diff options
authorPaulo R. Zanoni <>2008-09-16 07:54:55 -0300
committerPaulo R. Zanoni <>2008-09-16 07:54:55 -0300
commit790efcfe83a35b60c7b0fc4752017001778a1fad (patch)
parent950e1756f0e30ec031e915f4c2d59414f2bf9859 (diff)
Complete rewrite at xrandr-functions file.
2 files changed, 46 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/mdm/src/mdm-bin b/mdm/src/mdm-bin
index 77ead49..79c88c9 100755
--- a/mdm/src/mdm-bin
+++ b/mdm/src/mdm-bin
@@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ function exec_start() {
for ((i=0; i < $VIDEO_CARDS; i++)); do
export DISPLAY=:0.$i
- xrandr_set_resolutions
# Finding how many screens on each card
diff --git a/mdm/src/xrandr-functions b/mdm/src/xrandr-functions
index 1e36e5e..73db74f 100755
--- a/mdm/src/xrandr-functions
+++ b/mdm/src/xrandr-functions
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
# resolutions through xrandr. These are necessary for using multihead on
# cards with more than one output.
+# XXX: in this file we use the word SCREEN to refer to a video card output,
+# not an X screen.
# SCREEN_X_ORIGIN sets the original position to open a window (0, 1024 ...)
@@ -31,116 +34,73 @@ XRANDR_INFO_FILE=${MDM_ETC}/
# This function configures the screen layout
function xrandr_configure_layout () {
- # We do need a value for $SCREEN_SIZES
- if [ -z "$SCREEN_SIZES" ]; then
- xrandr_set_screen_amount
- fi
- # Test if $OUTPUT_NAMES is not null (it happens with older drivers
- # and/or older versions of xrandr).
- # In case it is, screen resolution might be already configured
- OUTPUT_NAMES=(`xrandr|grep "\<connected"|cut -d' ' -f1`)
- if [ -n "$OUTPUT_NAMES" ]; then
- if [ "${#OUTPUT_NAMES[@]}" == "1" ]; then
- xrandr --output ${OUTPUT_NAMES[0]} --mode ${SCREEN_SIZES[0]}
- else
- # Configuring the first head:
- xrandr --output ${OUTPUT_NAMES[0]} --mode ${SCREEN_SIZES[0]}
- # To configure the other heads, it is necessary to have the first
- # head already configured.
- for (( a = 1; a < ${#OUTPUT_NAMES[@]}; a++ )); do
- j=$(($a-1))
- xrandr --output ${OUTPUT_NAMES[$a]} \
- --right-of ${OUTPUT_NAMES[$j]}
- done
- fi
- fi
+ local i
-# This function is used to set maximum resolution to screen currently set.
-function xrandr_set_resolutions () {
+ xrandr_detect_screen_info
- if [ -z "$SCREEN_SIZES" ];then
- xrandr_set_screen_amount
- fi
- # We may have none outputs, it happens when there are no monitors
- # connected to the outputs.
- # Old drivers give us information even with the monitors shut down
- if [ ! -z "$OUTPUT_NAMES" ]; then
- # Trying one head:
- if [ "${#OUTPUT_NAMES[@]}" = "1" ]; then
- xrandr --output ${OUTPUT_NAMES[@]} --mode ${SCREEN_SIZES}\
- 2>/dev/null
- # With more than one head:
- else
- # Configuring the first head:
- xrandr --output ${OUTPUT_NAMES[0]} --mode ${SCREEN_SIZES[0]}
- # To configure the other heads, it is necessary to have the first
- # head already configured.
- for (( b=1; b < ${#OUTPUT_NAMES[@]}; b++ )); do
- xrandr --output ${OUTPUT_NAMES[$b]} \
- --mode ${SCREEN_SIZES[$b]} 2>/dev/null
- done
- fi
- fi
+ # In some video cards this is needed:
+ # We hope crtc numbers always start from 0 and increase one by one
+ # after changing crtcs, we have to set modes to enable the output
+ for (( i=0; i < SCREEN_AMOUNT; i++)); do
+ xrandr --output ${OUTPUT_NAMES[i]} --crtc $i
+ xrandr --output ${OUTPUT_NAMES[i]} --mode ${SCREEN_SIZES[i]}
+ done
+ for (( i=1; i < SCREEN_AMOUNT; i++)); do
+ xrandr --output ${OUTPUT_NAMES[i]} --right-of ${OUTPUT_NAMES[i-1]}
+ done
-# This function is able to detect more than one output (when available).
