path: root/osframework/source/SexyAppFramework/Widget.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'osframework/source/SexyAppFramework/Widget.cpp')
1 files changed, 489 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/osframework/source/SexyAppFramework/Widget.cpp b/osframework/source/SexyAppFramework/Widget.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f23cea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/osframework/source/SexyAppFramework/Widget.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+#include "Widget.h"
+#include "WidgetManager.h"
+#include "Graphics.h"
+#include "Font.h"
+#include "Image.h"
+#include "SexyAppBase.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+using namespace Sexy;
+bool Widget::mWriteColoredString = true;
+ mWidgetManager = NULL;
+ mVisible = true;
+ mDisabled = false;
+ mIsDown = false;
+ mIsOver = false;
+ mDoFinger = false;
+ mMouseVisible = true;
+ mHasFocus = false;
+ mHasTransparencies = false;
+ mWantsFocus = false;
+ mTabPrev = NULL;
+ mTabNext = NULL;
+ mColors.clear();
+void Widget::WidgetRemovedHelper()
+ if (mWidgetManager==NULL)
+ return;
+ // Call RemovedFromManager on all child widgets and disable them and stuff like that
+ for (WidgetList::iterator aWidgetItr = mWidgets.begin(); aWidgetItr != mWidgets.end(); ++aWidgetItr)
+ {
+ Widget *aWidget = *aWidgetItr;
+ aWidget->WidgetRemovedHelper();
+ }
+ mWidgetManager->DisableWidget(this);
+ PreModalInfoList::iterator anItr = mWidgetManager->mPreModalInfoList.begin();
+ while (anItr != mWidgetManager->mPreModalInfoList.end())
+ {
+ PreModalInfo* aPreModalInfo = &(*anItr);
+ if (aPreModalInfo->mPrevBaseModalWidget == this)
+ aPreModalInfo->mPrevBaseModalWidget = NULL;
+ if (aPreModalInfo->mPrevFocusWidget == this)
+ aPreModalInfo->mPrevFocusWidget = NULL;
+ ++anItr;
+ }
+ RemovedFromManager(mWidgetManager);
+ MarkDirtyFull(this);
+ mWidgetManager = NULL;
+void Widget::OrderInManagerChanged()
+bool Widget::IsPointVisible(int x, int y)
+ return true;
+void Widget::SetVisible(bool isVisible)
+ if (mVisible == isVisible)
+ return;
+ mVisible = isVisible;
+ if (mVisible)
+ MarkDirty();
+ else
+ MarkDirtyFull();
+ if (mWidgetManager != NULL)
+ mWidgetManager->RehupMouse();
+void Widget::Draw(Graphics* g) // Already translated
+void Widget::DrawOverlay(Graphics* g)
+void Widget::DrawOverlay(Graphics* g, int thePriority)
+ DrawOverlay(g);
+void Widget::SetColors(int theColors[][3], int theNumColors)
+ mColors.clear();
+ for (int i = 0; i < theNumColors; i++)
+ SetColor(i, Color(theColors[i][0], theColors[i][1], theColors[i][2]));
+ MarkDirty();
+void Widget::SetColors(int theColors[][4], int theNumColors)
+ mColors.clear();
+ for (int i = 0; i < theNumColors; i++)
+ SetColor(i, Color(theColors[i][0], theColors[i][1], theColors[i][2], theColors[i][3]));
+ MarkDirty();
+void Widget::SetColor(int theIdx, const Color& theColor)
+ if (theIdx >= (int)mColors.size())
+ mColors.resize(theIdx + 1);
+ mColors[theIdx] = theColor;
+ MarkDirty();
+const Color& Widget::GetColor(int theIdx)
+ static Color aColor;
+ if (theIdx < (int) mColors.size())
+ return mColors[theIdx];
+ return aColor;
+Color Widget::GetColor(int theIdx, const Color& theDefaultColor)
+ if (theIdx < (int) mColors.size())
+ return mColors[theIdx];
+ return theDefaultColor;
+void Widget::Resize(int theX, int theY, int theWidth, int theHeight)
+ if ((mX == theX) && (mY == theY) && (mWidth == theWidth) && (mHeight == theHeight))
+ return;
+ // Mark everything dirty that is over or under the old position
+ MarkDirtyFull();
+ mX = theX;
