path: root/src/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2013-02-23plug: Begin custom EvbpPlug classDan Nicholson1-0/+1
2012-08-21Limit exported symbols to just those needed for NPAPIDan Nicholson1-1/+4
2012-08-18Allow plugin installation directories to be specifiedDan Nicholson1-4/+2
2012-08-08Allow building both gtk2 and gtk3 versions of pluginDan Nicholson1-9/+25
2012-06-06Change library name to libevince-pluginDan Nicholson1-4/+4
2012-05-27Add EvbpViewer convenience library to use in testsDan Nicholson1-5/+9
2012-03-20viewer: Add page selector to toolbarDan Nicholson1-2/+5
2012-03-11Begin EvbpViewer widgetDan Nicholson1-1/+2
2012-03-06config: Rework Mozilla dependencies so we don't link in librariesDan Nicholson1-2/+2
2012-03-03plugin: Remove superfluous headerDan Nicholson1-1/+1
2012-03-03plugin: Greatly simplify pluginDan Nicholson1-2/+1
2012-03-03Move plugin sources to src directoryDan Nicholson1-0/+8