path: root/scheduler
diff options
authorericli <ericli@592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4>2011-03-02 19:37:27 +0000
committerericli <ericli@592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4>2011-03-02 19:37:27 +0000
commit3c2b821a3d5271f5d1dfc9e9605a3211cfccef19 (patch)
tree2ac0e85c3a0108c636512c583bbf4d32bcf6bc69 /scheduler
parent95395da47bd9f83ae7a1acc901bb0bbd9c59acd0 (diff)
Host scheduler refactoring. Move HostScheduler out of monitor_db.
In order to facilitate site extensibility of HostScheduler we need to factor out the dependence on global variables in monitor_db. I modeled this refactoring off of monitor_db_cleanup. The main changes I've made are as follows: 1. Move BaseHostScheduler, site import, and SchedulerError out of monitor_db. SchedulerError must be moved to prevent a cyclical dependency. 2. Convert staticmethod/classmethods in BaseHostScheduler to normal methods. 3. Fix unit tests and monitor_db to import SchedulerError from host_scheduler. Reviewable at: Signed-off-by: Dale Curtis <> git-svn-id: svn:// 592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4
Diffstat (limited to 'scheduler')
4 files changed, 447 insertions, 442 deletions
diff --git a/scheduler/ b/scheduler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b56ee4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheduler/
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+Autotest scheduling utility.
+import logging
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config, utils
+from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import models
+from autotest_lib.scheduler import metahost_scheduler, scheduler_config
+from autotest_lib.scheduler import scheduler_models
+get_site_metahost_schedulers = utils.import_site_function(
+ __file__, 'autotest_lib.scheduler.site_metahost_scheduler',
+ 'get_metahost_schedulers', lambda : ())
+class SchedulerError(Exception):
+ """Raised by HostScheduler when an inconsistent state occurs."""
+class BaseHostScheduler(metahost_scheduler.HostSchedulingUtility):
+ """Handles the logic for choosing when to run jobs and on which hosts.
+ This class makes several queries to the database on each tick, building up
+ some auxiliary data structures and using them to determine which hosts are
+ eligible to run which jobs, taking into account all the various factors that
+ affect that.
+ In the past this was done with one or two very large, complex database
+ queries. It has proven much simpler and faster to build these auxiliary
+ data structures and perform the logic in Python.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, db):
+ self._db = db
+ self._metahost_schedulers = metahost_scheduler.get_metahost_schedulers()
+ # load site-specific scheduler selected in global_config
+ site_schedulers_str = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
+ scheduler_config.CONFIG_SECTION, 'site_metahost_schedulers',
+ default='')
+ site_schedulers = set(site_schedulers_str.split(','))
+ for scheduler in get_site_metahost_schedulers():
+ if type(scheduler).__name__ in site_schedulers:
+ # always prepend, so site schedulers take precedence
+ self._metahost_schedulers = (
+ [scheduler] + self._metahost_schedulers)
+'Metahost schedulers: %s',
+ ', '.join(type(scheduler).__name__ for scheduler
+ in self._metahost_schedulers))
+ def _get_ready_hosts(self):
+ # avoid any host with a currently active queue entry against it
+ hosts = scheduler_models.Host.fetch(
+ joins='LEFT JOIN afe_host_queue_entries AS active_hqe '
+ 'ON ( = active_hqe.host_id AND '
+ '',
+ where="active_hqe.host_id IS NULL "
+ "AND NOT afe_hosts.locked "
+ "AND (afe_hosts.status IS NULL "
+ "OR afe_hosts.status = 'Ready')")
+ return dict((, host) for host in hosts)
+ def _get_sql_id_list(self, id_list):
+ return ','.join(str(item_id) for item_id in id_list)
+ def _get_many2many_dict(self, query, id_list, flip=False):
+ if not id_list:
+ return {}
+ query %= self._get_sql_id_list(id_list)
+ rows = self._db.execute(query)
+ return self._process_many2many_dict(rows, flip)
+ def _process_many2many_dict(self, rows, flip=False):
+ result = {}
+ for row in rows:
+ left_id, right_id = int(row[0]), int(row[1])
+ if flip:
+ left_id, right_id = right_id, left_id
+ result.setdefault(left_id, set()).add(right_id)
+ return result
+ def _get_job_acl_groups(self, job_ids):
+ query = """