-function xrandr_set_screen_amount () {
+# This function sets $SCREEN_SIZES, $OUTPUT_NAMES and $SCREEN_AMOUNT.
+function xrandr_detect_screen_info () {
- SCREEN_SIZES=(`xrandr | grep -A1 "\<connected" |
- tr -s ' ' | egrep "^ [0-9]*x[0-9]*" |
- cut -d' ' -f2`)
+ SCREEN_SIZES=(`xrandr | grep -A1 "\<connected" |
+ tr -s ' ' | egrep "^ [0-9]*x[0-9]*" |
+ cut -d' ' -f2`)
# According to driver in use, different outputs may occur, that is
# the reason for us to check if there is a value on $SCREEN_SIZES
- if [ -z "$SCREEN_SIZES" ]; then
- SCREEN_SIZES=`xrandr|grep "maximum" |
- awk '{print $(NF-2)"x"$NF}'`
+ if [ "${#SCREEN_SIZES[@]}" = "0" ]; then
+ SCREEN_SIZES=`xrandr | grep "maximum" | awk '{print $(NF-2)"x"$NF}'`
# In case the xrandr version is older than 1.2:
- if [ -z "$SCREEN_SIZES" ]; then
- SCREEN_SIZES=`xrandr|egrep -m1 "( |\*)[0-9] "|
- awk '{print $2"x"$4}'`
+ if [ "${#SCREEN_SIZES[@]}" = "0" ]; then
+ SCREEN_SIZES=`xrandr | egrep -m1 "( |\*)[0-9] " | awk '{print $2"x"$4}'`
- OUTPUT_NAMES=(`xrandr|grep "\<connected"|cut -d' ' -f1`)
+ OUTPUT_NAMES=(`xrandr | grep "\<connected" | cut -d' ' -f1`)
- if (( ${#SCREEN_SIZES[@]} < ${#OUTPUT_NAMES[@]} ));then
- for (( l = 0 ; l < ${#OUTPUT_NAMES[@]} ; l++ )); do
- if [ -z "${SREEN_SIZES[l]}" ]; then
- fi
- done
+ # If our xrandr version is too old, we don't even have an output name, and
+ # SCREEN_AMOUNT is zero. So we won't do anything with these screens. But it
+ # would be nice to set a value to OUTPUT_NAMES so that the file
+ # don't get ugly =)
+ if [ "$SCREEN_AMOUNT" = "0" ]; then
+ OUTPUT_NAMES[0]="none"
# Used to detect x/y coordenates of screens (upper-left corner).
-function xrandr_set_screen_position () {
- xrandr_set_screen_amount
- if (( "$SCREEN_AMOUNT" > 1 )); then
- for (( k=0; k<$((SCREEN_AMOUNT-1)); k++)); do
- SCREEN_X_ORIGIN[((k+1))]=$((`echo ${SCREEN_SIZES[k]} |
- cut -d'x' -f1`+${SCREEN_X_ORIGIN[k]}))
- done
- else
- fi
+# It puts them on the $SCREEN_X_ORIGIN array.
+function xrandr_set_screen_positions () {
+ local i
+ for (( i=0; i < (SCREEN_AMOUNT-1); i++ )); do
+ SCREEN_X_ORIGIN[i+1]=$((`echo ${SCREEN_SIZES[i]} |
+ cut -d'x' -f1` + ${SCREEN_X_ORIGIN[i]}))
+ done
# Append an info file containing xrandr information.
function xrandr_append_info_file () {
- xrandr_set_screen_position
+ xrandr_detect_screen_info
+ xrandr_set_screen_positions
# Generating a header
if [ ! -f "$XRANDR_INFO_FILE" ]; then