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authorMarc-André Lureau <>2013-05-23 15:35:00 +0200
committerMarc-André Lureau <>2013-06-14 16:59:04 +0200
commit5f67178c9602ed43f83f35a6d3097eb137244493 (patch)
parent0fb74ae1a7fd8ffbf0d353bb5e5c7c2aabd1ab27 (diff)
win32: don't block key up events
The win32 ll keyboard hook avoid Windows and other application to receive global keyboard events. But some key combinations can't be filtered, such as Win+L. However, the windows lock screen doesn't catch that the Win key is released, when virt-viewer still holds the hook and filters it. So pressing Win+L quickly will lock the screen, but some key press in the password entry will still be handled as if the Win key was pressed, such as Win+P or Win+U and probably other, and prevents user from typing his password. The only working solution I could find is to just let go all the release key events in the hook. There doesn't seem any drawback with that.
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/gtk/spice-widget.c b/gtk/spice-widget.c
index 1b5f8c3..d25edca 100644
--- a/gtk/spice-widget.c
+++ b/gtk/spice-widget.c
@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ void spice_display_set_grab_keys(SpiceDisplay *display, SpiceGrabSequence *seq)
#ifdef WIN32
static LRESULT CALLBACK keyboard_hook_cb(int code, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
- if (win32_window && code == HC_ACTION) {
+ if (win32_window && code == HC_ACTION && wparam == WM_KEYDOWN) {
DWORD dwmsg = (hooked->flags << 24) | (hooked->scanCode << 16) | 1;