diff options
authorAlon Levy <>2012-04-10 12:19:39 +0300
committerAlon Levy <>2012-04-10 12:19:39 +0300
commit8bb9cbe6d81cd086607d9f2217ae3b5dbb717b77 (patch)
parentc9924d6b4847fb681dee11b8959457393828d797 (diff)
xspice test script
1 files changed, 153 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xspice b/xspice
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..179e360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xspice
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Xspice launcher and tester. Either run as "xspice" and it launches Xspice :10.0,
+then icewm, then gimp, and then remote-viewer, or run with "xspice test" and it
+will quit after two seconds from launching remote-viewer, and return a non 0
+exit code for any problem (Xspice not loading).
+import sys
+import os
+import subprocess
+import time
+import atexit
+processes = []
+def launch(*args, **kw):
+ p = subprocess.Popen(*args, **kw)
+ processes.append(p)
+ return p
+def cleanup(*args):
+ for p in reversed(processes):
+ print "terminating %d" %
+ try:
+ p.terminate()
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ time.sleep(0.5)
+ for p in reversed(processes):
+ try:
+ p.kill()
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+#VALGRIND=valgrind --trace-children=yes --tool=callgrind
+def which(x):
+ return subprocess.check_output(['which', x]).strip()
+def launch_xspice(dnum, port):
+ display = ":%(dnum)s.0" % locals()
+ which_python = which('python')
+ which_Xspice = which('Xspice')
+ cmd = [x % locals() for x in ["%(which_python)s",
+ "%(which_Xspice)s", display, "--port", "%(port)s", "--disable-ticketing",
+ ]] + sys.argv[1:]
+ TLS_PORT_PARAMS = ["--tls-port", "0"]
+ cmd = [VALGRIND] + cmd
+ print ' '.join(cmd)
+ logfile = open(os.path.expanduser('~/.Xspice.%(dnum)s.log' % locals()), 'w+')
+ Xspice = launch(cmd, stdout=logfile, stderr=logfile)
+ #$VALGRIND `which python` `which Xspice` :$DNUM.0 --port $PORT --disable-ticketing --tls-port 0 $* >
+ spiceqxl = None
+ with open('/proc/%s/maps' % as fd:
+ spiceqxl_cand = [l.strip().split()[-1] for l in fd.readlines() if 'spiceqxl' in l]
+ if len(spiceqxl_cand) == 1:
+ spiceqxl = spiceqxl_cand[0]
+ if not spiceqxl:
+ # Cannot read /proc/ since it's running as root, go the
+ # second route
+ for lib in ['lib', 'lib64']:
+ spiceqxl = os.path.join(which_Xspice.rsplit('/', 2)[0],
+ lib, 'xorg/modules/drivers/')
+ if os.path.exists(spiceqxl):
+ break
+ print spiceqxl
+ assert(os.path.exists(spiceqxl))
+ Xspice.display = display
+ Xspice.spiceqxl = spiceqxl
+ Xspice.dnum = dnum
+ return Xspice
+def port_available_via_netstat(port):
+ """
+ (Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
+ will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
+ tcp 0 0* LISTEN 23216/Xorg off (0.00/0/0)
+ tcp 0 0* LISTEN 23216/Xorg off (0.00/0/0)
+ tcp6 0 0 :::6010 :::* LISTEN 23216/Xorg off (0.00/0/0)
+ """
+ lines = subprocess.check_output(['netstat', '-ltUnop']).split('\n')
+ port_lines = [l for l in lines if str(port) in l]
+ return len(port_lines) > 0
+def wait_for_xspice_load(xspice):
+ expected = 6000 + xspice.dnum
+ while True:
+ if port_available_via_netstat(expected):
+ return
+ time.sleep(0.5)
+ print "."
+ if xspice.poll() is not None:
+ # process has quit
+ raise Exception("Xspice died")
+def test_xspice():
+ spiceqxl, Xspice = launch_xspice(':10.0')
+def main(wait=True):
+ PORT=15000
+ DNUM=10
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+ DNUM=sys.argv[1]
+ del sys.argv[1]
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+ PORT=sys.argv[1]
+ del sys.argv[1]
+ print "%s %s" % (DNUM, PORT)
+ Xspice = launch_xspice(dnum=DNUM, port=PORT)
+ spiceqxl = Xspice.spiceqxl
+ display = Xspice.display
+ seconds_ago = time.time() - os.stat(spiceqxl).st_ctime
+ print "age: %d:%2d:%2d old (%s)" % (seconds_ago // 3600,
+ (seconds_ago // 60) % 60, seconds_ago % 60, spiceqxl)
+ #time.sleep(3)
+ wait_for_xspice_load(Xspice)
+ client_display = os.environ['DISPLAY']
+ os.environ['DISPLAY'] = display
+ icewm = launch(['icewm'])
+ #DISPLAY=:$DNUM.0 firefox --no-remote -P spice_xpi_test &
+ red = launch(['test-red'])
+ gimp = launch(['gimp'])
+ os.environ['DISPLAY'] = client_display
+ remote_viewer = launch(['remote-viewer', 'spice://localhost:%s' % PORT])
+ if wait:
+ remote_viewer.wait()
+ else:
+ time.sleep(2.0)
+ # and quit
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if sys.argv.__len__() == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'test':
+ del sys.argv[1]
+ main(False)
+ else:
+ main()