path: root/tests/twisted/gabble/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/twisted/gabble/')
1 files changed, 390 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/twisted/gabble/ b/tests/twisted/gabble/
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+++ b/tests/twisted/gabble/
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+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2011 Intel Corp.
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301 USA
+from gabbleservicetest import call_async, EventPattern, assertEquals, ProxyWrapper
+from gabbletest import exec_test, make_result_iq, sync_stream
+from gabblecaps_helper import presence_and_disco
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.client import IQ
+from twisted.words.xish.domish import Element
+import gabbleconstants as cs
+import yconstants as ycs
+import ns
+client = ''
+caps = {'ver': '0.1', 'node': client}
+features = [
+ ns.JINGLE_015,
+ ns.JINGLE_015_AUDIO,
+ ns.JINGLE_015_VIDEO,
+ ns.GOOGLE_P2P,
+ ycs.SERVICE_NS + ''
+ ]
+identity = ['client/pc/en/Lolclient 0.L0L']
+def wrap_channel(bus, conn, path):
+ return ProxyWrapper(bus.get_object(conn.bus_name, path),
+ ycs.CHANNEL_IFACE, {})
+def setup_tests(q, bus, conn, stream, announce=False):
+ bare_jid = ""
+ full_jid = bare_jid + "/HotHotResource"
+ if announce:
+ presence_and_disco(q, conn, stream, full_jid,
+ True, client, caps,
+ features, identity, {},
+ True, None)
+ sync_stream(q, stream)
+ handle = conn.RequestHandles(cs.HT_CONTACT, [full_jid])[0]
+ return handle, bare_jid, full_jid
+def setup_outgoing_tests(q, bus, conn, stream, announce=True):
+ handle, _, _ = setup_tests(q, bus, conn, stream, announce)
+ # okay we got our contact, let's go
+ request_props = {
+ cs.TARGET_HANDLE: handle,
+ ycs.REQUEST_ATTRIBUTES: {'hi': 'mom'},
+ ycs.INITIATOR_SERVICE: 'the.initiator.service'
+ }
+ call_async(q, conn.Requests, 'CreateChannel', request_props)
+ e, _ = q.expect_many(EventPattern('dbus-return', method='CreateChannel'),
+ EventPattern('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels'))
+ path, props = e.value
+ for k, v in request_props.items():
+ assertEquals(v, props[k])
+ # finally we have our channel
+ chan = wrap_channel(bus, conn, path)
+ # let's check we can't call Fail()/Reply()
+ call_async(q, chan, 'Fail', ycs.ERROR_TYPE_CANCEL, 'lol', 'whut', 'pear')
+ q.expect('dbus-error', method='Fail')
+ call_async(q, chan, 'Reply', {'lol':'whut'}, '')
+ q.expect('dbus-error', method='Reply')
+ # okay enough, let's move on.
+ call_async(q, chan, 'Request')
+ e, _ = q.expect_many(EventPattern('stream-iq'),
+ EventPattern('dbus-return', method='Request'))
+ assertEquals('get', e.iq_type)
+ assertEquals('message', e.query_name)
+ assertEquals('urn:ytstenut:message', e.query_ns)
+ # we shouldn't be able to call this again
+ call_async(q, chan, 'Request')
+ q.expect('dbus-error', method='Request')
+ return path, e.stanza
+def outgoing_reply(q, bus, conn, stream):
+ path, stanza = setup_outgoing_tests(q, bus, conn, stream)
+ # reply with nothing
+ reply = make_result_iq(stream, stanza)
+ stream.send(reply)
+ e = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='Replied', path=path)
+ args, xml = e.args
+ assertEquals({}, args)
+ assertEquals('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' \
+ + '<message xmlns="urn:ytstenut:message"/>\n', xml)
+def outgoing_fail(q, bus, conn, stream):
+ path, stanza = setup_outgoing_tests(q, bus, conn, stream)
+ # construct a nice error reply
+ reply = IQ(None, 'error')
+ reply['id'] = stanza['id']
+ reply['from'] = stanza['to']
+ error = reply.addElement('error')
+ error['type'] = 'cancel'
+ error['code'] = '409'
+ error.addElement((ns.STANZA, 'conflict'))
+ error.addElement((ycs.MESSAGE_NS, 'yodawg'))
+ text = error.addElement((ns.STANZA, 'text'),
+ content='imma let you finish')
+ stream.send(reply)
+ e = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='Failed', path=path)
