path: root/src/lib/PGPLUSSVGGenerator.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/PGPLUSSVGGenerator.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 603 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/PGPLUSSVGGenerator.cpp b/src/lib/PGPLUSSVGGenerator.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 240cf8d..0000000
--- a/src/lib/PGPLUSSVGGenerator.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,603 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* libpgplus
- * Version: MPL 1.1 / GPLv2+ / LGPLv2+
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License or as specified alternatively below. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * Major Contributor(s):
- * Copyright (C) 2012 Fridrich Strba <>
- * Copyright (C) 2011 Eilidh McAdam <>
- *
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * For minor contributions see the git repository.
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPLv2+"), or
- * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2 or later (the "LGPLv2+"),
- * in which case the provisions of the GPLv2+ or the LGPLv2+ are applicable
- * instead of those above.
- */
-#include "PGPLUSSVGGenerator.h"
-#include <libpgplus/libpgplus.h>
-#include <locale.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-static std::string doubleToString(const double value)
- WPXProperty *prop = WPXPropertyFactory::newDoubleProp(value);
- std::string retVal = prop->getStr().cstr();
- delete prop;
- return retVal;
-static unsigned stringToColour(const ::WPXString &s)
- std::string str(s.cstr());
- if (str[0] == '#')
- {
- if (str.length() != 7)
- return 0;
- else
- str.erase(str.begin());
- }
- else
- return 0;
- std::istringstream istr(str);
- unsigned val = 0;
- istr >> std::hex >> val;
- return val;
-libpgplus::PGPLUSSVGGenerator::PGPLUSSVGGenerator(libpgplus::PGPLUSStringVector &vec): m_gradient(), m_style(), m_gradientIndex(1), m_patternIndex(1), m_shadowIndex(1), m_outputSink(), m_vec(vec)
-void libpgplus::PGPLUSSVGGenerator::startGraphics(const WPXPropertyList &propList)
- m_outputSink << "<svg:svg version=\"1.1\" xmlns:svg=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" ";
- if (propList["svg:width"])
- m_outputSink << "width=\"" << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:width"]->getDouble())) << "\" ";
- if (propList["svg:height"])
- m_outputSink << "height=\"" << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:height"]->getDouble())) << "\"";
- m_outputSink << " >\n";
-void libpgplus::PGPLUSSVGGenerator::endGraphics()
- m_outputSink << "</svg:svg>\n";
- m_vec.append(m_outputSink.str().c_str());
- m_outputSink.str("");
-void libpgplus::PGPLUSSVGGenerator::setStyle(const ::WPXPropertyList &propList, const ::WPXPropertyListVector &gradient)
- m_style.clear();
- m_style = propList;
- m_gradient = gradient;
- if(m_style["draw:shadow"] && m_style["draw:shadow"]->getStr() == "visible")
- {
- unsigned shadowColour = 0;
- double shadowRed = 0.0;
- double shadowGreen = 0.0;
- double shadowBlue = 0.0;
- if (m_style["draw:shadow-color"])
- {
- shadowColour = stringToColour(m_style["draw:shadow-color"]->getStr());
- shadowRed = (double)((shadowColour & 0x00ff0000) >> 16)/255.0;
- shadowGreen = (double)((shadowColour & 0x0000ff00) >> 8)/255.0;
