path: root/cairo/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cairo/')
1 files changed, 553 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cairo/ b/cairo/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4689506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cairo/
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+# -*- coding:utf8 -*-
+# Copyright 2007 Carl Worth <>
+# Copyright 2007 Behdad Esfahbod <>
+# A slides file should populate the variable slides with
+# a list of tuples. Each tuple should have:
+# - Slide content
+# - User data
+# - Canvas width
+# - Canvas height
+# Slide content can be a string, a list of strings,
+# a function returning one of those, or a generator
+# yielding strings. The user data should be a dictionary or
+# None, and is both used to communicate options to the
+# renderer and to pass extra options to the theme functions.
+# A function-based slide content will be passed a renderer object.
+# Renderer is an object similar to a cairo.Context and
+# pangocairo.CairoContext but has its own methods too.
+# The more useful of them here are put_text, put_image, and
+# set_allocation. See their pydocs.
+slides = []
+def slide_add(f, data=None, width=800, height=600):
+ slides.append ((f, data, width, height))
+ return f
+import pango, pangocairo, cairo, os, signal
+# We use slide data to tell the theme who's speaking.
+# That is, which side the bubble should point to.
+behdad = -1
+cworth = +1
+whois = None
+def who(name):
+ global whois
+ whois = name
+# And convenience functions to add a slide. Can be
+# used as a function decorator, or called directly.
+def slide_who(f, who, data=None):
+ if data:
+ data = dict (data)
+ else:
+ data = {}
+ data['who'] = who
+ return slide_add (f, data)
+def slide(f, data=None):
+ return slide_who (f, whois, data=data)
+def slide_noone(f, data=None):
+ return slide_who (f, None, data=data)
+def slide_cworth(f, data=None):
+ return slide_who (f, cworth, data=data)
+def slide_behdad(f, data=None):
+ return slide_who (f, behdad, data=data)
+# Slides start here
+def title_slide (r):
+ r.move_to (400, 100)
+ r.put_text (
+"""Co-maintaining cairo:
+cool community
+cool code""", desc="50", valign=1)
+ r.move_to (0, 450)
+ r.put_text ("""Behdad Esfahbod\n<span font_desc="16">besfahbo@<span foreground="#c00">redhat</span>.com</span>""",
+ desc="20", halign=1, valign=-1)
+ r.move_to (800, 450)
+ r.put_text ("""Carl Worth\n<span font_desc="16">cworth@<span foreground="#c00">redhat</span>.com</span>""",
+ desc="20", halign=-1, valign=-1)
+who (cworth)
+slide("Rendering model")
+def paint_checkers (cr):
+ image = cairo.ImageSurface (cairo.FORMAT_RGB24, 30, 30)
+ cr2 = cairo.Context (image)
+ cr2.rectangle ( 0, 0, 15, 15)
+ cr2.rectangle (15, 15, 15, 15)
+ cr2.set_source_rgb (.75, .75, .75)
+ cr2.fill ()
+ cr2.rectangle (15, 0, 15, 15)
+ cr2.rectangle ( 0, 15, 15, 15)
+ cr2.set_source_rgb (.94, .94, .94)
+ cr2.fill ()
+ checker = cairo.SurfacePattern (image)
+ checker.set_filter (cairo.FILTER_NEAREST)
+ checker.set_extend (cairo.EXTEND_REPEAT)
+ cr.set_source (checker)
+ cr.paint ()
+def gnome_foot_path (cr):
+ # Originally 96 x 118, scaling to fit in 80x80
+ ()
+ cr.translate ((96 - 80) / 2., 0)
+ cr.scale (80. / 118., 80. / 118.)
+ cr.move_to (86.068, 1.)
+ cr.curve_to (61.466, 0., 56.851, 35.041, 70.691, 35.041)
+ cr.curve_to (84.529, 35.041, 110.671, 0., 86.068, 0.)