+ error_type, stanza_error_name, yst_error_name, text = e.args
+ assertEquals(ycs.ERROR_TYPE_CANCEL, error_type)
+ assertEquals('conflict', stanza_error_name)
+ assertEquals('yodawg', yst_error_name)
+ assertEquals('imma let you finish', text)
+def bad_requests(q, bus, conn, stream):
+ handle, _, _ = setup_tests(q, bus, conn, stream)
+ props = {
+ }
+ def ensure_error(extra={}):
+ copy = props.copy()
+ copy.update(extra)
+ call_async(q, conn.Requests, 'CreateChannel', copy)
+ q.expect('dbus-error', method='CreateChannel')
+ # bad handle
+ ensure_error({cs.TARGET_HANDLE: 42})
+ # offline
+ ensure_error({cs.TARGET_ID: 'lolbags@dingdong'})
+ props.update({cs.TARGET_HANDLE: handle})
+ # RequestType
+ ensure_error()
+ ensure_error({ycs.REQUEST_TYPE: 99})
+ props.update({ycs.REQUEST_TYPE: ycs.REQUEST_TYPE_GET})
+ # TargetService
+ ensure_error()
+ ensure_error({ycs.TARGET_SERVICE: 'lol/bags/what\'s this?!!!!'})
+ props.update({ycs.TARGET_SERVICE: ''})
+ # InitiatorService
+ ensure_error()
+ ensure_error({ycs.INITIATOR_SERVICE: 'lol/bags/what\'s this?!!!!'})
+ props.update({ycs.INITIATOR_SERVICE: 'the.initiator.service'})
+ # RequestAttributes: a{ss}, not a{si}
+ ensure_error({ycs.REQUEST_ATTRIBUTES: {'lol': 2}})
+ # RequestBody
+ ensure_error({ycs.REQUEST_BODY: 'no way is this real XML'})
+def setup_incoming_tests(q, bus, conn, stream):
+ handle, bare_jid, full_jid = setup_tests(q, bus, conn, stream)
+ self_handle = conn.GetSelfHandle()
+ self_handle_name = conn.InspectHandles(cs.HT_CONTACT, [self_handle])[0]
+ iq = IQ(None, 'get')
+ iq['id'] = 'le-loldongs'
+ iq['from'] = full_jid
+ iq['to'] = self_handle_name
+ msg = iq.addElement((ycs.MESSAGE_NS, 'message'))
+ msg['from-service'] = 'the.from.service'
+ msg['to-service'] = ''
+ msg['owl-companions'] = 'the pussy cat'
+ msg['destination'] = 'sea'
+ msg['seacraft'] = 'beautiful pea green boat'
+ lol = msg.addElement((None, 'lol'))
+ lol['some'] = 'stuff'
+ lol['to'] = 'fill'
+ lol['the'] = 'time'
+ lol.addElement((None, 'look-into-my-eyes'),
+ content='and tell me how boring writing these tests is')
+ stream.send(iq)
+ e = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels', predicate=lambda e:
+ e.args[0][0][1][cs.CHANNEL_TYPE] == ycs.CHANNEL_IFACE)
+ path, props = e.args[0][0]
+ assertEquals(handle, props[cs.INITIATOR_HANDLE])
+ assertEquals(bare_jid, props[cs.INITIATOR_ID])
+ assertEquals(False, props[cs.REQUESTED])
+ assertEquals(handle, props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE])
+ assertEquals(cs.HT_CONTACT, props[cs.TARGET_HANDLE_TYPE])
+ assertEquals(bare_jid, props[cs.TARGET_ID])
+ assertEquals('the.from.service', props[ycs.INITIATOR_SERVICE])
+ assertEquals('', props[ycs.TARGET_SERVICE])
+ assertEquals(ycs.REQUEST_TYPE_GET, props[ycs.REQUEST_TYPE])
+ assertEquals({'destination': 'sea',
+ 'owl-companions': 'the pussy cat',
+ 'seacraft': 'beautiful pea green boat'},
+ assertEquals('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' \
+ '<message seacraft="beautiful pea green boat" ' \
+ 'from-service="the.from.service" destination="sea" ' \
+ 'owl-companions="the pussy cat" to-service="" ' \
+ 'xmlns="urn:ytstenut:message">' \
+ '<lol to="fill" the="time" some="stuff">' \
+ '<look-into-my-eyes>and tell me how boring ' \
+ 'writing these tests is</look-into-my-eyes>' \
+ '</lol></message>\n', props[ycs.REQUEST_BODY])
+ # finally we have our channel
+ chan = wrap_channel(bus, conn, path)
+ # let's check we can't call Request()
+ call_async(q, chan, 'Request')
+ q.expect('dbus-error', method='Request')
+ return chan, bare_jid, full_jid, self_handle_name
+def incoming_reply(q, bus, conn, stream):
+ chan, bare_jid, full_jid, self_handle_name = \
+ setup_incoming_tests(q, bus, conn, stream)
+ moar = Element((ycs.MESSAGE_NS, 'message'))
+ moar['ninety-nine-problems'] = 'but a sauvignon blanc aint one'
+ moar['also'] = 'my mum said hi'
+ trollface = moar.addElement('trollface', content='problem?')
