path: root/web-export
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authorBastien Nocera <>2019-10-23 12:50:14 +0200
committerBastien Nocera <>2019-10-23 13:07:00 +0200
commit75d6dee9f02660ba5f130a7c20b76b909a136c4f (patch)
treea77ba54c66193dbc0e1316a12573f4408f735429 /web-export
parentf61c160c666bb3dbc0bb5b021c180c14e76a1629 (diff)
web-export: Export a logo as well
This one comes from:
Diffstat (limited to 'web-export')
2 files changed, 42 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web-export/images/Freedesktop-logo-for-template.svg b/web-export/images/Freedesktop-logo-for-template.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eff345
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diff --git a/web-export/ b/web-export/
index de34c37..eaba1f4 100755
--- a/web-export/
+++ b/web-export/
@@ -319,3 +319,4 @@ for dirs in source_dirs.items():
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shutil.copy('favicon.ico', public_dir)
+shutil.copytree('images', os.path.join(public_dir, 'images'))