path: root/app-laptop/pommed/pommed-1.31/gpomme/gpomme.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'app-laptop/pommed/pommed-1.31/gpomme/gpomme.c')
1 files changed, 651 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app-laptop/pommed/pommed-1.31/gpomme/gpomme.c b/app-laptop/pommed/pommed-1.31/gpomme/gpomme.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0839cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-laptop/pommed/pommed-1.31/gpomme/gpomme.c
@@ -0,0 +1,651 @@
+ * gpomme - GTK application for use with pommed
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Soeren SONNENBURG <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Julien BLACHE <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 daniel g. siegel <>
+ *
+ * Portions of the GTK code below were shamelessly
+ * stolen from pbbuttonsd. Thanks ! ;-)
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+# include <sys/inotify.h>
+# include <linux/inotify.h>
+# include "inotify-syscalls.h"
+#include <libintl.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <dbus/dbus.h>
+#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
+#include <dbus/dbus-glib-lowlevel.h>
+#include "gpomme.h"
+#include "theme.h"
+#include "conffile.h"
+#include "../client-common/dbus-client.h"
+#include "../client-common/video-client.h"
+#define _(str) gettext(str)
+struct _mbp_w mbp_w;
+ int muted;
+} mbp;
+DBusError dbus_err;
+DBusConnection *conn;
+dbus_uint32_t mute_serial = 0;
+/* Timer callback */
+static gboolean
+hide_window(gpointer userdata)
+ gtk_widget_hide(mbp_w.window);
+ mbp_w.timer = 0;
+ return FALSE;
+static gboolean
+window_expose_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event)
+ GdkRegion *region;
+ GtkWidget *child;
+ cairo_t *cr;
+ /* get our child (in this case, the event box) */
+ child = gtk_bin_get_child (GTK_BIN (widget));
+ /* create a cairo context to draw to the window */
+ cr = gdk_cairo_create (widget->window);
+ /* the source data is the (composited) event box */
+ gdk_cairo_set_source_pixmap (cr, child->window,
+ child->allocation.x,
+ child->allocation.y);
+ /* draw no more than our expose event intersects our child */
+ region = gdk_region_rectangle (&child->allocation);
+ gdk_region_intersect (region, event->region);
+ gdk_cairo_region (cr, region);
+ cairo_clip (cr);
+ /* composite, with a 50% opacity */
+ cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER);
+ cairo_paint_with_alpha (cr, 1.0);
+ /* we're done */
+ cairo_destroy (cr);
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+ GtkWidget *window = mbp_w.window;
+ GdkWindow *root_win;
+ GdkScreen *screen;
+ GdkRectangle mon_size;
+ GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = NULL;
+ GdkPixmap *pixmap = NULL;
+ int x, y;
+ int monitor;
+ screen = gtk_window_get_screen(GTK_WINDOW(window));
+ /* Find which monitor the mouse cursor is on */
+ root_win = gdk_screen_get_root_window(screen);
+ gdk_window_get_pointer(root_win, &x, &y, NULL);
+ monitor = gdk_screen_get_monitor_at_point(screen, x, y);
+ gdk_screen_get_monitor_geometry(screen, monitor, &mon_size);
+ /* Move the window to the bottom center of the screen */
+ x = mon_size.x + (mon_size.width - theme.width) / 2;
+ y = mon_size.y + (mon_size.height - 100 - theme.height);
+ gtk_window_move(GTK_WINDOW(window), x, y);
+ /* Redraw the window background, compositing the background pixmap with
+ * the portion of the root window that's beneath the window
+ */
+ pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable(NULL,
+ gdk_get_default_root_window(), gdk_colormap_get_system(),
+ x, y, 0, 0, theme.width, theme.height);
+ /* render the combined pixbuf to a pixmap with alpha control */
+ pixmap = gdk_pixmap_new(GTK_WIDGET(window)->window, theme.width, theme.height, -1);
