diff options
authorEugeni Dodonov <>2011-08-26 12:19:14 -0300
committerEugeni Dodonov <>2011-08-26 12:19:14 -0300
commit1bec2dbc30d220d07dbffde53a44539ab3289fc2 (patch)
imported to git for android build
50 files changed, 17599 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8d406e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fc433f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+ powertop.c \
+ config.c \
+ process.c \
+ misctips.c \
+ bluetooth.c \
+ display.c \
+ suggestions.c \
+ wireless.c \
+ cpufreq.c \
+ sata.c \
+ xrandr.c \
+ ethernet.c \
+ cpufreqstats.c \
+ usb.c \
+ urbnum.c \
+ intelcstates.c \
+ wifi-new.c \
+ perf.c \
+ alsa-power.c \
+ ahci-alpm.c \
+ dmesg.c \
+ devicepm.c
+LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -D_U_="__attribute__((unused))"
+ $(LOCAL_PATH)/missing\
+ external/openssl/include\
+ external/libpcap
+LOCAL_MODULE := powertop
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d60c31a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/Changelog b/Changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04a659a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+1.11 --
+ * Fix compilation with PIC
+ * polling hint now refers to /dev/cdrom instead of /dev/scd0
+ * fix calculations for systems that vary in power draw proc info
+ * Display mwait usage
+ * fix EOF at input
+ * add --version|-v option
+ * spelling error in tips.
+1.10 --
+ * add the "P" key to show the PIDs of the processes when possible
+ * Add support for reading C-state info via sysfs
+ (Kevin Hilman, Venki Pallipadi)
+ * Show USB suspend statistics of USB devices in "-d" dump mode
+ * Show USB suspend statistics as a low priority hint for busy
+ devices
+ * Add support for using the sysfs power supply class
+ (Donnie Berkholz)
+ * Fix USB suspend suggestion to take semi blacklisted stuff into
+ account
+ * Add support for Intel's 4965 wireless power saving mode
+ * On new enough cpus (and kernel 2.6.25), report which C-states the
+ cpu and bios report/support.
+1.9 --
+ * add support for mac80211 based wireless power saving
+ * improve bluetooth inactivity detection (David Woodhouse)
+ * report USB activity (needs 2.6.24-rc kernel)
+ * support the newly reported interrupt events in 2.6.24-rc
+1.8 --
+ * add suggestion to increase VM writeback timeout
+ * add suggestion to enable INOTIFY in the kernel
+ * fix socket fd leak, found by Nikerabbit on #powertop
+ * Add support for deferrable timers (Scott Lamb)
+ * Add active hint to enable USB autosuspend on Fedora 7
+ * Show blue color if the cpu is 25% or more busy to indicate
+ that idle wakeups no longer is the nr 1 power causer
+ (Santiago Gala)
+ * merge the -d option from Bill Nottingham (Fedora) to allow
+ automated collection of data
+1.7 -- Jun 17th, 2007
+ * add suggestion to disable TV out
+ * add suggestion to disable Wake-On-Lan for unused ethernet
+ * Show P-states (frequencies)
+1.6 -- Jun 8th, 2007
+ * Add suggestion to rf_kill unused wireless interfaces
+ * Propose killing "sealert"; this is a new thing in F7 that wakes up
+ 10 times per second for no reason
+ * avoid showing the laptop mode hint when on AC - Val Henson
+ * suggest enabling noatime to save disk IO's
+ * suggest enabling SATA AHCI Link powermanagement
+ * suggest enabling the SMP Power Aware Scheduler
+1.5 -- May 27th, 2007
+ * fix resize-corrupts-screen-content bug
+ * add interrupts to the wakeups/second data in the emulated
+ (non-mobile) case
+ * calculate a long term power usage from battery charge deltas;
+ this should help people whos battery doesn't report discharge
+ rates, and also will provide a less noisy datapoint
+ * Add option to use `kill` on some known power hogs if they are
+ actually waking up a lot:
+ - beagle (even latest wakes up 10 times/second when not indexing)
+ - hal (suggest to stop cdrom polling)
+ - gnome-power-manager
+ These only show if these actually wake up the cpu 'a lot'; so if
+ these get fixed then the suggestion will not display.
+1.4 -- May 25th, 2007
+ * use gettext to allow translation
+ (with lots of thanks to the various translators, especially
+ to Benjamin Pineau who showed me how to use gettext tools)
+ * fix bluethooth-checks-cause-autload-of-bluetooth bug
+ * use ncurses (Sebastian Kuzminsky)
+ * rotate through the suggestions randomly, so that all of them
+ will show over time
+ * Fix the CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE check to only report on ac97 hw
+ * report "hidden but suprious" timer ticks (due to missing hpet or
+ lack of NO_HZ)
+ * check for HPET being present; if not suggest user to toggle in
+ BIOS or apply the patch
+ * Some suggestions have become "active", you can press a key to
+ tune it right away.
+ * Add active suggestion to enable AC97 powersave mode at runtime
+ * Add active suggestion to enable wireless powersave mode at runtime
+ * Add active suggestion to enable ondemand
+1.3 -- May 21st, 2007
+ * Add suggestion for CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE
+ * Fix inefficient code for readdir (Vince Pinter)
+ * Highlight the worst offenders in bold (Vince Pinter)
+ * Fix crash when running on 2.4 kernels (Harald Fernengel)
+ * Check fgets() return values (Timom Hoenig @ SuSE)
+ * add suggestion to enable laptop mode (when disabled)
+ * add suggestion to disable bluetooth when unused
+1.2 -- May 14th, 2007
+ * Manpage contributed by Carlo Segre from the Debian project
+ * Fix "shows power usage even on AC" bug, spotted by Steinar
+ Gunderson
+ * Fix for batteries that report mA instead of mW from Friedrich
+ Oslage
+1.1 -- May 13th, 2007
+ * Fix bug that shows "you don't have C-states" on mobile CPUs when
+ the cpu is 100% busy as reported by Friedrich
+ * Cosmetic code cleanups (Lindent) as suggested by David Brownell
+ * Get rid of popen() and the static sized events array
+ (Keith Packard)
+ * Add some more tips for kernel config options based on various
+ reports/feedback
+ * Improve "you are not root so can't get timerstats" message to say
+ that you need to be root rather than that you need to change your
+ kernel config
+ * Make a better effort at locating the kernel .config file
+ * Don't show "please turn CONFIG_FOO off" if the kernel you have
+ doesn't even support CONFIG_FOO (yet)
+ * Show absolute per-second wakeup counts too (multiple requestors)
+ * Add capability to suggest disabling daemons and the like
+1.0 -- May 11th, 2007
+ * Initial Release
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cdff30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+What's eating the battery life of my laptop? Why isn't it many more
+hours? Which software component causes the most power to be burned?
+These are important questions without a good answer... until now.
+The Linux 2.6.21 kernel introduces the so called tickless-idle
+feature. This feature allows the processor to be really idle for long
+periods of time, rather than having to wake up every millisecond for
+the timer tick. Current processors save a lot of power if they are
+idle for long periods, which translates into a longer battery life for
+your laptop, or a lower energy bill for your datacenter. However, a
+Linux system consists of more software than just the kernel, and there
+are many tunables involved. It's not easy to see what is going on, and
+as a result the behavior is sometimes far from optimal, and a lot of
+power is wasted.
+Intel is proud to announce the PowerTOP tool
+(, a program that collects the various
+pieces of information from your system and presents an overview of how
+well your laptop is doing in terms of power savings. In addition,
+PowerTOP will provide an indication of which tunables and software
+components are the biggest offenders in slurping up your battery time.
+PowerTOP will update it's display frequently so that you can directly
+see the impact of any changes you are making.
+A typical Linux distribution has many components that wake the
+processor up frequently for no good reason. In our testing with
+PowerTOP, we have seen many cases where with some simple fixes, the
+battery life of typical laptops was increased by one hour or more!
+We are providing fixes for several of the issues we identified, and we
+encourage the Linux community to help us in this quest to get the
+maximum battery life out of your (hopefully Intel based) laptops. Try
+the PowerTOP tool, join the mailing list or the IRC channel and
+provide feedback, problem reports or fixes!
+IRC: #powertop channel
+Mailing list:
+Tags: intel, linux
+If you have bugreports or patches, I prefer that you use the mailing list
+but you can email me directly at
diff --git a/ahci-alpm.c b/ahci-alpm.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a97a44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ahci-alpm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+ * Copyright 2009, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "powertop.h"
+struct device_data;
+struct device_data {
+ struct device_data *next;
+ char pathname[4096];
+ char human_name[4096];
+ uint64_t active, partial, slumber, total;
+ uint64_t previous_active, previous_partial, previous_slumber, previous_total;
+static struct device_data *devices;
+static void cachunk_data(void)
+ struct device_data *ptr;
+ ptr = devices;
+ while (ptr) {
+ ptr->previous_active = ptr->active;
+ ptr->previous_partial = ptr->partial;
+ ptr->previous_slumber = ptr->slumber;
+ ptr->previous_total = ptr->total;
+ ptr = ptr->next;
+ }
+static char *disk_name(char *path, char *target, char *shortname)
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *dirent;
+ char pathname[PATH_MAX];
+ sprintf(pathname, "%s/%s", path, target);
+ dir = opendir(pathname);
+ if (!dir)
+ return strdup(shortname);
+ while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) {
+ char line[4096], *c;
+ FILE *file;
+ if (dirent->d_name[0]=='.')
+ continue;
+ if (!strchr(dirent->d_name, ':'))
+ continue;
+ sprintf(line, "%s/%s/model", pathname, dirent->d_name);
+ file = fopen(line, "r");
+ if (file) {
+ if (fgets(line, 4096, file) == NULL)
+ return strdup(shortname);
+ fclose(file);
+ c = strchr(line, '\n');
+ if (c)
+ *c = 0;
+ return strdup(line);
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ return strdup(shortname);
+static char *model_name(char *path, char *shortname)
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *dirent;
+ char pathname[PATH_MAX];
+ sprintf(pathname, "%s/device", path);
+ dir = opendir(pathname);
+ if (!dir)
+ return strdup(shortname);
+ while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) {
+ if (dirent->d_name[0]=='.')
+ continue;
+ if (!strchr(dirent->d_name, ':'))
+ continue;
+ if (!strstr(dirent->d_name, "target"))
+ continue;
+ return disk_name(pathname, dirent->d_name, shortname);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ return strdup(shortname);
+static int first_time = 1;
+static void update_ahci_device(char *path, char *shortname)
+ struct device_data *ptr;
+ FILE *file;
+ char fullpath[4096];
+ char name[4096], *c;
+ ptr = devices;
+ sprintf(fullpath, "%s/ahci_alpm_accounting", path);
+ if (access(fullpath, R_OK))
+ return;
+ if (first_time) {
+ file = fopen(fullpath, "w");
+ if (file) fprintf(file, "1\n");
+ if (file) fclose(file);
+ }
+ while (ptr) {
+ if (strcmp(ptr->pathname, path)==0) {
+ sprintf(fullpath, "%s/ahci_alpm_active", path);
+ file = fopen(fullpath, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ fgets(name, 4096, file);
+ ptr->active = strtoull(name, NULL, 10);
+ fclose(file);
+ sprintf(fullpath, "%s/ahci_alpm_partial", path);
+ file = fopen(fullpath, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ fgets(name, 4096, file);
+ ptr->partial = strtoull(name, NULL, 10);
+ fclose(file);
+ sprintf(fullpath, "%s/ahci_alpm_slumber", path);
+ file = fopen(fullpath, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ fgets(name, 4096, file);
+ ptr->slumber = strtoull(name, NULL, 10);
+ fclose(file);
+ ptr->total = ptr->active + ptr->partial + ptr->slumber;
+ return;
+ }
+ ptr = ptr->next;
+ }
+ /* no luck, new one */
+ ptr = malloc(sizeof(struct device_data));
+ assert(ptr!=0);
+ memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(struct device_data));
+ ptr->next = devices;
+ devices = ptr;
+ strcpy(ptr->pathname, path);
+ c = model_name(path, shortname);
+ strcpy(ptr->human_name, c);
+ free(c);
+void do_ahci_stats(void)
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *dirent;
+ char pathname[PATH_MAX];
+ dir = opendir("/sys/class/scsi_host");
+ if (!dir)
+ return;
+ cachunk_data();
+ while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) {
+ if (dirent->d_name[0]=='.')
+ continue;
+ sprintf(pathname, "/sys/class/scsi_host/%s", dirent->d_name);
+ update_ahci_device(pathname, dirent->d_name);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ first_time = 0;
+void display_ahci_activity(void)
+ struct device_data *dev;
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("%s\n", _("Recent SATA AHCI link activity statistics"));
+ printf("%s\n", _("Active\tPartial\tSlumber\tDevice name"));
+ dev = devices;
+ while (dev) {
+ if (dev->total > 0)
+ printf("%5.1f%%\t%5.1f%%\t%5.1f%%\t%s\n",
+ 100.0*(dev->active - dev->previous_active) / (0.00001 + dev->total - dev->previous_total),
+ 100.0*(dev->partial - dev->previous_partial) / (0.00001 + dev->total - dev->previous_total),
+ 100.0*(dev->slumber - dev->previous_slumber) / (0.00001 + dev->total - dev->previous_total),
+ dev->human_name);
+ dev = dev->next;
+ }
+void ahci_activity_hint(void)
+ int total_active = 0;
+ int pick;
+ struct device_data *dev;
+ dev = devices;
+ while (dev) {
+ if (dev->active-1 > dev->previous_active && dev->active)
+ total_active++;
+ dev = dev->next;
+ }
+ if (!total_active)
+ return;
+ pick = rand() % total_active;
+ total_active = 0;
+ dev = devices;
+ while (dev) {
+ if (dev->active-1 > dev->previous_active && dev->active) {
+ if (total_active == pick) {
+ char ahci_hint[8000];
+ sprintf(ahci_hint, _("A SATA device is active %1.1f%% of the time:\n%s"),
+ 100.0*(dev->active - dev->previous_active) / (0.00001 + dev->total - dev->previous_total),
+ dev->human_name);
+ add_suggestion(ahci_hint,
+ 15, 'S', _(" S - SATA Link Power Management "), activate_alpm);
+ }
+ total_active++;
+ }
+ dev = dev->next;
+ }
diff --git a/alsa-power.c b/alsa-power.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..327b9ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alsa-power.c
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+ * Copyright 2009, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "powertop.h"
+struct device_data;
+struct device_data {
+ struct device_data *next;
+ char pathname[4096];
+ char human_name[4096];
+ uint64_t power_on, power_off;
+ uint64_t previous_power_on, previous_power_off;
+static struct device_data *devices;
+static void cachunk_data(void)
+ struct device_data *ptr;
+ ptr = devices;
+ while (ptr) {
+ ptr->previous_power_on = ptr->power_on;
+ ptr->previous_power_off = ptr->power_off;
+ ptr = ptr->next;
+ }
+static char *long_name(char *path, char *shortname)
+ static char line[4096];
+ char filename[4096], temp[4096], *c;
+ FILE *file;
+ sprintf(line, "%s ", shortname);
+ sprintf(filename, "%s/vendor_name", path);
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (file) {
+ if (fgets(temp, 4096, file))
+ strcat(line, temp);
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+ sprintf(filename, "%s/chip_name", path);
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (file) {
+ if (fgets(temp, 4096, file))
+ strcat(line, temp);
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+ while ((c = strchr(line, '\n')))
+ *c = ' ';
+ return line;
+static void update_alsa_device(char *path, char *shortname)
+ struct device_data *ptr;
+ FILE *file;
+ char fullpath[4096];
+ char name[4096];
+ ptr = devices;
+ sprintf(fullpath, "%s/power_off_acct", path);
+ if (access(fullpath, R_OK))
+ return;
+ while (ptr) {
+ if (strcmp(ptr->pathname, path)==0) {
+ file = fopen(fullpath, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ fgets(name, 4096, file);
+ ptr->power_off = strtoull(name, NULL, 10);
+ fclose(file);
+ sprintf(fullpath, "%s/power_on_acct", path);
+ file = fopen(fullpath, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ fgets(name, 4096, file);
+ ptr->power_on = strtoull(name, NULL, 10);
+ fclose(file);
+ return;
+ }
+ ptr = ptr->next;
+ }
+ /* no luck, new one */
+ ptr = malloc(sizeof(struct device_data));
+ assert(ptr!=0);
+ memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(struct device_data));
+ ptr->next = devices;
+ devices = ptr;
+ strcpy(ptr->pathname, path);
+ strcpy(ptr->human_name, long_name(path, shortname));
+void do_alsa_stats(void)
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *dirent;
+ char pathname[PATH_MAX];
+ dir = opendir("/sys/class/sound/card0");
+ if (!dir)
+ return;
+ cachunk_data();
+ while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) {
+ if (dirent->d_name[0]=='.')
+ continue;
+ sprintf(pathname, "/sys/class/sound/card0/%s", dirent->d_name);
+ update_alsa_device(pathname, dirent->d_name);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+void display_alsa_activity(void)
+ struct device_data *dev;
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("%s\n", _("Recent audio activity statistics"));
+ printf("%s\n", _("Active Device name"));
+ dev = devices;
+ while (dev) {
+ printf("%5.1f%%\t%s\n", 100.0*(dev->power_on - dev->previous_power_on) /
+ (0.00001 + dev->power_on + dev->power_off - dev->previous_power_on - dev->previous_power_off),
+ dev->human_name);
+ dev = dev->next;
+ }
+void alsa_activity_hint(void)
+ int total_active = 0;
+ int pick;
+ struct device_data *dev;
+ dev = devices;
+ while (dev) {
+ if (dev->power_on-1 > dev->previous_power_on)
+ total_active++;
+ dev = dev->next;
+ }
+ if (!total_active)
+ return;
+ pick = rand() % total_active;
+ total_active = 0;
+ dev = devices;
+ while (dev) {
+ if (dev->power_on-1 > dev->previous_power_on) {
+ if (total_active == pick) {
+ char alsa_hint[8000];
+ sprintf(alsa_hint, _("An audio device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n%s"),
+ 100.0*(dev->power_on - dev->previous_power_on) /
+ (0.00001 + dev->power_on + dev->power_off - dev->previous_power_on - dev->previous_power_off),
+ dev->human_name);
+ add_suggestion(alsa_hint,
+ 1, 'A', _(" A - Turn HD audio powersave on "), hda_power_on);
+ }
+ total_active++;
+ }
+ dev = dev->next;
+ }
diff --git a/bluetooth.c b/bluetooth.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d9f416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bluetooth.c
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ * Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include "powertop.h"
+/* structure definitions copied from include/net/bluetooth/hci.h from the 2.6.20 kernel */
+#define HCIGETDEVINFO _IOR('H', 211, int)
+#define BTPROTO_HCI 1
+#define __u16 uint16_t
+#define __u8 uint8_t
+#define __u32 uint32_t
+static int suggested = 0;
+typedef struct {
+ __u8 b[6];
+} __attribute__((packed)) bdaddr_t;
+struct hci_dev_stats {
+ __u32 err_rx;
+ __u32 err_tx;
+ __u32 cmd_tx;
+ __u32 evt_rx;
+ __u32 acl_tx;
+ __u32 acl_rx;
+ __u32 sco_tx;
+ __u32 sco_rx;
+ __u32 byte_rx;
+ __u32 byte_tx;
+struct hci_dev_info {
+ __u16 dev_id;
+ char name[8];
+ bdaddr_t bdaddr;
+ __u32 flags;
+ __u8 type;
+ __u8 features[8];
+ __u32 pkt_type;
+ __u32 link_policy;
+ __u32 link_mode;
+ __u16 acl_mtu;
+ __u16 acl_pkts;
+ __u16 sco_mtu;
+ __u16 sco_pkts;
+ struct hci_dev_stats stat;
+static int previous_bytes = -1;
+void turn_bluetooth_off(void)
+ suggested = 1;
+ system("/usr/sbin/hciconfig hci0 down &> /dev/null");
+ system("/sbin/rmmod hci_usb &> /dev/null");
+void suggest_bluetooth_off(void)
+ struct hci_dev_info devinfo;
+ FILE *file;
+ int fd;
+ int ret;
+ int thisbytes = 0;
+ if (suggested)
+ return;
+ /* first check if /sys/modules/bluetooth exists, if not, don't probe bluetooth because
+ it would trigger an autoload */
+ if (access("/sys/module/bluetooth",F_OK))
+ return;
+ if (fd < 0)
+ return;
+ memset(&devinfo, 0, sizeof(devinfo));
+ strcpy(, "hci0");
+ ret = ioctl(fd, HCIGETDEVINFO, (void *) &devinfo);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ goto out;
+ if ( (devinfo.flags & 1) == 0 &&
+ access("/sys/module/hci_usb",F_OK)) /* interface down already */
+ goto out;
+ thisbytes += devinfo.stat.byte_rx;
+ thisbytes += devinfo.stat.byte_tx;
+ if (thisbytes != previous_bytes)
+ goto out;
+ /* now, also check for active connections */
+ file = popen("/usr/bin/hcitool con 2> /dev/null", "r");
+ if (file) {
+ char line[2048];
+ /* first line is standard header */
+ fgets(line,2048,file);
+ memset(line, 0, 2048);
+ fgets(line, 2047, file);
+ pclose(file);
+ if (strlen(line)>0)
+ goto out;
+ }
+ add_suggestion( _("Suggestion: Disable the unused bluetooth interface with the following command:\n"
+ " hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+ "Bluetooth is a radio and consumes quite some power, and keeps USB busy as well.\n"), 40, 'B' , _(" B - Turn Bluetooth off "), turn_bluetooth_off);
+ previous_bytes = thisbytes;
+ close(fd);
+ return;
diff --git a/config.c b/config.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2567f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.c
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ * Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include "powertop.h"
+/* static arrays are not nice programming.. but they're easy */
+#define MAXCONFIGLINES 10000
+static char configlines[MAXCONFIGLINES][100];
+static int configcount;
+static void read_kernel_config(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ char version[100], *c;
+ char filename[100];
+ if (configcount)
+ return;
+ if (access("/proc/config.gz", R_OK) == 0) {
+ file = popen("zcat /proc/config.gz 2> /dev/null", "r");
+ while (file && !feof(file)) {
+ char line[100];
+ if (fgets(line, 100, file) == NULL)
+ break;
+ if (configcount >= MAXCONFIGLINES)
+ break;
+ strcpy(configlines[configcount++], line);
+ }
+ pclose(file);
+ return;
+ }
+ file = fopen("/proc/sys/kernel/osrelease", "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ if (fgets(version, 100, file) == NULL) {
+ fclose(file);
+ return;
+ }
+ fclose(file);
+ c = strchr(version, '\n');
+ if (c)
+ *c = 0;
+ sprintf(filename, "/boot/config-%s", version);
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (!file) {
+ sprintf(filename, "/lib/modules/%s/build/.config", version);
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ }
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ while (!feof(file)) {
+ char line[100];
+ if (fgets(line, 100, file) == NULL)
+ break;
+ if (configcount >= MAXCONFIGLINES)
+ break;
+ strcpy(configlines[configcount++], line);
+ }
+ fclose(file);
+ * Suggest the user to turn on/off a kernel config option.
+ * "comment" gets displayed if it's not already set to the right value
+ */
+void suggest_kernel_config(char *string, int onoff, char *comment, int weight)
+ int i;
+ char searchon[100];
+ char searchoff[100];
+ int found = 0;
+ read_kernel_config();
+ sprintf(searchon, "%s=", string);
+ sprintf(searchoff, "# %s is not set", string);
+ for (i = 0; i < configcount; i++) {
+ if (onoff && strstr(configlines[i], searchon))
+ return;
+ if (onoff==0 && strstr(configlines[i], searchoff))
+ return;
+ if (onoff==0 && strstr(configlines[i], searchon))
+ found = 1;
+ }
+ if (onoff || found)
+ add_suggestion(comment, weight, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ fflush(stdout);
diff --git a/cpufreq.c b/cpufreq.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0030e31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpufreq.c
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ * Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include "powertop.h"
+static void activate_ondemand(void)
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *dirent;
+ FILE *file;
+ char filename[PATH_MAX];
+ system("/sbin/modprobe cpufreq_ondemand > /dev/null 2>&1");
+ dir = opendir("/sys/devices/system/cpu");
+ if (!dir)
+ return;
+ while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) {
+ if (dirent->d_name[0]=='.')
+ continue;
+ sprintf(filename, "/sys/devices/system/cpu/%s/cpufreq/scaling_governor", dirent->d_name);
+ file = fopen(filename, "w");
+ if (!file)
+ continue;
+ fprintf(file, "ondemand\n");
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+void suggest_ondemand_governor(void)
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *dirent;
+ FILE *file;
+ char filename[PATH_MAX];
+ char line[1024];
+ char gov[1024];
+ int ret = 0;
+ gov[0] = 0;
+ dir = opendir("/sys/devices/system/cpu");
+ if (!dir)
+ return;
+ while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) {
+ if (dirent->d_name[0]=='.')
+ continue;
+ sprintf(filename, "/sys/devices/system/cpu/%s/cpufreq/scaling_governor", dirent->d_name);
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ continue;
+ memset(line, 0, 1024);
+ if (fgets(line, 1023,file)==NULL) {
+ fclose(file);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strlen(gov)==0)
+ strcpy(gov, line);
+ else
+ /* if the governors are inconsistent, warn */
+ if (strcmp(gov, line))
+ ret = 1;
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ /* if the governor is set to userspace, also warn */
+ if (strstr(gov, "userspace"))
+ ret = 1;
+ /* if the governor is set to performance, also warn */
+ /* FIXME: check if this is fair on all cpus */
+ if (strstr(gov, "performance"))
+ ret = 1;
+ if (ret) {
+ add_suggestion(_("Suggestion: Enable the ondemand cpu speed governor for all processors via: \n"
+ " echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"),
+ 15, 'O', _(" O - enable Ondemand governor "), activate_ondemand);
+ }
diff --git a/cpufreqstats.c b/cpufreqstats.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d10b047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpufreqstats.c
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+ * Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include "powertop.h"
+struct cpufreqdata {
+ uint64_t frequency;
+ uint64_t count;
+struct cpufreqdata freqs[16];
+struct cpufreqdata oldfreqs[16];
+struct cpufreqdata delta[16];
+char cpufreqstrings[6][80];
+int topfreq = -1;
+static void zap(void)
+ memset(freqs, 0, sizeof(freqs));
+int sort_by_count (const void *av, const void *bv)
+ const struct cpufreqdata *a = av, *b = bv;
+ return b->count - a->count;
+int sort_by_freq (const void *av, const void *bv)
+ const struct cpufreqdata *a = av, *b = bv;
+ return b->frequency - a->frequency;
+static unsigned long turbo_hz;
+static int is_turbo(unsigned long hz)
+ if (hz == turbo_hz)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static char *HzToHuman(unsigned long hz)
+ static char buffer[1024];
+ memset(buffer, 0, 1024);
+ unsigned long long Hz;
+ Hz = hz;
+ /* default: just put the Number in */
+ sprintf(buffer,_("%9lli"), Hz);
+ if (Hz>1000)
+ sprintf(buffer, _("%6lli Mhz"), (Hz+500)/1000);
+ if (Hz>1500000)
+ sprintf(buffer, _("%6.2f Ghz"), (Hz+5000.0)/1000000);
+ if (is_turbo(hz))
+ sprintf(buffer, "%s", _("Turbo Mode"));
+ return buffer;
+void do_cpufreq_stats(void)
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *dirent;
+ FILE *file;
+ char filename[PATH_MAX];
+ char line[1024];
+ int ret = 0;
+ int maxfreq = 0;
+ uint64_t total_time = 0;
+ memcpy(&oldfreqs, &freqs, sizeof(freqs));
+ memset(&cpufreqstrings, 0, sizeof(cpufreqstrings));
+ sprintf(cpufreqstrings[0], _("P-states (frequencies)\n"));
+ for (ret = 0; ret<16; ret++)
+ freqs[ret].count = 0;
+ dir = opendir("/sys/devices/system/cpu");
+ if (!dir)
+ return;
+ while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) {
+ int i;
+ if (dirent->d_name[0]=='.')
+ continue;
+ sprintf(filename, "/sys/devices/system/cpu/%s/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state", dirent->d_name);
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ continue;
+ memset(line, 0, 1024);
+ i = 0;
+ while (!feof(file)) {
+ uint64_t f,count;
+ char *c;
+ if (fgets(line, 1023,file)==NULL)
+ break;
+ f = strtoull(line, &c, 10);
+ if (!c)
+ break;
+ count = strtoull(c, NULL, 10);
+ if (freqs[i].frequency && freqs[i].frequency != f) {
+ zap();
+ break;
+ }
+ freqs[i].frequency = f;
+ freqs[i].count += count;
+ if (f && maxfreq < i)
+ maxfreq = i;
+ i++;
+ if (i>15)
+ break;
+ }
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ for (ret = 0; ret < 16; ret++) {
+ delta[ret].count = freqs[ret].count - oldfreqs[ret].count;
+ total_time += delta[ret].count;
+ delta[ret].frequency = freqs[ret].frequency;
+ if (freqs[ret].frequency != oldfreqs[ret].frequency)
+ return; /* duff data */
+ }
+ if (!total_time)
+ return;
+ qsort(&delta, maxfreq+1, sizeof(struct cpufreqdata), sort_by_count);
+ if (maxfreq>4)
+ maxfreq=4;
+ qsort(&delta, maxfreq+1, sizeof(struct cpufreqdata), sort_by_freq);
+ if (delta[0].frequency == delta[1].frequency + 1000)
+ turbo_hz = delta[0].frequency;
+ topfreq = -1;
+ for (ret = 0 ; ret<=maxfreq; ret++) {
+ sprintf(cpufreqstrings[ret+1], "%6s %5.1f%%\n", HzToHuman(delta[ret].frequency), delta[ret].count * 100.0 / total_time);
+ if (delta[ret].count > total_time/2)
+ topfreq = ret;
+ }
diff --git a/devicepm.c b/devicepm.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15deb68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devicepm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+ * Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "powertop.h"
+void activate_runtime_suspend_path(char *path)
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *dirent;
+ FILE *file;
+ char filename[PATH_MAX];
+ dir = opendir(path);
+ if (!dir)
+ return;
+ while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) {
+ if (dirent->d_name[0]=='.')
+ continue;
+ sprintf(filename, "%s/%s/power/control", path, dirent->d_name);
+ file = fopen(filename, "w");
+ if (!file)
+ continue;
+ fprintf(file, "auto\n");
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+void activate_runtime_suspend(void)
+ activate_runtime_suspend_path("/sys/bus/pci/devices");
+ activate_runtime_suspend_path("/sys/bus/spi/devices");
+ activate_runtime_suspend_path("/sys/bus/i2c/devices");
+void suggest_runtime_suspend_path(char *path)
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *dirent;
+ FILE *file;
+ char filename[PATH_MAX];
+ char line[1024];
+ int need_hint = 0;
+ dir = opendir(path);
+ if (!dir)
+ return;
+ while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) {
+ if (dirent->d_name[0]=='.')
+ continue;
+ sprintf(filename, "%s/%s/power/runtime_active_time", path, dirent->d_name);
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (file) {
+ memset(line, 0, 1024);
+ if (fgets(line, 1023,file)==NULL)
+ memset(line, 0, 1024);
+ fclose(file);
+ /* this device does not support runtime pm */
+ if (strcmp(line, "0\n") == 0)
+ continue;
+ }
+ sprintf(filename, "%s/%s/power/control", path, dirent->d_name);
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ continue;
+ memset(line, 0, 1024);
+ if (fgets(line, 1023,file)==NULL) {
+ fclose(file);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strstr(line, "on"))
+ need_hint = 1;
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ if (need_hint) {
+ add_suggestion(_("Suggestion: Enable Device Power Management by pressing the P key\n"
+ ),
+ 45, 'P', _(" P - Enable Runtime PM"), activate_runtime_suspend);
+ }
+void suggest_runtime_suspend(void)
+ suggest_runtime_suspend_path("/sys/bus/pci/devices");
+ suggest_runtime_suspend_path("/sys/bus/spi/devices");
+ suggest_runtime_suspend_path("/sys/bus/i2c/devices");
+struct device_data;
+struct device_data {
+ struct device_data *next;
+ char pathname[4096];
+ char human_name[4096];
+ uint64_t active, suspended;
+ uint64_t previous_active, previous_suspended;
+static struct device_data *devices;
+static void cachunk_devs(void)
+ struct device_data *ptr;
+ ptr = devices;
+ while (ptr) {
+ ptr->previous_active = ptr->active;
+ ptr->previous_suspended = ptr->suspended;
+ ptr = ptr->next;
+ }
+static void update_devstats_pci(char *path, char *shortname)
+ struct device_data *ptr;
+ FILE *file;
+ char fullpath[4096], name[4096];
+ ptr = devices;
+ char *c;
+ while (ptr) {
+ if (strcmp(ptr->pathname, path)==0) {
+ sprintf(fullpath, "%s/power/runtime_active_time", path);
+ file = fopen(fullpath, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ fgets(name, 4096, file);
+ ptr->active = strtoull(name, NULL, 10);
+ fclose(file);
+ sprintf(fullpath, "%s/power/runtime_suspended_time", path);
+ file = fopen(fullpath, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ fgets(name, 4096, file);
+ ptr->suspended = strtoull(name, NULL, 10);
+ fclose(file);
+ return;
+ }
+ ptr = ptr->next;
+ }
+ /* no luck, new one */
+ ptr = malloc(sizeof(struct device_data));
+ assert(ptr!=0);
+ memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(struct device_data));
+ ptr->next = devices;
+ devices = ptr;
+ strcpy(ptr->pathname, path);
+ strcpy(ptr->human_name, shortname);
+ sprintf(fullpath, "lspci -s %s", shortname);
+ if (!access("/sbin/lspci", X_OK))
+ sprintf(fullpath, "/sbin/lspci -s %s", shortname);
+ if (!access("/usr/bin/lspci", X_OK))
+ sprintf(fullpath, "/usr/bin/lspci -s %s", shortname);
+ if (strlen(fullpath) < 4)
+ return;
+ file = popen(fullpath, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ fgets(ptr->human_name, 4095, file);
+ pclose(file);
+ c = strchr(ptr->human_name, '\n');
+ if (c) *c = 0;
+ c = strstr(ptr->human_name, "(rev");
+ if (c) *c = 0;
+static void update_devstats_spi(char *path, char *shortname)
+ struct device_data *ptr;
+ FILE *file;
+ char fullpath[4096], name[4096];
+ ptr = devices;
+ char *c;
+ while (ptr) {
+ if (strcmp(ptr->pathname, path)==0) {
+ sprintf(fullpath, "%s/power/runtime_active_time", path);
+ file = fopen(fullpath, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ fgets(name, 4096, file);
+ ptr->active = strtoull(name, NULL, 10);
+ fclose(file);
+ sprintf(fullpath, "%s/power/runtime_suspended_time", path);
+ file = fopen(fullpath, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ fgets(name, 4096, file);
+ ptr->suspended = strtoull(name, NULL, 10);
+ fclose(file);
+ return;
+ }
+ ptr = ptr->next;
+ }
+ /* no luck, new one */
+ ptr = malloc(sizeof(struct device_data));
+ assert(ptr!=0);
+ memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(struct device_data));
+ ptr->next = devices;
+ devices = ptr;
+ strcpy(ptr->pathname, path);
+ sprintf(fullpath, "%s/modalias", path);
+ file = fopen(fullpath, "r");
+ if (file) {
+ fgets(ptr->human_name, sizeof(ptr->human_name), file);
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+ c = strchr(ptr->human_name, '\n');
+ if (c) *c = 0;
+void count_device_pm(void)
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *dirent;
+ char pathname[PATH_MAX];
+ dir = opendir("/sys/bus/pci/devices");
+ if (!dir)
+ return;
+ cachunk_devs();
+ while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) {
+ if (dirent->d_name[0]=='.')
+ continue;
+ sprintf(pathname, "/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s", dirent->d_name);
+ update_devstats_pci(pathname, dirent->d_name);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ dir = opendir("/sys/bus/spi/devices");
+ if (!dir)
+ return;
+ cachunk_devs();
+ while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) {
+ if (dirent->d_name[0]=='.')
+ continue;
+ sprintf(pathname, "/sys/bus/spi/devices/%s", dirent->d_name);
+ update_devstats_spi(pathname, dirent->d_name);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ dir = opendir("/sys/bus/i2c/devices");
+ if (!dir)
+ return;
+ cachunk_devs();
+ while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) {
+ if (dirent->d_name[0]=='.')
+ continue;
+ sprintf(pathname, "/sys/bus/i2c/devices/%s", dirent->d_name);
+ update_devstats_spi(pathname, dirent->d_name);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+void display_runtime_activity(void)
+ int displayed = 0;
+ struct device_data *dev;
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("%s\n", _("Runtime Device Power Management statistics"));
+ printf("%s\n", _("Active Device name"));
+ dev = devices;
+ while (dev) {
+ if (dev->active + dev->suspended > 0)
+ printf("%5.1f%%\t%s\n", 100.0*(dev->active - dev->previous_active) /
+ (0.00001 + dev->active - dev->previous_active + dev->suspended - dev->previous_suspended), dev->human_name);
+ dev = dev->next;
+ }
+ dev = devices;
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("%s\n", _("Devices without runtime PM"));
+ dev = devices;
+ while (dev) {
+ if (dev->active + dev->suspended == 0) {
+ if (displayed++ < 20)
+ printf("%s\n", dev->human_name);
+ }
+ dev = dev->next;
+ }
+ if (displayed > 20)
+ printf(_("%i more devices without runtime PM ommitted\n"), displayed - 20);
+void devicepm_activity_hint(void)
+ int total_active = 0;
+ int pick;
+ struct device_data *dev;
+ dev = devices;
+ while (dev) {
+ if (dev->active-1 > dev->previous_active)
+ total_active++;
+ dev = dev->next;
+ }
+ if (!total_active)
+ return;
+ pick = rand() % total_active;
+ total_active = 0;
+ dev = devices;
+ while (dev) {
+ if (dev->active-1 > dev->previous_active) {
+ if (total_active == pick) {
+ char devicepm_hint[8000];
+ sprintf(devicepm_hint, _("A device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n%s"),
+ 100.0*(dev->active - dev->previous_active) /
+ (0.00001 + dev->active - dev->previous_active + dev->suspended - dev->previous_suspended),
+ dev->human_name);
+ add_suggestion(devicepm_hint,
+ 1, 'P', _(" P - Enable device power management "), activate_runtime_suspend);
+ }
+ total_active++;
+ }
+ dev = dev->next;
+ }
diff --git a/display.c b/display.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79732ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/display.c
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+ * Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <ncurses.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <wchar.h>
+#include "powertop.h"
+static WINDOW *title_bar_window;
+static WINDOW *cstate_window;
+static WINDOW *wakeup_window;
+static WINDOW *battery_power_window;
+static WINDOW *timerstat_window;
+static WINDOW *suggestion_window;
+static WINDOW *status_bar_window;
+#define print(win, y, x, fmt, args...) do { if (dump) printf(fmt, ## args); else mvwprintw(win, y, x, fmt, ## args); } while (0)
+char status_bar_slots[10][40];
+static void cleanup_curses(void) {
+ endwin();
+static void zap_windows(void)
+ if (title_bar_window) {
+ delwin(title_bar_window);
+ title_bar_window = NULL;
+ }
+ if (cstate_window) {
+ delwin(cstate_window);
+ cstate_window = NULL;
+ }
+ if (wakeup_window) {
+ delwin(wakeup_window);
+ wakeup_window = NULL;
+ }
+ if (battery_power_window) {
+ delwin(battery_power_window);
+ battery_power_window = NULL;
+ }
+ if (timerstat_window) {
+ delwin(timerstat_window);
+ timerstat_window = NULL;
+ }
+ if (suggestion_window) {
+ delwin(suggestion_window);
+ suggestion_window = NULL;
+ }
+ if (status_bar_window) {
+ delwin(status_bar_window);
+ status_bar_window = NULL;
+ }
+int maxx, maxy;
+int maxtimerstats = 50;
+int maxwidth = 200;
+void setup_windows(void)
+ getmaxyx(stdscr, maxy, maxx);
+ zap_windows();
+ title_bar_window = subwin(stdscr, 1, maxx, 0, 0);
+ cstate_window = subwin(stdscr, 7, maxx, 2, 0);
+ wakeup_window = subwin(stdscr, 1, maxx, 9, 0);
+ battery_power_window = subwin(stdscr, 2, maxx, 10, 0);
+ timerstat_window = subwin(stdscr, maxy-16, maxx, 12, 0);
+ maxtimerstats = maxy-16 -2;
+ maxwidth = maxx - 18;
+ suggestion_window = subwin(stdscr, 3, maxx, maxy-4, 0);
+ status_bar_window = subwin(stdscr, 1, maxx, maxy-1, 0);
+ strcpy(status_bar_slots[0], _(" Q - Quit "));
+ strcpy(status_bar_slots[1], _(" R - Refresh "));
+ werase(stdscr);
+ refresh();
+void initialize_curses(void)
+ initscr();
+ start_color();
+ keypad(stdscr, TRUE); /* enable keyboard mapping */
+ nonl(); /* tell curses not to do NL->CR/NL on output */
+ cbreak(); /* take input chars one at a time, no wait for \n */
+ noecho(); /* dont echo input */
+ curs_set(0); /* turn off cursor */
+ use_default_colors();
+ atexit(cleanup_curses);
+void show_title_bar(void)
+ int i;
+ int x;
+ wattrset(title_bar_window, COLOR_PAIR(PT_COLOR_HEADER_BAR));
+ wbkgd(title_bar_window, COLOR_PAIR(PT_COLOR_HEADER_BAR));
+ werase(title_bar_window);
+ print(title_bar_window, 0, 0, " PowerTOP version %s (C) 2007 Intel Corporation", VERSION);
+ wrefresh(title_bar_window);
+ werase(status_bar_window);
+ x = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
+ if (strlen(status_bar_slots[i])==0)
+ continue;
+ wattron(status_bar_window, A_REVERSE);
+ print(status_bar_window, 0, x, "%s", status_bar_slots[i]);
+ wattroff(status_bar_window, A_REVERSE);
+ x+= strlen(status_bar_slots[i])+1;
+ }
+ wrefresh(status_bar_window);
+void show_cstates(void)
+ int i, count = 0;
+ werase(cstate_window);
+ for (i=0; i < 10; i++) {
+ if (i == topcstate+1)
+ wattron(cstate_window, A_BOLD);
+ else
+ wattroff(cstate_window, A_BOLD);
+ if (strlen(cstate_lines[i]) && count <= 6) {
+ print(cstate_window, count, 0, "%s", cstate_lines[i]);
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
+ if (i == topfreq+1)
+ wattron(cstate_window, A_BOLD);
+ else
+ wattroff(cstate_window, A_BOLD);
+ print(cstate_window, i, 38, "%s", cpufreqstrings[i]);
+ }
+ wrefresh(cstate_window);
+void show_acpi_power_line(double rate, double cap, double capdelta, time_t ti)
+ char buffer[1024];
+ sprintf(buffer, _("no ACPI power usage estimate available") );
+ werase(battery_power_window);
+ if (rate > 0.001) {
+ char *c;
+ sprintf(buffer, _("Power usage (ACPI estimate): %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"), rate, cap/rate);
+ strcat(buffer, " ");
+ c = &buffer[strlen(buffer)];
+ if (ti>180 && capdelta > 0)
+ sprintf(c, _("(long term: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"), 3600*capdelta / ti, cap / (3600*capdelta/ti+0.01));
+ }
+ else if (ti>120 && capdelta > 0.001)
+ sprintf(buffer, _("Power usage (5 minute ACPI estimate) : %5.1f W (%3.1f hours left)"), 3600*capdelta / ti, cap / (3600*capdelta/ti+0.01));
+ print(battery_power_window, 0, 0, "%s\n", buffer);
+ wrefresh(battery_power_window);
+void show_pmu_power_line(unsigned sum_voltage_mV,
+ unsigned sum_charge_mAh, unsigned sum_max_charge_mAh,
+ int sum_discharge_mA)
+ char buffer[1024];
+ if (sum_discharge_mA != 0)
+ {
+ unsigned remaining_charge_mAh;
+ if (sum_discharge_mA < 0)
+ {
+ /* we are currently discharging */
+ sum_discharge_mA = -sum_discharge_mA;
+ remaining_charge_mAh = sum_charge_mAh;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* we are currently charging */
+ remaining_charge_mAh = (sum_max_charge_mAh
+ - sum_charge_mAh);
+ }
+ snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
+ _("Power usage: %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"),
+ sum_voltage_mV * sum_discharge_mA / 1e6,
+ (double)remaining_charge_mAh / sum_discharge_mA);
+ }
+ else
+ snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
+ _("no power usage estimate available") );
+ werase(battery_power_window);
+ print(battery_power_window, 0, 0, "%s\n", buffer);
+ wrefresh(battery_power_window);
+void show_wakeups(double d, double interval, double C0time)
+ werase(wakeup_window);
+ wbkgd(wakeup_window, COLOR_PAIR(PT_COLOR_RED));
+ if (d <= 25.0)
+ wbkgd(wakeup_window, COLOR_PAIR(PT_COLOR_YELLOW));
+ if (d <= 10.0)
+ wbkgd(wakeup_window, COLOR_PAIR(PT_COLOR_GREEN));
+ /*
+ * if the cpu is really busy.... then make it blue to indicate
+ * that it's not the primary power consumer anymore
+ */
+ if (C0time > 25.0)
+ wbkgd(wakeup_window, COLOR_PAIR(PT_COLOR_BLUE));
+ wattron(wakeup_window, A_BOLD);
+ print(wakeup_window, 0, 0, _("Wakeups-from-idle per second : %4.1f\tinterval: %0.1fs\n"), d, interval);
+ wrefresh(wakeup_window);
+void show_timerstats(int nostats, int ticktime)
+ int i;
+ werase(timerstat_window);
+ if (!nostats) {
+ int counter = 0;
+ print(timerstat_window, 0, 0, _("Top causes for wakeups:\n"));
+ for (i = 0; i < linehead; i++)
+ if ((lines[i].count > 0 || lines[i].disk_count > 0) && counter++ < maxtimerstats) {
+ char c = ' ';
+ if (lines[i].disk_count)
+ c = 'D';
+ if ((lines[i].count * 1.0 / ticktime) >= 10.0)
+ wattron(timerstat_window, A_BOLD);
+ else
+ wattroff(timerstat_window, A_BOLD);
+ if (showpids)
+ print(timerstat_window, i+1, 0," %5.1f%% (%5.1f)%c [%6s] %s\n", lines[i].count * 100.0 / linectotal,
+ lines[i].count * 1.0 / ticktime, c,
+ lines[i].pid, lines[i].string);
+ else
+ print(timerstat_window, i+1, 0," %5.1f%% (%5.1f)%c %s\n", lines[i].count * 100.0 / linectotal,
+ lines[i].count * 1.0 / ticktime, c,
+ lines[i].string);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (geteuid() == 0) {
+ print(timerstat_window, 0, 0, _("No detailed statistics available; please enable the CONFIG_TIMER_STATS kernel option\n"));
+ print(timerstat_window, 1, 0, _("This option is located in the Kernel Debugging section of menuconfig\n"));
+ print(timerstat_window, 2, 0, _("(which is CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y in the config file)\n"));
+ print(timerstat_window, 3, 0, _("Note: this is only available in 2.6.21 and later kernels\n"));
+ } else
+ print(timerstat_window, 0, 0, _("No detailed statistics available; PowerTOP needs root privileges for that\n"));
+ }
+ wrefresh(timerstat_window);
+void show_suggestion(char *sug)
+ werase(suggestion_window);
+ print(suggestion_window, 0, 0, "%s", sug);
+ wrefresh(suggestion_window);
diff --git a/dmesg.c b/dmesg.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5811614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dmesg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ * Copyright 2009, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <sys/klog.h>
+int klogctl(int type, char *bufp, int len);
+#include "powertop.h"
+/* static arrays are not nice programming.. but they're easy */
+static char *dmesg_content;
+static void read_dmesg(void)
+ int size;
+ if (dmesg_content)
+ return;
+ size = klogctl(10, NULL, 0);
+ if (size <= 0)
+ return;
+ dmesg_content = calloc(size + 1, 1);
+ klogctl(3, dmesg_content, size);
+void suggest_on_dmesg(char *string, char *comment, int weight)
+ read_dmesg();
+ if (strstr(dmesg_content, string))
+ add_suggestion(comment, weight, 0, NULL, NULL);
diff --git a/ethernet.c b/ethernet.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d79b7ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ethernet.c
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+ * Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <net/if.h>
+#include <linux/sockios.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+/* work around a bug in debian -- it exposes kernel internal types to userspace */
+#define u64 __u64
+#define u32 __u32
+#define u16 __u16
+#define u8 __u8
+#include <linux/ethtool.h>
+#undef u64
+#undef u32
+#undef u16
+#undef u8
+#include "powertop.h"
+void activate_WOL_suggestion(void)
+ int sock;
+ struct ifreq ifr;
+ struct ethtool_wolinfo wol;
+ int ret;
+ memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(struct ifreq));
+ sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
+ if (sock<0)
+ return;
+ strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, "eth0");
+ /* Check if the interface is up */
+ ret = ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr);
+ if (ret<0) {
+ close(sock);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ifr.ifr_flags & (IFF_UP | IFF_RUNNING)) {
+ close(sock);
+ return;
+ }
+ memset(&wol, 0, sizeof(wol));
+ wol.cmd = ETHTOOL_GWOL;
+ ifr.ifr_data = (caddr_t)&wol;
+ ioctl(sock, SIOCETHTOOL, &ifr);
+ wol.cmd = ETHTOOL_SWOL;
+ wol.wolopts = 0;
+ ioctl(sock, SIOCETHTOOL, &ifr);
+ close(sock);
+void suggest_WOL_off(void)
+ int sock;
+ struct ifreq ifr;
+ struct ethtool_wolinfo wol;
+ int ret;
+ memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(struct ifreq));
+ sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
+ if (sock<0)
+ return;
+ strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, "eth0");
+ /* Check if the interface is up */
+ ret = ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr);
+ if (ret<0) {
+ close(sock);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ifr.ifr_flags & (IFF_UP | IFF_RUNNING)) {
+ close(sock);
+ return;
+ }
+ memset(&wol, 0, sizeof(wol));
+ wol.cmd = ETHTOOL_GWOL;
+ ifr.ifr_data = (caddr_t)&wol;
+ ioctl(sock, SIOCETHTOOL, &ifr);
+ if (wol.wolopts) {
+ add_suggestion(_(
+ "Disable Ethernet Wake-On-Lan with the following command:\n"
+ " ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+ "Wake-on-Lan keeps the phy active, this costs power."), 5,
+ 'W', _(" W - disable Wake-On-Lan "), activate_WOL_suggestion);
+ }
+ close(sock);
diff --git a/intelcstates.c b/intelcstates.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2025de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/intelcstates.c
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+ * Copyright 2008, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "powertop.h"
+#ifdef __i386
+ * Perform a CPU ID operation; with various registers set
+ */
+static void cpuid( unsigned int *eax,
+ unsigned int *ebx,
+ unsigned int *ecx,
+ unsigned int *edx)
+ /* call the cpuid instruction with the registers as input and output
+ * modification by Dwokfur based on Sam Hocevar's discussion on
+ * how to make Assemly code PIC compatible:
+ *
+ */
+ __asm__("pushl %%ebx \n\t" /* save %ebx */
+ "cpuid \n\t"
+ "movl %%ebx, %1 \n\t" /* save what cpuid just put in %ebx */
+ "popl %%ebx \n\t" /* restore the old %ebx */
+ : "=a" (*eax),
+ "=r" (*ebx),
+ "=c" (*ecx),
+ "=d" (*edx)
+ : "0" (*eax),
+ "1" (*ebx),
+ "2" (*ecx),
+ "3" (*edx)
+ );
+void print_intel_cstates(void)
+#ifdef __i386__
+ int bios_table[8];
+ int bioscount = 0;
+ DIR *cpudir;
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *entry;
+ FILE *file = NULL;
+ char line[4096];
+ char filename[128], *f;
+ int len, i;
+ unsigned int eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
+ memset(bios_table, 0, sizeof(bios_table));
+ cpudir = opendir("/sys/devices/system/cpu");
+ if (!cpudir)
+ return;
+ /* Loop over cpuN entries */
+ while ((entry = readdir(cpudir))) {
+ if (strlen(entry->d_name) < 3)
+ continue;
+ if (!isdigit(entry->d_name[3]))
+ continue;
+ len = sprintf(filename, "/sys/devices/system/cpu/%s/cpuidle",
+ entry->d_name);
+ dir = opendir(filename);
+ if (!dir)
+ return;
+ /* For each C-state, there is a stateX directory which
+ * contains a 'usage' and a 'time' (duration) file */
+ while ((entry = readdir(dir))) {
+ if (strlen(entry->d_name) < 3)
+ continue;
+ sprintf(filename + len, "/%s/desc", entry->d_name);
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (file) {
+ memset(line, 0, 4096);
+ f = fgets(line, 4096, file);
+ fclose(file);
+ if (f == NULL)
+ break;
+ f = strstr(line, "MWAIT ");
+ if (f) {
+ f += 6;
+ bios_table[(strtoull(f, NULL, 16)>>4) + 1]++;
+ bioscount++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ }
+ closedir(cpudir);
+ if (!bioscount)
+ return;
+ eax = 5;
+ ebx = 0; ecx = 0; edx = 0;
+ cpuid(&eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);
+ if (!edx || ((ecx&1) == 0))
+ return;
+ printf(_("Your CPU supports the following C-states : "));
+ i = 0;
+ while (edx) {
+ if (edx&7)
+ printf("C%i ", i);
+ edx = edx >> 4;
+ i++;
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ printf(_("Your BIOS reports the following C-states : "));
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ if (bios_table[i])
+ printf("C%i ", i);
+ printf("\n");
diff --git a/kernel-patches/linux-2.6.35-rc4-ahci-alpm-accounting.patch b/kernel-patches/linux-2.6.35-rc4-ahci-alpm-accounting.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..287b679
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel-patches/linux-2.6.35-rc4-ahci-alpm-accounting.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+From: Arjan van de Ven <>
+Subject: [PATCH] libata: Add ALPM power state accounting to the AHCI driver
+PowerTOP wants to be able to show the user how effective the ALPM link
+power management is for the user. ALPM is worth around 0.5W on a quiet
+link; PowerTOP wants to be able to find cases where the "quiet link" isn't
+actually quiet.
+This patch adds state accounting functionality to the AHCI driver for
+PowerTOP to use.
+The parts of the patch are
+1) the sysfs logic of exposing the stats for each state in sysfs
+2) the basic accounting logic that gets update on link change interrupts
+ (or when the user accesses the info from sysfs)
+3) a "accounting enable" flag; in order to get the accounting to work,
+ the driver needs to get phyrdy interrupts on link status changes.
+ Normally and currently this is disabled by the driver when ALPM is
+ on (to reduce overhead); when PowerTOP is running this will need
+ to be on to get usable statistics... hence the sysfs tunable.
