path: root/langs/cpp/tools.tpl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'langs/cpp/tools.tpl')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/langs/cpp/tools.tpl b/langs/cpp/tools.tpl
index a0df9f9..0a89664 100644
--- a/langs/cpp/tools.tpl
+++ b/langs/cpp/tools.tpl
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
<#function scopedCppName type shortname=false>
- <#local name = "::" + type?replace( ".", "::" )>
+ <#local name = "">
+ <#if !type?starts_with( "::" )>
+ <#local name = "::">
+ </#if>
+ <#local name = name + type?replace( ".", "::" )>
<#if shortname>
<#local name = name?replace( "::com::sun::star", "css" )>
@@ -49,57 +53,68 @@
<#return flags>
-<#function cppType unotype>
- <#local cpp = unotype>
- <#if unotype?is_string >
- <#-- Handle UNO simple types -->
- <#if unotype == "string">
- <#local cpp = "::rtl::OUString">
- <#elseif unotype == "char">
- <#local cpp = "::sal_Unicode">
- <#elseif unotype == "any">
- <#local cpp = "::com::sun::star::uno::Any">
- <#elseif unotype == "type">
- <#local cpp = "::com::sun::star::uno::Type">
- <#elseif unotype == "boolean">
- <#local cpp = "::sal_Bool">
- <#elseif unotype == "byte">
- <#local cpp = "::sal_Int8">
- <#elseif unotype == "short">
- <#local cpp = "::sal_Int16">
- <#elseif unotype == "unsigned short">
- <#local cpp = "::sal_uInt16">
- <#elseif unotype == "long">
- <#local cpp = "::sal_Int32">
- <#elseif unotype == "unsigned long">
- <#local cpp = "::sal_uInt32">
- <#elseif unotype == "hyper">
- <#local cpp = "::sal_Int64">
- <#elseif unotype == "unsigned hyper">
- <#local cpp = "::sal_uInt64">
- </#if>
- <#elseif unotype?is_hash>
- <#-- Handle UNO complex types -->
- <#local cpp = "">
- <#local levels = (unotype["nested_levels"] - 1)>
- <#if (levels > 0)>
- <#list 0..levels as i>
- <#local cpp = cpp + "::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ">
- </#list>
- </#if>
- <#if unotype["type"] == "interface">
- <#local cpp = cpp + "::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< " + scopedCppName( unotype["name"] ) + " >">
- </#if>
- <#if (levels > 0)>
- <#list 0..levels as i>
- <#local cpp = cpp + " >">
- </#list>
+<#function cppType unotype shortname=false>
+ <#local cpp = unotype["name"]>
+ <#-- Remove UNO sequence markers as we have the nested levels -->
+ <#local cpp = cpp?replace( "[]", "" )>
+ <#if unotype["type"] == "simple" >
+ <#if ( cpp != "void" ) && ( cpp != "double" ) && ( cpp != "float" )>
+ <#local cpp = cpp?replace( "string", "::rtl::OUString" )>
+ <#local cpp = cpp?replace( "char", "::sal_Unicode" )>
+ <#local cpp = cpp?replace( "any", "::com::sun::star::uno::Any" )>
+ <#local cpp = cpp?replace( "type", "::com::sun::star::uno::Type" )>
+ <#local cpp = cpp?replace( "boolean", "::sal_Bool" )>
+ <#local cpp = cpp?replace( "byte", "::sal_Int8" )>
+ <#local cpp = cpp?replace( "unsigned short", "::sal_uInt16" )>
+ <#local cpp = cpp?replace( "short", "::sal_Int16" )>
+ <#local cpp = cpp?replace( "unsigned long", "::sal_uInt32" )>
+ <#local cpp = cpp?replace( "long", "::sal_Int32" )>
+ <#local cpp = cpp?replace( "unsigned hyper", "::sal_uInt64" )>
+ <#local cpp = cpp?replace( "hyper", "::sal_Int64" )>
+ <#local cpp = scopedCppName( cpp, shortname )>
+ <#elseif unotype["type"] == "interface">
+ <#local cpp = "::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< " + scopedCppName( cpp ) + " >">
+ </#if>
+ <#local levels = (unotype["nested_levels"] - 1)>
+ <#if (levels > 0)>
+ <#list 0..levels as i>
+ <#local cpp = "::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< " + cpp + " >">
+ </#list>
+ </#if>
+ <#if shortname>
+ <#local name = name?replace( "::com::sun::star", "css" )>
<#return cpp>
-<#function printFieldSignature field setter>
+<#function defaultValue unotype>
+ <#local value = "">
+ <#if unotype["type"] == "simple">
+ <#local value = "0">
+ <#if unotype["name"] == "boolean">
+ <#local value = "sal_False">
+ <#elseif unotype["name"] == "string">
+ <#local value = "::rtl::OUString()">
+ <#elseif unotype["name"] == "double" || unotype["name"] == "float">
+ <#local value = "0.0">
+ <#elseif unotype["name"] == "void">
+ <#local value = cppType( unotype )>
+ <#elseif unotype["name"] == "any" || unotype["name"] == "type">
+ <#local value = cppType( unotype ) + "()">
+ </#if>
+ <#elseif unotype["type"] == "interface">
+ <#local value = cppType( unotype ) + "()">
+ </#if>
+ <#return value>
+<#function printFieldSignature field setter classname = "">
<#if setter>
<#local return_type = "void">
<#local name_prefix = "set">
@@ -110,41 +125,111 @@
<#local args = "" >
- <#local result = return_type + " SAL_CALL " + name_prefix + field["name"] + "(" + args + ")" >