- shadowBlue = (double)(shadowColour & 0x000000ff)/255.0;
- }
- m_outputSink << "<svg:defs>\n";
- m_outputSink << "<svg:filter filterUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\" id=\"shadow" << m_shadowIndex++ << "\">";
- m_outputSink << "<svg:feOffset in=\"SourceGraphic\" result=\"offset\" ";
- m_outputSink << "dx=\"" << doubleToString(72*m_style["draw:shadow-offset-x"]->getDouble()) << "\" ";
- m_outputSink << "dy=\"" << doubleToString(72*m_style["draw:shadow-offset-y"]->getDouble()) << "\"/>";
- m_outputSink << "<svg:feColorMatrix in=\"offset\" result=\"offset-color\" type=\"matrix\" values=\"";
- m_outputSink << "0 0 0 0 " << doubleToString(shadowRed) ;
- m_outputSink << " 0 0 0 0 " << doubleToString(shadowGreen);
- m_outputSink << " 0 0 0 0 " << doubleToString(shadowBlue);
- if(m_style["draw:opacity"] && m_style["draw:opacity"]->getDouble() < 1)
- m_outputSink << " 0 0 0 " << doubleToString(m_style["draw:shadow-opacity"]->getDouble()/m_style["draw:opacity"]->getDouble()) << " 0\"/>";
- else
- m_outputSink << " 0 0 0 " << doubleToString(m_style["draw:shadow-opacity"]->getDouble()) << " 0\"/>";
- m_outputSink << "<svg:feMerge><svg:feMergeNode in=\"offset-color\" /><svg:feMergeNode in=\"SourceGraphic\" /></svg:feMerge></svg:filter></svg:defs>";
- }
- if(m_style["draw:fill"] && m_style["draw:fill"]->getStr() == "gradient")
- {
- double angle = (m_style["draw:angle"] ? m_style["draw:angle"]->getDouble() : 0.0);
- angle *= -1.0;
- while(angle < 0)
- angle += 360;
- while(angle > 360)
- angle -= 360;
- if (!m_gradient.count())
- {
- if (m_style["draw:style"] &&
- (m_style["draw:style"]->getStr() == "radial" ||
- m_style["draw:style"]->getStr() == "rectangular" ||
- m_style["draw:style"]->getStr() == "square" ||
- m_style["draw:style"]->getStr() == "ellipsoid"))
- {
- m_outputSink << "<svg:defs>\n";
- m_outputSink << " <svg:radialGradient id=\"grad" << m_gradientIndex++ << "\"";
- if (m_style["svg:cx"])
- m_outputSink << " cx=\"" << m_style["svg:cx"]->getStr().cstr() << "\"";
- else if (m_style["draw:cx"])
- m_outputSink << " cx=\"" << m_style["draw:cx"]->getStr().cstr() << "\"";
- if (m_style["svg:cy"])
- m_outputSink << " cy=\"" << m_style["svg:cy"]->getStr().cstr() << "\"";
- else if (m_style["draw:cy"])
- m_outputSink << " cy=\"" << m_style["draw:cy"]->getStr().cstr() << "\"";
- m_outputSink << " r=\"" << (1 - (m_style["draw:border"] ? m_style["draw:border"]->getDouble() : 0))*100.0 << "%\" >\n";
- m_outputSink << " >\n";
- if (m_style["draw:start-color"] && m_style["draw:end-color"])
- {
- m_outputSink << " <svg:stop offset=\"0%\"";
- m_outputSink << " stop-color=\"" << m_style["draw:end-color"]->getStr().cstr() << "\"";
- m_outputSink << " stop-opacity=\"" << (m_style["libwpg:end-opacity"] ? m_style["libwpg:end-opacity"]->getDouble() : 1) << "\" />" << std::endl;
- m_outputSink << " <svg:stop offset=\"100%\"";
- m_outputSink << " stop-color=\"" << m_style["draw:start-color"]->getStr().cstr() << "\"";
- m_outputSink << " stop-opacity=\"" << (m_style["libwpg:start-opacity"] ? m_style["libwpg:start-opacity"]->getDouble() : 1) << "\" />" << std::endl;
- }
- m_outputSink << " </svg:radialGradient>\n";
- m_outputSink << "</svg:defs>\n";
- }
- else if (m_style["draw:style"] && m_style["draw:style"]->getStr() == "linear")