+The PowerTOP output currently looks like this:
+Recent SATA AHCI link activity statistics
+Active Partial Slumber Device name
+ 0.5% 99.5% 0.0% host0
+(work to resolve "host0" to a more human readable name is in progress)
+Signed-off-by: Arjan van de Ven <>
+diff --git a/drivers/ata/ahci.h b/drivers/ata/ahci.h
+index 7113c57..6a3a291 100644
+--- a/drivers/ata/ahci.h
++++ b/drivers/ata/ahci.h
+@@ -261,6 +261,13 @@ struct ahci_em_priv {
+ unsigned long led_state;
+ };
++enum ahci_port_states {
+ struct ahci_port_priv {
+ struct ata_link *active_link;
+ struct ahci_cmd_hdr *cmd_slot;
+@@ -279,6 +286,14 @@ struct ahci_port_priv {
+ int fbs_last_dev; /* save FBS.DEV of last FIS */
+ /* enclosure management info per PM slot */
+ struct ahci_em_priv em_priv[EM_MAX_SLOTS];
++ /* ALPM accounting state and stats */
++ unsigned int accounting_active:1;
++ u64 active_jiffies;
++ u64 partial_jiffies;
++ u64 slumber_jiffies;
++ int previous_state;
++ int previous_jiffies;
+ };
+ struct ahci_host_priv {
+diff --git a/drivers/ata/libahci.c b/drivers/ata/libahci.c
+index 81e772a..c3250ee 100644
+--- a/drivers/ata/libahci.c
++++ b/drivers/ata/libahci.c
+@@ -59,6 +59,20 @@ MODULE_PARM_DESC(ignore_sss, "Ignore staggered spinup flag (0=don't ignore, 1=ig
+ static int ahci_enable_alpm(struct ata_port *ap,
+ enum link_pm policy);
+ static void ahci_disable_alpm(struct ata_port *ap);
++static ssize_t ahci_alpm_show_active(struct device *dev,
++ struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf);
++static ssize_t ahci_alpm_show_slumber(struct device *dev,
++ struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf);
++static ssize_t ahci_alpm_show_partial(struct device *dev,
++ struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf);
++static ssize_t ahci_alpm_show_accounting(struct device *dev,
++ struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf);
++static ssize_t ahci_alpm_set_accounting(struct device *dev,
++ struct device_attribute *attr,
++ const char *buf, size_t count);
+ static ssize_t ahci_led_show(struct ata_port *ap, char *buf);
+ static ssize_t ahci_led_store(struct ata_port *ap, const char *buf,
+ size_t size);
+@@ -118,6 +132,12 @@ static DEVICE_ATTR(ahci_host_caps, S_IRUGO, ahci_show_host_caps, NULL);
+ static DEVICE_ATTR(ahci_host_cap2, S_IRUGO, ahci_show_host_cap2, NULL);
+ static DEVICE_ATTR(ahci_host_version, S_IRUGO, ahci_show_host_version, NULL);
+ static DEVICE_ATTR(ahci_port_cmd, S_IRUGO, ahci_show_port_cmd, NULL);
++static DEVICE_ATTR(ahci_alpm_active, S_IRUGO, ahci_alpm_show_active, NULL);
++static DEVICE_ATTR(ahci_alpm_partial, S_IRUGO, ahci_alpm_show_partial, NULL);
++static DEVICE_ATTR(ahci_alpm_slumber, S_IRUGO, ahci_alpm_show_slumber, NULL);
++static DEVICE_ATTR(ahci_alpm_accounting, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR,
++ ahci_alpm_show_accounting, ahci_alpm_set_accounting);
+ static DEVICE_ATTR(em_buffer, S_IWUSR | S_IRUGO,
+ ahci_read_em_buffer, ahci_store_em_buffer);
+@@ -129,6 +149,10 @@ static struct device_attribute *ahci_shost_attrs[] = {
+ &dev_attr_ahci_host_cap2,
+ &dev_attr_ahci_host_version,
+ &dev_attr_ahci_port_cmd,
++ &dev_attr_ahci_alpm_active,
++ &dev_attr_ahci_alpm_partial,
++ &dev_attr_ahci_alpm_slumber,
++ &dev_attr_ahci_alpm_accounting,
+ &dev_attr_em_buffer,
+ };
+@@ -734,9 +758,14 @@ static int ahci_enable_alpm(struct ata_port *ap,
+ * getting woken up due to spurious phy ready interrupts
+ * TBD - Hot plug should be done via polling now, is
+ * that even supported?
++ *
++ * However, when accounting_active is set, we do want
++ * the interrupts for accounting purposes.
+ */
+- pp->intr_mask &= ~PORT_IRQ_PHYRDY;
+- writel(pp->intr_mask, port_mmio + PORT_IRQ_MASK);
++ if (!pp->accounting_active) {
++ pp->intr_mask &= ~PORT_IRQ_PHYRDY;
++ writel(pp->intr_mask, port_mmio + PORT_IRQ_MASK);
++ }
+ /*
+ * Set a flag to indicate that we should ignore all PhyRdy
+@@ -1645,6 +1674,162 @@ static void ahci_error_intr(struct ata_port *ap, u32 irq_stat)
+ ata_port_abort(ap);
+ }
++static int get_current_alpm_state(struct ata_port *ap)
++ u32 status = 0;
++ ahci_scr_read(&ap->link, SCR_STATUS, &status);
++ /* link status is in bits 11-8 */
++ status = status >> 8;
++ status = status & 0x7;
++ if (status == 6)
++ if (status == 2)
++ if (status == 1)
++static void account_alpm_stats(struct ata_port *ap)
++ struct ahci_port_priv *pp;
++ int new_state;
++ u64 new_jiffies, jiffies_delta;
++ if (ap == NULL)
++ return;
++ pp = ap->private_data;
++ if (!pp) return;
++ new_state = get_current_alpm_state(ap);
++ new_jiffies = jiffies;
++ jiffies_delta = new_jiffies - pp->previous_jiffies;
++ switch (pp->previous_state) {
++ pp->active_jiffies = 0;
++ pp->partial_jiffies = 0;
++ pp->slumber_jiffies = 0;
++ break;
++ pp->active_jiffies += jiffies_delta;
++ break;
++ pp->partial_jiffies += jiffies_delta;
++ break;
++ pp->slumber_jiffies += jiffies_delta;
++ break;
++ default:
++ break;
++ }
++ pp->previous_state = new_state;
++ pp->previous_jiffies = new_jiffies;
++static ssize_t ahci_alpm_show_active(struct device *dev,
++ struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = class_to_shost(dev);
++ struct ata_port *ap = ata_shost_to_port(shost);
++ struct ahci_port_priv *pp;
++ if (!ap || ata_port_is_dummy(ap))
++ return -EINVAL;
++ pp = ap->private_data;
++ account_alpm_stats(ap);
++ return sprintf(buf, "%u\n", jiffies_to_msecs(pp->active_jiffies));
++static ssize_t ahci_alpm_show_partial(struct device *dev,
++ struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = class_to_shost(dev);
++ struct ata_port *ap = ata_shost_to_port(shost);
++ struct ahci_port_priv *pp;
++ if (!ap || ata_port_is_dummy(ap))
++ return -EINVAL;
++ pp = ap->private_data;
++ account_alpm_stats(ap);
++ return sprintf(buf, "%u\n", jiffies_to_msecs(pp->partial_jiffies));
++static ssize_t ahci_alpm_show_slumber(struct device *dev,
++ struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = class_to_shost(dev);
++ struct ata_port *ap = ata_shost_to_port(shost);
++ struct ahci_port_priv *pp;
++ if (!ap || ata_port_is_dummy(ap))
++ return -EINVAL;
++ pp = ap->private_data;
++ account_alpm_stats(ap);
++ return sprintf(buf, "%u\n", jiffies_to_msecs(pp->slumber_jiffies));
++static ssize_t ahci_alpm_show_accounting(struct device *dev,
++ struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = class_to_shost(dev);
++ struct ata_port *ap = ata_shost_to_port(shost);
++ struct ahci_port_priv *pp;
++ if (!ap || ata_port_is_dummy(ap))
++ return -EINVAL;
++ pp = ap->private_data;
++ return sprintf(buf, "%u\n", pp->accounting_active);
++static ssize_t ahci_alpm_set_accounting(struct device *dev,
++ struct device_attribute *attr,
++ const char *buf, size_t count)
++ unsigned long flags;
++ struct Scsi_Host *shost = class_to_shost(dev);
++ struct ata_port *ap = ata_shost_to_port(shost);
++ struct ahci_port_priv *pp;
++ void __iomem *port_mmio;
++ if (!ap || ata_port_is_dummy(ap))
++ return 1;
++ pp = ap->private_data;
++ port_mmio = ahci_port_base(ap);
++ if (!pp)
++ return 1;
++ if (buf[0] == '0')
++ pp->accounting_active = 0;
++ if (buf[0] == '1')
++ pp->accounting_active = 1;
++ /* we need to enable the PHYRDY interrupt when we want accounting */
++ if (pp->accounting_active) {
++ spin_lock_irqsave(ap->lock, flags);
++ pp->intr_mask |= PORT_IRQ_PHYRDY;
++ writel(pp->intr_mask, port_mmio + PORT_IRQ_MASK);
++ spin_unlock_irqrestore(ap->lock, flags);
++ }
++ return count;
+ static void ahci_port_intr(struct ata_port *ap)
+ {
+ void __iomem *port_mmio = ahci_port_base(ap);
+@@ -1670,6 +1855,7 @@ static void ahci_port_intr(struct ata_port *ap)
+ if ((hpriv->flags & AHCI_HFLAG_NO_HOTPLUG) &&
+ (status & PORT_IRQ_PHYRDY)) {
+ status &= ~PORT_IRQ_PHYRDY;
++ account_alpm_stats(ap);
+ ahci_scr_write(&ap->link, SCR_ERROR, ((1 << 16) | (1 << 18)));
+ }
diff --git a/kernel-patches/linux-2.6.35-rc4-annotate-device-pm.patch b/kernel-patches/linux-2.6.35-rc4-annotate-device-pm.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a684e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel-patches/linux-2.6.35-rc4-annotate-device-pm.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+From: Arjan van de Ven <>
+Subject: [PATCH v2] pm: Add runtime PM statistics
+In order for PowerTOP to be able to report how well the new runtime PM is
+working for the various drivers, the kernel needs to export some basic
+statistics in sysfs.
+This patch adds two sysfs files in the runtime PM domain that expose the
+total time a device has been active, and the time a device has been
+With this PowerTOP can compute the activity percentage
+Active %age = 100 * (delta active) / (delta active + delta suspended)
+and present the information to the user.
+I've written the PowerTOP code (slated for version 1.12) already, and the
+output looks like this:
+Runtime Device Power Management statistics
+Active Device name
+ 10.0% 06:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller
+[version 2: fix stat update bugs noticed by Alan Stern]
+Signed-off-by: Arjan van de Ven <>
+diff --git a/drivers/base/power/runtime.c b/drivers/base/power/runtime.c
+index b0ec0e9..b78c401 100644
+--- a/drivers/base/power/runtime.c
++++ b/drivers/base/power/runtime.c
+@@ -123,6 +123,45 @@ int pm_runtime_idle(struct device *dev)
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(pm_runtime_idle);
++ * update_pm_runtime_accounting - Update the time accounting of power states
++ * @dev: Device to update the accounting for
++ *
++ * In order to be able to have time accounting of the various power states
++ * (as used by programs such as PowerTOP to show the effectiveness of runtime
++ * PM), we need to track the time spent in each state.
++ * update_pm_runtime_accounting must be called each time before the
++ * runtime_status field is updated, to account the time in the old state
++ * correctly.
++ */
++void update_pm_runtime_accounting(struct device *dev)
++ unsigned long now = jiffies;
++ int delta;
++ delta = now - dev->power.accounting_timestamp;
++ if (delta < 0)
++ delta = 0;
++ dev->power.accounting_timestamp = now;
++ if (dev->power.disable_depth > 0)
++ return;
++ if (dev->power.runtime_status == RPM_SUSPENDED)
++ dev->power.suspended_jiffies += delta;
++ else
++ dev->power.active_jiffies += delta;
++static void __update_runtime_status(struct device *dev, enum rpm_status status)
++ update_pm_runtime_accounting(dev);
++ dev->power.runtime_status = status;
+ /**
+ * __pm_runtime_suspend - Carry out run-time suspend of given device.
+ * @dev: Device to suspend.
+@@ -197,7 +236,7 @@ int __pm_runtime_suspend(struct device *dev, bool from_wq)
+ goto repeat;
+ }
+- dev->power.runtime_status = RPM_SUSPENDING;
++ __update_runtime_status(dev, RPM_SUSPENDING);
+ dev->power.deferred_resume = false;
+ if (dev->bus && dev->bus->pm && dev->bus->pm->runtime_suspend) {
+@@ -228,7 +267,7 @@ int __pm_runtime_suspend(struct device *dev, bool from_wq)
+ }
+ if (retval) {
+- dev->power.runtime_status = RPM_ACTIVE;
++ __update_runtime_status(dev, RPM_ACTIVE);
+ if (retval == -EAGAIN || retval == -EBUSY) {
+ if (dev->power.timer_expires == 0)
+ notify = true;
+@@ -237,7 +276,7 @@ int __pm_runtime_suspend(struct device *dev, bool from_wq)
+ pm_runtime_cancel_pending(dev);
+ }
+ } else {
+- dev->power.runtime_status = RPM_SUSPENDED;
++ __update_runtime_status(dev, RPM_SUSPENDED);
+ pm_runtime_deactivate_timer(dev);
+ if (dev->parent) {
+@@ -381,7 +420,7 @@ int __pm_runtime_resume(struct device *dev, bool from_wq)
+ goto repeat;
+ }
+- dev->power.runtime_status = RPM_RESUMING;
++ __update_runtime_status(dev, RPM_RESUMING);
+ if (dev->bus && dev->bus->pm && dev->bus->pm->runtime_resume) {
+ spin_unlock_irq(&dev->power.lock);
+@@ -411,10 +450,10 @@ int __pm_runtime_resume(struct device *dev, bool from_wq)
+ }
+ if (retval) {
+- dev->power.runtime_status = RPM_SUSPENDED;
++ __update_runtime_status(dev, RPM_SUSPENDED);
+ pm_runtime_cancel_pending(dev);
+ } else {
+- dev->power.runtime_status = RPM_ACTIVE;
++ __update_runtime_status(dev, RPM_ACTIVE);
+ if (parent)
+ atomic_inc(&parent->power.child_count);
+ }
+@@ -848,7 +887,7 @@ int __pm_runtime_set_status(struct device *dev, unsigned int status)
+ }
+ out_set:
+- dev->power.runtime_status = status;
++ __update_runtime_status(dev, status);
+ dev->power.runtime_error = 0;
+ out:
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dev->power.lock, flags);
+@@ -1077,6 +1116,7 @@ void pm_runtime_init(struct device *dev)
+ dev->power.request_pending = false;
+ dev->power.request = RPM_REQ_NONE;
+ dev->power.deferred_resume = false;
++ dev->power.accounting_timestamp = jiffies;
+ INIT_WORK(&dev->, pm_runtime_work);
+ dev->power.timer_expires = 0;
+diff --git a/drivers/base/power/sysfs.c b/drivers/base/power/sysfs.c
+index a4c33bc..f45c316 100644
+--- a/drivers/base/power/sysfs.c
++++ b/drivers/base/power/sysfs.c
+@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
+ #include <linux/string.h>
+ #include <linux/pm_runtime.h>
+ #include <asm/atomic.h>
++#include <linux/jiffies.h>
+ #include "power.h"
+ /*
+@@ -190,9 +191,34 @@ static ssize_t rtpm_status_show(struct device *dev,
+ return -EIO;
+ }
++static ssize_t rtpm_active_time_show(struct device *dev,
++ struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
++ int ret;
++ spin_lock_irq(&dev->power.lock);
++ update_pm_runtime_accounting(dev);
++ ret = sprintf(buf, "%i\n", jiffies_to_msecs(dev->power.active_jiffies));
++ spin_unlock_irq(&dev->power.lock);
++ return ret;
++static ssize_t rtpm_suspended_time_show(struct device *dev,
++ struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
++ int ret;
++ spin_lock_irq(&dev->power.lock);
++ update_pm_runtime_accounting(dev);
++ ret = sprintf(buf, "%i\n",
++ jiffies_to_msecs(dev->power.suspended_jiffies));
++ spin_unlock_irq(&dev->power.lock);
++ return ret;
+ static DEVICE_ATTR(runtime_usage, 0444, rtpm_usagecount_show, NULL);
+ static DEVICE_ATTR(runtime_active_kids, 0444, rtpm_children_show, NULL);
+ static DEVICE_ATTR(runtime_status, 0444, rtpm_status_show, NULL);
++static DEVICE_ATTR(runtime_active_time, 0444, rtpm_active_time_show, NULL);
++static DEVICE_ATTR(runtime_suspended_time, 0444, rtpm_suspended_time_show, NULL);
+ static DEVICE_ATTR(runtime_enabled, 0444, rtpm_enabled_show, NULL);
+ #endif
+@@ -234,6 +260,8 @@ static struct attribute * power_attrs[] = {
+ &dev_attr_async.attr,
+ &dev_attr_runtime_usage.attr,
++ &dev_attr_runtime_suspended_time.attr,
++ &dev_attr_runtime_active_time.attr,
+ &dev_attr_runtime_active_kids.attr,
+ &dev_attr_runtime_status.attr,
+ &dev_attr_runtime_enabled.attr,
+diff --git a/include/linux/pm.h b/include/linux/pm.h
+index 8e258c7..dca597f 100644
+--- a/include/linux/pm.h
++++ b/include/linux/pm.h
+@@ -476,9 +476,15 @@ struct dev_pm_info {
+ enum rpm_request request;
+ enum rpm_status runtime_status;
+ int runtime_error;
++ unsigned long active_jiffies;
++ unsigned long suspended_jiffies;
++ unsigned long accounting_timestamp;
+ #endif
+ };
++extern void update_pm_runtime_accounting(struct device *dev);
+ /*
+ * The PM_EVENT_ messages are also used by drivers implementing the legacy
+ * suspend framework, based on the ->suspend() and ->resume() callbacks common
diff --git a/kernel-patches/linux-2.6.35-rc4-vfs-tracepoints.patch b/kernel-patches/linux-2.6.35-rc4-vfs-tracepoints.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1509f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel-patches/linux-2.6.35-rc4-vfs-tracepoints.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+From f56c995174cf42d84fdad06beebacd56e700b05d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Arjan van de Ven <>
+Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2009 15:37:04 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] vfs: Add a trace point in the mark_inode_dirty function
+PowerTOP would like to be able to show who is keeping the disk
+busy by dirtying data. The most logical spot for this is in the vfs
+in the mark_inode_dirty() function, doing this on the block level
+is not possible because by the time the IO hits the block layer the
+guilty party can no longer be found ("kjournald" and "pdflush" are not
+useful answers to "who caused this file to be dirty).
+The trace point follows the same logic/style as the block_dump code
+and pretty much dumps the same data, just not to dmesg (and thus to
+/var/log/messages) but via the trace events streams.
+Signed-of-by: Arjan van de Ven <>
+ fs/fs-writeback.c | 4 +++
+ fs/inode.c | 4 +++
+ include/trace/events/vfs.h | 53 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 3 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 include/trace/events/vfs.h
+Index: linux-2.6.34/fs/fs-writeback.c
+--- linux-2.6.34.orig/fs/fs-writeback.c
++++ linux-2.6.34/fs/fs-writeback.c
+@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
+ #include <linux/blkdev.h>
+ #include <linux/backing-dev.h>
+ #include <linux/buffer_head.h>
++#include <trace/events/vfs.h>
+ #include "internal.h"
+ #define inode_to_bdi(inode) ((inode)->i_mapping->backing_dev_info)
+@@ -1076,6 +1077,9 @@ void __mark_inode_dirty(struct inode *in
+ sb->s_op->dirty_inode(inode);
+ }
++ trace_dirty_inode(inode, current);
+ /*
+ * make sure that changes are seen by all cpus before we test i_state
+ * -- mikulas
+Index: linux-2.6.34/fs/inode.c
+--- linux-2.6.34.orig/fs/inode.c
++++ linux-2.6.34/fs/inode.c
+@@ -1626,3 +1626,7 @@ void inode_init_owner(struct inode *inod
+ inode->i_mode = mode;
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(inode_init_owner);
++#include <trace/events/vfs.h>
+Index: linux-2.6.34/include/trace/events/vfs.h
+--- /dev/null
++++ linux-2.6.34/include/trace/events/vfs.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
++#define TRACE_SYSTEM vfs
++#if !defined(_TRACE_VFS_H) || defined(TRACE_HEADER_MULTI_READ)
++#define _TRACE_VFS_H
++ * Tracepoint for dirtying an inode:
++ */
++ TP_PROTO(struct inode *inode, struct task_struct *task),
++ TP_ARGS(inode, task),
++ TP_STRUCT__entry(
++ __array( char, comm, TASK_COMM_LEN )
++ __field( pid_t, pid )
++ __array( char, dev, 16 )
++ __array( char, file, 32 )
++ ),
++ TP_fast_assign(
++ if (inode->i_ino || strcmp(inode->i_sb->s_id, "bdev")) {
++ struct dentry *dentry;
++ const char *name = "?";
++ dentry = d_find_alias(inode);
++ if (dentry) {
++ spin_lock(&dentry->d_lock);
++ name = (const char *) dentry->;
++ }
++ memcpy(__entry->comm, task->comm, TASK_COMM_LEN);
++ __entry->pid = task->pid;
++ strlcpy(__entry->file, name, 32);
++ strlcpy(__entry->dev, inode->i_sb->s_id, 16);
++ if (dentry) {
++ spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
++ dput(dentry);
++ }
++ }
++ ),
++ TP_printk("task=%i (%s) file=%s dev=%s",
++ __entry->pid, __entry->comm, __entry->file, __entry->dev)
++#endif /* _TRACE_VFS_H */
++/* This part must be outside protection */
++#include <trace/define_trace.h>
diff --git a/kernel-patches/readme.txt b/kernel-patches/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c38bda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel-patches/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+It's not our intention to have long term kernel patches for PowerTOP.
+However, occasionally we develop PowerTOP features that involve a kernel
+patch. We'd like our users to be able to use these latest features without
+having to wait upto 3 months for Linus to make a release with the kernel
+We'll remove the patches in this directory aggressively as Linus
+releases kernels with these patches included.
diff --git a/misctips.c b/misctips.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6254fcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misctips.c
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+ * Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include "powertop.h"
+void nmi_watchdog_off(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ file = fopen("/proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog", "w");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ fprintf(file,"0\n");
+ fclose(file);
+void suggest_nmi_watchdog(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ int i;
+ char buffer[1024];
+ file = fopen("/proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog", "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ memset(buffer, 0, 1024);
+ if (!fgets(buffer, 1023, file)) {
+ fclose(file);
+ return;
+ }
+ i = strtoul(buffer, NULL, 10);
+ if (i!=0) {
+ add_suggestion( _("Suggestion: disable the NMI watchdog by executing the following command:\n"
+ " echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+ "The NMI watchdog is a kernel debug mechanism to detect deadlocks"), 25, 'N', _(" N - Turn NMI watchdog off "), nmi_watchdog_off);
+ }
+ fclose(file);
+void suggest_hpet(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ char buffer[1024];
+ file = fopen("/sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/available_clocksource", "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ memset(buffer, 0, 1024);
+ if (!fgets(buffer, 1023, file)) {
+ fclose(file);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (strstr(buffer, "hpet")) {
+ fclose(file);
+ return;
+ }
+ fclose(file);
+ add_suggestion( _("Suggestion: enable the HPET (Multimedia Timer) in your BIOS or add \n"
+ "the kernel patch to force-enable HPET. HPET support allows Linux to \n"
+ "have much longer sleep intervals."), 7, 0, NULL, NULL);
+void ac97_power_on(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ file = fopen("/sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save", "w");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ fprintf(file,"1");
+ fclose(file);
+ if (access("/dev/dsp", F_OK))
+ return;
+ /* kick power mgmt update to the driver */
+ file = fopen("/dev/dsp", "w");
+ if (file) {
+ fprintf(file,"1");
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+void suggest_ac97_powersave(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ char buffer[1024];
+ file = fopen("/sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save", "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ memset(buffer, 0, 1024);
+ if (!fgets(buffer, 1023, file)) {
+ fclose(file);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (buffer[0]=='N') {
+ add_suggestion( _("Suggestion: enable AC97 powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+ " echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+ "or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."), 25, 'A', _(" A - Turn AC97 powersave on "), ac97_power_on);
+ }
+ fclose(file);
+void hda_power_on(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ file = fopen("/sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save", "w");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ fprintf(file,"1");
+ fclose(file);
+ if (access("/dev/dsp", F_OK))
+ return;
+ /* kick power mgmt update to the driver */
+ file = fopen("/dev/dsp", "w");
+ if (file) {
+ fprintf(file,"1");
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+void suggest_hda_powersave(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ char buffer[1024];
+ file = fopen("/sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save", "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ memset(buffer, 0, 1024);
+ if (!fgets(buffer, 1023, file)) {
+ fclose(file);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (buffer[0]=='0') {
+ add_suggestion( _("Suggestion: enable HD audio powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+ " echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+ "or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."), 25, 'A', _(" A - Turn HD audio powersave on "), hda_power_on);
+ }
+ fclose(file);
+void noatime_on(void)
+ system("/bin/mount -o remount,noatime,nodiratime /");
+void suggest_noatime(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ char buffer[1024];
+ int suggest = 0;
+ file = fopen("/proc/mounts","r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ while (!feof(file)) {
+ memset(buffer, 0, 1024);
+ if (!fgets(buffer, 1023, file))
+ break;
+ if (strstr(buffer, " / ext3") && !strstr(buffer, "noatime") && !strstr(buffer, "relatime"))
+ suggest = 1;
+ }
+ if (suggest) {
+ add_suggestion( _("Suggestion: enable the noatime filesystem option by executing the following command:\n"
+ " mount -o remount,noatime / or by pressing the T key \n"
+ "noatime disables persistent access time of file accesses, which causes lots of disk IO."), 5, 'T', _(" T - enable noatime "), noatime_on);
+ }
+ fclose(file);
+void powersched_on(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ file = fopen("/sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings", "w");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ fprintf(file,"1");
+ fclose(file);
+void suggest_powersched(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ char buffer[1024];
+ int suggest = 0;
+ int cpu;
+ file = fopen("/sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings","r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ memset(buffer, 0, 1024);
+ if (!fgets(buffer, 1023, file)) {
+ fclose(file);
+ return;
+ }
+ fclose(file);
+ if (buffer[0]!='0')
+ return;
+ /* ok so power saving scheduler is off; now to see if we actually have a multi-package system */
+ cpu = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
+ if (cpu<2)
+ return; /* UP system */
+ file = fopen("/proc/cpuinfo", "r");
+ suggest = 1;
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ while (!feof(file)) {
+ memset(buffer, 0, 1024);
+ if (!fgets(buffer, 1023, file))
+ break;
+ if (strstr(buffer, "cpu cores")) {
+ char *c = strchr(buffer, ':');
+ if (!c)
+ continue;
+ c++;
+ if (strtoll(c, NULL, 10) >= cpu)
+ suggest = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(file);
+ if (suggest) {
+ add_suggestion( _("Suggestion: enable the power aware CPU scheduler with the following command:\n"
+ " echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+ "or by pressing the C key."), 5, 'C', _(" C - Power aware CPU scheduler "), powersched_on);
+ }
+void writeback_long(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ file = fopen("/proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs", "w");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ fprintf(file,"1500");
+ fclose(file);
+void suggest_writeback_time(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ char buffer[1024];
+ int i;
+ file = fopen("/proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs", "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ memset(buffer, 0, 1024);
+ if (!fgets(buffer, 1023, file)) {
+ fclose(file);
+ return;
+ }
+ i = strtoull(buffer, NULL, 10);
+ if (i<1400) {
+ char line[1024];
+ sprintf(line,_("Suggestion: increase the VM dirty writeback time from %1.2f to 15 seconds with:\n"
+ " echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+ "This wakes the disk up less frequently for background VM activity"),
+ i/100.0);
+ add_suggestion(line, 15, 'W', _(" W - Increase Writeback time "), writeback_long);
+ }
+ fclose(file);
diff --git a/perf.c b/perf.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ce35a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+ * Copyright 2009, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * Portions borrowed from the "perf" tool (C) Ingo Molnar and others
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ */
+#define _GNU_SOURCE /* or _BSD_SOURCE or _SVID_SOURCE */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/syscall.h> /* For SYS_xxx definitions */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include "perf_event.h"
+#include "powertop.h"
+/* some people have stale headers */
+#ifndef __NR_perf_event_open
+#ifdef __i386__
+#define __NR_perf_event_open 336
+#if __x86_64__
+#define __NR_perf_event_open 298
+static int perf_fd = -1;
+static void * perf_mmap;
+static void * data_mmap;
+static struct perf_event_mmap_page *pc;
+static inline int
+sys_perf_event_open(struct perf_event_attr *attr,
+ pid_t pid, int cpu, int group_fd,
+ unsigned long flags)
+ attr->size = sizeof(*attr);
+ return syscall(__NR_perf_event_open, attr, pid, cpu,
+ group_fd, flags);
+static int this_trace = 0;
+static int get_trace_type(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ char line[4096];
+ file = fopen("/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/vfs/dirty_inode/id", "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return 0;
+ if (fgets(line, 4095, file) == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ this_trace = strtoull(line, NULL, 10);
+ fclose(file);
+ return this_trace;
+static void create_perf_event(void)
+ struct perf_event_attr attr;
+ int ret;
+ struct {
+ __u64 count;
+ __u64 time_enabled;
+ __u64 time_running;
+ __u64 id;
+ } read_data;
+ memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr));
+ attr.read_format = PERF_FORMAT_TOTAL_TIME_ENABLED |
+ attr.sample_freq = 0;
+ attr.sample_period = 1;
+ attr.sample_type |= PERF_SAMPLE_RAW;
+ attr.mmap = 1;
+ attr.comm = 1;
+ attr.inherit = 0;
+ attr.disabled = 1;
+ attr.config = get_trace_type();
+ if (attr.config <= 0)
+ return;
+ perf_fd = sys_perf_event_open(&attr, -1, 0, -1, 0);
+ if (perf_fd < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Perf syscall failed: %i / %i (%s)\n", perf_fd, errno, strerror(errno));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (read(perf_fd, &read_data, sizeof(read_data)) == -1) {
+ perror("Unable to read perf file descriptor\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ fcntl(perf_fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+ perf_mmap = mmap(NULL, (128+1)*getpagesize(),
+ if (perf_mmap == MAP_FAILED) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "failed to mmap with %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ return;
+ }
+ ret = ioctl(perf_fd, PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ fprintf(stderr, "failed to enable perf \n");
+ pc = perf_mmap;
+ data_mmap = perf_mmap + getpagesize();
+void start_data_dirty_capture(void)
+ create_perf_event();
+void end_data_dirty_capture(void)
+ if (perf_fd >= 0)
+ close(perf_fd);
+ perf_fd = -1;
+struct trace_entry {
+ __u32 size;
+ unsigned short type;
+ unsigned char flags;
+ unsigned char preempt_count;
+ int pid;
+ int tgid;
+#define TASK_COMM_LEN 16
+struct dirty_inode {
+ char comm[TASK_COMM_LEN];
+ int pid;
+ char dev[16];
+ char file[32];
+struct sample_event{
+ struct perf_event_header header;
+ struct trace_entry trace;
+ struct dirty_inode inode;
+static void parse_event(void *ptr, int verbose)
+ char line[8192];
+ char pid[14];
+ char realcomm[17];
+ int suggested = 0;
+ struct sample_event *event = ptr;
+ memset(line, 0, sizeof(line));
+ memset(realcomm, 0, 17);
+ if (event->trace.type != this_trace)
+ return;
+ if (event->trace.size < sizeof(struct dirty_inode))
+ return;
+ if (event-> == 0)
+ return;
+ memcpy(realcomm, event->inode.comm, 16);
+ if (strcmp(realcomm, "powertop") == 0)
+ return;
+ /*
+ * btrfs kernel threads are internal and only
+ * do IO on behalf of others that also got recorded
+ */
+ if (strcmp(realcomm, "btrfs-") == 0)
+ return;
+ /*
+ * don't record "IO" to tmpfs or /proc
+ */
+ if (strcmp(event->, "tmpfs") == 0)
+ return;
+ if (strcmp(event->, "proc") == 0)
+ return;
+ if (strcmp(event->, "pipefs") == 0)
+ return;
+ if (strcmp(event->, "sysfs") == 0)
+ return;
+ if (strcmp(event->, "anon_inodefs") == 0)
+ return;
+ sprintf(pid, "%i", event->;
+ sprintf(line, "%s", realcomm);
+ push_line_pid(line, 0, 1, pid);
+ if (!suggested && strcmp(event->inode.file, "?")) {
+ suggested = 1;
+ sprintf(line,_("The program '%s' is writing to file '%s' on /dev/%s.\nThis prevents the disk from going to powersave mode."),
+ realcomm, event->inode.file, event->;
+ add_suggestion(line, 30, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ if (verbose)
+ printf(_("The application '%s' is writing to file '%s' on /dev/%s\n"),
+ realcomm, event->inode.file, event->;
+void parse_data_dirty_buffer(void)
+ struct perf_event_header *header;
+ int i = 0;
+ if (perf_fd < 0)
+ return;
+ if (dump)
+ printf(_("Disk accesses:\n"));
+ while (pc->data_tail != pc->data_head && i++ < 5000) {
+ while (pc->data_tail >= 128U * getpagesize())
+ pc->data_tail -= 128 * getpagesize();
+ header = data_mmap + pc->data_tail;
+ if (header->size == 0)
+ break;
+ pc->data_tail += header->size;
+ while (pc->data_tail >= 128U * getpagesize())
+ pc->data_tail -= 128 * getpagesize();
+ if (header->type == PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE)
+ parse_event(header, dump);
+ }
+ pc->data_tail = pc->data_head;
diff --git a/perf_event.h b/perf_event.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f0097d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perf_event.h
@@ -0,0 +1,863 @@
+ * Performance events:
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Thomas Gleixner <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Red Hat, Inc., Ingo Molnar
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Red Hat, Inc., Peter Zijlstra
+ *
+ * Data type definitions, declarations, prototypes.
+ *
+ * Started by: Thomas Gleixner and Ingo Molnar
+ *
+ * For licencing details see kernel-base/COPYING
+ */
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/ioctl.h>
+#include <asm/byteorder.h>
+ * User-space ABI bits:
+ */
+ * attr.type
+ */
+enum perf_type_id {
+ PERF_TYPE_MAX, /* non-ABI */
+ * Generalized performance event event_id types, used by the
+ * attr.event_id parameter of the sys_perf_event_open()
+ * syscall:
+ */
+enum perf_hw_id {
+ /*
+ * Common hardware events, generalized by the kernel:
+ */
+ PERF_COUNT_HW_MAX, /* non-ABI */
+ * Generalized hardware cache events:
+ *
+ * { L1-D, L1-I, LLC, ITLB, DTLB, BPU } x
+ * { read, write, prefetch } x
+ * { accesses, misses }
+ */
+enum perf_hw_cache_id {
+enum perf_hw_cache_op_id {
+enum perf_hw_cache_op_result_id {
+ * Special "software" events provided by the kernel, even if the hardware
+ * does not support performance events. These events measure various
+ * physical and sw events of the kernel (and allow the profiling of them as
+ * well):
+ */
+enum perf_sw_ids {
+ PERF_COUNT_SW_MAX, /* non-ABI */
+ * Bits that can be set in attr.sample_type to request information
+ * in the overflow packets.
+ */
+enum perf_event_sample_format {
+ PERF_SAMPLE_IP = 1U << 0,
+ PERF_SAMPLE_TID = 1U << 1,
+ PERF_SAMPLE_ID = 1U << 6,
+ PERF_SAMPLE_CPU = 1U << 7,
+ PERF_SAMPLE_RAW = 1U << 10,
+ PERF_SAMPLE_MAX = 1U << 11, /* non-ABI */
+ * The format of the data returned by read() on a perf event fd,
+ * as specified by attr.read_format:
+ *
+ * struct read_format {
+ * { u64 value;
+ * { u64 time_enabled; } && PERF_FORMAT_ENABLED
+ * { u64 time_running; } && PERF_FORMAT_RUNNING
+ * { u64 id; } && PERF_FORMAT_ID
+ *
+ * { u64 nr;
+ * { u64 time_enabled; } && PERF_FORMAT_ENABLED
+ * { u64 time_running; } && PERF_FORMAT_RUNNING
+ * { u64 value;
+ * { u64 id; } && PERF_FORMAT_ID
+ * } cntr[nr];
+ * };
+ */
+enum perf_event_read_format {
+ PERF_FORMAT_ID = 1U << 2,
+ PERF_FORMAT_MAX = 1U << 4, /* non-ABI */
+#define PERF_ATTR_SIZE_VER0 64 /* sizeof first published struct */
+ * Hardware event_id to monitor via a performance monitoring event:
+ */
+struct perf_event_attr {
+ /*
+ * Major type: hardware/software/tracepoint/etc.
+ */
+ __u32 type;
+ /*
+ * Size of the attr structure, for fwd/bwd compat.
+ */
+ __u32 size;
+ /*
+ * Type specific configuration information.
+ */
+ __u64 config;
+ union {
+ __u64 sample_period;
+ __u64 sample_freq;
+ };
+ __u64 sample_type;
+ __u64 read_format;
+ __u64 disabled : 1, /* off by default */
+ inherit : 1, /* children inherit it */
+ pinned : 1, /* must always be on PMU */
+ exclusive : 1, /* only group on PMU */
+ exclude_user : 1, /* don't count user */
+ exclude_kernel : 1, /* ditto kernel */
+ exclude_hv : 1, /* ditto hypervisor */
+ exclude_idle : 1, /* don't count when idle */
+ mmap : 1, /* include mmap data */
+ comm : 1, /* include comm data */
+ freq : 1, /* use freq, not period */
+ inherit_stat : 1, /* per task counts */
+ enable_on_exec : 1, /* next exec enables */
+ task : 1, /* trace fork/exit */
+ watermark : 1, /* wakeup_watermark */
+ __reserved_1 : 49;
+ union {
+ __u32 wakeup_events; /* wakeup every n events */
+ __u32 wakeup_watermark; /* bytes before wakeup */
+ };
+ __u32 __reserved_2;
+ __u64 __reserved_3;
+ * Ioctls that can be done on a perf event fd:
+ */
+#define PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE _IO ('$', 0)
+#define PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE _IO ('$', 1)
+#define PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH _IO ('$', 2)
+#define PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET _IO ('$', 3)
+#define PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD _IOW('$', 4, u64)
+#define PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT _IO ('$', 5)
+enum perf_event_ioc_flags {
+ * Structure of the page that can be mapped via mmap
+ */
+struct perf_event_mmap_page {
+ __u32 version; /* version number of this structure */
+ __u32 compat_version; /* lowest version this is compat with */
+ /*
+ * Bits needed to read the hw events in user-space.
+ *
+ * u32 seq;
+ * s64 count;
+ *
+ * do {
+ * seq = pc->lock;
+ *
+ * barrier()
+ * if (pc->index) {
+ * count = pmc_read(pc->index - 1);
+ * count += pc->offset;
+ * } else
+ * goto regular_read;
+ *
+ * barrier();
+ * } while (pc->lock != seq);
+ *
+ * NOTE: for obvious reason this only works on self-monitoring
+ * processes.
+ */
+ __u32 lock; /* seqlock for synchronization */
+ __u32 index; /* hardware event identifier */
+ __s64 offset; /* add to hardware event value */
+ __u64 time_enabled; /* time event active */
+ __u64 time_running; /* time event on cpu */
+ /*
+ * Hole for extension of the self monitor capabilities
+ */
+ __u64 __reserved[123]; /* align to 1k */
+ /*
+ * Control data for the mmap() data buffer.
+ *
+ * User-space reading the @data_head value should issue an rmb(), on
+ * SMP capable platforms, after reading this value -- see
+ * perf_event_wakeup().
+ *
+ * When the mapping is PROT_WRITE the @data_tail value should be
+ * written by userspace to reflect the last read data. In this case
+ * the kernel will not over-write unread data.
+ */
+ __u64 data_head; /* head in the data section */
+ __u64 data_tail; /* user-space written tail */
+#define PERF_RECORD_MISC_KERNEL (1 << 0)
+#define PERF_RECORD_MISC_USER (2 << 0)
+struct perf_event_header {
+ __u32 type;
+ __u16 misc;
+ __u16 size;
+enum perf_event_type {
+ /*
+ * The MMAP events record the PROT_EXEC mappings so that we can
+ * correlate userspace IPs to code. They have the following structure:
+ *
+ * struct {
+ * struct perf_event_header header;
+ *
+ * u32 pid, tid;
+ * u64 addr;
+ * u64 len;
+ * u64 pgoff;
+ * char filename[];
+ * };
+ */
+ /*
+ * struct {
+ * struct perf_event_header header;
+ * u64 id;
+ * u64 lost;
+ * };
+ */
+ /*
+ * struct {
+ * struct perf_event_header header;
+ *
+ * u32 pid, tid;
+ * char comm[];
+ * };
+ */
+ /*
+ * struct {
+ * struct perf_event_header header;
+ * u32 pid, ppid;
+ * u32 tid, ptid;
+ * u64 time;
+ * };
+ */
+ /*
+ * struct {
+ * struct perf_event_header header;
+ * u64 time;
+ * u64 id;
+ * u64 stream_id;
+ * };
+ */
+ /*
+ * struct {
+ * struct perf_event_header header;
+ * u32 pid, ppid;
+ * u32 tid, ptid;
+ * u64 time;
+ * };
+ */
+ /*
+ * struct {
+ * struct perf_event_header header;
+ * u32 pid, tid;
+ *
+ * struct read_format values;
+ * };
+ */
+ /*
+ * struct {
+ * struct perf_event_header header;
+ *
+ * { u64 ip; } && PERF_SAMPLE_IP
+ * { u32 pid, tid; } && PERF_SAMPLE_TID
+ * { u64 time; } && PERF_SAMPLE_TIME
+ * { u64 addr; } && PERF_SAMPLE_ADDR
+ * { u64 id; } && PERF_SAMPLE_ID
+ * { u64 stream_id;} && PERF_SAMPLE_STREAM_ID
+ * { u32 cpu, res; } && PERF_SAMPLE_CPU
+ * { u64 period; } && PERF_SAMPLE_PERIOD
+ *
+ * { struct read_format values; } && PERF_SAMPLE_READ
+ *
+ * { u64 nr,
+ * u64 ips[nr]; } && PERF_SAMPLE_CALLCHAIN
+ *
+ * #
+ * # The RAW record below is opaque data wrt the ABI
+ * #
+ * # That is, the ABI doesn't make any promises wrt to
+ * # the stability of its content, it may vary depending
+ * # on event, hardware, kernel version and phase of
+ * # the moon.
+ * #
+ * # In other words, PERF_SAMPLE_RAW contents are not an ABI.
+ * #
+ *
+ * { u32 size;
+ * char data[size];}&& PERF_SAMPLE_RAW
+ * };
+ */
+ PERF_RECORD_MAX, /* non-ABI */
+enum perf_callchain_context {
+ PERF_CONTEXT_HV = (__u64)-32,
+ PERF_CONTEXT_KERNEL = (__u64)-128,
+ PERF_CONTEXT_USER = (__u64)-512,
+ PERF_CONTEXT_GUEST = (__u64)-2048,
+ PERF_CONTEXT_GUEST_USER = (__u64)-2560,
+ PERF_CONTEXT_MAX = (__u64)-4095,
+#define PERF_FLAG_FD_NO_GROUP (1U << 0)
+#define PERF_FLAG_FD_OUTPUT (1U << 1)
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+ * Kernel-internal data types and definitions:
+ */
+# include <asm/perf_event.h>
+#include <linux/list.h>
+#include <linux/mutex.h>
+#include <linux/rculist.h>
+#include <linux/rcupdate.h>
+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+#include <linux/hrtimer.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
+#include <linux/pid_namespace.h>
+#include <linux/workqueue.h>
+#include <asm/atomic.h>
+struct perf_callchain_entry {
+ __u64 nr;
+struct perf_raw_record {
+ u32 size;
+ void *data;
+struct task_struct;
+ * struct hw_perf_event - performance event hardware details:
+ */
+struct hw_perf_event {
+ union {
+ struct { /* hardware */
+ u64 config;
+ unsigned long config_base;
+ unsigned long event_base;
+ int idx;
+ };
+ struct { /* software */
+ s64 remaining;
+ struct hrtimer hrtimer;
+ };
+ };
+ atomic64_t prev_count;
+ u64 sample_period;
+ u64 last_period;
+ atomic64_t period_left;
+ u64 interrupts;
+ u64 freq_count;
+ u64 freq_interrupts;
+ u64 freq_stamp;
+struct perf_event;
+ * struct pmu - generic performance monitoring unit
+ */
+struct pmu {
+ int (*enable) (struct perf_event *event);
+ void (*disable) (struct perf_event *event);
+ void (*read) (struct perf_event *event);
+ void (*unthrottle) (struct perf_event *event);
+ * enum perf_event_active_state - the states of a event
+ */
+enum perf_event_active_state {
+struct file;
+struct perf_mmap_data {
+ struct rcu_head rcu_head;
+ struct work_struct work;
+ int data_order;
+ int nr_pages; /* nr of data pages */
+ int writable; /* are we writable */
+ int nr_locked; /* nr pages mlocked */
+ atomic_t poll; /* POLL_ for wakeups */
+ atomic_t events; /* event_id limit */
+ atomic_long_t head; /* write position */
+ atomic_long_t done_head; /* completed head */
+ atomic_t lock; /* concurrent writes */
+ atomic_t wakeup; /* needs a wakeup */
+ atomic_t lost; /* nr records lost */
+ long watermark; /* wakeup watermark */
+ struct perf_event_mmap_page *user_page;
+ void *data_pages[0];
+struct perf_pending_entry {
+ struct perf_pending_entry *next;
+ void (*func)(struct perf_pending_entry *);
+ * struct perf_event - performance event kernel representation:
+ */
+struct perf_event {
+ struct list_head group_entry;
+ struct list_head event_entry;
+ struct list_head sibling_list;
+ int nr_siblings;
+ struct perf_event *group_leader;
+ struct perf_event *output;
+ const struct pmu *pmu;
+ enum perf_event_active_state state;
+ atomic64_t count;
+ /*
+ * These are the total time in nanoseconds that the event
+ * has been enabled (i.e. eligible to run, and the task has
+ * been scheduled in, if this is a per-task event)
+ * and running (scheduled onto the CPU), respectively.
+ *
+ * They are computed from tstamp_enabled, tstamp_running and
+ * tstamp_stopped when the event is in INACTIVE or ACTIVE state.
+ */
+ u64 total_time_enabled;
+ u64 total_time_running;
+ /*
+ * These are timestamps used for computing total_time_enabled
+ * and total_time_running when the event is in INACTIVE or
+ * ACTIVE state, measured in nanoseconds from an arbitrary point
+ * in time.
+ * tstamp_enabled: the notional time when the event was enabled
+ * tstamp_running: the notional time when the event was scheduled on
+ * tstamp_stopped: in INACTIVE state, the notional time when the
+ * event was scheduled off.
+ */
+ u64 tstamp_enabled;
+ u64 tstamp_running;
+ u64 tstamp_stopped;
+ struct perf_event_attr attr;
+ struct hw_perf_event hw;
+ struct perf_event_context *ctx;
+ struct file *filp;
+ /*
+ * These accumulate total time (in nanoseconds) that children
+ * events have been enabled and running, respectively.
+ */
+ atomic64_t child_total_time_enabled;
+ atomic64_t child_total_time_running;
+ /*
+ * Protect attach/detach and child_list:
+ */
+ struct mutex child_mutex;
+ struct list_head child_list;
+ struct perf_event *parent;
+ int oncpu;
+ int cpu;
+ struct list_head owner_entry;
+ struct task_struct *owner;
+ /* mmap bits */
+ struct mutex mmap_mutex;
+ atomic_t mmap_count;
+ struct perf_mmap_data *data;
+ /* poll related */
+ wait_queue_head_t waitq;
+ struct fasync_struct *fasync;
+ /* delayed work for NMIs and such */
+ int pending_wakeup;
+ int pending_kill;
+ int pending_disable;
+ struct perf_pending_entry pending;
+ atomic_t event_limit;
+ void (*destroy)(struct perf_event *);
+ struct rcu_head rcu_head;
+ struct pid_namespace *ns;
+ u64 id;
+ * struct perf_event_context - event context structure
+ *
+ * Used as a container for task events and CPU events as well:
+ */
+struct perf_event_context {
+ /*
+ * Protect the states of the events in the list,
+ * nr_active, and the list:
+ */
+ spinlock_t lock;
+ /*
+ * Protect the list of events. Locking either mutex or lock
+ * is sufficient to ensure the list doesn't change; to change
+ * the list you need to lock both the mutex and the spinlock.
+ */
+ struct mutex mutex;
+ struct list_head group_list;
+ struct list_head event_list;
+ int nr_events;
+ int nr_active;
+ int is_active;
+ int nr_stat;
+ atomic_t refcount;
+ struct task_struct *task;
+ /*
+ * Context clock, runs when context enabled.
+ */
+ u64 time;
+ u64 timestamp;
+ /*
+ * These fields let us detect when two contexts have both
+ * been cloned (inherited) from a common ancestor.
+ */
+ struct perf_event_context *parent_ctx;
+ u64 parent_gen;
+ u64 generation;
+ int pin_count;
+ struct rcu_head rcu_head;
+ * struct perf_event_cpu_context - per cpu event context structure
+ */
+struct perf_cpu_context {
+ struct perf_event_context ctx;
+ struct perf_event_context *task_ctx;
+ int active_oncpu;
+ int max_pertask;
+ int exclusive;
+ /*
+ * Recursion avoidance:
+ *
+ * task, softirq, irq, nmi context
+ */
+ int recursion[4];
+struct perf_output_handle {
+ struct perf_event *event;
+ struct perf_mmap_data *data;
+ unsigned long head;
+ unsigned long offset;
+ int nmi;
+ int sample;
+ int locked;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ * Set by architecture code:
+ */
+extern int perf_max_events;
+extern const struct pmu *hw_perf_event_init(struct perf_event *event);
+extern void perf_event_task_sched_in(struct task_struct *task, int cpu);
+extern void perf_event_task_sched_out(struct task_struct *task,
+ struct task_struct *next, int cpu);
+extern void perf_event_task_tick(struct task_struct *task, int cpu);
+extern int perf_event_init_task(struct task_struct *child);
+extern void perf_event_exit_task(struct task_struct *child);
+extern void perf_event_free_task(struct task_struct *task);
+extern void set_perf_event_pending(void);
+extern void perf_event_do_pending(void);
+extern void perf_event_print_debug(void);
+extern void __perf_disable(void);
+extern bool __perf_enable(void);
+extern void perf_disable(void);
+extern void perf_enable(void);
+extern int perf_event_task_disable(void);
+extern int perf_event_task_enable(void);
+extern int hw_perf_group_sched_in(struct perf_event *group_leader,
+ struct perf_cpu_context *cpuctx,
+ struct perf_event_context *ctx, int cpu);
+extern void perf_event_update_userpage(struct perf_event *event);
+struct perf_sample_data {
+ u64 type;
+ u64 ip;
+ struct {
+ u32 pid;
+ u32 tid;
+ } tid_entry;
+ u64 time;
+ u64 addr;
+ u64 id;
+ u64 stream_id;
+ struct {
+ u32 cpu;
+ u32 reserved;
+ } cpu_entry;
+ u64 period;
+ struct perf_callchain_entry *callchain;
+ struct perf_raw_record *raw;
+extern void perf_output_sample(struct perf_output_handle *handle,
+ struct perf_event_header *header,
+ struct perf_sample_data *data,
+ struct perf_event *event);
+extern void perf_prepare_sample(struct perf_event_header *header,
+ struct perf_sample_data *data,
+ struct perf_event *event,
+ struct pt_regs *regs);
+extern int perf_event_overflow(struct perf_event *event, int nmi,
+ struct perf_sample_data *data,
+ struct pt_regs *regs);
+ * Return 1 for a software event, 0 for a hardware event
+ */
+static inline int is_software_event(struct perf_event *event)
+ return (event->attr.type != PERF_TYPE_RAW) &&
+ (event->attr.type != PERF_TYPE_HARDWARE) &&
+ (event->attr.type != PERF_TYPE_HW_CACHE);
+extern atomic_t perf_swevent_enabled[PERF_COUNT_SW_MAX];
+extern void __perf_sw_event(u32, u64, int, struct pt_regs *, u64);
+static inline void
+perf_sw_event(u32 event_id, u64 nr, int nmi, struct pt_regs *regs, u64 addr)
+ if (atomic_read(&perf_swevent_enabled[event_id]))
+ __perf_sw_event(event_id, nr, nmi, regs, addr);
+extern void __perf_event_mmap(struct vm_area_struct *vma);
+static inline void perf_event_mmap(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
+ if (vma->vm_flags & VM_EXEC)
+ __perf_event_mmap(vma);
+extern void perf_event_comm(struct task_struct *tsk);
+extern void perf_event_fork(struct task_struct *tsk);
+extern struct perf_callchain_entry *perf_callchain(struct pt_regs *regs);
+extern int sysctl_perf_event_paranoid;
+extern int sysctl_perf_event_mlock;
+extern int sysctl_perf_event_sample_rate;
+extern void perf_event_init(void);
+extern void perf_tp_event(int event_id, u64 addr, u64 count,
+ void *record, int entry_size);
+#ifndef perf_misc_flags
+#define perf_misc_flags(regs) (user_mode(regs) ? PERF_RECORD_MISC_USER : \
+#define perf_instruction_pointer(regs) instruction_pointer(regs)
+extern int perf_output_begin(struct perf_output_handle *handle,
+ struct perf_event *event, unsigned int size,
+ int nmi, int sample);
+extern void perf_output_end(struct perf_output_handle *handle);
+extern void perf_output_copy(struct perf_output_handle *handle,
+ const void *buf, unsigned int len);
+static inline void
+perf_event_task_sched_in(struct task_struct *task, int cpu) { }
+static inline void
+perf_event_task_sched_out(struct task_struct *task,
+ struct task_struct *next, int cpu) { }
+static inline void
+perf_event_task_tick(struct task_struct *task, int cpu) { }
+static inline int perf_event_init_task(struct task_struct *child) { return 0; }
+static inline void perf_event_exit_task(struct task_struct *child) { }
+static inline void perf_event_free_task(struct task_struct *task) { }
+static inline void perf_event_do_pending(void) { }
+static inline void perf_event_print_debug(void) { }
+static inline void perf_disable(void) { }
+static inline void perf_enable(void) { }
+static inline int perf_event_task_disable(void) { return -EINVAL; }
+static inline int perf_event_task_enable(void) { return -EINVAL; }
+static inline void
+perf_sw_event(u32 event_id, u64 nr, int nmi,
+ struct pt_regs *regs, u64 addr) { }
+static inline void perf_event_mmap(struct vm_area_struct *vma) { }
+static inline void perf_event_comm(struct task_struct *tsk) { }
+static inline void perf_event_fork(struct task_struct *tsk) { }
+static inline void perf_event_init(void) { }
+#define perf_output_put(handle, x) \
+ perf_output_copy((handle), &(x), sizeof(x))
+#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
+#endif /* _LINUX_PERF_EVENT_H */
diff --git a/po/Makefile b/po/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8a6ca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+SRC=$(wildcard *.po)
+OBJ= $(
+INST= $(SRC:.po=.inst)
+translations: $(OBJ)
+ %.po
+ msgfmt -o $@ $<
+ rm -f *.mo *~ powertop.pot
+powertop.pot: Makefile
+ xgettext -C -s -k_ -o powertop.pot ../*.c ../*.h
+# hack to automate installation dynamicaly, without previous knowledge of
+# the po/mo file list (we fool make by pretending the need for .inst files).
+install: $(OBJ) $(INST)
+uptrans: $(LG).po
+$(LG).po: powertop.pot
+ifdef LG
+ msgmerge -U $@ $<
+ msgfmt --statistics $@
+ @echo "Usage : make uptrans LG=xx # with xx = de, es, fi ..."
+ @exit 1
diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc15422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/de.po
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+# translation of de.po to
+# Johannes Engel <>, 2007.
+# Johannes Engel <>, 2007.
+# Friedrich Oslage <>, 2007.
+# Martin Kortmann <>, 2007.
