BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterpython/test: add dmul testsIgor Oliveira14 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2010-10-04python/test: add dmul testsHEADmasterIgor Oliveira1-0/+240
2010-09-29 llvmpipe: add initial support to double opcodes in llvmpipe.Igor Oliveira1-0/+93
2010-09-29regress: add DFRAC testIgor Oliveira2-0/+30
2010-09-29regress: add test to DFRACEXP and DLDEXPIgor Oliveira2-0/+23
2010-09-29tgsi: implement DFRACEXPIgor Oliveira2-1/+42
2010-09-29gallium: add DFRACEXP opcodeIgor Oliveira1-1/+2
2010-09-29tgsi: implement DFRAC and DLDEXP opcodesIgor Oliveira2-1/+31
2010-09-29gallium: add dfrac and dldexp opcodesIgor Oliveira1-1/+3
2010-09-29regress: Fix tests after DMOV removal.Michal Krol6-12/+12
2010-09-29tgsi: Add missing opcode info for DMAD.Michal Krol1-1/+2