+ GdkGC *gc = gdk_gc_new(pixmap);
+ gdk_draw_rectangle(pixmap, gc, TRUE, 0, 0, theme.width, theme.height);
+ if (!gdk_screen_is_composited(screen))
+ {
+ gdk_draw_pixbuf(pixmap, NULL, pixbuf, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ theme.width, theme.height, GDK_RGB_DITHER_NONE, 0, 0);
+ }
+ gdk_draw_pixbuf(pixmap, NULL, theme.background, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ theme.width, theme.height, GDK_RGB_DITHER_NONE, 0, 0);
+ gdk_window_set_back_pixmap(GTK_WIDGET(window)->window, pixmap, FALSE);
+ g_object_unref(pixbuf);
+ g_object_unref(pixmap);
+static void
+show_window(int img, char *label, double fraction)
+ char *m_label;
+ char *u_label;
+ GtkWidget *window = mbp_w.window;
+ if (img >= IMG_NIMG)
+ return;
+ /* Cancel timer */
+ if (mbp_w.timer > 0)
+ g_source_remove(mbp_w.timer);
+ if (!GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE(window))
+ draw_window_bg();
+ /* Put the appropriate image in there */
+ if (mbp_w.image != theme.images[img])
+ {
+ if (mbp_w.image != NULL)
+ gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(mbp_w.img_align), mbp_w.image);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(mbp_w.img_align), theme.images[img]);
+ }
+ mbp_w.image = theme.images[img];
+ /* Set the text label */
+ u_label = g_locale_to_utf8(label, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ if (u_label == NULL)
+ m_label = "";
+ else /* accepts only UTF-8 input ... segfaults otherwise */
+ m_label = g_markup_printf_escaped("<span weight=\"bold\" foreground=\"white\">%s</span>", u_label);
+ gtk_label_set_markup(GTK_LABEL(mbp_w.label), m_label);
+ if (u_label != NULL)
+ {
+ g_free(u_label);
+ g_free(m_label);
+ }
+ /* Set the progress bar */
+ if (fraction >= 0.0)
+ {
+ gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(mbp_w.pbar), fraction);
+ if (!mbp_w.pbar_state)
+ {
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(mbp_w.pbar_align), mbp_w.pbar);
+ mbp_w.pbar_state = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (mbp_w.pbar_state)
+ {
+ gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(mbp_w.pbar_align), mbp_w.pbar);
+ mbp_w.pbar_state = 0;
+ }
+ gtk_widget_show_all(window);
+ mbp_w.timer = g_timeout_add(mbp_w.timeout, hide_window, NULL);
+static void
+ GdkScreen *screen;
+ GdkColormap *rgba;
+ GtkWidget *window;
+ GtkWidget *vbox;
+ GtkWidget *align;
+ window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_POPUP);
+ screen = gtk_widget_get_screen (window);
+ if (gdk_screen_is_composited (screen))
+ {
+ rgba = gdk_screen_get_rgba_colormap (screen);
+ gtk_widget_set_colormap (window, rgba);
+ }
+ gtk_window_set_decorated(GTK_WINDOW(window), FALSE);
+ gtk_window_set_policy(GTK_WINDOW(window), FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
+ gtk_widget_set_app_paintable(GTK_WIDGET(window), TRUE);
+ gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(window), theme.width, theme.height);
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request(GTK_WIDGET(window), theme.width, theme.height);
+ vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), vbox);
+ /* Image */
+ mbp_w.img_align = gtk_alignment_new(0.5, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), mbp_w.img_align, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ /* Text message */
+ align = gtk_alignment_new(0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), align, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ mbp_w.label = gtk_label_new("");
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(align), mbp_w.label);
+ /* Progress bar */
+ mbp_w.pbar_align = gtk_alignment_new(0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), mbp_w.pbar_align, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ mbp_w.pbar = gtk_progress_bar_new();