+# Copyright (C) 2007
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PowerTop package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: de\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-12 15:39-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-28 04:22-0800\n"
+"Last-Translator: Andreas Machoy <>\n"
+"Language-Team: <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n!=1;\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: German\n"
+"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:303 ../powertop.c:306
+#, c-format
+msgid " <interrupt> : %s"
+msgstr " <interrupt> : %s"
+#: ../powertop.c:1072
+msgid " <interrupt> : extra timer interrupt"
+msgstr " <interrupt> : extra timer interrupt"
+#: ../powertop.c:301
+#, c-format
+msgid " <kernel IPI> : %s"
+msgstr " <Kernel IPI> : %s"
+#: ../powertop.c:821
+#, c-format
+msgid " -d, --dump read wakeups once and print list of top offenders\n"
+msgstr " -d, --dump Ermittelt einmal alle Daten und listet diese auf\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:824
+#, c-format
+msgid " -h, --help Show this help message\n"
+msgstr " -h, --help Zeigt diese Meldung\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid " -p, --pids show pids in wakeups list\n"
+msgstr " -p, --pids pids in Wakeups-Liste anzeigen\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:822
+#, c-format
+msgid " -t, --time=DOUBLE default time to gather data in seconds\n"
+msgstr " -t, --time=DOUBLE Zeitintervall in dem Daten gesammelt werden\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:825
+#, c-format
+msgid " -v, --version Show version information and exit\n"
+msgstr " -v, --version Zeige Versions-Informationen und beende\n"
+#: ../misctips.c:125
+msgid " A - Turn AC97 powersave on "
+msgstr " A - AC97 Stromsparfunktionen einschalten"
+#: ../misctips.c:165
+msgid " A - Turn HD audio powersave on "
+msgstr " A - HD-Audio Stromsparfunktionen einschalten"
+#: ../bluetooth.c:146
+msgid " B - Turn Bluetooth off "
+msgstr " B - Bluetooth ausschalten"
+#: ../misctips.c:257
+msgid " C - Power aware CPU scheduler "
+msgstr " C - Stromsparenden CPU Scheduler aktivieren"
+#: ../wifi-new.c:196
+msgid " D - disable wireless "
+msgstr " D - WLAN deaktivieren"
+#: ../wireless.c:322
+msgid " I - disable WIFI Radio "
+msgstr " I - WIFI Sender ausschalten"
+#: ../process.c:84
+#, c-format
+msgid " K - kill %s "
+msgstr " K - kille %s "
+#: ../misctips.c:61
+msgid " N - Turn NMI watchdog off "
+msgstr " N - NMI Wächter ausschalten"
+#: ../cpufreq.c:118
+msgid " O - enable Ondemand governor "
+msgstr " O - \"Ondemand governor\" aktivieren"
+#: ../wifi-new.c:201
+msgid " P - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " P - WLAN Stromsparfunktionen aktivieren "
+#: ../display.c:108
+msgid " Q - Quit "
+msgstr " Q - Beenden"
+#: ../display.c:109
+msgid " R - Refresh "
+msgstr " R - Aktualisieren"
+#: ../sata.c:104
+msgid " S - SATA Link Power Management "
+msgstr " S - SATA Link Stromsparfunktionen einschalten "
+#: ../misctips.c:194
+msgid " T - enable noatime "
+msgstr " T - \"noatime\" aktivieren"
+#: ../urbnum.c:222 ../usb.c:116
+msgid " U - Enable USB suspend "
+msgstr " U - USB suspend einschalten"
+#: ../xrandr.c:78
+msgid " V - Disable TV out "
+msgstr " I - TV Ausgang ausschalten"
+#: ../wireless.c:311 ../wireless.c:317
+msgid " W - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " W - WLAN Stromsparfunktionen aktivieren "
+#: ../misctips.c:292
+msgid " W - Increase Writeback time "
+msgstr " W - Writeback time erhöhen"
+#: ../ethernet.c:131
+msgid " W - disable Wake-On-Lan "
+msgstr " I - \"Wake-On-Lan\" ausschalten"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:91
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6.2f Ghz"
+msgstr "%6.2f GHz"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:88
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6lli Mhz"
+msgstr "%6lli MHz"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:85
+#, c-format
+msgid "%9lli"
+msgstr "%9lli"
+#: ../powertop.c:983
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../display.c:205
+#, c-format
+msgid "(long term: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+msgstr "(Langzeit: %3.1fW, %3.1f Std.)"
+#: ../display.c:301
+msgid "(which is CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y in the config file)\n"
+msgstr "(verfügbar über CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y in der config Datei)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:960
+#, c-format
+msgid "< Detailed C-state information is not available.>\n"
+msgstr "<Detaillierte C-Status Informationen sind nur für Mobilprozessoren verfügbar.>\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1040
+msgid "<kernel core>"
+msgstr "<Kernel Kern>"
+#: ../powertop.c:1036 ../powertop.c:1038
+msgid "<kernel module>"
+msgstr "<Kernel Modul>"
+#: ../urbnum.c:217
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A USB device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ein USB Gerät ist %4.1f%% der Zeit aktiv:\n"
+#: ../urbnum.c:186
+msgid "Active Device name"
+msgstr "Name des aktiven Gerätes"
+#: ../powertop.c:969
+#, c-format
+msgid "C0 (cpu running) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "C0 (Prozessor läuft) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:966
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cn\t Avg residency\n"
+msgstr "Cn\t Verweildauer\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:903
+#, c-format
+msgid "Collecting data for %i seconds \n"
+msgstr "Sammle Daten für %i Sekunden \n"
+#: ../ethernet.c:128
+msgid ""
+"Disable Ethernet Wake-On-Lan with the following command:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Wake-on-Lan keeps the phy active, this costs power."
+msgstr ""
+"Deaktivieren Sie mit folgendem Befehl die \"Wake-On-Lan\" Funktion:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d\n"
+"\"Wake-On-Lan\" hält die Physikalische Netzwerkverbindung aufrecht."
+#: ../powertop.c:1187
+msgid ""
+"Disable the SE-Alert software by removing the 'setroubleshoot-server' rpm\n"
+"SE-Alert alerts you about SELinux policy violations, but also\n"
+"has a bug that wakes it up 10 times per second."
+msgstr ""
+"Deaktivieren Sie das Programm \"SE-Alert\" indem Sie das Packet\n"
+"\"setroubleshoot-server\" entfernen. SE-Alert alamiert Sie über SELinux\n"
+"Regelverletzungen, enthält aber einen Fehler, der das System oft aufweckt."
+#: ../display.c:304
+msgid "No detailed statistics available; PowerTOP needs root privileges for that\n"
+msgstr "Keine detaillierte Statistik verfügbar; PowerTOP benötigt root-Rechte um diese anzeigen zu können.\n"
+#: ../display.c:299
+msgid "No detailed statistics available; please enable the CONFIG_TIMER_STATS kernel option\n"
+msgstr "Keine detaillierte Statistik verfügbar; aktivieren Sie CONFIG_TIMER_STATS in Ihrem Kernel.\n"
+#: ../display.c:302
+msgid "Note: this is only available in 2.6.21 and later kernels\n"
+msgstr "Achtung: Das funktioniert erst ab Kernel 2.6.21\n"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:115
+#, c-format
+msgid "P-states (frequencies)\n"
+msgstr "P-States (Frequenzen)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:170 ../powertop.c:306
+msgid "PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad"
+msgstr "PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad"
+#: ../display.c:208
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (5 minute ACPI estimate) : %5.1f W (%3.1f hours left)"
+msgstr "Stromverbrauch (5 Min. ACPI-Schätzung): %5.1fW (%3.1f Stunden verbleibend)"
+#: ../display.c:201
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (ACPI estimate): %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Stromverbrauch (ACPI-Schätzung): %3.1fW (%3.1f Std.)"
+#: ../display.c:238
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage: %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Stromverbrauch: %3.1fW (%3.1f Std.)"
+#: ../powertop.c:902
+#, c-format
+msgid "PowerTOP needs to be run as root to collect enough information\n"
+msgstr "Sie müssen PowerTOP als root ausführen, um alle Daten sehen zu können\n"
+#: ../urbnum.c:185
+msgid "Recent USB suspend statistics"
+msgstr "aktuelle \"USB suspend\" Statistiken"
+#: ../powertop.c:1181
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable 'hal' from polling your cdrom with: \n"
+"hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom 'hal' is the component that auto-opens a\n"
+"window if you plug in a CD but disables SATA power saving from kicking in."
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Hindern sie mit: \"hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom\"\n"
+"hal daran das CD-Laufwerk abzufragen. hal startet nach dem Einlegen einer CD\n"
+"autom. einen Dateimanager. Die Abfragen verhindern den SATA Energiesparmodus."
+#: ../powertop.c:1155 ../powertop.c:1159
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'beagle' from your system. \n"
+"Beagle is the program that indexes for easy desktop search, however it's \n"
+"not very efficient and costs a significant amount of battery life."
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Deaktivieren oder entfernen Sie 'beagle'.\n"
+"Beagle indiziert die Dateien Ihres Computers für die Suche, reduziert dafür\n"
+" aber signifikant Ihre Akkulaufzeit."
+#: ../powertop.c:1168
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'gnome-power-manager' from your system. \n"
+"Older versions of gnome-power-manager wake up far more often than \n"
+"needed costing you some power."
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Deaktivieren oder entfernen Sie den 'gnome-power-manager'.\n"
+"Entgegen ihrer Bezeichnung verbrauchen einige Versionen des\n"
+"gnome-power-manager mehr Energie als sie einsparen."
+#: ../powertop.c:1174
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'pcscd' from your system. \n"
+"pcscd tends to keep the USB subsystem out of power save mode\n"
+"and your processor out of deeper powersave states."
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Deaktivieren oder entfernen Sie 'pcscd'. pcscd tendiert dazu,\n"
+"zu verhindern, dass das USB-Subsystem in den Energiesparmodus wechseln\n"
+"kann. Damit kann auch die CPU in keinen tieferen Energiesparmodus schalten."
+#: ../powertop.c:1143
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the CONFIG_IRQBALANCE kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The in-kernel irq balancer is obsolete and wakes the CPU up far more than needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Deaktivieren Sie die Option CONFIG_IRQBALANCE Ihres Kernels.\n"
+"Der Kernel-eigene Irqbalancer ist veraltet und ineffizient."
+#: ../wireless.c:320
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Deaktivieren Sie den ungenutzten WIFI-Sender mit folgendem Befehl:\n"
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+#: ../wifi-new.c:194
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by setting the interface down:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Deaktivieren Sie den ungenutzten WIFI-Sender mit folgendem Befehl:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+#: ../bluetooth.c:144
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused bluetooth interface with the following command:\n"
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth is a radio and consumes quite some power, and keeps USB busy as well.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Deaktivieren Sie die ungenutzte Bluetooth-Schnittstelle mit\n"
+"folgendem Befehl: hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth verbraucht zum Senden Strom und belastet die USB-Schnittstelle.\n"
+#: ../sata.c:101
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable SATA ALPM link power management via: \n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"or press the S key."
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Aktivieren Sie das SATA ALPM link power Management mit: echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"oder durch betätigen der S-Taste."
+#: ../usb.c:114
+msgid "Suggestion: Enable USB autosuspend for non-input devices by pressing the U key\n"
+msgstr "Vorschlag: Aktivieren Sie USB-Autosuspend für Nicht-Eingabegeräte inden Sie die U-Taste betätigen\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1131
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY kernel configuration option.\n"
+" This option is required to get power estimages from PowerTOP"
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Aktivieren Sie die Option CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY Ihres Kernels.\n"
+"Ohne diese Option kann PowerTOP keinen Stromverbrauch ermitteln."
+#: ../powertop.c:1128
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The 'ondemand' CPU speed governor will minimize the CPU power usage while\n"
+"giving you performance when it is needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Aktivieren Sie im Kernel die Option CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND.\n"
+"Der \"Ondemand Governor\" minimiert den Stromverbrauch eines nicht-\n"
+"ausgelasteten Prozessors."
+#: ../powertop.c:1145
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows PowerTOP to show P-state percentages \n"
+"P-states correspond to CPU frequencies."
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Aktivieren Sie die Option CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT Ihres Kernels.\n"
+"Mit dieser Option kann PowerTOP die P-States ermitteln,\n"
+"die P-States entsprechen den CPU Frequenzen."
+#: ../powertop.c:1134
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_HPET_TIMER kernel configuration option.\n"
+"Without HPET support the kernel needs to wake up every 20 milliseconds for \n"
+"some housekeeping tasks."
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Aktivieren Sie die Option CONFIG_HPET_TIMER Ihres Kernels.\n"
+"Ohne HPET weckt der Kernel den Prozessor alle 20ms für kleinere Aufgaben auf."
+#: ../powertop.c:1148
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_INOTIFY kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows programs to wait for changes in files and directories\n"
+"instead of having to poll for these changes"
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Aktivieren Sie die Option CONFIG_INOTIFY Ihres Kernels.\n"
+"Mit dieser Option können Programme auf Veränderungen im Dateisystem\n"
+"warten, anstatt diese selber ständig abzufragen."
+#: ../powertop.c:1130
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_NO_HZ kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option is required to get any kind of longer sleep times in the CPU."
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Aktivieren Sie die Option CONFIG_NO_HZ Ihres Kernels.\n"
+"Das ist nötig, um überhaupt längere Ruhezeiten des Prozessors zu erzielen."
+#: ../powertop.c:1139
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will automatically power down your sound codec when not in use,\n"
+"and can save approximately half a Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Aktivieren Sie die Option CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE Ihres Kernels.\n"
+"Das deaktiviert den Sound-Codec, wenn er nicht benötigt wird\n"
+"und spart ca. 0,5 Watt Leistung."
+#: ../powertop.c:1126
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will automatically disable UHCI USB when not in use, and may\n"
+"save approximately 1 Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Aktivieren Sie die Option CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND in Ihrem Kernel.\n"
+"Dies deaktiviert automatisch UHCI USB, sobald es nicht benutzt wird,\n"
+"und kann bis zu 1 Watt Leistung sparen."
+#: ../cpufreq.c:116
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the ondemand cpu speed governor for all processors via: \n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Aktivieren Sie den \"ondemand governor\" durch: \n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+#: ../wireless.c:314
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Aktivieren Sie mit folgendem Befehl die WLAN Stromsparfunktionen:\n"
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"Dadurch verringert sich die WLAN-Geschwindigkeit etwas, spart aber Strom."
+#: ../wifi-new.c:198
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Aktivieren Sie mit folgendem Befehl die WLAN Stromsparfunktionen:\n"
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"Dadurch verringert sich die WLAN-Geschwindigkeit etwas, spart aber Strom."
+#: ../wireless.c:308
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Aktivieren Sie mit folgendem Befehl die WLAN Stromsparfunktionen:\n"
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"Dadurch verringert sich die WLAN-Geschwindigkeit etwas, spart aber Strom."
+#: ../xrandr.c:75
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable TV out via: \n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"or press the V key."
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Schalten Sie den TV-Ausgang mit folgendem Befehl ab:\n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off\n"
+"oder betätigen Sie die V-Taste."
+#: ../misctips.c:59
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable the NMI watchdog by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"The NMI watchdog is a kernel debug mechanism to detect deadlocks"
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Deaktivieren Sie mit folgendem Befehl den NMI Wächter:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"Der NMI Wächter ist ein Kernel Debug-Mechanismus um Deadlocks aufzuspüren"
+#: ../misctips.c:123
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable AC97 powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Aktivieren Sie mit folgendem Befehl die AC97 Stromsparfunktionen:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"oder übergeben Sie dem AC97 Modul den Parameter power_save=1."
+#: ../misctips.c:163
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable HD audio powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Aktivieren Sie mit folgendem Befehl die HD-Audio Stromsparfunktionen:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"oder übergeben Sie dem Modul den Parameter power_save=1."
+#: ../misctips.c:87
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the HPET (Multimedia Timer) in your BIOS or add \n"
+"the kernel patch to force-enable HPET. HPET support allows Linux to \n"
+"have much longer sleep intervals."
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Aktivieren Sie HPET (Multimedia Timer) in Ihrem BIOS oder benutzen\n"
+"Sie den Kernel-Patch um HPET zu erzwingen. HPET Unterstützung erlaubt es dem\n"
+"Linux Kernel längere Ruhepausen einzulegen."
+#: ../misctips.c:192
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the noatime filesystem option by executing the following command:\n"
+" mount -o remount,noatime / or by pressing the T key \n"
+"noatime disables persistent access time of file accesses, which causes lots of disk IO."
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Aktivieren Sie die \"noatime\" Dateisystemoption mit dem Befehl:\n"
+" mount -o remount,noatime / oder betätigen Sie die T-Taste.\n"
+"noatime verhindert das Speichern der Zeit des letzten Zugriffs auf eine Datei."
+#: ../misctips.c:255
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the power aware CPU scheduler with the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"or by pressing the C key."
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Aktivieren Sie den Stromsparenden CPU-Scheduler mit folgendem Befehl:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"oder betätigen Sie die C-Taste."
+#: ../misctips.c:288
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: increase the VM dirty writeback time from %1.2f to 15 seconds with:\n"
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"This wakes the disk up less frequently for background VM activity"
+msgstr ""
+"Vorschlag: Erhöhen Sie die \"VM dirty writeback time\" von %1.2f auf\n"
+"15 Sekunden durch: echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs\n"
+"Dadurch belasten die VM Hintergrundaktivitäten die Festplatte weniger."
+#: ../display.c:300
+msgid "This option is located in the Kernel Debugging section of menuconfig\n"
+msgstr "Diese Option befindet sich im Abschnitt \"Kernel Debugging\" der Kernel-Konfiguration.\n"
+#: ../display.c:281
+msgid "Top causes for wakeups:\n"
+msgstr "Häufigste Ursachen für das Aufwachen:\n"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:94
+msgid "Turbo Mode"
+msgstr "Turbo-Modus"
+#: ../urbnum.c:123
+#, c-format
+msgid "USB device %4s : %s (%s)"
+msgstr "USB Gerät %4s : %s (%s)"
+#: ../powertop.c:820
+#, c-format
+msgid "Usage: powertop [OPTION...]\n"
+msgstr "Benutzung: powertop [Option...]\n"
+#: ../display.c:270
+#, c-format
+msgid "Wakeups-from-idle per second : %4.1f\tinterval: %0.1fs\n"
+msgstr "Aufwachen pro Sekunde : %4.1f\tIntervall: %0.1fs\n"
+#: ../intelcstates.c:152
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your BIOS reports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "Ihr BIOS meldet folgende C-Status:"
+#: ../intelcstates.c:143
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your CPU supports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "Ihre CPU unterstützt folgende C-Status:"
+#: ../display.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid "no ACPI power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "Keine ACPI Stromverbrauch-Schätzung verfügbar"
+#: ../display.c:244
+#, c-format
+msgid "no power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "Keine Stromverbrauch-Schätzung verfügbar"
+#: ../powertop.c:433
+msgid "polling"
+msgstr "zyklisches Abfragen"
+#: ../powertop.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "powertop version %s\n"
+msgstr "powertop Version %s\n"
diff --git a/po/es.po b/po/es.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5650e16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/es.po
@@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-12 15:39-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-05-25 14:52-0700\n"
+"Last-Translator: Inaky Perez-Gonzalez <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Spanish <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../misctips.c:125
+msgid " A - Turn AC97 powersave on "
+msgstr " A - Activar ahorro de energía en AC97"
+#: ../bluetooth.c:146
+msgid " B - Turn Bluetooth off "
+msgstr " B - Apagar Bluetooth "
+#: ../misctips.c:61
+msgid " N - Turn NMI watchdog off "
+msgstr " N - Apagar el vigilante de NMI "
+#: ../cpufreq.c:118
+msgid " O - enable Ondemand governor "
+msgstr " O - Encender el goverando basado en demanda "
+#: ../display.c:108
+msgid " Q - Quit "
+msgstr " Q - Salir "
+#: ../display.c:109
+msgid " R - Refresh "
+msgstr "R - Redibujar "
+#: ../wireless.c:311 ../wireless.c:317
+msgid " W - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " W - Activar el ahorro de energía para red inalámbrica "
+#: ../display.c:301
+msgid "(which is CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y in the config file)\n"
+msgstr "(que corresponde a CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y en el fichero de configuración)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1040
+msgid "<kernel core>"
+msgstr "<núcleo>"
+#: ../powertop.c:1036 ../powertop.c:1038
+msgid "<kernel module>"
+msgstr "<módulo de núcleo>"
+#: ../powertop.c:969
+#, c-format
+msgid "C0 (cpu running) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "C0 (cpu ejecutando) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:903
+#, c-format
+msgid "Collecting data for %i seconds \n"
+msgstr "Recolectando datos durante %i segundos\n"
+#: ../display.c:304
+msgid "No detailed statistics available; PowerTOP needs root privileges for that\n"
+msgstr "No hay estadísticas detalladas; PowerTOP necesita privilegios de root para ello\n"
+#: ../display.c:299
+msgid "No detailed statistics available; please enable the CONFIG_TIMER_STATS kernel option\n"
+msgstr ""
+"No hay estadísticas detalladas; por favor, active la opción del núcleo\n"
+#: ../display.c:302
+msgid "Note: this is only available in 2.6.21 and later kernels\n"
+msgstr "Nota: sólo disponible en versiones 2.6.21 y posteriores del núcleo\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:902
+#, c-format
+msgid "PowerTOP needs to be run as root to collect enough information\n"
+msgstr "PowerTOP necesita ser ejecutado como usuario root para poder recolectar información suficiente.\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1155 ../powertop.c:1159
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'beagle' from your system. \n"
+"Beagle is the program that indexes for easy desktop search, however it's \n"
+"not very efficient and costs a significant amount of battery life."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: Desactive o elimine el programa 'beagle' de su sistema.\n"
+"Beagle es el programa que crea índicies para facilitar la búsqueda de\n"
+"ficheros en su escritorio, pero no es muy eficiente y tiene un alto\n"
+"coste en términos de consumo eléctrico."
+#: ../powertop.c:1143
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the CONFIG_IRQBALANCE kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The in-kernel irq balancer is obsolete and wakes the CPU up far more than needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: Desactive la opción del núcleo CONFIG_IRQBALANCE.\n"
+"El nivelador de interrupciones del núcleo está obsoleto y activa la\n"
+"CPU más veces de las necesarias."
+#: ../powertop.c:1128
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The 'ondemand' CPU speed governor will minimize the CPU power usage while\n"
+"giving you performance when it is needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: Active la opción del núcleo CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND.\n"
+"El gobernador de velocidad de CPU en demanda minimiza el uso de\n"
+"electricidad de la CPU, proveyendo de capacidad de proceso cuando se\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1134
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_HPET_TIMER kernel configuration option.\n"
+"Without HPET support the kernel needs to wake up every 20 milliseconds for \n"
+"some housekeeping tasks."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: Active la opción del núcleo CONFIG_HPET_TIMER.\n"
+"Si no hay soporte HPET, el núcleo necesita activarse cada 20\n"
+"milisegundos para realizar tareas de mantenimiento."
+#: ../powertop.c:1130
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_NO_HZ kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option is required to get any kind of longer sleep times in the CPU."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: Active la opción del núcleo CONFIG_NO_HZ.\n"
+"Esta opción se necesita para poder beneficiarse de periodos de\n"
+"suspensión más largos en la CPU. "
+#: ../powertop.c:1139
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will automatically power down your sound codec when not in use,\n"
+"and can save approximately half a Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: Active la opción del núcleo CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE.\n"
+"Esta opción apagará automaticamente el codificador de audio cuando no\n"
+"se necesite, y le ahorrará aproximadamente medio watio de electricidad."
+#: ../powertop.c:1126
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will automatically disable UHCI USB when not in use, and may\n"
+"save approximately 1 Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: Active la opción del núcleo CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND. Esta\n"
+"opción desactivará el soporte UHCI de USB cuando no sea usado y puede\n"
+"ahorrar aproximadamente 1 Watio de electricidad."
+#: ../cpufreq.c:116
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the ondemand cpu speed governor for all processors via: \n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: Active el gobernador de velocidad de CPU en demanda en\n"
+"todos los procesadores ejecutando:\n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+#: ../wireless.c:308
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: active el modo de ahorro de energía para redes\n"
+"inalámbricas ejecutando: \n"
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"Este modo sacrifica algo de velocidad a favor de ahorro de consumo\n"
+#: ../misctips.c:87
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the HPET (Multimedia Timer) in your BIOS or add \n"
+"the kernel patch to force-enable HPET. HPET support allows Linux to \n"
+"have much longer sleep intervals."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: active HPET (Temporizador Multimedia) en su BIOS o añada\n"
+"al núcleo los parches que fuerzan la activación de HPET. El soporte de\n"
+"HPET permite a Linux suspenderse durante más tiempo."
+#: ../display.c:300
+msgid "This option is located in the Kernel Debugging section of menuconfig\n"
+msgstr "Esta opción se encuentra en la seción Kernel Debugging de menuconfig\n"
+#: ../display.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid "no ACPI power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "las estimaciones de ACPI sobre el uso de corriente no están disponibles"
+#: ../powertop.c:303 ../powertop.c:306
+#, c-format
+msgid " <interrupt> : %s"
+msgstr "<interrupción> : %s"
+#: ../powertop.c:1072
+msgid " <interrupt> : extra timer interrupt"
+msgstr "<interrupción> : interrupción del temporizador extra"
+#: ../powertop.c:821
+#, c-format
+msgid " -d, --dump read wakeups once and print list of top offenders\n"
+msgstr "-d, --dump Leer las activaciones una vez e imprimir la lista de los peores ofensores\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid " -p, --pids show pids in wakeups list\n"
+msgstr "-p, --pids Mostrar los PIDS en la lista de activaciones\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:824
+#, c-format
+msgid " -h, --help Show this help message\n"
+msgstr "-h, --help Mostrar este mensaje de ayuda\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:825
+#, c-format
+msgid " -v, --version Show version information and exit\n"
+msgstr "-v, --version Mostrar la información de la versión y salir\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:822
+#, c-format
+msgid " -t, --time=DOUBLE default time to gather data in seconds\n"
+msgstr "-t, --time=DOUBLE Tiempo predeterminado entre recogida de datos, en segundos\n"
+#: ../misctips.c:165
+msgid " A - Turn HD audio powersave on "
+msgstr " A - Activar el ahorro de energía para el audio de alta definición"
+#: ../wifi-new.c:196
+msgid " D - disable wireless "
+msgstr " D - Desactivar la red inalámbrica "
+#: ../misctips.c:257
+msgid " C - Power aware CPU scheduler "
+msgstr " C - Organizador de la CPU ahorrador de energía"
+#: ../process.c:84
+#, c-format
+msgid " K - kill %s "
+msgstr " K - Cancelar %s"
+#: ../wireless.c:322
+msgid " I - disable WIFI Radio "
+msgstr " I - Desactivar la red WIFI"
+#: ../wifi-new.c:201
+msgid " P - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " P - Activar el ahorro de energía para red inalámbrica"
+#: ../sata.c:104
+msgid " S - SATA Link Power Management "
+msgstr " S - Gestión energética del vínculo SATA"
+#: ../misctips.c:194
+msgid " T - enable noatime "
+msgstr " T - Activar noatime "
+#: ../urbnum.c:222 ../usb.c:116
+msgid " U - Enable USB suspend "
+msgstr " U - Permitir suspender los puertos USB"
+#: ../xrandr.c:78
+msgid " V - Disable TV out "
+msgstr " V - Desactivar la salida a TV"
+#: ../misctips.c:292
+msgid " W - Increase Writeback time "
+msgstr " W - Aumentar el tiempo de reescritura (\"writeback\")"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:91
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6.2f Ghz"
+msgstr "%6.2f Ghz"
+#: ../ethernet.c:131
+msgid " W - disable Wake-On-Lan "
+msgstr " W - Desactivar el encendido a través de la red"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:85
+#, c-format
+msgid "%9lli"
+msgstr "%9lli"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:88
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6lli Mhz"
+msgstr "%6lli Mhz"
+#: ../powertop.c:983
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../display.c:205
+#, c-format
+msgid "(long term: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+msgstr "(largo plazo: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+#: ../powertop.c:960
+#, c-format
+msgid "< Detailed C-state information is not available.>\n"
+msgstr "< No hay información detallada sobre los estados C.>\n"
+#: ../urbnum.c:217
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A USB device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Hay un dispositivo USB activo el %4.1f%% del tiempo:\n"
+#: ../urbnum.c:186
+msgid "Active Device name"
+msgstr "Nombre del dispositivo activo"
+#: ../powertop.c:966
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cn\t Avg residency\n"
+msgstr "Cn\t Residencia media\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:170 ../powertop.c:306
+msgid "PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad"
+msgstr "PS/2 teclado/ratón/touchpad"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:115
+#, c-format
+msgid "P-states (frequencies)\n"
+msgstr "Estados P (frecuencias)\n"
+#: ../ethernet.c:128
+msgid ""
+"Disable Ethernet Wake-On-Lan with the following command:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Wake-on-Lan keeps the phy active, this costs power."
+msgstr ""
+"Desactive el encendido a través de la red con el siguiente \n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"El encendido por red mantiene phy activo, lo que consume\n"
+"energía extra."
+#: ../powertop.c:1187
+msgid ""
+"Disable the SE-Alert software by removing the 'setroubleshoot-server' rpm\n"
+"SE-Alert alerts you about SELinux policy violations, but also\n"
+"has a bug that wakes it up 10 times per second."
+msgstr ""
+"Se puede desactivar el software SE-Alert eliminando el paquete rpm\n"
+"'setroubleshoot-server'. Este software alerta ante posibles violaciones de\n"
+"las normas SELinux, pero tiene un defecto que lo activa 10 veces por segundo."
+#: ../display.c:238
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage: %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Uso de electricidad: %3.1fW (%3.1f horas)"
+#: ../display.c:201
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (ACPI estimate): %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Uso de electricidad (estimación de ACPI) : %3.1fW (%3.1f horas)"
+#: ../display.c:208
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (5 minute ACPI estimate) : %5.1f W (%3.1f hours left)"
+msgstr "Uso de electricidad (5 minutos, estimación de ACPI) : %5.1f W (%3.1f horas disponibles)"
+#: ../powertop.c:1181
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable 'hal' from polling your cdrom with: \n"
+"hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom 'hal' is the component that auto-opens a\n"
+"window if you plug in a CD but disables SATA power saving from kicking in."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: desactive 'hal' para que no esté en espera activa del cdrom con:\n"
+"hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom 'hal' es el componente que abre una \n"
+"ventana al conectarse un CD, pero desactiva el ahorro de energía de SATA."
+#: ../urbnum.c:185
+msgid "Recent USB suspend statistics"
+msgstr "Estadísticas de las recientes suspensiones del USB"
+#: ../powertop.c:1168
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'gnome-power-manager' from your system. \n"
+"Older versions of gnome-power-manager wake up far more often than \n"
+"needed costing you some power."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: desactive o elimine 'gnome-power-manager' del sistema. \n"
+"Las versiones antiguas de este paquete se activan con mucha mayor\n"
+"frecuencia de la necesaria, consumiendo energía extra."
+#: ../powertop.c:1174
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'pcscd' from your system. \n"
+"pcscd tends to keep the USB subsystem out of power save mode\n"
+"and your processor out of deeper powersave states."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: desactive o elimine 'pcscd' del sistema. \n"
+"pcscd tiende a dejar el subsistema USB fuera del modo de ahorro\n"
+"de energía y el procesador fuera de los estados de menor actividad."
+#: ../wireless.c:320
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: desactive la red WIFI inactiva ejecutando el siguiente comando:\n"
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+#: ../wifi-new.c:194
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by setting the interface down:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: desactive la red WIFI que no se está usando desactivando la interfaz:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+#: ../bluetooth.c:144
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused bluetooth interface with the following command:\n"
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth is a radio and consumes quite some power, and keeps USB busy as well.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: desactive el bluetooth que no se está usando con este comando:\n"
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth es una transmisión de radio y como tal consume bastante electricidad,\n"
+"además de mantener al USB activo.\n"
+#: ../sata.c:101
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable SATA ALPM link power management via: \n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"or press the S key."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: active el gestor de energía del vínculo SATA ALPM así:\n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"o presionando la tecla S."
+#: ../usb.c:114
+msgid "Suggestion: Enable USB autosuspend for non-input devices by pressing the U key\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: active la autosuspensión de los dispositivos USB que no sean\n"
+"dispositivos de entrada presionando la tecla U.\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1131
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY kernel configuration option.\n"
+" This option is required to get power estimages from PowerTOP"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: active la opción del núcleo CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY.\n"
+" Se necesita esta opción para obtener estimaciones de PowerTOP."
+#: ../powertop.c:1145
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows PowerTOP to show P-state percentages \n"
+"P-states correspond to CPU frequencies."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: active la opción del núcleo CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT.\n"
+"Esta opción permite a PowerTOP mostrar los porcentajes de los estados P.\n"
+"Los estados P se corresponden con las frecuencias de la CPU."
+#: ../powertop.c:1148
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_INOTIFY kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows programs to wait for changes in files and directories\n"
+"instead of having to poll for these changes"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: active la opción del núcleo CONFIG_INOTIFY.\n"
+"Esta opción permite que los programas esperen a que se produzcan\n"
+"cambios en los archivos en lugar de estar en espera activa."
+#: ../wireless.c:314
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: active el modo de ahorro de energía ejecutando este comando:\n"
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"Este modo sacrifica algo del rendimiento de la red para ahorrar energía."
+#: ../wifi-new.c:198
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: active el modo de ahorro de energía ejecutando este comando: \n"
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"Este modo sacrifica algo del rendimiento de la red para ahorrar energía."
+#: ../misctips.c:123
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable AC97 powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: active el modo de ahorro de energía AC97 ejecutando este comando:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"o pasando power_save=1 como parámetro del módulo."
+#: ../misctips.c:59
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable the NMI watchdog by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"The NMI watchdog is a kernel debug mechanism to detect deadlocks"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: desactive el guardián NMI ejecutando el siguiente comando:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"El guardián NMI es un mecanismo de depuración que detecta bloqueos."
+#: ../xrandr.c:75
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable TV out via: \n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"or press the V key."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: desactive la salida\n"
+"de televisión de este modo:\n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"o presione la tecla V."
+#: ../misctips.c:192
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the noatime filesystem option by executing the following command:\n"
+" mount -o remount,noatime / or by pressing the T key \n"
+"noatime disables persistent access time of file accesses, which causes lots of disk IO."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: active la opción noatime filesystem ejecutando este comando:\n"
+" mount -o remount,noatime / o presionando la tecla T.\n"
+"noatime desactiva el tiempo de acceso continuo a los archivos, que causa un montón\n"
+"de operaciones de entrada y salida en el disco."
+#: ../misctips.c:163
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable HD audio powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: active el modo de ahorro de energía del audio de alta definición\n"
+"ejecutando este comando: \n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"o pasando power_save=1 como parámetro del módulo."
+#: ../powertop.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "powertop version %s\n"
+msgstr "versión de Powertop: %s\n"
+#: ../misctips.c:255
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the power aware CPU scheduler with the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"or by pressing the C key."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: active el organizador de la CPU ahorrador de energía\n"
+"ejecutando el siguiente comando: \n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"o presionando la tecla C."
+#: ../misctips.c:288
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: increase the VM dirty writeback time from %1.2f to 15 seconds with:\n"
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"This wakes the disk up less frequently for background VM activity"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugerencia: aumente el tiempo de \"reescritura sucia\" (\"dirty writeback\") de la VM\n"
+"de %1.2f a 15 segundos:\n"
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"Esto activa el disco con menor frecuencia en actividades de VM de fondo."
+#: ../powertop.c:820
+#, c-format
+msgid "Usage: powertop [OPTION...]\n"
+msgstr "Uso: powertop [OPCIÓN...]\n"
+#: ../urbnum.c:123
+#, c-format
+msgid "USB device %4s : %s (%s)"
+msgstr "Dispositivo USB %4s : %s (%s)"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:94
+msgid "Turbo Mode"
+msgstr "Modo turbo"
+#: ../display.c:281
+msgid "Top causes for wakeups:\n"
+msgstr "Principales causas de activación:\n"
+#: ../intelcstates.c:143
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your CPU supports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "La CPU admite los siguientes estados C:"
+#: ../intelcstates.c:152
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your BIOS reports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "La BIOS informa sobre los siguientes estados C:"
+#: ../display.c:270
+#, c-format
+msgid "Wakeups-from-idle per second : %4.1f\tinterval: %0.1fs\n"
+msgstr "Activaciones-desde-inactivo por segundo : %4.1f\tintervalo: %0.1fs\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:433
+msgid "polling"
+msgstr "espera activa"
+#: ../display.c:244
+#, c-format
+msgid "no power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "No disponemos de ninguna estimación del uso de la energía"
+#: ../powertop.c:301
+#, c-format
+msgid " <kernel IPI> : %s"
+msgstr "<kernel IPI> : %s"
diff --git a/po/fi.po b/po/fi.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42b299e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/fi.po
@@ -0,0 +1,659 @@
+# translation of fi.po to Finnish
+# Niklas Laxström <>, 2007-2008.
+# Translation of PowerTOP to Finnish
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PowerTOP package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: fi\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-11 13:44-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-12-11 11:26+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Niklas Laxström <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:303 ../powertop.c:306
+#, c-format
+msgid " <interrupt> : %s"
+msgstr " <keskeytys> : %s"
+#: ../powertop.c:1072
+msgid " <interrupt> : extra timer interrupt"
+msgstr " <keskeytys> : ylimääräinen ajastinkeskeytys"
+#: ../powertop.c:301
+#, c-format
+msgid " <kernel IPI> : %s"
+msgstr "<IPI-keskeytys> : %s"
+#: ../powertop.c:821
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+" -d, --dump read wakeups once and print list of top offenders\n"
+msgstr " -d, --dump tulostaa listan pahimmista herättäjistä\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:824
+#, c-format
+msgid " -h, --help Show this help message\n"
+msgstr " -h, --help näyttää tämän ohjeviestin\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:823
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid " -p, --pids show pids in wakeups list\n"
+msgstr " -h, --help näyttää tämän ohjeviestin\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:822
+#, c-format
+msgid " -t, --time=DOUBLE default time to gather data in seconds\n"
+msgstr " -t, --time=KESTO tilastojen keräämiseen käytetty oletusaika\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:825
+#, c-format
+msgid " -v, --version Show version information and exit\n"
+msgstr " -v, --version Näytä versiotiedot ja poistu\n"
+#: ../misctips.c:125
+msgid " A - Turn AC97 powersave on "
+msgstr " A - Aseta AC97-virransäästö päälle "
+#: ../misctips.c:165
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " A - Turn HD audio powersave on "
+msgstr " A - Aseta AC97-virransäästö päälle "
+#: ../bluetooth.c:146
+msgid " B - Turn Bluetooth off "
+msgstr " B - Aseta Bluetooth pois päältä "
+#: ../misctips.c:257
+msgid " C - Power aware CPU scheduler "
+msgstr " C - Aseta virrankäyttötietoinen suoritinvuorotin "
+#: ../wifi-new.c:196
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " D - disable wireless "
+msgstr " W - Aseta langaton verkko virransäästötilaan "
+#: ../wireless.c:322
+msgid " I - disable WIFI Radio "
+msgstr " I - Sulje WIFI-radio "
+#: ../process.c:84
+#, c-format
+msgid " K - kill %s "
+msgstr " K - Tapa %s "
+#: ../misctips.c:61
+msgid " N - Turn NMI watchdog off "
+msgstr " N - Sulje NMI-valvoja "
+#: ../cpufreq.c:118
+msgid " O - enable Ondemand governor "
+msgstr " O - Käytä ondemand-suorituskykyprofiilia "
+#: ../wifi-new.c:201
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " P - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " W - Aseta langaton verkko virransäästötilaan "
+#: ../display.c:108
+msgid " Q - Quit "
+msgstr " Q - Poistu "
+#: ../display.c:109
+msgid " R - Refresh "
+msgstr " R - Päivitä "
+#: ../sata.c:104
+msgid " S - SATA Link Power Management "
+msgstr " S - Aseta SATA-linkin virranhallinta "
+#: ../misctips.c:194
+msgid " T - enable noatime "
+msgstr " L - Aseta levyn noatime-asetus "
+#: ../urbnum.c:222 ../usb.c:116
+msgid " U - Enable USB suspend "
+msgstr " U - Salli USB:n keskeytystila "
+#: ../xrandr.c:78
+msgid " V - Disable TV out "
+msgstr " V - Poista TV-ulostulo käytöstä "
+#: ../wireless.c:311 ../wireless.c:317
+msgid " W - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " W - Aseta langaton verkko virransäästötilaan "
+#: ../misctips.c:292
+msgid " W - Increase Writeback time "
+msgstr " W - kasvata levyllekirjoitusaikaa "
+#: ../ethernet.c:131
+msgid " W - disable Wake-On-Lan "
+msgstr " W - Poista verkkokortin verkkoherätteisyys "
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:91
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6.2f Ghz"
+msgstr "%6.2f GHz"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:88
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6lli Mhz"
+msgstr "%6lli MHz"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:85
+#, c-format
+msgid "%9lli"
+msgstr "%9lli"
+#: ../powertop.c:983
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../display.c:205
+#, c-format
+msgid "(long term: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+msgstr "(keskikulutusarvio: %3.1f W,/%3.1f h)"
+#: ../display.c:301
+msgid "(which is CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y in the config file)\n"
+msgstr "(joka on CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y Linux-ytimen asetustiedostossa)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:960
+#, c-format
+msgid "< Detailed C-state information is not available.>\n"
+msgstr "< Yksityiskohtaisia C-tilatietoja ei ole saatavilla. >\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1040
+msgid "<kernel core>"
+msgstr "<ydin>"
+#: ../powertop.c:1036 ../powertop.c:1038
+msgid "<kernel module>"
+msgstr "<moduuli>"
+#: ../urbnum.c:217
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A USB device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"USB-laite on aktiivinen %4.1f%% ajasta:\n"
+#: ../urbnum.c:186
+msgid "Active Device name"
+msgstr "Aktiivisen laitteen nimi"
+#: ../powertop.c:969
+#, c-format
+msgid "C0 (cpu running) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "C0 (suoritustila) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:966
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cn\t Avg residency\n"
+msgstr "Cn Keskimäärinen kesto\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:903
+#, c-format
+msgid "Collecting data for %i seconds \n"
+msgstr "Kerätään dataa %i sekunnin ajan\n"
+#: ../ethernet.c:128
+msgid ""
+"Disable Ethernet Wake-On-Lan with the following command:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Wake-on-Lan keeps the phy active, this costs power."
+msgstr ""
+"Poista Ethernet-verkkokortin verkkoherätteisyys (wake-on-lan) seuraavalla "
+"\tethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Verkkoherätteisyys pitää verkkokortin päällä kuluttamassa virtaa."
+#: ../powertop.c:1187
+msgid ""
+"Disable the SE-Alert software by removing the 'setroubleshoot-server' rpm\n"
+"SE-Alert alerts you about SELinux policy violations, but also\n"
+"has a bug that wakes it up 10 times per second."
+msgstr ""
+"Poista SE-Alert käytöstä poistamalla setroubleshoot-server -rpm.\n"
+"SE-Alert ilmoittaa SELinux-käytäntöjen rikkomuksista, mutta sisältää myös "
+"ohjelmointivirheen, jonka takia se herää 10 kertaa sekunnissa."
+#: ../display.c:304
+msgid ""
+"No detailed statistics available; PowerTOP needs root privileges for that\n"
+msgstr ""
+"PowerTOP ei voi kerätä kaikkia tarpeellisia tietoja ilman pääkäyttäjän "
+#: ../display.c:299
+msgid ""
+"No detailed statistics available; please enable the CONFIG_TIMER_STATS "
+"kernel option\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Yksityiskohtaisia tietoja ei ole, koska ytimestä puuttuu CONFIG_TIMER_STATS-"
+#: ../display.c:302
+msgid "Note: this is only available in 2.6.21 and later kernels\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Tämä ominaisuus on saatavilla vain ytimen versiosta 2.6.21 eteenpäin.\n"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:115
+#, c-format
+msgid "P-states (frequencies)\n"
+msgstr "P-tilat (taajuudet)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:170 ../powertop.c:306
+msgid "PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad"
+msgstr "PS/2-hiiri, -näppäimistö tai -kosketusalusta"
+#: ../display.c:208
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (5 minute ACPI estimate) : %5.1f W (%3.1f hours left)"
+msgstr "Virrankäyttö (5-minuutin ACPI-arvio): %3.1f W (%3.1f tuntia jäljellä)"
+#: ../display.c:201
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (ACPI estimate): %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Virrankäyttö (ACPI-arvio): %3.1f W (%3.1f tuntia jäljellä)"
+#: ../display.c:238
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage: %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Virrankäyttö: %3.1f W (%3.1f tuntia)"
+#: ../powertop.c:902
+#, c-format
+msgid "PowerTOP needs to be run as root to collect enough information\n"
+msgstr ""
+"PowerTOP ei voi kerätä kaikkia tarpeellisia tietoja ilman pääkäyttäjän "
+#: ../urbnum.c:185
+msgid "Recent USB suspend statistics"
+msgstr "Tuoreet USB-lepotilatilastot"
+#: ../powertop.c:1181
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable 'hal' from polling your cdrom with: \n"
+"hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom 'hal' is the component that auto-"
+"opens a\n"
+"window if you plug in a CD but disables SATA power saving from kicking in."
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Estä Hal-palvelua tarkkailemasta CD-asemaa seuraavalla komennolla:\n"
+"\thal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom\n"
+"Hal on palvelu, joka liittää CD:n tiedostojärjestelmään automaattisesti, "
+"mutta samalla estää SATA-virransäästöä aktivoitumasta."
+#: ../powertop.c:1155 ../powertop.c:1159
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'beagle' from your system. \n"
+"Beagle is the program that indexes for easy desktop search, however it's \n"
+"not very efficient and costs a significant amount of battery life."
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Poista Beagle käytöstä tai kokonaan. Beagle on ohjelma, joka "
+"indeksoi tiedostoja työpöytähakua varten. Se ei kuitenkaan ole kovin tehokas "
+"ja aiheuttaa merkittävää virrankulutusta."
+#: ../powertop.c:1168
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'gnome-power-manager' from your system. \n"
+"Older versions of gnome-power-manager wake up far more often than \n"
+"needed costing you some power."
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Poista gnome-power-manager käytöstä tai kokonaan. Nimestään "
+"huolimatta jotkin vanhat versiot kuluttavat virtaa enemmän kuin säästävät."
+#: ../powertop.c:1174
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'pcscd' from your system. \n"
+"pcscd tends to keep the USB subsystem out of power save mode\n"
+"and your processor out of deeper powersave states."
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Poista pcscd käytöstä tai kokonaan. Pcscd saattaa estää USB-"
+"alijärjestelmää menemästä virransäästötilaan sekä suoritinta menemästä "
+"syvempiin virransäästötiloihin."
+#: ../powertop.c:1143
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the CONFIG_IRQBALANCE kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The in-kernel irq balancer is obsolete and wakes the CPU up far more than "
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Poista ytimestä CONFIG_IRQBALANCE-asetus. Ytimen oma IRQ-"
+"tasapainotin on vanhentunut ja aiheuttaa keskeytyksiä useammin kuin olisi "
+#: ../wireless.c:320
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by executing the following "
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Poista käyttämätön langaton verkko käytöstä seuraavalla komennolla:"
+"\techo 1 > %s\n"
+#: ../wifi-new.c:194
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by setting the interface down:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Poista käyttämätön langaton verkko käytöstä seuraavalla komennolla:"
+"\techo 1 > %s\n"
+#: ../bluetooth.c:144
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused bluetooth interface with the following "
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth is a radio and consumes quite some power, and keeps USB busy as "
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Käyttämättömän Bluetooth-liitännän voi poistaa käytöstä seuraavalla "
+"\thciconfig hci0 down; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth on radiolähetin, joka kuluttaa virtaa ja pitää USB:n päällä.\n"
+#: ../sata.c:101
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable SATA ALPM link power management via: \n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"or press the S key."
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Ota SATA-linkin virranhallinta käyttöön seuraavalla komennolla:\n"
+"\techo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"tai painamalla S-näppäintä."
+#: ../usb.c:114
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable USB autosuspend for non-input devices by pressing the U "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1131
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY kernel configuration option.\n"
+" This option is required to get power estimages from PowerTOP"
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Käytä ytimen CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY-asetusta, niin PowerTOP voi "
+"näyttää tietoja akun kestosta."
+#: ../powertop.c:1128
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND kernel configuration "
+"The 'ondemand' CPU speed governor will minimize the CPU power usage while\n"
+"giving you performance when it is needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Käytä ytimen CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND-asetusta. ”ondemand”-\n"
+"suorituskykyprofiili minimoi suorittimen energiankäytön (ainakin Intelin\n"
+"suorittimilla) samalla antaen kaiken tehon, kun sitä tarvitaan."
+#: ../powertop.c:1145
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows PowerTOP to show P-state percentages \n"
+"P-states correspond to CPU frequencies."
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Käytä ytimen CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT-asetusta, niin PowerTOP voi "
+"tilastoja suorittimen P-tiloista. P-tilat vastaavat suorittimen eri "
+#: ../powertop.c:1134
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_HPET_TIMER kernel configuration option.\n"
+"Without HPET support the kernel needs to wake up every 20 milliseconds for \n"
+"some housekeeping tasks."
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Käytä ytimen CONFIG_HPET_TIMER-asetusta. Ilman tätä asetusta "
+"täytyy herätä 20 millisekunnin välein tekemään ylläpitotöitä."
+#: ../powertop.c:1148
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_INOTIFY kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows programs to wait for changes in files and directories\n"
+"instead of having to poll for these changes"
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Käytä ytimen CONFIG_INOTIFY-asetusta. Inotify-tuen avulla ohjelmat\n"
+"saavat ilmoituksen tiedostojärjestelmän muutoksista, jolloin niiden ei "
+"itse tarkistaa tiedostojärjestelmää säännöllisin väliajoin."
+#: ../powertop.c:1130
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_NO_HZ kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option is required to get any kind of longer sleep times in the CPU."
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Käytä ytimen CONFIG_NO_HZ-asetusta. Tämä asetus on välttämätön,\n"
+"jotta suoritin voisi viettää pitempiä aikoja virransäästötilassa."
+#: ../powertop.c:1139
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE kernel configuration "
+"This option will automatically power down your sound codec when not in use,\n"
+"and can save approximately half a Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Käytä ytimen CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE-asetusta. Tämä\n"
+"asetus poistaa äänikoodekin käytöstä, kun sitä ei tarvita. Tämä asetus voi\n"
+"säästään noin puoli wattia energiaa."
+#: ../powertop.c:1126
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will automatically disable UHCI USB when not in use, and may\n"
+"save approximately 1 Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Käytä ytimen CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND-asetusta. Tämän asetuksen kanssa\n"
+"ydin lopettaa USB:n käytön, kun sitä ei tarvita, ajurien salliessa. Tällä "
+"voi vähentää tehontarvetta jopa yhden watin."
+#: ../cpufreq.c:116
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the ondemand cpu speed governor for all processors via: \n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Aseta ondemand-suorituskykyprofiili kaikille suorittimille "
+"\techo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor\n"
+#: ../wireless.c:314
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Aseta langaton verkko virransäästötilaan seuraavalla komennolla:\n"
+"\techo 5 > %s\n"
+"Tämä asetus säästää virtaa suorituskyvyn kustannuksella."
+#: ../wifi-new.c:198
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Aseta langaton verkko virransäästötilaan seuraavalla komennolla:\n"
+"\tiwpriv %s set_power 5\n"
+"Tämä asetus säästää virtaa suorituskyvyn kustannuksella."
+#: ../wireless.c:308
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Aseta langaton verkko virransäästötilaan seuraavalla komennolla:\n"
+"\tiwpriv %s set_power 5\n"
+"Tämä asetus säästää virtaa suorituskyvyn kustannuksella."
+#: ../xrandr.c:75
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable TV out via: \n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"or press the V key."
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Poista TV-ulostulo käytöstä seuraavalla komennolla:\n"
+"\txrandr --output TV --off\n"
+"tai painamalla V-näppäintä."
+#: ../misctips.c:59
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable the NMI watchdog by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"The NMI watchdog is a kernel debug mechanism to detect deadlocks"
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Poista NMI-valvoja seuraavalla komennolla:\n"
+"\techo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"NMI-valvoja on ytimen vianjäljitysmekanismi lukkiutumisten havaitsemiseen."
+#: ../misctips.c:123
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable AC97 powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Ota AC97:n virransäästöominaisuudet käyttöön seuraavalla "
+"\techo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save\n"
+"tai antamalla moduulin parametriksi power_save=1."
+#: ../misctips.c:163
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable HD audio powersave mode by executing the following "
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Ota AC97:n virransäästöominaisuudet käyttöön seuraavalla "
+"\techo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save\n"
+"tai antamalla moduulin parametriksi power_save=1."
+#: ../misctips.c:87
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the HPET (Multimedia Timer) in your BIOS or add \n"
+"the kernel patch to force-enable HPET. HPET support allows Linux to \n"
+"have much longer sleep intervals."
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Aseta HPET (Multimedia-ajastin) päälle Biosista tai käytä ytimen "
+"paikkaustiedostoa, jolla sen saa pakotettua käyttöön. HPET sallii ytimen "
+"viettää paljon pidempiä aikoja virransäästötilassa."
+#: ../misctips.c:192
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the noatime filesystem option by executing the following "
+" mount -o remount,noatime / or by pressing the T key \n"
+"noatime disables persistent access time of file accesses, which causes lots "
+"of disk IO."
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Ota tiedostojärjestelmän noatime-asetus käyttöön seuraavalla "
+"\tmount -o remount,noatime /\ttai painamalla T-näppäintä\n"
+"Noatime-asetus estää tiedostojen käyttöaikojen kirjaamisen vähentäen näin "
+"kirjoitusta levylle."
+#: ../misctips.c:255
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the power aware CPU scheduler with the following "
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"or by pressing the C key."
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: Ota virrankäyttötietoinen suoritinvuorotin käyttöön seuraavalla "
+"\techo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"tai painamalla C-näppäintä."
+#: ../misctips.c:288
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: increase the VM dirty writeback time from %1.2f to 15 seconds "
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"This wakes the disk up less frequently for background VM activity"
+msgstr ""
+"Ehdotus: kasvata likaisten sivujen levyllekirjoitusaikaa 15 sekuntiin\n"
+"nykyisestä %1.2f sekunnista, jotta levy alkaisi pyörimään harvemmin. "
+"\techo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs"
+#: ../display.c:300
+msgid "This option is located in the Kernel Debugging section of menuconfig\n"
+msgstr "Tämä asetus on menuconfig-ohjelman ”Kernel Debugging”-valikon alla\n"
+#: ../display.c:281
+msgid "Top causes for wakeups:\n"
+msgstr "Yleisimmät keskeytysten aiheuttajat:\n"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:94
+msgid "Turbo Mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../urbnum.c:123
+#, c-format
+msgid "USB device %4s : %s (%s)"
+msgstr "USB-laite: %4s : %s (%s)"
+#: ../powertop.c:820
+#, c-format
+msgid "Usage: powertop [OPTION...]\n"
+msgstr "Käyttö: powertop [VALITSIMET...]\n"
+#: ../display.c:270
+#, c-format
+msgid "Wakeups-from-idle per second : %4.1f\tinterval: %0.1fs\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Virransäästötilasta heräämisiä sekunnissa: %4.1f\ttarkasteluväli: %01.f s\n"
+#: ../intelcstates.c:152
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your BIOS reports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "BIOS ilmoittaa seuraavat C-tilat: "
+#: ../intelcstates.c:143
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your CPU supports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "Suoritin ilmoittaa seuraavat C-tilat: "
+#: ../display.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid "no ACPI power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "ACPI-virrankäyttöarviota ei ole saatavilla."
