path: root/frontend/planner/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 623 deletions
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-Functions to expose over the RPC interface.
-__author__ = ' (James Ren)'
-import os, re
-import common
-from django.db import models as django_models
-from autotest_lib.frontend import thread_local
-from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import model_logic, models as afe_models
-from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import rpc_utils as afe_rpc_utils
-from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import rpc_interface as afe_rpc_interface
-from autotest_lib.frontend.tko import models as tko_models
-from autotest_lib.frontend.planner import models, rpc_utils, model_attributes
-from autotest_lib.frontend.planner import failure_actions
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils
-# basic getter/setter calls
-# TODO: deprecate the basic calls and reimplement them in the REST framework
-def get_plan(id):
- return afe_rpc_utils.prepare_for_serialization(
- models.Plan.smart_get(id).get_object_dict())
-def modify_plan(id, **data):
- models.Plan.smart_get(id).update_object(data)
-def modify_test_run(id, **data):
- models.TestRun.objects.get(id=id).update_object(data)
-def modify_host(id, **data):
- models.Host.objects.get(id=id).update_object(data)
-def add_job(plan_id, test_config_id, afe_job_id):
- models.Job.objects.create(
- plan=models.Plan.objects.get(id=plan_id),
- test_config=models.TestConfig.objects.get(id=test_config_id),
- afe_job=afe_models.Job.objects.get(id=afe_job_id))
-# more advanced calls
-def submit_plan(name, hosts, host_labels, tests, support=None,
- label_override=None, additional_parameters=None):
- """
- Submits a plan to the Test Planner
- @param name: the name of the plan
- @param hosts: a list of hostnames
- @param host_labels: a list of host labels. The hosts under test will update
- to reflect changes in the label
- @param tests: an ordered list of dictionaries:
- alias: an alias for the test
- control_file: the test control file
- is_server: True if is a server-side control file
- estimated_runtime: estimated number of hours this test
- will run
- @param support: the global support script
- @param label_override: label to prepend to all AFE jobs for this test plan.
- Defaults to the plan name.
- @param additional_parameters: A mapping of AdditionalParameters to apply to
- this test plan, as an ordered list. Each item
- of the list is a dictionary:
- hostname_regex: A regular expression; the
- additional parameter in the
- value will be applied if the
- hostname matches this regex
- param_type: The type of additional parameter
- param_values: A dictionary of key=value pairs
- for this parameter
- example:
- [{'hostname_regex': 'host[0-9]',
- 'param_type': 'Verify',
- 'param_values': {'key1': 'value1',
- 'key2': 'value2'}},
- {'hostname_regex': '.*',
- 'param_type': 'Verify',
- 'param_values': {'key': 'value'}}]
- Currently, the only (non-site-specific)
- param_type available is 'Verify'. Setting
- these parameters allows the user to specify
- arguments to the
- job.run_test('verify_test', ...) line at the
- beginning of the wrapped control file for each
- test
- """
- host_objects = []
- label_objects = []
- for host in hosts or []:
- try:
- host_objects.append(
- afe_models.Host.valid_objects.get(hostname=host))
- except afe_models.Host.DoesNotExist:
- raise model_logic.ValidationError(
- {'hosts': 'host %s does not exist' % host})
- for label in host_labels or []:
- try:
- label_objects.append(afe_models.Label.valid_objects.get(name=label))
- except afe_models.Label.DoesNotExist:
- raise model_logic.ValidationError(
- {'host_labels': 'host label %s does not exist' % label})
- aliases_seen = set()
- test_required_fields = (
- 'alias', 'control_file', 'is_server', 'estimated_runtime')
- for test in tests:
- for field in test_required_fields:
- if field not in test:
- raise model_logic.ValidationError(
- {'tests': 'field %s is required' % field})
- alias = test['alias']
- if alias in aliases_seen:
- raise model_logic.Validationerror(
- {'tests': 'alias %s occurs more than once' % alias})
- aliases_seen.add(alias)
- plan, created = models.Plan.objects.get_or_create(name=name)
- if not created:
- raise model_logic.ValidationError(
- {'name': 'Plan name %s already exists' % name})
- try:
- rpc_utils.set_additional_parameters(plan, additional_parameters)
- label = rpc_utils.create_plan_label(plan)
- try:
- for i, test in enumerate(tests):
- control, _ = models.ControlFile.objects.get_or_create(
- contents=test['control_file'])
- models.TestConfig.objects.create(
- plan=plan, alias=test['alias'], control_file=control,
- is_server=test['is_server'], execution_order=i,
- estimated_runtime=test['estimated_runtime'])
- plan.label_override = label_override
- = support or ''
- plan.owners.add(afe_models.User.current_user())
- for host in host_objects:
- planner_host = models.Host.objects.create(plan=plan, host=host)
- plan.host_labels.add(*label_objects)
- rpc_utils.start_plan(plan, label)
- return
- except:
- label.delete()
- raise
- except:
- plan.delete()
- raise
-def get_hosts(plan_id):
- """
- Gets the hostnames of all the hosts in this test plan.