- {
- m_outputSink << "<svg:defs>\n";
- m_outputSink << " <svg:linearGradient id=\"grad" << m_gradientIndex++ << "\" >\n";
- if (m_style["draw:start-color"] && m_style["draw:end-color"])
- {
- m_outputSink << " <svg:stop offset=\"0%\"";
- m_outputSink << " stop-color=\"" << m_style["draw:start-color"]->getStr().cstr() << "\"";
- m_outputSink << " stop-opacity=\"" << (m_style["libwpg:start-opacity"] ? m_style["libwpg:start-opacity"]->getDouble() : 1) << "\" />" << std::endl;
- m_outputSink << " <svg:stop offset=\"100%\"";
- m_outputSink << " stop-color=\"" << m_style["draw:end-color"]->getStr().cstr() << "\"";
- m_outputSink << " stop-opacity=\"" << (m_style["libwpg:end-opacity"] ? m_style["libwpg:end-opacity"]->getDouble() : 1) << "\" />" << std::endl;
- }
- m_outputSink << " </svg:linearGradient>\n";
- // not a simple horizontal gradient
- if(angle != 270)
- {
- m_outputSink << " <svg:linearGradient xlink:href=\"#grad" << m_gradientIndex-1 << "\"";
- m_outputSink << " id=\"grad" << m_gradientIndex++ << "\" ";
- m_outputSink << "x1=\"0\" y1=\"0\" x2=\"0\" y2=\"1\" ";
- m_outputSink << "gradientTransform=\"rotate(" << angle << " .5 .5)\" ";
- m_outputSink << "gradientUnits=\"objectBoundingBox\" >\n";
- m_outputSink << " </svg:linearGradient>\n";
- }
- m_outputSink << "</svg:defs>\n";
- }
- else if (m_style["draw:style"] && m_style["draw:style"]->getStr() == "axial")
- {
- m_outputSink << "<svg:defs>\n";
- m_outputSink << " <svg:linearGradient id=\"grad" << m_gradientIndex++ << "\" >\n";
- if (m_style["draw:start-color"] && m_style["draw:end-color"])
- {
- m_outputSink << " <svg:stop offset=\"0%\"";
- m_outputSink << " stop-color=\"" << m_style["draw:end-color"]->getStr().cstr() << "\"";
- m_outputSink << " stop-opacity=\"" << (m_style["libwpg:end-opacity"] ? m_style["libwpg:end-opacity"]->getDouble() : 1) << "\" />" << std::endl;
- m_outputSink << " <svg:stop offset=\"50%\"";
- m_outputSink << " stop-color=\"" << m_style["draw:start-color"]->getStr().cstr() << "\"";
- m_outputSink << " stop-opacity=\"" << (m_style["libwpg:start-opacity"] ? m_style["libwpg:start-opacity"]->getDouble() : 1) << "\" />" << std::endl;
- m_outputSink << " <svg:stop offset=\"100%\"";
- m_outputSink << " stop-color=\"" << m_style["draw:end-color"]->getStr().cstr() << "\"";
- m_outputSink << " stop-opacity=\"" << (m_style["libwpg:end-opacity"] ? m_style["libwpg:end-opacity"]->getDouble() : 1) << "\" />" << std::endl;
- }
- m_outputSink << " </svg:linearGradient>\n";
- // not a simple horizontal gradient
- if(angle != 270)
- {
- m_outputSink << " <svg:linearGradient xlink:href=\"#grad" << m_gradientIndex-1 << "\"";
- m_outputSink << " id=\"grad" << m_gradientIndex++ << "\" ";
- m_outputSink << "x1=\"0\" y1=\"0\" x2=\"0\" y2=\"1\" ";
- m_outputSink << "gradientTransform=\"rotate(" << angle << " .5 .5)\" ";
- m_outputSink << "gradientUnits=\"objectBoundingBox\" >\n";
- m_outputSink << " </svg:linearGradient>\n";
- }
- m_outputSink << "</svg:defs>\n";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (m_style["draw:style"] && m_style["draw:style"]->getStr() == "radial")
- {
- m_outputSink << "<svg:defs>\n";