+#: ../display.c:244
+#, c-format
+msgid "no power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "virrankäyttöarviota ei ole saatavilla."
+#: ../powertop.c:433
+msgid "polling"
+msgstr "pollaus"
+#: ../powertop.c:831
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "powertop version %s\n"
+msgstr "powertop-versio %s\n"
diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..285b7bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/fr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
+# Translation of English po to French
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PowerTOP package.
+# Benjamin Pineau <>, 2007
+# Antoine Cailliau <>, 2007
+# $Id: fr.po,v 1.7 2007/10/28 19:46:20 ben Exp $
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: fr\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-12 15:39-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-09-25 18:08-0800\n"
+"Last-Translator: Loïc Dufresne de Virel <>\n"
+"Language-Team: French <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: French\n"
+"X-Poedit-Country: FRANCE\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:303 ../powertop.c:306
+#, c-format
+msgid " <interrupt> : %s"
+msgstr " <interruption> : %s"
+#: ../powertop.c:1072
+msgid " <interrupt> : extra timer interrupt"
+msgstr "<interruption>: interruptions supplémentaires de l'horloge"
+#: ../powertop.c:301
+#, c-format
+msgid " <kernel IPI> : %s"
+msgstr " <IPI noyau> : %s"
+#: ../powertop.c:821
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+" -d, --dump read wakeups once and print list of top offenders\n"
+msgstr ""
+" -d, --dump Lire les réveils une fois et afficher la liste des "
+"plus gros consommateurs\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:824
+#, c-format
+msgid " -h, --help Show this help message\n"
+msgstr " -h, --help Afficher ce message d'aide\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid " -p, --pids show pids in wakeups list\n"
+msgstr " -h, --pids Afficher pids dans la liste de réveils\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:822
+#, c-format
+msgid " -t, --time=DOUBLE default time to gather data in seconds\n"
+msgstr ""
+" -t, --time=DOUBLE durée par défaut du recueil des données, en "
+#: ../powertop.c:825
+#, c-format
+msgid " -v, --version Show version information and exit\n"
+msgstr " -v, --version Afficher le numéro de version et sortir\n"
+#: ../misctips.c:125
+msgid " A - Turn AC97 powersave on "
+msgstr " A - Activer l'économie d'énergie pour l'AC97 "
+#: ../misctips.c:165
+msgid " A - Turn HD audio powersave on "
+msgstr " A - Activer l'économie d'énergie pour l'audio HD "
+#: ../bluetooth.c:146
+msgid " B - Turn Bluetooth off "
+msgstr " B - Éteindre le bluetooth "
+#: ../misctips.c:257
+msgid " C - Power aware CPU scheduler "
+msgstr " C - activer l'ordonnanceur CPU économe "
+#: ../wifi-new.c:196
+msgid " D - disable wireless "
+msgstr " D - Désactiver le sans fil"
+#: ../wireless.c:322
+msgid " I - disable WIFI Radio "
+msgstr " I - désactiver la radio Wi-Fi "
+#: ../process.c:84
+#, c-format
+msgid " K - kill %s "
+msgstr " K- tuer %s "
+#: ../misctips.c:61
+msgid " N - Turn NMI watchdog off "
+msgstr " N - Éteindre le NMI watchdog "
+#: ../cpufreq.c:118
+msgid " O - enable Ondemand governor "
+msgstr " O - Activer la politique CPU « ondemand »"
+#: ../wifi-new.c:201
+msgid " P - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " P - Activer l'économie d'énergie pour le sans fil "
+#: ../display.c:108
+msgid " Q - Quit "
+msgstr " Q - Quitter "
+#: ../display.c:109
+msgid " R - Refresh "
+msgstr " R - Rafraîchir "
+#: ../sata.c:104
+msgid " S - SATA Link Power Management "
+msgstr " S - activer la gestion de l'énergie sur le lien SATA "
+#: ../misctips.c:194
+msgid " T - enable noatime "
+msgstr " T - activer l'option noatime "
+#: ../urbnum.c:222 ../usb.c:116
+msgid " U - Enable USB suspend "
+msgstr " U - Activer la suspension de l'USB"
+#: ../xrandr.c:78
+msgid " V - Disable TV out "
+msgstr " V - désactiver la sortie TV "
+#: ../wireless.c:311 ../wireless.c:317
+msgid " W - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " W - Activer l'économie d'énergie pour le Wi-Fi "
+#: ../misctips.c:292
+msgid " W - Increase Writeback time "
+msgstr "W - Augmenter l'intervalle d'écriture "
+#: ../ethernet.c:131
+msgid " W - disable Wake-On-Lan "
+msgstr " W - désactiver le Wake-on-LAN "
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:91
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6.2f Ghz"
+msgstr "%6.2f GHz"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:88
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6lli Mhz"
+msgstr "%6lli MHz"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:85
+#, c-format
+msgid "%9lli"
+msgstr "%9lli"
+#: ../powertop.c:983
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../display.c:205
+#, c-format
+msgid "(long term: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+msgstr "(long terme : %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+#: ../display.c:301
+msgid "(which is CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y in the config file)\n"
+msgstr "(CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y dans le fichier de configuration)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:960
+#, c-format
+msgid "< Detailed C-state information is not available.>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"< Les informations détaillées sur les C-states ne sont pas disponibles.>\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1040
+msgid "<kernel core>"
+msgstr "<cœur du noyau>"
+#: ../powertop.c:1036 ../powertop.c:1038
+msgid "<kernel module>"
+msgstr "<module noyau>"
+#: ../urbnum.c:217
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A USB device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Un périphérique USB est actif %4.1f%% du temps:\n"
+#: ../urbnum.c:186
+msgid "Active Device name"
+msgstr "Nom du périphérique actif"
+#: ../powertop.c:969
+#, c-format
+msgid "C0 (cpu running) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "C0 (CPU en activité) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:966
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cn\t Avg residency\n"
+msgstr "Cn\t Résidence moy.\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:903
+#, c-format
+msgid "Collecting data for %i seconds \n"
+msgstr "Collecte des données pendant %i secondes \n"
+#: ../ethernet.c:128
+msgid ""
+"Disable Ethernet Wake-On-Lan with the following command:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Wake-on-Lan keeps the phy active, this costs power."
+msgstr ""
+"Désactiver le Wake-on-LAN Ethernet avec la commande suivante :\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Le Wake-on-LAN maintient le PHY actif, ce qui consomme de l'énergie."
+#: ../powertop.c:1187
+msgid ""
+"Disable the SE-Alert software by removing the 'setroubleshoot-server' rpm\n"
+"SE-Alert alerts you about SELinux policy violations, but also\n"
+"has a bug that wakes it up 10 times per second."
+msgstr ""
+"Désactivez le logiciel SE-Alert en enlevant le rpm setroubleshoot-server.\n"
+"SE-Alert vous avertit des violations des politiques SELinux, mais il a\n"
+"aussi un bug qui le réveille 10 fois par seconde. "
+#: ../display.c:304
+msgid ""
+"No detailed statistics available; PowerTOP needs root privileges for that\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Les statistiques détaillées ne sont pas disponibles sans les privilèges "
+#: ../display.c:299
+msgid ""
+"No detailed statistics available; please enable the CONFIG_TIMER_STATS "
+"kernel option\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Les statistiques détaillées ne sont pas disponibles ; veuillez activer \n"
+"l'option de configuration du noyau CONFIG_TIMER_STATS\n"
+#: ../display.c:302
+msgid "Note: this is only available in 2.6.21 and later kernels\n"
+msgstr "Note : ceci n'est disponible qu'avec les noyaux 2.6.21 et ultérieurs\n"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:115
+#, c-format
+msgid "P-states (frequencies)\n"
+msgstr "P-states (fréquences)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:170 ../powertop.c:306
+msgid "PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad"
+msgstr "clavier/souris/touchpad PS/2"
+#: ../display.c:208
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (5 minute ACPI estimate) : %5.1f W (%3.1f hours left)"
+msgstr ""
+"Consommation électrique (estimation ACPI sur 5 minutes) : %5.1f W (%3.1f "
+"heures restantes)"
+#: ../display.c:201
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (ACPI estimate): %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Consommation électrique (estimation ACPI) : %3.1fW (%3.1f heures)"
+#: ../display.c:238
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage: %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Consommation électrique : %3.1fW (%3.1f heures)"
+#: ../powertop.c:902
+#, c-format
+msgid "PowerTOP needs to be run as root to collect enough information\n"
+msgstr ""
+"PowerTOP doit être lancé en root pour collecter suffisamment d'information\n"
+#: ../urbnum.c:185
+msgid "Recent USB suspend statistics"
+msgstr "Statistiques des mises en veilles récentes de l'USB"
+#: ../powertop.c:1181
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable 'hal' from polling your cdrom with: \n"
+"hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom 'hal' is the component that auto-"
+"opens a\n"
+"window if you plug in a CD but disables SATA power saving from kicking in."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : empêchez hal de surveiller votre cdrom avec : hal-disable-"
+"polling --device /dev/cdrom\n"
+"hal est le composant qui ouvre automatiquement une fenêtre lorsque vous "
+"un CD, mais qui empêche les économies d'énergie sur le bus SATA."
+#: ../powertop.c:1155 ../powertop.c:1159
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'beagle' from your system. \n"
+"Beagle is the program that indexes for easy desktop search, however it's \n"
+"not very efficient and costs a significant amount of battery life."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : désactivez ou enlevez 'beagle' de votre système. \n"
+"Beagle est un logiciel qui maintient des index pour faciliter la recherche\n"
+"sur le bureau, mais il n'est pas très efficace et il réduit "
+"la durée de vie de la batterie."
+#: ../powertop.c:1168
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'gnome-power-manager' from your system. \n"
+"Older versions of gnome-power-manager wake up far more often than \n"
+"needed costing you some power."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : désactivez ou enlevez gnome-power-manager de votre système. \n"
+"Les vieilles versions de gnome-power-manager se réveillent beaucoup plus "
+"que \n"
+"nécessaire, ce qui coûtent de l'énergie."
+#: ../powertop.c:1174
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'pcscd' from your system. \n"
+"pcscd tends to keep the USB subsystem out of power save mode\n"
+"and your processor out of deeper powersave states."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : désactivez ou enlevez pcscd de votre système. \n"
+"pcscd a tendance à maintenir le sous-système USB hors du mode d'économie\n"
+"d'énergie et votre processeur hors des états d'économie avancés."
+#: ../powertop.c:1143
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the CONFIG_IRQBALANCE kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The in-kernel irq balancer is obsolete and wakes the CPU up far more than "
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : désactivez l'option de configuration du noyau "
+"Le répartiteur d'IRQ du noyau est obsolète et réveille la CPU beaucoup "
+"plus \n"
+"que nécessaire."
+#: ../wireless.c:320
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by executing the following "
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : désactivez la radio Wi-Fi non utilisée en exécutant la commande "
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+#: ../wifi-new.c:194
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by setting the interface down:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : désactivez la radio Wi-Fi non utilisée en stoppant "
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+#: ../bluetooth.c:144
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused bluetooth interface with the following "
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth is a radio and consumes quite some power, and keeps USB busy as "
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : désactivez l'interface bluetooth non utilisée avec la "
+"commande \n"
+"suivante :\n"
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Le bluetooth est une radio et consomme beaucoup d'énergie ; de plus il\n"
+"maintient l'USB occupé.\n"
+#: ../sata.c:101
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable SATA ALPM link power management via: \n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"or press the S key."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : activer l'économie d'énergie (ALPM) sur le lien SATA avec :\n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"ou appuyer sur la touche S."
+#: ../usb.c:114
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable USB autosuspend for non-input devices by pressing the U "
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : activez la suspension automatique de l'USB pour les "
+"périphériques autres que de saisie à l'aide de la touche U\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1131
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY kernel configuration option.\n"
+" This option is required to get power estimages from PowerTOP"
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : activez l'option de configuration du noyau "
+"Cette option est nécessaire à PowerTOP pour les estimations concernant\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1128
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND kernel configuration "
+"The 'ondemand' CPU speed governor will minimize the CPU power usage while\n"
+"giving you performance when it is needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : activez l'option de configuration du noyau \n"
+"La politique CPU « ondemand » réduit la consommation électrique de la CPU \n"
+"tout en donnant des performances lorsque c'est utile."
+#: ../powertop.c:1145
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows PowerTOP to show P-state percentages \n"
+"P-states correspond to CPU frequencies."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : activez l'option de configuration du noyau "
+"Cette option permet à PowerTOP d'afficher les pourcentages concernant les P-"
+"Les P-states correspondent aux fréquences de la CPU."
+#: ../powertop.c:1134
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_HPET_TIMER kernel configuration option.\n"
+"Without HPET support the kernel needs to wake up every 20 milliseconds for \n"
+"some housekeeping tasks."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : activez l'option de configuration du noyau CONFIG_HPET.\n"
+"Sans le support HPET le noyau doit se réveiller toute les 20 millisecondes \n"
+"pour certaines tâches de maintenance."
+#: ../powertop.c:1148
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_INOTIFY kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows programs to wait for changes in files and directories\n"
+"instead of having to poll for these changes"
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : activez l'option de configuration du noyau CONFIG_INOTIFY.\n"
+"Cette option permet aux logiciels d'attendre qu'il y ai des changements\n"
+"affectant les fichiers et répertoires, au lieu de surveiller activement."
+#: ../powertop.c:1130
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_NO_HZ kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option is required to get any kind of longer sleep times in the CPU."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : activez l'option de configuration du noyau CONFIG_NO_HZ.\n"
+"Cette option est nécessaire pour obtenir de plus longs sommeils de la CPU."
+#: ../powertop.c:1139
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE kernel configuration "
+"This option will automatically power down your sound codec when not in use,\n"
+"and can save approximately half a Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : activez l'option de configuration du noyau \n"
+"Cette option éteint automatiquement votre codec audio lorsqu'il n'est pas \n"
+"utilisé, et peut permettre d'économiser environ un demi Watt."
+#: ../powertop.c:1126
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will automatically disable UHCI USB when not in use, and may\n"
+"save approximately 1 Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : activez l'option de configuration du noyau CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND.\n"
+"Cette option va automatiquement désactiver l'UHCI USB lorsqu'il n'est pas "
+"utilisé, \n"
+"et peut économiser environ 1 Watt."
+#: ../cpufreq.c:116
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the ondemand cpu speed governor for all processors via: \n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : activez la politique « ondemand » de contrôle de la vitesse CPU\n"
+"pour tout les processeurs avec la commande suivante :\n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+#: ../wireless.c:314
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : activez le mode d'économie d'énergie pour le Wi-Fi à l'aide la "
+"suivante :\n"
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"Cela sacrifiera légèrement les performances réseau au profit de l'économie "
+#: ../wifi-new.c:198
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : activez le mode d'économie d'énergie pour le sans fil à l'aide "
+"la commande\n"
+"suivante :\n"
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"Cela affectera légèrement les performances réseau au profit de l'économie "
+#: ../wireless.c:308
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : activez le mode d'économie d'énergie pour le Wi-Fi à l'aide la "
+"suivante :\n"
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"Cela sacrifiera légèrement les performances réseau au profit de l'économie "
+#: ../xrandr.c:75
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable TV out via: \n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"or press the V key."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : désactiver la sortie TV avec :\n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"ou appuyer sur la touche V."
+#: ../misctips.c:59
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable the NMI watchdog by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"The NMI watchdog is a kernel debug mechanism to detect deadlocks"
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : désactivez le NMI watchdog en exécutant la commande suivante :\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"Le NMI watchdog est un mécanisme de débogguage du noyau pour détecter les \n"
+#: ../misctips.c:123
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable AC97 powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : activez l'économie d'énergie pour l'AC97 à l'aide de la "
+"commande \n"
+"suivante :\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"ou en passant le paramètre power_save=1 au module."
+#: ../misctips.c:163
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable HD audio powersave mode by executing the following "
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : activez l'économie d'énergie pour l'audio HD à l'aide de la "
+"commande \n"
+"suivante :\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"ou en passant le paramètre power_save=1 au module."
+#: ../misctips.c:87
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the HPET (Multimedia Timer) in your BIOS or add \n"
+"the kernel patch to force-enable HPET. HPET support allows Linux to \n"
+"have much longer sleep intervals."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : activez HPET (Multimedia Timer) dans votre BIOS ou ajoutez\n"
+"le patch du noyau qui force l'activation de HPET. Le support de HPET\n"
+"permet à Linux d'avoir des périodes de sommeil beaucoup plus longues."
+#: ../misctips.c:192
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the noatime filesystem option by executing the following "
+" mount -o remount,noatime / or by pressing the T key \n"
+"noatime disables persistent access time of file accesses, which causes lots "
+"of disk IO."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : activer l'option de montage des systèmes de fichier noatime "
+"avec :\n"
+" mount -o remount,noatime / ou en appuyant sur la touche T\n"
+"noatime désactive les mises à jour des dates d'accès aux fichiers, qui "
+"beaucoup d'E/S sur les disques."
+#: ../misctips.c:255
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the power aware CPU scheduler with the following "
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"or by pressing the C key."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : activez l'ordonnanceur CPU conscient de l'énergie avec la "
+"commande :\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"ou en appuyant sur la touche C."
+#: ../misctips.c:288
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: increase the VM dirty writeback time from %1.2f to 15 seconds "
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"This wakes the disk up less frequently for background VM activity"
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion : augmentez l'intervalle d'écriture des pages modifiées de %1.2f "
+"à 15 s avec :\n"
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"Ceci réduit les réveils du disque causés par la gestion de la mémoire en "
+#: ../display.c:300
+msgid "This option is located in the Kernel Debugging section of menuconfig\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Cette option se trouve dans la section Kernel debugging de menuconfig\n"
+#: ../display.c:281
+msgid "Top causes for wakeups:\n"
+msgstr "Principales causes de réveils :\n"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:94
+msgid "Turbo Mode"
+msgstr "Mode Turbo"
+#: ../urbnum.c:123
+#, c-format
+msgid "USB device %4s : %s (%s)"
+msgstr "Périphérique USB %4s : %s (%s)"
+#: ../powertop.c:820
+#, c-format
+msgid "Usage: powertop [OPTION...]\n"
+msgstr "Utilisation : powertop [OPTION...]\n"
+#: ../display.c:270
+#, c-format
+msgid "Wakeups-from-idle per second : %4.1f\tinterval: %0.1fs\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Réveils depuis l'état de repos par seconde : %4.1f\tintervalle : %0.1fs\n"
+#: ../intelcstates.c:152
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your BIOS reports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "Votre BIOS expose les C-states suivants : "
+#: ../intelcstates.c:143
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your CPU supports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "Votre CPU supporte les C-states suivants :"
+#: ../display.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid "no ACPI power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "Pas d'estimation ACPI disponible pour la consommation électrique"
+#: ../display.c:244
+#, c-format
+msgid "no power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "Pas d'estimation de consommation électrique disponible"
+#: ../powertop.c:433
+msgid "polling"
+msgstr "En cours d'interrogation"
+#: ../powertop.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "powertop version %s\n"
+msgstr "powertop version %s\n"
diff --git a/po/hu.po b/po/hu.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dce2a00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/hu.po
@@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
+# translation of PowerTOP to Hungarian
+# PowerTOP magyar fordítás
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PowerTOP package.
+# Kakas László <>, 2007.
+# Lantos Ádám <>, 2007, 2008, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: hu\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-11 13:44-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-08-12 23:15+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Adam Lantos <>\n"
+"Language-Team: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"X-Language: hu_HU\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:303 ../powertop.c:306
+#, c-format
+msgid " <interrupt> : %s"
+msgstr " <megszakítás> : %s"
+#: ../powertop.c:1072
+msgid " <interrupt> : extra timer interrupt"
+msgstr " <interrupt> : óramegszakítás"
+#: ../powertop.c:301
+#, c-format
+msgid " <kernel IPI> : %s"
+msgstr " <kernel IPI> : %s"
+#: ../powertop.c:821
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+" -d, --dump read wakeups once and print list of top offenders\n"
+msgstr ""
+" -d, --dump a felébredések egyszeri vizsgálata és a legaktívabb "
+"alkalmazások kiírása\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:824
+#, c-format
+msgid " -h, --help Show this help message\n"
+msgstr " -h, --help Ezen súgó megjelenítése\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid " -p, --pids show pids in wakeups list\n"
+msgstr " -p, --pids processzazonosítók megjelenítése\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:822
+#, c-format
+msgid " -t, --time=DOUBLE default time to gather data in seconds\n"
+msgstr " -t, --time=DOUBLE alapértelmezett időszelet (másodpercben)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:825
+#, c-format
+msgid " -v, --version Show version information and exit\n"
+msgstr " -v, --version Verzió megjelenítése\n"
+#: ../misctips.c:125
+msgid " A - Turn AC97 powersave on "
+msgstr " A - AC97 energiatakarékos üzemmód "
+#: ../misctips.c:165
+msgid " A - Turn HD audio powersave on "
+msgstr " A - HD audio energiatakarékos mód "
+#: ../bluetooth.c:146
+msgid " B - Turn Bluetooth off "
+msgstr " B - Bluetooth kikapcsolása "
+#: ../misctips.c:257
+msgid " C - Power aware CPU scheduler "
+msgstr " C - Energiatakarékos CPU ütemező "
+#: ../wifi-new.c:196
+msgid " D - disable wireless "
+msgstr " D - vezeték nélküli hálózat kikapcsolása "
+#: ../wireless.c:322
+msgid " I - disable WIFI Radio "
+msgstr " I - WIFI adóvevő kikapcsolása "
+#: ../process.c:84
+#, c-format
+msgid " K - kill %s "
+msgstr " K - kill %s "
+#: ../misctips.c:61
+msgid " N - Turn NMI watchdog off "
+msgstr " N - NMI watchdog kikapcsolása "
+#: ../cpufreq.c:118
+msgid " O - enable Ondemand governor "
+msgstr " O - Ondemand szabályozó engedélyezése "
+#: ../wifi-new.c:201
+msgid " P - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " P - Energiatakarékos vezeték nélküli mód "
+#: ../display.c:108
+msgid " Q - Quit "
+msgstr " Q - Kilépés "
+#: ../display.c:109
+msgid " R - Refresh "
+msgstr " R - Frissítés "
+#: ../sata.c:104
+msgid " S - SATA Link Power Management "
+msgstr " S - SATA energiatakarékosság "
+#: ../misctips.c:194
+msgid " T - enable noatime "
+msgstr " T - noatime engedélyezése"
+#: ../urbnum.c:222 ../usb.c:116
+msgid " U - Enable USB suspend "
+msgstr " U - USB suspend engedélyezése "
+#: ../xrandr.c:78
+msgid " V - Disable TV out "
+msgstr " V - TV kimenet kikapcsolása "
+#: ../wireless.c:311 ../wireless.c:317
+msgid " W - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " W - WLAN energiatakarékos mód "
+#: ../misctips.c:292
+msgid " W - Increase Writeback time "
+msgstr " W - A Writeback idő növelése "
+#: ../ethernet.c:131
+msgid " W - disable Wake-On-Lan "
+msgstr " W - Wake-On-Lan kikapcsolása "
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:91
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6.2f Ghz"
+msgstr "%6.2f Ghz"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:88
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6lli Mhz"
+msgstr "%6lli Mhz"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:85
+#, c-format
+msgid "%9lli"
+msgstr "%9lli"
+#: ../powertop.c:983
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../display.c:205
+#, c-format
+msgid "(long term: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+msgstr "(hosszútávon: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+#: ../display.c:301
+msgid "(which is CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y in the config file)\n"
+msgstr "(amely CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y a konfigurációs fájlban)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:960
+#, c-format
+msgid "< Detailed C-state information is not available.>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"< Részletes C-állapot információ csak mobil processzorok esetén elérhető "
+"(laptopok) >\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1040
+msgid "<kernel core>"
+msgstr "<kernel core>"
+#: ../powertop.c:1036 ../powertop.c:1038
+msgid "<kernel module>"
+msgstr "<kernel modul>"
+#: ../urbnum.c:217
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A USB device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Az USB eszköz az idő %4.1f%%-ában aktív:\n"
+#: ../urbnum.c:186
+msgid "Active Device name"
+msgstr "Aktív eszköz neve"
+#: ../powertop.c:969
+#, c-format
+msgid "C0 (cpu running) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "C0 (processzor fut) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:966
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cn\t Avg residency\n"
+msgstr "Cn\t Átlagos tartózkodás\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:903
+#, c-format
+msgid "Collecting data for %i seconds \n"
+msgstr "Adatok gyűjtése %i másodpercen keresztül \n"
+#: ../ethernet.c:128
+msgid ""
+"Disable Ethernet Wake-On-Lan with the following command:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Wake-on-Lan keeps the phy active, this costs power."
+msgstr ""
+"Tiltsd le az Ethernet Wake-On-Lan funkciót a következő paranccsal:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"A Wake-on-Lan használata esetén a hálózati eszköz folyamatosa aktív, ez "
+"energiát fogyaszt."
+#: ../powertop.c:1187
+msgid ""
+"Disable the SE-Alert software by removing the 'setroubleshoot-server' rpm\n"
+"SE-Alert alerts you about SELinux policy violations, but also\n"
+"has a bug that wakes it up 10 times per second."
+msgstr ""
+"Kapcsold ki a SE-Alert szoftvert a 'setroubleshoot-server' csomag "
+"Az SE-Alert figyelmeztet az SELinux szabálysértéseknél, de ugyanakkor \n"
+"van egy hibája, amitől 10 felébredést okoz másodpercenként."
+#: ../display.c:304
+msgid ""
+"No detailed statistics available; PowerTOP needs root privileges for that\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Részletes statisztika nem elérhető; a PowerTOP-nak root jogra van szüksége "
+#: ../display.c:299
+msgid ""
+"No detailed statistics available; please enable the CONFIG_TIMER_STATS "
+"kernel option\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Nem áll rendelkezésre részletes statisztika, engedélyezd a "
+"CONFIG_TIMER_STATS kernel opciót\n"
+#: ../display.c:302
+msgid "Note: this is only available in 2.6.21 and later kernels\n"
+msgstr "Megjegyzés: ez csak a 2.6.21 és újabb kernelekben elérhető\n"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:115
+#, c-format
+msgid "P-states (frequencies)\n"
+msgstr "P-állapotok (frekvenciák)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:170 ../powertop.c:306
+msgid "PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad"
+msgstr "PS/2 billentyűzet/egér/touchpad"
+#: ../display.c:208
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (5 minute ACPI estimate) : %5.1f W (%3.1f hours left)"
+msgstr ""
+"Energiafogyasztás (5 perces ACPI becsült érték): %5.1f W (%3.1f óra van "
+#: ../display.c:201
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (ACPI estimate): %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Energiafogyasztás (ACPI becsült érték): %3.1f W (%3.1f óra van hátra)"
+#: ../display.c:238
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage: %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Energiafogyasztás: %3.1fW (%3.1f óra van hátra)"
+#: ../powertop.c:902
+#, c-format
+msgid "PowerTOP needs to be run as root to collect enough information\n"
+msgstr "A PowerTOP-ot rootként futtasd, hogy elég információt gyűjthessen\n"
+#: ../urbnum.c:185
+msgid "Recent USB suspend statistics"
+msgstr "Friss USB suspend statisztika"
+#: ../powertop.c:1181
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable 'hal' from polling your cdrom with: \n"
+"hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom 'hal' is the component that "
+"auto-opens a\n"
+"window if you plug in a CD but disables SATA power saving from kicking in."
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Ne engedd a 'hal' alkalmazásnak a CD-meghajtó állandó figyelését: \n"
+"hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom a 'hal' egy alkalmazás, ami "
+"automatikusan \n"
+"megnyit egy grafikus ablakot, ha egy CD-lemezt helyezel a meghajtóba, \n"
+"viszont ez megakadályozza a SATA energiatakarékos üzemmód bekapcsolását."
+#: ../powertop.c:1155 ../powertop.c:1159
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'beagle' from your system. \n"
+"Beagle is the program that indexes for easy desktop search, however it's \n"
+"not very efficient and costs a significant amount of battery life."
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Kapcsold ki vagy távolítsd el a 'beagle'-t a rendszerből.\n"
+"A beagle az a program amely indexel az egyszerű desktop kereséshez, \n"
+"mindemellett nem teljesen hatékony és ez jelentős akkumulátor élettartamba "
+#: ../powertop.c:1168
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'gnome-power-manager' from your system. \n"
+"Older versions of gnome-power-manager wake up far more often than \n"
+"needed costing you some power."
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Kapcsold ki vagy távolítsd el a 'gnome-power-manager' alkalmazást. \n"
+"A neve ellenére néhány verziója nem elég hatékony, így több energiát pazarol "
+"el mint amennyit spórol."
+#: ../powertop.c:1174
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'pcscd' from your system. \n"
+"pcscd tends to keep the USB subsystem out of power save mode\n"
+"and your processor out of deeper powersave states."
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Kapcsold ki vagy távolítsd el a 'pcscd' alkalmazást. \n"
+"A pcscd nem engedi az USB alrendszert energiatakarékos üzemmódba kapcsolni, "
+"és így a processzor sem éri el az alacsony fogyasztású alvási állapotokat."
+#: ../powertop.c:1143
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the CONFIG_IRQBALANCE kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The in-kernel irq balancer is obsolete and wakes the CPU up far more than "
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Kapcsold ki a CONFIG_IRQBALANCE kernel konfigurációs opciót.\n"
+"A kernel irq balancer elavult és többször használja a processzort, mint "
+"ahányszor szükséges."
+#: ../wireless.c:320
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by executing the following "
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Inaktiváld a használaton kívüli WIFI eszközt az alábbi parancs "
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+#: ../wifi-new.c:194
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by setting the interface down:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Inaktiváld a használaton kívüli WIFI eszközt az alábbi parancs "
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+#: ../bluetooth.c:144
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused bluetooth interface with the following "
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth is a radio and consumes quite some power, and keeps USB busy as "
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Kapcsold ki a nem használt bluetooth interfészt az alábbi parancs "
+" hciconfig hci0 down; rmmod hci_usb \n"
+"A bluetooth egy rádióadó, mely némi energiát fogyaszt, valamint az USB buszt "
+"is lefoglalja.\n"
+#: ../sata.c:101
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable SATA ALPM link power management via: \n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"or press the S key."
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Engedélyezd a SATA energiatakarékos módot az alábbi parancs "
+"lefuttatásával: \n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"Vagy az S billentyűvel."
+#: ../usb.c:114
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable USB autosuspend for non-input devices by pressing the U "
+msgstr "Tanács: Engedélyezd az USB energiatakarékosságot az U billentyűvel\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1131
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY kernel configuration option.\n"
+" This option is required to get power estimages from PowerTOP"
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Engedélyezd a CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY kernel konfigurációs opciót.\n"
+"Ez az opció szükséges az akkumlátoros energiafelhasználás megállapításához"
+#: ../powertop.c:1128
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND kernel configuration "
+"The 'ondemand' CPU speed governor will minimize the CPU power usage while\n"
+"giving you performance when it is needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Engedélyezd a CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND kernel konfigurációs "
+"Az ”ondemand” processzor sebességszabályozás minimalizálja az energia "
+"használatot, \n"
+"mindemellett teljesítményt és nagyobb sebességet biztosít amennyiben "
+#: ../powertop.c:1145
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows PowerTOP to show P-state percentages \n"
+"P-states correspond to CPU frequencies."
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Engedélyezd a CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT kernel konfigurációs opciót.\n"
+"Ez lehetővé teszi a PowerTOP számára hogy megmutassa a processzor \n"
+"különböző P-állapotban (különböző frekvenciákon) töltött idejét."
+#: ../powertop.c:1134
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_HPET_TIMER kernel configuration option.\n"
+"Without HPET support the kernel needs to wake up every 20 milliseconds for \n"
+"some housekeeping tasks."
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Engedélyezd a CONFIG_HPET_TIMER kernel konfigurációs opciót.\n"
+"HPET támogatás nélkül a kernelnek 20 ezredmásodpercenként fel kell \n"
+"ébrednie néhány feladat miatt."
+#: ../powertop.c:1148
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_INOTIFY kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows programs to wait for changes in files and directories\n"
+"instead of having to poll for these changes"
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Engedélyezd a CONFIG_INOTIFY kernel konfigurációs opciót.\n"
+"A kernel ezen beállítása lehetővé teszi az alkalmazások számára hogy "
+"értesüljenek \n"
+"fájlok ill. könyvtárak változásáról, és így nem kell folyamatosan figyelniük "
+#: ../powertop.c:1130
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_NO_HZ kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option is required to get any kind of longer sleep times in the CPU."
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Engedélyezd a CONFIG_NO_HZ kernel konfigurációs opciót.\n"
+"Ez az opció szükséges a processzor bármilyen hosszabb idejű alvásához."
+#: ../powertop.c:1139
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE kernel configuration "
+"This option will automatically power down your sound codec when not in use,\n"
+"and can save approximately half a Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Engedélyezd a CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE kernel konfigurációs "
+"Ez az opció automatikusan kikapcsolja a hang kodeket ha nincs használatban,\n"
+"ezzel körülbelül fél Watt energiát takarít meg."
+#: ../powertop.c:1126
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will automatically disable UHCI USB when not in use, and may\n"
+"save approximately 1 Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Engedélyezd a CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND kernel konfigurációs opciót.\n"
+"Ez az opció automatikusan kikapcsolja az USB-t ha nincs használatban, \n"
+"ezzel körülbelül 1 Watt energiát takarít meg."
+#: ../cpufreq.c:116
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the ondemand cpu speed governor for all processors via: \n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Engedélyezd az 'ondemand' cpu sebesség szabályozót: \n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+#: ../wireless.c:314
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Engedélyezd a wlan energiatakarékos módot az alábbi parancs "
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"A wlan hálózati sebessége kis mértékben csökkenni fog ettől, viszont "
+"energiát spórol."
+#: ../wifi-new.c:198
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Engedélyezd a wlan energiatakarékos módot az alábbi parancs "
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"A wlan hálózati sebessége kis mértékben csökkenni fog ettől, viszont "
+"energiát spórol."
+#: ../wireless.c:308
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Engedélyezd a wlan energiatakarékos módot az alábbi parancs "
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"A wlan hálózati sebessége kis mértékben csökkenni fog ettől, viszont "
+"energiát spórol."
+#: ../xrandr.c:75
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable TV out via: \n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"or press the V key."
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: tiltsd le a TV kimenetet a következő paranccsal : \n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"vagy a V billentyű megnyomásával."
+#: ../misctips.c:59
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable the NMI watchdog by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"The NMI watchdog is a kernel debug mechanism to detect deadlocks"
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Inaktiváld az NMI watchdog-ot az alábbi parancs lefuttatásával:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog\n"
+"Az NMI watchdog egy kernel debug eszköz a deadlock-ok detektálására"
+#: ../misctips.c:123
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable AC97 powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Kapcsold be az AC97 energiatakarékos módot az alábbi parancs "
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save\n"
+"vagy a power_save=1 modul paramétert használd a modul betöltésekor."
+#: ../misctips.c:163
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable HD audio powersave mode by executing the following "
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: Kapcsold be a HD audio energiatakarékos módot az alábbi parancs "
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save\n"
+"vagy a power_save=1 modul paramétert használd a modul betöltésekor."
+#: ../misctips.c:87
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the HPET (Multimedia Timer) in your BIOS or add \n"
+"the kernel patch to force-enable HPET. HPET support allows Linux to \n"
+"have much longer sleep intervals."
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: engedélyezd a HPET-et (Multimédia időzítő) a BIOS-ban vagy \n"
+"használd a 'force-enable HPET' kernel patch-et. A HPET használatával \n"
+"alkalmas rendszeren hosszabb processzor alvási ciklusok érhetőek el."
+#: ../misctips.c:192
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the noatime filesystem option by executing the following "
+" mount -o remount,noatime / or by pressing the T key \n"
+"noatime disables persistent access time of file accesses, which causes lots "
+"of disk IO."
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: engedélyezd a noatime fájlrendszer-opciót az alábbi parancs "
+" mount -o remount,noatime / vagy a T billentyűvel. \n"
+"A noatime használatával nem íródnak ki a fájlok hozzáférési dátumai a "
+"lemezre, \n"
+"így rengeteg lemezműveletet megspórol."
+#: ../misctips.c:255
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the power aware CPU scheduler with the following "
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"or by pressing the C key."
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: engedélyezd az energiatakarékos CPU ütemezőt az alábbi parancs "
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"vagy nyomd meg a C billentyűt."
+#: ../misctips.c:288
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: increase the VM dirty writeback time from %1.2f to 15 seconds "
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"This wakes the disk up less frequently for background VM activity"
+msgstr ""
+"Tanács: növeld meg a VM dirty writeback időt %1.2f -ről 15 mp-re a következő "
+"parancssal :\n"
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"Így a merevlemez ritkábban pörög fel háttérben zajló memóriaaktivitás miatt"
+#: ../display.c:300
+msgid "This option is located in the Kernel Debugging section of menuconfig\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ez az opció a kernel konfiguráció Kernel Debugging szekciójában található "
+#: ../display.c:281
+msgid "Top causes for wakeups:\n"
+msgstr "A legtöbb felébredést okozó processzek:\n"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:94
+msgid "Turbo Mode"
+msgstr "Turbo mód"
+#: ../urbnum.c:123
+#, c-format
+msgid "USB device %4s : %s (%s)"
+msgstr "USB eszköz %4s : %s (%s)"
+#: ../powertop.c:820
+#, c-format
+msgid "Usage: powertop [OPTION...]\n"
+msgstr "Használat: powertop [OPCIÓ...]\n"
+#: ../display.c:270
+#, c-format
+msgid "Wakeups-from-idle per second : %4.1f\tinterval: %0.1fs\n"
+msgstr "Felébredés / másodperc: %4.1f\tidőkeret: %0.1fs\n"
+#: ../intelcstates.c:152
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your BIOS reports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "A BIOS a következő C-állapotokat ismeri : "
+#: ../intelcstates.c:143
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your CPU supports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "A processzor a következő C-állapotokat támogatja : "
+#: ../display.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid "no ACPI power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "Az ACPI energiahasználat-becslés nem lekérdezhető"
+#: ../display.c:244
+#, c-format
+msgid "no power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "az energiahasználat nem becsülhető"
+#: ../powertop.c:433
+msgid "polling"
+msgstr "polling"
+#: ../powertop.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "powertop version %s\n"
+msgstr "powertop verzió %s\n"
diff --git a/po/id.po b/po/id.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7786b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/id.po
@@ -0,0 +1,794 @@
+# Translation of English po to Indonesian
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PowerTOP package.
+# Andika Triwidada <>, 2007-2010.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: powertop 1.12\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-07-14 01:14+0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-07-14 01:34+0700\n"
+"Last-Translator: Andika Triwidada <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Meego Indonesian Translation Team <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Indonesian\n"
+"X-Poedit-Country: Indonesia\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+" -d, --dump read wakeups once and print list of top offenders\n"
+msgstr ""
+" -d, --dump membaca cacah bangun hanya sekali dan mencetak "
+"daftar pelanggar utama\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:835
+#, c-format
+msgid " -h, --help Show this help message\n"
+msgstr " -h, --help Tampilkan pesan bantuan ini\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:834
+#, c-format
+msgid " -p, --pids show pids in wakeups list\n"
+msgstr " -p, --pids tampilkan PIDS pada daftar cacah bangun\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:833
+#, c-format
+msgid " -t, --time=DOUBLE default time to gather data in seconds\n"
+msgstr ""
+" -t, --time=DOUBLE waktu baku untuk mengumpulkan data dalam detik\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:836
+#, c-format
+msgid " -v, --version Show version information and exit\n"
+msgstr " -v, --version Tampilkan informasi versi dan keluar\n"
+#: ../misctips.c:125
+msgid " A - Turn AC97 powersave on "
+msgstr " A - Nyalakan pengehematan daya AC97 "
+#: ../alsa-power.c:195 ../misctips.c:165
+msgid " A - Turn HD audio powersave on "
+msgstr " A - Nyalakan pengehematan daya HD audio "
+#: ../bluetooth.c:152
+msgid " B - Turn Bluetooth off "
+msgstr " B - Matikan Bluetooth "
+#: ../misctips.c:257
+msgid " C - Power aware CPU scheduler "
+msgstr " C - Skeduler CPU yang sadar daya "
+#: ../wifi-new.c:198
+msgid " D - disable wireless "
+msgstr " D - Matikan wireless "
+#: ../wireless.c:322
+msgid " I - disable WIFI Radio "
+msgstr " I - Matikan Radio WIFI "
+#: ../process.c:86
+#, c-format
+msgid " K - kill %s "
+msgstr " K - Matikan %s "
+#: ../misctips.c:61
+msgid " N - Turn NMI watchdog off "
+msgstr " N - Matikan watchdog NMI "
+#: ../cpufreq.c:118
+msgid " O - enable Ondemand governor "
+msgstr " O - Fungsikan governor Ondemand "
+#: ../devicepm.c:114
+msgid " P - Enable Runtime PM"
+msgstr " P - Fungsikan PM Runtime"
+#: ../devicepm.c:276
+msgid " P - Enable device power management "
+msgstr " P - Fungsikan manajemen daya piranti "
+#: ../display.c:108
+msgid " Q - Quit "
+msgstr " Q - Keluar "
+#: ../display.c:109
+msgid " R - Refresh "
+msgstr " R - Segarkan "
+#: ../ahci-alpm.c:259 ../sata.c:105
+msgid " S - SATA Link Power Management "
+msgstr " S - Manajemen Daya Link SATA "
+#: ../misctips.c:194
+msgid " T - enable noatime "
+msgstr " T - Fungsikan noatime "
+#: ../urbnum.c:218 ../usb.c:119
+msgid " U - Enable USB suspend "
+msgstr " U - Fungsikan suspend USB "
+#: ../xrandr.c:78
+msgid " V - Disable TV out "
+msgstr " V - Matikan TV out "
+#: ../wifi-new.c:203
+msgid " W - Enable Wireless power saving "
+msgstr " W - Fungsikan penghematan daya Wireless "
+#: ../wireless.c:311 ../wireless.c:317
+msgid " W - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " W - Fungsikan penghematan daya wireless "
+#: ../misctips.c:292
+msgid " W - Increase Writeback time "
+msgstr " W - Naikkan waktu Writeback "
+#: ../ethernet.c:131
+msgid " W - disable Wake-On-Lan "
+msgstr " W - Matikan Bangun-Lewat-LAN "
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:91
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6.2f Ghz"
+msgstr "%6.2f GHz"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:88
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6lli Mhz"
+msgstr "%6lli MHz"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:85
+#, c-format
+msgid "%9lli"
+msgstr "%9lli"
+#: ../devicepm.c:245
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i more devices without runtime PM ommitted\n"
+msgstr "%i piranti lain tanpa manajemen daya runtime diabaikan\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1003
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:317
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s interrupt"
+msgstr "%s interupsi"
+#: ../display.c:205
+#, c-format
+msgid "(long term: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+msgstr "(jangka pjg: %3.1fW/%3.1fj)"
+#: ../display.c:304
+msgid "(which is CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y in the config file)\n"
+msgstr "(yaitu CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y di berkas config)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:980
+#, c-format
+msgid "< Detailed C-state information is not available.>\n"
+msgstr "< Informasi C-state terinci tidak tersedia >\n"
+#: ../ahci-alpm.c:255
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A SATA device is active %1.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Suatu piranti SATA aktif %1.1f%% dari waktu:\n"
+#: ../urbnum.c:213
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A USB device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Suatu piranti USB aktif %4.1f%% dari waktu:\n"
+#: ../devicepm.c:271
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Suatu piranti aktif %4.1f%% dari waktu:\n"
+#: ../ahci-alpm.c:220
+msgid "Active\tPartial\tSlumber\tDevice name"
+msgstr "Aktif\tSebagian\tSlumber\tName piranti"
+#: ../alsa-power.c:158 ../devicepm.c:224 ../urbnum.c:181
+msgid "Active Device name"
+msgstr "Aktif Name piranti"
+#: ../alsa-power.c:190
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"An audio device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Suatu piranti audio aktif %4.1f%% dari waktu:\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:989
+#, c-format
+msgid "C0 (cpu running) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "C0 (cpu bekerja) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:986
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cn\t Avg residency\n"
+msgstr "Cn\t Residensi rata-rata\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:923
+#, c-format
+msgid "Collecting data for %i seconds \n"
+msgstr "Mengumpulkan data selama %i detik \n"
+#: ../devicepm.c:235
+msgid "Devices without runtime PM"
+msgstr "Piranti tanpa manajemen daya runtime"
+#: ../ethernet.c:128
+msgid ""
+"Disable Ethernet Wake-On-Lan with the following command:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Wake-on-Lan keeps the phy active, this costs power."
+msgstr ""
+"Matikan Bangun-Lewat-LAN dari Ethernet dengan perintah berikut:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Bangun-Lewat-LAN membuat phy terus aktif, yang memakan daya."
+#: ../powertop.c:1234
+msgid ""
+"Disable the SE-Alert software by removing the 'setroubleshoot-server' rpm\n"
+"SE-Alert alerts you about SELinux policy violations, but also\n"
+"has a bug that wakes it up 10 times per second."
+msgstr ""
+"Hentikan SE-Alert dengan menghapus rpm 'setroubleshoot-server'\n"
+"SE-Alert mengingatkan Anda tentang pelanggaran kebijakan SELinux, tapi juga\n"
+"memiliki bug yang membangunkannya 10 kali per detik."
+#: ../perf.c:256
+#, c-format
+msgid "Disk accesses:\n"
+msgstr "Akses ke disk:\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1060
+msgid "Load balancing tick"
+msgstr "Tick penyeimbangan beban"
+#: ../display.c:307
+msgid ""
+"No detailed statistics available; PowerTOP needs root privileges for that\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Tidak tersedia statistik rinci; PowerTOP perlu privilese root untuk itu\n"
+#: ../display.c:302
+msgid ""
+"No detailed statistics available; please enable the CONFIG_TIMER_STATS "
+"kernel option\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Tidak tersedia statistik rinci; silahkan hidupkan opsi kernel "
+#: ../display.c:305
+msgid "Note: this is only available in 2.6.21 and later kernels\n"
+msgstr "Catatan: ini hanya tersedia di kernel 2.6.21 dan setelahnya\n"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:115
+#, c-format
+msgid "P-states (frequencies)\n"
+msgstr "P-state (frekuensi)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:317
+msgid "PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad"
+msgstr "PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad"
+#: ../display.c:208
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (5 minute ACPI estimate) : %5.1f W (%3.1f hours left)"
+msgstr "Penggunaan daya (perkiraan ACPI 5 menit) : %5.1f W (%3.1f jam tersisa)"
+#: ../display.c:201
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (ACPI estimate): %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Penggunaan daya (perkiraan ACPI): %3.1fW (%3.1f jam)"
+#: ../display.c:238
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage: %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Penggunaan daya: %3.1fW (%3.1f jam)"
+#: ../powertop.c:922
+#, c-format
+msgid "PowerTOP needs to be run as root to collect enough information\n"
+msgstr ""
+"PowerTOP perlu dijalankan sebagai root untuk mengumpulkan cukup informasi\n"
+#: ../ahci-alpm.c:219
+msgid "Recent SATA AHCI link activity statistics"
+msgstr "Statistik aktivitas link AHCI SATA terkini"
+#: ../urbnum.c:180
+msgid "Recent USB suspend statistics"
+msgstr "Statistik suspensi USB terkini"
+#: ../alsa-power.c:157
+msgid "Recent audio activity statistics"
+msgstr "Statistik aktivitas audio terkini"
+#: ../devicepm.c:223
+msgid "Runtime Device Power Management statistics"
+msgstr "Statistik Manajemen Daya Piranti Runtime"
+#: ../powertop.c:1228
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable 'hal' from polling your cdrom with: \n"
+"hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom 'hal' is the component that auto-"
+"opens a\n"
+"window if you plug in a CD but disables SATA power saving from kicking in."
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Atur agar 'hal' tidak melakukan polling ke cdrom Anda dengan:\n"
+"hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom 'hal' akan membuka otomatis \n"
+"peramban berkas ketika CD dimasukkan tapi mencegah penghematan daya \n"
+"SATA bekerja."
+#: ../powertop.c:1202 ../powertop.c:1206
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'beagle' from your system. \n"
+"Beagle is the program that indexes for easy desktop search, however it's \n"
+"not very efficient and costs a significant amount of battery life."
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Matikan atau hapus 'beagle' dari sistem Anda. \n"
+"Beagle adalah program yang membuat indeks untuk pencarian desktop \n"
+"yang muda, namun tidak cukup efisien dan memakan cukup banyak \n"
+"umur baterai."
+#: ../powertop.c:1215
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'gnome-power-manager' from your system. \n"
+"Older versions of gnome-power-manager wake up far more often than \n"
+"needed costing you some power."
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Matikan atau hapus 'gnome-power-manager' dari sistem Anda. \n"
+"Versi-versi terdahulu gnome-power-manager bangun terlalu sering daripada\n"
+"yang diperlukan sehingga memakan daya."
+#: ../powertop.c:1221
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'pcscd' from your system. \n"
+"pcscd tends to keep the USB subsystem out of power save mode\n"
+"and your processor out of deeper powersave states."
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Matikan atau hapus 'pcscd' dari sistem Anda. \n"
+"pcscd cenderung membuat subsistem USB keluar dari mode penghematan daya dan "
+"prosesor keluar dari state penghematan daya yang lebih jauh."
+#: ../powertop.c:1190
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the CONFIG_IRQBALANCE kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The in-kernel irq balancer is obsolete and wakes the CPU up far more than "
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Matikan opsi konfigurasi kernel CONFIG_IRQBALANCE.\n"
+"Penyeimbang irq di kernel sudah kedaluarsa dan membangunkan CPU sangat jauh "
+"lebih banyak dari yang diperlukan."
+#: ../wireless.c:320
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by executing the following "
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Matikan radio WIFI yang tak dipakai dengan mengeksekusi perintah "
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+#: ../wifi-new.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by setting the interface down:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Matikan radio WIFI yang tak dipakai dengan mematikan interface-nya:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+#: ../bluetooth.c:150
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused bluetooth interface with the following "
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth is a radio and consumes quite some power, and keeps USB busy as "
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Matikan interface Bluetooth yang tidak dipakai dengan perintah "
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth adalah sebuah radio dan mengkonsumsi daya lumayan, dan juga "
+"membuat USB sibuk terus.\n"
+#: ../devicepm.c:112
+msgid "Suggestion: Enable Device Power Management by pressing the P key\n"
+msgstr "Saran: Aktifkan Manajemen Daya Piranti dengan menekan tombol P\n"
+#: ../sata.c:102
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable SATA ALPM link power management via: \n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"or press the S key."
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Fungsikan manajemen daya link SATA ALPM melalui: \n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"atau tekan tombol S."
+#: ../usb.c:117
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable USB autosuspend for non-input devices by pressing the U "
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Aktifkan autosuspend USB bagi perangkat bukan masukan dengan menekan "
+"tombol U\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1175
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY kernel configuration option.\n"
+" This option is required to get power estimages from PowerTOP"
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Fungsikan opsi konfigurasi kernel CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY.\n"
+"Opsi ini diperlukan untuk mendapat estimasi penggunaan daya PowerTOP"
+#: ../powertop.c:1172
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND kernel configuration "
+"The 'ondemand' CPU speed governor will minimize the CPU power usage while\n"
+"giving you performance when it is needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Fungsikan opsi konfigurasi kernel CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND.\n"
+"Pengendali kecepatan CPU 'ondemand' akan meminimalkan pemakaian daya CPU\n"
+"sambil memberikan kinerja ketika diperlukan."
+#: ../powertop.c:1192
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows PowerTOP to show P-state percentages \n"
+"P-states correspond to CPU frequencies."
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Fungsikan opsi konfigurasi kernel CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT \n"
+"Opsi ini memungkinkan PowerTOP menampilkan persentase P-state \n"
+"P-state terkait dengan frekuensi-frekuensi CPU."
+#: ../powertop.c:1178
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_HPET_TIMER kernel configuration option.\n"
+"Without HPET support the kernel needs to wake up every 20 milliseconds for \n"
+"some housekeeping tasks."
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Fungsikan opsi konfigurasi kernel CONFIG_HPET_TIMER.\n"
+"Tanpa dukungan HPET kernel perlu bangun setiap 20 milidetik untuk \n"
+"melakukan tugas-tugas housekeeping."
+#: ../powertop.c:1195
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_INOTIFY kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows programs to wait for changes in files and directories\n"
+"instead of having to poll for these changes"
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Fungsikan opsi konfigurasi kernel CONFIG_INOTIFY \n"
+"Opsi ini memungkinkan program menunggu pemberitahuan perubahan\n"
+"dalam berkas dan direktori tanpa harus memeriksa berulang kali"
+#: ../powertop.c:1174
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_NO_HZ kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option is required to get any kind of longer sleep times in the CPU."
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Fungsikan opsi konfigurasi kernel CONFIG_NO_HZ.\n"
+"Opsi ini diperlukan untuk memperoleh sebarang waktu sleep yang lebih panjang "
+"di CPU."
+#: ../powertop.c:1181
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_PCIEASPM kernel configuration option.\n"
+"PCI Link Powermanagement (ASPM) allows the hardware to go to low power mode\n"
+"automatically when a PCI-E device is idle."
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Fungsikan opsi konfigurasi kernel CONFIG_PCIEASPM.\n"
+"PCI Link Powermanagement (ASPM) memungkinkan perangkat keras menuju ke mode\n"
+"daya rendah secara otomatis ketika suatu perangkat PCI-E menganggur."
+#: ../powertop.c:1168
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_PM_ADVANCED_DEBUG kernel configuration "
+"This option will allow PowerTOP to collect runtime power management "
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Fungsikan opsi konfigurasi kernel CONFIG_PM_ADVANCED_DEBUG \n"
+"Opsi ini memungkinkan PowerTOP mengumpulkan statistik manajemen daya runtime."
+#: ../powertop.c:1170
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_PM_RUNTIME kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option enables the kernel to manage power for various devices in your "
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Fungsikan opsi konfigurasi kernel CONFIG_PM_RUNTIME.\n"
+"Opsi ini memungkinkan kernel mengelola daya bagi berbagai piranti di "
+"komputer Anda."
+#: ../powertop.c:1186
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE kernel configuration "
+"This option will automatically power down your sound codec when not in use,\n"
+"and can save approximately half a Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Fungsikan opsi konfigurasi kernel CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE.\n"
+"Opsi ini akan otomatis mematikan daya codec suara ketika tidak dipakai,\n"
+"dan dapat menghemat daya sekitar setengah Watt."
+#: ../powertop.c:1166
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will automatically disable UHCI USB when not in use, and may\n"
+"save approximately 1 Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Fungsikan opsi konfigurasi kernel CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND.\n"
+"Opsi ini akan otomatis menonaktifkan UHCI USB ketika tidak dipakai, \n"
+"dan mungkin menghemat daya sekitar 1 Watt."
+#: ../cpufreq.c:116
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the ondemand cpu speed governor for all processors via: \n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Fungsikan pengatur kecepatan cpu ondemand untuk semua prosesor "
+"melalui: \n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+#: ../wireless.c:314
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Fungsikan penghematan daya wireless dengan menjalankan perintah "
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"Ini akan sedikit mengorbankan kinerja jaringan untuk menghemat daya."
+#: ../wifi-new.c:200
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Fungsikan penghematan daya wireless dengan menjalankan perintah "
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"Ini akan sedikit mengorbankan kinerja jaringan untuk menghemat daya."
+#: ../wireless.c:308
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Fungsikan penghematan daya wireless dengan menjalankan perintah "
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"Ini akan sedikit mengorbankan kinerja jaringan untuk menghemat daya."
+#: ../xrandr.c:75
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable TV out via: \n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"or press the V key."
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Matikan TV out melalui: \n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"atau tekan tombol V."
