diff options
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 420 deletions
diff --git a/src/tests/ b/src/tests/
deleted file mode 100755
index 9b13100..0000000
--- a/src/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-import gobject
-import dbus
-import dbus.service
-import dbus.mainloop.glib
-class TestException(dbus.DBusException):
- _dbus_error_name = 'com.example.TestException'
-class TestService(dbus.service.Object):
- # $ dbus-send --session --print-reply --dest=com.example.TestService /com/example/TestService com.example.TestService.HelloWorld string:Hi!
- @dbus.service.method("com.example.Frob",
- in_signature='s', out_signature='s')
- def HelloWorld(self, hello_message):
- if str(hello_message) == 'Yo':
- raise TestException('Yo is not a proper greeting')
- else:
- return "You greeted me with '%s'. Thanks!"%(str(hello_message))
- # $ dbus-send --session --print-reply --dest=com.example.TestService /com/example/TestService com.example.TestService.TestPrimitiveTypes byte:1 boolean:false int16:160 uint16:161 int32:320 uint32:321 int64:640 uint64:641 double:4.5 string:foo objpath:/foo
- @dbus.service.method("com.example.Frob",
- in_signature='ybnqiuxtdso', out_signature='ybnqiuxtdso')
- def TestPrimitiveTypes(self, val_byte, val_boolean, val_int16, val_uint16, val_int32, val_uint32, val_int64, val_uint64, val_double, val_string, val_objpath):
- return val_byte + 1, not val_boolean, val_int16 + 1, val_uint16 + 1, val_int32 + 1, val_uint32 + 1, val_int64 + 1, val_uint64 + 1, -val_double, val_string * 2, val_objpath + "/modified"
- # $ dbus-send --session --print-reply --dest=com.example.TestService /com/example/TestService com.example.TestService.TestArrayOfPrimitiveTypes array:byte:1,2 array:boolean:false,true array:int16:160,170 array:uint16:161,171 array:int32:320,330 array:uint32:321,331 array:int64:640,650 array:uint64:641,651 array:double:4.5,5.5 array:string:foo,foo2 array:objpath:/foo,/foo2
- @dbus.service.method("com.example.Frob",
- in_signature='ayabanaqaiauaxatadasao', out_signature='ayabanaqaiauaxatadasao')
- def TestArrayOfPrimitiveTypes(self, val_byte, val_boolean, val_int16, val_uint16, val_int32, val_uint32, val_int64, val_uint64, val_double, val_string, val_objpath):
- return val_byte*2, val_boolean*2, val_int16*2, val_uint16*2, val_int32*2, val_uint32*2, val_int64*2, val_uint64*2, val_double*2, val_string*2, val_objpath*2
- # no support in dbus-send
- @dbus.service.method("com.example.Frob",
- in_signature='(ii)(s(ii))', out_signature='(ii)(s(ii))')
- def TestStructureTypes(self, s1, s2):
- (x, y) = s1;
- (desc, (x1, y1)) = s2;
- return (x + 1, y + 1), ("replaced desc", (x1 + 2, y1 + 2))
- # no support in dbus-send
- @dbus.service.method("com.example.Frob",
- in_signature='a(s(ii)s)', out_signature='a(s(ii)s)')
- def TestArrayOfStructureTypes(self, a):
- r = []
- n = 0
- for i in a:
- (d, (x, y), e) = i;
- r.append(("%s_%d"%(d,n), (x + 1, y + 1), "%s_%d"%(e,n)))
- n+=1
- return r