- m_outputSink << " <svg:radialGradient id=\"grad" << m_gradientIndex++ << "\" cx=\"" << m_style["svg:cx"]->getStr().cstr() << "\" cy=\"" << m_style["svg:cy"]->getStr().cstr() << "\" r=\"" << m_style["svg:r"]->getStr().cstr() << "\" >\n";
- for(unsigned c = 0; c < m_gradient.count(); c++)
- {
- m_outputSink << " <svg:stop offset=\"" << m_gradient[c]["svg:offset"]->getStr().cstr() << "\"";
- m_outputSink << " stop-color=\"" << m_gradient[c]["svg:stop-color"]->getStr().cstr() << "\"";
- m_outputSink << " stop-opacity=\"" << m_gradient[c]["svg:stop-opacity"]->getDouble() << "\" />" << std::endl;
- }
- m_outputSink << " </svg:radialGradient>\n";
- m_outputSink << "</svg:defs>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- m_outputSink << "<svg:defs>\n";
- m_outputSink << " <svg:linearGradient id=\"grad" << m_gradientIndex++ << "\" >\n";
- for(unsigned c = 0; c < m_gradient.count(); c++)
- {
- m_outputSink << " <svg:stop offset=\"" << m_gradient[c]["svg:offset"]->getStr().cstr() << "\"";
- m_outputSink << " stop-color=\"" << m_gradient[c]["svg:stop-color"]->getStr().cstr() << "\"";
- m_outputSink << " stop-opacity=\"" << m_gradient[c]["svg:stop-opacity"]->getDouble() << "\" />" << std::endl;
- }
- m_outputSink << " </svg:linearGradient>\n";
- // not a simple horizontal gradient
- if(angle != 270)
- {
- m_outputSink << " <svg:linearGradient xlink:href=\"#grad" << m_gradientIndex-1 << "\"";
- m_outputSink << " id=\"grad" << m_gradientIndex++ << "\" ";
- m_outputSink << "x1=\"0\" y1=\"0\" x2=\"0\" y2=\"1\" ";
- m_outputSink << "gradientTransform=\"rotate(" << angle << " .5 .5)\" ";
- m_outputSink << "gradientUnits=\"objectBoundingBox\" >\n";
- m_outputSink << " </svg:linearGradient>\n";
- }
- m_outputSink << "</svg:defs>\n";
- }
- }
- }
- else if(m_style["draw:fill"] && m_style["draw:fill"]->getStr() == "bitmap")
- {
- if (m_style["draw:fill-image"] && m_style["libwpg:mime-type"])
- {
- m_outputSink << "<svg:defs>\n";
- m_outputSink << " <svg:pattern id=\"img" << m_patternIndex++ << "\" patternUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\" ";
- if (m_style["svg:width"])
- m_outputSink << "width=\"" << doubleToString(72*(m_style["svg:width"]->getDouble())) << "\" ";
- else
- m_outputSink << "width=\"100\" ";
- if (m_style["svg:height"])
- m_outputSink << "height=\"" << doubleToString(72*(m_style["svg:height"]->getDouble())) << "\">" << std::endl;
- else
- m_outputSink << "height=\"100\">" << std::endl;
- m_outputSink << "<svg:image ";
- if (m_style["svg:x"])
- m_outputSink << "x=\"" << doubleToString(72*(m_style["svg:x"]->getDouble())) << "\" ";
- else
- m_outputSink << "x=\"0\" ";
- if (m_style["svg:y"])
- m_outputSink << "y=\"" << doubleToString(72*(m_style["svg:y"]->getDouble())) << "\" ";
- else
- m_outputSink << "y=\"0\" ";
- if (m_style["svg:width"])
- m_outputSink << "width=\"" << doubleToString(72*(m_style["svg:width"]->getDouble())) << "\" ";
- else
- m_outputSink << "width=\"100\" ";
- if (m_style["svg:height"])
- m_outputSink << "height=\"" << doubleToString(72*(m_style["svg:height"]->getDouble())) << "\" ";
- else
- m_outputSink << "height=\"100\" ";
- m_outputSink << "xlink:href=\"data:" << m_style["libwpg:mime-type"]->getStr().cstr() << ";base64,";
- m_outputSink << m_style["draw:fill-image"]->getStr().cstr();
- m_outputSink << "\" />\n";
- m_outputSink << " </svg:pattern>\n";
- m_outputSink << "</svg:defs>\n";