- Resolves host labels in the plan.
- """
- plan = models.Plan.smart_get(plan_id)
- hosts = set(plan.hosts.all().values_list('hostname', flat=True))
- for label in plan.host_labels.all():
- hosts.update(label.host_set.all().values_list('hostname', flat=True))
- return afe_rpc_utils.prepare_for_serialization(hosts)
-def get_atomic_group_control_file():
- """
- Gets the control file to apply the atomic group for a set of machines
- """
- return rpc_utils.lazy_load(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- 'set_atomic_group_control.srv'))
-def get_next_test_configs(plan_id):
- """
- Gets information about the next planner test configs that need to be run
- @param plan_id: the ID or name of the test plan
- @return a dictionary:
- complete: True or False, shows test plan completion
- next_configs: a list of dictionaries:
- host: ID of the host
- next_test_config_id: ID of the next Planner test to run
- """
- plan = models.Plan.smart_get(plan_id)
- result = {'next_configs': []}
- rpc_utils.update_hosts_table(plan)
- for host in models.Host.objects.filter(plan=plan):
- next_test_config = rpc_utils.compute_next_test_config(plan, host)
- if next_test_config:
- config = {'next_test_config_id':,
- 'next_test_config_alias': next_test_config.alias,
- 'host':}
- result['next_configs'].append(config)
- rpc_utils.check_for_completion(plan)
- result['complete'] = plan.complete
- return result
-def update_test_runs(plan_id):
- """
- Add all applicable TKO jobs to the Planner DB tables
- Looks for tests in the TKO tables that were started as a part of the test
- plan, and add them to the Planner tables.
- Also updates the status of the test run if the underlying TKO test move from
- an active status to a completed status.
- @return a list of dictionaries:
- status: the status of the new (or updated) test run
- tko_test_idx: the ID of the TKO test added
- hostname: the host added
- """
- plan = models.Plan.smart_get(plan_id)
- updated = []
- for planner_job in plan.job_set.all():
- known_statuses = dict((test_run.tko_test.test_idx, test_run.status)
- for test_run in planner_job.testrun_set.all())
- tko_tests_for_job = tko_models.Test.objects.filter(
- for tko_test in tko_tests_for_job:
- status = rpc_utils.compute_test_run_status(tko_test.status.word)
- needs_update = (tko_test.test_idx not in known_statuses or
- status != known_statuses[tko_test.test_idx])
- if needs_update:
- hostnames = tko_test.machine.hostname.split(',')
- for hostname in hostnames:
- rpc_utils.add_test_run(
- plan, planner_job, tko_test, hostname, status)
- updated.append({'status': status,
- 'tko_test_idx': tko_test.test_idx,
- 'hostname': hostname})
- return updated
-def get_failures(plan_id):
- """
- Gets a list of the untriaged failures associated with this plan
- @return a list of dictionaries:
- id: the failure ID, for passing back to triage the failure
- group: the group for the failure. Normally the same as the
- reason, but can be different for custom queries
- machine: the failed machine
- blocked: True if the failure caused the machine to block
- test_name: Concatenation of the Planner alias and the TKO test
- name for the failed test
- reason: test failure reason
- seen: True if the failure is marked as "seen"
- """
- plan = models.Plan.smart_get(plan_id)
- result = {}
- failures = plan.testrun_set.filter(
- finalized=True, triaged=False,
- status=model_attributes.TestRunStatus.FAILED)
- failures = failures.order_by('seen').select_related('test_job__test',
- 'host__host',
- 'tko_test')
- for failure in failures:
- test_name = '%s: %s' % (
- failure.test_job.test_config.alias, failure.tko_test.test)
- group_failures = result.setdefault(failure.tko_test.reason, [])
- failure_dict = {'id':,
- 'machine':,
- 'blocked': bool(,
- 'test_name': test_name,
- 'reason': failure.tko_test.reason,
- 'seen': bool(failure.seen)}
- group_failures.append(failure_dict)
- return result
-def get_test_runs(**filter_data):
- """
- Gets a list of test runs that match the filter data.
