path: root/osframework/source/demos/Demo2/Board.cpp
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diff --git a/osframework/source/demos/Demo2/Board.cpp b/osframework/source/demos/Demo2/Board.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bc7f4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/osframework/source/demos/Demo2/Board.cpp
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+#include "Board.h"
+#include "GameApp.h"
+#include "SexyAppFramework/Graphics.h"
+// See the Draw method for more information on using the Color class.
+#include "SexyAppFramework/Color.h"
+// Why are we including ImageFont.h and not Font.h? Font.h is just a generic
+// base class. ImageFont creates fonts from an image that contains all the
+// text characters as well as a text file that indicates character widths
+// and kerning information, as well as some more advanced features not used
+// in this tutorial such as font layers, etc.
+#include "SexyAppFramework/ImageFont.h"
+// The Image.h file just declares basic functions. All images are either of
+// the DDImage or MemoryImage type. For this demo, we will use DDImage
+// types, as they are the type returned by the image loading code.
+// A DDImage is actually derived from MemoryImage, so where an Image or
+// MemoryImage is required, a DDImage will suffice as well. A DDImage
+// contains optimized code for use with DirectX 7+.
+#include "SexyAppFramework/DDImage.h"
+// The Rectangle template, used to specify X, Y, Width, Height
+#include "SexyAppFramework/Rect.h"
+// The SexyAppFramework resides in the "Sexy" namespace. As a convenience,
+// you'll see in all the .cpp files "using namespace Sexy" to avoid
+// having to prefix everything with Sexy::
+using namespace Sexy;
+Board::Board(GameApp* theApp)
+ mApp = theApp;
+ // Start by fully glowing and making the pulse decrease
+ mPulseAmt = 255;
+ mIncPulse = false;
+void Board::Update()
+ // Let the parent class update as well. This will increment
+ // the variable mUpdateCnt which is an integer that indicates
+ // how many times the Update() method has been called. Since our
+ // Board class is updated 100 times per second, this variable will
+ // increment 100 times per second. As you will see in later demos,
+ // we will use this variable for animation since its value represents
+ // hundredths of a second, which is for almost all games a good
+ // enough timer value and doesn't rely on the system clock function
+ // call.
+ Widget::Update();
+ // Every frame (100 times per second) let's change the pulse amount by
+ // 1. When we reach either 0 or 255 (the lower/upper bounds of
+ // a color value) we'll reverse the pulsing direction. See the Draw()
+ // method for its usage: we're going to draw an image with varying intenstiy
+ // over time.
+ if (mIncPulse)
+ {
+ if (++mPulseAmt >= 255)
+ {
+ mIncPulse = false;
+ mPulseAmt = 255;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (--mPulseAmt <= 0)
+ {
+ mIncPulse = true;
+ mPulseAmt = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Let's play the timer sound effect once every 2 second.
+ // Since this method is called 100 times per second, just mod
+ // mUpdateCnt by 200. We do that by calling GameApp's PlaySample()
+ // method and specifying the integral ID of the sound to play. This
+ // ID is the same as we used when loading the sound in GameApp::LoadingThreadProc()
+ if (mUpdateCnt % 200 == 0)
+ mApp->PlaySample(1);
+ // What about playing a sound but making it play on either the left or
+ // right speaker? And what about pitch shifting? These are all possible,
+ // but we won't learn about them until a later demo.
+ // For this and most of the other demos, you will see the function
+ // below called every Update() call. MarkDirty() tells the widget
+ // manager that something has changed graphically in the widget and
+ // that it needs to be repainted. All widgets follow this convention.
+ // In general, if you don't need
+ // to update your drawing every time you call the Update method
+ // (the most common case is when the game is paused) you should
+ // NOT mark dirty. Why? If you aren't marking dirty every frame,
+ // then you aren't drawing every frame and thus you use less CPU
+ // time. Because people like to multitask, or they may be on a laptop
+ // with limited battery life, using less CPU time lets people do
+ // other things besides play your game. Of course, everyone
+ // will want to play your game at all times, but it's good to be
+ // nice to those rare people that might want to read email or
+ // do other things at the same time.
+ // In this particular demo, we
+ // won't be nice, as the purpose is to bring you up to speed as
+ // quickly as possible, and so we'll dispense with optimizations
+ // for now, so you can concentrate on other core issues first.
+ // In general, this is the last method called in the Update
+ // function, but that is not necessary. In fact, the MarkDirty
+ // function can be called anywhere, in any method (although
+ // calling it in the Draw method doesn't make sense since it is
+ // already drawing) and even multiple times. Calling it multiple
+ // times does not do anything: only the first call makes a difference.
+ MarkDirty();
+void Board::Draw(Graphics* g)
+ // And now for the good stuff! The Graphics object, "g", is
+ // automatically created and passed to this method by the
+ // WidgetManager and can be thought of as the main screen
+ // bitmap/canvas upon which all drawing will be done. This object
+ // is double buffered automatically so you don't need to worry
+ // about those details. All you need to do is instruct the object
+ // that you would like to draw something to it, and when the
+ // WidgetManager gets done letting all widgets draw to the
+ // Graphics object, it will then blit everything to the screen
+ // at once.