- }
- }
-void libpgplus::PGPLUSSVGGenerator::startLayer(const ::WPXPropertyList &propList)
- m_outputSink << "<svg:g id=\"Layer" << propList["svg:id"]->getInt() << "\"";
- if (propList["svg:fill-rule"])
- m_outputSink << " fill-rule=\"" << propList["svg:fill-rule"]->getStr().cstr() << "\"";
- m_outputSink << " >\n";
-void libpgplus::PGPLUSSVGGenerator::endLayer()
- m_outputSink << "</svg:g>\n";
-void libpgplus::PGPLUSSVGGenerator::drawRectangle(const ::WPXPropertyList &propList)
- m_outputSink << "<svg:rect ";
- m_outputSink << "x=\"" << doubleToString(72*propList["svg:x"]->getDouble()) << "\" y=\"" << doubleToString(72*propList["svg:y"]->getDouble()) << "\" ";
- m_outputSink << "width=\"" << doubleToString(72*propList["svg:width"]->getDouble()) << "\" height=\"" << doubleToString(72*propList["svg:height"]->getDouble()) << "\" ";
- if((propList["svg:rx"] && propList["svg:rx"]->getInt() !=0) || (propList["svg:ry"] && propList["svg:ry"]->getInt() !=0))
- m_outputSink << "rx=\"" << doubleToString(72*propList["svg:rx"]->getDouble()) << "\" ry=\"" << doubleToString(72*propList["svg:ry"]->getDouble()) << "\" ";
- writeStyle();
- m_outputSink << "/>\n";
-void libpgplus::PGPLUSSVGGenerator::drawEllipse(const WPXPropertyList &propList)
- m_outputSink << "<svg:ellipse ";
- m_outputSink << "cx=\"" << doubleToString(72*propList["svg:cx"]->getDouble()) << "\" cy=\"" << doubleToString(72*propList["svg:cy"]->getDouble()) << "\" ";
- m_outputSink << "rx=\"" << doubleToString(72*propList["svg:rx"]->getDouble()) << "\" ry=\"" << doubleToString(72*propList["svg:ry"]->getDouble()) << "\" ";
- writeStyle();
- if (propList["libwpg:rotate"] && propList["libwpg:rotate"]->getDouble() != 0.0)
- m_outputSink << " transform=\" translate(" << doubleToString(72*propList["svg:cx"]->getDouble()) << ", " << doubleToString(72*propList["svg:cy"]->getDouble())
- << ") rotate(" << doubleToString(-propList["libwpg:rotate"]->getDouble())
- << ") translate(" << doubleToString(-72*propList["svg:cx"]->getDouble())
- << ", " << doubleToString(-72*propList["svg:cy"]->getDouble())
- << ")\" ";
- m_outputSink << "/>\n";
-void libpgplus::PGPLUSSVGGenerator::drawPolyline(const ::WPXPropertyListVector &vertices)
- drawPolySomething(vertices, false);
-void libpgplus::PGPLUSSVGGenerator::drawPolygon(const ::WPXPropertyListVector &vertices)
- drawPolySomething(vertices, true);
-void libpgplus::PGPLUSSVGGenerator::drawPolySomething(const ::WPXPropertyListVector &vertices, bool isClosed)
- if(vertices.count() < 2)
- return;
- if(vertices.count() == 2)
- {
- m_outputSink << "<svg:line ";
- m_outputSink << "x1=\"" << doubleToString(72*(vertices[0]["svg:x"]->getDouble())) << "\" y1=\"" << doubleToString(72*(vertices[0]["svg:y"]->getDouble())) << "\" ";
- m_outputSink << "x2=\"" << doubleToString(72*(vertices[1]["svg:x"]->getDouble())) << "\" y2=\"" << doubleToString(72*(vertices[1]["svg:y"]->getDouble())) << "\"\n";
- writeStyle();
- m_outputSink << "/>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- if (isClosed)
- m_outputSink << "<svg:polygon ";
- else
- m_outputSink << "<svg:polyline ";
- m_outputSink << "points=\"";
- for(unsigned i = 0; i < vertices.count(); i++)
- {
- m_outputSink << doubleToString(72*(vertices[i]["svg:x"]->getDouble())) << " " << doubleToString(72*(vertices[i]["svg:y"]->getDouble()));