+ cr.move_to (45.217, 30.699)
+ cr.curve_to (52.586, 31.149, 60.671, 2.577, 46.821, 4.374)
+ cr.curve_to (32.976, 6.171, 37.845, 30.249, 45.217, 30.699)
+ cr.move_to (11.445, 48.453)
+ cr.curve_to (16.686, 46.146, 12.12, 23.581, 3.208, 29.735)
+ cr.curve_to (-5.7, 35.89, 6.204, 50.759, 11.445, 48.453)
+ cr.move_to (26.212, 36.642)
+ cr.curve_to (32.451, 35.37, 32.793, 9.778, 21.667, 14.369)
+ cr.curve_to (10.539, 18.961, 19.978, 37.916, 26.212, 36.642)
+ cr.line_to (26.212, 36.642)
+ cr.move_to (58.791, 93.913)
+ cr.curve_to (59.898, 102.367, 52.589, 106.542, 45.431, 101.092)
+ cr.curve_to (22.644, 83.743, 83.16, 75.088, 79.171, 51.386)
+ cr.curve_to (75.86, 31.712, 15.495, 37.769, 8.621, 68.553)
+ cr.curve_to (3.968, 89.374, 27.774, 118.26, 52.614, 118.26)
+ cr.curve_to (64.834, 118.26, 78.929, 107.226, 81.566, 93.248)
+ cr.curve_to (83.58, 82.589, 57.867, 86.86, 58.791, 93.913)
+ cr.line_to (58.791, 93.913)
+ cr.restore ()
+def imaging_model (r):
+ paint_checkers (
+ r.allocate (100, 130, 550, 450)
+ (200, 130)
+ ### Column 1
+ ()
+ (0, 0)
+ (0, 0, 0)
+ r.put_text ("source", height=40, valign=-1)
+ def done_with_header ():
+ (-40, 20)
+ done_with_header ()
+ # Solid source
+ def set_solid_source ():
+ (.87, .64, .13, 0.6)
+ set_solid_source ()
+ (0, 0, 80, 80)
+ ()
+ def next_row ():
+ (0, 110)
+ next_row ()
+ # Linear source
+ def set_linear_source ():
+ linear = cairo.LinearGradient (0, 0, 0, 80)
+ linear.add_color_stop_rgba (0.0, .96, .43, .11, 1.0)
+ linear.add_color_stop_rgba (0.2, .96, .43, .11, 1.0)
+ linear.add_color_stop_rgba (0.5, .96, .43, .11, 0.2)
+ linear.add_color_stop_rgba (0.8, .11, .22, .96, 1.0)
+ linear.add_color_stop_rgba (1.0, .11, .22, .96, 1.0)
+ (linear)
+ set_linear_source ()
+ (0, 0, 80, 80)
+ ()
+ next_row ()
+ # Radial source
+ def set_radial_source ():
+ radial = cairo.RadialGradient (40, 40, 0, 40, 40, 40)
+ radial.add_color_stop_rgba (0.0, .55, .15, .63, 1.0)
+ radial.add_color_stop_rgba (0.3, .55, .15, .63, 1.0)
+ radial.add_color_stop_rgba (1.0, .91, .89, .39, 0.5)
+ (radial)
+ set_radial_source ()
+ (0, 0, 80, 80)
+ ()
+ next_row ()
+ # Image pattern source
+ def set_image_source ():
+ image = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png ("pumpkin-small.png")
+ (image, 0, 0)
+ set_image_source ()
+ ()
+ ()
+ def next_column ():
+ (200, 0)
+ next_column ()
+ ### Column 2
+ ()
+ (0, 0)
+ (0, 0, 0)
+ r.put_text ("mask", height=40, valign=-1)
+ done_with_header ()
+ # Gnome foot
+ gnome_foot_path (
+ (1.0)
+ ()
+ next_row ()
+ # Gnome foot
+ gnome_foot_path (
+ (1.0)
+ ()
+ next_row ()
+ # 'G'
+ def draw_G ():
+ (40, 0)
+ r.put_text ("<b>G</b>", height=80, valign=1)
+ draw_G ()
+ next_row ()
+ # Radial mask
+ def get_radial_mask_pattern ():
+ radial = cairo.RadialGradient (40, 40, 0, 40, 40, 40)
+ radial.add_color_stop_rgba (0.0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0)
+ radial.add_color_stop_rgba (0.3, 0, 0, 0, 1.0)
+ radial.add_color_stop_rgba (1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0)
+ return radial
+ (get_radial_mask_pattern ())
+ (0, 0, 80, 80)
+ ()
+ ()
+ next_column ()
+ ### Column 3
+ ()
+ (0, 0)
+ (0, 0, 0)
