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authorJunyan He <>2015-11-17 07:40:20 +0800
committerYang Rong <>2015-11-17 16:24:01 +0800
commit4b99e6116d20fe25611de2f22ca055edd95b3d9f (patch)
parent1af4dc9c5e78ced35365c53c5bb42381e5aa9363 (diff)
Backend: Implement emitCalcTimestampInstruction in GenContext.
We will maintain a real clock to record the real execute time of the orginal code. We do not want to introduce overhead because of adding the profiling instructions, so every time we enter the proliling instructions block, we will calculate the real time clock value and update the real clock, and when leave this the proliling instructions block, we will record the time stamp of that leave point. Signed-off-by: Junyan He <> Reviewed-by: Yang Rong <>
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/backend/src/backend/gen_context.cpp b/backend/src/backend/gen_context.cpp
index 422e52f7..9047db6f 100644
--- a/backend/src/backend/gen_context.cpp
+++ b/backend/src/backend/gen_context.cpp
@@ -2451,8 +2451,9 @@ namespace gbe
gc->p->FBL(tmp, tmp);
gc->p->ADD(tmp, tmp, GenRegister::negate(GenRegister::immud(0x1)));
gc->p->MUL(tmp, tmp, GenRegister::immud(4));
+ gc->p->ADD(tmp, tmp, GenRegister::immud(*32));
gc->p->MOV(GenRegister::addr1(0), GenRegister::retype(tmp, GEN_TYPE_UW));
- GenRegister dimEnd = GenRegister::to_indirect1xN(lid, 0);
+ GenRegister dimEnd = GenRegister::to_indirect1xN(lid, 0, 0);
gc->p->MOV(tmp, dimEnd);
gc->p->MUL(gend, localsz, gid);
gc->p->ADD(gend, gend, tmp);
@@ -2562,8 +2563,114 @@ namespace gbe
} p->pop();
- void GenContext::emitCalcTimestampInstruction(const SelectionInstruction &insn) {
+ /* We will record at most 20 timestamps, each one is 16bits. We also will record the
+ prolog and epilog timestamps in 64 bits. So the format of the curbe timestamp reg is:
+ ---------------------------------------------------------
+ | ts0 | ts1 | ts2 | ts3 | ts4 | ts5 | ts6 | ts7 | profilingReg0
+ | ts8 | ts9 | ts10 | ts11 | ts12 | ts13 | ts14 | ts15 | profilingReg1
+ | ts16 | ts17 | ts18 | ts19 | prolog | epilog | profilingReg2
+ ---------------------------------------------------------
+ | tmp0 | tmp1 |lasttimestamp| real clock | profilingReg3
+ ---------------------------------------------------------
+ | | gX s | gX e | gY s | gY e | gZ s | gZ e | profilingReg4
+ ---------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ void GenContext::emitCalcTimestampInstruction(const SelectionInstruction &insn)
+ {
+ uint32_t pointNum = insn.extra.pointNum;
+ uint32_t tsType = insn.extra.timestampType;
+ GenRegister flagReg = GenRegister::flag(insn.state.flag, insn.state.subFlag);
+ GBE_ASSERT(tsType == 1);
+ GenRegister tmArf = GenRegister::tm0();
+ GenRegister profilingReg[5];
+ GenRegister tmp;
+ if (p->curr.execWidth == 16) {
+ profilingReg[0] = GenRegister::retype(ra->genReg(insn.src(0)), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+ profilingReg[1] = GenRegister::offset(profilingReg[0], 1);
+ profilingReg[2] = GenRegister::retype(ra->genReg(insn.src(1)), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+ profilingReg[3] = GenRegister::offset(profilingReg[2], 1);
+ profilingReg[4] = GenRegister::retype(ra->genReg(insn.src(2)), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+ if (insn.dstNum == 4) {
+ tmp = GenRegister::retype(ra->genReg(insn.dst(3)), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+ } else {