- if (i < vertices.count()-1)
- m_outputSink << ", ";
- }
- m_outputSink << "\"\n";
- writeStyle(isClosed);
- m_outputSink << "/>\n";
- }
-void libpgplus::PGPLUSSVGGenerator::drawPath(const ::WPXPropertyListVector &path)
- m_outputSink << "<svg:path d=\" ";
- bool isClosed = false;
- unsigned i=0;
- for(i=0; i < path.count(); i++)
- {
- WPXPropertyList propList = path[i];
- if (propList["libwpg:path-action"] && propList["libwpg:path-action"]->getStr() == "M")
- {
- m_outputSink << "\nM";
- m_outputSink << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:x"]->getDouble())) << "," << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:y"]->getDouble()));
- }
- else if (propList["libwpg:path-action"] && propList["libwpg:path-action"]->getStr() == "L")
- {
- m_outputSink << "\nL";
- m_outputSink << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:x"]->getDouble())) << "," << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:y"]->getDouble()));
- }
- else if (propList["libwpg:path-action"] && propList["libwpg:path-action"]->getStr() == "C")
- {
- m_outputSink << "\nC";
- m_outputSink << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:x1"]->getDouble())) << "," << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:y1"]->getDouble())) << " ";
- m_outputSink << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:x2"]->getDouble())) << "," << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:y2"]->getDouble())) << " ";
- m_outputSink << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:x"]->getDouble())) << "," << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:y"]->getDouble()));
- }
- else if (propList["libwpg:path-action"] && propList["libwpg:path-action"]->getStr() == "Q")
- {
- m_outputSink << "\nQ";
- m_outputSink << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:x1"]->getDouble())) << "," << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:y1"]->getDouble())) << " ";
- m_outputSink << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:x"]->getDouble())) << "," << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:y"]->getDouble()));
- }
- else if (propList["libwpg:path-action"] && propList["libwpg:path-action"]->getStr() == "A")
- {
- m_outputSink << "\nA";
- m_outputSink << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:rx"]->getDouble())) << "," << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:ry"]->getDouble())) << " ";
- m_outputSink << doubleToString(propList["libwpg:rotate"] ? propList["libwpg:rotate"]->getDouble() : 0) << " ";
- m_outputSink << (propList["libwpg:large-arc"] ? propList["libwpg:large-arc"]->getInt() : 1) << ",";
- m_outputSink << (propList["libwpg:sweep"] ? propList["libwpg:sweep"]->getInt() : 1) << " ";
- m_outputSink << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:x"]->getDouble())) << "," << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:y"]->getDouble()));
- }
- else if ((i >= path.count()-1 && i > 2) && propList["libwpg:path-action"] && propList["libwpg:path-action"]->getStr() == "Z" )
- {
- isClosed = true;
- m_outputSink << "\nZ";
- }
- }
- m_outputSink << "\" \n";
- writeStyle(isClosed);
- m_outputSink << "/>\n";
-void libpgplus::PGPLUSSVGGenerator::drawGraphicObject(const ::WPXPropertyList &propList, const ::WPXBinaryData &binaryData)