+ /* make it 10px high */
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request(mbp_w.pbar, -1, 10);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(mbp_w.pbar_align), mbp_w.pbar);
+ /* Up the refcount to prevent GTK from freeing the widget */
+ gtk_widget_ref(mbp_w.pbar);
+ mbp_w.pbar_state = 1;
+ mbp_w.window = window;
+ mbp_w.image = NULL;
+ mbp_w.timer = 0;
+ gtk_widget_realize(GTK_WIDGET(window));
+ if (gdk_screen_is_composited(screen))
+ {
+ gdk_window_set_opacity(window->window, 0.8);
+ g_signal_connect_after(window, "expose-event", G_CALLBACK(window_expose_event), NULL);
+ }
+static void
+mbp_video_getvtstate_cb(DBusPendingCall *pending, void *status)
+ DBusMessage *msg;
+ msg = dbus_pending_call_steal_reply(pending);
+ if (msg == NULL)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Could not steal reply\n");
+ dbus_pending_call_unref(pending);
+ return;
+ }
+ dbus_pending_call_unref(pending);
+ if (!mbp_dbus_check_error(msg))
+ {
+ dbus_message_get_args(msg, &dbus_err,
+ DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, (int *)status,
+ }
+ else
+ *(int *)status = -1;
+ dbus_message_unref(msg);
+static gboolean
+mbp_dbus_reconnect(gpointer userdata);
+static DBusHandlerResult
+mbp_dbus_listen(DBusConnection *lconn, DBusMessage *msg, gpointer userdata)
+ int scratch;
+ int cur;
+ int max;
+ int who;
+ double ratio;
+ Display *dpy;
+ if (dbus_message_is_signal(msg, "org.pommed.signal.lcdBacklight", "lcdBacklight"))
+ {
+ dbus_message_get_args(msg, &dbus_err,
+ DBUS_TYPE_UINT32, &cur,
+ DBUS_TYPE_UINT32, &scratch, /* previous */
+ DBUS_TYPE_UINT32, &max,
+ DBUS_TYPE_UINT32, &who,
+ if (who == LCD_USER)
+ {
+ ratio = (double)cur / (double)max;
+ show_window(IMG_LCD_BCK, _("LCD backlight level"), ratio);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (dbus_message_is_signal(msg, "org.pommed.signal.kbdBacklight", "kbdBacklight"))
+ {
+ dbus_message_get_args(msg, &dbus_err,
+ DBUS_TYPE_UINT32, &cur,
+ DBUS_TYPE_UINT32, &scratch, /* previous */
+ DBUS_TYPE_UINT32, &max,
+ DBUS_TYPE_UINT32, &who,
+ if (who == KBD_USER)
+ {
+ ratio = (double)cur / (double)max;
+ show_window(IMG_KBD_BCK, _("Keyboard backlight level"), ratio);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (dbus_message_is_signal(msg, "org.pommed.signal.audioVolume", "audioVolume"))
+ {
+ dbus_message_get_args(msg, &dbus_err,
+ DBUS_TYPE_UINT32, &cur,
+ DBUS_TYPE_UINT32, &scratch, /* previous */
+ DBUS_TYPE_UINT32, &max,
+ ratio = (double)cur / (double)max;
+ if (!mbp.muted)
+ show_window(IMG_AUDIO_VOL_ON, _("Sound volume"), ratio);
+ else
+ show_window(IMG_AUDIO_VOL_OFF, _("Sound volume (muted)"), ratio);
+ }
+ else if (dbus_message_is_signal(msg, "org.pommed.signal.audioMute", "audioMute"))
+ {
+ dbus_message_get_args(msg, &dbus_err,
+ DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &mbp.muted,
+ if (mbp.muted)
+ show_window(IMG_AUDIO_MUTE, _("Sound muted"), -1.0);
+ else
+ show_window(IMG_AUDIO_MUTE, _("Sound unmuted"), -1.0);
+ }
+ else if (dbus_message_is_signal(msg, "org.pommed.signal.cdEject", "cdEject"))
+ {
+ show_window(IMG_CD_EJECT, _("Eject"), -1.0);
+ }
+ else if (dbus_message_is_signal(msg, "org.pommed.signal.videoSwitch", "videoSwitch"))
+ {
+ int vtnum;
+ int vtstate;
+ int ret;
+ dpy = GDK_WINDOW_XDISPLAY(GTK_WIDGET(mbp_w.window)->window);
+ vtnum = mbp_get_x_vtnum(dpy);
+ ret = mbp_call_video_getvtstate(vtnum, mbp_video_getvtstate_cb, &vtstate);
+ if ((ret < 0) || (vtstate < 0))
+ fprintf(stderr, "video getVTState call failed !\n");
+ else if (vtstate == 1)
+ mbp_video_switch();
+ }
+ else if (dbus_message_is_signal(msg, DBUS_INTERFACE_LOCAL, "Disconnected"))
+ {
+ printf("DBus disconnected\n");
+ mbp_dbus_cleanup();