+ GBE_ASSERT(insn.dstNum == 3);
+ tmp = GenRegister::toUniform(profilingReg[4], GEN_TYPE_UL);
+ }
+ } else {
+ GBE_ASSERT(p->curr.execWidth == 8);
+ profilingReg[0] = GenRegister::retype(ra->genReg(insn.src(0)), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+ profilingReg[1] = GenRegister::retype(ra->genReg(insn.src(1)), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+ profilingReg[2] = GenRegister::retype(ra->genReg(insn.src(2)), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+ profilingReg[3] = GenRegister::retype(ra->genReg(insn.src(3)), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+ profilingReg[4] = GenRegister::retype(ra->genReg(insn.src(4)), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+ if (insn.dstNum == 6) {
+ tmp = GenRegister::retype(ra->genReg(insn.dst(5)), GEN_TYPE_UD);
+ } else {
+ GBE_ASSERT(insn.dstNum == 5);
+ tmp = GenRegister::toUniform(profilingReg[4], GEN_TYPE_UL);
+ }
+ }
+ GenRegister tmp0 = GenRegister::toUniform(profilingReg[3], GEN_TYPE_UL);
+ GenRegister lastTsReg = GenRegister::toUniform(profilingReg[3], GEN_TYPE_UL);
+ lastTsReg = GenRegister::offset(lastTsReg, 0, 2*sizeof(uint64_t));
+ GenRegister realClock = GenRegister::offset(lastTsReg, 0, sizeof(uint64_t));
+ /* MOV(4) tmp0<1>:UW arf_tm<4,4,1>:UW */
+ p->push(); {
+ p->curr.execWidth = 4;
+ p->curr.predicate = GEN_PREDICATE_NONE;
+ p->curr.noMask = 1;
+ GenRegister _tmp0 = tmp0;
+ _tmp0.type = GEN_TYPE_UW;
+ _tmp0.hstride = GEN_HORIZONTAL_STRIDE_1;
+ _tmp0.vstride = GEN_VERTICAL_STRIDE_4;
+ _tmp0.width = GEN_WIDTH_4;
+ p->MOV(_tmp0, tmArf);
+ } p->pop();
+ /* Calc the time elapsed. */
+ // SUB(1) tmp0<1>:UL tmp0<1>:UL lastTS<0,1,0>
+ subTimestamps(tmp0, lastTsReg, tmp);
+ /* Update the real clock
+ ADD(1) realclock<1>:UL realclock<1>:UL tmp0<1>:UL */
+ addTimestamps(realClock, tmp0, tmp);
+ /* We just record timestamp of the first time this point is reached. If the this point is
+ in loop, it can be reached many times. We will not record the later timestamps. The 32bits
+ timestamp can represent about 3.2s, one each kernel's execution time should never exceed
+ 3s. So we just record the low 32 bits.
+ CMP.EQ(1)flag0.1 NULL tsReg_n<1>:UD 0x0
+ (+flag0.1) MOV(1) tsReg_n<1>:UD realclock<1>:UD Just record the low 32bits
+ */
+ GenRegister tsReg = GenRegister::toUniform(profilingReg[pointNum/8], GEN_TYPE_UD);
+ tsReg = GenRegister::offset(tsReg, 0, (pointNum%8)*sizeof(uint32_t));
+ p->push(); {
+ p->curr.execWidth = 1;
+ p->curr.predicate = GEN_PREDICATE_NONE;
+ p->curr.noMask = 1;
+ p->curr.useFlag(flagReg.flag_nr(), flagReg.flag_subnr());
+ p->CMP(GEN_CONDITIONAL_EQ, tsReg, GenRegister::immud(0));
+ p->curr.predicate = GEN_PREDICATE_NORMAL;
+ p->curr.inversePredicate = 0;
+ p->MOV(tsReg, GenRegister::retype(GenRegister::retype(realClock, GEN_TYPE_UD), GEN_TYPE_UD));
+ } p->pop();
+ /* Store the timestamp for next point use.
+ MOV(4) lastTS<1>:UW arf_tm<4,4,1>:UW */
+ p->push(); {
+ p->curr.execWidth = 4;
+ p->curr.predicate = GEN_PREDICATE_NONE;
+ p->curr.noMask = 1;
+ GenRegister _lastTsReg = lastTsReg;
+ _lastTsReg.type = GEN_TYPE_UW;
+ _lastTsReg.hstride = GEN_HORIZONTAL_STRIDE_1;
+ _lastTsReg.vstride = GEN_VERTICAL_STRIDE_4;
+ _lastTsReg.width = GEN_WIDTH_4;
+ p->MOV(_lastTsReg, tmArf);
+ } p->pop();
void GenContext::emitStoreProfilingInstruction(const SelectionInstruction &insn) {