+ SELECT, afe_acl_groups_users.aclgroup_id
+ FROM afe_jobs
+ INNER JOIN afe_users ON afe_users.login = afe_jobs.owner
+ INNER JOIN afe_acl_groups_users ON
+ afe_acl_groups_users.user_id =
+ WHERE IN (%s)
+ """
+ return self._get_many2many_dict(query, job_ids)
+ def _get_job_ineligible_hosts(self, job_ids):
+ query = """
+ SELECT job_id, host_id
+ FROM afe_ineligible_host_queues
+ WHERE job_id IN (%s)
+ """
+ return self._get_many2many_dict(query, job_ids)
+ def _get_job_dependencies(self, job_ids):
+ query = """
+ SELECT job_id, label_id
+ FROM afe_jobs_dependency_labels
+ WHERE job_id IN (%s)
+ """
+ return self._get_many2many_dict(query, job_ids)
+ def _get_host_acls(self, host_ids):
+ query = """
+ SELECT host_id, aclgroup_id
+ FROM afe_acl_groups_hosts
+ WHERE host_id IN (%s)
+ """
+ return self._get_many2many_dict(query, host_ids)
+ def _get_label_hosts(self, host_ids):
+ if not host_ids:
+ return {}, {}
+ query = """
+ SELECT label_id, host_id
+ FROM afe_hosts_labels
+ WHERE host_id IN (%s)
+ """ % self._get_sql_id_list(host_ids)
+ rows = self._db.execute(query)
+ labels_to_hosts = self._process_many2many_dict(rows)
+ hosts_to_labels = self._process_many2many_dict(rows, flip=True)
+ return labels_to_hosts, hosts_to_labels
+ def _get_labels(self):
+ return dict((, label) for label
+ in scheduler_models.Label.fetch())
+ def recovery_on_startup(self):
+ for metahost_scheduler in self._metahost_schedulers:
+ metahost_scheduler.recovery_on_startup()
+ def refresh(self, pending_queue_entries):
+ self._hosts_available = self._get_ready_hosts()
+ relevant_jobs = [queue_entry.job_id
+ for queue_entry in pending_queue_entries]
+ self._job_acls = self._get_job_acl_groups(relevant_jobs)
+ self._ineligible_hosts = self._get_job_ineligible_hosts(relevant_jobs)
+ self._job_dependencies = self._get_job_dependencies(relevant_jobs)
+ host_ids = self._hosts_available.keys()
+ self._host_acls = self._get_host_acls(host_ids)
+ self._label_hosts, self._host_labels = self._get_label_hosts(host_ids)
+ self._labels = self._get_labels()
+ def tick(self):
+ for metahost_scheduler in self._metahost_schedulers:
+ metahost_scheduler.tick()
+ def hosts_in_label(self, label_id):
+ return set(self._label_hosts.get(label_id, ()))
+ def remove_host_from_label(self, host_id, label_id):
+ self._label_hosts[label_id].remove(host_id)
+ def pop_host(self, host_id):
+ return self._hosts_available.pop(host_id)
+ def ineligible_hosts_for_entry(self, queue_entry):
+ return set(self._ineligible_hosts.get(queue_entry.job_id, ()))
+ def _is_acl_accessible(self, host_id, queue_entry):
+ job_acls = self._job_acls.get(queue_entry.job_id, set())
+ host_acls = self._host_acls.get(host_id, set())
+ return len(host_acls.intersection(job_acls)) > 0
+ def _check_job_dependencies(self, job_dependencies, host_labels):
+ missing = job_dependencies - host_labels
+ return len(missing) == 0
+ def _check_only_if_needed_labels(self, job_dependencies, host_labels,
+ queue_entry):
+ if not queue_entry.meta_host:
+ # bypass only_if_needed labels when a specific host is selected
+ return True
+ for label_id in host_labels:
+ label = self._labels[label_id]
+ if not label.only_if_needed:
+ # we don't care about non-only_if_needed labels
+ continue
+ if queue_entry.meta_host == label_id:
+ # if the label was requested in a metahost it's OK
+ continue
+ if label_id not in job_dependencies:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _check_atomic_group_labels(self, host_labels, queue_entry):
+ """
+ Determine if the given HostQueueEntry's atomic group settings are okay
+ to schedule on a host with the given labels.
+ @param host_labels: A list of label ids that the host has.
+ @param queue_entry: The HostQueueEntry being considered for the host.
+ @returns True if atomic group settings are okay, False otherwise.
+ """
+ return (self._get_host_atomic_group_id(host_labels, queue_entry) ==
+ queue_entry.atomic_group_id)
+ def _get_host_atomic_group_id(self, host_labels, queue_entry=None):
+ """
+ Return the atomic group label id for a host with the given set of
+ labels if any, or None otherwise. Raises an exception if more than
+ one atomic group are found in the set of labels.
+ @param host_labels: A list of label ids that the host has.
+ @param queue_entry: The HostQueueEntry we're testing. Only used for
+ extra info in a potential logged error message.