+#: ../misctips.c:59
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable the NMI watchdog by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"The NMI watchdog is a kernel debug mechanism to detect deadlocks"
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Matikan watchdog NMI dengan menjalankan perintah berikut:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"Watchdog NMI adalah sebuah mekanisme debug kernel untuk mendeteksi deadlock"
+#: ../misctips.c:123
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable AC97 powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Fungsikan mode penghematan daya AC97 dengan menjalankan perintah "
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"atau dengan menambahkan parameter modul power_save=1."
+#: ../misctips.c:163
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable HD audio powersave mode by executing the following "
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Fungsikan mode penghematan daya HD audio dengan menjalankan perintah "
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"atau dengan menambahkan parameter modul power_save=1."
+#: ../misctips.c:87
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the HPET (Multimedia Timer) in your BIOS or add \n"
+"the kernel patch to force-enable HPET. HPET support allows Linux to \n"
+"have much longer sleep intervals."
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Fungsikan HPET (Multimedia Timer) pada BIOS Anda atau \n"
+"tambahkan patch kernel untuk memaksa-fungsikan HPET. Dukungan \n"
+"HPET memungkinkan Linux untuk memiliki interval sleep lebih panjang."
+#: ../misctips.c:192
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the noatime filesystem option by executing the following "
+" mount -o remount,noatime / or by pressing the T key \n"
+"noatime disables persistent access time of file accesses, which causes lots "
+"of disk IO."
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Fungsikan opsi sistem berkas noatime dengan menjalankan perintah "
+" mount -o remount,noatime / atau dengan menekan tombol T \n"
+"noatime mematikan waktu akses persisten dari pengaksesan berkas, yang "
+"menyebabkan banyak IO disk."
+#: ../misctips.c:255
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the power aware CPU scheduler with the following "
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"or by pressing the C key."
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Fungsikan skeduler CPU yang sadar daya dengan perintah berikut:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"atau dengan menekan tombol C."
+#: ../misctips.c:288
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: increase the VM dirty writeback time from %1.2f to 15 seconds "
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"This wakes the disk up less frequently for background VM activity"
+msgstr ""
+"Saran: Naikkan waktu VM dirty writeback dari %1.2f ke 15 detik dengan:\n"
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"Hal ini membangunkan disk lebih jarang untuk aktivitas latarbelakang VM"
+#: ../powertop.c:1239
+msgid ""
+"The Intel Integrated Graphics driver failed to enable Memory self refresh.\n"
+"Memory Self Refresh is important for good memory power savings.\n"
+"Please check your OS vendor for a kernel update and/or report a bug."
+msgstr ""
+"Driver Intel Integrated Graphics gagal mengaktifkan Memory self refresh.\n"
+"Memory Self Refresh penting bagi penghematan daya memori yang baik.\n"
+"Silakan periksa vendor OS Anda untuk kernel mutakhir dan/atau laporkan bug."
+#: ../perf.c:242
+#, c-format
+msgid "The application '%s' is writing to file '%s' on /dev/%s\n"
+msgstr "Aplikasi '%s' sedang menulis ke berkas '%s' pada /dev/%s\n"
+#: ../perf.c:237
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The program '%s' is writing to file '%s' on /dev/%s.\n"
+"This prevents the disk from going to powersave mode."
+msgstr ""
+"Program '%s' sedang menulis ke berkas '%s' pada /dev/%s.\n"
+"Hal ini mencegah disk menuju mode penghematan daya."
+#: ../display.c:303
+msgid "This option is located in the Kernel Debugging section of menuconfig\n"
+msgstr "Opsi ini terletak di bagian Kernel Debugging dari menuconfig\n"
+#: ../display.c:281
+msgid "Top causes for wakeups:\n"
+msgstr "Penyebab utama bangun:\n"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:94
+msgid "Turbo Mode"
+msgstr "Mode Turbo"
+#: ../urbnum.c:123
+#, c-format
+msgid "USB device %4s : %s (%s)"
+msgstr "Piranti USB %s : %s (%s)4"
+#: ../powertop.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "Usage: powertop [OPTION...]\n"
+msgstr "Penggunaan: powertop [OPSI...]\n"
+#: ../display.c:270
+#, c-format
+msgid "Wakeups-from-idle per second : %4.1f\tinterval: %0.1fs\n"
+msgstr "Bangun-dari-menganggur per detik: %4.1f\tinterval: %0.1fd\n"
+#: ../intelcstates.c:152
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your BIOS reports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "BIOS Anda melaporkan state C berikut : "
+#: ../intelcstates.c:143
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your CPU supports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "CPU Anda mendukung state C berikut : "
+#: ../powertop.c:314
+#, c-format
+msgid "[%s] <interrupt>"
+msgstr "[%s] <interupsi>"
+#: ../powertop.c:312
+#, c-format
+msgid "[%s] <kernel IPI>"
+msgstr "[%s] <kernel IPI>"
+#: ../powertop.c:1108
+msgid "[extra timer interrupt]"
+msgstr "[interupsi timer ekstra]"
+#: ../powertop.c:1067
+msgid "[kernel core]"
+msgstr "[core kernel]"
+#: ../powertop.c:1063 ../powertop.c:1065
+msgid "[kernel module]"
+msgstr "[modul kernel]"
+#: ../powertop.c:1059
+msgid "[kernel scheduler]"
+msgstr "[scheduler kernel]"
+#: ../display.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid "no ACPI power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "tidak tersedia estimasi penggunaan daya ACPI"
+#: ../display.c:244
+#, c-format
+msgid "no power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "tidak tersedia estimasi penggunaan daya"
+#: ../powertop.c:444
+msgid "polling"
+msgstr "polling"
+#: ../powertop.c:842
+#, c-format
+msgid "powertop version %s\n"
+msgstr "powertop versi %s\n"
diff --git a/po/it.po b/po/it.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a2cf21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/it.po
@@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
+# Dutch translations for PACKAGE package.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Arjan van de Ven <>, 2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-12 15:39-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-09 09:48+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Lorenzo <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Italian\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:303
+#: ../powertop.c:306
+#, c-format
+msgid " <interrupt> : %s"
+msgstr " <interrupt> : %s"
+#: ../powertop.c:1072
+msgid " <interrupt> : extra timer interrupt"
+msgstr " <interrupt> : extra timer interrupt"
+#: ../powertop.c:301
+#, c-format
+msgid " <kernel IPI> : %s"
+msgstr " <kernel IPI> : %s"
+#: ../powertop.c:821
+#, c-format
+msgid " -d, --dump read wakeups once and print list of top offenders\n"
+msgstr " -d, --dump leggi wakeup una volta e stampa lista dei primi trasgressori\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:824
+#, c-format
+msgid " -h, --help Show this help message\n"
+msgstr " -h, --help Mostra questo messaggio di aiuto\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid " -p, --pids show pids in wakeups list\n"
+msgstr " -p, --pids mostra i pid nella lista wakeup\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:822
+#, c-format
+msgid " -t, --time=DOUBLE default time to gather data in seconds\n"
+msgstr " -t, --time=DOUBLE tempo predefinito per raccogliere dati in pochi secondi\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:825
+#, c-format
+msgid " -v, --version Show version information and exit\n"
+msgstr " -v, --versione Mostra informazioni sulla versione ed esci\n"
+#: ../misctips.c:125
+msgid " A - Turn AC97 powersave on "
+msgstr " A - Accendi il risparmio energetico AC97"
+#: ../misctips.c:165
+msgid " A - Turn HD audio powersave on "
+msgstr " A - Accendi il risparmio energetico per audio HD"
+#: ../bluetooth.c:146
+msgid " B - Turn Bluetooth off "
+msgstr " B - Spegni Bluetooth"
+#: ../misctips.c:257
+msgid " C - Power aware CPU scheduler "
+msgstr " C - Programmatore Power aware CPU"
+#: ../wifi-new.c:196
+msgid " D - disable wireless "
+msgstr " D - disattiva wireless "
+#: ../wireless.c:322
+msgid " I - disable WIFI Radio "
+msgstr " I - disattiva Radio WIFI"
+#: ../process.c:84
+#, c-format
+msgid " K - kill %s "
+msgstr " K - chiudi %s "
+#: ../misctips.c:61
+msgid " N - Turn NMI watchdog off "
+msgstr " N - Spegni watchdog NMI"
+#: ../cpufreq.c:118
+msgid " O - enable Ondemand governor "
+msgstr " O - attiva Ondemand governor "
+#: ../wifi-new.c:201
+msgid " P - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " P - Attiva risparmio energetico wireless"
+#: ../display.c:108
+msgid " Q - Quit "
+msgstr " Q - Esci"
+#: ../display.c:109
+msgid " R - Refresh "
+msgstr " R - Aggiorna"
+#: ../sata.c:104
+msgid " S - SATA Link Power Management "
+msgstr " S - Gestione SATA Link Power"
+#: ../misctips.c:194
+msgid " T - enable noatime "
+msgstr " T - attiva noatime "
+#: ../urbnum.c:222
+#: ../usb.c:116
+msgid " U - Enable USB suspend "
+msgstr " U - Attiva sospensione USB"
+#: ../xrandr.c:78
+msgid " V - Disable TV out "
+msgstr " V - Disattiva uscita TV"
+#: ../wireless.c:311
+#: ../wireless.c:317
+msgid " W - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " W - Attiva risparmio energetico wireless"
+#: ../misctips.c:292
+msgid " W - Increase Writeback time "
+msgstr " W - Incrementa tempo di writeback"
+#: ../ethernet.c:131
+msgid " W - disable Wake-On-Lan "
+msgstr " W - disattiva Wake-On-Lan "
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:91
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6.2f Ghz"
+msgstr "%6.2f Ghz"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:88
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6lli Mhz"
+msgstr "%6lli Mhz"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:85
+#, c-format
+msgid "%9lli"
+msgstr "%9lli"
+#: ../powertop.c:983
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../display.c:205
+#, c-format
+msgid "(long term: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+msgstr "(long term: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+#: ../display.c:301
+msgid "(which is CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y in the config file)\n"
+msgstr "(che è CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y nel file .config)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:960
+#, c-format
+msgid "< Detailed C-state information is not available.>\n"
+msgstr "< Informazioni dettagliate su i C-state non sono disponibili.>\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1040
+msgid "<kernel core>"
+msgstr "<kernel core>"
+#: ../powertop.c:1036
+#: ../powertop.c:1038
+msgid "<kernel module>"
+msgstr "<modulo del kernel>"
+#: ../urbnum.c:217
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A USB device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Un dispositivo USB è attivo %4.1f%% del tempo:\n"
+#: ../urbnum.c:186
+msgid "Active Device name"
+msgstr "Nome del dispositivo attivo"
+#: ../powertop.c:969
+#, c-format
+msgid "C0 (cpu running) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "C0 (cpu occupata) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:966
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cn\t Avg residency\n"
+msgstr "Cn\t Avg residency\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:903
+#, c-format
+msgid "Collecting data for %i seconds \n"
+msgstr "Raccolta dati per %i secondi \n"
+#: ../ethernet.c:128
+msgid ""
+"Disable Ethernet Wake-On-Lan with the following command:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Wake-on-Lan keeps the phy active, this costs power."
+msgstr ""
+"Disattiva Wake-On-Lan ethernet con il comando seguente:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Wake-on-Lan mantiene attivo il phy. Questo consuma energia."
+#: ../powertop.c:1187
+msgid ""
+"Disable the SE-Alert software by removing the 'setroubleshoot-server' rpm\n"
+"SE-Alert alerts you about SELinux policy violations, but also\n"
+"has a bug that wakes it up 10 times per second."
+msgstr ""
+"Disattiva il software SE-Alert rimuovendo il 'setroubleshoot-server' rpm\n"
+"SE-Alert ti avverte sulle violazioni alle policy SELinux, ma ha anche\n"
+"un bug che lo riattiva 10 volte al secondo."
+#: ../display.c:304
+msgid "No detailed statistics available; PowerTOP needs root privileges for that\n"
+msgstr "Nessuna statistica dettagliata: PowerTOP ha bisogno di essere root\n"
+#: ../display.c:299
+msgid "No detailed statistics available; please enable the CONFIG_TIMER_STATS kernel option\n"
+msgstr "Nessuna statistica dettagliata disponibile; abilitare CONFIG_TIMER_STATSnel kernel\n"
+#: ../display.c:302
+msgid "Note: this is only available in 2.6.21 and later kernels\n"
+msgstr "Nota: è disponibile solo nei kernel 2.6.21 e successivi\n"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:115
+#, c-format
+msgid "P-states (frequencies)\n"
+msgstr "P-states (frequenze)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:170
+#: ../powertop.c:306
+msgid "PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad"
+msgstr "tastiera/mouse/touchpad PS/2"
+#: ../display.c:208
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (5 minute ACPI estimate) : %5.1f W (%3.1f hours left)"
+msgstr "Energia utilizzata (stima ACPI di 5 minuti): %5.1f W (%3.1f ore rimanenti)"
+#: ../display.c:201
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (ACPI estimate): %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Energia utilizzata (stima ACPI): %3.1fW (%3.1f ore)"
+#: ../display.c:238
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage: %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Energia utilizzata: %3.1fW (%3.1f ore)"
+#: ../powertop.c:902
+#, c-format
+msgid "PowerTOP needs to be run as root to collect enough information\n"
+msgstr "PowerTOP deve essere eseguito da root per ottenere informazioni sufficienti\n"
+#: ../urbnum.c:185
+msgid "Recent USB suspend statistics"
+msgstr "Statistiche di sospensione di recenti USB"
+#: ../powertop.c:1181
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable 'hal' from polling your cdrom with: \n"
+"hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom 'hal' is the component that auto-opens a\n"
+"window if you plug in a CD but disables SATA power saving from kicking in."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1155
+#: ../powertop.c:1159
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'beagle' from your system. \n"
+"Beagle is the program that indexes for easy desktop search, however it's \n"
+"not very efficient and costs a significant amount of battery life."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggerimento: disabilitare o rimuovere 'beagle' dal sistema\n"
+"Beagle è il programma che indicizza per faciltare la ricerca, purtroppo\n"
+"non è molto efficiente, e puù consumare molta batteria"
+#: ../powertop.c:1168
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'gnome-power-manager' from your system. \n"
+"Older versions of gnome-power-manager wake up far more often than \n"
+"needed costing you some power."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggerimento: disabilitare o rimuovere 'gnome-power-manager' dal sistema. \n"
+"Le versioni più vecchie di gnome-power-manager si riattivano molto più spesso di quanto \n"
+"necessario utilizzando più energia."
+#: ../powertop.c:1174
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'pcscd' from your system. \n"
+"pcscd tends to keep the USB subsystem out of power save mode\n"
+"and your processor out of deeper powersave states."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggerimento: disabilitare o rimuovere 'pcscd' dal sistema. \n"
+"pcscd tende a mantenere il sottosistema USB fuori dalla modalità di risparmio energetico \n"
+"e il processore fuori da stati di risparmio energetico."
+#: ../powertop.c:1143
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the CONFIG_IRQBALANCE kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The in-kernel irq balancer is obsolete and wakes the CPU up far more than needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggerimento: disabilitare CONFIG_IRQBALANCE nel kernel\n"
+"IRQBALANCE è obsoleto e usa la CPU molto più del necessario."
+#: ../wireless.c:320
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Suggerimento: disabilitare la radio WIFI inutilizzata eseguendo il seguente comando:\n"
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+#: ../wifi-new.c:194
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by setting the interface down:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Suggerimento: disabilitare la radio WIFI inutilizzata impostando l'interfaccia verso il basso:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+#: ../bluetooth.c:144
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused bluetooth interface with the following command:\n"
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth is a radio and consumes quite some power, and keeps USB busy as well.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Suggerimento: disabilitare l'interfaccia bluetooth inutilizzata con il seguente comando:\n"
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth è un radiotrasmettitore, quindi consuma energia. E tiene anche impegnata l'USB\n"
+#: ../sata.c:101
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable SATA ALPM link power management via: \n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"or press the S key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../usb.c:114
+msgid "Suggestion: Enable USB autosuspend for non-input devices by pressing the U key\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1131
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY kernel configuration option.\n"
+" This option is required to get power estimages from PowerTOP"
+msgstr ""
+"Suggerimento: abilitare l'opzione di configurazione del kernel CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY\n"
+"Questa opzione è necessaria per ottenere stime di consumo da PowerTOP"
+#: ../powertop.c:1128
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The 'ondemand' CPU speed governor will minimize the CPU power usage while\n"
+"giving you performance when it is needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The 'ondemand' CPU speed governor will minimize the CPU power usage while\n"
+"giving you performance when it is needed."
+#: ../powertop.c:1145
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows PowerTOP to show P-state percentages \n"
+"P-states correspond to CPU frequencies."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows PowerTOP to show P-state percentages \n"
+"P-states correspond to CPU frequencies."
+#: ../powertop.c:1134
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_HPET_TIMER kernel configuration option.\n"
+"Without HPET support the kernel needs to wake up every 20 milliseconds for \n"
+"some housekeeping tasks."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggerimento: abilitare CONFIG_HPET_TIMER nel kernel.\n"
+"Senza il supporto per HPET support il kernel deve fare alcune operazioni ogni 20ms for \n"
+"some housekeeping tasks."
+#: ../powertop.c:1148
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_INOTIFY kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows programs to wait for changes in files and directories\n"
+"instead of having to poll for these changes"
+msgstr ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_INOTIFY kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows programs to wait for changes in files and directories\n"
+"instead of having to poll for these changes"
+#: ../powertop.c:1130
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_NO_HZ kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option is required to get any kind of longer sleep times in the CPU."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggerimento: abilitare CONFIG_NO_HZ nel kernel\n"
+"Questa opzione è necessaria per ottenere periodi di riposo più lunghi nella CPU"
+#: ../powertop.c:1139
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will automatically power down your sound codec when not in use,\n"
+"and can save approximately half a Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggerimento: abilitare CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE nel kernel\n"
+"Questa opzione spegnerà automaticamente la scheda audio quando non è\n"
+"utilizzata, e può salvare circa mezzo Watt di potenza."
+#: ../powertop.c:1126
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will automatically disable UHCI USB when not in use, and may\n"
+"save approximately 1 Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggerimento: abilitare CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND nel kernel.\n"
+"Questa opzione disabilita automaticamente UHCI USB quando non è utilizzato\n"
+"Può far risparmiare fino a 1 Watt di energia"
+#: ../cpufreq.c:116
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the ondemand cpu speed governor for all processors via: \n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../wireless.c:314
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggerimento: abilitare modalità risparmio energetico wireless, eseguendo il seguente comando:\n"
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"Questo scrificherà la performance del network per risparmiare energia."
+#: ../wifi-new.c:198
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggerimento: abilitare modalità risparmio energetico wireless, eseguendo il seguente comando:\n"
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"Questo scrificherà la performance del network per risparmiare energia."
+#: ../wireless.c:308
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggerimento: abilitare modalità di risparmio energetico wirelessi eseguendo il seguente comando:\n"
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"Questo sacrificherà leggermente le prestazioni del network per risparmiare energia."
+#: ../xrandr.c:75
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable TV out via: \n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"or press the V key."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggerimento: disattivare l'uscita TV attraverso: \n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"o premendo il tasto V."
+#: ../misctips.c:59
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable the NMI watchdog by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"The NMI watchdog is a kernel debug mechanism to detect deadlocks"
+msgstr ""
+"Suggerimento: disabilitare NMI watchdog, eseguendo il seguente comando:\n"
+"echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"Il NMI watchdog è un meccanisco kernel di debug per scoprire deadlocks"
+#: ../misctips.c:123
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable AC97 powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggerimento: abilitare modalità di risparmio energetico AC97, eseguendo il seguente comando:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"o passando power_save = 1 come parametro del modulo."
+#: ../misctips.c:163
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable HD audio powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"Suggerimento: abilitare risparmio energetico HD audio, eseguendo il seguente comando:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"o aggiungendolo in /etc/rc.local"
+#: ../misctips.c:87
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the HPET (Multimedia Timer) in your BIOS or add \n"
+"the kernel patch to force-enable HPET. HPET support allows Linux to \n"
+"have much longer sleep intervals."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:192
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the noatime filesystem option by executing the following command:\n"
+" mount -o remount,noatime / or by pressing the T key \n"
+"noatime disables persistent access time of file accesses, which causes lots of disk IO."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:255
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the power aware CPU scheduler with the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"or by pressing the C key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:288
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: increase the VM dirty writeback time from %1.2f to 15 seconds with:\n"
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"This wakes the disk up less frequently for background VM activity"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:300
+msgid "This option is located in the Kernel Debugging section of menuconfig\n"
+msgstr "Questa opzione si trova in Kernel Debugging in menuconfig\n"
+#: ../display.c:281
+msgid "Top causes for wakeups:\n"
+msgstr "Cause principali di wakeup:\n"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:94
+msgid "Turbo Mode"
+msgstr "Modalità turbo"
+#: ../urbnum.c:123
+#, c-format
+msgid "USB device %4s : %s (%s)"
+msgstr "Dispositivo USB %4s : %s (%s)"
+#: ../powertop.c:820
+#, c-format
+msgid "Usage: powertop [OPTION...]\n"
+msgstr "Utilizzo: powertop [OPZIONE...]\n"
+#: ../display.c:270
+#, c-format
+msgid "Wakeups-from-idle per second : %4.1f\tinterval: %0.1fs\n"
+msgstr "Wakeups da idle per secondo : %4.1f\tinterval: %0.1fs\n"
+#: ../intelcstates.c:152
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your BIOS reports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "Il BIOS riporta i seguenti C-states:"
+#: ../intelcstates.c:143
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your CPU supports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "La CPU supporta i seguenti C-states:"
+#: ../display.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid "no ACPI power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "nessuna stima disponibile per l'utilizzo di energia da parte di ACPI"
+#: ../display.c:244
+#, c-format
+msgid "no power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "nessuna stima disponibile per l'utilizzo di energia"
+#: ../powertop.c:433
+msgid "polling"
+msgstr "polling"
+#: ../powertop.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "powertop version %s\n"
+msgstr "versione powertop %s\n"
diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..648990f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ja.po
@@ -0,0 +1,778 @@
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# MATSUU Takuto <>, 2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-07-15 07:43+0900\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-07-17 10:41+0900\n"
+"Last-Translator: MATSUU Takuto <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Japanese <>\n"
+"Language: ja\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+" -d, --dump read wakeups once and print list of top offenders\n"
+msgstr " -d, --dump CPU起床プロセス上位一覧を1回だけ表示する\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:835
+#, c-format
+msgid " -h, --help Show this help message\n"
+msgstr " -h, --help このヘルプメッセージを表示する\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:834
+#, c-format
+msgid " -p, --pids show pids in wakeups list\n"
+msgstr ""
+" -p, --pids CPU起床プロセス上位一覧にプロセスIDを表示する\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:833
+#, c-format
+msgid " -t, --time=DOUBLE default time to gather data in seconds\n"
+msgstr " -t, --time=DOUBLE データを取得する間隔を秒単位で指定する\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:836
+#, c-format
+msgid " -v, --version Show version information and exit\n"
+msgstr " -v, --version バージョン情報を表示して終了する\n"
+#: ../misctips.c:125
+msgid " A - Turn AC97 powersave on "
+msgstr " A - AC97省電力モード有効 "
+#: ../alsa-power.c:195 ../misctips.c:165
+msgid " A - Turn HD audio powersave on "
+msgstr " A - HDオーディオ省電力モード有効 "
+#: ../bluetooth.c:152
+msgid " B - Turn Bluetooth off "
+msgstr " B - Bluetooth無効 "
+#: ../misctips.c:256
+msgid " C - Power aware CPU scheduler "
+msgstr " C - CPUスケジューラ省電力モード有効 "
+#: ../wifi-new.c:198
+msgid " D - disable wireless "
+msgstr " D - 無線LAN無効 "
+#: ../wireless.c:317
+msgid " I - disable WIFI Radio "
+msgstr " I - WiFi通信無効 "
+#: ../process.c:86
+#, c-format
+msgid " K - kill %s "
+msgstr " K - %s強制終了 "
+#: ../misctips.c:61
+msgid " N - Turn NMI watchdog off "
+msgstr " N - NMI監視無効 "
+#: ../cpufreq.c:118
+msgid " O - enable Ondemand governor "
+msgstr " O - オンデマンド周波数制御有効 "
+#: ../devicepm.c:114
+msgid " P - Enable Runtime PM"
+msgstr " T - ランタイム電源管理有効 "
+#: ../devicepm.c:276
+msgid " P - Enable device power management "
+msgstr " P - デバイスの省電力有効 "
+#: ../display.c:108
+msgid " Q - Quit "
+msgstr " Q - 終了 "
+#: ../display.c:109
+msgid " R - Refresh "
+msgstr " R - 更新 "
+#: ../ahci-alpm.c:259 ../sata.c:105
+msgid " S - SATA Link Power Management "
+msgstr " S - SATAリンク電源管理有効 "
+#: ../misctips.c:194
+msgid " T - enable noatime "
+msgstr " T - noatime有効 "
+#: ../urbnum.c:218 ../usb.c:119
+msgid " U - Enable USB suspend "
+msgstr " U - USBサスペンド有効 "
+#: ../xrandr.c:78
+msgid " V - Disable TV out "
+msgstr " V - TV出力無効 "
+#: ../wifi-new.c:203
+msgid " W - Enable Wireless power saving "
+msgstr " W - 無線省電力モード有効 "
+#: ../wireless.c:306 ../wireless.c:312
+msgid " W - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " W - 無線省電力モード有効 "
+#: ../misctips.c:291
+msgid " W - Increase Writeback time "
+msgstr " W - 書き戻し間隔を延長 "
+#: ../ethernet.c:131
+msgid " W - disable Wake-On-Lan "
+msgstr " W - Wake-on-LAN無効 "
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:91
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6.2f Ghz"
+msgstr "%6.2f GHz"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:88
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6lli Mhz"
+msgstr "%6lli MHz"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:85
+#, c-format
+msgid "%9lli"
+msgstr "%9lli"
+#: ../devicepm.c:245
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i more devices without runtime PM ommitted\n"
+msgstr "他にも%i個以上の電源管理されていないデバイスがあります\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1003
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:317
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s interrupt"
+msgstr "%s 割り込み"
+#: ../display.c:205
+#, c-format
+msgid "(long term: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+msgstr "(長期: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+#: ../display.c:304
+msgid "(which is CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y in the config file)\n"
+msgstr "(コンフィグファイルにおいてはCONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=yが該当します)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:980
+#, c-format
+msgid "< Detailed C-state information is not available.>\n"
+msgstr "< 詳細なCステート情報が取得できません >\n"
+#: ../ahci-alpm.c:255
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A SATA device is active %1.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../urbnum.c:213
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A USB device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../devicepm.c:271
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../ahci-alpm.c:220
+msgid "Active\tPartial\tSlumber\tDevice name"
+msgstr "活動率\t部分\t休止率\tデバイス名称"
+#: ../alsa-power.c:158 ../devicepm.c:224 ../urbnum.c:181
+msgid "Active Device name"
+msgstr "活動率 デバイス名称"
+#: ../alsa-power.c:190
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"An audio device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:989
+#, c-format
+msgid "C0 (cpu running) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "C0 (CPU動作状態) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:986
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cn\t Avg residency\n"
+msgstr "Cステート\t 平均滞在時間\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:923
+#, c-format
+msgid "Collecting data for %i seconds \n"
+msgstr "%i秒間データを取得します。\n"
+#: ../devicepm.c:235
+msgid "Devices without runtime PM"
+msgstr "電源管理されていないデバイス"
+#: ../ethernet.c:128
+msgid ""
+"Disable Ethernet Wake-On-Lan with the following command:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Wake-on-Lan keeps the phy active, this costs power."
+msgstr ""
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1234
+msgid ""
+"Disable the SE-Alert software by removing the 'setroubleshoot-server' rpm\n"
+"SE-Alert alerts you about SELinux policy violations, but also\n"
+"has a bug that wakes it up 10 times per second."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../perf.c:256
+#, c-format
+msgid "Disk accesses:\n"
+msgstr "ディスクアクセス:\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1060
+msgid "Load balancing tick"
+msgstr "カーネルタイマー割り込み"
+#: ../display.c:307
+msgid ""
+"No detailed statistics available; PowerTOP needs root privileges for that\n"
+msgstr "統計情報を取得できません。取得するためにはroot権限が必要です。\n"
+#: ../display.c:302
+msgid ""
+"No detailed statistics available; please enable the CONFIG_TIMER_STATS "
+"kernel option\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:305
+msgid "Note: this is only available in 2.6.21 and later kernels\n"
+msgstr "注意: この設定はバージョン2.6.21以降のカーネルでのみ有効です\n"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:115
+#, c-format
+msgid "P-states (frequencies)\n"
+msgstr "Pステート (周波数)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:317
+msgid "PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad"
+msgstr "PS/2 キーボード/マウス/タッチパッド"
+#: ../display.c:208
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (5 minute ACPI estimate) : %5.1f W (%3.1f hours left)"
+msgstr "消費電力(ACPI見積り5分間平均) : %5.1f W (%3.1f時間経過)"
+#: ../display.c:201
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (ACPI estimate): %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "消費電力(ACPI見積り): %3.1fW (%3.1f時間)"
+#: ../display.c:238
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage: %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "消費電力: %3.1fW (%3.1f時間)"
+#: ../powertop.c:922
+#, c-format
+msgid "PowerTOP needs to be run as root to collect enough information\n"
+msgstr "十分な情報を得るにはroot権限で実行する必要があります。\n"
+#: ../ahci-alpm.c:219
+msgid "Recent SATA AHCI link activity statistics"
+msgstr "直近のSATA AHCIリンク稼働状況"
+#: ../urbnum.c:180
+msgid "Recent USB suspend statistics"
+msgstr "直近のUSBサスペンド状況"
+#: ../alsa-power.c:157
+msgid "Recent audio activity statistics"
+msgstr "直近のオーディオデバイス稼働状況"
+#: ../devicepm.c:223
+msgid "Runtime Device Power Management statistics"
+msgstr "実行中のデバイス電源管理状況"
+#: ../powertop.c:1228
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable 'hal' from polling your cdrom with: \n"
+"hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom 'hal' is the component that auto-"
+"opens a\n"
+"window if you plug in a CD but disables SATA power saving from kicking in."
+msgstr ""
+"提案: 次のコマンドでhalによるcdromのポーリング機能が無効になります。\n"
+"hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1202 ../powertop.c:1206
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'beagle' from your system. \n"
+"Beagle is the program that indexes for easy desktop search, however it's \n"
+"not very efficient and costs a significant amount of battery life."
+msgstr ""
+"提案: Beagleを無効にするかアンインストールしてください。\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1215
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'gnome-power-manager' from your system. \n"
+"Older versions of gnome-power-manager wake up far more often than \n"
+"needed costing you some power."
+msgstr ""
+"提案: gnome-power-managerを無効にするかアンインストールしてください。\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1221
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'pcscd' from your system. \n"
+"pcscd tends to keep the USB subsystem out of power save mode\n"
+"and your processor out of deeper powersave states."
+msgstr ""
+"提案: pcscdを無効にするかアンインストールしてください。\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1190
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the CONFIG_IRQBALANCE kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The in-kernel irq balancer is obsolete and wakes the CPU up far more than "
+msgstr ""
+"提案: カーネル設定でCONFIG_IRQBALANCEを無効にしてください。\n"
+#: ../wireless.c:315
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by executing the following "
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+msgstr ""
+"提案: 以下のコマンドで使用していないWiFi通信が無効になります。\n"
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+#: ../wifi-new.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by setting the interface down:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+msgstr ""
+"提案: 以下のコマンドで使用していないWiFiインタフェースが無効になります。\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+#: ../bluetooth.c:150
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused bluetooth interface with the following "
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth is a radio and consumes quite some power, and keeps USB busy as "
+msgstr ""
+"提案: 以下のコマンドで使用していないBluetoothインタフェースが無効になりま"
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+#: ../devicepm.c:112
+msgid "Suggestion: Enable Device Power Management by pressing the P key\n"
+msgstr ""
+"提案: Pキーを押すことでデバイスの電源管理が有効になります。\n"
+#: ../sata.c:102
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable SATA ALPM link power management via: \n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"or press the S key."
+msgstr ""
+"提案: 以下のコマンドでSATAリンク電源管理が有効になります。\n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+#: ../usb.c:117
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable USB autosuspend for non-input devices by pressing the U "
+msgstr ""
+"提案: Uキーを押すことで入力デバイス以外のUSBデバイスの自動サスペンドが有効に"
+#: ../powertop.c:1175
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY kernel configuration option.\n"
+" This option is required to get power estimages from PowerTOP"
+msgstr ""
+"提案: カーネル設定でCONFIG_ACPI_BATTERYを有効にしてください。\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1172
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND kernel configuration "
+"The 'ondemand' CPU speed governor will minimize the CPU power usage while\n"
+"giving you performance when it is needed."
+msgstr ""
+"提案: カーネル設定でCONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMANDを有効にしてください。\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1192
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows PowerTOP to show P-state percentages \n"
+"P-states correspond to CPU frequencies."
+msgstr ""
+"提案: カーネル設定でCONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STATを有効にしてください。\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1178
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_HPET_TIMER kernel configuration option.\n"
+"Without HPET support the kernel needs to wake up every 20 milliseconds for \n"
+"some housekeeping tasks."
+msgstr ""
+"提案: カーネル設定でCONFIG_HPET_TIMERを有効にしてください。\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1195
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_INOTIFY kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows programs to wait for changes in files and directories\n"
+"instead of having to poll for these changes"
+msgstr ""
+"提案: カーネル設定でCONFIG_INOTIFYを有効にしてください。\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1174
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_NO_HZ kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option is required to get any kind of longer sleep times in the CPU."
+msgstr ""
+"提案: カーネル設定でCONFIG_NO_HZを有効にしてください。\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1181
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_PCIEASPM kernel configuration option.\n"
+"PCI Link Powermanagement (ASPM) allows the hardware to go to low power mode\n"
+"automatically when a PCI-E device is idle."
+msgstr ""
+"提案: カーネル設定でCONFIG_PCIEASPMを有効にしてください。\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1168
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_PM_ADVANCED_DEBUG kernel configuration "
+"This option will allow PowerTOP to collect runtime power management "
+msgstr ""
+"提案: カーネル設定でCONFIG_PM_ADVANCED_DEBUGを有効にしてください。\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1170
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_PM_RUNTIME kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option enables the kernel to manage power for various devices in your "
+msgstr ""
+"提案: カーネル設定でCONFIG_PM_RUNTIMEを有効にしてください。\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1186
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE kernel configuration "
+"This option will automatically power down your sound codec when not in use,\n"
+"and can save approximately half a Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"提案: カーネル設定でCONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVEを有効にしてください。\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1166
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will automatically disable UHCI USB when not in use, and may\n"
+"save approximately 1 Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"提案: カーネル設定でCONFIG_USB_SUSPENDを有効にしてください。\n"
+"この設定でUHCI USBは未使用時に自動的にサスペンドとなり、消費電力を\n"
+#: ../cpufreq.c:116
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the ondemand cpu speed governor for all processors via: \n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+msgstr ""
+"提案: 以下のコマンドで全てのCPUのオンデマンド周波数制御が有効になります。\n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+#: ../wireless.c:309
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"提案: 以下のコマンドで無線の省電力モードが有効になります。\n"
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+#: ../wifi-new.c:200
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"提案: 以下のコマンドで無線の省電力モードが有効になります。\n"
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+#: ../wireless.c:303
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"提案: 以下のコマンドで無線の省電力モードが有効になります。\n"
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+#: ../xrandr.c:75
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable TV out via: \n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"or press the V key."
+msgstr ""
+"提案: 以下のコマンドでTV出力が無効になります。\n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+#: ../misctips.c:59
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable the NMI watchdog by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"The NMI watchdog is a kernel debug mechanism to detect deadlocks"
+msgstr ""
+"提案: 以下のコマンドでNMI監視が無効になります。\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+#: ../misctips.c:123
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable AC97 powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"提案: 以下のコマンドでAC97の省電力モードが有効になります。\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+#: ../misctips.c:163
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable HD audio powersave mode by executing the following "
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"提案: 以下のコマンドでHDオーディオの省電力モードが有効になります。\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+#: ../misctips.c:87
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the HPET (Multimedia Timer) in your BIOS or add \n"
+"the kernel patch to force-enable HPET. HPET support allows Linux to \n"
+"have much longer sleep intervals."
+msgstr ""
+"提案: BIOSでHPET(マルチメディアタイマー)を有効にするか、HPETを強制的に有効"
+#: ../misctips.c:192
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the noatime filesystem option by executing the following "
+" mount -o remount,noatime / or by pressing the T key \n"
+"noatime disables persistent access time of file accesses, which causes lots "
+"of disk IO."
+msgstr ""
+"提案: 以下のコマンドでファイルシステムのnoatime設定が有効になります。\n"
+" mount -o remount,noatime / またはTキーを押してください。\n"
+#: ../misctips.c:254
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the power aware CPU scheduler with the following "
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"or by pressing the C key."
+msgstr ""
+"提案: 以下のコマンドでCPUスケジューラの省電力モードが有効になります。\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+#: ../misctips.c:287
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: increase the VM dirty writeback time from %1.2f to 15 seconds "
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"This wakes the disk up less frequently for background VM activity"
+msgstr ""
+"提案: 以下のコマンドでVMの遅延書き戻し間隔を%1.2f秒から15秒に延長できます。\n"
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1239
+msgid ""
+"The Intel Integrated Graphics driver failed to enable Memory self refresh.\n"
+"Memory Self Refresh is important for good memory power savings.\n"
+"Please check your OS vendor for a kernel update and/or report a bug."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../perf.c:242
+#, c-format
+msgid "The application '%s' is writing to file '%s' on /dev/%s\n"
+msgstr "アプリケーション'%s'は'%s'に/dev/%s上で書き込んでいます\n"
+#: ../perf.c:237
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The program '%s' is writing to file '%s' on /dev/%s.\n"
+"This prevents the disk from going to powersave mode."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:303
+msgid "This option is located in the Kernel Debugging section of menuconfig\n"
+msgstr "この設定はmenuconfigであればKernel Debuggingに存在します。\n"
+#: ../display.c:281
+msgid "Top causes for wakeups:\n"
+msgstr "CPU起床プロセス上位一覧:\n"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:94
+msgid "Turbo Mode"
+msgstr "ターボモード"
+#: ../urbnum.c:123
+#, c-format
+msgid "USB device %4s : %s (%s)"
+msgstr "USBデバイス%4s : %s (%s)"
+#: ../powertop.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "Usage: powertop [OPTION...]\n"
+msgstr "使用法: powertop [オプション...]\n"
+#: ../display.c:270
+#, c-format
+msgid "Wakeups-from-idle per second : %4.1f\tinterval: %0.1fs\n"
+msgstr "1秒あたりのCPU起床頻度 : %4.1f\t時間間隔: %0.1f秒\n"
+#: ../intelcstates.c:152
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your BIOS reports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "以下はBIOSによるCステート情報です : "
+#: ../intelcstates.c:143
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your CPU supports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "CPUは以下のCステートをサポートしています : "
+#: ../powertop.c:314
+#, c-format
+msgid "[%s] <interrupt>"
+msgstr "[%s] <割り込み>"
+#: ../powertop.c:312
+#, c-format
+msgid "[%s] <kernel IPI>"
+msgstr "[%s] <カーネルIPI>"
+#: ../powertop.c:1108
+msgid "[extra timer interrupt]"
+msgstr "[外部タイマー割り込み]"
+#: ../powertop.c:1067
+msgid "[kernel core]"
+msgstr "[カーネルコア]"
+#: ../powertop.c:1063 ../powertop.c:1065
+msgid "[kernel module]"
+msgstr "[カーネルモジュール]"
+#: ../powertop.c:1059
+msgid "[kernel scheduler]"
+msgstr "[カーネルスケジューラ]"
+#: ../display.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid "no ACPI power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "ACPIの消費電力見積り機能が有効ではありません。"
+#: ../display.c:244
+#, c-format
+msgid "no power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "消費電力見積り機能が有効ではありません。"
+#: ../powertop.c:444
+msgid "polling"
+msgstr "ポーリング"
+#: ../powertop.c:842
+#, c-format
+msgid "powertop version %s\n"
+msgstr "powertop バージョン %s\n"
diff --git a/po/nl.po b/po/nl.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f46c075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/nl.po
@@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
+# Dutch translations for PACKAGE package.
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Arjan van de Ven <>, 2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-07-08 22:34-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-08-14 10:13+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Sibo Attema <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Dutch <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ASCII\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:827
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+" -d, --dump read wakeups once and print list of top offenders\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:830
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid " -h, --help Show this help message\n"
+msgstr " -h, --help voor meer informatie\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:829
+#, c-format
+msgid " -p, --pids show pids in wakeups list\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:828
+#, c-format
+msgid " -t, --time=DOUBLE default time to gather data in seconds\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid " -v, --version Show version information and exit\n"
+msgstr " -v, --version Toon versie informatie bij afsluiting\n"
+#: ../misctips.c:125
+msgid " A - Turn AC97 powersave on "
+msgstr " A - Schakel AC97 energiebesparing aan"
+#: ../alsa-power.c:195 ../misctips.c:165
+msgid " A - Turn HD audio powersave on "
+msgstr " A - Schakel HD audio energiebesparing aan "
+#: ../bluetooth.c:152
+msgid " B - Turn Bluetooth off "
+msgstr " B - Bluetooth uitschakelen"
+#: ../misctips.c:257
+msgid " C - Power aware CPU scheduler "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../wifi-new.c:198
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " D - disable wireless "
+msgstr " D - Draadloos uitschakelen"
+#: ../wireless.c:322
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " I - disable WIFI Radio "
+msgstr " I - WIFI Radio uitschakelen"
+#: ../process.c:86
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid " K - kill %s "
+msgstr " K - kill %s "
+#: ../misctips.c:61
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " N - Turn NMI watchdog off "
+msgstr " N - NMI watchdog uitschakelen"
+#: ../cpufreq.c:118
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " O - enable Ondemand governor "
+msgstr " O - Schakel Ondemand governor aan"
+#: ../devicepm.c:101
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " P - Enable Runtime PM"
+msgstr " T - schakel noatime aan"
+#: ../devicepm.c:258
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " P - Enable device power management "
+msgstr " P - Schakel draadloze energiebesparing aan"
+#: ../display.c:108
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " Q - Quit "
+msgstr " Q - Quit "
+#: ../display.c:109
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " R - Refresh "
+msgstr " R - Refresh "
+#: ../ahci-alpm.c:259 ../sata.c:105
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " S - SATA Link Power Management "
+msgstr " S - SATA Link Energie Management "
+#: ../misctips.c:194
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " T - enable noatime "
+msgstr " T - schakel noatime aan"
+#: ../urbnum.c:217 ../usb.c:118
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " U - Enable USB suspend "
+msgstr " U - Schakel USB suspend aan"
+#: ../xrandr.c:78
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " V - Disable TV out "
+msgstr " V - TV out uitschakelen"
+#: ../wifi-new.c:203
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " W - Enable Wireless power saving "
+msgstr " W - Schakel draadloze energiebesparing aan "
+#: ../wireless.c:311 ../wireless.c:317
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " W - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " W - Schakel draadloze energiebesparing aan "
+#: ../misctips.c:292
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " W - Increase Writeback time "
+msgstr " W - Verhoog Writeback tijd "
+#: ../ethernet.c:131
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " W - disable Wake-On-Lan "
+msgstr " W - Wake-On-Lan uitschakelen"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:91
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6.2f Ghz"
+msgstr "%6.2f Ghz"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:88
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6lli Mhz"
+msgstr "%6lli Mhz"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:85
+#, c-format
+msgid "%9lli"
+msgstr "%9lli"
+#: ../powertop.c:998
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:312
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s interrupt"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:205
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "(long term: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+msgstr "(lange termijn: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+#: ../display.c:304
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "(which is CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y in the config file)\n"
+msgstr "(dat is CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y in het config bestand)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:975
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "< Detailed C-state information is not available.>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"< Gedetailleerde C-state informatie is alleen beschikbaar op Mobile "
+"processoren (laptops) >\n"
+#: ../ahci-alpm.c:255
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A SATA device is active %1.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Een USB-apparaat is actief %4.1f%% van de tijd:\n"
+#: ../urbnum.c:212
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A USB device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Een USB-apparaat is actief %4.1f%% van de tijd:\n"
+#: ../devicepm.c:253
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Een USB-apparaat is actief %4.1f%% van de tijd:\n"
+#: ../ahci-alpm.c:220
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Active\tPartial\tSlumber\tDevice name"
+msgstr "Actieve Apparaatnaam"
+#: ../alsa-power.c:158 ../devicepm.c:210 ../urbnum.c:181
+msgid "Active Device name"
+msgstr "Actieve Apparaatnaam"
+#: ../alsa-power.c:190
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"An audio device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Een USB-apparaat is actief %4.1f%% van de tijd:\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:984
+#, c-format
+msgid "C0 (cpu running) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "C0 (cpu running) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:981
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cn\t Avg residency\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:918
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Collecting data for %i seconds \n"
+msgstr "Verzamelen van gegevens voor %i seconde \n"
+#: ../devicepm.c:221
+msgid "Devices without runtime PM"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../ethernet.c:128
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Disable Ethernet Wake-On-Lan with the following command:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Wake-on-Lan keeps the phy active, this costs power."
+msgstr ""
+"Ethernet Wake-On-Lan uitschakelen met het volgende commando:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Wake-on-Lan houd de phy actief, dit kost energie."
+#: ../powertop.c:1221
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Disable the SE-Alert software by removing the 'setroubleshoot-server' rpm\n"
+"SE-Alert alerts you about SELinux policy violations, but also\n"
+"has a bug that wakes it up 10 times per second."
+msgstr ""
+"Schakel de SE-Alert software uit voor het verwijderen van de "
+"'setroubleshoot-server' rpm\n"
+"SE-Alert waarschuwt u over SELinux policy schndingen, maar ook\n"
+"heeft de software een bug die 10 keer per seconde ontstaat."
+#: ../perf.c:253
+#, c-format
+msgid "Disk accesses:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1054
+msgid "Load balancing tick"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:307
+msgid ""
+"No detailed statistics available; PowerTOP needs root privileges for that\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:302
+msgid ""
+"No detailed statistics available; please enable the CONFIG_TIMER_STATS "
+"kernel option\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:305
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Note: this is only available in 2.6.21 and later kernels\n"
+msgstr "Opmerking: dit is alleen beschikbaar in de kernels 2.6.21 of nieuwer\n"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:115
+#, c-format
+msgid "P-states (frequencies)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:176 ../powertop.c:312
+msgid "PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad"
+msgstr "PS/2 toetsenbord/muis/touchpad"
+#: ../display.c:208
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (5 minute ACPI estimate) : %5.1f W (%3.1f hours left)"
+msgstr ""
+"Energie verbruik (5 minuten ACPI schatting) : %5.1f W (%3.1f uren te gaan)"
+#: ../display.c:201
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (ACPI estimate): %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Energie verbruik (ACPI schatting): %3.1fW (%3.1f uren)"
+#: ../display.c:238
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage: %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Energie verbruik: %3.1fW (%3.1f uren)"
+#: ../powertop.c:917
+#, c-format
+msgid "PowerTOP needs to be run as root to collect enough information\n"
+msgstr ""
+"PowerTOP heeft 'root' gebruikersrechten nodig om alle informatie te "
+#: ../ahci-alpm.c:219
+msgid "Recent SATA AHCI link activity statistics"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../urbnum.c:180
+msgid "Recent USB suspend statistics"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../alsa-power.c:157
+msgid "Recent audio activity statistics"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../devicepm.c:209
+msgid "Recent runtime PM statistics"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1215
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable 'hal' from polling your cdrom with: \n"
+"hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom 'hal' is the component that auto-"
+"opens a\n"
+"window if you plug in a CD but disables SATA power saving from kicking in."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1189 ../powertop.c:1193
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'beagle' from your system. \n"
+"Beagle is the program that indexes for easy desktop search, however it's \n"
+"not very efficient and costs a significant amount of battery life."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1202
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'gnome-power-manager' from your system. \n"
+"Older versions of gnome-power-manager wake up far more often than \n"
+"needed costing you some power."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1208
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'pcscd' from your system. \n"
+"pcscd tends to keep the USB subsystem out of power save mode\n"
+"and your processor out of deeper powersave states."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1177
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the CONFIG_IRQBALANCE kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The in-kernel irq balancer is obsolete and wakes the CPU up far more than "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../wireless.c:320
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by executing the following "
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../wifi-new.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by setting the interface down:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../bluetooth.c:150
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused bluetooth interface with the following "
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth is a radio and consumes quite some power, and keeps USB busy as "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../devicepm.c:99
+msgid "Suggestion: Enable Device Power Management by pressing the P key\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../sata.c:102
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable SATA ALPM link power management via: \n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"or press the S key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../usb.c:116
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable USB autosuspend for non-input devices by pressing the U "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1165
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY kernel configuration option.\n"
+" This option is required to get power estimages from PowerTOP"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1162
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND kernel configuration "
+"The 'ondemand' CPU speed governor will minimize the CPU power usage while\n"
+"giving you performance when it is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1179
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows PowerTOP to show P-state percentages \n"
+"P-states correspond to CPU frequencies."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1168
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_HPET_TIMER kernel configuration option.\n"
+"Without HPET support the kernel needs to wake up every 20 milliseconds for \n"
+"some housekeeping tasks."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1182
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_INOTIFY kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows programs to wait for changes in files and directories\n"
+"instead of having to poll for these changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1164
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_NO_HZ kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option is required to get any kind of longer sleep times in the CPU."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1173
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE kernel configuration "
+"This option will automatically power down your sound codec when not in use,\n"
+"and can save approximately half a Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1160
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will automatically disable UHCI USB when not in use, and may\n"
+"save approximately 1 Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../cpufreq.c:116
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the ondemand cpu speed governor for all processors via: \n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../wireless.c:314
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../wifi-new.c:200
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../wireless.c:308
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../xrandr.c:75
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable TV out via: \n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"or press the V key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:59
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable the NMI watchdog by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"The NMI watchdog is a kernel debug mechanism to detect deadlocks"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:123
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable AC97 powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:163
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable HD audio powersave mode by executing the following "
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:87
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the HPET (Multimedia Timer) in your BIOS or add \n"
+"the kernel patch to force-enable HPET. HPET support allows Linux to \n"
+"have much longer sleep intervals."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:192
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the noatime filesystem option by executing the following "
+" mount -o remount,noatime / or by pressing the T key \n"
+"noatime disables persistent access time of file accesses, which causes lots "
+"of disk IO."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:255
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the power aware CPU scheduler with the following "
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"or by pressing the C key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:288
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: increase the VM dirty writeback time from %1.2f to 15 seconds "
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"This wakes the disk up less frequently for background VM activity"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1226
+msgid ""
+"The Intel Integrated Graphics driver failed to enable Memory self refresh.\n"
+"Memory Self Refresh is important for good memory power savings.\n"
+"Please check your OS vendor for a kernel update and/or report a bug."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../perf.c:239
+#, c-format
+msgid "The application '%s' is writing to file '%s' on /dev/%s\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../perf.c:234
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The program '%s' is writing to file '%s' on /dev/%s.\n"
+"This prevents the disk from going to powersave mode."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:303
+msgid "This option is located in the Kernel Debugging section of menuconfig\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:281
+msgid "Top causes for wakeups:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:94
+msgid "Turbo Mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../urbnum.c:123
+#, c-format
+msgid "USB device %4s : %s (%s)"
+msgstr "USB apparaat %4s : %s (%s)"
+#: ../powertop.c:826
+#, c-format
+msgid "Usage: powertop [OPTION...]\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:270
+#, c-format
+msgid "Wakeups-from-idle per second : %4.1f\tinterval: %0.1fs\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../intelcstates.c:152
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your BIOS reports the following C-states : "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../intelcstates.c:143
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Your CPU supports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "Uw CPU ondersteund the volgende C-states :"
+#: ../powertop.c:309
+#, c-format
+msgid "[%s] <interrupt>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:307
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "[%s] <kernel IPI>"
+msgstr "<kernel core>"
+#: ../powertop.c:1102
+msgid "[extra timer interrupt]"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1061
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "[kernel core]"
+msgstr "<kernel core>"
+#: ../powertop.c:1057 ../powertop.c:1059
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "[kernel module]"
+msgstr "<kernel module>"
+#: ../powertop.c:1053
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "[kernel scheduler]"
+msgstr "<kernel module>"
+#: ../display.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid "no ACPI power usage estimate available"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:244
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "no power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "Geen energie verbruik schatting beschikbaar"
+#: ../powertop.c:439
+msgid "polling"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:837
+#, c-format
+msgid "powertop version %s\n"
+msgstr "powertop versie %s\n"
diff --git a/po/pl.po b/po/pl.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..832e695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/pl.po
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+# translation of pl.po to Polish
+# Piotr Drąg <>, 2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: pl\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-12 15:39-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-11-21 09:15+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Andrzej Zaborowski <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Polish <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:303
+#: ../powertop.c:306
+#, c-format
+msgid " <interrupt> : %s"
+msgstr " <przerwanie> : %s"
+#: ../powertop.c:1072
+msgid " <interrupt> : extra timer interrupt"
+msgstr " <przerwanie> : nadmiarowe przerwanie zegarowe"
+#: ../powertop.c:301
+#, c-format
+msgid " <kernel IPI> : %s"
+msgstr " <IPI kernela> : %s"
+# Probably needs to be split if the line is > 80 chars but I can't see the length in Poedit and can't be bothered counting chars.
+# Poedit nie pokazuje dlugosci linii, ale jesli linia ma ponad 80 znaków to trzeba będzie podzielic i wstawić odpowiednią ilość spacji.