- if (!propList["libwpg:mime-type"] || propList["libwpg:mime-type"]->getStr().len() <= 0)
- return;
- WPXString base64 = binaryData.getBase64Data();
- m_outputSink << "<svg:image ";
- if (propList["svg:x"] && propList["svg:y"] && propList["svg:width"] && propList["svg:height"])
- m_outputSink << "x=\"" << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:x"]->getDouble())) << "\" y=\"" << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:y"]->getDouble())) << "\" ";
- m_outputSink << "width=\"" << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:width"]->getDouble())) << "\" height=\"" << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:height"]->getDouble())) << "\" ";
- m_outputSink << "xlink:href=\"data:" << propList["libwpg:mime-type"]->getStr().cstr() << ";base64,";
- m_outputSink << base64.cstr();
- m_outputSink << "\" />\n";
-void libpgplus::PGPLUSSVGGenerator::startTextObject(const ::WPXPropertyList &propList, const ::WPXPropertyListVector & /* path */)
- m_outputSink << "<svg:text ";
- if (propList["svg:x"] && propList["svg:y"])
- m_outputSink << "x=\"" << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:x"]->getDouble())) << "\" y=\"" << doubleToString(72*(propList["svg:y"]->getDouble())) << "\"";
- if (propList["libwpg:rotate"] && propList["libwpg:rotate"]->getDouble() != 0.0)
- m_outputSink << " transform=\"translate(" << doubleToString(72*propList["svg:x"]->getDouble()) << ", " << doubleToString(72*propList["svg:y"]->getDouble())
- << ") rotate(" << doubleToString(-propList["libwpg:rotate"]->getDouble())
- << ") translate(" << doubleToString(-72*propList["svg:x"]->getDouble())
- << ", " << doubleToString(-72*propList["svg:y"]->getDouble())
- << ")\"";
- m_outputSink << ">\n";
-void libpgplus::PGPLUSSVGGenerator::endTextObject()
- m_outputSink << "</svg:text>\n";
-void libpgplus::PGPLUSSVGGenerator::startTextSpan(const ::WPXPropertyList &propList)
- m_outputSink << "<svg:tspan ";
- if (propList["style:font-name"])
- m_outputSink << "font-family=\"" << propList["style:font-name"]->getStr().cstr() << "\" ";
- if (propList["fo:font-style"])
- m_outputSink << "font-style=\"" << propList["fo:font-style"]->getStr().cstr() << "\" ";
- if (propList["fo:font-weight"])
- m_outputSink << "font-weight=\"" << propList["fo:font-weight"]->getStr().cstr() << "\" ";
- if (propList["fo:font-variant"])
- m_outputSink << "font-variant=\"" << propList["fo:font-variant"]->getStr().cstr() << "\" ";
- if (propList["fo:font-size"])
- m_outputSink << "font-size=\"" << doubleToString(propList["fo:font-size"]->getDouble()) << "\" ";
- if (propList["fo:color"])
- m_outputSink << "fill=\"" << propList["fo:color"]->getStr().cstr() << "\" ";
- if (propList["fo:text-transform"])
- m_outputSink << "text-transform=\"" << propList["fo:text-transform"]->getStr().cstr() << "\" ";
- if (propList["svg:fill-opacity"])
- m_outputSink << "fill-opacity=\"" << doubleToString(propList["svg:fill-opacity"]->getDouble()) << "\" ";
- if (propList["svg:stroke-opacity"])
- m_outputSink << "stroke-opacity=\"" << doubleToString(propList["svg:stroke-opacity"]->getDouble()) << "\" ";
- m_outputSink << ">\n";
-void libpgplus::PGPLUSSVGGenerator::endTextSpan()
- m_outputSink << "</svg:tspan>\n";