+ @returns The id of the atomic group found on a label in host_labels
+ or None if no atomic group label is found.
+ """
+ atomic_labels = [self._labels[label_id] for label_id in host_labels
+ if self._labels[label_id].atomic_group_id is not None]
+ atomic_ids = set(label.atomic_group_id for label in atomic_labels)
+ if not atomic_ids:
+ return None
+ if len(atomic_ids) > 1:
+ logging.error('More than one Atomic Group on HQE "%s" via: %r',
+ queue_entry, atomic_labels)
+ return atomic_ids.pop()
+ def _get_atomic_group_labels(self, atomic_group_id):
+ """
+ Lookup the label ids that an atomic_group is associated with.
+ @param atomic_group_id - The id of the AtomicGroup to look up.
+ @returns A generator yeilding Label ids for this atomic group.
+ """
+ return (id for id, label in self._labels.iteritems()
+ if label.atomic_group_id == atomic_group_id
+ and not label.invalid)
+ def _get_eligible_host_ids_in_group(self, group_hosts, queue_entry):
+ """
+ @param group_hosts - A sequence of Host ids to test for usability
+ and eligibility against the Job associated with queue_entry.
+ @param queue_entry - The HostQueueEntry that these hosts are being
+ tested for eligibility against.
+ @returns A subset of group_hosts Host ids that are eligible for the
+ supplied queue_entry.
+ """
+ return set(host_id for host_id in group_hosts
+ if self.is_host_usable(host_id)
+ and self.is_host_eligible_for_job(host_id, queue_entry))
+ def is_host_eligible_for_job(self, host_id, queue_entry):
+ if self._is_host_invalid(host_id):
+ # if an invalid host is scheduled for a job, it's a one-time host
+ # and it therefore bypasses eligibility checks. note this can only
+ # happen for non-metahosts, because invalid hosts have their label
+ # relationships cleared.
+ return True
+ job_dependencies = self._job_dependencies.get(queue_entry.job_id, set())
+ host_labels = self._host_labels.get(host_id, set())
+ return (self._is_acl_accessible(host_id, queue_entry) and
+ self._check_job_dependencies(job_dependencies, host_labels) and
+ self._check_only_if_needed_labels(
+ job_dependencies, host_labels, queue_entry) and
+ self._check_atomic_group_labels(host_labels, queue_entry))
+ def _is_host_invalid(self, host_id):
+ host_object = self._hosts_available.get(host_id, None)
+ return host_object and host_object.invalid
+ def _schedule_non_metahost(self, queue_entry):
+ if not self.is_host_eligible_for_job(queue_entry.host_id, queue_entry):
+ return None
+ return self._hosts_available.pop(queue_entry.host_id, None)
+ def is_host_usable(self, host_id):
+ if host_id not in self._hosts_available:
+ # host was already used during this scheduling cycle
+ return False
+ if self._hosts_available[host_id].invalid:
+ # Invalid hosts cannot be used for metahosts. They're included in
+ # the original query because they can be used by non-metahosts.
+ return False
+ return True
+ def schedule_entry(self, queue_entry):
+ if queue_entry.host_id is not None:
+ return self._schedule_non_metahost(queue_entry)
+ for scheduler in self._metahost_schedulers:
+ if scheduler.can_schedule_metahost(queue_entry):
+ scheduler.schedule_metahost(queue_entry, self)
+ return None
+ raise SchedulerError('No metahost scheduler to handle %s' % queue_entry)
+ def find_eligible_atomic_group(self, queue_entry):
+ """
+ Given an atomic group host queue entry, locate an appropriate group
+ of hosts for the associated job to run on.
+ The caller is responsible for creating new HQEs for the additional
+ hosts returned in order to run the actual job on them.
+ @returns A list of Host instances in a ready state to satisfy this
+ atomic group scheduling. Hosts will all belong to the same
+ atomic group label as specified by the queue_entry.
+ An empty list will be returned if no suitable atomic
+ group could be found.
+ TODO(gps): what is responsible for kicking off any attempted repairs on
+ a group of hosts? not this function, but something needs to. We do
+ not communicate that reason for returning [] outside of here...
+ For now, we'll just be unschedulable if enough hosts within one group
+ enter Repair Failed state.
+ """
+ assert queue_entry.atomic_group_id is not None
+ job = queue_entry.job
+ assert job.synch_count and job.synch_count > 0
+ atomic_group = queue_entry.atomic_group
+ if job.synch_count > atomic_group.max_number_of_machines:
+ # Such a Job and HostQueueEntry should never be possible to
+ # create using the frontend. Regardless, we can't process it.