+#: ../powertop.c:821
+#, c-format
+msgid " -d, --dump read wakeups once and print list of top offenders\n"
+msgstr " -d, --dump czytaj jednorazowo wybudzenia i wypisz głównych winowajców\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:824
+#, c-format
+msgid " -h, --help Show this help message\n"
+msgstr " -h, --help Pokaż ten ekran pomocy\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid " -p, --pids show pids in wakeups list\n"
+msgstr " -p, --pids Pokazuj PID na liście wybudzeń\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:822
+#, c-format
+msgid " -t, --time=DOUBLE default time to gather data in seconds\n"
+msgstr " -t, --time=LICZBA domyślny czas zbierania danych w sekundach (możliwy ułamek)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:825
+#, c-format
+msgid " -v, --version Show version information and exit\n"
+msgstr " -v, --version Wypisz wersję i zakończ\n"
+#: ../misctips.c:125
+msgid " A - Turn AC97 powersave on "
+msgstr " A - włącz oszczędzanie energii AC97 "
+#: ../misctips.c:165
+msgid " A - Turn HD audio powersave on "
+msgstr " A - Włącz oszczędność energii dźwięku HD "
+#: ../bluetooth.c:146
+msgid " B - Turn Bluetooth off "
+msgstr " B - wyłącz Bluetooth "
+#: ../misctips.c:257
+msgid " C - Power aware CPU scheduler "
+msgstr " C - planista CPU zajmujący się zasilaniem "
+#: ../wifi-new.c:196
+msgid " D - disable wireless "
+msgstr " D - Wyłącz WiFi "
+#: ../wireless.c:322
+msgid " I - disable WIFI Radio "
+msgstr " I - wyłącz zasilanie WiFi "
+#: ../process.c:84
+#, c-format
+msgid " K - kill %s "
+msgstr " K - zabij %s "
+#: ../misctips.c:61
+msgid " N - Turn NMI watchdog off "
+msgstr " N - wyłącz NMI watchdog "
+#: ../cpufreq.c:118
+msgid " O - enable Ondemand governor "
+msgstr " O - włącz zarządcę ondemand "
+#: ../wifi-new.c:201
+msgid " P - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " P - Włącz oszczędność energii WiFi "
+#: ../display.c:108
+msgid " Q - Quit "
+msgstr " Q - Zakończ "
+#: ../display.c:109
+msgid " R - Refresh "
+msgstr " R - Odśwież "
+#: ../sata.c:104
+msgid " S - SATA Link Power Management "
+msgstr " S - zarządzanie zasilaniem magistrali SATA "
+#: ../misctips.c:194
+msgid " T - enable noatime "
+msgstr " T - włącz noatime "
+#: ../urbnum.c:222
+#: ../usb.c:116
+msgid " U - Enable USB suspend "
+msgstr " U - Włącz usypianie USB "
+#: ../xrandr.c:78
+msgid " V - Disable TV out "
+msgstr " V - Wyłącz wyjście TV "
+#: ../wireless.c:311
+#: ../wireless.c:317
+msgid " W - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " W - Włącz oszczędzanie energii WiFi "
+#: ../misctips.c:292
+msgid " W - Increase Writeback time "
+msgstr " W - Zwiększ czas Writebacku "
+#: ../ethernet.c:131
+msgid " W - disable Wake-On-Lan "
+msgstr " W - wyłącz Wake-On-Lan "
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:91
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6.2f Ghz"
+msgstr "%6.2f GHz"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:88
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6lli Mhz"
+msgstr "%6lli MHz"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:85
+#, c-format
+msgid "%9lli"
+msgstr "%9lli"
+#: ../powertop.c:983
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../display.c:205
+#, c-format
+msgid "(long term: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+msgstr "(długoterminowo: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+#: ../display.c:301
+msgid "(which is CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y in the config file)\n"
+msgstr "(czy jest CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y w pliku konfiguracji)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:960
+#, c-format
+msgid "< Detailed C-state information is not available.>\n"
+msgstr "< Szczegółowe informacje o C-stanach nie są dostępne.>\n"
+# (literally "core size")
+#: ../powertop.c:1040
+msgid "<kernel core>"
+msgstr "<wielkość kernela>"
+#: ../powertop.c:1036
+#: ../powertop.c:1038
+msgid "<kernel module>"
+msgstr "<moduł kerenela>"
+#: ../urbnum.c:217
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A USB device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Urządznie USB aktywne przez %4.1f%% czasu:\n"
+#: ../urbnum.c:186
+msgid "Active Device name"
+msgstr "Aktywne Nazwa urządznia"
+#: ../powertop.c:969
+#, c-format
+msgid "C0 (cpu running) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "C0 (CPU aktywny) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+# Don't know if there's a good translation for residency, but let's not make up new words
+#: ../powertop.c:966
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cn\t Avg residency\n"
+msgstr "Cn\t Średnia residency\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:903
+#, c-format
+msgid "Collecting data for %i seconds \n"
+msgstr "Zbieranie danych przez %i sekund \n"
+#: ../ethernet.c:128
+msgid ""
+"Disable Ethernet Wake-On-Lan with the following command:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Wake-on-Lan keeps the phy active, this costs power."
+msgstr ""
+"Wyłącz funkcję Wake-On-Lan za pomocą poniższego polecenia:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Wake-on-Lan utrzymuje aktywne zasilanie, co powoduje stratę energii"
+#: ../powertop.c:1187
+msgid ""
+"Disable the SE-Alert software by removing the 'setroubleshoot-server' rpm\n"
+"SE-Alert alerts you about SELinux policy violations, but also\n"
+"has a bug that wakes it up 10 times per second."
+msgstr ""
+"Wyłącz oprogramowanie SE-Alert usuwając pakiet \"setroubleshoot-server\"\n"
+"SE-Alert powiadamia o naruszeniach polityki SELinuksa, ale ma\n"
+"błąd, który powoduje jego budzenie 10 razy na sekundę."
+#: ../display.c:304
+msgid "No detailed statistics available; PowerTOP needs root privileges for that\n"
+msgstr "Szczegółowe statystki są niedostępne; PowerTOP wymaga do tego uprawnień roota\n"
+#: ../display.c:299
+msgid "No detailed statistics available; please enable the CONFIG_TIMER_STATS kernel option\n"
+msgstr "Szczegółowe statystki są niedostępne; włącz opcję jądra CONFIG_TIMER_STATS\n"
+#: ../display.c:302
+msgid "Note: this is only available in 2.6.21 and later kernels\n"
+msgstr "Uwaga: ta opcja jest dostępna wyłącznie w jądrze 2.6.21 i nowszych\n"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:115
+#, c-format
+msgid "P-states (frequencies)\n"
+msgstr "P-stany (częstotliwości)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:170
+#: ../powertop.c:306
+msgid "PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad"
+msgstr "Klawiatura/mysz/touchpad PS/2"
+#: ../display.c:208
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (5 minute ACPI estimate) : %5.1f W (%3.1f hours left)"
+msgstr "Użycie zasilania (średnia ACPI z 5 minut): %5.1f W (pozostało %3.1f godzin)"
+#: ../display.c:201
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (ACPI estimate): %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Użycie zasilania (szacunek ACPI): %3.1fW (%3.1f godzin)"
+#: ../display.c:238
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage: %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Zużycie energii: %3.1fW (%3.1f godzin)"
+#: ../powertop.c:902
+#, c-format
+msgid "PowerTOP needs to be run as root to collect enough information\n"
+msgstr ""
+"PowerTOP wymaga uruchomienia jako root, aby zebrać wystarczającą \n"
+"ilość informacji\n"
+#: ../urbnum.c:185
+msgid "Recent USB suspend statistics"
+msgstr "Ostatnie statystyki uśpienia USB"
+#: ../powertop.c:1181
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable 'hal' from polling your cdrom with: \n"
+"hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom 'hal' is the component that auto-opens a\n"
+"window if you plug in a CD but disables SATA power saving from kicking in."
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: wyłącz sprawdzanie CD-ROM-u przez \"hal\" za pomocą: \n"
+"hal-disable-polling /dev/cdrom \"hal\" jest składnikiem, który\n"
+"automatycznie otwiera okno, gdy włożysz CD, ale wyłącza oszczędzanie\n"
+"energii SATA."
+#: ../powertop.c:1155
+#: ../powertop.c:1159
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'beagle' from your system. \n"
+"Beagle is the program that indexes for easy desktop search, however it's \n"
+"not very efficient and costs a significant amount of battery life."
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: wyłącz lub usuń \"beagle\" z systemu. \n"
+"Beagle jest programem indeksującym, dzięki któremu można łatwo wyszukiwać\n"
+"pliki, ale nie jest zbyt wydajny i szybko skraca życie baterii."
+#: ../powertop.c:1168
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'gnome-power-manager' from your system. \n"
+"Older versions of gnome-power-manager wake up far more often than \n"
+"needed costing you some power."
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: wyłącz lub usuń \"gnome-power-manager\" z systemu.\n"
+"Pomimo nazwy starsze wersje gnome-power-manager zużywają więcej energii\n"
+"niż jej oszczędzają."
+#: ../powertop.c:1174
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'pcscd' from your system. \n"
+"pcscd tends to keep the USB subsystem out of power save mode\n"
+"and your processor out of deeper powersave states."
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: wyłącz lub usuń \"pcscd\" z systemu. \n"
+"pcscd powstrzymuje podsystem USB od używania trybu oszczędzania energii i\n"
+"procesor od używania głębszych stanów oszczędzania energii."
+#: ../powertop.c:1143
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the CONFIG_IRQBALANCE kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The in-kernel irq balancer is obsolete and wakes the CPU up far more than needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: wyłącz opcję CONFIG_IRQBALANCE w konfiguracji jądra.\n"
+"Balansowanie IRQ jądra jest przestarzałe i budzi procesor o wiele częściej\n"
+"niż tego potrzeba."
+#: ../wireless.c:320
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: wyłącz nieużywany interfejs WiFi wykonując poniższe polecenie:\n"
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+#: ../wifi-new.c:194
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by setting the interface down:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: wyłącz nieużywane nadajniki WiFi wyłączając ich interfejsy:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+#: ../bluetooth.c:144
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused bluetooth interface with the following command:\n"
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth is a radio and consumes quite some power, and keeps USB busy as well.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: wyłącz nieużywany interfejs Bluetooth za pomocą poniższego polecenia:\n"
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth jest urządzeniem radiowym i używa całkiem sporo energii, a także utrzymuje aktywne USB\n"
+#: ../sata.c:101
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable SATA ALPM link power management via: \n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"or press the S key."
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: włącz zarządzanie zasilaniem łącza SATA ALPM przez: \n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"lub naciśnij klawisz S."
+#: ../usb.c:114
+msgid "Suggestion: Enable USB autosuspend for non-input devices by pressing the U key\n"
+msgstr "Podpowiedź: Włącz auto-usypianie USB (autosuspend) dla urządzeń innych niż wejściowe, naciskając U\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1131
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY kernel configuration option.\n"
+" This option is required to get power estimages from PowerTOP"
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: włącz opcję konfiguracji jądra CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY.\n"
+" Ta opcja jest wymagana, aby używać szacunków energii PowerTOP"
+#: ../powertop.c:1128
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The 'ondemand' CPU speed governor will minimize the CPU power usage while\n"
+"giving you performance when it is needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: włącz opcję konfiguracji jądra CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND.\n"
+"Zarządca prędkością CPU \"ondemand\" minimalizuje użycie energii przez CPU,\n"
+"zwiększając wydajność, kiedy jest potrzebna."
+#: ../powertop.c:1145
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows PowerTOP to show P-state percentages \n"
+"P-states correspond to CPU frequencies."
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: włącz opcję konfiguracji jądra CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT.\n"
+"Ta opcja umożliwia PowerTOP wyświetlanie procentów stanów P \n"
+"Stany P odpowiadają częstotliwościom CPU."
+#: ../powertop.c:1134
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_HPET_TIMER kernel configuration option.\n"
+"Without HPET support the kernel needs to wake up every 20 milliseconds for \n"
+"some housekeeping tasks."
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: włącz opcję konfiguracji jądra CONFIG_HPET_TIMER.\n"
+"Bez obsługi HPET jądro musi budzić się co 20 milisekund, aby \n"
+"wykonać niektóre zadania."
+#: ../powertop.c:1148
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_INOTIFY kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows programs to wait for changes in files and directories\n"
+"instead of having to poll for these changes"
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: włącz opcję CONFIG_NOTIFY w konfiguracji jądra.\n"
+"Ta opcja umożliwia programom bierne śledzenie zmian w wybranych\n"
+"plikach i katalogach bez konieczności ciągłego sprawdzania ich"
+#: ../powertop.c:1130
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_NO_HZ kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option is required to get any kind of longer sleep times in the CPU."
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: włącz opcję konfiguracji jądra CONFIG_NO_HZ.\n"
+"Ta opcja jest wymagana, aby otrzymać jakiekolwiek dłuższe czasy uśpienia CPU."
+#: ../powertop.c:1139
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will automatically power down your sound codec when not in use,\n"
+"and can save approximately half a Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: włącz opcję konfiguracji jądra CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE.\n"
+"Ta opcja automatycznie wyłączy kodeki dźwięku, kiedy nie są używane, i może\n"
+"zaoszczędzić około połowy wata energii."
+#: ../powertop.c:1126
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will automatically disable UHCI USB when not in use, and may\n"
+"save approximately 1 Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: włącz opcję konfiguracji jądra CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND.\n"
+"Ta opcja automatycznie wyłączy UHCI USB, kiedy jest są używany, i może\n"
+"zaoszczędzić około jednego wata energii."
+#: ../cpufreq.c:116
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the ondemand cpu speed governor for all processors via: \n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: włącz zarządcę prędkością CPU ondemand dla wszystkich procesorów przez: \n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+#: ../wireless.c:314
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: włącz tryb oszczędzanie energii urządzeń bezprzewodowych wykonując poniższe polecenie:\n"
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"To nieznacznie zmniejszy wydajność sieci, aby oszczędzać energię."
+#: ../wifi-new.c:198
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: włącz tryb oszczędzanie energii urządzeń bezprzewodowych komendą:\n"
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"To nieznacznie zmniejszy wydajność sieci, aby oszczędzać energię."
+#: ../wireless.c:308
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: włącz tryb oszczędzanie energii urządzeń bezprzewodowych wykonując poniższe polecenie:\n"
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"To nieznacznie zmniejszy wydajność sieci, aby oszczędzać energię."
+#: ../xrandr.c:75
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable TV out via: \n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"or press the V key."
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: wyłącz wyjście TV przez: \n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"lub naciśnij klawisz V."
+#: ../misctips.c:59
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable the NMI watchdog by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"The NMI watchdog is a kernel debug mechanism to detect deadlocks"
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: wyłącz NMI watchdog wykonując poniższe polecenie:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"Jest to mechanizmem debugowania jądra służący do wykrywania blokad"
+#: ../misctips.c:123
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable AC97 powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: włącz tryb oszczędzania energii AC97 wykonując poniższe polecenie:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"lub przez przekazanie power_save=1 jako parametr modułu."
+#: ../misctips.c:163
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable HD audio powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: włącz tryb oszczędzania energii dźwięku HD wykonując polecenie:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"lub przez przekazanie power_save=1 jako parametr modułu."
+#: ../misctips.c:87
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the HPET (Multimedia Timer) in your BIOS or add \n"
+"the kernel patch to force-enable HPET. HPET support allows Linux to \n"
+"have much longer sleep intervals."
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: włącz HPET (Zegar multimedialny) w BIOS-ie lub dodaj\n"
+"łatę jądra, aby wymusić włączenie HPET. Obsługa HPET umożliwia Linuksowi\n"
+"dużo dłuższe czasy uśpienia."
+#: ../misctips.c:192
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the noatime filesystem option by executing the following command:\n"
+" mount -o remount,noatime / or by pressing the T key \n"
+"noatime disables persistent access time of file accesses, which causes lots of disk IO."
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: włącz opcję noatime systemu plików wykonując poniższe polecenie:\n"
+" mount -o remount,noatime / lub przez naciśnięcie klawisza T \n"
+"noatime wyłącza stały czas dostępu do plików, który powoduje dużo operacji wejścia/wyjścia dysku."
+#: ../misctips.c:255
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the power aware CPU scheduler with the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"or by pressing the C key."
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: włącz planistę CPU zajmującego się zasilaniem wykonując poniższe polecenie:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"lub przez naciśnięcie klawisza C."
+#: ../misctips.c:288
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: increase the VM dirty writeback time from %1.2f to 15 seconds with:\n"
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"This wakes the disk up less frequently for background VM activity"
+msgstr ""
+"Podpowiedź: wydłuż czas writebacku pamięci wirtualnej z %1.2f do 15 sekund za pomocą:\n"
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"Dzięki temu dysk będzie rzadziej wybudzany przez operacje na pamięci wirtualnej"
+#: ../display.c:300
+msgid "This option is located in the Kernel Debugging section of menuconfig\n"
+msgstr "Ta opcja znajduje się w sekcji 'Kernel Debugging' menuconfiga\n"
+#: ../display.c:281
+msgid "Top causes for wakeups:\n"
+msgstr "Najczęstsze powody wybudzeń:\n"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:94
+msgid "Turbo Mode"
+msgstr "Tryb Turbo"
+#: ../urbnum.c:123
+#, c-format
+msgid "USB device %4s : %s (%s)"
+msgstr "Urządzenie USB %4s : %s (%s)"
+#: ../powertop.c:820
+#, c-format
+msgid "Usage: powertop [OPTION...]\n"
+msgstr "Składnia: powertop [OPCJA...]\n"
+#: ../display.c:270
+#, c-format
+msgid "Wakeups-from-idle per second : %4.1f\tinterval: %0.1fs\n"
+msgstr "Wybudzenia ze stanu bezczynności na sekundę: %4.1f\tprzedział: %0.1fs\n"
+#: ../intelcstates.c:152
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your BIOS reports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "Twój BIOS podaje następujące C-states :"
+#: ../intelcstates.c:143
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your CPU supports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "Twój procesor obsługuje następujące C-states :"
+#: ../display.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid "no ACPI power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "szacowanie użycia energii ACPI jest niedostępne"
+#: ../display.c:244
+#, c-format
+msgid "no power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "szacowanie zużycia energii jest niedostępne"
+# Any better term? (again let's not make up words).
+# aktywne sondowanie?
+#: ../powertop.c:433
+msgid "polling"
+msgstr "polling"
+#: ../powertop.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "powertop version %s\n"
+msgstr "wersja powertop %s\n"
diff --git a/po/pt_BR.po b/po/pt_BR.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14dd725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/pt_BR.po
@@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
+# Brazilian Portuguese translation of PowerTOP strings.
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2008
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PowerTOP package.
+# Nelson A. de Oliveira <>, 2007-2009.
+# Carlos R. Mafra <>, 2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PowerTOP 1.11\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-12 15:39-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-12-19 00:07-0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Nelson A. de Oliveira <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Portuguese\n"
+"X-Poedit-Country: BRAZIL\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:303
+#: ../powertop.c:306
+#, c-format
+msgid " <interrupt> : %s"
+msgstr " <interrupção> : %s"
+#: ../powertop.c:1072
+msgid " <interrupt> : extra timer interrupt"
+msgstr " <interrupção> : interrupção extra do temporizador"
+#: ../powertop.c:301
+#, c-format
+msgid " <kernel IPI> : %s"
+msgstr " <kernel IPI> : %s"
+#: ../powertop.c:821
+#, c-format
+msgid " -d, --dump read wakeups once and print list of top offenders\n"
+msgstr " -d, --dump lê as ativações uma vez e exibe a lista das maiores causas\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:824
+#, c-format
+msgid " -h, --help Show this help message\n"
+msgstr " -h, --help Exibe esta mensagem de ajuda\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid " -p, --pids show pids in wakeups list\n"
+msgstr " -p, --pids exibe os pids na lista de ativações\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:822
+#, c-format
+msgid " -t, --time=DOUBLE default time to gather data in seconds\n"
+msgstr " -t, --time=DOUBLE tempo padrão para obter os dados, em segundos\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:825
+#, c-format
+msgid " -v, --version Show version information and exit\n"
+msgstr " -v, --version Exibe informação da versão e sai\n"
+#: ../misctips.c:125
+msgid " A - Turn AC97 powersave on "
+msgstr " A - Ativar modo de economia de energia do AC97 "
+#: ../misctips.c:165
+msgid " A - Turn HD audio powersave on "
+msgstr " A - Ativar modo de economia de energia do áudio HD "
+#: ../bluetooth.c:146
+msgid " B - Turn Bluetooth off "
+msgstr " B - Desligar Bluetooth "
+#: ../misctips.c:257
+msgid " C - Power aware CPU scheduler "
+msgstr " C - Escalonador de CPU voltado à economia de energia "
+#: ../wifi-new.c:196
+msgid " D - disable wireless "
+msgstr " D - desabilitar o wireless "
+#: ../wireless.c:322
+msgid " I - disable WIFI Radio "
+msgstr " I - desabilitar rádio WIFI "
+#: ../process.c:84
+#, c-format
+msgid " K - kill %s "
+msgstr " K - terminar %s "
+#: ../misctips.c:61
+msgid " N - Turn NMI watchdog off "
+msgstr " N - Desligar NMI watchdog "
+#: ../cpufreq.c:118
+msgid " O - enable Ondemand governor "
+msgstr " O - habilitar regulador Ondemand "
+#: ../wifi-new.c:201
+msgid " P - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " P - Habilitar modo de economia de energia da rede wireless "
+#: ../display.c:108
+msgid " Q - Quit "
+msgstr " Q - Sair "
+#: ../display.c:109
+msgid " R - Refresh "
+msgstr " R - Atualizar "
+#: ../sata.c:104
+msgid " S - SATA Link Power Management "
+msgstr " S - Gerenciamento de energia SATA "
+#: ../misctips.c:194
+msgid " T - enable noatime "
+msgstr " T - habilitar noatime "
+#: ../urbnum.c:222
+#: ../usb.c:116
+msgid " U - Enable USB suspend "
+msgstr " U - Habilitar suspensão USB "
+#: ../xrandr.c:78
+msgid " V - Disable TV out "
+msgstr " V - Desabilitar saída de TV "
+#: ../wireless.c:311
+#: ../wireless.c:317
+msgid " W - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " W - Habilitar modo de economia de energia da rede wireless "
+#: ../misctips.c:292
+msgid " W - Increase Writeback time "
+msgstr " W - Aumentar tempo de escrita "
+#: ../ethernet.c:131
+msgid " W - disable Wake-On-Lan "
+msgstr " W - desabilitar Wake-On-Lan "
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:91
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6.2f Ghz"
+msgstr "%6.2f Ghz"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:88
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6lli Mhz"
+msgstr "%6lli Mhz"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:85
+#, c-format
+msgid "%9lli"
+msgstr "%9lli"
+#: ../powertop.c:983
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../display.c:205
+#, c-format
+msgid "(long term: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+msgstr "(a longo prazo: %5.1f W, %3.1fh)"
+#: ../display.c:301
+msgid "(which is CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y in the config file)\n"
+msgstr "(que é CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y no arquivo config)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:960
+#, c-format
+msgid "< Detailed C-state information is not available.>\n"
+msgstr "< Informação detalhada do estado-C não está disponível >\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1040
+msgid "<kernel core>"
+msgstr "<núcleo do kernel>"
+#: ../powertop.c:1036
+#: ../powertop.c:1038
+msgid "<kernel module>"
+msgstr "<módulo do kernel>"
+#: ../urbnum.c:217
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A USB device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Um dispositivo USB está ativo %4.1f%% do tempo:\n"
+#: ../urbnum.c:186
+msgid "Active Device name"
+msgstr "Nome do dispositivo ativo"
+#: ../powertop.c:969
+#, c-format
+msgid "C0 (cpu running) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "C0 (cpu ocupada) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:966
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cn\t Avg residency\n"
+msgstr "Cn\t Residência média\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:903
+#, c-format
+msgid "Collecting data for %i seconds \n"
+msgstr "Coletando dados por %i segundos \n"
+#: ../ethernet.c:128
+msgid ""
+"Disable Ethernet Wake-On-Lan with the following command:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Wake-on-Lan keeps the phy active, this costs power."
+msgstr ""
+"Desabilite Ethernet Wake-On-Lan com o seguinte comando:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Wake-on-Lan mantém o dispositivo ativo, que utiliza energia."
+#: ../powertop.c:1187
+msgid ""
+"Disable the SE-Alert software by removing the 'setroubleshoot-server' rpm\n"
+"SE-Alert alerts you about SELinux policy violations, but also\n"
+"has a bug that wakes it up 10 times per second."
+msgstr ""
+"Desabilite o programa SE-Alert removendo o rpm 'setroubleshoot-server'\n"
+"SE-Alert alerta você sobre violações da política SELinux, mas também\n"
+"possui um bug que o ativa 10 vezes por segundo."
+#: ../display.c:304
+msgid "No detailed statistics available; PowerTOP needs root privileges for that\n"
+msgstr "Estatísticas detalhadas indisponíveis; PowerTOP necessita de privilégios de root para isso\n"
+#: ../display.c:299
+msgid "No detailed statistics available; please enable the CONFIG_TIMER_STATS kernel option\n"
+msgstr "Estatísticas detalhadas indisponíveis; por favor, habilite a opção CONFIG_TIMER_STATS do kernel\n"
+#: ../display.c:302
+msgid "Note: this is only available in 2.6.21 and later kernels\n"
+msgstr "Nota: isto está disponível apenas em kernels 2.6.21 ou superiores\n"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:115
+#, c-format
+msgid "P-states (frequencies)\n"
+msgstr "Estados-P (frequências)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:170
+#: ../powertop.c:306
+msgid "PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad"
+msgstr "teclado/mouse/touchpad PS/2"
+#: ../display.c:208
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (5 minute ACPI estimate) : %5.1f W (%3.1f hours left)"
+msgstr "Uso de energia (estimativa de 5 minutos por ACPI): %5.1f W (%3.1f hrs restantes)"
+#: ../display.c:201
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (ACPI estimate): %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Uso de energia (estimado por ACPI): %5.1f W (%3.1f horas)"
+#: ../display.c:238
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage: %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Uso de energia: %3.1fW (%3.1f horas)"
+#: ../powertop.c:902
+#, c-format
+msgid "PowerTOP needs to be run as root to collect enough information\n"
+msgstr "PowerTOP necessita ser executado como root para coletar informações suficientes\n"
+#: ../urbnum.c:185
+msgid "Recent USB suspend statistics"
+msgstr "Estatísticas recentes da suspensão USB"
+#: ../powertop.c:1181
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable 'hal' from polling your cdrom with: \n"
+"hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom 'hal' is the component that auto-opens a\n"
+"window if you plug in a CD but disables SATA power saving from kicking in."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: Desabilite 'hal' de acessar o seu cdrom com: \n"
+"hal-stop-polling --device /dev/cdrom 'hal' é o componente que abre uma janela\n"
+"quando você insere um CD, mas desabilita o modo de economia de energia do SATA."
+#: ../powertop.c:1155
+#: ../powertop.c:1159
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'beagle' from your system. \n"
+"Beagle is the program that indexes for easy desktop search, however it's \n"
+"not very efficient and costs a significant amount of battery life."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: Desabilite ou remova 'beagle' do seu sistema. \n"
+"Beagle é um programa que cria índices para buscas mais fáceis, no entanto, \n"
+"não é muito eficiente e custa uma quantidade significativa da vida da bateria."
+#: ../powertop.c:1168
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'gnome-power-manager' from your system. \n"
+"Older versions of gnome-power-manager wake up far more often than \n"
+"needed costing you some power."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: Desabilite ou remova 'gnome-power-manager' do seu sistema. \n"
+"Versões antigas do gnome-power-manager acabam consumindo \n"
+"mais energia do que ele iria economizar."
+#: ../powertop.c:1174
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'pcscd' from your system. \n"
+"pcscd tends to keep the USB subsystem out of power save mode\n"
+"and your processor out of deeper powersave states."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: Desabilite ou remova 'pcscd' do seu sistema. \n"
+"pcscd tende a manter o subsistema USB fora do modo de economia de energia\n"
+"e o seu processador fora de estados mais profundos de economia de energia."
+#: ../powertop.c:1143
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the CONFIG_IRQBALANCE kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The in-kernel irq balancer is obsolete and wakes the CPU up far more than needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: Desabilite a opção de configuração do kernel CONFIG_IRQBALANCE.\n"
+"O balanceador de irq do kernel é obsoleto e acorda a CPU além do necessário."
+#: ../wireless.c:320
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: Desabilite o rádio WIFI não-utilizado executando o seguindo comando:\n"
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+#: ../wifi-new.c:194
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by setting the interface down:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: Desabilite o rádio WIFI não-utilizado desabilitando a interface:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+#: ../bluetooth.c:144
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused bluetooth interface with the following command:\n"
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth is a radio and consumes quite some power, and keeps USB busy as well.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: Desabilite a interface bluetooth não utilizada com o seguinte comando:\n"
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth é um rádio, consome bastante energia e também mantém o USB ocupado.\n"
+#: ../sata.c:101
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable SATA ALPM link power management via: \n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"or press the S key."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: Habilite o gerenciamento de energia de link SATA ALPM via: \n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"ou pressione a tecla S."
+#: ../usb.c:114
+msgid "Suggestion: Enable USB autosuspend for non-input devices by pressing the U key\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: habilite a suspensão automática USB para dispositivos que não sejam\n"
+"de entrada pressionando a tecla U\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1131
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY kernel configuration option.\n"
+" This option is required to get power estimages from PowerTOP"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: Habilite a opção de configuração do kernel CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY.\n"
+" Essa opção é requerida para obter estimativas de energia do PowerTOP"
+#: ../powertop.c:1128
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The 'ondemand' CPU speed governor will minimize the CPU power usage while\n"
+"giving you performance when it is needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: Habilite a opção de config. do kernel CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND.\n"
+"O regulador 'ondemand' minimizará o consumo de energia da CPU enquanto\n"
+"fornece à você performance quando necessário."
+#: ../powertop.c:1145
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows PowerTOP to show P-state percentages \n"
+"P-states correspond to CPU frequencies."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: Habilite a opção de configuração do kernel CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT.\n"
+"Essa opção permite ao PowerTOP exibir as porcentagens dos estados-P\n"
+"Estados-P correspondem às frequências da CPU."
+#: ../powertop.c:1134
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_HPET_TIMER kernel configuration option.\n"
+"Without HPET support the kernel needs to wake up every 20 milliseconds for \n"
+"some housekeeping tasks."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: Habilite a opção de configuração do kernel CONFIG_HPET_TIMER.\n"
+"Sem suporte ao HPET o kernel necessita acordar a cada 20 milissegundos para \n"
+"realizar algumas tarefas de manutenção."
+#: ../powertop.c:1148
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_INOTIFY kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows programs to wait for changes in files and directories\n"
+"instead of having to poll for these changes"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: Habilite a opção de configuração do kernel CONFIG_INOTIFY.\n"
+"Essa opção permite que os programas esperem por mudanças em arquivos e\n"
+"diretórios, ao invés de ficarem verificando por essas mudanças"
+#: ../powertop.c:1130
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_NO_HZ kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option is required to get any kind of longer sleep times in the CPU."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: Habilite a opção de configuração do kernel CONFIG_NO_HZ.\n"
+"Essa opção é requerida para obter tempos maiores de suspensão na CPU."
+#: ../powertop.c:1139
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will automatically power down your sound codec when not in use,\n"
+"and can save approximately half a Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: Habilite a opção de config. do kernel CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE.\n"
+"Essa opção irá desligar automaticamente o codec de som quando não em uso,\n"
+"e pode salvar aproximadamente meio Watt de energia."
+#: ../powertop.c:1126
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will automatically disable UHCI USB when not in use, and may\n"
+"save approximately 1 Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: Habilite a opção de configuração do kernel CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND.\n"
+"Essa opção irá automaticamente desabilitar o UHCI USB quando não estiver em\n"
+"uso, e pode salvar aproximadamente 1 Watt de energia."
+#: ../cpufreq.c:116
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the ondemand cpu speed governor for all processors via: \n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: Habilite o regulador ondemand para todos os processadores via: \n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+#: ../wireless.c:314
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: Habilite o modo de economia de energia do wirelles executando:\n"
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"Isso irá sacrificar um pouco da performance da rede para salvar energia."
+#: ../wifi-new.c:198
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: Habilite o modo de economia de energia do wirelles executando:\n"
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"Isso irá sacrificar um pouco da performance da rede para economizar energia."
+#: ../wireless.c:308
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: Habilite o modo de economia de energia do wirelles executando:\n"
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"Isso irá sacrificar um pouco da performance da rede para economizar energia."
+#: ../xrandr.c:75
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable TV out via: \n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"or press the V key."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: desabilite a saída de TV via: \n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"ou pressione a tecla V."
+#: ../misctips.c:59
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable the NMI watchdog by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"The NMI watchdog is a kernel debug mechanism to detect deadlocks"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: desabilite o NMI watchdog executando o seguinte comando:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"O NMI watchdog é um mecanismo de depuração do kernel para detectar deadlocks"
+#: ../misctips.c:123
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable AC97 powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: habilite o modo de economia de energia do AC97 executando:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"ou passando power_save=1 como parâmetro do módulo."
+#: ../misctips.c:163
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable HD audio powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: ative o modo de economia de energia do áudio HD executando:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"ou passando power_save=1 como parâmetro do módulo."
+#: ../misctips.c:87
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the HPET (Multimedia Timer) in your BIOS or add \n"
+"the kernel patch to force-enable HPET. HPET support allows Linux to \n"
+"have much longer sleep intervals."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: habilite o HPET (Multimedia Timer) em sua BIOS ou adicione o patch \n"
+"do kernel para forçar a habilitação do HPET. Suporte ao HPET permite \n"
+"que o Linux tenha intervalos bem maiores de suspensão."
+#: ../misctips.c:192
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the noatime filesystem option by executing the following command:\n"
+" mount -o remount,noatime / or by pressing the T key \n"
+"noatime disables persistent access time of file accesses, which causes lots of disk IO."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: habilite a opção do sistema de arquivos noatime executando:\n"
+" mount -o remount,noatime / ou pressione a tecla T \n"
+"noatime desabilita o tempo de acesso dos arquivos, que causa muita E/S no disco."
+#: ../misctips.c:255
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the power aware CPU scheduler with the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"or by pressing the C key."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: hab. o escalonador de CPU voltado à economia de energia executando:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"ou pressionando a tecla C."
+#: ../misctips.c:288
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: increase the VM dirty writeback time from %1.2f to 15 seconds with:\n"
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"This wakes the disk up less frequently for background VM activity"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestão: aumente o tempo de escrita da VM de %1.2f para 15 segundos com:\n"
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"Isso ativa o disco com menos frequência para atividades de fundo da VM"
+#: ../display.c:300
+msgid "This option is located in the Kernel Debugging section of menuconfig\n"
+msgstr "Essa opção está localizada na seção Kernel Debugging do menuconfig.\n"
+#: ../display.c:281
+msgid "Top causes for wakeups:\n"
+msgstr "Maiores causas de ativações:\n"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:94
+msgid "Turbo Mode"
+msgstr "Modo Turbo"
+#: ../urbnum.c:123
+#, c-format
+msgid "USB device %4s : %s (%s)"
+msgstr "Dispositivo USB %4s : %s (%s)"
+#: ../powertop.c:820
+#, c-format
+msgid "Usage: powertop [OPTION...]\n"
+msgstr "Uso: powertop [OPÇÃO...]\n"
+#: ../display.c:270
+#, c-format
+msgid "Wakeups-from-idle per second : %4.1f\tinterval: %0.1fs\n"
+msgstr "Ativações por segundo: %4.1f\tintervalo: %0.1fs\n"
+#: ../intelcstates.c:152
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your BIOS reports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "Sua BIOS reporta os seguintes estados-C:"
+#: ../intelcstates.c:143
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your CPU supports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "Sua CPU suporta os seguintes estados-C:"
+#: ../display.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid "no ACPI power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "consumo estimado de energia por ACPI não disponível"
+#: ../display.c:244
+#, c-format
+msgid "no power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "consumo estimado de energia não disponível"
+#: ../powertop.c:433
+msgid "polling"
+msgstr "polling"
+#: ../powertop.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "powertop version %s\n"
+msgstr "powertop versão %s\n"
diff --git a/po/ro.po b/po/ro.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32bdade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ro.po
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+# Romanian translations for anerley package.
+# Copyright (C) 2009 The anerley copyright holder
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the anerley package.
+# Cosmin Bordeianu <>, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: powertop\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-12 15:39-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-09-14 12:23+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Cosmin Bordeianu <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Moblin Romania <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Romanian\n"
+"X-Poedit-Country: ROMANIA\n"
+"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:303
+#: ../powertop.c:306
+#, c-format
+msgid " <interrupt> : %s"
+msgstr " <întrerupe> : %s"
+#: ../powertop.c:1072
+msgid " <interrupt> : extra timer interrupt"
+msgstr " <întrerupe> : întrerupere extra timp"
+#: ../powertop.c:301
+#, c-format
+msgid " <kernel IPI> : %s"
+msgstr " <IPI kernel> : %s"
+#: ../powertop.c:821
+#, c-format
+msgid " -d, --dump read wakeups once and print list of top offenders\n"
+msgstr " -d, --dump citește o dată pornirile și imprimă o listă cu contravențiile importante\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:824
+#, c-format
+msgid " -h, --help Show this help message\n"
+msgstr " -h, --help Arată acest mesaj de ajutor\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid " -p, --pids show pids in wakeups list\n"
+msgstr " -p, --pids arată aceste pid-uri în lista de porniri\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:822
+#, c-format
+msgid " -t, --time=DOUBLE default time to gather data in seconds\n"
+msgstr " -t, --time=DOUBLE timpul implicit în secunde pentru a colecta date\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:825
+#, c-format
+msgid " -v, --version Show version information and exit\n"
+msgstr " -v, --version Arată informații despre versiune apoi părăsește pagina\n"
+#: ../misctips.c:125
+msgid " A - Turn AC97 powersave on "
+msgstr " A - Activează economizatorul de energie pentru AC97 "
+#: ../misctips.c:165
+msgid " A - Turn HD audio powersave on "
+msgstr " A - Activează economizatorul de energie audio pentru HD "
+#: ../bluetooth.c:146
+msgid " B - Turn Bluetooth off "
+msgstr " B - Dezactivează Bluetooth "
+#: ../misctips.c:257
+msgid " C - Power aware CPU scheduler "
+msgstr " C - Jurnalul de putere a procesorului "
+#: ../wifi-new.c:196
+msgid " D - disable wireless "
+msgstr " D - dezactivează conexiunea fără fir "
+#: ../wireless.c:322
+msgid " I - disable WIFI Radio "
+msgstr " I - dezactivează Radio WIFI"
+#: ../process.c:84
+#, c-format
+msgid " K - kill %s "
+msgstr " K - termină %s "
+#: ../misctips.c:61
+msgid " N - Turn NMI watchdog off "
+msgstr " N - Dezactivează gardianul NMI"
+#: ../cpufreq.c:118
+msgid " O - enable Ondemand governor "
+msgstr " O - activează guvernatorul Ondemand "
+#: ../wifi-new.c:201
+msgid " P - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " P - Activează economizatorul de energie pentru conexiunea fără fir "
+#: ../display.c:108
+msgid " Q - Quit "
+msgstr " Q - Ieșire "
+#: ../display.c:109
+msgid " R - Refresh "
+msgstr " R - Reîmprospătare "
+#: ../sata.c:104
+msgid " S - SATA Link Power Management "
+msgstr " S - Gestionarea Consumului de Energie pentru SATA Link "
+#: ../misctips.c:194
+msgid " T - enable noatime "
+msgstr " T - activează noatime "
+#: ../urbnum.c:222
+#: ../usb.c:116
+msgid " U - Enable USB suspend "
+msgstr " U - Permite suspendarea USB-ului "
+#: ../xrandr.c:78
+msgid " V - Disable TV out "
+msgstr " V - Dezactivează ieșirea TV "
+#: ../wireless.c:311
+#: ../wireless.c:317
+msgid " W - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " W - Activează economizatorul de energie pentru conexiunea fără fir "
+#: ../misctips.c:292
+msgid " W - Increase Writeback time "
+msgstr " W - Mărește timpul de Răspuns în scris "
+#: ../ethernet.c:131
+msgid " W - disable Wake-On-Lan "
+msgstr " W - dezactivează Wake-On-Lan "
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:91
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6.2f Ghz"
+msgstr "%6.2f Ghz"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:88
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6lli Mhz"
+msgstr "%6lli Mhz"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:85
+#, c-format
+msgid "%9lli"
+msgstr "%9lli"
+#: ../powertop.c:983
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../display.c:205
+#, c-format
+msgid "(long term: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+msgstr "(termen lung: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+#: ../display.c:301
+msgid "(which is CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y in the config file)\n"
+msgstr "(care este CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y în fișierul de configurare)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:960
+#, c-format
+msgid "< Detailed C-state information is not available.>\n"
+msgstr "< Informații detaliate despre C-state nu sunt disponibile.>\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1040
+msgid "<kernel core>"
+msgstr "<nucleu kernel>"
+#: ../powertop.c:1036
+#: ../powertop.c:1038
+msgid "<kernel module>"
+msgstr "<modul kernel>"
+#: ../urbnum.c:217
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A USB device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Un dispozitiv USB este activ %4.1f%% din timp:\n"
+#: ../urbnum.c:186
+msgid "Active Device name"
+msgstr "Nume Dispozitiv activ"
+#: ../powertop.c:969
+#, c-format
+msgid "C0 (cpu running) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "C0 (procesorul rulează) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:966
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cn\t Avg residency\n"
+msgstr "Cn\t Rezidență medie\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:903
+#, c-format
+msgid "Collecting data for %i seconds \n"
+msgstr "Colecteză date pentru %i secunde \n"
+#: ../ethernet.c:128
+msgid ""
+"Disable Ethernet Wake-On-Lan with the following command:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Wake-on-Lan keeps the phy active, this costs power."
+msgstr ""
+"Dezactivează opțiunea Wake-On-Lan a rețelei cu următoarea comandă:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Această opțiune păstrează phy-ul activ dar și consumă energie."
+#: ../powertop.c:1187
+msgid ""
+"Disable the SE-Alert software by removing the 'setroubleshoot-server' rpm\n"
+"SE-Alert alerts you about SELinux policy violations, but also\n"
+"has a bug that wakes it up 10 times per second."
+msgstr ""
+"Dezactivează softul SE-Alert prin eliminarea pachetului rpm 'setroubleshoot-server'\n"
+"Acest soft vă avertizează cu privire la politica de încălcare SELinux, dar\n"
+"are un bug care îl activează la fiecare 10 secunde."
+#: ../display.c:304
+msgid "No detailed statistics available; PowerTOP needs root privileges for that\n"
+msgstr "Nu sunt disponibile statistici detaliate; PowerTOP are nevoie de privilegii de root pentru aceasta\n"
+#: ../display.c:299
+msgid "No detailed statistics available; please enable the CONFIG_TIMER_STATS kernel option\n"
+msgstr "Nu sunt disponibile statistici detaliate; vă rog să activaţi opțiunea CONFIG_TIMER_STATS al kernelului\n"
+#: ../display.c:302
+msgid "Note: this is only available in 2.6.21 and later kernels\n"
+msgstr "Notă: acest lucru este disponibil numai în versiunea 2.6.21 şi kernelurile ulterioare\n"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:115
+#, c-format
+msgid "P-states (frequencies)\n"
+msgstr "P-states (frecvențe)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:170
+#: ../powertop.c:306
+msgid "PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad"
+msgstr "tastatură PS/2/maus/touchpad"
+#: ../display.c:208
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (5 minute ACPI estimate) : %5.1f W (%3.1f hours left)"
+msgstr "Consumul de energie (ACPI estimează 5 minute) : %5.1f W (%3.1f ore rămase)"
+#: ../display.c:201
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (ACPI estimate): %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Consumul de energie (ACPI estimează): %3.1fW (%3.1f ore)"
+#: ../display.c:238
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage: %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Consumul de energie: %3.1fW (%3.1f ore)"
+#: ../powertop.c:902
+#, c-format
+msgid "PowerTOP needs to be run as root to collect enough information\n"
+msgstr "PowerTOP trebuie să ruleze ca root pentru a colecta informaţii suficiente\n"
+#: ../urbnum.c:185
+msgid "Recent USB suspend statistics"
+msgstr "Statistici USB recent suspendate"
+#: ../powertop.c:1181
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable 'hal' from polling your cdrom with: \n"
+"hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom 'hal' is the component that auto-opens a\n"
+"window if you plug in a CD but disables SATA power saving from kicking in."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: Dezactivează modul în care 'hal' obține drepturi la cdrom: \n"
+"hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom 'hal' este o componentă ce deschide automat o\n"
+"fereastră dacă introduceți un CD dar și dezactivează modul econom pentru SATA."
+#: ../powertop.c:1155
+#: ../powertop.c:1159
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'beagle' from your system. \n"
+"Beagle is the program that indexes for easy desktop search, however it's \n"
+"not very efficient and costs a significant amount of battery life."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: Dezactivează sau eliminăi 'beagle' din sistem. \n"
+"Beagle este un program ce indexează conținutul pentru a ușura căutările, totuși nu \n"
+"este foarte eficient și scade durata de viață a bateriei."
+#: ../powertop.c:1168
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'gnome-power-manager' from your system. \n"
+"Older versions of gnome-power-manager wake up far more often than \n"
+"needed costing you some power."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: Dezactivează sau elimină 'gnome-power-manager' din sistem. \n"
+"Versiunile mai vechi de gnome-power-manager se deschid mult mai repede decât \n"
+"este nevoie, astfel consumul este mai mare."
+#: ../powertop.c:1174
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'pcscd' from your system. \n"
+"pcscd tends to keep the USB subsystem out of power save mode\n"
+"and your processor out of deeper powersave states."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: Dezactivează sau elimină 'pcscd' din sistem. \n"
+"În modul de economisire pcscd tinde să păstreze subsistemul USB fără putere\n"
+"și nu permite procesorului să ruleze la frecvențe mai joase."
+#: ../powertop.c:1143
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the CONFIG_IRQBALANCE kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The in-kernel irq balancer is obsolete and wakes the CPU up far more than needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: Dezactivează opțiunea CONFIG_IRQBALANCE a kernelului.\n"
+"Balanța in-kernel irq este absolută și folosește procesorul mai mult decât este nevoie."
+#: ../wireless.c:320
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: Dezactivează rețeaua fără fir atunci când nu este folosită cu următoarea comandă:\n"
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+#: ../wifi-new.c:194
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by setting the interface down:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: Dezactivează rețeaua fără fir atunci când nu este folosită prin închiderea acesteia:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+#: ../bluetooth.c:144
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused bluetooth interface with the following command:\n"
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth is a radio and consumes quite some power, and keeps USB busy as well.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: Dezactivează interfața bluetooth atunci când nu este folosit cu următoarea comandă:\n"
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth-ul folosește unde, astfel consumă destul de multă energie, dar și ține portul USB ocupat.\n"
+#: ../sata.c:101
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable SATA ALPM link power management via: \n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"or press the S key."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: Activează modul de gestionare a energiei SATA ALPM prin intermediul comenzii: \n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"sau apăsați tasta S."
+#: ../usb.c:114
+msgid "Suggestion: Enable USB autosuspend for non-input devices by pressing the U key\n"
+msgstr "Sugestie: Activează modul de suspendare automată a USB-ului pentru dispozitele non-input prin apăsarea tastei U\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:1131
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY kernel configuration option.\n"
+" This option is required to get power estimages from PowerTOP"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: Activează opțiunea CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY a kernelului.\n"
+" Această opţiune este necesară pentru a obţine, de la PowerTOP, informații estimative despre puterea de consum"
+#: ../powertop.c:1128
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The 'ondemand' CPU speed governor will minimize the CPU power usage while\n"
+"giving you performance when it is needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: Activează opțiunea CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND a kernelului.\n"
+"Această opțiune va minimaliza consumul de energie a procesorului,\n"
+"oferind performanțele necesare atunci când este nevoie."
+#: ../powertop.c:1145
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows PowerTOP to show P-state percentages \n"
+"P-states correspond to CPU frequencies."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: Activează opțiunea CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT a kernelului.\n"
+"Această opțiune permite ca PowerTOP să arate procente P-state \n"
+"Acestea corespund procentelor procesorului."
+#: ../powertop.c:1134
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_HPET_TIMER kernel configuration option.\n"
+"Without HPET support the kernel needs to wake up every 20 milliseconds for \n"
+"some housekeeping tasks."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: Activează opțiunea CONFIG_HPET_TIMER a kernelului.\n"
+"Fără suport HPET, kernelul trebuie să se activeze odată la 20 de milisecunde pentru \n"
+"sarcini de menaj."
+#: ../powertop.c:1148
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_INOTIFY kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows programs to wait for changes in files and directories\n"
+"instead of having to poll for these changes"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: Activează opțiunea CONFIG_INOTIFY a kernelului.\n"
+"Această opțiune permite programelor să aștepte modificări ale fișierelor și dosarelor\n"
+"în loc să verifice fiecare fișier și dosar în parte"
+#: ../powertop.c:1130
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_NO_HZ kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option is required to get any kind of longer sleep times in the CPU."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: Activează opțiunea CONFIG_NO_HZ a kernelului.\n"
+"Această opțiune permite procesorului să primească durate mai lungi de repaus."
+#: ../powertop.c:1139
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will automatically power down your sound codec when not in use,\n"
+"and can save approximately half a Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: Activează opțiunea CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE a kernelului.\n"
+"Această opțiune va închide automat codecul de sunet atunci când nu este folosit,\n"
+"astfel se poate salva aproximativ jumătate din energia consumată."
+#: ../powertop.c:1126
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will automatically disable UHCI USB when not in use, and may\n"
+"save approximately 1 Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: Activează opțiunea CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND a kernelului.\n"
+"Această opțiune va dezactiva automat UHCI USB atunci când nu este folosit, astfel se poate\n"
+"salva aproximativ 1 Watt de energie."
+#: ../cpufreq.c:116
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the ondemand cpu speed governor for all processors via: \n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: Activează guvernatorul de viteză a procesorului folosind comanda: \n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+#: ../wireless.c:314
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: Activează modul de economisire a rețelei fără fir folosind comanda:\n"
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"Această opțiune va sacrifica ușor performața rețelei pentru a salva energie."
+#: ../wifi-new.c:198
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: Activează modul de economisire a rețelei fără fir folosind comanda:\n"
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"Această opțiune va sacrifica ușor performața rețelei pentru a salva energie."
+#: ../wireless.c:308
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: Activează modul de economisire a rețelei fără fir folosind comanda:\n"
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"Această opțiune va sacrifica ușor performața rețelei pentru a salva energie."
+#: ../xrandr.c:75
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable TV out via: \n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"or press the V key."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: dezactivează ieșirea TV prin comanda: \n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"sau apasă tasta V."
+#: ../misctips.c:59
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable the NMI watchdog by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"The NMI watchdog is a kernel debug mechanism to detect deadlocks"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: dezactivează gardianul NMI prin executarea următoarei comenzi:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"Gardianul NMI este un mecanism de depanare a kernelului folosit pentru a detecta partajări (zone moarte)"
+#: ../misctips.c:123
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable AC97 powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: activează modul de economisire AC97 folosind următoarea comandă:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"sau prin trecerea parametrului power_save=1 a modulului."
+#: ../misctips.c:163
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable HD audio powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: activează modul de economisire audio HD folosind următoarea comandă:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"sau prin trecerea parametrului power_save=1 a modulului."
+#: ../misctips.c:87
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the HPET (Multimedia Timer) in your BIOS or add \n"
+"the kernel patch to force-enable HPET. HPET support allows Linux to \n"
+"have much longer sleep intervals."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: activează HPET (Multimedia Timer) în BIOS sau adaugă \n"
+"patchul force-enable HPET a kernelului. Sprijinul oferit de HPET sistemului permite acestuia\n"
+"să primească durate mai lungi de repaus."
+#: ../misctips.c:192
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the noatime filesystem option by executing the following command:\n"
+" mount -o remount,noatime / or by pressing the T key \n"
+"noatime disables persistent access time of file accesses, which causes lots of disk IO."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: activează opțiunea de sistem noatime cu următoarea comandă:\n"
+" mount -o remount,noatime / sau prin apăsarea tastei T \n"
+"noatime dezactivează accesul repetat la fișiere, acces ce poate cauza multe defecțiuni ale discului."
+#: ../misctips.c:255
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the power aware CPU scheduler with the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"or by pressing the C key."
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: activează jurnalul de putere a procesorului cu ajutorul următoarei comenzi:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"sau prin apăsarea tastei C."
+#: ../misctips.c:288
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: increase the VM dirty writeback time from %1.2f to 15 seconds with:\n"
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"This wakes the disk up less frequently for background VM activity"
+msgstr ""
+"Sugestie: mărește timpul de răspuns în scris VM de la %1.2f la 15 secunde cu:\n"
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"Această opțiune accesează discul mai rar pentru activitatea de fundal VM"
+#: ../display.c:300
+msgid "This option is located in the Kernel Debugging section of menuconfig\n"
+msgstr "Această opţiune este situată în menuconfig, secțiunea Depanare Kernel\n"
+#: ../display.c:281
+msgid "Top causes for wakeups:\n"
+msgstr "Top cauze pentru porniri:\n"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:94
+msgid "Turbo Mode"
+msgstr "Modul Turbo"
+#: ../urbnum.c:123
+#, c-format
+msgid "USB device %4s : %s (%s)"
+msgstr "Dispozitivul USB %4s : %s (%s)"
+#: ../powertop.c:820
+#, c-format
+msgid "Usage: powertop [OPTION...]\n"
+msgstr "În uz: powertop [OPTION...]\n"
+#: ../display.c:270
+#, c-format
+msgid "Wakeups-from-idle per second : %4.1f\tinterval: %0.1fs\n"
+msgstr "Wakeups-from-idle pe secundă : %4.1f\tinterval: %0.1fs\n"
+#: ../intelcstates.c:152
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your BIOS reports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "BIOS-ul raportează următoarele stări C-states : "
+#: ../intelcstates.c:143
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your CPU supports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "Procesorul suportă următoarele stări C-states : "
+#: ../display.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid "no ACPI power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "nici o estimare a puterii de utilizare ACPI disponibilă"
+#: ../display.c:244
+#, c-format
+msgid "no power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "nici o estimare a puterii de utilizare disponibilă"
+#: ../powertop.c:433
+msgid "polling"
+msgstr "de votare"
+#: ../powertop.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "powertop version %s\n"
+msgstr "versiune powertop %s\n"
diff --git a/po/ru.po b/po/ru.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..768dbc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/ru.po
@@ -0,0 +1,660 @@
+# translation of ru.po to Russian
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Arjan van de Ven <>, 2007.
+# Andrey Melentyev <>, 2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: ru\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-11 13:44-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-06-17 12:45+0400\n"
+"Last-Translator: Andrey Melentyev <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Russian <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%"
+"10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:303 ../powertop.c:306
+#, c-format
+msgid " <interrupt> : %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1072
+msgid " <interrupt> : extra timer interrupt"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:301
+#, c-format
+msgid " <kernel IPI> : %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:821
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+" -d, --dump read wakeups once and print list of top offenders\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:824
+#, c-format
+msgid " -h, --help Show this help message\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid " -p, --pids show pids in wakeups list\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:822
+#, c-format
+msgid " -t, --time=DOUBLE default time to gather data in seconds\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:825
+#, c-format
+msgid " -v, --version Show version information and exit\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:125
+msgid " A - Turn AC97 powersave on "
+msgstr " A - Включить энергосбережение AC97"
+#: ../misctips.c:165
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " A - Turn HD audio powersave on "
+msgstr " A - Включить энергосбережение AC97"
+#: ../bluetooth.c:146
+msgid " B - Turn Bluetooth off "
+msgstr "B - Отключить Bluetooth"
+#: ../misctips.c:257
+msgid " C - Power aware CPU scheduler "
+msgstr " C - Энергосберегательный планировщик ЦП"
+#: ../wifi-new.c:196
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " D - disable wireless "
+msgstr " W - Включить режим энергосбережения Wi-Fi"
+#: ../wireless.c:322
+msgid " I - disable WIFI Radio "
+msgstr " I - Отключить Wi-Fi радио"
+#: ../process.c:84
+#, c-format
+msgid " K - kill %s "
+msgstr " K - Убить %s "
+#: ../misctips.c:61
+msgid " N - Turn NMI watchdog off "
+msgstr " N - Отключить NMI watchdog"
+#: ../cpufreq.c:118
+msgid " O - enable Ondemand governor "
+msgstr " O - Включить ondemand cpufreq governer "
+#: ../wifi-new.c:201
+#, fuzzy
+msgid " P - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " W - Включить режим энергосбережения Wi-Fi"
+#: ../display.c:108
+msgid " Q - Quit "
+msgstr " Q - Выйти"
+#: ../display.c:109
+msgid " R - Refresh "
+msgstr " R - Обновить"
+#: ../sata.c:104
+msgid " S - SATA Link Power Management "
+msgstr " S - Управление питанием SATA"
+#: ../misctips.c:194
+msgid " T - enable noatime "
+msgstr " T - Включить noatime"
+#: ../urbnum.c:222 ../usb.c:116
+msgid " U - Enable USB suspend "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../xrandr.c:78
+msgid " V - Disable TV out "
+msgstr " V - Отключить TV out"
+#: ../wireless.c:311 ../wireless.c:317
+msgid " W - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " W - Включить режим энергосбережения Wi-Fi"
+#: ../misctips.c:292
+msgid " W - Increase Writeback time "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../ethernet.c:131
+msgid " W - disable Wake-On-Lan "
+msgstr " W - Отключить Wake-On-Lan"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:91
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6.2f Ghz"
+msgstr "%6.2f ГГц"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:88
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6lli Mhz"
+msgstr "%lli МГц"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:85
+#, c-format
+msgid "%9lli"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:983
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "C%i\t\t%5.1fмс (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../display.c:205
+#, c-format
+msgid "(long term: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+msgstr "(Долгосрочный: %3.1fВт,/%3.1fчас)"
+#: ../display.c:301
+msgid "(which is CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y in the config file)\n"
+msgstr "(которая называется CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y в конфиге)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:960
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "< Detailed C-state information is not available.>\n"
+msgstr ""
+"< Детальная информация о С-states доступна только для мобильных процессоров "
+#: ../powertop.c:1040
+msgid "<kernel core>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1036 ../powertop.c:1038
+msgid "<kernel module>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../urbnum.c:217
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A USB device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../urbnum.c:186
+msgid "Active Device name"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:969
+#, c-format
+msgid "C0 (cpu running) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "C0 (ЦП работает) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:966
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cn\t Avg residency\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:903
+#, c-format
+msgid "Collecting data for %i seconds \n"
+msgstr "Собираем данные %i секунд \n"
+#: ../ethernet.c:128
+msgid ""
+"Disable Ethernet Wake-On-Lan with the following command:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Wake-on-Lan keeps the phy active, this costs power."