+ call_async(q, chan, 'Reply',
+ {'ninety-nine-problems': 'but a sauvignon blanc aint one',
+ 'also': 'my mum said hi'},
+ moar.toXml())
+ _, e = q.expect_many(EventPattern('dbus-return', method='Reply'),
+ EventPattern('stream-message'))
+ iq = e.stanza
+ assertEquals('le-loldongs', iq['id'])
+ assertEquals('result', iq['type'])
+ assertEquals(self_handle_name, iq['from'])
+ assertEquals(full_jid, iq['to'])
+ assertEquals(1, len(iq.children))
+ message = iq.children[0]
+ assertEquals('message',
+ assertEquals(ycs.MESSAGE_NS, message.uri)
+ assertEquals('my mum said hi', message['also'])
+ assertEquals('but a sauvignon blanc aint one', message['ninety-nine-problems'])
+ assertEquals('the.from.service', message['to-service'])
+ assertEquals('', message['from-service'])
+ assertEquals(1, len(message.children))
+ trollface = message.children[0]
+ assertEquals('trollface',
+ assertEquals(1, len(trollface.children))
+ assertEquals('problem?', trollface.children[0])
+ # check we can't call anything any more
+ call_async(q, chan, 'Fail', ycs.ERROR_TYPE_CANCEL, 'lol', 'whut', 'pear')
+ q.expect('dbus-error', method='Fail')
+ call_async(q, chan, 'Reply', {'lol':'whut'}, '')
+ q.expect('dbus-error', method='Reply')
+ call_async(q, chan, 'Request')
+ q.expect('dbus-error', method='Request')
+def incoming_fail(q, bus, conn, stream):
+ chan, bare_jid, full_jid, self_handle_name = \
+ setup_incoming_tests(q, bus, conn, stream)
+ call_async(q, chan, 'Fail',
+ ycs.ERROR_TYPE_AUTH, 'auth', 'omgwtfbbq',
+ 'I most certainly dont feel like dancing')
+ _, e = q.expect_many(EventPattern('dbus-return', method='Fail'),
+ EventPattern('stream-message'))
+ iq = e.stanza
+ assertEquals('le-loldongs', iq['id'])
+ assertEquals('error', iq['type'])
+ assertEquals(self_handle_name, iq['from'])
+ assertEquals(full_jid, iq['to'])
+ assertEquals(2, len(iq.children))
+ def check_message(message):
+ assertEquals('message',
+ assertEquals(ycs.MESSAGE_NS, message.uri)
+ assertEquals('beautiful pea green boat', message['seacraft'])
+ assertEquals('sea', message['destination'])
+ assertEquals('the pussy cat', message['owl-companions'])
+ assertEquals('the.from.service', message['from-service'])
+ assertEquals('', message['to-service'])
+ assertEquals(1, len(message.children))
+ lol = message.children[0]
+ assertEquals('lol',
+ assertEquals('fill', lol['to'])
+ assertEquals('time', lol['the'])
+ assertEquals('stuff', lol['some'])
+ assertEquals(1, len(lol.children))
+ look = lol.children[0]
+ assertEquals('look-into-my-eyes',
+ assertEquals(1, len(look.children))
+ assertEquals('and tell me how boring writing these tests is', look.children[0])
+ def check_error(error):
+ assertEquals('error',
+ assertEquals('auth', error['type'])
+ assertEquals(3, len(error.children))
+ for c in error.children:
+ if == 'auth':
+ assertEquals(ns.STANZA, c.uri)
+ elif == 'omgwtfbbq':
+ assertEquals(ycs.MESSAGE_NS, c.uri)
+ elif == 'text':
+ assertEquals(ns.STANZA, c.uri)
+ assertEquals(1, len(c.children))
+ assertEquals('I most certainly dont feel like dancing',
+ c.children[0])
+ else:
+ raise
+ for child in iq.children:
+ if == 'message':
+ check_message(child)
+ elif == 'error':
+ check_error(child)
+ else:
+ raise
+ # check we can't call anything any more
+ call_async(q, chan, 'Fail', ycs.ERROR_TYPE_CANCEL, 'lol', 'whut', 'pear')
+ q.expect('dbus-error', method='Fail')
+ call_async(q, chan, 'Reply', {'lol':'whut'}, '')
+ q.expect('dbus-error', method='Reply')
+ call_async(q, chan, 'Request')
+ q.expect('dbus-error', method='Request')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ exec_test(outgoing_reply)
+ exec_test(outgoing_fail)
+ exec_test(bad_requests)
+ exec_test(incoming_reply)
+ exec_test(incoming_fail)