+ r.put_text ("source\nIN mask\nOVER dest", height=120, valign=-1)
+ done_with_header ()
+ # Stroked GNOME foot
+ set_solid_source ()
+ gnome_foot_path (
+ (6)
+ ()
+ next_row ()
+ # Filled GNOME foot
+ set_linear_source ()
+ gnome_foot_path (
+ ()
+ next_row ()
+ # Filled 'G'
+ set_radial_source ()
+ draw_G ()
+ next_row ()
+ # Masked image
+ set_image_source ()
+ (get_radial_mask_pattern ())
+ ()
+ return ""
+who (cworth)
+def trapezoid (r):
+ r.set_line_width (1)
+ r.set_source_rgb (0, 0, 0)
+ pixel_size = 800 / 10
+ for x in range(0 - 50, 800 + 50, pixel_size):
+ r.move_to (x, -50)
+ r.line_to (x, 600 + 50)
+ r.stroke ()
+ for y in range(0 - 50, 600 + 50, pixel_size):
+ r.move_to (-50, y)
+ r.line_to (800 + 50, y)
+ r.stroke ()
+ r.scale (pixel_size / 10, pixel_size / 10)
+ # Interior
+ ()
+ r.move_to (0, 25)
+ r.line_to (100, 25)
+ r.line_to (100, 50)
+ r.line_to (0, 50)
+ r.close_path ()
+ r.clip ()
+ r.move_to (30, 20)
+ r.line_to (10, 60)
+ r.line_to (75, 55)
+ r.line_to (65, 15)
+ r.close_path ()
+ r.clip ()
+ r.set_source_rgba (.2, .2, .7, 0.5)
+ r.paint ()
+ r.restore ()
+ # top
+ r.set_source_rgb (0, 0, 0)
+ r.move_to (0, 25)
+ r.put_text ("top", desc="5", halign=1, valign=-1)
+ r.move_to (0, 25)
+ r.line_to (100, 25)
+ r.stroke ()
+ # bottom
+ r.move_to (100, 50)
+ r.put_text ("bottom", desc="5", halign=-1, valign=-1)
+ r.move_to (0, 50)
+ r.line_to (100, 50)
+ r.stroke ()
+ # left
+ r.set_source_rgb (.2, .6, .2)
+ r.move_to (30, 20)
+ r.put_text ("left", desc="5", halign=1, valign=-1)
+ r.move_to (30, 20)
+ r.line_to (10, 60)
+ r.stroke ()
+ # right
+ r.set_source_rgb (.8, .2, .2)
+ r.move_to (65, 15)
+ r.put_text ("right", desc="5", halign=-1, valign=-1)
+ r.move_to (65, 15)
+ r.line_to (75, 55)
+ r.stroke ()
+ r.allocate (0, 0, 100, 60)
+pid = None
+def geotv (r):
+ r.move_to (400, 300)
+ r.put_image ("geotv.jpg", width=900)
+ r.move_to (100, 400)
+ r.set_source_rgb (1, 1, 1)
+ r.put_text ("April 2002", desc="40", halign=1)
+ yield ""
+ if r.viewer.is_interactive():
+ global pid
+ if not r.viewer.is_test_run() and not r.viewer.is_slideshow() and not pid:
+ pid = os.spawnlp (os.P_NOWAIT, 'mplayer', 'mplayer', '-fs', 'geotv.mpg')
+ print "mplayer spawned with pid %d" % pid
+ yield ""
+ pid = None
+def first_post (r):
+ r.move_to (400, 300)
+ r.put_text("""Subject: Xr API strawman
+To: Keith Packard <>
+Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2002 19:55:06 +0000
+Hi Keith,
+I read up a bit on PostScript. It's the obvious source of the
+proposals you were making.
+I like it much better than GL as a model for Xr. It's cleaner in
+general, (IMHO). And PS has larger overlap with the primitives we want
+in Xr, (eg. bezier curves as opposed to just triangle meshes).
+So, here's what I'm thinking of so far. This sticks fairly close to
+PostScript, (but with an explicit rather than an implicit state
+Feedback welcome,
+-Carl""", desc="Monospace", markup=False, width=800, height=600, align=pango.ALIGN_LEFT)
+def api_strawman (r):
+ r.move_to (400, 300)
+ r.put_text("""/* Opaque state structure */
+typedef struct _XrState XrState;
+/* Functions for manipulating state objects */
+/* XXX: Do we want to add `State' to any of these functions?
