AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2007-09-07Add simple .gitignore fileHEADmasterCarl Worth1-0/+2
2007-09-07Remove painting of background to whiteCarl Worth1-4/+0
Some applications legitmately handle PDF files with a transparent background, so don't get in the way of that.
2007-09-07Updated license blurb that doesn't call out Red Hat specificallyCarl Worth1-17/+18
This makes it much easier to accept contributions from outside of Red Hat.
2007-09-07Add simple MakefileCarl Worth1-0/+15
2007-09-07Add example compilation command lineCarl Worth1-1/+2
2007-09-07Import simple little svg2pdf programCarl Worth1-0/+85
This was rescued from cairo/test (where it wasn't being used and was deleted).