- # no support in dbus-send
- @dbus.service.method("com.example.Frob",
- in_signature = 'a{ss}a{oo}a{ii}a{yy}a{nn}a{qq}a{uu}a{bb}a{xx}a{tt}a{dd}',
- out_signature = 'a{ss}a{oo}a{ii}a{yy}a{nn}a{qq}a{uu}a{bb}a{xx}a{tt}a{dd}')
- def TestHashTables(self, hss, hoo, hii, hyy, hnn, hqq, huu, hbb, hxx, htt, hdd):
- ret_hss = {}
- for i in hss:
- ret_hss[i + "mod"] = hss[i]*2
- ret_hoo = {}
- for i in hoo:
- ret_hoo[i + "/mod"] = hoo[i] + "/mod2"
- ret_hii = {}
- for i in hii:
- ret_hii[i*2] = hii[i]*3
- ret_hyy = {}
- for i in hyy:
- ret_hyy[i*2] = (hyy[i]*3) & 255
- ret_hnn = {}
- for i in hnn:
- ret_hnn[i*2] = hnn[i]*3
- ret_hqq = {}
- for i in hqq:
- ret_hqq[i*2] = hqq[i]*3
- ret_huu = {}
- for i in huu:
- ret_huu[i*2] = huu[i]*3
- ret_hbb = {}
- for i in hbb:
- ret_hbb[i] = True
- ret_hxx = {}
- for i in hxx:
- ret_hxx[i + 2] = hxx[i] + 1
- ret_htt = {}
- for i in htt:
- ret_htt[i + 2] = htt[i] + 1
- ret_hdd = {}
- for i in hdd:
- ret_hdd[i + 2.5] = hdd[i] + 5.0
- return ret_hss, ret_hoo, ret_hii, ret_hyy, ret_hnn, ret_hqq, ret_huu, ret_hbb, ret_hxx, ret_htt, ret_hdd
- # no support in dbus-send
- @dbus.service.method("com.example.Frob",
- in_signature = 'a{s(ii)}',
- out_signature = 'a{s(s(ii))}')
- def TestHashTableOfStructures(self, hash_of_points):
- ret = {}
- for s in hash_of_points:
- (x, y) = hash_of_points[s]
- ret[s + "_new"] = (s, (x + 100, y + 200))
- return ret
- # no support in dbus-send
- @dbus.service.method("com.example.Frob",
- in_signature = 'a{sas}a{sao}a{sai}a{say}a{san}a{saq}a{sau}a{sab}a{sax}a{sat}a{sad}a{sa(ii)}',
- out_signature = 'a{sas}a{sao}a{sai}a{say}a{san}a{saq}a{sau}a{sab}a{sax}a{sat}a{sad}a{sa(ii)}')
- def TestHashTablesOfArrays(self, hsas, hsao, hsai, hsay, hsan, hsaq, hsau, hsab, hsax, hsat, hsad, hash_of_point_arrays):
- ret_hsas = {}
- for i in hsas:
- ret_hsas[i] = hsas[i]*2
- ret_hsao = {}
- for i in hsao:
- ret_hsao[i] = hsao[i]*2
- ret_hsai = {"k" : [1, 2]}
- ret_hsay = {"k" : [3, 4]}
- ret_hsan = {"k" : [5, 6]}
- ret_hsaq = {"k" : [7, 8]}
- ret_hsau = {"k" : [9, 10]}
- ret_hsab = {"k" : [True, False, True]}
- ret_hsax = {"k" : [11, 12]}
- ret_hsat = {"k" : [13, 14]}
- ret_hsad = {"k" : [15.5, 16.5]}
- ret_hash_of_point_arrays = {}
- for s in hash_of_point_arrays:
- point_array = hash_of_point_arrays[s]
- new_point_array = []
- for point in point_array:
- (x, y) = point
- new_point_array.append ((x + 100, y + 200))
- ret_hash_of_point_arrays[s + "_new"] = new_point_array
- return ret_hsas, ret_hsao, ret_hsai, ret_hsay, ret_hsan, ret_hsaq, ret_hsau, ret_hsab, ret_hsax, ret_hsat, ret_hsad, ret_hash_of_point_arrays
- # no support in dbus-send
- @dbus.service.method("com.example.Frob",
- in_signature = 'a{sa{s(ii)}}',
- out_signature = 'a{sa{s(ii)}}')
- def TestHashTableOfHashTablesOfStructures(self, hash_of_hash_of_points):
- ret = {}
- for h in hash_of_hash_of_points:
- hash_of_points = hash_of_hash_of_points[h]
- newh = {}
- for s in hash_of_points:
- (x, y) = hash_of_points[s]