+ mY = theY;
+ mWidth = theWidth;
+ mHeight = theHeight;
+ // Mark things dirty that are over the new position
+ MarkDirty();
+ if (mWidgetManager != NULL)
+ mWidgetManager->RehupMouse();
+void Widget::Resize(const Rect& theRect)
+ Resize(theRect.mX, theRect.mY, theRect.mWidth, theRect.mHeight);
+void Widget::Move(int theNewX, int theNewY)
+ Resize(theNewX, theNewY, mWidth, mHeight);
+bool Widget::WantsFocus()
+ return mWantsFocus;
+void Widget::SetDisabled(bool isDisabled)
+ if (mDisabled == isDisabled)
+ return;
+ mDisabled = isDisabled;
+ if ((isDisabled) && (mWidgetManager != NULL))
+ mWidgetManager->DisableWidget(this);
+ MarkDirty();
+ // Incase a widget is enabled right under our cursor
+ if ((!isDisabled) && (mWidgetManager != NULL) && (Contains(mWidgetManager->mLastMouseX, mWidgetManager->mLastMouseY)))
+ mWidgetManager->MousePosition(mWidgetManager->mLastMouseX, mWidgetManager->mLastMouseY);
+void Widget::GotFocus()
+ mHasFocus = true;
+void Widget::LostFocus()
+ mHasFocus = false;
+void Widget::Update()
+ WidgetContainer::Update();
+void Widget::UpdateF(float theFrac)
+void Widget::KeyChar(SexyChar theChar)
+void Widget::KeyDown(KeyCode theKey)
+ if (theKey == KEYCODE_TAB)
+ {
+ if (mWidgetManager->mKeyDown[KEYCODE_SHIFT])
+ {
+ if (mTabPrev != NULL)
+ mWidgetManager->SetFocus(mTabPrev);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (mTabNext != NULL)
+ mWidgetManager->SetFocus(mTabNext);
+ }
+ }
+void Widget::KeyUp(KeyCode theKey)
+void Widget::ShowFinger(bool on)
+ if (mWidgetManager == NULL)
+ return;
+ if (on)
+ mWidgetManager->mApp->SetCursor(CURSOR_HAND);
+ else
+ mWidgetManager->mApp->SetCursor(CURSOR_POINTER);
+ /*if (on)
+ mWidgetManager->mApplet.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR));
+ else
+ mWidgetManager->mApplet.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR));*/
+void Widget::MouseEnter()
+void Widget::MouseLeave()
+void Widget::MouseMove(int x, int y)
+void Widget::MouseDown(int x, int y, int theClickCount)
+ if (theClickCount == 3)
+ MouseDown(x, y, 2, 1);
+ else if (theClickCount >= 0)
+ MouseDown(x, y, 0, theClickCount);
+ else
+ MouseDown(x, y, 1, -theClickCount);
+void Widget::MouseDown(int x, int y, int theBtnNum, int theClickCount)
+void Widget::MouseUp(int x, int y)
+void Widget::MouseUp(int x, int y, int theLastDownButtonId)
+ MouseUp(x, y);
+ if (theLastDownButtonId == 3)
+ MouseUp(x, y, 2, 1);
+ else if (theLastDownButtonId >= 0)
+ MouseUp(x, y, 0, theLastDownButtonId);
+ else
+ MouseUp(x, y, 1, -theLastDownButtonId);
+void Widget::MouseUp(int x, int y, int theBtnNum, int theClickCount)
+void Widget::MouseDrag(int x, int y)
+void Widget::MouseWheel(int theDelta)
+//////// Helper functions
+Rect Widget::WriteCenteredLine(Graphics* g, int anOffset, const SexyString& theLine)
+ Font* aFont = g->GetFont();
+ int aWidth = aFont->StringWidth(theLine);
+ int aX = (mWidth - aWidth) / 2;
+ g->DrawString(theLine, aX, anOffset);
+ return Rect(aX, anOffset - aFont->GetAscent(), aWidth, aFont->GetHeight());
+Rect Widget::WriteCenteredLine(Graphics* g, int anOffset, const SexyString& theLine, Color theColor1, Color theColor2, const Point& theShadowOffset)
+ Font* aFont = g->GetFont();
+ int aWidth = aFont->StringWidth(theLine);
+ int aX = (mWidth - aWidth) / 2;
+ g->SetColor(theColor2);
+ g->DrawString(theLine, (mWidth - aWidth)/2 + theShadowOffset.mX, anOffset + theShadowOffset.mY);
+ g->SetColor(theColor1);
+ g->DrawString(theLine, (mWidth - aWidth)/2, anOffset);
+ // account for shadow in position and size
+ // TODO: this may not be necessary.