+ g_timeout_add(200, mbp_dbus_reconnect, NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((dbus_message_get_type(msg) == DBUS_MESSAGE_TYPE_METHOD_RETURN)
+ && (dbus_message_get_reply_serial(msg) == mute_serial))
+ {
+ dbus_message_get_args(msg, &dbus_err,
+ DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &mbp.muted,
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+static int
+ unsigned int signals;
+ DBusMessage *msg;
+ int ret;
+ conn = mbp_dbus_init(&dbus_err, signals);
+ if (conn == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ dbus_connection_setup_with_g_main(conn, NULL);
+ dbus_connection_add_filter(conn, mbp_dbus_listen, NULL, NULL);
+ /* Get the mute state */
+ msg = dbus_message_new_method_call("org.pommed", "/org/pommed/audio",
+ "", "getMute");
+ if (msg == NULL)
+ {
+ printf("Failed to create method call message for audio getMute\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ret = dbus_connection_send(conn, msg, &mute_serial);
+ if (ret == FALSE)
+ {
+ printf("Could not send method call for audio getMute\n");
+ dbus_message_unref(msg);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ dbus_connection_flush(conn);
+ dbus_message_unref(msg);
+ return 0;
+static gboolean
+mbp_dbus_reconnect(gpointer userdata)
+ if (mbp_dbus_connect() < 0)
+ return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+static gboolean
+mbp_check_config(GIOChannel *ch, GIOCondition condition, gpointer userdata)
+ int fd;
+ int ret;
+ fd = g_io_channel_unix_get_fd(ch);
+ if (condition & G_IO_IN)
+ {
+ ret = config_load();
+ if (ret < 0)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to reload config file, exiting\n");
+ gtk_main_quit();
+ }
+ }
+ close(fd);
+ fd = config_monitor();
+ if (fd > 0)
+ {
+ ch = g_io_channel_unix_new(fd);
+ g_io_channel_set_encoding(ch, NULL, NULL);
+ g_io_add_watch(ch, G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_NVAL, mbp_check_config, NULL);
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+ printf("gpomme v" M_VERSION " graphical client for pommed\n");
+ printf("Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Julien BLACHE <> and others\n");
+ printf("Usage:\n");
+ printf("\tgpomme\t\t-- start gpomme\n");
+ printf("\tgpomme -c\t-- open the configuration panel\n");
+ printf("\tgpomme -v\t-- print version and exit\n");
+sig_int_term_handler(int signo)
+ gtk_main_quit();
+sig_chld_handler(int signo)
+ int ret;
+ do
+ {
+ ret = waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG);
+ }
+ while (ret > 0);
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+ int c;
+ int ret;
+ GIOChannel *ch;
+ int fd;
+ gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
+ bindtextdomain("gpomme", "/usr/share/locale");
+ textdomain("gpomme");
+ ret = config_load();
+ if (ret < 0)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load configuration\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "cv")) != -1)
+ {
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case 'c':
+ config_gui();
+ exit(0);
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ printf("gpomme v" M_VERSION " graphical client for pommed\n");
+ printf("Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Julien BLACHE <> and others\n");
+ exit(0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ usage();
+ exit(-1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ mbp_dbus_connect();
+ fd = config_monitor();
+ if (fd > 0)
+ {
+ ch = g_io_channel_unix_new(fd);
+ g_io_channel_set_encoding(ch, NULL, NULL);
+ g_io_add_watch(ch, G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_NVAL, mbp_check_config, NULL);
+ }
+ signal(SIGINT, sig_int_term_handler);
+ signal(SIGTERM, sig_int_term_handler);
+ signal(SIGCHLD, sig_chld_handler);
+ create_window();
+ gtk_main();
+ mbp_dbus_cleanup();
+ return 0;