+ // First, let's start by clearing the screen to black.
+ // As you'll recall from Demo1, we set the color with SetColor
+ // and pass in a Color object that contains either 3 or 4 parameters,
+ // that represent the r,g,b,a values (alpha is 255 if only 3 specified).
+ g->SetColor(Color(0, 0, 0));
+ g->FillRect(0, 0, mWidth, mHeight);
+ // Now let's print some text. In order to do so, we need to instruct the
+ // graphics object as to which font we want to use. We do that with
+ // the SetFont method. Then we call the DrawString method and pass in
+ // a normal string and give it an X, Y to draw at. But wait! If we just
+ // draw a string right now, we won't see it. Can you guess why?
+ // The graphics object is still using the color, white, which we
+ // set a few lines above. Thus, when it goes to draw the string,
+ // it will draw it in white. How do you change the text color?
+ // Easy: it's just like you learned for drawing those primitives:
+ // just use SetColor and you're done! It doesn't matter whether you
+ // set the color before or after you set the font, fyi.
+ g->SetColor(Color(255, 0, 0));
+ g->SetFont(mApp->mTextFont);
+ g->DrawString(_S("Woo! Text! Ya!"), 10, 10);
+ // Wait a minute, didn't we say to draw at a Y value of 10? Then why does it
+ // appear to be drawing at about 0? That's because the text is offset
+ // by the ascent of the font. A discussion of font terms is beyond the
+ // scope of this demo, but basically just remember that if you want to
+ // display the text at the exact Y coordinate, that you should add
+ // the value of the font's ascent. You can get the ascent by calling
+ // GetAscent() on the font in question. I'm going to use the same
+ // Y value of 10 just to show you the slight difference using GetAscent makes.
+ g->SetColor(Color(55, 90, 255));
+ // We already set the font, no need to set it again unless we want a new one
+ g->DrawString(_S("I like Techno and Drum n' Bass"), 170, 10 + mApp->mTextFont->GetAscent());
+ // And to help you out visually, let's draw a line at Y coordinate 10:
+ g->SetColor(Color(255, 255, 255));
+ g->DrawLine(0, 10, mWidth, 10);
+ // Just for fun, let's change the font. This font, as you can see from its image,
+ // only contains digits and a few symbols. As an example, I will draw a string
+ // containing only those characters as well as a string containing characters that
+ // the font can't represent to show you what would happen.
+ g->SetFont(mApp->mNumberFont);
+ g->SetColor(Color(255, 255, 0));
+ g->DrawString(_S("+200"), 10, 40);
+ g->DrawString(_S("+200 pts"), 10, 60);
+ // You can also get the width of a string in pixels for any given font. In addition, you
+ // can use a printf style function, StrFormat, which is defined in Common.h, to
+ // format strings. You might want to look at Common.h for some...common...and handy functions.
+ g->SetColor(Color(0, 255, 255));
+ SexyString myString = StrFormat(_S("You got %d points!"), 147);
+ g->SetFont(mApp->mTextFont);
+ g->DrawString(myString, 10, 80);
+ g->SetColor(Color(0, 255, 0));
+ g->DrawString(_S(" I am to the right of that previous string."), 10 + mApp->mTextFont->StringWidth(myString), 80);
+ // What about some other common text functions, like justifying and word wrapping?
+ // Not a problem. The Widget class contains some useful features.
+ // For justification, the easiest is to use the WriteString method.
+ // The valid justification values are:
+ // -1: Left justified (same as DrawString)
+ // 0: Centered
+ // 1: Right justified
+ //
+ // For centered/right justified, you can also specify a width indicating the size of the region you
+ // are printing in. The sole purpose of that is to control the centering/right aligning.
+ g->SetColor(Color(255, 255, 255));
+ WriteString(g, _S("Left justified at X of 200"), 200, 95, -1, -1);
+ WriteString(g, _S("Centered using app width"), 0, 110, mWidth, 0);
+ WriteString(g, _S("Centered using width of 200, X of 200"), 200, 125, 200, 0);
+ // And now for a word wrapping example. With this function, you specify a rectangular region
+ // that represents the "box" in which you want the text to be displayed. You can also
+ // set the line spacing, or use -1 for the default font height, and you can also set
+ // the justification using the same values as for WriteString. We'll also draw the "box" using
+ // the DrawRect function, for illustrative purposes. You may notice that I didn't offset the
+ // Y coordinate of the text by the font's ascent: that's because WriteWordWrapped automatically
+ // does that for you.
+ g->SetColor(Color(255, 255, 255));
+ g->DrawRect(30, 140, 200, 400);
+ g->SetColor(Color(0, 255, 0));
+ WriteWordWrapped(g, Rect(30, 140, 200, 400), _S("This is some text that is wrapped inside of the rectangle \
+ at X of 30, Y of 140, width of 200, height of 400. It has \
+ been wrapped using the default left justification and the \
+ default line spacing."), -1, -1);
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Enough talk, let's draw images!