+ eg. XrStateCreate, XrStateClone? */
+XrState *XrCreate(void);
+void XrDestroy(XrState *xrs);
+void XrSave(XrState *xrs);
+void XrRestore(XrState *xrs);
+XrState *XrClone(XrState *xrs);
+/* Modify state */
+void XrSetPicture(XrState *xrs, XrPicture)
+void XrSetColor(XrState *xrs, XrColor);
+/* XXX: XrSetLineWidth, XrSetLineCap, XrSetLineJoin, XrSetDash, ... */
+/* Path creation */
+/* XXX: I'm thinking that it might make sense to do away with the
+ notion of a "current path" in the state object and instead
+ provide functions to manipulate an opaque XrPath object. This
+ would add one more argument to XrStroke/XrFill, but it would
+ unify support for PS "user paths" */
+void XrNewPath(XrState *xrs);
+void XrMoveTo(XrState *xrs, double x, double y);
+void XrLineTo(XrState *xrs, double x, double y);
+void XrClosePath(XrState *xrs);
+/* XXX: XrRLineTo, XrArc, XrCurveTo, XrRCurveTo, ... */
+/* Render current path */
+void XrStroke(XrState *xrs);
+void XrFill(XrState *xrs);""", desc="Monospace", markup=False, width=800, height=600, align=pango.ALIGN_LEFT)
+def list_slide (l, data=None):
+ def s (r):
+ yield l[0]
+ for i in l[1:]:
+ yield '\n'+i
+ s.__name__ = l[0]
+ slide (s, data)
+list_slide ([
+ '<b>Committers</b>',
+ '2002 2',
+ '2003 11',
+ '2004 12',
+ '2005 26',
+ '2006 54',
+ '2007 <span foreground="#888">44</span>',
+ ], data={'align': pango.ALIGN_LEFT})
+who (behdad)
+list_slide ([
+ "<b>Backends</b>",
+ "2002-06 Xlib",
+ "2003-02 image",
+ "2003-10 PostScript",
+ '2004-04 <span foreground="#888">XCB</span>',
+ '2004-09 <span foreground="#888">glitz</span>',
+ "2005-01 Win32",
+ "2005-01 PDF",
+ '2005-01 <span foreground="#888">Quartz</span>',
+ "2005-12 SVG",
+ '2005-12 <span foreground="#888">BeOS</span>',
+ '2005-12 <span foreground="#888">directfb</span>',
+ '2006-09 <span foreground="#888">OS/2</span>',
+ '2007-02 <span foreground="#888">Quartz (<i>New!</i>)</span>',
+ ], data={'align': pango.ALIGN_LEFT})
+list_slide ([
+ "<b>Bindings</b>",
+ "C++",
+ "Common Lisp",
+ "D",
+ "Haskell",
+ "Java",
+ ".NET",
+ "Nickle",
+ "O'Caml",
+ "Perl",
+ "PHP",
+ "Python",
+ "Ruby",
+ "Scheme",
+ "Squeak",
+ ])
+slide_noone ("News")
+slide_behdad ("Mutex rework")
+slide_cworth ("Error-handling")
+slide_behdad ("Great malloc hunt")
+slide_cworth ("PDF hotness")
+slide_behdad ("Xlib work queue")
+slide_noone ("Lessons")
+who (behdad)
+def git (r):
+ yield "If you don't <i>git</i> it,\nyou don't get it"
+ yield "\n\nIt's the\nRight Thing To Do"
+ r.move_to (400, 300)
+ r.put_image ("street.jpg", height=650)
+ r.set_allocation (50, 0, 800, 550)
+ yield ""
+def git2 (r):
+ yield "Tiny commits"
+ yield "\n\n<i>Earn points faster</i>"
+ r.move_to (400, 300)
+ r.put_image ("apply-now.png", height=50)
+ yield ""
+who (cworth)
+slide ("Commit-access\nfor everyone!")
+who (behdad)
+slide ("Tricking others\ninto doing <i>their</i> work")
+who (cworth)
+slide ("Don't go AWOL")
+slide_noone ("Why do we\nlove cairo?")
+slide_noone ('Why do <span foreground="#c00"><i>you</i></span>\nlove cairo?')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import slippy
+ import cairo_theme
+ slippy.main (slides, cairo_theme)