diff options
authorAlan Coopersmith <>2022-07-21 16:29:30 -0700
committerAlan Coopersmith <>2022-07-22 09:58:12 -0700
commit1ca611e7ba598f004235df406bffe867e6b3357f (patch)
parenta9754044498a953a9431e0df869fe61f48f92e94 (diff)
gitlab CI: add a basic build test
Signed-off-by: Alan Coopersmith <>
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..457ec626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=8 textwidth=0 filetype=yaml:
+# This CI uses the ci-templates.
+# Please see the ci-templates documentation for details:
+.templates_sha: &template_sha 34f4ade99434043f88e164933f570301fd18b125 # see
+ # Arch container builder template
+ - project: 'freedesktop/ci-templates'
+ ref: *template_sha
+ file: '/templates/arch.yml'
+ - project: 'freedesktop/ci-templates'
+ ref: *template_sha
+ file: '/templates/ci-fairy.yml'
+ - template: Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml
+ - prep # prep work like rebuilding the container images if there is a change
+ - build # for actually building and testing things in a container
+ - test
+ - deploy
+ FDO_UPSTREAM_REPO: 'xorg/test/xts'
+ # The tag should be updated each time the list of packages is updated.
+ # Changing a tag forces the associated image to be rebuilt.
+ # Note: the tag has no meaning, we use a date format purely for readability
+ FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: '2022-07-21.1'
+ BASE_PACKAGES: 'git meson ninja gcc autoconf automake libtool make xorg-util-macros pkgconf xorgproto libx11 libxext libxi libxfixes libxtst libxau xtrans libxmu libxaw'
+ # extra packages we need for various tests
+ EXTRA_PACKAGES: 'xorg-bdftopcf xorg-mkfontscale perl xorg-xset xorg-xdpyinfo jq'
+ # extra packages we need to format documentation
+ DOC_PACKAGES: 'asciidoc xmlto docbook-xml docbook-xsl'
+# Verify that commit messages are as expected
+ extends:
+ -
+ stage: prep
+ script:
+ - ci-fairy check-commits --junit-xml=results.xml
+ except:
+ - master@xorg/test/xts
+ variables:
+ GIT_DEPTH: 100
+ artifacts:
+ reports:
+ junit: results.xml
+# Verify that the merge request has the allow-collaboration checkbox ticked
+ extends:
+ -
+ stage: deploy
+ script:
+ - ci-fairy check-merge-request --require-allow-collaboration --junit-xml=results.xml
+ artifacts:
+ when: on_failure
+ reports:
+ junit: results.xml
+ allow_failure: true
+# Build a container with the given tag and the packages pre-installed.
+# This only happens if/when the tag changes, otherwise the existing image is
+# re-used.
+ extends:
+ - .fdo.container-build@arch
+ stage: prep
+ variables:
+# Builds run on the image built above.
+ extends:
+ - .fdo.distribution-image@arch
+ stage: build
+ script:
+ - mkdir -p ../_inst
+ - meson builddir --prefix="$PWD/../_inst"
+ - meson configure builddir
+ - ninja -C builddir test
+ - ninja -C builddir install
+ allow_failure: true
+ extends:
+ - .fdo.distribution-image@arch
+ stage: build
+ script:
+ - export CFLAGS=-fcommon
+ - mkdir -p ../_inst _build
+ - pushd _build
+ - ../ --prefix="$PWD/../_inst" --disable-silent-rules
+ - make check
+ - make install
+ - make distcheck
+ - mv xts*.tar.gz ..
+ - popd
+ artifacts:
+ paths:
+ - xts*.tar.gz
+meson from tarball:
+ extends:
+ - .fdo.distribution-image@arch
+ stage: test
+ script:
+ - mkdir -p _tarball_build
+ - tar xf xts-*.tar.gz -C _tarball_build
+ - pushd _tarball_build/xts-*
+ - meson builddir
+ - meson configure builddir
+ - ninja -C builddir test
+ needs:
+ - autotools
+ variables:
+ allow_failure: true
+# Unlike the xproto version this was copied from, this just compares
+# the ls output to make sure the same files were installed, since
+# comparing file contents lists mismatches with the ELF binaries and
+# in the generated pkg-config files that are not issues here.
+# compare meson and autotools:
+# extends:
+# - .fdo.distribution-image@arch
+# stage: test
+# script:
+# - mkdir -p $PWD/_meson_inst
+# - mkdir -p $PWD/_autotools_inst
+# # the prefix ends up in the pkgconfig files, so we use a symlink
+# # to use the same --prefix for meson and autotools
+# - ln -sf $PWD/_meson_inst $PWD/_inst
+# - meson builddir
+# - meson configure builddir --prefix=$PWD/_inst
+# - ninja -C builddir install
+# - ls -R _inst >
+# - rm $PWD/_inst
+# - ln -sf $PWD/_autotools_inst $PWD/_inst
+# - autoreconf -ivf
+# - ./configure --prefix=$PWD/_inst
+# - make && make install
+# - rm -f $PWD/_inst/lib/lib*.la
+# - ls -R _inst >
+# - diff -u $PWD/ $PWD/
+check versions are in sync:
+ extends:
+ - .fdo.distribution-image@arch
+ stage: test
+ script:
+ - autoreconf -ivf
+ - ./configure --version | head -n 1 | sed -e 's/X Test Suite configure //' > autotools.version
+ - |
+ meson builddir
+ pushd builddir
+ meson introspect --projectinfo | jq -r '.version' > ../meson.version
+ popd
+ - diff -u autotools.version meson.version || (echo "ERROR - autotools and meson versions not in sync" && false)