- newh[s + "_new_new"] = (x + 100, y + 200)
- ret[h + "_new"] = newh
- return ret
- # no support in dbus-send
- @dbus.service.method("com.example.Frob",
- in_signature = 'aa{s(ii)}',
- out_signature = 'aa{s(ii)}')
- def TestArrayOfHashTablesOfStructures(self, list_of_hash_of_points):
- ret = []
- for hash_of_points in list_of_hash_of_points:
- newh = {}
- for s in hash_of_points:
- (x, y) = hash_of_points[s]
- newh[s + "_new_new"] = (x + 100, y + 200)
- ret.append(newh)
- return ret
- # no support in dbus-send
- @dbus.service.method("com.example.Frob",
- in_signature = 'aasaa(ii)aaoaaiaayaanaaqaauaabaaxaataadaaas',
- out_signature = 'aasaa(ii)aaoaaiaayaanaaqaauaabaaxaataadaaas')
- def TestArrayOfArrays(self, aas, aastruct, aao, aai, aay, aan, aaq, aau, aab, aax, aat, aad, aaas):
- ret_aas = aas*2;
- ret_aastruct = aastruct*2;
- ret_aao = aao*2;
- ret_aai = aai*2;
- ret_aay = aay*2;
- ret_aan = aan*2;
- ret_aaq = aaq*2;
- ret_aau = aau*2;
- ret_aab = aab*2;
- ret_aax = aax*2;
- ret_aat = aat*2;
- ret_aad = aad*2;
- ret_aaas = aaas*2
- return ret_aas, ret_aastruct, ret_aao, ret_aai, ret_aay, ret_aan, ret_aaq, ret_aau, ret_aab, ret_aax, ret_aat, ret_aad, ret_aaas
- # dbus-send --print-reply --session --dest=com.example.TestService /com/example/TestService com.example.TestService.TestVariantReturn string:o
- @dbus.service.method("com.example.Frob",
- in_signature = 's',
- out_signature = 'v')
- def TestVariantReturn(self, desired_variant):
- if desired_variant == "y":
- ret = dbus.Byte(1)
- elif desired_variant == "b":
- ret = True
- elif desired_variant == "n":
- ret = dbus.Int16(2)
- elif desired_variant == "q":
- ret = dbus.UInt16(3)
- elif desired_variant == "i":
- ret = dbus.Int32(4)
- elif desired_variant == "u":
- ret = dbus.UInt32(5)
- elif desired_variant == "x":
- ret = dbus.Int64(6)
- elif desired_variant == "t":
- ret = dbus.UInt64(7)
- elif desired_variant == "d":
- ret = 7.5
- elif desired_variant == "s":
- ret = "a string"
- elif desired_variant == "o":
- ret = dbus.ObjectPath("/some/object/path")
- elif desired_variant == "ai":
- ret = []
- ret.append(dbus.Int32(4))
- ret.append(dbus.Int32(5))
- elif desired_variant == "as":
- ret = []
- ret.append("a string")
- ret.append("another string")
- elif desired_variant == "point":
- ret = (1, 2)
- elif desired_variant == "dpoint":
- ret = ("the desc", (3, 4))
- elif desired_variant == "hash_of_points":
- ret = {}
- ret["key0"] = (1, 2)
- ret["key1"] = (3, 4)
- ret["key2"] = (5, 6)
- ret["key3"] = (7, 8)
- elif desired_variant == "unregistered_struct":
- ret = ("string",
- dbus.Byte(2),
- dbus.Int16(3),
- 4,
- [0, 1, 2, 3],
- {"rip" : 2, "rap" : 4, "rup" : 6},
- [(1, 2), (1, 2), (1, 2)],
- [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]],
- [True, False, False],
- [[True, True], [False, True]],
- [dbus.Byte(0xca), dbus.Byte(0xfe), dbus.Byte(0xba), dbus.Byte(0xbe), dbus.Byte(0x00), dbus.Byte(0xde), dbus.Byte(0xad), dbus.Byte(0xbe), dbus.Byte(0xef)],
