diff options
authorMartin Peres <>2015-09-07 22:23:44 +0300
committerMartin Peres <>2015-09-07 22:23:44 +0300
commitded3306f4f6c50edaccf3966692f8c031ab985b7 (patch)
parentcb6c292f36f426e4849aca0fe83dfbc1d148a49a (diff)
utils/perf_bisect: port to the new ezbench python binding
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
index c2559cb..3b746af 100755
--- a/utils/
+++ b/utils/
@@ -15,16 +15,10 @@ sys.path.append(ezbench_dir + 'utils/')
from ezbench import *
# function that tests the performance of one commit
-def check_commit_perf(ezbench_base_cmd, commit, logs_dir):
- cmd = list(ezbench_base_cmd)
- cmd.append(commit)
- # Call ezbench
- try:
- check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
- print("\n\nERROR: The following command '{}' failed with the error code {}. Here is its output:\n\n'{}'".format(" ".join(cmd), e.returncode, e.output.decode()))
- sys.exit(1)
+def check_commit_perf(ezbench, commit, benchmark, logs_dir):
+ # Run ezbench
+ if ezbench.run_commits([commit], [benchmark + '$']) == False:
+ return 0.0
# parse the logs, read the perf of the last entry!
r = genPerformanceReport(logs_dir, True, True)
@@ -80,25 +74,20 @@ if os.path.exists(logs_dir):
shutil.rmtree(logs_dir, ignore_errors=True)
-# Create the command line for ezbench
-ezbench_cmd = []
-ezbench_cmd.append(ezbench_dir + "")
-ezbench_cmd.append("-p"); ezbench_cmd.append(args.repo_path)
-ezbench_cmd.append("-b"); ezbench_cmd.append(args.benchmark + '$')
-ezbench_cmd.append("-r"); ezbench_cmd.append(str(args.rounds))
-if args.make_cmd is not None:
- ezbench_cmd.append("-m"); ezbench_cmd.append(args.make_cmd)
-ezbench_cmd.append("-N"); ezbench_cmd.append(reportName)
+ezbench = Ezbench(ezbench_path=ezbench_dir + "",
+ repo_path=args.repo_path,
+ make_command = args.make_cmd,
+ log_folder=reportName)
print("Checking the performance of:")
# First, try the before and after commits
print("\tBEFORE_COMMIT: ", end="",flush=True)
-before_perf = check_commit_perf(ezbench_cmd, args.BEFORE_COMMIT, logs_dir)
+before_perf = check_commit_perf(ezbench, args.BEFORE_COMMIT, args.benchmark, logs_dir)
print("Performance index {before_perf}".format(before_perf=before_perf))
print("\tAFTER_COMMIT: ", end="",flush=True)
-after_perf = check_commit_perf(ezbench_cmd, args.AFTER_COMMIT, logs_dir)
+after_perf = check_commit_perf(ezbench, args.AFTER_COMMIT, args.benchmark, logs_dir)
print("Performance index {after_perf}".format(after_perf=after_perf))
@@ -125,7 +114,7 @@ output = check_output(['git', 'bisect', 'bad', args.AFTER_COMMIT], stderr=subpro
print(output, end="")
while not isEndOfBisect(output):
- perf = check_commit_perf(ezbench_cmd, "HEAD", logs_dir)
+ perf = check_commit_perf(ezbench, "HEAD", args.benchmark, logs_dir)
res = checkPerformance(before_perf, after_perf, threshold, perf)
print("Performance index = {perf} (diffThreshold = {diff}). Marking as {res}\n".format(perf=perf,
diff=perf - threshold,