+ # Abort it immediately and log an error on the scheduler.
+ queue_entry.set_status(models.HostQueueEntry.Status.ABORTED)
+ logging.error(
+ 'Error: job %d synch_count=%d > requested atomic_group %d '
+ 'max_number_of_machines=%d. Aborted host_queue_entry %d.',
+, job.synch_count,,
+ atomic_group.max_number_of_machines,
+ return []
+ hosts_in_label = self.hosts_in_label(queue_entry.meta_host)
+ ineligible_host_ids = self.ineligible_hosts_for_entry(queue_entry)
+ # Look in each label associated with atomic_group until we find one with
+ # enough hosts to satisfy the job.
+ for atomic_label_id in self._get_atomic_group_labels(
+ group_hosts = set(self.hosts_in_label(atomic_label_id))
+ if queue_entry.meta_host is not None:
+ # If we have a metahost label, only allow its hosts.
+ group_hosts.intersection_update(hosts_in_label)
+ group_hosts -= ineligible_host_ids
+ eligible_host_ids_in_group = self._get_eligible_host_ids_in_group(
+ group_hosts, queue_entry)
+ # Job.synch_count is treated as "minimum synch count" when
+ # scheduling for an atomic group of hosts. The atomic group
+ # number of machines is the maximum to pick out of a single
+ # atomic group label for scheduling at one time.
+ min_hosts = job.synch_count
+ max_hosts = atomic_group.max_number_of_machines
+ if len(eligible_host_ids_in_group) < min_hosts:
+ # Not enough eligible hosts in this atomic group label.
+ continue
+ eligible_hosts_in_group = [self._hosts_available[id]
+ for id in eligible_host_ids_in_group]
+ # So that they show up in a sane order when viewing the job.
+ eligible_hosts_in_group.sort(cmp=scheduler_models.Host.cmp_for_sort)
+ # Limit ourselves to scheduling the atomic group size.
+ if len(eligible_hosts_in_group) > max_hosts:
+ eligible_hosts_in_group = eligible_hosts_in_group[:max_hosts]
+ # Remove the selected hosts from our cached internal state
+ # of available hosts in order to return the Host objects.
+ host_list = []
+ for host in eligible_hosts_in_group:
+ hosts_in_label.discard(
+ self._hosts_available.pop(
+ host_list.append(host)
+ return host_list
+ return []
+site_host_scheduler = utils.import_site_class(
+ __file__, 'autotest_lib.scheduler.site_host_scheduler',
+ 'site_host_scheduler', BaseHostScheduler)
+class HostScheduler(site_host_scheduler):
+ pass
diff --git a/scheduler/ b/scheduler/
index f8ecf344..6be4af2d 100755
--- a/scheduler/
+++ b/scheduler/
@@ -23,9 +23,8 @@ from autotest_lib.database import database_connection
from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import models, rpc_utils, readonly_connection
from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import model_attributes
from autotest_lib.scheduler import drone_manager, drones, email_manager
-from autotest_lib.scheduler import monitor_db_cleanup
+from autotest_lib.scheduler import gc_stats, host_scheduler, monitor_db_cleanup
from autotest_lib.scheduler import status_server, scheduler_config
-from autotest_lib.scheduler import gc_stats, metahost_scheduler
from autotest_lib.scheduler import scheduler_models
BABYSITTER_PID_FILE_PREFIX = 'monitor_db_babysitter'
PID_FILE_PREFIX = 'monitor_db'
@@ -75,15 +74,11 @@ def _site_init_monitor_db_dummy():
return {}
-get_site_metahost_schedulers = utils.import_site_function(
- __file__, 'autotest_lib.scheduler.site_metahost_scheduler',
- 'get_metahost_schedulers', lambda : ())
def _verify_default_drone_set_exists():
if (models.DroneSet.drone_sets_enabled() and
not models.DroneSet.default_drone_set_name()):
- raise SchedulerError('Drone sets are enabled, but no default is set')
+ raise host_scheduler.SchedulerError(
+ 'Drone sets are enabled, but no default is set')
def _sanity_check():
@@ -256,427 +251,11 @@ def _autoserv_command_line(machines, extra_args, job=None, queue_entry=None,
return autoserv_argv + extra_args
-class SchedulerError(Exception):
- """Raised by HostScheduler when an inconsistent state occurs."""
-class BaseHostScheduler(metahost_scheduler.HostSchedulingUtility):
- """Handles the logic for choosing when to run jobs and on which hosts.
- This class makes several queries to the database on each tick, building up
- some auxiliary data structures and using them to determine which hosts are
- eligible to run which jobs, taking into account all the various factors that
- affect that.