- {"huey" : (2, 1), "dewey" : (4, 2), "louie" : (6, 3)},
- {"innie" : [10, 11], "minnie" : [12, 13], "minie" : [14, 15], "moe" : [16, 17]},
- {dbus.Byte(0xa0) : [10, 11], dbus.Byte(0xa1) : [12, 13], dbus.Byte(0xa2) : [14, 15]})
- else:
- raise TestException("unknown desired variant '%s'"%desired_variant)
- return ret
- # $ dbus-send --print-reply --session --dest=com.example.TestService /com/example/TestService com.example.TestService.TestVariantReturn2 string:one
- @dbus.service.method("com.example.Frob",
- in_signature = 's',
- out_signature = 'ava{sv}(siivx)')
- def TestVariantReturn2(self, desired_variant):
- ret_av = []
- ret_hsv = {}
- if desired_variant == "one":
- ret_av.append (dbus.Byte(1))
- ret_av.append ("a string")
- ret_av.append ((1, 2))
- ret_av.append ([dbus.Int16(100), dbus.Int16(100), dbus.Int16(100)])
- ret_av.append ({"rip" : 2, "rap" : 4, "rup" : 6})
- ret_struct = ("ok, steady", 10, 11, "one", 2)
- elif desired_variant == "two":
- ret_hsv["1st"] = dbus.Byte(1)
- ret_hsv["2nd"] = "a string"
- ret_hsv["3rd"] = (1, 2)
- ret_hsv["4th"] = [dbus.Int16(100), dbus.Int16(100), dbus.Int16(100)]
- ret_hsv["5th"] = {"rip" : 2, "rap" : 4, "rup" : 6}
- ret_struct = ("anger. fear. acceptance. CA$H!!", 10, 11, {"foo": 42, "bar": 43}, 2)
- else:
- raise TestException("unknown desired variant '%s'"%desired_variant)
- return ret_av, ret_hsv, ret_struct
- # $ dbus-send --print-reply --session --dest=com.example.TestService /com/example/TestService com.example.TestService.TestPassVariant variant:string:dbus-rocks
- @dbus.service.method("com.example.Frob",
- in_signature = 'v',
- out_signature = 's')
- def TestPassVariant(self, variant):
- return dbus.String(variant) + "-and-a-bag-of-chips"
- # $ dbus-send --print-reply --session --dest=com.example.TestService /com/example/TestService com.example.TestService.TestPassVariant variant:string:dbus-rocks
- @dbus.service.method("com.example.Frob",
- in_signature = 'ava{sv}a{sav}(siivx)',
- out_signature = 's')
- def TestPassVariant2(self, array_of_variants, dict_of_string_to_variants, dict_of_string_to_array_of_variants, struct_with_variant):
- return dbus.String(array_of_variants) + dbus.String(dict_of_string_to_variants) + dbus.String(dict_of_string_to_array_of_variants) + dbus.String(struct_with_variant)
- @dbus.service.method("org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties",
- in_signature = 'ss',
- out_signature = 'v')
- def Get(self, interface_name, property_name):
- if interface_name == "com.example.Frob":
- return self.frob_props[property_name]
- elif interface_name == "com.example.Tweak":
- return self.tweak_props[property_name]
- else:
- raise TestException("No such interface " + interface_name)
- @dbus.service.method("org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties",
- in_signature = 's',
- out_signature = 'a{sv}')
- def GetAll(self, interface_name):
- if interface_name == "com.example.Frob":
- return self.frob_props
- elif interface_name == "com.example.Tweak":