+ // The simplest way to draw an image is with, coincidentally, the DrawImage method.
+ // Just specify the image and the X, Y to draw at and boom! It's done.
+ g->DrawImage(mApp->mTurbotImg, 230, 140);
+ // What about changing the color of an image? This is called colorization, and it works just like
+ // all the previous examples: You call SetColor with the color you want. But wait! There's
+ // an extra step: Because colorizing an image on the fly is slower than normal drawing, you have
+ // to explicity tell the graphics object that you want to enable it. This is done by calling the
+ // SetColorizeImages method of the Graphics class with a parameter value of "true".
+ // IMPORTANT: You should call SetColorizeImages again but with a parameter of "false" when you
+ // are done drawing your colorized image! Otherwise all subsequent image drawing calls will
+ // be colorized using the most recent value from SetColor. You may call SetColor either before
+ // or after SetColorizeImages, it doesn't matter. For this example, we'll draw an image normally
+ // and then colorized. We'll also use the GetHeight() method to draw this image just below the
+ // previous one.
+ g->DrawImage(mApp->mOpaqueBeamImg, 230, 140 + mApp->mTurbotImg->GetHeight());
+ g->SetColor(Color(255, 0, 0));
+ g->SetColorizeImages(true);
+ g->DrawImage(mApp->mOpaqueBeamImg, 230 + mApp->mOpaqueBeamImg->GetWidth(), 140 + mApp->mTurbotImg->GetHeight());
+ g->SetColorizeImages(false);
+ // You may have noticed that part of the previous two images was drawn offscreen. The graphics object by
+ // default sets a clipping region to the size of the widget, and anything drawn outside of it
+ // is clipped, or not drawn. You'll see some more advanced uses of clipping and widgets in a later demo.
+ // There's another cool effect you can do to images: Drawing additively instead of normally.
+ // Additive drawing is just what the name implies: when you draw the image, instead of
+ // drawing using the exact RGBA values of the image, it actually combines them with whatever
+ // pixel values there are in the location in which it is placed. One common use of this is
+ // to draw the same image, but brighter: To do so, you'd just draw the image normally first,
+ // then draw the same image on top of it but additively. Let's try an example and draw
+ // our first image, mApp->mTurbotImg, additively to get a bright effect.
+ g->DrawImage(mApp->mTurbotImg, 230 + mApp->mTurbotImg->GetWidth(), 140);
+ // Enable additive drawing with the call below. IMPORTANT: You should set the
+ // drawmode back to Graphics::DRAWMODE_NORMAL when done, so that other images
+ // don't get drawn additively. Additive drawing is slower than colorization,
+ // so keep that in mind if you are concerned about your game's performance.
+ g->SetDrawMode(Graphics::DRAWMODE_ADDITIVE);
+ g->DrawImage(mApp->mTurbotImg, 230 + mApp->mTurbotImg->GetWidth(), 140);
+ g->SetDrawMode(Graphics::DRAWMODE_NORMAL);
+ // You can even draw an image colorized and additively. This is comonly used to
+ // implement a pulsing sort of effect. Let's do just that: the variable,
+ // mPulseAmt, is updated in our Update method and controls the RGB value
+ // that we'll use to make our image pulse. Again, be sure to set things back
+ // to normal when you are done. Also, it matters not in which order the
+ // SetDrawMode, SetColor, and SetColorizeImages calls are made.
+ g->DrawImage(mApp->mTurbotImg, 230 + mApp->mTurbotImg->GetWidth() * 2, 140);
+ g->SetDrawMode(Graphics::DRAWMODE_ADDITIVE);
+ g->SetColor(Color(mPulseAmt, mPulseAmt, mPulseAmt));
+ g->SetColorizeImages(true);
+ g->DrawImage(mApp->mTurbotImg, 230 + mApp->mTurbotImg->GetWidth() * 2, 140);
+ g->SetDrawMode(Graphics::DRAWMODE_NORMAL);
+ g->SetColorizeImages(false);
+ // And finally, let's just have a simple example of alpha blending. We'll
+ // Draw our first image, a picture of a moon, normally, and draw
+ // our friend Turbot at reduced opacity on top of it. The result is you can
+ // see through turbot to the moon below. Notice that we set the color
+ // for turbot to r=255, g=255, b=255, alpha=128: This results in the
+ // RGB values not being changed, only the alpha. Using a value of 255 for
+ // a colorization amount basically means that the color component will not
+ // be altered.
+ g->DrawImage(mApp->mMoonImg, 400, 300);
+ g->SetColor(Color(255, 255, 255, 60));
+ g->SetColorizeImages(true);
+ g->DrawImage(mApp->mTurbotImg, 400, 300);
+ g->SetColorizeImages(false);
+} \ No newline at end of file