- In the past this was done with one or two very large, complex database
- queries. It has proven much simpler and faster to build these auxiliary
- data structures and perform the logic in Python.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- self._metahost_schedulers = metahost_scheduler.get_metahost_schedulers()
- # load site-specific scheduler selected in global_config
- site_schedulers_str = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
- scheduler_config.CONFIG_SECTION, 'site_metahost_schedulers',
- default='')
- site_schedulers = set(site_schedulers_str.split(','))
- for scheduler in get_site_metahost_schedulers():
- if type(scheduler).__name__ in site_schedulers:
- # always prepend, so site schedulers take precedence
- self._metahost_schedulers = (
- [scheduler] + self._metahost_schedulers)
-'Metahost schedulers: %s',
- ', '.join(type(scheduler).__name__ for scheduler
- in self._metahost_schedulers))
- def _get_ready_hosts(self):
- # avoid any host with a currently active queue entry against it
- hosts = scheduler_models.Host.fetch(
- joins='LEFT JOIN afe_host_queue_entries AS active_hqe '
- 'ON ( = active_hqe.host_id AND '
- '',
- where="active_hqe.host_id IS NULL "
- "AND NOT afe_hosts.locked "
- "AND (afe_hosts.status IS NULL "
- "OR afe_hosts.status = 'Ready')")
- return dict((, host) for host in hosts)
- @staticmethod
- def _get_sql_id_list(id_list):
- return ','.join(str(item_id) for item_id in id_list)
- @classmethod
- def _get_many2many_dict(cls, query, id_list, flip=False):
- if not id_list:
- return {}
- query %= cls._get_sql_id_list(id_list)
- rows = _db.execute(query)
- return cls._process_many2many_dict(rows, flip)
- @staticmethod
- def _process_many2many_dict(rows, flip=False):
- result = {}
- for row in rows:
- left_id, right_id = int(row[0]), int(row[1])
- if flip:
- left_id, right_id = right_id, left_id
- result.setdefault(left_id, set()).add(right_id)
- return result
- @classmethod
- def _get_job_acl_groups(cls, job_ids):
- query = """
- SELECT, afe_acl_groups_users.aclgroup_id
- FROM afe_jobs
- INNER JOIN afe_users ON afe_users.login = afe_jobs.owner
- INNER JOIN afe_acl_groups_users ON
- afe_acl_groups_users.user_id =
- WHERE IN (%s)
- """
- return cls._get_many2many_dict(query, job_ids)
- @classmethod
- def _get_job_ineligible_hosts(cls, job_ids):
- query = """
- SELECT job_id, host_id
- FROM afe_ineligible_host_queues
- WHERE job_id IN (%s)
- """
- return cls._get_many2many_dict(query, job_ids)
- @classmethod
- def _get_job_dependencies(cls, job_ids):
- query = """
- SELECT job_id, label_id
- FROM afe_jobs_dependency_labels
- WHERE job_id IN (%s)
- """
- return cls._get_many2many_dict(query, job_ids)
- @classmethod
- def _get_host_acls(cls, host_ids):
- query = """
- SELECT host_id, aclgroup_id
- FROM afe_acl_groups_hosts
- WHERE host_id IN (%s)
- """
- return cls._get_many2many_dict(query, host_ids)
- @classmethod
- def _get_label_hosts(cls, host_ids):
- if not host_ids:
- return {}, {}
- query = """
- SELECT label_id, host_id
- FROM afe_hosts_labels
- WHERE host_id IN (%s)
- """ % cls._get_sql_id_list(host_ids)
- rows = _db.execute(query)
- labels_to_hosts = cls._process_many2many_dict(rows)
- hosts_to_labels = cls._process_many2many_dict(rows, flip=True)
- return labels_to_hosts, hosts_to_labels
- @classmethod
- def _get_labels(cls):
- return dict((, label) for label
- in scheduler_models.Label.fetch())
- def recovery_on_startup(self):
- for metahost_scheduler in self._metahost_schedulers:
- metahost_scheduler.recovery_on_startup()
- def refresh(self, pending_queue_entries):
- self._hosts_available = self._get_ready_hosts()
- relevant_jobs = [queue_entry.job_id
- for queue_entry in pending_queue_entries]
- self._job_acls = self._get_job_acl_groups(relevant_jobs)
- self._ineligible_hosts = self._get_job_ineligible_hosts(relevant_jobs)
- self._job_dependencies = self._get_job_dependencies(relevant_jobs)
- host_ids = self._hosts_available.keys()
- self._host_acls = self._get_host_acls(host_ids)
- self._label_hosts, self._host_labels = self._get_label_hosts(host_ids)
- self._labels = self._get_labels()
- def tick(self):
- for metahost_scheduler in self._metahost_schedulers:
- metahost_scheduler.tick()
- def hosts_in_label(self, label_id):
- return set(self._label_hosts.get(label_id, ()))
- def remove_host_from_label(self, host_id, label_id):
- self._label_hosts[label_id].remove(host_id)
- def pop_host(self, host_id):
- return self._hosts_available.pop(host_id)
- def ineligible_hosts_for_entry(self, queue_entry):
- return set(self._ineligible_hosts.get(queue_entry.job_id, ()))
- def _is_acl_accessible(self, host_id, queue_entry):