+msgstr ""
+"Отключите ф-цию Wake-On-Lan следующей командой:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Wake-on-Lan держит физический интерфейс занятым."
+#: ../powertop.c:1187
+msgid ""
+"Disable the SE-Alert software by removing the 'setroubleshoot-server' rpm\n"
+"SE-Alert alerts you about SELinux policy violations, but also\n"
+"has a bug that wakes it up 10 times per second."
+msgstr ""
+"Выключите программу SE-Alert, удалив rpm 'setroubleshoot-server'\n"
+"SE-Alert предупреждает Вас о нарушениях политики SELinux, но также\n"
+"в программе имеется баг, который вызывает около 10 пробуждений в секунду."
+#: ../display.c:304
+msgid ""
+"No detailed statistics available; PowerTOP needs root privileges for that\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Детальная статистика недоступна; PowerTOP нужны привилегии root для этого\n"
+#: ../display.c:299
+msgid ""
+"No detailed statistics available; please enable the CONFIG_TIMER_STATS "
+"kernel option\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Детальная статистика недоступна, пожалуйста, включите опцию "
+#: ../display.c:302
+msgid "Note: this is only available in 2.6.21 and later kernels\n"
+msgstr "Примечание: доступно только для ядра 2.6.21 и более поздних версий\n"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:115
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "P-states (frequencies)\n"
+msgstr "Cn Среднее пребывание (за %2iс)\t\tP-states (частоты)\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:170 ../powertop.c:306
+msgid "PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:208
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (5 minute ACPI estimate) : %5.1f W (%3.1f hours left)"
+msgstr ""
+"Потребление энергии (по оценке ACPI за 5 минут) : %5.1f Вт (%3.1f часов "
+#: ../display.c:201
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (ACPI estimate): %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Энергопотребление (по оценке ACPI): %3.1f Вт (%3.1f часов осталось)"
+#: ../display.c:238
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Power usage: %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "Энергопотребление (по оценке ACPI): %3.1f Вт (%3.1f часов осталось)"
+#: ../powertop.c:902
+#, c-format
+msgid "PowerTOP needs to be run as root to collect enough information\n"
+msgstr ""
+"PowerTOP должен быть запущен с привилегиями суперпользователя root для сбора "
+"необходимой информации\n"
+#: ../urbnum.c:185
+msgid "Recent USB suspend statistics"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1181
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable 'hal' from polling your cdrom with: \n"
+"hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom 'hal' is the component that auto-"
+"opens a\n"
+"window if you plug in a CD but disables SATA power saving from kicking in."
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: запретите 'hal' проверять Ваш cdrom командой: \n"
+"hal-disable-polling /dev/cdrom 'hal'автоматически открывает окно, когда \n"
+"Вы вставляете CD, но он мешает нормальной работе энергосбережения SATA."
+#: ../powertop.c:1155 ../powertop.c:1159
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'beagle' from your system. \n"
+"Beagle is the program that indexes for easy desktop search, however it's \n"
+"not very efficient and costs a significant amount of battery life."
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: отключите или удалите beagle из Вашей системы.\n"
+"Beagle - это программа, которая индексирует Ваши файлы для удобного \n"
+"поиска, но она не очень эффективна и сильно уменьшает время работы \n"
+"от батареи."
+#: ../powertop.c:1168
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'gnome-power-manager' from your system. \n"
+"Older versions of gnome-power-manager wake up far more often than \n"
+"needed costing you some power."
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: отключите или удалите 'gnome-power-manager' из Вашей системы.\n"
+"Не смотря на название, некоторые версии gnome-power-manager стоят больше\n"
+"чем могут помочь сохранить."
+#: ../powertop.c:1174
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'pcscd' from your system. \n"
+"pcscd tends to keep the USB subsystem out of power save mode\n"
+"and your processor out of deeper powersave states."
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: отключите или удалите 'pcscd' из Вашей системыn pcscd мешает "
+"подсистеме USB входить в режим энергосбережения\n"
+"тем самым не давая процессору возможность использовать некоторые\n"
+"режимы сбережения энергии."
+#: ../powertop.c:1143
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the CONFIG_IRQBALANCE kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The in-kernel irq balancer is obsolete and wakes the CPU up far more than "
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: выключите опцию CONFIG_IRQBALANCE в конфигурации ядра.\n"
+"Балансировщик прерываний ядра устарел и заставляет процессор \n"
+"просыпаться n гораздо чаще, чем необходимо."
+#: ../wireless.c:320
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by executing the following "
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: отключите неиспользуемое радио Wi-Fi следующей командой:\n"
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+#: ../wifi-new.c:194
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by setting the interface down:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: отключите неиспользуемое радио Wi-Fi следующей командой:\n"
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+#: ../bluetooth.c:144
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused bluetooth interface with the following "
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth is a radio and consumes quite some power, and keeps USB busy as "
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: отключите неиспользуемый интерфейс bluetooth следующей командой:\n"
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth это радио, а значит потребляет энергию, кроме того загружает "
+"работой USB.\n"
+#: ../sata.c:101
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable SATA ALPM link power management via: \n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"or press the S key."
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: включите энергосбережение SATA ALPM командой: \n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"или нажмите на клавишу S."
+#: ../usb.c:114
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable USB autosuspend for non-input devices by pressing the U "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1131
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY kernel configuration option.\n"
+" This option is required to get power estimages from PowerTOP"
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: включите опцию CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY в конфигурации ядра.\n"
+" Эта опция необходима для вычисления потребления энергии в PowerTOP"
+#: ../powertop.c:1128
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND kernel configuration "
+"The 'ondemand' CPU speed governor will minimize the CPU power usage while\n"
+"giving you performance when it is needed."
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: включите опцию CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND в конфигурации ядра.\n"
+"'ondemand' cpufreq governor минимизирует потребление энергии процессором, "
+"производительность при необходимости."
+#: ../powertop.c:1145
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows PowerTOP to show P-state percentages \n"
+"P-states correspond to CPU frequencies."
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: включите опцию CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT в конфигурации ядра.\n"
+"Это позволит PowerTOP показывать статистику P-states в процентах \n"
+"P-states соответствуют частотам ЦП."
+#: ../powertop.c:1134
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_HPET_TIMER kernel configuration option.\n"
+"Without HPET support the kernel needs to wake up every 20 milliseconds for \n"
+"some housekeeping tasks."
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: включите опцию CONFIG_HPET_TIMER в конфигурации ядра.\n"
+"Без поддержки HPET ядру необходимо пробуждаться каждые 20мс для \n"
+"выполнения служебных заданий."
+#: ../powertop.c:1148
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_INOTIFY kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows programs to wait for changes in files and directories\n"
+"instead of having to poll for these changes"
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: включите опцию CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT в конфигурации ядра.\n"
+"Это позволит PowerTOP показывать статистику P-states в процентах \n"
+"P-states соответствуют частотам ЦП."
+#: ../powertop.c:1130
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_NO_HZ kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option is required to get any kind of longer sleep times in the CPU."
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: включите опцию CONFIG_NO_HZ в конфигурации ядра.\n"
+"Эта опция необходима для достижения более долгого времени \n"
+"бездействия процессора."
+#: ../powertop.c:1139
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE kernel configuration "
+"This option will automatically power down your sound codec when not in use,\n"
+"and can save approximately half a Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: включите опцию CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE в конфигурации ядра.\n"
+"Эта опция автоматически обесточит Ваш звуковой кодек, когда он не "
+"используется, \n"
+"и поможет сохранить приблизительно 1Вт энергии."
+#: ../powertop.c:1126
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will automatically disable UHCI USB when not in use, and may\n"
+"save approximately 1 Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: включите опцию CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND в конфигурации ядра.\n"
+"Эта опция автоматически отключит UHCI USB во время бездействия, и\n"
+"поможет сохранить приблизительно 1Вт энергии."
+#: ../cpufreq.c:116
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the ondemand cpu speed governor for all processors via: \n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: включите ondemand cpufreq governer для всех процессоров командой:\n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+#: ../wireless.c:314
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: включите режим энергосбережения для Wi-Fi следующей командой:\n"
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5\n"
+"Тем самым Вы пожертвуете производительностью сети для того, чтобы заметно\n"
+"уменьшить расход энергии."
+#: ../wifi-new.c:198
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: включите режим энергосбережения для Wi-Fi следующей командой:\n"
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5\n"
+"Тем самым Вы пожертвуете производительностью сети для того, чтобы заметно\n"
+"уменьшить расход энергии."
+#: ../wireless.c:308
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: включите режим энергосбережения для Wi-Fi следующей командой:\n"
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5\n"
+"Тем самым Вы пожертвуете производительностью сети для того, чтобы заметно\n"
+"уменьшить расход энергии."
+#: ../xrandr.c:75
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable TV out via: \n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"or press the V key."
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: отключите TV-out командой: \n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"или нажмите клавишу V."
+#: ../misctips.c:59
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable the NMI watchdog by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"The NMI watchdog is a kernel debug mechanism to detect deadlocks"
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: отключите NMI watchdog следующей командой:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"NMI watchdog это механизм ядра для отслеживания зависаний"
+#: ../misctips.c:123
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable AC97 powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: включите режим энергосбережения AC97 при помощи следующей команды:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"или добавьте power_save=1 в качестве параметра модуля."
+#: ../misctips.c:163
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable HD audio powersave mode by executing the following "
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: включите режим энергосбережения AC97 при помощи следующей команды:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"или добавьте power_save=1 в качестве параметра модуля."
+#: ../misctips.c:87
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the HPET (Multimedia Timer) in your BIOS or add \n"
+"the kernel patch to force-enable HPET. HPET support allows Linux to \n"
+"have much longer sleep intervals."
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: включите HPET (Multimedia Timer) в Вашем BIOS или наложите на ядро\n"
+"патч для принудительного включения HPET. Поддержка HPET позволяет Linux\n"
+"значительно увеличить интервалы сна."
+#: ../misctips.c:192
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the noatime filesystem option by executing the following "
+" mount -o remount,noatime / or by pressing the T key \n"
+"noatime disables persistent access time of file accesses, which causes lots "
+"of disk IO."
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: включите опцию noatime для файловой системы следующей командой:\n"
+" mount -o remount,noatime / или нажатием клавиши T\n"
+"noatime отключает постоянное обновление атрибута времени последнего доступа\n"
+"к файлу, которое приводит к большому количеству операций ввода-вывода."
+#: ../misctips.c:255
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the power aware CPU scheduler with the following "
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"or by pressing the C key."
+msgstr ""
+"Совет: включите энергосберегающий планировщик процессора командой:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"или нажатием клавиши C."
+#: ../misctips.c:288
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: increase the VM dirty writeback time from %1.2f to 15 seconds "
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"This wakes the disk up less frequently for background VM activity"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:300
+msgid "This option is located in the Kernel Debugging section of menuconfig\n"
+msgstr "Эта опция находится в разделе \"Kernel Debugging\" menuconfig\n"
+#: ../display.c:281
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Top causes for wakeups:\n"
+msgstr "Причины пробуждений:"
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:94
+msgid "Turbo Mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../urbnum.c:123
+#, c-format
+msgid "USB device %4s : %s (%s)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:820
+#, c-format
+msgid "Usage: powertop [OPTION...]\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:270
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Wakeups-from-idle per second : %4.1f\tinterval: %0.1fs\n"
+msgstr "Пробуждений из режима бездействия за секунду : %4.1f"
+#: ../intelcstates.c:152
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your BIOS reports the following C-states : "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../intelcstates.c:143
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your CPU supports the following C-states : "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid "no ACPI power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "Оценка потребления энергии через ACPI недоступна"
+#: ../display.c:244
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "no power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "Оценка потребления энергии через ACPI недоступна"
+#: ../powertop.c:433
+msgid "polling"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "powertop version %s\n"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/zh_CN.po b/po/zh_CN.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e02b13f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/zh_CN.po
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+# powertop
+# Copyright Intel (C) 2009
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Zhu Yanhai <>, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: powertop\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-12 15:39-0700\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-09-22 16:08+0800\n"
+"Last-Translator: Zhu Yanhai <>\n"
+"Language-Team: zh_CN\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:303 ../powertop.c:306
+#, c-format
+msgid " <interrupt> : %s"
+msgstr " <中断> : %s"
+#: ../powertop.c:1072
+msgid " <interrupt> : extra timer interrupt"
+msgstr " <中断> : 额外的定时器中断"
+#: ../powertop.c:301
+#, c-format
+msgid " <kernel IPI> : %s"
+msgstr " <内核 处理器间中断(IPI)> : %s"
+#: ../powertop.c:821
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+" -d, --dump read wakeups once and print list of top offenders\n"
+msgstr ""
+" -d, --dump read wakeups once and print list of top offenders\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:824
+#, c-format
+msgid " -h, --help Show this help message\n"
+msgstr " -h, --help 打印本帮助信息\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid " -p, --pids show pids in wakeups list\n"
+msgstr " -p, --pids 输出唤醒列表中的进程号\n"
+#: ../powertop.c:822
+#, c-format
+msgid " -t, --time=DOUBLE default time to gather data in seconds\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:825
+#, c-format
+msgid " -v, --version Show version information and exit\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:125
+msgid " A - Turn AC97 powersave on "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:165
+msgid " A - Turn HD audio powersave on "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../bluetooth.c:146
+msgid " B - Turn Bluetooth off "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:257
+msgid " C - Power aware CPU scheduler "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../wifi-new.c:196
+msgid " D - disable wireless "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../wireless.c:322
+msgid " I - disable WIFI Radio "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../process.c:84
+#, c-format
+msgid " K - kill %s "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:61
+msgid " N - Turn NMI watchdog off "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../cpufreq.c:118
+msgid " O - enable Ondemand governor "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../wifi-new.c:201
+msgid " P - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:108
+msgid " Q - Quit "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:109
+msgid " R - Refresh "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../sata.c:104
+msgid " S - SATA Link Power Management "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:194
+msgid " T - enable noatime "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../urbnum.c:222 ../usb.c:116
+msgid " U - Enable USB suspend "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../xrandr.c:78
+msgid " V - Disable TV out "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../wireless.c:311 ../wireless.c:317
+msgid " W - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:292
+msgid " W - Increase Writeback time "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../ethernet.c:131
+msgid " W - disable Wake-On-Lan "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:91
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6.2f Ghz"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:88
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6lli Mhz"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:85
+#, c-format
+msgid "%9lli"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:983
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:205
+#, c-format
+msgid "(long term: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:301
+msgid "(which is CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y in the config file)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:960
+#, c-format
+msgid "< Detailed C-state information is not available.>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1040
+msgid "<kernel core>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1036 ../powertop.c:1038
+msgid "<kernel module>"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../urbnum.c:217
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A USB device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../urbnum.c:186
+msgid "Active Device name"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:969
+#, c-format
+msgid "C0 (cpu running) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:966
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cn\t Avg residency\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:903
+#, c-format
+msgid "Collecting data for %i seconds \n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../ethernet.c:128
+msgid ""
+"Disable Ethernet Wake-On-Lan with the following command:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Wake-on-Lan keeps the phy active, this costs power."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1187
+msgid ""
+"Disable the SE-Alert software by removing the 'setroubleshoot-server' rpm\n"
+"SE-Alert alerts you about SELinux policy violations, but also\n"
+"has a bug that wakes it up 10 times per second."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:304
+msgid ""
+"No detailed statistics available; PowerTOP needs root privileges for that\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:299
+msgid ""
+"No detailed statistics available; please enable the CONFIG_TIMER_STATS "
+"kernel option\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:302
+msgid "Note: this is only available in 2.6.21 and later kernels\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:115
+#, c-format
+msgid "P-states (frequencies)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:170 ../powertop.c:306
+msgid "PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:208
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (5 minute ACPI estimate) : %5.1f W (%3.1f hours left)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:201
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (ACPI estimate): %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:238
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage: %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:902
+#, c-format
+msgid "PowerTOP needs to be run as root to collect enough information\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../urbnum.c:185
+msgid "Recent USB suspend statistics"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1181
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable 'hal' from polling your cdrom with: \n"
+"hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom 'hal' is the component that auto-"
+"opens a\n"
+"window if you plug in a CD but disables SATA power saving from kicking in."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1155 ../powertop.c:1159
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'beagle' from your system. \n"
+"Beagle is the program that indexes for easy desktop search, however it's \n"
+"not very efficient and costs a significant amount of battery life."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1168
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'gnome-power-manager' from your system. \n"
+"Older versions of gnome-power-manager wake up far more often than \n"
+"needed costing you some power."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1174
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'pcscd' from your system. \n"
+"pcscd tends to keep the USB subsystem out of power save mode\n"
+"and your processor out of deeper powersave states."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1143
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the CONFIG_IRQBALANCE kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The in-kernel irq balancer is obsolete and wakes the CPU up far more than "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../wireless.c:320
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by executing the following "
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../wifi-new.c:194
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by setting the interface down:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../bluetooth.c:144
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused bluetooth interface with the following "
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth is a radio and consumes quite some power, and keeps USB busy as "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../sata.c:101
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable SATA ALPM link power management via: \n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"or press the S key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../usb.c:114
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable USB autosuspend for non-input devices by pressing the U "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1131
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY kernel configuration option.\n"
+" This option is required to get power estimages from PowerTOP"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1128
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND kernel configuration "
+"The 'ondemand' CPU speed governor will minimize the CPU power usage while\n"
+"giving you performance when it is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1145
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows PowerTOP to show P-state percentages \n"
+"P-states correspond to CPU frequencies."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1134
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_HPET_TIMER kernel configuration option.\n"
+"Without HPET support the kernel needs to wake up every 20 milliseconds for \n"
+"some housekeeping tasks."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1148
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_INOTIFY kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows programs to wait for changes in files and directories\n"
+"instead of having to poll for these changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1130
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_NO_HZ kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option is required to get any kind of longer sleep times in the CPU."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1139
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE kernel configuration "
+"This option will automatically power down your sound codec when not in use,\n"
+"and can save approximately half a Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:1126
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will automatically disable UHCI USB when not in use, and may\n"
+"save approximately 1 Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../cpufreq.c:116
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the ondemand cpu speed governor for all processors via: \n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../wireless.c:314
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../wifi-new.c:198
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../wireless.c:308
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following "
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../xrandr.c:75
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable TV out via: \n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"or press the V key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:59
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable the NMI watchdog by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"The NMI watchdog is a kernel debug mechanism to detect deadlocks"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:123
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable AC97 powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:163
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable HD audio powersave mode by executing the following "
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:87
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the HPET (Multimedia Timer) in your BIOS or add \n"
+"the kernel patch to force-enable HPET. HPET support allows Linux to \n"
+"have much longer sleep intervals."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:192
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the noatime filesystem option by executing the following "
+" mount -o remount,noatime / or by pressing the T key \n"
+"noatime disables persistent access time of file accesses, which causes lots "
+"of disk IO."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:255
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the power aware CPU scheduler with the following "
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"or by pressing the C key."
+msgstr ""
+#: ../misctips.c:288
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: increase the VM dirty writeback time from %1.2f to 15 seconds "
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"This wakes the disk up less frequently for background VM activity"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:300
+msgid "This option is located in the Kernel Debugging section of menuconfig\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:281
+msgid "Top causes for wakeups:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../cpufreqstats.c:94
+msgid "Turbo Mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../urbnum.c:123
+#, c-format
+msgid "USB device %4s : %s (%s)"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:820
+#, c-format
+msgid "Usage: powertop [OPTION...]\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:270
+#, c-format
+msgid "Wakeups-from-idle per second : %4.1f\tinterval: %0.1fs\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../intelcstates.c:152
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your BIOS reports the following C-states : "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../intelcstates.c:143
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your CPU supports the following C-states : "
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid "no ACPI power usage estimate available"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../display.c:244
+#, c-format
+msgid "no power usage estimate available"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:433
+msgid "polling"
+msgstr ""
+#: ../powertop.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "powertop version %s\n"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/zh_TW.po b/po/zh_TW.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f59a5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/zh_TW.po
@@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
+# translation of zh.po to Chinese
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Yuan CHAO <>, 2007
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PowerTOP\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-07-15 02:46+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-07-15 03:22+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Yuan CHAO <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Yuan CHAO <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: \n"
+"X-Poedit-Language: Chinese\n"
+"X-Poedit-Basepath: /home/john/packages/powertop\n"
+"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: /opt/powertop\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/wireless.c:303
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 使用下列指令啟動無線網路省電功能:\n"
+" iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+#: /opt/powertop/wireless.c:306
+#: /opt/powertop/wireless.c:312
+msgid " W - Enable wireless power saving "
+msgstr " W - 開啟無線網路省電功能 "
+#: /opt/powertop/wireless.c:309
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 使用下列指令啟動無線網路省電功能:\n"
+" echo 5 > %s \n"
+#: /opt/powertop/wireless.c:315
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 當不使用 WIFI 時,以下列指令關閉 WIFI 信號:\n"
+" echo 1 > %s \n"
+#: /opt/powertop/wireless.c:317
+msgid " I - disable WIFI Radio "
+msgstr " I - 關閉 WIFI 信號 "
+#: /opt/powertop/process.c:86
+#, c-format
+msgid " K - kill %s "
+msgstr " K - 砍掉 %s 程緒"
+#: /opt/powertop/cpufreq.c:116
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the ondemand cpu speed governor for all processors via: \n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 使用下列指令對所有 CPU 啟用 Ondemand 時脈管理模式: \n"
+" echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor \n"
+#: /opt/powertop/cpufreq.c:118
+msgid " O - enable Ondemand governor "
+msgstr " O - 啟用 CPU Ondemand 時脈管理 "
+#: /opt/powertop/usb.c:117
+msgid "Suggestion: Enable USB autosuspend for non-input devices by pressing the U key\n"
+msgstr "建議: 按下 U 鍵啟用 USB 非輸入設備的自動休眠功能。\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/usb.c:119
+#: /opt/powertop/urbnum.c:218
+msgid " U - Enable USB suspend "
+msgstr " U - 啟用 USB 自動休眠"
+#: /opt/powertop/sata.c:102
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable SATA ALPM link power management via: \n"
+" echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"or press the S key."
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 使用下列指令啟動 SATA ALPM 電源管理功能: echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+"或直接按下 S 鍵"
+#: /opt/powertop/sata.c:105
+#: /opt/powertop/ahci-alpm.c:259
+msgid " S - SATA Link Power Management "
+msgstr " S - SATA Link 電源管理功能 "
+#: /opt/powertop/misctips.c:59
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable the NMI watchdog by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"The NMI watchdog is a kernel debug mechanism to detect deadlocks"
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 使用下列指令取消 NMI watchdog 監控:\n"
+" echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog \n"
+"NMI watchdog 監控是用於替核心除蟲,以及偵測系統死結之用。"
+#: /opt/powertop/misctips.c:61
+msgid " N - Turn NMI watchdog off "
+msgstr " N - 關閉 NMI watchdog 監控 "
+#: /opt/powertop/misctips.c:87
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the HPET (Multimedia Timer) in your BIOS or add \n"
+"the kernel patch to force-enable HPET. HPET support allows Linux to \n"
+"have much longer sleep intervals."
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 於 BIOS 中啟用 HPET (多媒體計時器) \n"
+"或是使用核心補綴來強制啟用 HPET。啟用 HPET 可以讓 Linux\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/misctips.c:123
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable AC97 powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 使用下列指令啟用 AC97音效設備 省電功能:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save \n"
+"或是設定 power_save=1 模組參數。"
+#: /opt/powertop/misctips.c:125
+msgid " A - Turn AC97 powersave on "
+msgstr " A - 開啟 AC97音效設備 省電功能 "
+#: /opt/powertop/misctips.c:163
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable HD audio powersave mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"or by passing power_save=1 as module parameter."
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 使用下列指令啟用高傳真音效設備的省電功能:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save \n"
+"或是設定 power_save=1 模組參數。"
+#: /opt/powertop/misctips.c:165
+msgid " A - Turn HD audio powersave on "
+msgstr " A - 開啟高傳真音效設備的省電功能 "
+#: /opt/powertop/misctips.c:192
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the noatime filesystem option by executing the following command:\n"
+" mount -o remount,noatime / or by pressing the T key \n"
+"noatime disables persistent access time of file accesses, which causes lots of disk IO."
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 以下列指令啟用 noatime 使檔案系統停止紀錄檔案存取時間 \n"
+" mount -o remount,noatime / 或直接按下 T 鍵\n"
+"noatime 將會關閉檔案系統紀錄存取時間,以減少磁碟 I/O 次數。"
+#: /opt/powertop/misctips.c:194
+msgid " T - enable noatime "
+msgstr " T - 啟動 noatime "
+#: /opt/powertop/misctips.c:254
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: enable the power aware CPU scheduler with the following command:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"or by pressing the C key."
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 以下列指令啟用省電型 CPU 排程器:\n"
+" echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings\n"
+"或直接按下 C 鍵。"
+#: /opt/powertop/misctips.c:256
+msgid " C - Power aware CPU scheduler "
+msgstr " C - 省電型 CPU 排程器 "
+#: /opt/powertop/misctips.c:287
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: increase the VM dirty writeback time from %1.2f to 15 seconds with:\n"
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"This wakes the disk up less frequently for background VM activity"
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 使用下列指令延長 VM dirty writeback 資料回寫時間自 %1.2f 改為 15 秒鐘:\n"
+" echo 1500 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs \n"
+"如此可以減少因為 VM 虛擬記憶體的運作而啟動磁碟的頻率。"
+#: /opt/powertop/misctips.c:291
+msgid " W - Increase Writeback time "
+msgstr " W - 延長資料回寫入磁碟間隔 "
+#: /opt/powertop/xrandr.c:75
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: disable TV out via: \n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+"or press the V key."
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 使用下列指令關閉 TV 輸出顯示功能:\n"
+" xrandr --output TV --off\n"
+"或直接按下 V 鍵."
+#: /opt/powertop/xrandr.c:78
+msgid " V - Disable TV out "
+msgstr " V - 關閉 TV 輸出 "
+#: /opt/powertop/perf.c:237
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The program '%s' is writing to file '%s' on /dev/%s.\n"
+"This prevents the disk from going to powersave mode."
+msgstr ""
+"程式 '%s' 正在寫入檔案 '%s' 於 /dev/%s 裝置上\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/perf.c:242
+#, c-format
+msgid "The application '%s' is writing to file '%s' on /dev/%s\n"
+msgstr "應用程式 '%s' 正在寫入檔案 '%s' 於 /dev/%s 裝置上\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/perf.c:256
+#, c-format
+msgid "Disk accesses:\n"
+msgstr "磁碟存取: \n"
+#: /opt/powertop/urbnum.c:123
+#, c-format
+msgid "USB device %4s : %s (%s)"
+msgstr "USB 設備 %4s : %s (%s)"
+#: /opt/powertop/urbnum.c:180
+msgid "Recent USB suspend statistics"
+msgstr "近期 USB 進入休眠次數"
+#: /opt/powertop/urbnum.c:181
+#: /opt/powertop/devicepm.c:224
+msgid "Active Device name"
+msgstr "運作中的設備名稱"
+#: /opt/powertop/urbnum.c:213
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A USB device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"USB 設備 %4.1f%% 的時間處於運作狀態:\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/wifi-new.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by setting the interface down:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 當不使用 WIFI 時,以下列指令關閉 WIFI 信號:\n"
+" ifconfig %s down\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/wifi-new.c:198
+msgid " D - disable wireless "
+msgstr " D - 關閉無線網路"
+#: /opt/powertop/wifi-new.c:200
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n"
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+"This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 使用下列指令啟動無線網路省電功能:\n"
+" iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/wifi-new.c:203
+msgid " W - Enable Wireless power saving "
+msgstr " W - 開啟無線網路省電功能 "
+#: /opt/powertop/cpufreqstats.c:85
+#, c-format
+msgid "%9lli"
+msgstr "%9lli"
+#: /opt/powertop/cpufreqstats.c:88
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6lli Mhz"
+msgstr "%6lli MHz"
+#: /opt/powertop/cpufreqstats.c:91
+#, c-format
+msgid "%6.2f Ghz"
+msgstr "%6.2f GHz"
+#: /opt/powertop/cpufreqstats.c:94
+msgid "Turbo Mode"
+msgstr "超頻模式"
+#: /opt/powertop/cpufreqstats.c:115
+#, c-format
+msgid "P-states (frequencies)\n"
+msgstr "P-states (CPU 時脈)\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/devicepm.c:112
+msgid "Suggestion: Enable Device Power Management by pressing the P key\n"
+msgstr "建議: 按下 P 鍵啟用裝置的電源管理功能。\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/devicepm.c:114
+msgid " P - Enable Runtime PM"
+msgstr " P - 啟動執行時動態電源管理"
+#: /opt/powertop/devicepm.c:223
+msgid "Runtime Device Power Management statistics"
+msgstr "執行時期裝置電源管理數據"
+#: /opt/powertop/devicepm.c:235
+msgid "Devices without runtime PM"
+msgstr "裝置沒有執行時電源管理功能"
+#: /opt/powertop/devicepm.c:245
+#, c-format
+msgid "%i more devices without runtime PM ommitted\n"
+msgstr "還有 %i 裝置因缺少執行時電源管理功能而略過\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/devicepm.c:271
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"裝置有 %4.1f%% 的時間處於運作狀態:\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/devicepm.c:276
+msgid " P - Enable device power management "
+msgstr " P - 啟用裝置電源管理功能功能 "
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:312
+#, c-format
+msgid "[%s] <kernel IPI>"
+msgstr "[%s] <核心多處理器間中斷>"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:314
+#, c-format
+msgid "[%s] <interrupt>"
+msgstr "[%s] <中斷服務>"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:317
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s interrupt"
+msgstr "[%s] 中斷服務"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:317
+msgid "PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad"
+msgstr "PS/2 鍵盤/滑鼠/觸控板"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:444
+msgid "polling"
+msgstr "巡察"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "Usage: powertop [OPTION...]\n"
+msgstr "用法:powertop [選項...]\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:832
+#, c-format
+msgid " -d, --dump read wakeups once and print list of top offenders\n"
+msgstr " -d, --dump 一次列出主要造成CPU脫離閒置的所有程序後退出\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:833
+#, c-format
+msgid " -t, --time=DOUBLE default time to gather data in seconds\n"
+msgstr " -t, --time=DOUBLE 預設每次蒐集資料的時間,以秒為單位\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:834
+#, c-format
+msgid " -p, --pids show pids in wakeups list\n"
+msgstr " -p, --pids 於脫離閒置的清單中顯示程序編號\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:835
+#, c-format
+msgid " -h, --help Show this help message\n"
+msgstr " -h, --help 顯示本輔助說明\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:836
+#, c-format
+msgid " -v, --version Show version information and exit\n"
+msgstr "-v, --version 顯示版本資訊後離開\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:842
+#, c-format
+msgid "powertop version %s\n"
+msgstr "powertop 版本為 %s\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:922
+#, c-format
+msgid "PowerTOP needs to be run as root to collect enough information\n"
+msgstr "PowerTOP 需要以 root 的身份執行,以取得足夠的資訊\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:923
+#, c-format
+msgid "Collecting data for %i seconds \n"
+msgstr "正在收集資料中,請稍等 %i 秒 \n"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:980
+#, c-format
+msgid "< Detailed C-state information is not available.>\n"
+msgstr "< 無法取得詳細的 C-state 資訊 >\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:986
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cn\t Avg residency\n"
+msgstr "Cn\t 平均停留時間\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:989
+#, c-format
+msgid "C0 (cpu running) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "C0 (cpu 忙碌中) (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1003
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"
+msgstr "%s\t%5.1f毫秒 (%4.1f%%)\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1059
+msgid "[kernel scheduler]"
+msgstr "[ 核心排程 ]"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1060
+msgid "Load balancing tick"
+msgstr "負載平衡中斷"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1063
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1065
+msgid "[kernel module]"
+msgstr "[ 核心模組 ]"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1067
+msgid "[kernel core]"
+msgstr "[ 系統核心 ]"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1108
+msgid "[extra timer interrupt]"
+msgstr "[ 額外的計時器中斷 ]"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1166
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will automatically disable UHCI USB when not in use, and may\n"
+"save approximately 1 Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 啟用 CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND 核心選項.\n"
+"此選項會在 UHCI USB 不用時自動關閉 UHCI USB 設備,\n"
+"最高約可節省 1 瓦的耗電量。"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1168
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_PM_ADVANCED_DEBUG kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will allow PowerTOP to collect runtime power management statistics."
+msgstr ""
+"該選項讓 PowerTOP 可以取得電源管理的數據。"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1170
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_PM_RUNTIME kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option enables the kernel to manage power for various devices in your computer."
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 啟用 CONFIG_PM_RUNTIME 核心選項\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1172
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The 'ondemand' CPU speed governor will minimize the CPU power usage while\n"
+"giving you performance when it is needed."
+msgstr ""
+"'ondemand' CPU 時脈管理模式可減少 CPU 功率的消耗,\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1174
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_NO_HZ kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option is required to get any kind of longer sleep times in the CPU."
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 啟用 CONFIG_NO_HZ 核心選項\n"
+"需啟用此功能來使用各種維持 CPU 保持在閒置狀態的功能。"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1175
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY kernel configuration option.\n"
+" This option is required to get power estimages from PowerTOP"
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 啟用 CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY 核心選項\n"
+"PowerTOP 需要此功能以得知剩餘電池電量。"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1178
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_HPET_TIMER kernel configuration option.\n"
+"Without HPET support the kernel needs to wake up every 20 milliseconds for \n"
+"some housekeeping tasks."
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 啟用 CONFIG_HPET_TIMER 核心選項\n"
+"不使用 HPET 核心支援將造成核心每 20ms\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1181
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_PCIEASPM kernel configuration option.\n"
+"PCI Link Powermanagement (ASPM) allows the hardware to go to low power mode\n"
+"automatically when a PCI-E device is idle."
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 啟用 CONFIG_PCIEASPM 核心選項\n"
+"PCI 連線電源管理 (ASPM) 可以讓處於閒置狀態 PCI-E 設備,自動進入低電源模式。"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1186
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option will automatically power down your sound codec when not in use,\n"
+"and can save approximately half a Watt of power."
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 啟用 CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE 核心選項\n"
+"大約可以節省 0.5 瓦的耗電量。"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1190
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the CONFIG_IRQBALANCE kernel configuration option.\n"
+"The in-kernel irq balancer is obsolete and wakes the CPU up far more than needed."
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 取消 CONFIG_IRQBALANCE 核心選項\n"
+"核心中 IRQ 負載平衡是過時的,而且會造成 CPU 過多離開閒置狀態的頻率。"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1192
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows PowerTOP to show P-state percentages \n"
+"P-states correspond to CPU frequencies."
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 啟用 CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT 核心選項\n"
+"PowerTOP 需要此選項來顯示 CPU P-States,\n"
+"P-States 對應到 CPU 頻率狀態。"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1195
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_INOTIFY kernel configuration option.\n"
+"This option allows programs to wait for changes in files and directories\n"
+"instead of having to poll for these changes"
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 啟用 CONFIG_INOTIFY 核心選項.\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1202
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1206
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'beagle' from your system. \n"
+"Beagle is the program that indexes for easy desktop search, however it's \n"
+"not very efficient and costs a significant amount of battery life."
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 停用或移除 'beagle' 套件\n"
+"Beagle 套件會在系統閒置時製做索引來加速桌面搜尋,\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1215
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'gnome-power-manager' from your system. \n"
+"Older versions of gnome-power-manager wake up far more often than \n"
+"needed costing you some power."
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 停用或移除 'gnome 電源管理程式'. \n"
+"雖然該程式用來設定電源管理模式,但某些舊版本存在一個臭蟲使得 \n"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1221
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable or remove 'pcscd' from your system. \n"
+"pcscd tends to keep the USB subsystem out of power save mode\n"
+"and your processor out of deeper powersave states."
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 停用或移除 'pcscd' 套件\n"
+"pcscd 會使得 USB 子系統脫離省電模式,\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1228
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable 'hal' from polling your cdrom with: \n"
+"hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom 'hal' is the component that auto-opens a\n"
+"window if you plug in a CD but disables SATA power saving from kicking in."
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 使用下列指令取消 'hal' 檢查光碟狀態: \n"
+"hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom 'hal' 會在插入光碟時自動開啟檔案總管 \n"
+"但是會使得 SATA 脫離省電模式"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1234
+msgid ""
+"Disable the SE-Alert software by removing the 'setroubleshoot-server' rpm\n"
+"SE-Alert alerts you about SELinux policy violations, but also\n"
+"has a bug that wakes it up 10 times per second."
+msgstr ""
+"移除 \"setroubleshoot-server\" 套件並關閉 \"SE-Alert\" 軟體\n"
+"SE-Alert 會提醒您關於 SELinux 策略上的牴觸問題,但也存在一個臭蟲,\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/powertop.c:1239
+msgid ""
+"The Intel Integrated Graphics driver failed to enable Memory self refresh.\n"
+"Memory Self Refresh is important for good memory power savings.\n"
+"Please check your OS vendor for a kernel update and/or report a bug."
+msgstr ""
+#: /opt/powertop/bluetooth.c:150
+msgid ""
+"Suggestion: Disable the unused bluetooth interface with the following command:\n"
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"Bluetooth is a radio and consumes quite some power, and keeps USB busy as well.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"建議: 不使用藍牙功能時,以下列指令關閉藍牙信號:\n"
+" hciconfig hci0 down ; rmmod hci_usb\n"
+"藍牙是一種無線通訊介面,會造成相當大的耗電量,同時使得 USB 持續忙碌。\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/bluetooth.c:152
+msgid " B - Turn Bluetooth off "
+msgstr " B - 關閉藍牙介面通訊 "
+#: /opt/powertop/ahci-alpm.c:219
+msgid "Recent SATA AHCI link activity statistics"
+msgstr "近期 SATA AHCI 連線活動次數"
+#: /opt/powertop/ahci-alpm.c:220
+msgid "Active\tPartial\tSlumber\tDevice name"
+msgstr "運作中\t局部\t脫離休眠\t設備名稱"
+#: /opt/powertop/ahci-alpm.c:255
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"A SATA device is active %1.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"SATA 設備有 %4.1f%% 的時間處於運作狀態:\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/alsa-power.c:157
+msgid "Recent audio activity statistics"
+msgstr "近期音效設備啟用次數"
+#: /opt/powertop/alsa-power.c:190
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"An audio device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"音效設備有 %4.1f%% 的時間處於運作狀態:\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/ethernet.c:128
+msgid ""
+"Disable Ethernet Wake-On-Lan with the following command:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d \n"
+"Wake-on-Lan keeps the phy active, this costs power."
+msgstr ""
+"使用下列指令關閉 \"Wake-On-Lan\" 網路喚醒功能:\n"
+" ethtool -s eth0 wol d\n"
+"\"Wake-On-Lan\" 功能需要維持網卡實體層啟動,會因此耗費電源。"
+#: /opt/powertop/ethernet.c:131
+msgid " W - disable Wake-On-Lan "
+msgstr " W - 關閉 \"Wake-On-Lan\" "
+#: /opt/powertop/display.c:108
+msgid " Q - Quit "
+msgstr " Q - 離開 "
+#: /opt/powertop/display.c:109
+msgid " R - Refresh "
+msgstr " R - 重繪畫面 "
+#: /opt/powertop/display.c:196
+#, c-format
+msgid "no ACPI power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "沒有 ACPI 耗電量資訊 (正在使用 AC 電源)"
+#: /opt/powertop/display.c:201
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (ACPI estimate): %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "系統耗電量 (由 ACPI 估計): %3.1f 瓦 (剩餘 %3.1f 小時)"
+#: /opt/powertop/display.c:205
+#, c-format
+msgid "(long term: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"
+msgstr "(長期平均: %3.1f瓦,餘%3.1f小時)"
+#: /opt/powertop/display.c:208
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage (5 minute ACPI estimate) : %5.1f W (%3.1f hours left)"
+msgstr "電源使用量 (5 分鐘 ACPI 估計平均) : %5.1f 瓦 (剩餘 %3.1f 小時)"
+#: /opt/powertop/display.c:238
+#, c-format
+msgid "Power usage: %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"
+msgstr "系統耗電量: %3.1f 瓦 (%3.1f 小時)"
+#: /opt/powertop/display.c:244
+#, c-format
+msgid "no power usage estimate available"
+msgstr "沒有系統耗電量資訊"
+#: /opt/powertop/display.c:270
+#, c-format
+msgid "Wakeups-from-idle per second : %4.1f\tinterval: %0.1fs\n"
+msgstr "每秒 CPU 脫離閒置狀態的次數 : %4.1f\t時間間隔: %0.1f秒\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/display.c:281
+msgid "Top causes for wakeups:\n"
+msgstr "主要造成脫離閒置的程緒:\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/display.c:302
+msgid "No detailed statistics available; please enable the CONFIG_TIMER_STATS kernel option\n"
+msgstr "無法取得詳細統計資料; 需開啟 CONFIG_TIMER_STATS 核心選項\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/display.c:303
+msgid "This option is located in the Kernel Debugging section of menuconfig\n"
+msgstr "這個選項在核心編譯選項中的 \"Kernel Debugging\" 項目。\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/display.c:304
+msgid "(which is CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y in the config file)\n"
+msgstr "(於 .config 檔案中設定 CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y)\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/display.c:305
+msgid "Note: this is only available in 2.6.21 and later kernels\n"
+msgstr "請注意: 此功能需要 2.6.21 或更新版本的系統核心\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/display.c:307
+msgid "No detailed statistics available; PowerTOP needs root privileges for that\n"
+msgstr "無法取得詳細統計資料; PowerTOP 需要 root 權限\n"
+#: /opt/powertop/intelcstates.c:143
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your CPU supports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "您的 CPU 支援以下 C-states 省電模式: "
+#: /opt/powertop/intelcstates.c:152
+#, c-format
+msgid "Your BIOS reports the following C-states : "
+msgstr "您的 BIOS 回報有以下 C-states 省電模式 : "
diff --git a/powertop.8 b/powertop.8
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7198e70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powertop.8
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+.TH POWERTOP 8 "Sep 2, 2009" "Linux" "powertop manual"
+powertop \- program to analyze power consumption on Intel-based laptops
+.B powertop
+.RB [ \-d ]
+.RB [ \-t
+.RB ]
+.RB [ \-p ]
+.RB [ \-h ]
+.RB [ \-v ]
+\fBpowertop\fP is a program that shows the power consumption on Intel-based
+laptops and makes suggestions on how to extend battery lifetime.
+\fB\-d\fR, \fB\-\-dump
+ read wakeups once and print list of top offenders.
+\fB\-t\fR, \fB\-\-time\fR=\fIDOUBLE\fR
+ default time to gather data in seconds.
+\fB\-p\fR, \fB\-\-pids
+ show pids in wakeups list.
+\fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help
+ show the help message.
+\fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-version
+ show version information and exit.
+Send bug reports to <>
+The program is more fully described at
+powertop was written by Arjan van de Ven <>, and is maintained by Auke Kok <>.
