ self._assert_files_equal(join(tests_dir, "" % testname), from_tgt)
+ else:
+ # need recursive compare
+ self._assert_dirs_equal(join(tests_dir, "" % testname), tmpdir, "%s.patch" % testname)
+ shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
+ return 0
+def add_test_methods(cls):
+ """
+ hack to generate test* methods in target class - one
+ for each *.patch file in tests directory
+ """
+ # list testcases - every test starts with number
+ # and add them as test* methods
+ testptn = re.compile(r"^(?P<name>\d{2,}.+)\.(?P<ext>[^\.]+)")
+ testset = sorted( set([testptn.match(e).group('name') for e in listdir(tests_dir) if testptn.match(e)]) )
+ for filename in testset:
+ methname = filename.replace(" ", "_")
+ def create_closure():
+ name = filename
+ return lambda self: self._run_test(name)
+ setattr(cls, "test%s" % methname, create_closure())
+ if verbose:
+ print "added test method %s to %s" % (methname, cls)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TestCheckPatched(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.save_cwd = os.getcwdu()
+ os.chdir(tests_dir)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ os.chdir(self.save_cwd)
+ def test_patched_multiline(self):
+ pto = patch.fromfile(join(tests_dir, "01uni_multi.patch"))
+ os.chdir(join(tests_dir, ""))
+ self.assert_(pto.can_patch("updatedlg.cpp"))
+ def test_can_patch_single_source(self):
+ pto2 = patch.fromfile(join(tests_dir, "02uni_newline.patch"))
+ self.assert_(pto2.can_patch("02uni_newline.from"))
+ def test_can_patch_fails_on_target_file(self):
+ pto3 = patch.fromfile(join(tests_dir, "03trail_fname.patch"))
+ self.assertEqual(None, pto3.can_patch(""))
+ self.assertEqual(None, pto3.can_patch("not_in_source.also"))
+ def test_multiline_false_on_other_file(self):
+ pto = patch.fromfile(join(tests_dir, "01uni_multi.patch"))
+ os.chdir(join(tests_dir, "01uni_multi.from"))
+ self.assertFalse(pto.can_patch("updatedlg.cpp"))
+ def test_single_false_on_other_file(self):
+ pto3 = patch.fromfile(join(tests_dir, "03trail_fname.patch"))
+ self.assertFalse(pto3.can_patch("03trail_fname.from"))
+ def test_can_patch_fails_even_if_file_in_targets_can_be_patched(self):
+ pto2 = patch.fromfile(join(tests_dir, "04can_patch.patch"))
+ self.assert_(not pto2.can_patch(""))
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TestPatchParse(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_fromstring(self):
+ try:
+ f = open(join(tests_dir, "01uni_multi.patch"), "rb")
+ readstr =
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ pto = patch.fromstring(readstr)
+ self.assertEqual(len(pto.source), 5)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()