- job_acls = self._job_acls.get(queue_entry.job_id, set())
- host_acls = self._host_acls.get(host_id, set())
- return len(host_acls.intersection(job_acls)) > 0
- def _check_job_dependencies(self, job_dependencies, host_labels):
- missing = job_dependencies - host_labels
- return len(missing) == 0
- def _check_only_if_needed_labels(self, job_dependencies, host_labels,
- queue_entry):
- if not queue_entry.meta_host:
- # bypass only_if_needed labels when a specific host is selected
- return True
- for label_id in host_labels:
- label = self._labels[label_id]
- if not label.only_if_needed:
- # we don't care about non-only_if_needed labels
- continue
- if queue_entry.meta_host == label_id:
- # if the label was requested in a metahost it's OK
- continue
- if label_id not in job_dependencies:
- return False
- return True
- def _check_atomic_group_labels(self, host_labels, queue_entry):
- """
- Determine if the given HostQueueEntry's atomic group settings are okay
- to schedule on a host with the given labels.
- @param host_labels: A list of label ids that the host has.
- @param queue_entry: The HostQueueEntry being considered for the host.
- @returns True if atomic group settings are okay, False otherwise.
- """
- return (self._get_host_atomic_group_id(host_labels, queue_entry) ==
- queue_entry.atomic_group_id)
- def _get_host_atomic_group_id(self, host_labels, queue_entry=None):
- """
- Return the atomic group label id for a host with the given set of
- labels if any, or None otherwise. Raises an exception if more than
- one atomic group are found in the set of labels.
- @param host_labels: A list of label ids that the host has.
- @param queue_entry: The HostQueueEntry we're testing. Only used for
- extra info in a potential logged error message.
- @returns The id of the atomic group found on a label in host_labels
- or None if no atomic group label is found.
- """
- atomic_labels = [self._labels[label_id] for label_id in host_labels
- if self._labels[label_id].atomic_group_id is not None]
- atomic_ids = set(label.atomic_group_id for label in atomic_labels)
- if not atomic_ids:
- return None
- if len(atomic_ids) > 1:
- logging.error('More than one Atomic Group on HQE "%s" via: %r',
- queue_entry, atomic_labels)
- return atomic_ids.pop()
- def _get_atomic_group_labels(self, atomic_group_id):
- """
- Lookup the label ids that an atomic_group is associated with.
- @param atomic_group_id - The id of the AtomicGroup to look up.
- @returns A generator yeilding Label ids for this atomic group.
- """
- return (id for id, label in self._labels.iteritems()
- if label.atomic_group_id == atomic_group_id
- and not label.invalid)
- def _get_eligible_host_ids_in_group(self, group_hosts, queue_entry):
- """
- @param group_hosts - A sequence of Host ids to test for usability
- and eligibility against the Job associated with queue_entry.
- @param queue_entry - The HostQueueEntry that these hosts are being
- tested for eligibility against.
- @returns A subset of group_hosts Host ids that are eligible for the
- supplied queue_entry.
- """
- return set(host_id for host_id in group_hosts
- if self.is_host_usable(host_id)
- and self.is_host_eligible_for_job(host_id, queue_entry))
- def is_host_eligible_for_job(self, host_id, queue_entry):
- if self._is_host_invalid(host_id):
- # if an invalid host is scheduled for a job, it's a one-time host
- # and it therefore bypasses eligibility checks. note this can only
- # happen for non-metahosts, because invalid hosts have their label
- # relationships cleared.
- return True
- job_dependencies = self._job_dependencies.get(queue_entry.job_id, set())
- host_labels = self._host_labels.get(host_id, set())
- return (self._is_acl_accessible(host_id, queue_entry) and
- self._check_job_dependencies(job_dependencies, host_labels) and
- self._check_only_if_needed_labels(
- job_dependencies, host_labels, queue_entry) and
- self._check_atomic_group_labels(host_labels, queue_entry))
- def _is_host_invalid(self, host_id):
- host_object = self._hosts_available.get(host_id, None)
- return host_object and host_object.invalid
- def _schedule_non_metahost(self, queue_entry):
- if not self.is_host_eligible_for_job(queue_entry.host_id, queue_entry):
- return None
- return self._hosts_available.pop(queue_entry.host_id, None)
- def is_host_usable(self, host_id):
- if host_id not in self._hosts_available:
- # host was already used during this scheduling cycle
- return False
- if self._hosts_available[host_id].invalid:
- # Invalid hosts cannot be used for metahosts. They're included in
- # the original query because they can be used by non-metahosts.