- Returns a list of expanded TestRun object dictionaries. Specifically, the
- "host" and "test_job" fields are expanded. Additionally, the "test_config"
- field of the "test_job" expansion is also expanded.
- """
- result = []
- for test_run in models.TestRun.objects.filter(**filter_data):
- test_run_dict = test_run.get_object_dict()
- test_run_dict['host'] =
- test_run_dict['test_job'] = test_run.test_job.get_object_dict()
- test_run_dict['test_job']['test_config'] = (
- test_run.test_job.test_config.get_object_dict())
- result.append(test_run_dict)
- return result
-def skip_test(test_config_id, hostname):
- """
- Marks a test config as "skipped" for a given host
- """
- config = models.TestConfig.objects.get(id=test_config_id)
- config.skipped_hosts.add(afe_models.Host.objects.get(hostname=hostname))
-def mark_failures_as_seen(failure_ids):
- """
- Marks a set of failures as 'seen'
- @param failure_ids: A list of failure IDs, as returned by get_failures(), to
- mark as seen
- """
- models.TestRun.objects.filter(id__in=failure_ids).update(seen=True)
-def process_failures(failure_ids, host_action, test_action, labels=(),
- keyvals=None, bugs=(), reason=None, invalidate=False):
- """
- Triage a failure
- @param failure_id: The failure ID, as returned by get_failures()
- @param host_action: One of 'Block', 'Unblock', 'Reinstall'
- @param test_action: One of 'Skip', 'Rerun'
- @param labels: Test labels to apply, by name
- @param keyvals: Dictionary of job keyvals to add (or replace)
- @param bugs: List of bug IDs to associate with this failure
- @param reason: An override for the test failure reason
- @param invalidate: True if failure should be invalidated for the purposes of
- reporting. Defaults to False.
- """
- host_choices = failure_actions.HostAction.values
- test_choices = failure_actions.TestAction.values
- if host_action not in host_choices:
- raise model_logic.ValidationError(
- {'host_action': ('host action %s not valid; must be one of %s'
- % (host_action, ', '.join(host_choices)))})
- if test_action not in test_choices:
- raise model_logic.ValidationError(
- {'test_action': ('test action %s not valid; must be one of %s'
- % (test_action, ', '.join(test_choices)))})
- for failure_id in failure_ids:
- rpc_utils.process_failure(
- failure_id=failure_id, host_action=host_action,
- test_action=test_action, labels=labels, keyvals=keyvals,
- bugs=bugs, reason=reason, invalidate=invalidate)
-def get_machine_view_data(plan_id):
- """
- Gets the data required for the web frontend Machine View.
