BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterdocs: make GstRTCPSync enum show up in rtpbin docsTim-Philipp Müller9 years
osxaudioosxaudiosrc: no resampling on OS XIlya Konstantinov9 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2015-04-05docs: make GstRTCPSync enum show up in rtpbin docsHEADmasterTim-Philipp Müller3-7/+8
2015-04-05docs: add RTPJitterBufferMode enum to rtpbin docsTim-Philipp Müller1-0/+1
2015-04-04multifilesink: close files before posting messageThiago Santos1-6/+6
2015-04-04tests: multifile: increment tests to check for multifile messagesThiago Santos1-7/+69
2015-04-04tests: multifile: handle FIXME for proper checking when test finishedThiago Santos1-2/+13
2015-04-04multifilesink: post file message on EOSThiago Santos1-0/+37
2015-04-03Automatic update of common submoduleTim-Philipp Müller2-23/+3
2015-04-03qtdemux: Guard against 64-bit overflowJan Schmidt1-3/+12
2015-04-03isomp4: Make non-seekable downstream an error in normal modeJan Schmidt3-26/+53
2015-04-02rtph263pay/-depay: add framesize SDP attributeSebastian Rasmussen3-6/+109