- return False
- return True
- def schedule_entry(self, queue_entry):
- if queue_entry.host_id is not None:
- return self._schedule_non_metahost(queue_entry)
- for scheduler in self._metahost_schedulers:
- if scheduler.can_schedule_metahost(queue_entry):
- scheduler.schedule_metahost(queue_entry, self)
- return None
- raise SchedulerError('No metahost scheduler to handle %s' % queue_entry)
- def find_eligible_atomic_group(self, queue_entry):
- """
- Given an atomic group host queue entry, locate an appropriate group
- of hosts for the associated job to run on.
- The caller is responsible for creating new HQEs for the additional
- hosts returned in order to run the actual job on them.
- @returns A list of Host instances in a ready state to satisfy this
- atomic group scheduling. Hosts will all belong to the same
- atomic group label as specified by the queue_entry.
- An empty list will be returned if no suitable atomic
- group could be found.
- TODO(gps): what is responsible for kicking off any attempted repairs on
- a group of hosts? not this function, but something needs to. We do
- not communicate that reason for returning [] outside of here...
- For now, we'll just be unschedulable if enough hosts within one group
- enter Repair Failed state.
- """
- assert queue_entry.atomic_group_id is not None
- job = queue_entry.job
- assert job.synch_count and job.synch_count > 0
- atomic_group = queue_entry.atomic_group
- if job.synch_count > atomic_group.max_number_of_machines:
- # Such a Job and HostQueueEntry should never be possible to
- # create using the frontend. Regardless, we can't process it.
- # Abort it immediately and log an error on the scheduler.
- queue_entry.set_status(models.HostQueueEntry.Status.ABORTED)
- logging.error(
- 'Error: job %d synch_count=%d > requested atomic_group %d '
- 'max_number_of_machines=%d. Aborted host_queue_entry %d.',
-, job.synch_count,,
- atomic_group.max_number_of_machines,
- return []
- hosts_in_label = self.hosts_in_label(queue_entry.meta_host)
- ineligible_host_ids = self.ineligible_hosts_for_entry(queue_entry)
- # Look in each label associated with atomic_group until we find one with
- # enough hosts to satisfy the job.
- for atomic_label_id in self._get_atomic_group_labels(
- group_hosts = set(self.hosts_in_label(atomic_label_id))
- if queue_entry.meta_host is not None:
- # If we have a metahost label, only allow its hosts.
- group_hosts.intersection_update(hosts_in_label)
- group_hosts -= ineligible_host_ids
- eligible_host_ids_in_group = self._get_eligible_host_ids_in_group(
- group_hosts, queue_entry)
- # Job.synch_count is treated as "minimum synch count" when
- # scheduling for an atomic group of hosts. The atomic group
- # number of machines is the maximum to pick out of a single
- # atomic group label for scheduling at one time.
- min_hosts = job.synch_count
- max_hosts = atomic_group.max_number_of_machines
- if len(eligible_host_ids_in_group) < min_hosts:
- # Not enough eligible hosts in this atomic group label.
- continue
- eligible_hosts_in_group = [self._hosts_available[id]
- for id in eligible_host_ids_in_group]
- # So that they show up in a sane order when viewing the job.
- eligible_hosts_in_group.sort(cmp=scheduler_models.Host.cmp_for_sort)
- # Limit ourselves to scheduling the atomic group size.
- if len(eligible_hosts_in_group) > max_hosts:
- eligible_hosts_in_group = eligible_hosts_in_group[:max_hosts]
- # Remove the selected hosts from our cached internal state
- # of available hosts in order to return the Host objects.