- <#local result = result + " throw (" + printExceptions( field["get_exceptions"] ) +")" >
+ <#local result = return_type + " SAL_CALL " + classname + name_prefix + field["name"] + "(" + args + ")" >
+ <#local result = result + " throw (">
+ <#if setter>
+ <#local result = result + printExceptions( field["set_exceptions"] ) +")" >
+ <#else>
+ <#local result = result + printExceptions( field["get_exceptions"] ) +")" >
+ </#if>
<#return result>
-<#macro printField field print_body>
- <#if !print_body>virtual </#if>${printFieldSignature( field, false )}<#if !print_body>;<#else>
+<#macro printSetPropertyMixinBody field>
+ <#if field["bound"]>BoundListeners l;
+ </#if><#if field["set_exceptions"]?seq_contains("")>css::Any v;
+ <#if field["type"]["name"]?contains("")>if ( the_value.IsPresent )
- // TODO Implement the body here
- }
- </#if>
-<#if !field["readonly"]><#if !print_body>virtual </#if>${printFieldSignature( field, true )}<#if !print_body>;<#else>
+ v <<= the_value.Value;
+ }<#else>v <<= the_value.Value;</#if>
+ prepareSet(
+ rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("${field["name"]}")),
+ css::uno::Any(), v, <#if field["bound"]>&l<#else>NULL</#if>);
+ <#else>
+ prepareSet(
+ rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("${field["name"]}")),
+ css::uno::Any(), css::uno::Any(), <#if field["bound"]>&l<#else>NULL</#if>);
+ </#if>
- // TODO Implement the body here
- }
+ osl::MutexGuard g(m_aMutex);
+ m_${field["name"]} = the_value;
+ }<#if !field["bound"]><#return></#if>
+ <#if field["bound"]>l.notify();<#return></#if>
-<#macro printMethods intf>
- // TODO
-<#assign generated = generated + ":" + intf["name"] + ":">
-// TODO Continue
-<#if all_methods >
-<#list intf["super_types"] as super>
-<@printMethods super/>
-<#if intf["fields"]?size > 0 || intf["methods"]?size > 0>
- // ${intf["name"]?replace( ".", ":" )}:
+<#macro printField field print_body><#local scopedname = "">
+<#if !print_body>virtual <#else><#local scopedname = classname() + "::"></#if>${printFieldSignature( field, false, scopedname )}<#if !print_body>;<#else>
+ <#if (propertyHelper?length > 0)>osl::MutexGuard g(m_aMutex);
+ </#if>return m_${field["name"]};
+<#if !field["readonly"]><#if !print_body>virtual </#if>${printFieldSignature( field, true, scopedname )}<#if !print_body>;<#else>
+<#if (propertyHelper?length > 0)><@printSetPropertyMixinBody field /><#else> m_${field["name"]} = the_value;</#if>
+<#function getRef unotype>
+ <#local ref = "">
+ <#if unotype["name"] == "string" || unotype["name"] == "any" || unotype["name"] == "type"
+ || (unotype["nested_levels"] > 0) || unotype["type"] == "interface">
+ <#local ref = "&">
+ </#if>
+ <#return ref>
+ Returns the arguments list for the given method
+ * args: the list of parameters to print
+ -->
+<#function printMethodParams args>
+ <#local result = "">
+ <#list args as arg>
+ <#if !arg["flags"]?contains( "out" )>
+ <#local result = result + "const ">
+ </#if>
+ <#local result = result + cppType( arg["type"] ) + getRef( arg["type"]) + " " + arg["name"]>
+ <#if arg_has_next><#local result = result + ", "></#if>
+ </#list>
+ <#return result>
+ Returns the interface method signature.
+ * method: the method object for which to print the signature
+ * classname: is used when printing the implementation signature
+ -->
+<#function printMethodSignature method classname = "">
+ <#local sig = cppType(method["return_type"]) + " SAL_CALL " + method["name"] + "(" + printMethodParams(method["parameters"]) + ")">
+ <#local sig = sig + " throw (" + printExceptions( method["exceptions"] ) + ")">
+ <#return sig>
+<#macro printMethod method print_body>
+<#if !print_body>virtual </#if>${printMethodSignature(method)}<#if !print_body>;<#else>
+ <#if method["return_type"] != "void">// TODO: Exchange the default return implementation for "${method["name"]}"!!!
+ // Exchange the default return implementation.
+ // NOTE: Default initialized polymorphic structs can cause problems because of
+ // missing default initialization of primitive types of some C++ compilers or
+ // different Any initialization in Java and C++ polymorphic structs.
+ return ${defaultValue( method["return_type"] )};<#else>// TODO: Insert your implementation for "${method["name"]}" here.</#if>
+<#macro printMethods intf><#assign generated = generated + ":" + intf["name"] + ":">
+<#if all_methods ><#list intf["super_types"] as super><@printMethods super/></#list>
+<#if (intf["fields"]?size > 0) || (intf["methods"]?size > 0)> // ${intf["name"]?replace( ".", ":" )}:</#if></#if>
<#list intf["fields"] as field>
<@printField(field, false)/>
+<#list intf["methods"] as method>
+<@printMethod(method, false)/>
<#macro printMethodsBodies intf>