-void libpgplus::PGPLUSSVGGenerator::insertText(const ::WPXString &str)
- WPXString tempUTF8(str, true);
- m_outputSink << tempUTF8.cstr() << "\n";
-// create "style" attribute based on current pen and brush
-void libpgplus::PGPLUSSVGGenerator::writeStyle(bool /* isClosed */)
- m_outputSink << "style=\"";
- if (m_style["svg:stroke-width"])
- {
- double width = m_style["svg:stroke-width"]->getDouble();
- if (width == 0.0 && m_style["draw:stroke"] && m_style["draw:stroke"]->getStr() != "none")
- width = 0.2 / 72.0; // reasonable hairline
- m_outputSink << "stroke-width: " << doubleToString(72*width) << "; ";
- }
- if ((m_style["draw:stroke"] && m_style["draw:stroke"]->getStr() != "none"))
- {
- if (m_style["svg:stroke-color"])
- m_outputSink << "stroke: " << m_style["svg:stroke-color"]->getStr().cstr() << "; ";
- if(m_style["svg:stroke-opacity"] && m_style["svg:stroke-opacity"]->getInt()!= 1)
- m_outputSink << "stroke-opacity: " << doubleToString(m_style["svg:stroke-opacity"]->getDouble()) << "; ";
- }
- if (m_style["draw:stroke"] && m_style["draw:stroke"]->getStr() == "solid")
- m_outputSink << "stroke-dasharray: solid; ";
- else if (m_style["draw:stroke"] && m_style["draw:stroke"]->getStr() == "dash")
- {
- int dots1 = m_style["draw:dots1"]->getInt();
- int dots2 = m_style["draw:dots2"]->getInt();
- double dots1len = m_style["draw:dots1-length"]->getDouble();
- double dots2len = m_style["draw:dots2-length"]->getDouble();
- double gap = m_style["draw:distance"]->getDouble();
- m_outputSink << "stroke-dasharray: ";
- for (int i = 0; i < dots1; i++)
- {
- if (i)
- m_outputSink << ", ";
- m_outputSink << (int)dots1len;
- m_outputSink << ", ";
- m_outputSink << (int)gap;
- }
- for (int j = 0; j < dots2; j++)
- {
- m_outputSink << ", ";
- m_outputSink << (int)dots2len;
- m_outputSink << ", ";
- m_outputSink << (int)gap;
- }
- m_outputSink << "; ";
- }
- if (m_style["svg:stroke-linecap"])
- m_outputSink << "stroke-linecap: " << m_style["svg:stroke-linecap"]->getStr().cstr() << "; ";
- if (m_style["svg:stroke-linejoin"])
- m_outputSink << "stroke-linejoin: " << m_style["svg:stroke-linejoin"]->getStr().cstr() << "; ";
- if(m_style["draw:fill"] && m_style["draw:fill"]->getStr() == "none")
- m_outputSink << "fill: none; ";
- else if(m_style["svg:fill-rule"])
- m_outputSink << "fill-rule: " << m_style["svg:fill-rule"]->getStr().cstr() << "; ";
- if(m_style["draw:fill"] && m_style["draw:fill"]->getStr() == "gradient")
- m_outputSink << "fill: url(#grad" << m_gradientIndex-1 << "); ";
- if(m_style["draw:fill"] && m_style["draw:fill"]->getStr() == "bitmap")
- m_outputSink << "fill: url(#img" << m_patternIndex-1 << "); ";
- if(m_style["draw:shadow"] && m_style["draw:shadow"]->getStr() == "visible")
- m_outputSink << "filter:url(#shadow" << m_shadowIndex-1 << "); ";
- if(m_style["draw:fill"] && m_style["draw:fill"]->getStr() == "solid")
- if (m_style["draw:fill-color"])
- m_outputSink << "fill: " << m_style["draw:fill-color"]->getStr().cstr() << "; ";
- if(m_style["draw:opacity"] && m_style["draw:opacity"]->getDouble() < 1)
- m_outputSink << "fill-opacity: " << doubleToString(m_style["draw:opacity"]->getDouble()) << "; ";
- m_outputSink << "\""; // style
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2 expandtab: */