- return self.tweak_props
- else:
- raise TestException("No such interface " + interface_name)
- @dbus.service.method("com.example.Tweak",
- in_signature='s', out_signature='s')
- def ICanHazGreetingz(self, hello_message):
- return "Word. You haz greetz '%s'. KTHXBYE!"%(str(hello_message))
- @dbus.service.method("com.example.Tweak",
- out_signature='s')
- def GetServerUniqueName(self):
- return session_bus.get_unique_name()
- @dbus.service.signal("com.example.Tweak")
- def NewzNotifz(self, newz):
- pass
- @dbus.service.method("com.example.Tweak",
- in_signature='s')
- def BroadcastzNewz(self, newz_to_pass):
- self.NewzNotifz("Word. Broadcastz '%s'. KTHXBYE!"%(str(newz_to_pass)))
- @dbus.service.method("com.example.Twiddle",
- in_signature='s')
- def BroadcastzNewzOnTwiddle(self, newz_to_pass):
- string = "Sez '%s'. KTHXBYE!"%(str(newz_to_pass))
- # manually construct the message since dbus-python doesn't appear
- # to support identical signal names on different interfaces...
- #
- message = dbus.lowlevel.SignalMessage("/com/example/TestObject", "com.example.Twiddle", "NewzNotifz")
- message.append(string)
- session_bus.send_message(message)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- dbus.mainloop.glib.DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True)
- session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()
- name = dbus.service.BusName("com.example.TestService", session_bus)
- obj = TestService(session_bus, '/com/example/TestObject')
- #print "Our unique name is %s"%(session_bus.get_unique_name())
- obj.frob_props = {}
- obj.frob_props["y"] = dbus.Byte(1)
- obj.frob_props["b"] = dbus.Boolean(True)
- obj.frob_props["n"] = dbus.Int16(2)
- obj.frob_props["q"] = dbus.UInt16(3)
- obj.frob_props["i"] = dbus.Int32(4)
- obj.frob_props["u"] = dbus.UInt32(5)
- obj.frob_props["x"] = dbus.Int64(6)
- obj.frob_props["t"] = dbus.UInt64(7)
- obj.frob_props["d"] = dbus.Double(7.5)
- obj.frob_props["s"] = dbus.String("a string")
- obj.frob_props["o"] = dbus.ObjectPath("/some/path")
- obj.frob_props["ay"] = [dbus.Byte(1), dbus.Byte(11)]
- obj.frob_props["ab"] = [dbus.Boolean(True), dbus.Boolean(False)]
- obj.frob_props["an"] = [dbus.Int16(2), dbus.Int16(12)]
- obj.frob_props["aq"] = [dbus.UInt16(3), dbus.UInt16(13)]
- obj.frob_props["ai"] = [dbus.Int32(4), dbus.Int32(14)]
- obj.frob_props["au"] = [dbus.UInt32(5), dbus.UInt32(15)]
- obj.frob_props["ax"] = [dbus.Int64(6), dbus.Int64(16)]
- obj.frob_props["at"] = [dbus.UInt64(7), dbus.UInt64(17)]
- obj.frob_props["ad"] = [dbus.Double(7.5), dbus.Double(17.5)]
- obj.frob_props["as"] = [dbus.String("a string"), dbus.String("another string")]
- obj.frob_props["ao"] = [dbus.ObjectPath("/some/path"), dbus.ObjectPath("/another/path")]
- obj.frob_props["foo"] = "a frobbed string"
- obj.tweak_props = {}
- obj.tweak_props["foo"] = "a tweaked string"
- obj.tweak_props["bar"] = [1, 2]
- obj.tweak_props["baz"] = (3, 4)
- mainloop = gobject.MainLoop()