- @param plan_id: The ID of the test plan
- @return An array. Each element is a dictionary:
- machine: The name of the machine
- status: The machine's status (one of
- model_attributes.HostStatus)
- bug_ids: List of the IDs for the bugs filed
- tests_run: An array of dictionaries:
- test_name: The TKO name of the test
- success: True if the test passed
- """
- plan = models.Plan.smart_get(plan_id)
- result = []
- for host in plan.host_set.all():
- tests_run = []
- machine =
- host_status = host.status()
- bug_ids = set()
- testruns = plan.testrun_set.filter(host=host, invalidated=False,
- finalized=True)
- for testrun in testruns:
- test_name = testrun.tko_test.test
- test_status = testrun.tko_test.status.word
- testrun_bug_ids = testrun.bugs.all().values_list(
- 'external_uid', flat=True)
- tests_run.append({'test_name': test_name,
- 'status': test_status})
- bug_ids.update(testrun_bug_ids)
- result.append({'machine': machine,
- 'status': host_status,
- 'tests_run': tests_run,
- 'bug_ids': list(bug_ids)})
- return result
-def generate_test_config(alias, afe_test_name=None,
- estimated_runtime=0, **kwargs):
- """
- Creates and returns a test config suitable for passing into submit_plan()
- Also accepts optional parameters to pass directly in to the AFE RPC
- interface's generate_control_file() method.
- @param alias: The alias for the test
- @param afe_test_name: The name of the test, as shown on AFE
- @param estimated_runtime: Estimated number of hours this test is expected to
- run. For reporting purposes.
- """
- if afe_test_name is None:
- afe_test_name = alias
- alias = alias.replace(' ', '_')
- control = afe_rpc_interface.generate_control_file(tests=[afe_test_name],
- **kwargs)
- return {'alias': alias,
- 'control_file': control['control_file'],
- 'is_server': control['is_server'],
- 'estimated_runtime': estimated_runtime}
-def get_wrapped_test_config(id, hostname, run_verify):
- """
- Gets the TestConfig object identified by the ID
- Returns the object dict of the TestConfig, plus an additional
- 'wrapped_control_file' value, which includes the pre-processing that the
- ControlParameters specify.
- @param hostname: Hostname of the machine this test config will run on
- @param run_verify: Set to True or False to override the default behavior
- (which is to run the verify test unless the skip_verify
- ControlParameter is set)
- """
- test_config = models.TestConfig.objects.get(id=id)
- object_dict = test_config.get_object_dict()
- object_dict['control_file'] = test_config.control_file.get_object_dict()
- object_dict['wrapped_control_file'] = rpc_utils.wrap_control_file(
- plan=test_config.plan, hostname=hostname,
- run_verify=run_verify, test_config=test_config)
- return object_dict
-def generate_additional_parameters(hostname_regex, param_type, param_values):
- """
- Generates an AdditionalParamter dictionary, for passing in to submit_plan()
- Returns a dictionary. To use in submit_job(), put this dictionary into a
- list (possibly with other additional_parameters dictionaries)
- @param hostname_regex: The hostname regular expression to match
- @param param_type: One of get_static_data()['additional_parameter_types']
- @param param_values: Dictionary of key=value pairs for this parameter
- """
- try:
- re.compile(hostname_regex)
- except Exception:
- raise model_logic.ValidationError(
- {'hostname_regex': '%s is not a valid regex' % hostname_regex})
- if param_type not in model_attributes.AdditionalParameterType.values:
- raise model_logic.ValidationError(
- {'param_type': '%s is not a valid parameter type' % param_type})
- if type(param_values) is not dict:
- raise model_logic.ValidationError(
- {'param_values': '%s is not a dictionary' % repr(param_values)})
- return {'hostname_regex': hostname_regex,
- 'param_type': param_type,
- 'param_values': param_values}
-def get_overview_data(plan_ids):
- """
- Gets the data for the Overview tab
- @param plan_ids: A list of the plans, by id or name
- @return A dictionary - keys are plan names, values are dictionaries of data:
- machines: A list of dictionaries:
- hostname: The machine's hostname
- status: The host's status
- passed: True if the machine passed the test plan. A 'pass' means
- that, for every test configuration in the plan, the
- machine had at least one AFE job with no failed tests.
