AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2014-03-27Add IPC mini libraryHEADmasterJosep Torra4-1/+331
2014-03-26Add egl mini libraryJosep Torra4-20/+687
Provides EGLDisplay, EGLMemory and EGLMemoryPool refcounted objects.
2014-03-26Initial conversion to glibJosep Torra4-485/+655
- Added a main loop and a keyboard handler - Added a dedicated thread for GL stuff - Reindented the code - Some minor random fixes
2014-03-26Drop clock and video scheduler componentsJosep Torra1-36/+14
2014-03-26Prepare code for supporting IPC between threadsJosep Torra3-7/+15
2014-03-26Stop application on EOSJosep Torra1-9/+19
2014-03-26Allow to build a stand alone executableJosep Torra4-4/+3213
2014-03-26Initial import of 'hello_videocube' exampleJosep Torra6-0/+888