+ return Rect(
+ aX + min(0,theShadowOffset.mX),
+ anOffset - aFont->GetAscent() + min(0,theShadowOffset.mY),
+ aWidth + abs(theShadowOffset.mX),
+ aFont->GetHeight() + abs(theShadowOffset.mY));
+int Widget::WriteString(Graphics* g, const SexyString& theString, int theX, int theY, int theWidth, int theJustification, bool drawString, int theOffset, int theLength)
+ bool oldColored = g->mWriteColoredString;
+ g->mWriteColoredString = mWriteColoredString;
+ int aXOffset = g->WriteString(theString,theX,theY,theWidth,theJustification,drawString,theOffset,theLength);
+ g->mWriteColoredString = oldColored;
+ return aXOffset;
+int Widget::WriteWordWrapped(Graphics* g, const Rect& theRect, const SexyString& theLine, int theLineSpacing, int theJustification)
+ bool oldColored = g->mWriteColoredString;
+ g->mWriteColoredString = mWriteColoredString;
+ int aReturn = g->WriteWordWrapped(theRect,theLine,theLineSpacing,theJustification);
+ g->mWriteColoredString = oldColored;
+ return aReturn;
+int Widget::GetWordWrappedHeight(Graphics* g, int theWidth, const SexyString& theLine, int aLineSpacing)
+ return g->GetWordWrappedHeight(theWidth,theLine,aLineSpacing);
+int Widget::GetNumDigits(int theNumber)
+ int aDivisor = 10;
+ int aNumDigits = 1;
+ while (theNumber >= aDivisor)
+ {
+ aNumDigits++;
+ aDivisor *= 10;
+ }
+ return aNumDigits;
+void Widget::WriteNumberFromStrip(Graphics* g, int theNumber, int theX, int theY, Image* theNumberStrip, int aSpacing)
+ int aDivisor = 10;
+ int aNumDigits = 1;
+ while (theNumber >= aDivisor)
+ {
+ aNumDigits++;
+ aDivisor *= 10;
+ }
+ if (theNumber == 0)
+ aDivisor = 10;
+ int aDigitLen = theNumberStrip->GetWidth() / 10;
+ for (int aDigitIdx = 0; aDigitIdx < aNumDigits; aDigitIdx++)
+ {
+ aDivisor /= 10;
+ int aDigit = (theNumber / aDivisor) % 10;
+ Graphics* aClipG = g->Create();
+ aClipG->ClipRect(theX + aDigitIdx*(aDigitLen + aSpacing), theY, aDigitLen, theNumberStrip->GetHeight());
+ aClipG->DrawImage(theNumberStrip, theX + aDigitIdx*(aDigitLen + aSpacing) - aDigit*aDigitLen, theY);
+ delete aClipG;
+ }
+bool Widget::Contains(int theX, int theY)
+ return ((theX >= mX) && (theX < mX + mWidth) &&
+ (theY >= mY) && (theY < mY + mHeight));
+Rect Widget::GetInsetRect()
+ return Rect(mX + mMouseInsets.mLeft, mY + mMouseInsets.mTop,
+ mWidth - mMouseInsets.mLeft - mMouseInsets.mRight,
+ mHeight - mMouseInsets.mTop - mMouseInsets.mBottom);
+void Widget::DeferOverlay(int thePriority)
+ mWidgetManager->DeferOverlay(this, thePriority);
+void Widget::Layout(int theLayoutFlags, Widget *theRelativeWidget, int theLeftPad, int theTopPad, int theWidthPad, int theHeightPad)
+ int aRelLeft = theRelativeWidget->Left();
+ int aRelTop = theRelativeWidget->Top();
+ if (theRelativeWidget==mParent)
+ {
+ aRelLeft = 0;
+ aRelTop = 0;
+ }
+ int aRelWidth = theRelativeWidget->Width();
+ int aRelHeight = theRelativeWidget->Height();
+ int aRelRight = aRelLeft + aRelWidth;
+ int aRelBottom = aRelTop + aRelHeight;
+ int aLeft = Left();
+ int aTop = Top();
+ int aWidth = Width();
+ int aHeight = Height();
+ int aType = 1;
+ while(aType<LAY_Max)
+ {
+ if(theLayoutFlags&aType)
+ {
+ switch(aType)
+ {
+ case LAY_SameWidth: aWidth = aRelWidth+theWidthPad; break;
+ case LAY_SameHeight: aHeight = aRelHeight+theHeightPad; break;
+ case LAY_Above: aTop = aRelTop-aHeight+theTopPad; break;
+ case LAY_Below: aTop = aRelBottom+theTopPad; break;
+ case LAY_Right: aLeft = aRelRight+theLeftPad; break;
+ case LAY_Left: aLeft = aRelLeft-aWidth+theLeftPad; break;
+ case LAY_SameLeft: aLeft = aRelLeft+theLeftPad; break;
+ case LAY_SameRight: aLeft = aRelRight-aWidth+theLeftPad; break;
+ case LAY_SameTop: aTop = aRelTop+theTopPad; break;
+ case LAY_SameBottom: aTop = aRelBottom-aHeight+theTopPad; break;
+ case LAY_GrowToRight: aWidth = aRelRight-aLeft+theWidthPad; break;
+ case LAY_GrowToLeft: aWidth = aRelLeft-aLeft+theWidthPad; break;
+ case LAY_GrowToTop: aHeight = aRelTop-aTop+theHeightPad; break;
+ case LAY_GrowToBottom: aHeight = aRelBottom-aTop+theHeightPad; break;
+ case LAY_SetLeft: aLeft = theLeftPad; break;
+ case LAY_SetTop: aTop = theTopPad; break;
+ case LAY_SetWidth: aWidth = theWidthPad; break;
+ case LAY_SetHeight: aHeight = theHeightPad; break;
+ case LAY_HCenter: aLeft = aRelLeft+(aRelWidth-aWidth)/2 + theLeftPad; break;
+ case LAY_VCenter: aTop = aRelTop+(aRelHeight-aHeight)/2 + theTopPad; break;
+ }
+ }
+ aType<<=1;
+ }
+ Resize(aLeft,aTop,aWidth,aHeight);