path: root/osframework/source/demos/properties/resources.xml
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Diffstat (limited to 'osframework/source/demos/properties/resources.xml')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/osframework/source/demos/properties/resources.xml b/osframework/source/demos/properties/resources.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf9d36d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/osframework/source/demos/properties/resources.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ All resources.xml files must contain the ResourceManifest section.
+ Just like when we loaded resources manually in demos 1-3, you do
+ not have to specify the extensions for images and sounds.
+ Use the ResourceGen.exe program to convert this XML into C++ code.
+ The variable names that you give to the resources below will then be
+ accessible by any file that includes your resource header file
+ (generated by ResourceGen.exe).
+ Resource groups can be loaded/deleted at any time. Thus, it's advantageous
+ to split your resources into groups if you don't need to have every single
+ resource in memory at the same time. A common use for grouping is to
+ split the title screen, main menu, and main game elements up. Then,
+ when the main game is playing, you can kick out the main menu and title
+ screen data. Similarly, when you are back to the main menu, you can kick out
+ the game resources. How you use the grouping is up to you, it's provided
+ for your convenience.
+ Remember in previous demos how we had to manually set an image's
+ mNumRows and mNumCols by hand? Not anymore. If we had an image we
+ wanted to load that contained more than 1 row or column, we could
+ specify the optional parameters: cols and rows. As an example, here's
+ how we'd load in that lightning image from a previous demo:
+ <Image id="LIGHTNINGT" path="images/lightning" rows="8"/>
+ And then it's automatically set for you when you load the resource.
+ <!-- You create resource groups with the Resources tag. Specify the
+ group name in the "id" field. We tend to use "Init" to mean the resources that
+ must be loaded before ANYTHING displays. We put our main font in here instead
+ of in the TileScreen group (below) because we want the font to stick around
+ for the duration of the game and not to be removed when we get rid of the
+ title screen. -->
+ <Resources id="Init">
+ <!-- You can set the default directory to look for the resources in, as
+ well as a standard prefix for the resource variable names when the C++
+ code is generated. -->
+ <SetDefaults path="fonts" idprefix="FONT_" />
+ <!-- The Font tag indicates that we want to load and initialize a font. Just
+ give the font a name (in this case, FONT_DEFAULT) and tell the manager where
+ to look for the data file. -->
+ <Font id="DEFAULT" path="ContinuumBold12.txt"/>
+ <Font id="HUNGARR" path="ArmorPiercing22.txt"/>
+ <SetDefaults path="images" idprefix="IMAGE_" />
+ <Image id="CUSTOM_POINTER" path="custom_pointer"/>
+ <Image id="CUSTOM_HAND" path="custom_hand"/>
+ <Image id="CUSTOM_DRAGGING" path="custom_dragging"/>
+ <Image id="CUSTOM_TEXT" path="custom_text"/>
+ <Image id="HUNGARR_LOGO" path="hungarr_logo"/>
+ </Resources>
+ <!-- These are the resources that are going to be used solely by the title screen.
+ Again, we could have named this resource group anything we wanted.
+ These resources will be deleted after we are done using the title screen. -->
+ <Resources id="TitleScreen">
+ <SetDefaults path="images" idprefix="IMAGE_"/>
+ <!-- The Image tag specifies that we want to image.
+ There is also a Sound tag for loading sounds. All the tags work exactly the same:
+ you specify a variable name to use (if idprefix is specified it is prepended to
+ that name) and the name of the file to load. -->
+ <Image id="LOADER_BAR" path="loader_bar"/>
+ <Image id="LOADER_LOADINGTXT" path="loader_loading"/>
+ <SetDefaults path="sounds" idprefix="SOUND_"/>
+ <Sound id="CONTINUE" path="slowdown1"/>
+ </Resources>
+ <!-- And finally, we'll put all the resources that are needed for the main game
+ part of things in this group. -->
+ <Resources id="Game">
+ <SetDefaults path="sounds" idprefix="SOUND_"/>
+ <Sound id="MUTATOR" path="mutator"/>
+ <Sound id="TIMER" path="timer"/>
+ <SetDefaults path="images" idprefix="IMAGE_"/>
+ <!-- in case you're wondering about some of these filenames, they are taken
+ from various PopCap games. They haven't been changed. -->
+ <Image id="ROBOTROBOT" path="robotrobot"/>
+ <Image id="CHECKBOX" path="checkbox"/>
+ <Image id="BG0" path="layer0"/>
+ <Image id="BG1" path="layer1"/>
+ <Image id="BG2" path="layer2"/>
+ <Image id="BUTTON_DOWN" path="btn_down"/>
+ <Image id="BUTTON_OVER" path="btn_over"/>
+ <Image id="BUTTON_NORMAL" path="btn_up"/>
+ <Image id="DIALOG_BOX" path="dialog"/>
+ <Image id="DIALOG_BUTTON" path="dialog_btn"/>
+ <Image id="SLIDER_TRACK" path="slider"/>
+ <Image id="SLIDER_THUMB" path="slider_thumb"/>
+ </Resources>
+ <!-- Resources for the Hun-garr game -->
+ <Resources id="Hungarr">
+ <SetDefaults path="images" idprefix="IMAGE_"/>
+ <Image id="HUNGARR_SMALL" path="unicron_baby"/>
+ <Image id="HUNGARR_BEAM_UP" path="unicron_beam_up"/>
+ <Image id="HUNGARR_BEAM_DOWN" path="unicron_beam_down"/>
+ <Image id="HUNGARR_BEAM_LEFT" path="unicron_beam_left"/>
+ <Image id="HUNGARR_BEAM_RIGHT" path="unicron_beam_right"/>
+ <Image id="HUNGARR_HORIZ" path="unicron_horiz"/>
+ <Image id="HUNGARR_VERT" path="unicron_vert"/>
+ <Image id="ATOMIC_EXPLOSION" path="atomicexplosion" cols="15"/>
+ <Image id="BOMB_RADIAL_DEATH" path="bomb_radial_death" cols="10"/>
+ <Image id="PLANETS" path="planets_small" cols="11" rows="3"/>
+ <Image id="SPARK" path="spark"/>
+ <Image id="PARTICLE_LIGHTNING" path="particle_lightning" cols="19"/>
+ <SetDefaults path="sounds" idprefix="SOUND_"/>
+ <Sound id="MAGZAP" path="magzap1"/>
+ <Sound id="BUTTON" path="mouseover"/>
+ <Sound id="PLANET" path="planet"/>
+ <Sound id="LEVEL_UP1" path="level_up"/>
+ <Sound id="LEVEL_UP2" path="level_up2"/>
+ <Sound id="EXPLOSION" path="explosion"/>
+ <Sound id="BEAM_HIT" path="robotlaser"/>
+ <Sound id="PLANET_HIT" path="click2"/>
+ <Sound id="BEAM_MOVING" path="shorting"/>
+ <Sound id="LEVEL_UP4" path="laserpowerup"/>
+ <Sound id="LEVEL_UP3" path="killall_explode"/>
+ <Sound id="GAME_OVER_CLICK" path="bad2"/>
+ <Sound id="GAME_OVER_STATS" path="electro_start"/>
+ <Sound id="GAME_OVER_RESTART" path="whirlpool1"/>
+ <Sound id="GAME_OVER_TEXT" path="lament"/>
+ <Sound id="REGION_FILLED" path="metal_loop"/>
+ </Resources>