- 'passed' could also be None, meaning that this host is
- still running tests.
- bugs: A list of the bugs filed
- test_configs: A list of dictionaries, each representing a test
- config:
- complete: Number of hosts that have completed this test
- config
- estimated_runtime: Number of hours this test config is
- expected to run on each host
- """
- plans = models.Plan.smart_get_bulk(plan_ids)
- result = {}
- for plan in plans:
- machines = []
- for host in plan.host_set.all():
- pass_status = rpc_utils.compute_test_config_status(host)
- if pass_status == rpc_utils.ComputeTestConfigStatusResult.PASS:
- passed = True
- elif pass_status == rpc_utils.ComputeTestConfigStatusResult.FAIL:
- passed = False
- else:
- passed = None
- machines.append({'hostname':,
- 'status': host.status(),
- 'passed': passed})
- bugs = set()
- for testrun in plan.testrun_set.all():
- bugs.update(testrun.bugs.values_list('external_uid', flat=True))
- test_configs = []
- for test_config in plan.testconfig_set.all():
- complete_jobs = test_config.job_set.filter(
- afe_job__hostqueueentry__complete=True)
- complete_afe_jobs = afe_models.Job.objects.filter(
- id__in=complete_jobs.values_list('afe_job', flat=True))
- complete_hosts = afe_models.Host.objects.filter(
- hostqueueentry__job__in=complete_afe_jobs)
- complete_hosts |= test_config.skipped_hosts.all()
- test_configs.append(
- {'complete': complete_hosts.distinct().count(),
- 'estimated_runtime': test_config.estimated_runtime})
- plan_data = {'machines': machines,
- 'bugs': list(bugs),
- 'test_configs': test_configs}
- result[] = plan_data
- return result
-def get_test_view_data(plan_id):
- """
- Gets the data for the Test View tab
- @param plan_id: The name or ID of the test plan
- @return A dictionary - Keys are test config aliases, values are dictionaries
- of data:
- total_machines: Total number of machines scheduled for this test
- config. Excludes machines that are set to skip
- this config.
- machine_status: A dictionary:
- key: The hostname
- value: The status of the machine: one of 'Scheduled',
- 'Running', 'Pass', or 'Fail'
- total_runs: Total number of runs of this test config. Includes
- repeated runs (from triage re-run)
- total_passes: Number of runs that resulted in a 'pass', meaning
- that none of the tests in the test config had any
- status other than GOOD.
- bugs: List of bugs that were filed under this test config
- """
- plan = models.Plan.smart_get(plan_id)
- result = {}
- for test_config in plan.testconfig_set.all():
- skipped_host_ids = test_config.skipped_hosts.values_list('id',
- flat=True)
- hosts = plan.host_set.exclude(host__id__in=skipped_host_ids)
- total_machines = hosts.count()
- machine_status = {}
- for host in hosts:
- machine_status[] = (
- rpc_utils.compute_test_config_status(host, test_config))
- planner_jobs = test_config.job_set.all()
- total_runs = planner_jobs.count()
- total_passes = 0
- for planner_job in planner_jobs:
- if planner_job.all_tests_passed():
- total_passes += 1
- test_runs = plan.testrun_set.filter(
- test_job__in=test_config.job_set.all())
- bugs = set()
- for test_run in test_runs:
- bugs.update(test_run.bugs.values_list('external_uid', flat=True))
- result[test_config.alias] = {'total_machines': total_machines,
- 'machine_status': machine_status,
- 'total_runs': total_runs,
- 'total_passes': total_passes,
- 'bugs': list(bugs)}
- return result
-def get_motd():
- return afe_rpc_utils.get_motd()
-def get_static_data():
- result = {'motd': get_motd(),
- 'host_actions': sorted(failure_actions.HostAction.values),
- 'test_actions': sorted(failure_actions.TestAction.values),
- 'additional_parameter_types':
- sorted(model_attributes.AdditionalParameterType.values),
- 'host_statuses': sorted(model_attributes.HostStatus.values)}
- return result