- host_list = []
- for host in eligible_hosts_in_group:
- hosts_in_label.discard(
- self._hosts_available.pop(
- host_list.append(host)
- return host_list
- return []
-site_host_scheduler = utils.import_site_class(__file__,
- "autotest_lib.scheduler.site_host_scheduler",
- "site_host_scheduler", BaseHostScheduler)
-class HostScheduler(site_host_scheduler):
- pass
class Dispatcher(object):
def __init__(self):
self._agents = []
self._last_clean_time = time.time()
- self._host_scheduler = HostScheduler()
+ self._host_scheduler = host_scheduler.HostScheduler(_db)
user_cleanup_time = scheduler_config.config.clean_interval
self._periodic_cleanup = monitor_db_cleanup.UserCleanup(
_db, user_cleanup_time)
@@ -865,9 +444,9 @@ class Dispatcher(object):
if queue_entry.status == models.HostQueueEntry.Status.ARCHIVING:
return ArchiveResultsTask(queue_entries=task_entries)
- raise SchedulerError('_get_agent_task_for_queue_entry got entry with '
- 'invalid status %s: %s'
- % (queue_entry.status, queue_entry))
+ raise host_scheduler.SchedulerError(
+ '_get_agent_task_for_queue_entry got entry with '
+ 'invalid status %s: %s' % (queue_entry.status, queue_entry))
def _check_for_duplicate_host_entries(self, task_entries):
@@ -886,7 +465,7 @@ class Dispatcher(object):
if self.host_has_agent(
agent = tuple(self._host_agents.get([0]
- raise SchedulerError(
+ raise host_scheduler.SchedulerError(
'While scheduling %s, host %s already has a host agent %s'
% (entry,, agent.task))
@@ -905,7 +484,8 @@ class Dispatcher(object):
if agent_task_class.TASK_TYPE == special_task.task:
return agent_task_class(task=special_task)
- raise SchedulerError('No AgentTask class for task', str(special_task))
+ raise host_scheduler.SchedulerError(
+ 'No AgentTask class for task', str(special_task))
def _register_pidfiles(self, agent_tasks):
@@ -970,7 +550,7 @@ class Dispatcher(object):
if unrecovered_hqes:
message = '\n'.join(str(hqe) for hqe in unrecovered_hqes)
- raise SchedulerError(
+ raise host_scheduler.SchedulerError(
'%d unrecovered verifying host queue entries:\n%s' %
(len(unrecovered_hqes), message))
@@ -1779,16 +1359,17 @@ class AgentTask(object):
class_name = self.__class__.__name__
for entry in queue_entries:
if entry.status not in allowed_hqe_statuses:
- raise SchedulerError('%s attempting to start '
- 'entry with invalid status %s: %s'
- % (class_name, entry.status, entry))
+ raise host_scheduler.SchedulerError(
+ '%s attempting to start entry with invalid status %s: '
+ '%s' % (class_name, entry.status, entry))
invalid_host_status = (
allowed_host_statuses is not None
and not in allowed_host_statuses)
if invalid_host_status:
- raise SchedulerError('%s attempting to start on queue '
- 'entry with invalid host status %s: %s'
- % (class_name,, entry))
+ raise host_scheduler.SchedulerError(
+ '%s attempting to start on queue entry with invalid '
+ 'host status %s: %s'
+ % (class_name,, entry))
class TaskWithJobKeyvals(object):
diff --git a/scheduler/ b/scheduler/
index e1d74074..54cda8ed 100755
--- a/scheduler/
+++ b/scheduler/
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ from autotest_lib.database import database_connection
from autotest_lib.frontend import setup_django_environment
from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import frontend_test_utils, models
from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import model_attributes
-from autotest_lib.scheduler import drone_manager, email_manager, monitor_db
-from autotest_lib.scheduler import scheduler_models
+from autotest_lib.scheduler import drone_manager, email_manager, host_scheduler
+from autotest_lib.scheduler import monitor_db, scheduler_models
# translations necessary for scheduler queries to work with SQLite
_re_translator = database_connection.TranslatingDatabase.make_regexp_translator
@@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ class SchedulerFunctionalTest(unittest.TestCase,
- self.assertRaises(monitor_db.SchedulerError, self._initialize_test)
+ self.assertRaises(host_scheduler.SchedulerError, self._initialize_test)
def _test_recover_verifying_hqe_helper(self, task, pidfile_type):
diff --git a/scheduler/ b/scheduler/
index 38ea84dd..cc655736 100755
--- a/scheduler/
+++ b/scheduler/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.test_utils import unittest
from autotest_lib.database import database_connection
from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import models
from autotest_lib.scheduler import monitor_db, drone_manager, email_manager
-from autotest_lib.scheduler import scheduler_config, gc_stats
+from autotest_lib.scheduler import scheduler_config, gc_stats, host_scheduler
from autotest_lib.scheduler import monitor_db_functional_test
from autotest_lib.scheduler import scheduler_models
@@ -1298,7 +1298,7 @@ class JobSchedulingTest(BaseSchedulerTest):
# Attempted to schedule on a host that already has an agent.
- self.assertRaises(monitor_db.SchedulerError,
+ self.assertRaises(host_scheduler.SchedulerError,