diff --git a/powertop.c b/powertop.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74eb328
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powertop.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1300 @@
+ * Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ */
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <libintl.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <locale.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include "powertop.h"
+uint64_t start_usage[8], start_duration[8];
+uint64_t last_usage[8], last_duration[8];
+char cnames[8][16];
+double ticktime = 15.0;
+int interrupt_0, total_interrupt;
+int showpids = 0;
+static int maxcstate = 0;
+int topcstate = 0;
+int dump = 0;
+#define IRQCOUNT 150
+struct irqdata {
+ int active;
+ int number;
+ uint64_t count;
+struct irqdata interrupts[IRQCOUNT];
+#define FREQ_ACPI 3579.545
+static unsigned long FREQ;
+int nostats;
+struct line *lines;
+int linehead;
+int linesize;
+int linectotal;
+double last_bat_cap = 0;
+double prev_bat_cap = 0;
+time_t last_bat_time = 0;
+time_t prev_bat_time = 0;
+double displaytime = 0.0;
+void push_line(char *string, int count)
+ int i;
+ assert(string != NULL);
+ for (i = 0; i < linehead; i++)
+ if (strcmp(string, lines[i].string) == 0) {
+ lines[i].count += count;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (linehead == linesize)
+ lines = realloc (lines, (linesize ? (linesize *= 2) : (linesize = 64)) * sizeof (struct line));
+ memset(&lines[linehead], 0, sizeof(&lines[0]));
+ lines[linehead].string = strdup (string);
+ lines[linehead].count = count;
+ lines[linehead].disk_count = 0;
+ lines[linehead].pid[0] = 0;
+ linehead++;
+void push_line_pid(char *string, int cpu_count, int disk_count, char *pid)
+ int i;
+ assert(string != NULL);
+ assert(strlen(string) > 0);
+ for (i = 0; i < linehead; i++)
+ if (strcmp(string, lines[i].string) == 0) {
+ lines[i].count += cpu_count;
+ lines[i].disk_count += disk_count;
+ if (pid && strcmp(lines[i].pid, pid)!=0)
+ lines[i].pid[0] = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (linehead == linesize)
+ lines = realloc (lines, (linesize ? (linesize *= 2) : (linesize = 64)) * sizeof (struct line));
+ memset(&lines[linehead], 0, sizeof(&lines[0]));
+ lines[linehead].string = strdup (string);
+ lines[linehead].count = cpu_count;
+ lines[linehead].disk_count = disk_count;
+ if (pid)
+ strcpy(lines[linehead].pid, pid);
+ linehead++;
+void clear_lines(void)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < linehead; i++)
+ free (lines[i].string);
+ free (lines);
+ linehead = linesize = 0;
+ lines = NULL;
+void count_lines(void)
+ uint64_t q = 0;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < linehead; i++)
+ q += lines[i].count;
+ linectotal = q;
+int update_irq(int irq, uint64_t count, char *name)
+ int i;
+ int firstfree = IRQCOUNT;
+ if (!name)
+ return 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < IRQCOUNT; i++) {
+ if (interrupts[i].active && interrupts[i].number == irq) {
+ uint64_t oldcount;
+ oldcount = interrupts[i].count;
+ interrupts[i].count = count;
+ return count - oldcount;
+ }
+ if (!interrupts[i].active && firstfree > i)
+ firstfree = i;
+ }
+ interrupts[firstfree].active = 1;
+ interrupts[firstfree].count = count;
+ interrupts[firstfree].number = irq;
+ return count;
+static int percpu_hpet_timer(char *name)
+ static int timer_list_read;
+ static int percpu_hpet_start = INT_MAX, percpu_hpet_end = INT_MIN;
+ char *c;
+ long hpet_chan;
+ if (!timer_list_read) {
+ char file_name[20];
+ char ln[80];
+ FILE *fp;
+ timer_list_read = 1;
+ snprintf(file_name, sizeof(file_name), "/proc/timer_list");
+ fp = fopen(file_name, "r");
+ if (fp == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ while (fgets(ln, sizeof(ln), fp) != NULL)
+ {
+ c = strstr(ln, "Clock Event Device: hpet");
+ if (!c)
+ continue;
+ c += 24;
+ if (!isdigit(c[0]))
+ continue;
+ hpet_chan = strtol(c, NULL, 10);
+ if (hpet_chan < percpu_hpet_start)
+ percpu_hpet_start = hpet_chan;
+ if (hpet_chan > percpu_hpet_end)
+ percpu_hpet_end = hpet_chan;
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+ }
+ c = strstr(name, "hpet");
+ if (!c)
+ return 0;
+ c += 4;
+ if (!isdigit(c[0]))
+ return 0;
+ hpet_chan = strtol(c, NULL, 10);
+ if (percpu_hpet_start <= hpet_chan && hpet_chan <= percpu_hpet_end)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static void do_proc_irq(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ char line[1024];
+ char line2[1024];
+ char *name;
+ uint64_t delta;
+ interrupt_0 = 0;
+ total_interrupt = 0;
+ file = fopen("/proc/interrupts", "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ while (!feof(file)) {
+ char *c;
+ int nr = -1;
+ uint64_t count = 0;
+ int special = 0;
+ memset(line, 0, sizeof(line));
+ memset(line2, 0, sizeof(line));
+ if (fgets(line, 1024, file) == NULL)
+ break;
+ c = strchr(line, ':');
+ if (!c)
+ continue;
+ /* deal with NMI and the like.. make up fake nrs */
+ if (line[0] != ' ' && (line[0] < '0' || line[0] > '9')) {
+ if (strncmp(line,"NMI:", 4)==0)
+ nr=20000;
+ if (strncmp(line,"RES:", 4)==0)
+ nr=20001;
+ if (strncmp(line,"CAL:", 4)==0)
+ nr=20002;
+ if (strncmp(line,"TLB:", 4)==0)
+ nr=20003;
+ if (strncmp(line,"TRM:", 4)==0)
+ nr=20004;
+ if (strncmp(line,"THR:", 4)==0)
+ nr=20005;
+ if (strncmp(line,"SPU:", 4)==0)
+ nr=20006;
+ special = 1;
+ } else
+ nr = strtoull(line, NULL, 10);
+ if (nr==-1)
+ continue;
+ *c = 0;
+ c++;
+ while (c && strlen(c)) {
+ char *newc;
+ count += strtoull(c, &newc, 10);
+ if (newc == c)
+ break;
+ c = newc;
+ }
+ c = strchr(c, ' ');
+ if (!c)
+ continue;
+ while (c && *c == ' ')
+ c++;
+ if (!special) {
+ c = strchr(c, ' ');
+ if (!c)
+ continue;
+ while (c && *c == ' ')
+ c++;
+ }
+ name = c;
+ delta = update_irq(nr, count, name);
+ c = strchr(name, '\n');
+ if (c)
+ *c = 0;
+ /* deal with multi-queue NICs */
+ if (strncmp(name, "eth",3) == 0 && strchr(name,' ') == NULL) {
+ c = strchr(name, '-');
+ if (c)
+ *c = 0;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(name, "i8042")) {
+ if (special)
+ sprintf(line2, _("[%s] <kernel IPI>"), name);
+ else
+ sprintf(line2, _("[%s] <interrupt>"), name);
+ }
+ else
+ sprintf(line2, _("%s interrupt"), _("PS/2 keyboard/mouse/touchpad"));
+ /* skip per CPU timer interrupts */
+ if (percpu_hpet_timer(name))
+ delta = 0;
+ if (nr > 0 && delta > 0)
+ push_line(line2, delta);
+ if (nr==0)
+ interrupt_0 = delta;
+ else
+ total_interrupt += delta;
+ }
+ fclose(file);
+static void read_data_acpi(uint64_t * usage, uint64_t * duration)
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *entry;
+ FILE *file = NULL;
+ char line[4096];
+ char *c;
+ int clevel = 0;
+ memset(usage, 0, 64);
+ memset(duration, 0, 64);
+ dir = opendir("/proc/acpi/processor");
+ if (!dir)
+ return;
+ while ((entry = readdir(dir))) {
+ if (strlen(entry->d_name) < 3)
+ continue;
+ sprintf(line, "/proc/acpi/processor/%s/power", entry->d_name);
+ file = fopen(line, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ continue;
+ clevel = 0;
+ while (!feof(file)) {
+ memset(line, 0, 4096);
+ if (fgets(line, 4096, file) == NULL)
+ break;
+ c = strstr(line, "age[");
+ if (!c)
+ continue;
+ c += 4;
+ usage[clevel] += 1+strtoull(c, NULL, 10);
+ c = strstr(line, "ation[");
+ if (!c)
+ continue;
+ c += 6;
+ duration[clevel] += strtoull(c, NULL, 10);
+ clevel++;
+ if (clevel > maxcstate)
+ maxcstate = clevel;
+ }
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+static void read_data_cpuidle(uint64_t * usage, uint64_t * duration)
+ DIR *cpudir;
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *entry;
+ FILE *file = NULL;
+ char line[4096];
+ char filename[128], *f;
+ int len, clevel = 0;
+ memset(usage, 0, 64);
+ memset(duration, 0, 64);
+ cpudir = opendir("/sys/devices/system/cpu");
+ if (!cpudir)
+ return;
+ /* Loop over cpuN entries */
+ while ((entry = readdir(cpudir))) {
+ if (strlen(entry->d_name) < 3)
+ continue;
+ if (!isdigit(entry->d_name[3]))
+ continue;
+ len = sprintf(filename, "/sys/devices/system/cpu/%s/cpuidle",
+ entry->d_name);
+ dir = opendir(filename);
+ if (!dir)
+ return;
+ clevel = 0;
+ /* For each C-state, there is a stateX directory which
+ * contains a 'usage' and a 'time' (duration) file */
+ while ((entry = readdir(dir))) {
+ if (strlen(entry->d_name) < 3)
+ continue;
+ sprintf(filename + len, "/%s/desc", entry->d_name);
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (file) {
+ memset(line, 0, 4096);
+ f = fgets(line, 4096, file);
+ fclose(file);
+ if (f == NULL)
+ break;
+ f = strstr(line, "MWAIT ");
+ if (f) {
+ f += 6;
+ clevel = (strtoull(f, NULL, 16)>>4) + 1;
+ sprintf(cnames[clevel], "C%i mwait", clevel);
+ } else
+ sprintf(cnames[clevel], "C%i\t", clevel);
+ f = strstr(line, "POLL IDLE");
+ if (f) {
+ clevel = 0;
+ sprintf(cnames[clevel], "%s\t", _("polling"));
+ }
+ f = strstr(line, "ACPI HLT");
+ if (f) {
+ clevel = 1;
+ sprintf(cnames[clevel], "%s\t", "C1 halt");
+ }
+ }
+ sprintf(filename + len, "/%s/usage", entry->d_name);
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ continue;
+ memset(line, 0, 4096);
+ f = fgets(line, 4096, file);
+ fclose(file);
+ if (f == NULL)
+ break;
+ usage[clevel] += 1+strtoull(line, NULL, 10);
+ sprintf(filename + len, "/%s/time", entry->d_name);
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ continue;
+ memset(line, 0, 4096);
+ f = fgets(line, 4096, file);
+ fclose(file);
+ if (f == NULL)
+ break;
+ duration[clevel] += 1+strtoull(line, NULL, 10);
+ clevel++;
+ if (clevel > maxcstate)
+ maxcstate = clevel;
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ }
+ closedir(cpudir);
+static void read_data(uint64_t * usage, uint64_t * duration)
+ int r;
+ struct stat s;
+ /* Then check for CPUidle */
+ r = stat("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpuidle", &s);
+ if (!r) {
+ read_data_cpuidle(usage, duration);
+ /* perform residency calculations based on usecs */
+ FREQ = 1000;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* First, check for ACPI */
+ r = stat("/proc/acpi/processor", &s);
+ if (!r) {
+ read_data_acpi(usage, duration);
+ /* perform residency calculations based on ACPI timer */
+ return;
+ }
+void stop_timerstats(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ file = fopen("/proc/timer_stats", "w");
+ if (!file) {
+ nostats = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "0\n");
+ fclose(file);
+void start_timerstats(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ file = fopen("/proc/timer_stats", "w");
+ if (!file) {
+ nostats = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "1\n");
+ fclose(file);
+int line_compare (const void *av, const void *bv)
+ const struct line *a = av, *b = bv;
+ return (b->count + 50 * b->disk_count) - (a->count + 50 * a->disk_count);
+void sort_lines(void)
+ qsort (lines, linehead, sizeof (struct line), line_compare);
+int print_battery_proc_acpi(void)
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *dirent;
+ FILE *file;
+ double rate = 0;
+ double cap = 0;
+ char filename[256];
+ dir = opendir("/proc/acpi/battery");
+ if (!dir)
+ return 0;
+ while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) {
+ int dontcount = 0;
+ double voltage = 0.0;
+ double amperes_drawn = 0.0;
+ double watts_drawn = 0.0;
+ double amperes_left = 0.0;
+ double watts_left = 0.0;
+ char line[1024];
+ if (strlen(dirent->d_name) < 3)
+ continue;
+ sprintf(filename, "/proc/acpi/battery/%s/state", dirent->d_name);
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ continue;
+ memset(line, 0, 1024);
+ while (fgets(line, 1024, file) != NULL) {
+ char *c;
+ if (strstr(line, "present:") && strstr(line, "no"))
+ break;
+ if (strstr(line, "charging state:")
+ && !strstr(line, "discharging"))
+ dontcount = 1;
+ c = strchr(line, ':');
+ if (!c)
+ continue;
+ c++;
+ if (strstr(line, "present voltage"))
+ voltage = strtoull(c, NULL, 10) / 1000.0;
+ if (strstr(line, "remaining capacity") && strstr(c, "mW"))
+ watts_left = strtoull(c, NULL, 10) / 1000.0;
+ if (strstr(line, "remaining capacity") && strstr(c, "mAh"))
+ amperes_left = strtoull(c, NULL, 10) / 1000.0;
+ if (strstr(line, "present rate") && strstr(c, "mW"))
+ watts_drawn = strtoull(c, NULL, 10) / 1000.0 ;
+ if (strstr(line, "present rate") && strstr(c, "mA"))
+ amperes_drawn = strtoull(c, NULL, 10) / 1000.0;
+ }
+ fclose(file);
+ if (!dontcount) {
+ rate += watts_drawn + voltage * amperes_drawn;
+ }
+ cap += watts_left + voltage * amperes_left;
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ if (prev_bat_cap - cap < 0.001 && rate < 0.001)
+ last_bat_time = 0;
+ if (!last_bat_time) {
+ last_bat_time = prev_bat_time = time(NULL);
+ last_bat_cap = prev_bat_cap = cap;
+ }
+ if (time(NULL) - last_bat_time >= 400) {
+ prev_bat_cap = last_bat_cap;
+ prev_bat_time = last_bat_time;
+ last_bat_time = time(NULL);
+ last_bat_cap = cap;
+ }
+ show_acpi_power_line(rate, cap, prev_bat_cap - cap, time(NULL) - prev_bat_time);
+ return 1;
+int print_battery_proc_pmu(void)
+ char line[80];
+ int i;
+ int power_present = 0;
+ int num_batteries = 0;
+ /* unsigned rem_time_sec = 0; */
+ unsigned charge_mAh = 0, max_charge_mAh = 0, voltage_mV = 0;
+ int discharge_mA = 0;
+ FILE *fd;
+ fd = fopen("/proc/pmu/info", "r");
+ if (fd == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ while ( fgets(line, sizeof(line), fd) != NULL )
+ {
+ if (strncmp("AC Power", line, strlen("AC Power")) == 0)
+ sscanf(strchr(line, ':')+2, "%d", &power_present);
+ else if (strncmp("Battery count", line, strlen("Battery count")) == 0)
+ sscanf(strchr(line, ':')+2, "%d", &num_batteries);
+ }
+ fclose(fd);
+ for (i = 0; i < num_batteries; ++i)
+ {
+ char file_name[20];
+ int flags = 0;
+ /* int battery_charging, battery_full; */
+ /* unsigned this_rem_time_sec = 0; */
+ unsigned this_charge_mAh = 0, this_max_charge_mAh = 0;
+ unsigned this_voltage_mV = 0, this_discharge_mA = 0;
+ snprintf(file_name, sizeof(file_name), "/proc/pmu/battery_%d", i);
+ fd = fopen(file_name, "r");
+ if (fd == NULL)
+ continue;
+ while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fd) != NULL)
+ {
+ if (strncmp("flags", line, strlen("flags")) == 0)
+ sscanf(strchr(line, ':')+2, "%x", &flags);
+ else if (strncmp("charge", line, strlen("charge")) == 0)
+ sscanf(strchr(line, ':')+2, "%d", &this_charge_mAh);
+ else if (strncmp("max_charge", line, strlen("max_charge")) == 0)
+ sscanf(strchr(line, ':')+2, "%d", &this_max_charge_mAh);
+ else if (strncmp("voltage", line, strlen("voltage")) == 0)
+ sscanf(strchr(line, ':')+2, "%d", &this_voltage_mV);
+ else if (strncmp("current", line, strlen("current")) == 0)
+ sscanf(strchr(line, ':')+2, "%d", &this_discharge_mA);
+ /* else if (strncmp("time rem.", line, strlen("time rem.")) == 0) */
+ /* sscanf(strchr(line, ':')+2, "%d", &this_rem_time_sec); */
+ }
+ fclose(fd);
+ if ( !(flags & 0x1) )
+ /* battery isn't present */
+ continue;
+ /* battery_charging = flags & 0x2; */
+ /* battery_full = !battery_charging && power_present; */
+ charge_mAh += this_charge_mAh;
+ max_charge_mAh += this_max_charge_mAh;
+ voltage_mV += this_voltage_mV;
+ discharge_mA += this_discharge_mA;
+ /* rem_time_sec += this_rem_time_sec; */
+ }
+ show_pmu_power_line(voltage_mV, charge_mAh, max_charge_mAh,
+ discharge_mA);
+ return 1;
+void print_battery_sysfs(void)
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *dirent;
+ FILE *file;
+ double rate = 0;
+ double cap = 0;
+ char filename[256];
+ if (print_battery_proc_acpi())
+ return;
+ if (print_battery_proc_pmu())
+ return;
+ dir = opendir("/sys/class/power_supply");
+ if (!dir) {
+ return;
+ }
+ while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) {
+ int dontcount = 0;
+ double voltage = 0.0;
+ double amperes_drawn = 0.0;
+ double watts_drawn = 0.0;
+ double watts_left = 0.0;
+ char line[1024];
+ if (strstr(dirent->d_name, "AC"))
+ continue;
+ sprintf(filename, "/sys/class/power_supply/%s/present", dirent->d_name);
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ continue;
+ int s;
+ if ((s = getc(file)) != EOF) {
+ if (s == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ fclose(file);
+ sprintf(filename, "/sys/class/power_supply/%s/status", dirent->d_name);
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ continue;
+ memset(line, 0, 1024);
+ if (fgets(line, 1024, file) != NULL) {
+ if (!strstr(line, "Discharging"))
+ dontcount = 1;
+ }
+ fclose(file);
+ sprintf(filename, "/sys/class/power_supply/%s/voltage_now", dirent->d_name);
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ continue;
+ memset(line, 0, 1024);
+ if (fgets(line, 1024, file) != NULL) {
+ voltage = strtoull(line, NULL, 10) / 1000000.0;
+ }
+ fclose(file);
+ sprintf(filename, "/sys/class/power_supply/%s/energy_now", dirent->d_name);
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ watts_left = 1;
+ if (!file) {
+ sprintf(filename, "/sys/class/power_supply/%s/charge_now", dirent->d_name);
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ continue;
+ /* W = A * V */
+ watts_left = voltage;
+ }
+ memset(line, 0, 1024);
+ if (fgets(line, 1024, file) != NULL)
+ watts_left *= strtoull(line, NULL, 10) / 1000000.0;
+ fclose(file);
+ sprintf(filename, "/sys/class/power_supply/%s/current_now", dirent->d_name);
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ continue;
+ memset(line, 0, 1024);
+ if (fgets(line, 1024, file) != NULL) {
+ watts_drawn = strtoull(line, NULL, 10) / 1000000.0;
+ }
+ fclose(file);
+ if (!dontcount) {
+ rate += watts_drawn + voltage * amperes_drawn;
+ }
+ cap += watts_left;
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ if (prev_bat_cap - cap < 0.001 && rate < 0.001)
+ last_bat_time = 0;
+ if (!last_bat_time) {
+ last_bat_time = prev_bat_time = time(NULL);
+ last_bat_cap = prev_bat_cap = cap;
+ }
+ if (time(NULL) - last_bat_time >= 400) {
+ prev_bat_cap = last_bat_cap;
+ prev_bat_time = last_bat_time;
+ last_bat_time = time(NULL);
+ last_bat_cap = cap;
+ }
+ show_acpi_power_line(rate, cap, prev_bat_cap - cap, time(NULL) - prev_bat_time);
+char cstate_lines[12][200];
+void usage()
+ printf(_("Usage: powertop [OPTION...]\n"));
+ printf(_(" -d, --dump read wakeups once and print list of top offenders\n"));
+ printf(_(" -t, --time=DOUBLE default time to gather data in seconds\n"));
+ printf(_(" -p, --pids show pids in wakeups list\n"));
+ printf(_(" -h, --help Show this help message\n"));
+ printf(_(" -v, --version Show version information and exit\n"));
+ exit(0);
+void version()
+ printf(_("powertop version %s\n"), VERSION);
+ exit(0);
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ char line[1024];
+ int ncursesinited=0;
+ FILE *file = NULL;
+ uint64_t cur_usage[8], cur_duration[8];
+ double wakeups_per_second = 0;
+ setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
+ bindtextdomain ("powertop", "/usr/share/locale");
+ textdomain ("powertop");
+ start_data_dirty_capture();
+ while (1) {
+ static struct option opts[] = {
+ { "dump", 0, NULL, 'd' },
+ { "time", 1, NULL, 't' },
+ { "pids", 0, NULL, 'p' },
+ { "help", 0, NULL, 'h' },
+ { "version", 0, NULL, 'v' },
+ { 0, 0, NULL, 0 }
+ };
+ int index2 = 0, c;
+ c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "dt:phv", opts, &index2);
+ if (c == -1)
+ break;
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'd':
+ dump = 1;
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ ticktime = strtod(optarg, NULL);
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ showpids = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ usage();
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ version();
+ break;
+ default:
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!dump)
+ ticktime = 5.0;
+ system("/sbin/modprobe cpufreq_stats > /dev/null 2>&1");
+ read_data(&start_usage[0], &start_duration[0]);
+ memcpy(last_usage, start_usage, sizeof(last_usage));
+ memcpy(last_duration, start_duration, sizeof(last_duration));
+ do_proc_irq();
+ do_proc_irq();
+ do_cpufreq_stats();
+ count_usb_urbs();
+ count_usb_urbs();
+ count_device_pm();
+ count_device_pm();
+ do_alsa_stats();
+ do_alsa_stats();
+ do_ahci_stats();
+ do_ahci_stats();
+ memset(cur_usage, 0, sizeof(cur_usage));
+ memset(cur_duration, 0, sizeof(cur_duration));
+ printf("PowerTOP " VERSION " (C) 2007 - 2010 Intel Corporation \n\n");
+ if (geteuid() != 0)
+ printf(_("PowerTOP needs to be run as root to collect enough information\n"));
+ printf(_("Collecting data for %i seconds \n"), (int)ticktime);
+ printf("\n\n");
+ print_intel_cstates();
+ stop_timerstats();
+ while (1) {
+ double maxsleep = 0.0;
+ int64_t totalticks;
+ int64_t totalevents;
+ fd_set rfds;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ int key = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ double c0 = 0;
+ char *c;
+ FD_ZERO(&rfds);
+ if (!dump)
+ FD_SET(0, &rfds);
+ tv.tv_sec = ticktime;
+ tv.tv_usec = (ticktime - tv.tv_sec) * 1000000;
+ do_proc_irq();
+ start_timerstats();
+ key = select(1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv);
+ if (key && tv.tv_sec) ticktime = ticktime - tv.tv_sec - tv.tv_usec/1000000.0;
+ stop_timerstats();
+ clear_lines();
+ do_proc_irq();
+ read_data(&cur_usage[0], &cur_duration[0]);
+ totalticks = 0;
+ totalevents = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ if (cur_usage[i]) {
+ totalticks += cur_duration[i] - last_duration[i];
+ totalevents += cur_usage[i] - last_usage[i];
+ }
+ if (!dump) {
+ if (!ncursesinited) {
+ initialize_curses();
+ ncursesinited++;
+ }
+ setup_windows();
+ show_title_bar();
+ }
+ memset(&cstate_lines, 0, sizeof(cstate_lines));
+ topcstate = -4;
+ if (totalevents == 0 && maxcstate <= 1) {
+ sprintf(cstate_lines[5],_("< Detailed C-state information is not available.>\n"));
+ } else {
+ double sleept, percentage;
+ c0 = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) * ticktime * 1000 * FREQ - totalticks;
+ if (c0 < 0)
+ c0 = 0; /* rounding errors in measurement might make c0 go slightly negative.. this is confusing */
+ sprintf(cstate_lines[0], _("Cn\t Avg residency\n"));
+ percentage = c0 * 100.0 / (sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) * ticktime * 1000 * FREQ);
+ sprintf(cstate_lines[1], _("C0 (cpu running) (%4.1f%%)\n"), percentage);
+ if (percentage > 50)
+ topcstate = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ if (cur_usage[i]) {
+ sleept = (cur_duration[i] - last_duration[i]) / (cur_usage[i] - last_usage[i]
+ + 0.1) / FREQ;
+ percentage = (cur_duration[i] -
+ last_duration[i]) * 100 /
+ (sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) * ticktime * 1000 * FREQ);
+ if (cnames[i][0]==0)
+ sprintf(cnames[i],"C%i",i+1);
+ sprintf
+ (cstate_lines[2+i], _("%s\t%5.1fms (%4.1f%%)\n"),
+ cnames[i], sleept, percentage);
+ if (maxsleep < sleept)
+ maxsleep = sleept;
+ if (percentage > 50)
+ topcstate = i+1;
+ }
+ }
+ do_cpufreq_stats();
+ show_cstates();
+ /* now the timer_stats info */
+ memset(line, 0, sizeof(line));
+ totalticks = 0;
+ file = NULL;
+ if (!nostats)
+ file = fopen("/proc/timer_stats", "r");
+ while (file && !feof(file)) {
+ char *count, *pid, *process, *func;
+ char line2[1024];
+ int cnt = 0;
+ int deferrable = 0;
+ memset(line, 0, 1024);
+ memset(line2, 0, 1024);
+ if (fgets(line, 1024, file) == NULL)
+ break;
+ if (strstr(line, "total events"))
+ break;
+ c = count = &line[0];
+ c = strchr(c, ',');
+ if (!c)
+ continue;
+ *c = 0;
+ c++;
+ while (*c != 0 && *c == ' ')
+ c++;
+ pid = c;
+ c = strchr(c, ' ');
+ if (!c)
+ continue;
+ *c = 0;
+ c++;
+ while (*c != 0 && *c == ' ')
+ c++;
+ process = c;
+ c = strchr(c, ' ');
+ if (!c)
+ continue;
+ *c = 0;
+ c++;
+ while (*c != 0 && *c == ' ')
+ c++;
+ func = c;
+ if (strcmp(process, "swapper")==0 &&
+ strcmp(func, "hrtimer_start_range_ns (tick_sched_timer)\n")==0) {
+ process = _("[kernel scheduler]");
+ func = _("Load balancing tick");
+ }
+ if (strcmp(process, "insmod") == 0)
+ process = _("[kernel module]");
+ if (strcmp(process, "modprobe") == 0)
+ process = _("[kernel module]");
+ if (strcmp(process, "swapper") == 0)
+ process = _("[kernel core]");
+ c = strchr(c, '\n');
+ if (strncmp(func, "tick_nohz_", 10) == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (strncmp(func, "tick_setup_sched_timer", 20) == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (strcmp(process, "powertop") == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (c)
+ *c = 0;
+ cnt = strtoull(count, &c, 10);
+ while (*c != 0) {
+ if (*c++ == 'D')
+ deferrable = 1;
+ }
+ if (deferrable)
+ continue;
+ if (strchr(process, '['))
+ sprintf(line2, "%s %s", process, func);
+ else
+ sprintf(line2, "%s", process);
+ push_line_pid(line2, cnt, 0, pid);
+ }
+ if (file)
+ pclose(file);
+ reset_suggestions();
+ parse_data_dirty_buffer();
+ if (strstr(line, "total events")) {
+ int d;
+ d = strtoull(line, NULL, 10) / sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
+ if (totalevents == 0) { /* No c-state info available, use timerstats instead */
+ totalevents = d * sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) + total_interrupt;
+ if (d < interrupt_0)
+ totalevents += interrupt_0 - d;
+ }
+ if (d>0 && d < interrupt_0)
+ push_line(_("[extra timer interrupt]"), interrupt_0 - d);
+ }
+ if (totalevents && ticktime) {
+ wakeups_per_second = totalevents * 1.0 / ticktime / sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);
+ show_wakeups(wakeups_per_second, ticktime, c0 * 100.0 / (sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) * ticktime * 1000 * FREQ) );
+ }
+ count_usb_urbs();
+ count_device_pm();
+ do_alsa_stats();
+ do_ahci_stats();
+ print_battery_sysfs();
+ count_lines();
+ sort_lines();
+ displaytime = displaytime - ticktime;
+ show_timerstats(nostats, ticktime);
+ if (maxsleep < 5.0)
+ ticktime = 10;
+ else if (maxsleep < 30.0)
+ ticktime = 15;
+ else if (maxsleep < 100.0)
+ ticktime = 20;
+ else if (maxsleep < 400.0)
+ ticktime = 30;
+ else
+ ticktime = 45;
+ if (key) {
+ char keychar;
+ int keystroke = fgetc(stdin);
+ if (keystroke == EOF)
+ keychar = toupper(keystroke);
+ if (keychar == 'Q')
+ if (keychar == 'R')
+ ticktime = 3;
+ if (keychar == suggestion_key && suggestion_activate) {
+ suggestion_activate();
+ ticktime = 2;
+ displaytime = -1.0;
+ } else
+ if (keychar == 'P')
+ showpids = !showpids;
+ }
+ if (wakeups_per_second < 0)
+ ticktime = 2;
+ reset_suggestions2();
+ suggest_kernel_config("CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND", 1,
+ _("Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND kernel configuration option.\nThis option will automatically disable UHCI USB when not in use, and may\nsave approximately 1 Watt of power."), 20);
+ suggest_kernel_config("CONFIG_PM_ADVANCED_DEBUG", 1,
+ _("Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_PM_ADVANCED_DEBUG kernel configuration option.\nThis option will allow PowerTOP to collect runtime power management statistics."), 10);
+ suggest_kernel_config("CONFIG_PM_RUNTIME", 1,
+ _("Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_PM_RUNTIME kernel configuration option.\nThis option enables the kernel to manage power for various devices in your computer."), 40);
+ suggest_kernel_config("CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND", 1,
+ _("Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND kernel configuration option.\n"
+ "The 'ondemand' CPU speed governor will minimize the CPU power usage while\n" "giving you performance when it is needed."), 5);
+ suggest_kernel_config("CONFIG_NO_HZ", 1, _("Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_NO_HZ kernel configuration option.\nThis option is required to get any kind of longer sleep times in the CPU."), 50);
+ suggest_kernel_config("CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY", 1, _("Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_ACPI_BATTERY kernel configuration option.\n "
+ "This option is required to get power estimages from PowerTOP"), 5);
+ suggest_kernel_config("CONFIG_HPET_TIMER", 1,
+ _("Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_HPET_TIMER kernel configuration option.\n"
+ "Without HPET support the kernel needs to wake up every 20 milliseconds for \n" "some housekeeping tasks."), 10);
+ suggest_kernel_config("CONFIG_PCIEASPM", 1,
+ _("Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_PCIEASPM kernel configuration option.\n"
+ "PCI Link Powermanagement (ASPM) allows the hardware to go to low power mode\n" "automatically when a PCI-E device is idle."), 10);
+ if (!access("/sys/module/snd_ac97_codec", F_OK) &&
+ access("/sys/module/snd_ac97_codec/parameters/power_save", F_OK))
+ suggest_kernel_config("CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE", 1,
+ _("Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE kernel configuration option.\n"
+ "This option will automatically power down your sound codec when not in use,\n"
+ "and can save approximately half a Watt of power."), 20);
+ suggest_kernel_config("CONFIG_IRQBALANCE", 0,
+ _("Suggestion: Disable the CONFIG_IRQBALANCE kernel configuration option.\n" "The in-kernel irq balancer is obsolete and wakes the CPU up far more than needed."), 3);
+ suggest_kernel_config("CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT", 1,
+ _("Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT kernel configuration option.\n"
+ "This option allows PowerTOP to show P-state percentages \n" "P-states correspond to CPU frequencies."), 2);
+ suggest_kernel_config("CONFIG_INOTIFY", 1,
+ _("Suggestion: Enable the CONFIG_INOTIFY kernel configuration option.\n"
+ "This option allows programs to wait for changes in files and directories\n"
+ "instead of having to poll for these changes"), 5);
+ /* suggest to stop beagle if it shows up in the top 20 and wakes up more than 10 times in the measurement */
+ suggest_process_death("beagled : schedule_timeout", "beagled", lines, min(linehead,20), 10.0,
+ _("Suggestion: Disable or remove 'beagle' from your system. \n"
+ "Beagle is the program that indexes for easy desktop search, however it's \n"
+ "not very efficient and costs a significant amount of battery life."), 30);
+ suggest_process_death("beagled : futex_wait (hrtimer_wakeup)", "beagled", lines, min(linehead,20), 10.0,
+ _("Suggestion: Disable or remove 'beagle' from your system. \n"
+ "Beagle is the program that indexes for easy desktop search, however it's \n"
+ "not very efficient and costs a significant amount of battery life."), 30);
+ /* suggest to stop gnome-power-manager *only* if it shows up in the top 10 and wakes up more than 10 times in the measurement */
+ /* note to distribution makers: There is no need to patch this out! */
+ /* If you ship a recent enough g-p-m, the warning will not be there, */
+ /* and if you ship a really old one the warning is really justified. */
+ suggest_process_death("gnome-power-man : schedule_timeout (process_timeout)", "gnome-power-manager", lines, min(linehead,10), 10.0,
+ _("Suggestion: Disable or remove 'gnome-power-manager' from your system. \n"
+ "Older versions of gnome-power-manager wake up far more often than \n"
+ "needed costing you some power."), 5);
+ /* suggest to stop pcscd if it shows up in the top 50 and wakes up at all*/
+ suggest_process_death("pcscd : ", "pcscd", lines, min(linehead,50), 1.0,
+ _("Suggestion: Disable or remove 'pcscd' from your system. \n"
+ "pcscd tends to keep the USB subsystem out of power save mode\n"
+ "and your processor out of deeper powersave states."), 30);
+ /* suggest to stop hal polilng if it shows up in the top 50 and wakes up too much*/
+ suggest_process_death("hald-addon-stor : ", "hald-addon-storage", lines, min(linehead,50), 2.0,
+ _( "Suggestion: Disable 'hal' from polling your cdrom with: \n"
+ "hal-disable-polling --device /dev/cdrom 'hal' is the component that auto-opens a\n"
+ "window if you plug in a CD but disables SATA power saving from kicking in."), 30);
+ /* suggest to kill sealert; it wakes up 10 times/second on a default F7 install*/
+ suggest_process_death("/usr/bin/sealer : schedule_timeout (process_timeout)", "-/usr/bin/sealert", lines, min(linehead,20), 20.0,
+ _("Disable the SE-Alert software by removing the 'setroubleshoot-server' rpm\n"
+ "SE-Alert alerts you about SELinux policy violations, but also\n"
+ "has a bug that wakes it up 10 times per second."), 20);
+ suggest_on_dmesg("failed to find CxSR latency, disabling CxSR",
+ _("The Intel Integrated Graphics driver failed to enable Memory "
+ "self refresh.\nMemory Self Refresh is important for "
+ "good memory power savings.\nPlease check your OS "
+ "vendor for a kernel update and/or report a bug."),
+ 10);
+ suggest_bluetooth_off();
+ suggest_nmi_watchdog();
+ if (maxsleep > 15.0)
+ suggest_hpet();
+ suggest_ac97_powersave();
+ suggest_hda_powersave();
+ suggest_wireless_powersave();
+ suggest_wifi_new_powersave();
+ suggest_ondemand_governor();
+ suggest_noatime();
+ suggest_sata_alpm();
+ suggest_powersched();
+ suggest_xrandr_TV_off();
+ suggest_WOL_off();
+ suggest_writeback_time();
+ suggest_usb_autosuspend();
+ suggest_runtime_suspend();
+ usb_activity_hint();
+ void devicepm_activity_hint();
+ alsa_activity_hint();
+ ahci_activity_hint();
+ if (dump) {
+ print_all_suggestions();
+ display_usb_activity();
+ display_runtime_activity();
+ display_alsa_activity();
+ display_ahci_activity();
+ }
+ if (!key)
+ pick_suggestion();
+ show_title_bar();
+ fflush(stdout);
+ if (!key && ticktime >= 4.8) { /* quiet down the effects of any IO to xterms */
+ FD_ZERO(&rfds);
+ FD_SET(0, &rfds);
+ tv.tv_sec = 3;
+ tv.tv_usec = 0;
+ key = select(1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv);
+ }
+ read_data(&cur_usage[0], &cur_duration[0]);
+ memcpy(last_usage, cur_usage, sizeof(last_usage));
+ memcpy(last_duration, cur_duration, sizeof(last_duration));
+ }
+ end_data_dirty_capture();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/powertop.h b/powertop.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8f8182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/powertop.h
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ * Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ */
+#include <libintl.h>
+struct line {
+ char *string;
+ int count;
+ int disk_count;
+ char pid[12];
+typedef void (suggestion_func)(void);
+extern struct line *lines;
+extern int linehead;
+extern int linesize;
+extern int linectotal;
+extern double displaytime;
+void suggest_process_death(char *process_match, char *process_name, struct line *slines, int linecount, double minwakeups, char *comment, int weight);
+void suggest_kernel_config(char *string, int onoff, char *comment, int weight);
+void suggest_bluetooth_off(void);
+void suggest_nmi_watchdog(void);
+void suggest_hpet(void);
+void suggest_ac97_powersave(void);
+void suggest_hda_powersave(void);
+void suggest_wireless_powersave(void);
+void suggest_wifi_new_powersave(void);
+void suggest_ondemand_governor(void);
+void suggest_noatime(void);
+void suggest_sata_alpm(void);
+void suggest_powersched(void);
+void suggest_xrandr_TV_off(void);
+void suggest_WOL_off(void);
+void suggest_writeback_time(void);
+void suggest_usb_autosuspend(void);
+void suggest_runtime_suspend(void);
+void usb_activity_hint(void);
+void devicepm_activity_hint(void);
+extern char cstate_lines[12][200];
+extern char cpufreqstrings[6][80];
+extern int topcstate;
+extern int topfreq;
+extern int dump;
+extern int showpids;
+extern char status_bar_slots[10][40];
+extern char suggestion_key;
+extern suggestion_func *suggestion_activate;
+/* min definition borrowed from the Linux kernel */
+#define min(x,y) ({ \
+ typeof(x) _x = (x); \
+ typeof(y) _y = (y); \
+ (void) (&_x == &_y); \
+ _x < _y ? _x : _y; })
+#define _(STRING) gettext(STRING)
+#define PT_COLOR_ERROR 3
+#define PT_COLOR_RED 4
+#define PT_COLOR_YELLOW 5
+#define PT_COLOR_GREEN 6
+#define PT_COLOR_BRIGHT 7
+#define PT_COLOR_BLUE 8
+extern int maxwidth;
+void show_title_bar(void);
+void setup_windows(void);
+void initialize_curses(void);
+void show_acpi_power_line(double rate, double cap, double capdelta, time_t time);
+void show_pmu_power_line(unsigned sum_voltage_mV,
+ unsigned sum_charge_mAh, unsigned sum_max_charge_mAh,
+ int sum_discharge_mA);
+void show_cstates(void);
+void show_wakeups(double d, double interval, double c0time);
+void show_timerstats(int nostats, int ticktime);
+void show_suggestion(char *sug);
+void pick_suggestion(void);
+void add_suggestion(char *text, int weight, char key, char *keystring, suggestion_func *func);
+void reset_suggestions(void);
+void reset_suggestions2(void);
+void print_all_suggestions(void);
+void push_line(char *string, int count);
+void push_line_pid(char *string, int cpu_count, int disk_count, char *pid);
+void do_cpufreq_stats(void);
+void count_usb_urbs(void);
+void count_device_pm(void);
+void alsa_activity_hint(void);
+void display_alsa_activity(void);
+void do_alsa_stats(void);
+void ahci_activity_hint(void);
+void display_ahci_activity(void);
+void do_ahci_stats(void);
+void display_usb_activity(void);
+void display_runtime_activity(void);
+void activate_usb_autosuspend(void);
+void print_intel_cstates(void);
+void start_data_dirty_capture(void);
+void end_data_dirty_capture(void);
+void parse_data_dirty_buffer(void);
+void hda_power_on(void);
+void activate_alpm(void);
+void suggest_on_dmesg(char *string, char *comment, int weight);
diff --git a/process.c b/process.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53fd78f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/process.c
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ * Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include "powertop.h"
+char process_to_kill[1024];
+static void fancy_kill(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ char line[2048];
+ char *tokill;
+ int pid = 0;
+ tokill = &process_to_kill[1];
+ file = popen(" ps -A -o pid,command", "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ while (!feof(file)) {
+ memset(line, 0, 2048);
+ if (fgets(line, 2047, file)==NULL)
+ break;
+ if (!strstr(line, tokill))
+ continue;
+ pid = strtoul(line, NULL, 10);
+ }
+ pclose(file);
+ if (pid<2)
+ return;
+ kill(pid, SIGTERM);
+void do_kill(void)
+ char line[2048];
+ if (process_to_kill[0] == '-') {
+ fancy_kill();
+ } else {
+ sprintf(line, "killall %s &> /dev/null", process_to_kill);
+ system(line);
+ }
+void suggest_process_death(char *process_match, char *tokill, struct line *slines, int linecount, double minwakeups, char *comment, int weight)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < linecount; i++) {
+ if (!slines[i].string)
+ continue;
+ if (strstr(slines[i].string, process_match)) {
+ char hotkey_string[300];
+ sprintf(hotkey_string, _(" K - kill %s "), tokill);
+ strcpy(process_to_kill, tokill);
+ if (minwakeups < slines[i].count)
+ add_suggestion(comment, weight, 'K' , hotkey_string, do_kill);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ fflush(stdout);
diff --git a/sata.c b/sata.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fff4ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sata.c
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ * Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include "powertop.h"
+int alpm_activated;
+void activate_alpm(void)
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *dirent;
+ FILE *file;
+ char filename[PATH_MAX];
+ alpm_activated = 1;
+ dir = opendir("/sys/class/scsi_host");
+ if (!dir)
+ return;
+ while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) {
+ if (dirent->d_name[0]=='.')
+ continue;
+ sprintf(filename, "/sys/class/scsi_host/%s/link_power_management_policy", dirent->d_name);
+ file = fopen(filename, "w");
+ if (!file)
+ continue;
+ fprintf(file, "min_power\n");
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+void suggest_sata_alpm(void)
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *dirent;
+ FILE *file;
+ char filename[PATH_MAX];
+ char line[1024];
+ int need_hint = 0;
+ if (alpm_activated)
+ return;
+ dir = opendir("/sys/class/scsi_host/");
+ if (!dir)
+ return;
+ while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) {
+ if (dirent->d_name[0]=='.')
+ continue;
+ sprintf(filename, "/sys/class/scsi_host/%s/link_power_management_policy", dirent->d_name);
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ continue;
+ memset(line, 0, 1024);
+ if (fgets(line, 1023,file)==NULL) {
+ fclose(file);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!strstr(line, "min_power\n"))
+ need_hint = 1;
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ if (need_hint) {
+ add_suggestion(_("Suggestion: Enable SATA ALPM link power management via: \n"
+ " echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy\n"
+ "or press the S key."),
+ 15, 'S', _(" S - SATA Link Power Management "), activate_alpm);
+ }
diff --git a/suggestions.c b/suggestions.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3261a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/suggestions.c
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+ * Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include "powertop.h"
+char suggestion_key;
+suggestion_func *suggestion_activate;
+struct suggestion;
+struct suggestion {
+ struct suggestion *next;
+ char *string;
+ int weight;
+ char key;
+ char *keystring;
+ suggestion_func *func;
+static struct suggestion *suggestions;
+static int total_weight;
+static char previous[1024];
+void reset_suggestions(void)
+ struct suggestion *ptr;
+ ptr = suggestions;
+ while (ptr) {
+ struct suggestion *next;
+ next = ptr->next;
+ free(ptr->string);
+ free(ptr->keystring);
+ free(ptr);
+ ptr = next;
+ }
+ suggestions = NULL;
+ strcpy(status_bar_slots[8],"");
+ total_weight = 0;
+void reset_suggestions2(void)
+ suggestion_key = 255;
+ suggestion_activate = NULL;
+void add_suggestion(char *text, int weight, char key, char *keystring, suggestion_func *func)
+ struct suggestion *new;
+ if (!text)
+ return;
+ new = malloc(sizeof(struct suggestion));
+ if (!new)
+ return;
+ memset(new, 0, sizeof(struct suggestion));
+ new->string = strdup(text);
+ new->weight = weight;
+ new->key = key;
+ if (keystring)
+ new->keystring = strdup(keystring);
+ new->next = suggestions;
+ new->func = func;
+ suggestions = new;
+ total_weight += weight;
+void pick_suggestion(void)
+ int value, running = 0;
+ struct suggestion *ptr;
+ int weight;
+ strcpy(status_bar_slots[8],"");
+ suggestion_key = 255;
+ suggestion_activate = NULL;
+ if (total_weight==0 || suggestions==NULL) {
+ /* zero suggestions */
+ show_suggestion("");
+ return;
+ }
+ weight = total_weight;
+ if (strlen(previous) && displaytime > 0.0)
+ weight+=50;
+ value = rand() % weight;
+ ptr = suggestions;
+ while (ptr) {
+ running += ptr->weight;
+ if (strcmp(ptr->string, previous)==0 && displaytime > 0.0)
+ running += 50;
+ if (running > value) {
+ if (ptr->keystring)
+ strncpy(status_bar_slots[8],ptr->keystring, 40);
+ suggestion_key = ptr->key;
+ suggestion_activate = ptr->func;
+ show_suggestion(ptr->string);
+ if (strcmp(ptr->string, previous)) {
+ displaytime = 30.0;
+ strcpy(previous, ptr->string);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ ptr = ptr->next;
+ }
+ show_suggestion("");
+ memset(previous, 0, sizeof(previous));
+ displaytime = -1.0;
+void print_all_suggestions(void)
+ struct suggestion *ptr;
+ for (ptr = suggestions; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
+ printf("\n%s\n", ptr->string);
diff --git a/urbnum.c b/urbnum.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b413b91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/urbnum.c
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+ * Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "powertop.h"
+struct device_data;
+struct device_data {
+ struct device_data *next;
+ char pathname[4096];
+ char human_name[4096];
+ uint64_t urbs, active, connected;
+ uint64_t previous_urbs, previous_active, previous_connected;
+ int controller;
+static struct device_data *devices;
+static void cachunk_urbs(void)
+ struct device_data *ptr;
+ ptr = devices;
+ while (ptr) {
+ ptr->previous_urbs = ptr->urbs;
+ ptr->previous_active = ptr->active;
+ ptr->previous_connected = ptr->connected;
+ ptr = ptr->next;
+ }
+static void update_urbnum(char *path, uint64_t count, char *shortname)
+ struct device_data *ptr;
+ FILE *file;
+ char fullpath[4096];
+ char name[4096], vendor[4096];
+ ptr = devices;
+ while (ptr) {
+ if (strcmp(ptr->pathname, path)==0) {
+ ptr->urbs = count;
+ sprintf(fullpath, "%s/power/active_duration", path);
+ file = fopen(fullpath, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ fgets(name, 4096, file);
+ ptr->active = strtoull(name, NULL, 10);
+ fclose(file);
+ sprintf(fullpath, "%s/power/connected_duration", path);
+ file = fopen(fullpath, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ fgets(name, 4096, file);
+ ptr->connected = strtoull(name, NULL, 10);
+ fclose(file);
+ return;
+ }
+ ptr = ptr->next;
+ }
+ /* no luck, new one */
+ ptr = malloc(sizeof(struct device_data));
+ assert(ptr!=0);
+ memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(struct device_data));
+ ptr->next = devices;
+ devices = ptr;
+ strcpy(ptr->pathname, path);
+ ptr->urbs = ptr->previous_urbs = count;
+ sprintf(fullpath, "%s/product", path);
+ file = fopen(fullpath, "r");
+ memset(name, 0, 4096);
+ if (file) {
+ fgets(name, 4096, file);
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+ sprintf(fullpath, "%s/manufacturer", path);
+ file = fopen(fullpath, "r");
+ memset(vendor, 0, 4096);
+ if (file) {
+ fgets(vendor, 4096, file);
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+ if (strlen(name)>0 && name[strlen(name)-1]=='\n')
+ name[strlen(name)-1]=0;
+ if (strlen(vendor)>0 && vendor[strlen(vendor)-1]=='\n')
+ vendor[strlen(vendor)-1]=0;
+ /* some devices have bogus names */
+ if (strlen(name)<4)
+ strcpy(ptr->human_name, path);
+ else
+ sprintf(ptr->human_name, _("USB device %4s : %s (%s)"), shortname, name, vendor);
+ if (strstr(ptr->human_name, "Host Controller"))
+ ptr->controller = 1;
+void count_usb_urbs(void)
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *dirent;
+ FILE *file;
+ char filename[PATH_MAX];
+ char pathname[PATH_MAX];
+ char buffer[4096];
+ struct device_data *dev;
+ char linkto[PATH_MAX];
+ memset(linkto, 0, sizeof(linkto));
+ dir = opendir("/sys/bus/usb/devices");
+ if (!dir)
+ return;
+ cachunk_urbs();
+ while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) {
+ if (dirent->d_name[0]=='.')
+ continue;
+ sprintf(pathname, "/sys/bus/usb/devices/%s", dirent->d_name);
+ sprintf(filename, "%s/urbnum", pathname);
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ continue;
+ memset(buffer, 0, 4096);
+ fgets(buffer, 4095, file);
+ update_urbnum(pathname, strtoull(buffer, NULL, 10), dirent->d_name);
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ dev = devices;
+ while (dev) {
+ if (dev->urbs != dev->previous_urbs) {
+ push_line(dev->human_name, dev->urbs - dev->previous_urbs);
+ }
+ dev = dev->next;
+ }
+void display_usb_activity(void)
+ struct device_data *dev;
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("%s\n", _("Recent USB suspend statistics"));
+ printf("%s\n", _("Active Device name"));
+ dev = devices;
+ while (dev) {
+ printf("%5.1f%%\t%s\n", 100.0*(dev->active - dev->previous_active) /
+ (0.00001 + dev->connected - dev->previous_connected), dev->human_name);
+ dev = dev->next;
+ }
+void usb_activity_hint(void)
+ int total_active = 0;
+ int pick;
+ struct device_data *dev;
+ dev = devices;
+ while (dev) {
+ if (dev->active-1 > dev->previous_active && !dev->controller)
+ total_active++;
+ dev = dev->next;
+ }
+ if (!total_active)
+ return;
+ pick = rand() % total_active;
+ total_active = 0;
+ dev = devices;
+ while (dev) {
+ if (dev->active-1 > dev->previous_active && !dev->controller) {
+ if (total_active == pick) {
+ char usb_hint[8000];
+ memset(usb_hint, 0, sizeof(usb_hint));
+ sprintf(usb_hint, _("A USB device is active %4.1f%% of the time:\n%s"),
+ 100.0*(dev->active - dev->previous_active) /
+ (0.00001 + dev->connected - dev->previous_connected),
+ dev->human_name);
+ add_suggestion(usb_hint,
+ 1, 'U', _(" U - Enable USB suspend "), activate_usb_autosuspend);
+ }
+ total_active++;
+ }
+ dev = dev->next;
+ }
diff --git a/usb.c b/usb.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3a1bef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usb.c
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ * Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include "powertop.h"
+void activate_usb_autosuspend(void)
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *dirent;
+ FILE *file;
+ char filename[PATH_MAX];
+ int len;
+ char linkto[PATH_MAX];
+ dir = opendir("/sys/bus/usb/devices");
+ if (!dir)
+ return;
+ while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) {
+ if (dirent->d_name[0]=='.')
+ continue;
+ /* skip usb input devices */
+ sprintf(filename, "/sys/bus/usb/devices/%s/driver", dirent->d_name);
+ memset(linkto, 0, sizeof(linkto));
+ len = readlink(filename, linkto, sizeof(link) - 1);
+ if (strstr(linkto, "usbhid"))
+ continue;
+ sprintf(filename, "/sys/bus/usb/devices/%s/power/control", dirent->d_name);
+ file = fopen(filename, "w");
+ if (!file)
+ continue;
+ fprintf(file, "auto\n");
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+void suggest_usb_autosuspend(void)
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *dirent;
+ FILE *file;
+ char filename[PATH_MAX];
+ char line[1024];
+ int len;
+ char linkto[PATH_MAX];
+ int need_hint = 0;
+ memset(linkto, 0, sizeof(linkto));
+ dir = opendir("/sys/bus/usb/devices");
+ if (!dir)
+ return;
+ while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) {
+ if (dirent->d_name[0]=='.')
+ continue;
+ /* skip usb input devices */
+ sprintf(filename, "/sys/bus/usb/devices/%s/driver", dirent->d_name);
+ len = readlink(filename, linkto, sizeof(link) - 1);
+ if (strstr(linkto, "usbhid"))
+ continue;
+ sprintf(filename, "/sys/bus/usb/devices/%s/power/control", dirent->d_name);
+ file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ continue;
+ memset(line, 0, 1024);
+ if (fgets(line, 1023,file)==NULL) {
+ fclose(file);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strstr(line, "on"))
+ need_hint = 1;
+ fclose(file);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+ if (need_hint) {
+ add_suggestion(_("Suggestion: Enable USB autosuspend for non-input devices by pressing the U key\n"
+ ),
+ 45, 'U', _(" U - Enable USB suspend "), activate_usb_autosuspend);
+ }
diff --git a/wifi-new.c b/wifi-new.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf311b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wifi-new.c
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+ * Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation
+ * Copyright 2009 Johannes Berg <>
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ * Johannes Berg <>
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/sockios.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+/* satisfy weird wireless.h include dependencies */
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <linux/if.h>
+#include <linux/wireless.h>
+#include "powertop.h"
+static int wext_sock = -1;
+static char wireless_nic[IFNAMSIZ + 1] = {0};
+static bool ps_not_working = false;
+static bool check_wireless_unused(void)
+ struct iwreq wrq;
+ char ssid[34] = {0}; /* wext sometimes NUL-terminates */
+ memset(&wrq, 0, sizeof(wrq));
+ strncpy(wrq.ifr_name, wireless_nic, sizeof(wrq.ifr_name));
+ /* get mode -- PS only available in STA mode */
+ if (ioctl(wext_sock, SIOCGIWMODE, &wrq) < 0)
+ return false;
+ if (wrq.u.mode != IW_MODE_INFRA)
+ return false;
+ wrq.u.essid.pointer = ssid;
+ wrq.u.essid.length = sizeof(ssid);
+ if (ioctl(wext_sock, SIOCGIWESSID, &wrq) < 0)
+ return false;
+ /* no SSID, so can't be connected */
+ if (!wrq.u.essid.flags)
+ return true;
+ if (ioctl(wext_sock, SIOCGIWAP, &wrq) < 0)
+ return false;
+ /* no AP -- not connected */
+ if (memcmp(wrq.u.ap_addr.sa_data, "\0\0\0\0\0\0", 6) == 0)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+static void activate_down_suggestion(void)
+ struct ifreq ifr;
+ int ret;
+ strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, wireless_nic, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
+ /* get flags */
+ ret = ioctl(wext_sock, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return;
+ ifr.ifr_flags &= ~IFF_UP;
+ ioctl(wext_sock, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifr);
+static int check_wireless_powersave(void)
+ struct iwreq wrq;
+ if (ps_not_working)
+ return false;
+ memset(&wrq, 0, sizeof(wrq));
+ strncpy(wrq.ifr_name, wireless_nic, sizeof(wrq.ifr_name));
+ /* get powersave -- if supported */
+ if (ioctl(wext_sock, SIOCGIWPOWER, &wrq) < 0) {
+ ps_not_working = 1;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return wrq.u.param.disabled;
+static void activate_wireless_suggestion(void)
+ struct iwreq wrq;
+ memset(&wrq, 0, sizeof(wrq));
+ strncpy(wrq.ifr_name, wireless_nic, sizeof(wrq.ifr_name));
+ wrq.u.param.disabled = false;
+ wrq.u.param.flags = IW_POWER_ON | IW_POWER_TIMEOUT;
+ wrq.u.param.value = 500*1000; /* 500 ms */
+ again:
+ /* set powersave -- if supported */
+ if (ioctl(wext_sock, SIOCSIWPOWER, &wrq) == 0)
+ return;
+ /* maybe timeout is not supported? */
+ if (wrq.u.param.flags & IW_POWER_TIMEOUT) {
+ wrq.u.param.flags = IW_POWER_ON;
+ goto again;
+ }
+ ps_not_working = true;
+static void find_wireless_nic(void)
+ DIR *net;
+ struct dirent *ent;
+ struct ifreq ifr;
+ struct iwreq wrq;
+ int ret;
+ memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(struct ifreq));
+ memset(&wrq, 0, sizeof(wrq));
+ net = opendir("/sys/class/net/");
+ if (!net)
+ return;
+ while ((ent = readdir(net))) {
+ strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ent->d_name, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
+ strncpy(wrq.ifr_name, ent->d_name, sizeof(wrq.ifr_name));
+ /* Check if the interface is up */
+ ret = ioctl(wext_sock, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ continue;
+ if (!(ifr.ifr_flags & (IFF_UP | IFF_RUNNING)))
+ continue;
+ /* and a wireless interface (that we handle) */
+ ret = ioctl(wext_sock, SIOCGIWNAME, &wrq);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ continue;
+ strcpy(wireless_nic, "wlan0");
+ break;
+ }
+ closedir(net);
+void suggest_wifi_new_powersave(void)
+ char sug[1024];
+ if (wext_sock == -1) {
+ wext_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
+ if (wext_sock < 0)
+ return;
+ }
+ if (strlen(wireless_nic) == 0)
+ find_wireless_nic();
+ if (strlen(wireless_nic) == 0)
+ return;
+ if (check_wireless_unused()) {
+ sprintf(sug, _("Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by setting the interface down:\n "
+ "ifconfig %s down\n"), wireless_nic);
+ add_suggestion(sug, 60, 'D', _(" D - disable wireless "), activate_down_suggestion);
+ } else if (check_wireless_powersave()) {
+ sprintf(sug, _("Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n "
+ " iwconfig %s power timeout 500ms\n"
+ "This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."), wireless_nic);
+ add_suggestion(sug, 20, 'W', _(" W - Enable Wireless power saving "), activate_wireless_suggestion);
+ }
diff --git a/wireless.c b/wireless.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae6be96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wireless.c
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+ * Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <net/if.h>
+#include <linux/sockios.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+/* work around a bug in debian -- it exposes kernel internal types to userspace */
+#define u64 __u64
+#define u32 __u32
+#define u16 __u16
+#define u8 __u8
+#include <linux/ethtool.h>
+#undef u64
+#undef u32
+#undef u16
+#undef u8
+#include "powertop.h"
+static char wireless_nic[32];
+static char rfkill_path[PATH_MAX];
+static char powersave_path[PATH_MAX];
+static int rfkill_enabled(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ char val;
+ if (strlen(rfkill_path)<2)
+ return 0;
+ if (access(rfkill_path, W_OK))
+ return 0;
+ file = fopen(rfkill_path, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return 0;
+ val = fgetc(file);
+ fclose(file);
+ if (val != '0') /* already rfkill'd */
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+int check_unused_wiresless_up(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ char val;
+ char line[1024];
+ if (strlen(rfkill_path)<2)
+ return 0;
+ if (access(rfkill_path, W_OK))
+ return 0;
+ file = fopen(rfkill_path, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return 0;
+ val = fgetc(file);
+ fclose(file);
+ if (val != '0') /* already rfkill'd */
+ return -1;
+ sprintf(line,"iwconfig %s 2> /dev/null", wireless_nic);
+ file = popen(line, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return 0;
+ while (!feof(file)) {
+ memset(line, 0, 1024);
+ if (fgets(line, 1023, file) == 0)
+ break;
+ if (strstr(line, "Mode:Managed") && strstr(line,"Access Point: Not-Associated")) {
+ pclose(file);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ pclose(file);
+ return 0;
+static int need_wireless_suggest(char *iface)
+ FILE *file;
+ char line[1024];
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (rfkill_enabled())
+ return 0;
+ sprintf(line, "/sbin/iwpriv %s get_power 2> /dev/null", iface);
+ file = popen(line, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return 0;
+ while (!feof(file)) {
+ memset(line, 0, 1024);
+ if (fgets(line, 1023, file)==NULL)
+ break;
+ if (strstr(line, "Power save level: 6 (AC)")) {
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ pclose(file);
+ return ret;
+static int need_wireless_suggest_new(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ char val;
+ if (strlen(powersave_path)<2)
+ return 0;
+ if (access(powersave_path, W_OK))
+ return 0;
+ if (rfkill_enabled())
+ return 0;
+ file = fopen(powersave_path, "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return 0;
+ val = fgetc(file);
+ fclose(file);
+ if (val <= '5' && val >= '0') /* already in powersave */
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+void find_4965(void)
+ static int tried_4965 = 0;
+ DIR *dir;
+ struct dirent *dirent;
+ char pathname[PATH_MAX];
+ if (tried_4965++)
+ return;
+ dir = opendir("/sys/bus/pci/drivers/iwl4965");
+ while (dir && (dirent = readdir(dir))) {
+ if (dirent->d_name[0]=='.')
+ continue;
+ sprintf(pathname, "/sys/bus/pci/drivers/iwl4965/%s/power_level", dirent->d_name);
+ if (!access(pathname, W_OK))
+ strcpy(powersave_path, pathname);
+ }
+ if (dir)
+ closedir(dir);
+ dir = opendir("/sys/bus/pci/drivers/iwl3945");
+ if (!dir)
+ return;
+ while ((dirent = readdir(dir))) {
+ if (dirent->d_name[0]=='.')
+ continue;
+ sprintf(pathname, "/sys/bus/pci/drivers/iwl3945/%s/power_level", dirent->d_name);
+ if (!access(pathname, W_OK))
+ strcpy(powersave_path, pathname);
+ }
+ closedir(dir);
+void find_wireless_nic(void)
+ static int found = 0;
+ FILE *file;
+ int sock;
+ struct ifreq ifr;
+ struct ethtool_value ethtool;
+ struct ethtool_drvinfo driver;
+ int ret;
+ if (found++)
+ return;
+ wireless_nic[0] = 0;
+ rfkill_path[0] = 0;
+ powersave_path[0] = 0;
+ strcpy(wireless_nic, "wlan0");
+ file = popen("/sbin/iwpriv -a 2> /dev/null", "r");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ while (!feof(file)) {
+ char line[1024];
+ memset(line, 0, 1024);
+ if (fgets(line, 1023, file)==NULL)
+ break;
+ if (strstr(line, "get_power:Power save level")) {
+ char *c;
+ c = strchr(line, ' ');
+ if (c) *c = 0;
+ strcpy(wireless_nic, line);
+ }
+ if (strstr(line, "wlan0:"))
+ strcpy(wireless_nic, "wlan0");
+ }
+ pclose(file);
+ if (strlen(wireless_nic)==0)
+ return;
+ memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(struct ifreq));
+ memset(&ethtool, 0, sizeof(struct ethtool_value));
+ sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
+ if (sock<0)
+ return;
+ strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, wireless_nic);
+ /* Check if the interface is up */
+ ret = ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr);
+ if (ret<0) {
+ close(sock);
+ return;
+ }
+ memset(&driver, 0, sizeof(driver));
+ driver.cmd = ETHTOOL_GDRVINFO;
+ ifr.ifr_data = (void*) &driver;
+ ret = ioctl(sock, SIOCETHTOOL, &ifr);
+ sprintf(rfkill_path,"/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/rfkill/rfkill0/state", driver.bus_info);
+ sprintf(powersave_path,"/sys/bus/pci/devices/%s/power_level", driver.bus_info);
+ close(sock);
+void activate_wireless_suggestion(void)
+ char line[1024];
+ sprintf(line, "/sbin/iwpriv %s set_power 5 2> /dev/null", wireless_nic);
+ system(line);
+void activate_wireless_suggestion_new(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ file = fopen(powersave_path, "w");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ fprintf(file,"1\n");
+ fclose(file);
+void activate_rfkill_suggestion(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ file = fopen(rfkill_path, "w");
+ if (!file)
+ return;
+ fprintf(file,"1\n");
+ fclose(file);
+void suggest_wireless_powersave(void)
+ char sug[1024];
+ int ret;
+ if (strlen(wireless_nic)==0)
+ find_wireless_nic();
+ find_4965();
+ ret = check_unused_wiresless_up();
+ if (ret >= 0 && need_wireless_suggest(wireless_nic)) {
+ sprintf(sug, _("Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n "
+ " iwpriv %s set_power 5 \n"
+ "This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."), wireless_nic);
+ add_suggestion(sug, 20, 'W', _(" W - Enable wireless power saving "), activate_wireless_suggestion);
+ }
+ if (ret >= 0 && need_wireless_suggest_new()) {
+ sprintf(sug, _("Suggestion: Enable wireless power saving mode by executing the following command:\n "
+ " echo 5 > %s \n"
+ "This will sacrifice network performance slightly to save power."), powersave_path);
+ add_suggestion(sug, 20, 'W', _(" W - Enable wireless power saving "), activate_wireless_suggestion_new);
+ }
+ if (ret>0) {
+ sprintf(sug, _("Suggestion: Disable the unused WIFI radio by executing the following command:\n "
+ " echo 1 > %s \n"), rfkill_path);
+ add_suggestion(sug, 60, 'I', _(" I - disable WIFI Radio "), activate_rfkill_suggestion);
+ }
diff --git a/xrandr.c b/xrandr.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3191c22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xrandr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ * Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * This file is part of PowerTOP
+ *
+ * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Arjan van de Ven <>
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include "powertop.h"
+int has_no_xrandr;
+static void activate_noTV(void)
+ system("xrandr --auto &> /dev/null");
+ system("xrandr --output TV --off &> /dev/null");
+void suggest_xrandr_TV_off(void)
+ FILE *file;
+ int has_tv = 0;
+ int has_tv_active = 0;
+ char line[1024];
+ if (has_no_xrandr)
+ return;
+ memset(line, 0, 1024);
+ file = popen("xrandr 2> /dev/null", "r");
+ if (!file || feof(file)) {
+ has_no_xrandr = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ while (!feof(file)) {
+ if (fgets(line, 1024, file)==NULL)
+ break;
+ if (line[0]!=' ') {
+ if (line[0]=='T' && line[1]=='V' && line[2]==' ')
+ has_tv = 1;
+ else
+ has_tv = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (strchr(line,'*') && has_tv)
+ has_tv_active = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ pclose(file);
+ if (has_tv_active)
+ add_suggestion(_("Suggestion: disable TV out via: \n"
+ " xrandr --output TV --off \n"
+ "or press the V key."),
+ 35, 'V', _(" V - Disable TV out "), activate_noTV);
+ /* check this only once if no suggestion needed */
+ else
+ has_no_xrandr = 1;